Aching of the lumbar period with menses: the causes and treatment of pathology

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  • 1Back pain in menstruation: causes and methods of elimination
    • 1.1Difficulties associated with diagnosis
    • 1.2Limits of the norm and pathology
    • 1.3The main causes are inflammatory processes
    • 1.4Cervicitis, vulvitis and other inflammatory diseases
    • 1.5Violation of the hormonal background
    • 1.6Physiological abnormalities
    • 1.7Endometriosis
    • 1.8Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
    • 1.9Thyroid dysfunction
    • 1.10Tumors and cysts
    • 1.11Treatment
  • 2Why does my back hurt during a month: causes, illnesses, treatment?
    • 2.1Causes of pain
    • 2.2The main pathologies
    • 2.3The nature of back pain with menstruation
    • 2.4Treatment of primary dysmenorrhea
    • 2.5Methods of prevention
    • 2.6Massage
    • 2.7Exercises
  • 3The waist hurts during monthly, pains in a loin and a stomach, the reasons
    • 3.1Pain in the lower back in the menstrual period
    • 3.2Causes of low back pain during menstruation
    • 3.3Why strongly pulls and hurts the loin with menstruation?
    • 3.4Hormonal restructuring as the cause of pain in the lumbar region
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.5Causes of pain in the back and lower back when ovulation
    • 3.6Excess fluid and low back pain with menstruation
    • 3.7Causes of low back pain during menstruation of a different nature
    • 3.8Where does the pain in the lower back - diagnosis of pain in the lower back?
    • 3.9What to do if the lumbar region hurts with menstruation, treatment of pain in the lumbar region
    • 3.10Drawing in the lower back as a sign of the development of a woman's pregnancy
  • 4With a monthly low back pain: the norm or pathology /
    • 4.1Causes of pain
    • 4.2Pain during menstruation
    • 4.3Pain after menstruation
    • 4.4Pain before menstruation
    • 4.5When is this the norm?
    • 4.6Pathological pain
    • 4.7Pain when delayed
    • 4.8How to understand what is the reason?
    • 4.9Prevention

Back pain in menstruation: causes and methods of elimination

Pain in the lower back in the months, we used to think of as a normal phenomenon, because there are almost no lucky ones who are completely spared from the monthly torment.

Some people endure these days more easily, others simply have to lie for several days. It became interesting to us to understand, whether it is really necessary to suffer silently a pain and to refer to a female share or it is time already will address to the doctor.

According to doctors, only the very fact of a regular onset of menstruation can be considered normal, because it indicates the sexual maturity of the female body and the ability to conceive.

But the pain in the lower back in the months is the reason for a serious examination.

Difficulties associated with diagnosis

The thing is that it is very difficult to unequivocally determine the cause of such a phenomenon.

Back pain in menstruation is just a symptom, and it indicates the possibility of dozens of different diseases and abnormalities. Therefore, do not self-medicate, but contact a competent therapist.

Such symptoms may indicate both kidney disease and malfunction with the locomotor system apparatus, so only a specialist at the inspection can reveal the true cause of what is happening and appoint treatment. Today we want to consider the most common reasons that can lead to such consequences.

Limits of the norm and pathology

They are rather blurry, but every woman should know her body and track her condition.

Light pain on the first day of the onset of menstruation is a normal process, in the uterine cavity there is detachment epidermis, because the embryo for which it was prepared, was not implanted, and pregnancy was not has taken place.

But if the pain in the lower back in the month puts you to bed and is strongly delayed, then you must already look for the reasons. Especially should alert, if the discharge has already ended, and the pain continues.

The main causes are inflammatory processes

Of course, they will immediately cause pain in the lower back in the menstrual period, and not the fact that with the end of critical days, unpleasant symptoms will go to recession. But to make the correct diagnosis, the doctor will have to conduct a series of examinations.

The fact is that under this common name lies a number of diseases. It can be adnexitis, that is, inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. A characteristic feature is not only the pain in the lower back, but also the pulling sensations in the lower abdomen.

Treatment should be started as early as possible, since delay can lead to the most serious consequences. In this case, the first bell can be pain in the lower back with a monthly. The reasons for this are clear, pathogenic organisms can develop much more actively during critical days.

