Drug addiction among adolescents: features, causes, signs and prevention

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What are the main reasons for the increase in drug abuse among adolescents and children? In our country, the trend of drug abuse among adolescents has now become alarmingly large. A few years ago, a 16-year-old addict could rarely be found. But today, 30% of drug addicts who apply for medical assistance are teenagers and children.


Features of teenage addiction

Gradually, drug use in teenage companies among modern youth has become commonplace and, even, in the tradition. Normal children are perceived by such companies as "white" crows. Teenage drug addiction has acquired the scale of the epidemic in Russia. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - youth and adolescents account for 70% of all drug users. Boys use narcotic substances 2 to 2.5 times more often than girls.

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The modern youth subculture narcotic intoxication began to be considered as an attribute of pastime. Some teenagers and young men read scientific works and art books, which describe the experience of experiences under the influence of intoxicants and psychoactive substances. In this vulnerable adolescent age, any information about mystical spiritual experiences and experiences with the help of LSD, peyote, psilobicin, mescaline by high school students and teenagers is perceived as a direct guide to action. But the use of narcotic drugs, in any form, is not justified. Drug addicts are also subject to undergraduates from universities, despite their full knowledge of the dangers of drugs and the danger of carrying out narcotic experiments.

The first outbreak in the world of the problem of narcotization in the 20s of the XX century stands out among the adolescents in the statistics of drug addiction. In Russia, then, cocaine was consumed in large quantities by street children. At the end of the 20th century, children were also involved in anesthesia from well-off families. And today narcotic substances are very accessible, spread even through the Internet. Recently, it's good that you can not buy potent drugs in a pharmacy without a prescription.

Causes of addiction in adolescents

Addiction among teenagers is common, because the teenager himself is not yet a well-formed personality, emotionally unstable, very curious. Any teenager wants an adult, independence, authority in the eyes of peers. And this creates vulnerability in the growing up person.

The beginning of admission of drugs in adolescents, usually occurs in the company of friends, in a club, at a disco. Curiosity and unwillingness to lag behind the group pushes the child to a fateful step. The systematic nature of narcotic poisoning translates stupid curiosity and equanimity to avid drug addicts into the abyss of drug dependence and, as a consequence, the stumbled teenager gets to know the phenomenon of drug withdrawal, fragile euphoria and primitive "buzz" pass and a collision with the harsh reality head-on.

In most episodes, addiction during adolescence takes root from the teen's personal problems, the lack of life goals and life satisfaction. So there is a substitution of the desire to enjoy life by a natural way to artificially evoke pleasant experiences, which are replaced by squaler manifestations of adverse side effects.

The reason for drug addiction in adolescents and children is in the artificial acquisition of pleasure. After experiencing "high", the teenager wants to repeat pleasant impressions. Without having to look back, the child gets addicted to drugs. And now the drugs are taken not only for pleasure, but also for avoiding and suppressing aches in joints, muscles - withdrawal symptoms. Friendship with those who have narcotic experience gives access to narcotic substances, replaces friends of childhood, family, school.

The cause of adolescent drug addiction is often an attempt at self-affirmation of a teenager among a normal peer group. The desire to be its leader or at least a recognized authoritative person dictates a teenager to demonstrate his bad habits - smoking, drinking, taking drugs as a symbol of adulthood.

Signs of addiction in adolescents

The preconditions for the maturing drug problem among adolescents lie in the early use of tobacco - even from the age of six. If the fact of consumption of nicotine is, then you should be alert, growing up a child, will inevitably delay the reception of more potent means.

Some types of drugs cause drug addiction after a single dose. It's for tobacco! The first signs of drug use in adolescents appear in a week from the beginning of their admission. The progress in school immediately comes to naught, lessons are lost, money and other valuable things disappear. A teenager is not at home at all, his new acquaintances do not inspire confidence at all to his parents or neighbors. The behavior of a young addict changes: the mood is extremely unstable, flashes of irritation are replaced by gaiety, the sleep and wakefulness regime is disrupted. He is secluded. From eating habits - when not at all, and when jumping on food.

Physical signs of drug addiction in adolescents:

  1. Narrow or wide pupils, regardless of illumination.
  2. The speech is slow, indistinct.
  3. Motion coordination disorder.
  4. Severe pallor of the skin.
  5. Depressed mood and reduced memory.

These changes in behavior and condition in the teen are alarming! Beware of the consequences of teenage addiction!

If you notice something from a teenager, do not rush, do not hysterize, think it through and talk to him seriously. Seriously speaking - this does not mean harsh and humiliating the child. Serious conversation - it's strictly on the topic, without shirking and deviations. Find out if the child has tried drugs, which, why. What did he want to achieve? Tell us about the consequences and harm of using drugs. Address to the expert in narcology for advice or council and references. There are good doctors, clinics, rehabilitation centers.

Prevention of drug addiction among adolescents

Drug addiction, alcoholism and tobacco smoking today spread to younger ages regardless of gender. Girls and girls also strive for self-assertion and adulthood in false and harmful ways. Children from well-off families also have a risk of narcotization.

A holistic strategy is needed so that the teenager does not substitute reality with artificial narcotic perception. Prevention of not only harmful, but dangerous habits - drug addiction in adolescents begins with a personal parental example. An unwanted pattern of behavior in a child is formed when parents drink, smoke. He will copy it willingly or unwittingly.

Most people drink alcohol and drugs as a way to disconnect from external and internal stress agents. But it is necessary to lay in the perception of a teenager useful methods of relaxing and restoring mental resources and the body. It is necessary to prove that life is full of healthy enthusiasm, interest, hobbies and life prospects. Drugs are a dangerous illusion, capable of swallowing millions of human lives without a trace.

A huge role in the prevention of adolescent drug abuse is influenced by teachers, educators, the media. Ordinary lectures, of course, can not sufficiently impress the modern youth. But a more effective impact is the viewing of a documentary, which clearly shows all the horrors of the life of drug addicts. Young people should come to understand that drug addiction among adolescents is a disease, an inadequacy, the extinction of all mankind. Addiction is not much easier to prevent, rather than get rid of it.

It is possible to protect a child from drugs on a relationship built on mutual trust, openness and perfect sincerity. Show him the perspective of life, in which there is no place for drugs.