To distinguish inflammation of the ovaries from the usual menstruation is not difficult, the pain will not pass after its termination and will only increase.

The solution to this problem can only be a serious course of treatment with the use of antibiotics and antimicrobial agents. Do not forget that you can not prescribe such strong drugs yourself, otherwise you can do much harm to the body.

Cervicitis, vulvitis and other inflammatory diseases

Adnexitis is not the only variant of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs. Cervicitis is often found. This ailment is caused by a virus or infection that affects the mucous membrane of the cervix.

As a provocation, damage can occur during abortion or childbirth. However, it is very easy to distinguish it from other diseases. In this case, there are always purulent and mucous discharge, and the abdomen is very painful with menstruation.

No less severe pain in the lower back, sometimes you might think that you have an attack of chondrosis. Vulvitis is an inflammatory process of the outer shell of the external genitalia. Most often caused by yeast-like fungi.

In this case, there is not only pain in the lower abdomen, but also burning, swelling and other changes.

Violation of the hormonal background

Pain in the lower back during menstruation can be a signal that there are problems in the hormonal sphere. This is a malfunction of the natural balance between progesterone and prostaglandin. The predominance of the latter causes painful sensations, usually intensifying toward the end of menstruation.

This is easy to explain, hormones are chemicals that stimulate uterine contractions. The higher the level of this hormone, the stronger the reduction. A surplus prostaglandin causes nausea and headache, chills and weakness.

With increased skewing of the hormonal background, severe pain occurs in the lower back with the menstrual period.

The endocrinologist and gynecologist should work together to solve this problem. In this case, the purpose of the COC is not always the ideal way out of the situation.

It is necessary to carefully examine the hormone assays and understand what is happening in the body before prescribing any medication.

It is possible that among all the variety of COCs there is not one that would meet the needs of your body at a given time.

Physiological abnormalities

Indeed, it happens that the pain in the abdomen and lower back with the men chases the woman for many years, and no one can figure out what is the reason.

In this case it is recommended to do an ultrasound to assess the condition of the uterus. It can be strongly rejected from the normal position inherent in nature. This can cause painful sensations during menstruation.

There is another physiological feature - the proximity of the uterus to the nerve endings. Together with the high excitability of the nervous system, this leads to particular pain.

The solution here can be the use of mild sedatives, as well as anesthetics. This is "No-shpa "Spazgan "Sedalgin-Neo" and a number of others.


We have already said that the most alarming signals can be considered pain in the lower abdomen (in the lower back) after menstruation. This is not exactly related to the active uterine contractions that take place in the first days. Hence, the reason is more serious.

If the pain does not subside or worsen, and while strongly pulling the lower abdomen, you can suspect endometriosis. Removing the endometrium from the body is a normal physiological process, which, however, may fail.

In this case, endometrial cells can enter the abdominal cavity and settle on the nearest organs. Growing up, they fill with blood, which they can not get rid of. Because of this, the stomach aches during and after menstruation.

There are two methods of treatment: surgical (classical operation or laser cauterization) and hormonal.

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

It is rare enough to meet in itself. Usually its development is preceded by a long reception of hormonal drugs, which are aimed at combating infertility. The consequences are enlarged ovaries, follicular cysts, and other signs.

As a result, there are pains in the lower back, the chest hurts, the monthly ones come with strong, extremely unpleasant symptoms. The severe course of this disorder manifests itself in the form of strong, girdling spasms.

Treatment of this disorder is systemic, usually hormone replacement therapy is recommended.

Thyroid dysfunction

This is a very important element that regulates the work of almost all body systems. Violation of her functions, changing the level of the hormonal background - it is always fraught with a change in the state of health of women.

Often the most notable symptoms are sleep disturbances and lack of appetite, as well as very pronounced premenstrual syndrome.

There are drawing pains in the lower back with the monthly, and often they do not end even after their termination.

Tumors and cysts

With these diseases there are compressive sensations, which intensify many times during menstruation.

It seems that a heavy lead ball was placed in the abdomen cavity, which presses on all other organs.

At the same time, the feeling of something superfluous and unnecessary gradually increases, since the neoplasm tends to grow and increase in size. It is necessary to feel the nerve endings and neighboring organs.

One day, the result of the growth of the neoplasm will be the impaired blood supply to the pelvic organs. As a result, the lower abdomen and lower back will be very sick both during and after menstruation.

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As you can see, there are a lot of variants of why the abdomen can hurt during the period, so it is not worthwhile to self-medicate, contact a doctor. However, before visiting the hospital, you can help yourself by putting on a woolen scarf on your lower back and taking painkillers.

A good option will be "No-shpa". This drug is not too strong, it relieves spasms and reduces the intensity of pain. The second option is "Ketarol".

However, if the pills relieve pain only for a short time or do not help at all, it means that you need to go urgently to the hospital.

Finally I want to note that any unpleasant sensations are a signal that the body is a serious malfunction. Do not mask her with pain medications, you can miss the time when the ailment can be cured easily and without consequences.

A source: http://.ru/article/230523/bol-v-poyasnitse-v-mesyachnyie-prichinyi-i-metodyi-ustraneniya

Why does my back hurt during a month: causes, illnesses, treatment?

A large number of women experience severe back pain with menstruation.

Such a pain is called irradiative because the cause of the pain is in one area, but it feels quite different.

Such pain with menstruation is a normal condition, but in rare cases can talk about the occurrence of serious disorders in the genitourinary system.

To understand why the back pain is painful for men, it is important to know the cause of the pain syndrome. In order to prevent the onset of the disease, the symptom of which is pain, you need to know its nature and watch your health more carefully.

Causes of pain

The main reasons for pain in the lumbar region are only three:

  • hormonal background and its disturbances;
  • inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • muscle tension in the pelvic region.

But also back pain can be caused by the pathological structure of the organs of the reproductive system, especially the uterus.

If it is rejected to the spine, then, increasing during menstruation, just presses on the nerve endings, provoking pain in the waist and sacrum.

In addition, the underdeveloped uterus can cause unpleasant sensations and pain during the natural process of menstruation.

During menstruation, the female body rejects the endometrium, which should serve to attach a fertilized egg. Pain receptors are closely related and immediately respond to these reductions.

Of great importance is the threshold of sensitivity, and the woman's perception of this pain.

For some, these are minor spasms that arise in the lower abdomen, and for others, these are severe cramping pains that give back to the waist.

The entire life cycle of the uterus depends on the hormonal background. With age-related changes in women, there are fluctuations in the level of hormones, increased estrogen, which causes pain with menstruation and copious discharge. The reasons here can also be different.

Another cause of irradiative pain in the back with menstrual disturbances is water balance. If the fluid is not eliminated as needed, soft tissues swell and press on the nerve endings, blood supply is disturbed, which is why the back hurts with menstruation.

Pain in the lower back before the menstrual period and at the time of them can talk about abnormalities in the work of the reproductive system or about serious diseases. In addition to inflammatory processes due to hypothermia or infection, pain can occur:

  • with infertility;
  • unsuitable methods of contraception;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Often pains before monthly in the lower back and lower abdomen are attributed to manifestations of premenstrual syndrome. They are also accompanied:

  • soreness in the chest;
  • swelling of the extremities;
  • migraine;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • hot tides;
  • depression;
  • distraction;
  • insomnia;
  • excessive fatigue.

Against the background of all these ailments, pain in the lower back can practically not be felt. But all this says not only about hormonal reorganization, but also about other violations.

The main pathologies

To become a cause of pain can inflammation in the tissues of the pelvic organs.

Inflammation of the appendages or endometriosis at the initial stage does not disturb on other days, and the symptoms appear during menstruation or after menstruation.

During menstruation inflammation only increases, and for that there are reasons.

With the progression of the disease, the pains become permanent, and they are accompanied by other characteristic symptoms. Only this causes hormonal changes.

It is violations of the menstrual cycle, which doctors call dysmenorrhea, which leads to constant pain in the lumbar region. There are two types:

Primary dysmenorrhea is caused by psychological disorders, as well as by physiological factors. But still the main reasons are hormonal disorders.

The increased concentration of prostaglandin in the blood dilates the blood vessels and reduces the level of platelets. Smooth muscles of the uterus contract with increased force, and this causes pains that are given back.

Prostaglandins play a big role in the appearance of discomfort and pain during menstruation, as their level increases several days before the onset of menstruation and pain occurs earlier. The more the concentration of these substances in the blood, the more painful the sensations appear.

Together with prostaglandins, estrogens increase, which are responsible for the first phase of the cycle. They increase when the level of progesterone decreases, which contributes to the growth of the endometrium, and prepares the female body for bearing a child. The estrogen group includes three types of hormones:

  • estrone;
  • estriol;
  • estradiol.

They are present in the female body in different numbers and have different activities, but the latter plays the most important role. Vibrations of its concentration provoke unpleasant sensations and pain.

The nature of back pain with menstruation

Pain in the lower back of each woman manifests itself in different ways, but it has a great similarity. Its manifestation is affected by an individual sensitive threshold, the causes of the occurrence, the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system, the concentration of hormones in the blood and a number of external factors.

With monthly in the lower back there are aching, rarely cramping pains, which differ in different intensity.

A few days before the onset of menstruation, she can only ache a little, but on the first and second day monthly it exceeds the permissible pain threshold and in most cases even pain medication are powerless.

By the end of menstruation, the pain passes and does not bother the woman all month. Only treatment of the cause and normalization of the level of hormones can suppress these sensations, and the waist will not bother.

Treatment of primary dysmenorrhea

Violations of the menstrual cycle requires treatment. Treatment of primary dysmenorrhea provides for the normalization of the hormonal background. Therapy is medicated to lower the level of hormones, and when reduced, they are replenished with synthetic analogs.

Such treatment is aimed at eliminating the causes of pain, but if there is no strength to tolerate it, in parallel they perform symptomatic therapy to suppress unpleasant sensations.

Three directions of primary dysmenorrhea therapy are considered:

  • gestagens;
  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Each of them influences the hormonal background, and the latter has a positive effect on the permeability of soft tissues and suppresses pain.

To the gestagens belong a group of homonids, which relax the muscles, relieve tension and promote the renewal of the lining of the uterus lining, and also normalize the menstrual cycle. Most importantly, the gestagens regulate the production of estrogens, thereby eliminating the cause of the pain.

Hormonal preparations with a contraceptive effect are suitable only for women who do not plan pregnancy, but sometimes this measure is chosen for a short period even for women who want to have a child. Treatment can last throughout the entire childbearing age or take 3-6 months, after which you can again plan pregnancy.

The action of the drugs is aimed at suppressing ovulation, but also they reduce the concentration of prostaglandins.

Intrauterine pressure decreases, and the uterus does not contract too much.

When taking contraceptives, the endometrium does not grow in the right amount, and there is no need for high frequency abbreviations.

With individual characteristics and a number of contraindications, gestagens and synthetic hormones are not used to treat dysmenorrhea.

They are replaced with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are taken only when pain occurs and they do not treat the underlying problem.

This is a kind of temporary measure for suppressing pain.

Methods of prevention

Self-medication and taking medications without consulting a doctor is dangerous. If the cause in disorders of the genitourinary system or diseases of the endocrine system requires a comprehensive treatment, which will appoint a doctor.

He also will say what to do if it's physiological characteristics. With inflammatory processes, as with hormonal disorders, you can not joke.

If the cause of pain in individual characteristics and low pain threshold pain in the lower back can be prevented.


Regular massage before the beginning of menstruation activates the pain receptors, relaxes the muscular tissue of the uterus, as well as the ligaments of the abdominal cavity. Acupressure, performed by a professional, normalizes the endocrine system and regulates the hormonal background.

The massage procedure is pleasant, but takes longer than taking medications. But the result of the procedure is better and does not cause side effects like the tablets do. You can not massage when menstruation has already begun, so you can only provoke bleeding.


Doing sports strengthen the body, and gymnastics is recommended to do every day. Unlike massage, exercises can be performed even in the period of menstruation, only you need to reduce their intensity.

With the help of physical activity, you can not only prevent pain, but also relieve swelling. In addition, persistent physical activity contributes to the suppression of an unpleasant premenstrual syndrome.

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The waist hurts during monthly, pains in a loin and a stomach, the reasons

Contents of the article:

Pain in the lower back in the menstrual period

Menstrual bleeding is familiar to all women. For every woman they can pass in different ways, however, the majority of women feel different manifestations of discomfort and even pain before the onset of menstruation and after menses.

Very often, women are wondering why the stomach and lower back ache with menstruation. In addition to discomfort in the lower abdomen and irritability, about half of the girls suffer from pain symptoms in the back, in the lumbar region, or irradiating pain.

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In the article the main reasons of why the lower back painfully with the monthly pains, what causes pain in the lumbar region during menstruation, which there are physiological and pathological causes of pain in the lumbar region during menstruation, what to do if the waist and lower back aches during menses.

Causes of low back pain during menstruation

The causes of that, during menstruation, the lower back hurts, there is an irradiative pain, very numerous.

Menstruation is supplemented by pain in the lower back under the influence of a prolonged strain of the muscles of the back and in the pelvic region due to progressive inflammation and the development of edema near the genitals, as well as in violation of the level necessary for the body hormones.

Special attention should be given to such a cause as the abnormal anatomical position of the uterus. Its excessive inclination towards the spine irritates sensitive nerve endings in the peritoneum, namely: in the area of ​​the sacral region.

This cause is most common, but similar symptoms are noted in the case of uterine underdevelopment or infantilism. A characteristic feature is that pain in the lumbar region during menstruation is most often found in those women who have not yet given birth.

The cause of soreness in the waist and back during the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina during menstruation, often referred to as PMS, is a consequence of the manifestation of premenstrual syndrome.

In addition to the pain in the lower abdomen and lower back of the PMS, there are often symptoms such as headaches, frequent changes of mood, changes in body temperature, increased fatigue and drowsiness, a feeling of nausea or nausea, an allergic reaction to skin.

Why strongly pulls and hurts the loin with menstruation?

If you analyze all the main reasons for the appearance of such symptoms with menstruation, as pain in the area lumbar period during menstruation, it can be concluded that pain in the lumbar region appears in three main reasons.

And the causes of soreness of the lower back and irradiative pain, it is: a violation of the concentration of hormones in the body, the consequence of frequent or persistent overexertion or simple muscle tension that are located in the pelvic region, a consequence of the development of the inflammatory process in the internal genital area or the appearance there edema. All listed reasons in most all possible cases are the causes of what hurts the loins during menstruation.

Hormonal restructuring as the cause of pain in the lumbar region

During critical days, the body tries to accumulate the maximum possible concentration of estrogen in the blood. Because of its excess, the muscles of the uterus often contract, remotely resembling labor pains.

Increased sensitivity during this period increases the susceptibility of the central nervous system to any irritant. Outwardly this reaction is manifested through unpleasant sensations in the region of the lower back.

This phenomenon is directly related to the endocrine system, which is responsible for maintaining the stability of the hormonal background.

The older a woman, the more pronounced the pain symptoms, depending on the production of hormones.

With increasing age, the accumulation of estrogen in the blood is increased, therefore in adult women, starting from 35-40 years, premenstrual pains in the lower back are more pronounced and stronger.

Imbalance in the level of progesterone causes similar pain, but for another reason. Jumps in its quantity affect the excessive release of prostaglandins produced by uterine tissues in order to stimulate muscle activity during menstruation. The amount of prostaglandins is directly proportional to the strength of the effect. When their level is extremely high, a woman feels a pain in her back.

Causes of pain in the back and lower back when ovulation

Such a common problem, like back pain in ovulation, when it hurts and pulls the lower back, is due to factors such as the development of the inflammatory process in the ovaries or the development of inflammation in the uterus, heredity has an important role in this issue.

Because if the mother of the woman experienced painful sensations or pronounced symptoms of pain in the back, when there is a drawing pain in the loins during menstruation, then her children are likely to have the same symptoms during month. Ectopic pregnancy can also be accompanied by symptoms such as severe pain, which gives to the waist and lower abdomen, development torsion, curvature or bending of the uterus can also most likely lead to the appearance of pain at the bottom of the waist during critical days.

Sometimes an incorrectly placed or ingrown spiral can give such pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. But most often, discomfort and the emergence of pulling pain in the lower back and lower back are associated with hormonal restructuring of the female body during menstruation.

Excess fluid and low back pain with menstruation

Before the start of a new cycle, the liquid is drained from the tissues. Violation of the established water balance entails the onset of edema, which also causes discomfort in the lumbar region.

In the case of rapid weight gain, which is often observed before menstruation, the load is distributed the length of the spine is uneven, which leads to excessive overload of his muscles, including - lumbar.

To avoid edema in this situation will help diuretic medications and food, but their use can not be permanent.

To begin their reception, as well as other medicines, it follows, having preliminary consulted on the given question with the doctor.

Causes of low back pain during menstruation of a different nature

Discomfort in the lower back does not necessarily indicate the features of the menstrual cycle.

Its appearance can be influenced by the acquired factors, among which: the defeat of the reproductive system by infectious diseases, inflammation endometrial (endometriosis), infertility, the intake of hormonal contraceptive pills, intrauterine devices, ectopic pregnancy and others violations.

Pain in the lumbar muscles during critical days can occur both in women who have known motherhood and still have no children. When the lumbar region hurts with menstruation, such pain can be a consequence of the development of uterine fibroids, endometriosis, infection, ingrown intrauterine spiral and many other causes.

Where does the pain in the lower back - diagnosis of pain in the lower back?

Pain in the lower back area during menstruation can be like a drawing pain, I can appear shooting back pain, pain from the waist region can be given to the chest or to the area of ​​the organs small pelvis.

Pain manifestations, in any internal organ, the body gives us a signal about the detected violations, whether it be trauma or illness.

With menstruation, pain in the lower back may differ in character and may be pulling, shooting, moving to the chest and genitals.

It happens that the back begins to ache due to neurological disorders, which in time fall on the onset of menstruation, but these phenomena do not have a connection between themselves. Also, pain arises from pleurisy and kidney diseases.

The cause of exacerbation of these pathologies before menstruation is the activation of the organism's activity on the days of the end of the cycle. It changes the intensity of all processes, in particular, pathological ones.

Establish an accurate source of discomfort can only specialists in the field of urology, traumatology, gynecology, etc. In the case of a sharp increase in body temperature to a mark of 3, degrees on critical days, accompanied by severe pain, it is urgent to go to the hospital. Such a clinical picture indicates inflammatory processes that need to be eliminated.

What to do if the lumbar region hurts with menstruation, treatment of pain in the lumbar region

The way to get rid of painful symptoms in the lower back depends on the root cause of its occurrence.

Gynecological diseases identified during the survey should be treated under the guidance of the the expert in this field, after individual selection of relevant preparations. Contraindicated try to cure inflammation yourself.

Medicines have the property to have side effects in various diseases, so that instead of healing the body will get hurt.

In the absence of development of pathologies, one can limit oneself to treatment with the use of drugs without steroids, which remove inflammation and pain. To get rid of pain in the lower back, people's knowledge is used: you need to place dry heat in the area of ​​your lower back and allow yourself to be in a state of physical rest for a while.

Menstruation is accompanied by a sufficient number of uncomfortable processes in the body. If you are troubled by low back pain during the monthly bleeding, first of all, listen to the subtle signals that your body emits.

Perhaps you can get rid of discomfort yourself. This is allowed in case the pain is not constant and not acute. To restore normal health it will be enough to drink anesthetic, to ensure the back warmth and peace.

Otherwise, you will have to ask for help from medical specialists. A doctor's examination, tests and other examinations will provide an opportunity to establish the cause of the spasms and prescribe appropriate treatment for a particular patient.

Trying to recover yourself, including using previously used drugs in similar situations, is not recommended.

Various diseases with similar symptoms may require completely different methods and means of treatment, the appointment of which should be trusted only by experienced medical personnel.

Drawing in the lower back as a sign of the development of a woman's pregnancy

In most cases, the difference in the onset of the menstrual cycle is a difference of several days and not more, but there are situations where the monthly delay is more than 2 days.

Such a delay in menstruation can occur for many physiological reasons, including late menstruation due to severe stress, hormonal failure or other problems.

But there are also cases when the menstruation has not yet begun, and the waist is already strongly pulling and hurting in the lower back. Such symptoms can be both a sign of the development of pregnancy, and indicate some serious health problems.

If we talk about the issue of pregnancy, when there are no menstruation, and the loin hurts and pulls the lower abdomen, the main symptoms of pregnancy in this case are as follows.

Frequent urges to urinate and pain in the lower abdomen, when it hurts in the pelvic region or pain in the uterus, appeared slight discomfort or distinct, but mild pain and discharge of brown, all this can indicate the presence of pregnancy in the period menses.

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Lumbago in the uterus, changes in taste preferences, pain or discomfort in the nipples, chest pain, feeling nauseated or nausea, mild dizziness, drowsiness and increased fatigue, may also indicate the development of pregnancy during the period menses.

A source:

With a monthly low back pain: the norm or pathology /

More than half of women face discomfort during critical days. Among the common complaints can be noted the condition when the lumbar period hurts.

Pain may appear before the onset of menstruation and pass after it ends.

If this symptom is concerned, you need to find out what causes it, since this condition can be associated with diseases of the reproductive system.

Causes of pain

Many women note the deterioration of well-being before menstruation.

The condition, when the lower abdomen hurts and the lower back before the onset or during the period, 70% of the fair sex are familiar.

This condition can be explained by the influence of natural and pathological factors. Consider the main causes of the appearance of pain.

Pain during menstruation

The causes of pain in the lower back can be:

  • muscle tension of the lumbar region;
  • inflammation and puffiness of the pelvic organs;
  • hormonal disorders - an imbalance of estrogen or progesterone in the body provokes painful periods, increasing contractions of the uterine muscles.

Also, the lumbar region may be very painful with menstruation due to abnormal position of the uterus.

If the genital organ is deflected posteriorly, it affects the nerve endings of the sacrum and abdominal cavity.

This explains why women have too much lumbar pain during menstruation. Similar symptoms appear in the infantilism of the uterus.

Pain after menstruation

Back pain, which appeared during menstruation, does not always pass after their end, pursuing a woman for several more days.

Such discomfort can be caused by the same reasons:

  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary sphere;
  • a violation of the balance of hormones, which increases the contractile activity of the uterus during and after the end of critical days, which is characterized by pain.

Pain before menstruation

Why before the monthly noeth or badly hurts the lower back, can be explained by several reasons:

  • inflammation in the pelvic organs;
  • bending of the uterus;
  • myoma - prevents a normal outflow of blood and increases the growth of the muscular layer of the uterus;
  • adhesive process in the genital area;
  • presence of the IUD;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • genetic predisposition.

Find out why before, during or after menstruation the lower abdomen and lower back hurts, only a specialist can do on the basis of a comprehensive examination of the patient.

When is this the norm?

The limits of the norm in medicine are rather blurred, so every woman needs to be attentive to any changes in the body. If the loin hurts slightly on the first day of menstruation - it's about the norm.

At this time, the natural rejection of the endometrium occurs in the uterus, as the expected implantation of the fetal egg did not occur this month.

This process, despite its physiology, may well be accompanied by mild pain in the lower back.

But if the loin hurts heavily, so that you have to resort to the help of analgesics and antispasmodics, - it is necessary to search for the causes of this condition, since the norm in this case is not can. Especially guard should discomfort in the lower back after menstruation.

Pathological pain

Pain in the lower back with the monthly can cause both natural and pathological factors.

The list of the latter includes:

  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genitourinary sphere, for example, endometriosis;
  • disorders in the musculoskeletal system;
  • neurological factors;
  • kidney disease, etc.

Sometimes clinical manifestations of these diseases are absent between critical days. Their exacerbation often flares up during menstruation, with pain in the lower back becoming pronounced.

Discomfort in the lumbar region with pathological factors is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • general weakness;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • headache.

To find out why the loin hurts during menstruation, it is recommended to visit an endocrinologist and examine the thyroid gland.

Dysfunctional disorders in the endocrine system provoke a hormonal imbalance, resulting in not only painful critical days, but also more serious diseases.

If severe pain in the lower back, which occurs when the menstrual or before them, accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 3, ° C, also need the help of a doctor. These signs indicate the presence of an infectious and inflammatory process in the pelvic organs.

Many women take pain during menstrual bleeding for granted and do not consult a doctor.

In this case, experts strongly recommend to be examined if during the menstrual period the back is very painful, and this condition brings a lot of suffering and disrupts the quality of life. Normally, this should not be.

Do not use self-medication, as this can worsen the clinical picture of the disease.

Pain when delayed

Situations when the lower abdomen and lower back ache, and menstruation does not begin, often cause panic in women. With what it can be connected?

The first reason is pregnancy. Drawing and weak back pain, reminiscent of the sensations before menstruation, can talk about a possible conception. In this case, you need to confirm or deny it with a pregnancy test.

If the test is negative, and the delay continues, while it hurts in the lower back, like before the menstrual period, it is necessary to look for the cause in the following pathologies:

  • Inflammation of the ovary. Usually it is associated with hormonal disorders, which caused delays. The loin can hurt for a week before the month, and the pain usually appears in the side - where the focus of inflammation is.
  • Polycystic ovary. The condition is often accompanied by delays, also associated with hormonal disorders. Cysts formed on the ovary grow and press on the nerve endings of the sacrum, provoking pain in the lower back before the menstrual period.
  • Endometritis. Inflammation of the uterine mucosa can also cause a delay, while the lower abdomen and lower back hurts before and after menstruation.
  • Adhesive process in the fallopian tubes. The defeat of one or both tubes by the inflammatory process explains why the lumbar pain is very painful before the menstrual period.
  • Vaginitis. Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa is accompanied not only by the pain syndrome described, but also by secretions and burning.
  • Cervicitis. Inflammation of the cervical canal of the cervix. With this disease, there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, burning in the vagina, pain when urinating and itching of the genitals.
  • Myoma. A benign tumor of the muscular layer of the uterus is myometrium. With uterine myoma, there are pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region between menstruations, cycle disorders, painful periods, enlargement of the uterus and abdomen, difficulty with urination.

Myoma, vaginitis, endometritis and the rest of the listed conditions answer the question of why the lumbar region hurts before the menstrual period. If you deal with the treatment of these pathologies, unpleasant symptoms will necessarily disappear.

How to understand what is the reason?

To find out the reason why the stomach and lower back ache during or after the months, it is necessary to see a doctor.

In order to diagnose a woman, it is necessary to undergo a laboratory blood test for general, biochemical and hormonal status.

With the help of the results of the analysis, the doctor will assess the state of the female body, exclude inflammatory processes, evaluate the synthesis of prostaglandin and other sexual substances.

Also need a study of a smear from the vagina. Find out why the loin hurts with the monthly, ultrasound, hystero- and laparoscopy will help. Thanks to these examinations, you can examine the pelvic organs, the intrauterine space and draw certain conclusions.

After the diagnosis is over, the doctor in the results indicates the name of the pathology, which explains why the stomach and lower back ache with monthly ones. To eliminate the discovered causes, conservative therapy, physiotherapy, and less frequent surgical intervention are prescribed.


What to do if the lumbar region hurts with or after menstruation, is it possible to prevent the development of the causes of discomfort with the help of preventive measures? If such a symptom is found, you need to undergo a test and eliminate the cause of its appearance. To prevent the appearance of pain is possible, but on the condition that it has a natural, rather than a pathological character.

To this end, it is recommended to follow the principles of healthy eating, not allowing a deficiency of microelements in the body, especially vitamins B, E, magnesium and calcium. Periodic relief days and moderate exercise are also useful.

It is advisable to avoid stresses, because and because of them before menstruation may loosen the lower back.

Complete sleep and rest, positive attitude, elimination of hypothermia, reliable contraception as prevention abortion and venereal infections - all this allows you to save women's health and get rid of possible problems with month.

Can the lower back pain before the menstrual period and for how many days before they start this pain appears - this question it is difficult to answer, as well as explain the cause of discomfort during and after menstruation without a comprehensive examination women.

Only a visit to a gynecologist and the performance of his appointments will help to find out the causes of these conditions.

If the lower back pain after menstruation, the situation requires special control, since sometimes the problem lies in the inflammation of the pelvic organs, which is fraught with infertility.

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