Cold at 36 weeks gestation

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The appearance of colds in the third trimester of pregnancy

The health of a newborn child depends to a large extent on the state of health of his mother, her way of life before and during pregnancy, as well as diseases that occurred in her body during the period of gestation child. The most common and common disease that many people experience every year is the common cold. Cold during pregnancy, the trimester is not as dangerous as in the first 6 months, because it was at that time that the formation of all organs and systems of the human body. Having found out at least one of the symptoms of a cold, it should be completely cured, after which it is still good to strengthen immunity, after all, a very important event awaits woman ahead, which will take a lot of forces.

The cold in late pregnancy, despite the fact that it causes a lot of unpleasant sensations in the future mother, nevertheless, with proper treatment does not pose a serious danger to the baby. However, the risk can not be ruled out completely, because the common cold itself has an adverse effect on the body even in the absence of pregnancy.

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Possible complications of colds

All future mothers, eagerly awaiting the birth of their baby, are interested in what exactly is a cold at late pregnancy. Specialists are among the most dangerous processes, the development of which can be triggered by a cold:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • premature birth.

Very often in the case when the common cold occurs before birth, the child is usually born sluggish, weak with pale skin, which is the result of intrauterine hypoxia. This process usually occurs after a common cold with abundant secretions, which causes the intake of a woman with insufficient oxygen.

Exactly so affects the baby and prolonged stuffiness of the nose in the pregnant woman with a cold at 9 months of pregnancy. Such children in the majority of cases need treatment in a hospital immediately after childbirth.

There is a danger for the future mother, especially if she plans to adhere to breast-feeding her baby. As you know, a month before the expected delivery in the body, women are beginning to actively develop hormones responsible for the lactation process. This is why it is very undesirable to develop a cold at the 35th week of pregnancy, disease can cause a lack of breast milk or the production of it in newborn.Placental hormones are responsible for lactation, and, as is known, in case of penetration of a viral infection into the female body, the placenta has a big load, because it performs a protective function.

Colds in the third trimester of pregnancy can cause premature aging of the placenta

The development of a cold at the 37th week of pregnancy for the mother is practically not a danger, it can only cause deterioration of the state of health of a pregnant woman, which is caused by nasal congestion or runny nose, the appearance of a cough, fever and pain in the throat. However, for the child this period is more dangerous than for his mother, since, starting from the 36th week of pregnancy, the cold can weaken the already weak placenta, which loses its former protective properties, which is caused by its aging. Because of this, all the viruses present in the pregnant body, the placenta can pass to the baby, but do not panic, because it does not mean that the child will fall ill. But in this period, when possible, the use of drugs of synthetic origin should be ruled out.All drugs, toxins produced by pathogenic microorganisms, have the property of penetrating through a weakened placenta, which can have very serious irreversible consequences.

Water contamination

Embryo in the amniotic fluid

In addition to these complications, which often result from the transferred cold, infection of the amniotic fluid can occur. Unfortunately, pathogenic microorganisms have the ability to enter amniotic fluid, which the child can drink. To avoid complications caused by the penetration of bacteria into amniotic fluid, obstetrician-gynecologists strongly recommend that women who have a cold on the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, take clinical tests blood and urine. Having studied the results of these tests, a specialist can learn about the condition of the child and mother, as well as the placenta. It is also recommended after the cold, which occurred at the end of pregnancy, to conduct ultrasound, which is considered the most accurate method of diagnosis.

It is important to treat a cold in the late months of pregnancy and because even if the disease does not have an adverse impact on the baby, immediately after birth, it is isolated from the mother, because she can infect him with a viral infection. This is very bad for a child, since during this period he badly needs the warmth and care of his mother, whose heartbeat he has felt all 9 months. Also, weaning a baby from a woman can cause loss of breast milk, after which it is almost impossible to restore lactation.

Preventive actions

Avoid the occurrence of colds in the 3 trimester of pregnancy can be, adhering to simple rules that provide a pregnant woman with a preventive effect. Experts recommend the following preventive measures:
  1. Every time before going out into the street during the epidemic of colds carefully lubricate the nasal mucosa with oksolinovoy ointment. It is important to return home thoroughly to wash the nasopharynx from the remnants of the ointment, since it has the property of accumulating viruses and bacteria.
  2. In a room where most of her time is spent by a woman in the autumn-winter period, you can put a saucer with finely chopped garlic and onions, filling them with a small amount of water. These products contain phytoncides that have an antiviral effect on the body, and they also disinfect the air in the room.
  3. Regularly ventilate the apartment, regardless of the time of year.
  4. Humidify the air in the room where the pregnant woman is, not allowing it to dry out.
  5. Try to walk as much as possible in the open air, it is important to dress in the weather, avoiding overcooling or overheating.

A careful attitude of a pregnant woman to her health can save her from a cold, without exposing her body to heavy loads and serious dangers.

How to properly treat?

Colds in late pregnancy are mandatory to be treated only for the appointment of an obstetrician-gynecologist and therapist.

During this period, it is prohibited to use antiviral drugs that are actively used before pregnancy, it is advisable to confine oneself to the treatment of proven and safe folk remedies and homeopathic medicines.

If the cold is accompanied by a temperature above 38 degrees, you can compress on the forehead of a 9% solution of vinegar, or take paracetamol. Compress can not be left for long, you can keep no more than 10 minutes, rubbing vinegar skin is also prohibited, since it has the property of penetrating into the blood.

With sore throats, which are often accompanied by a cold, it should be rinsed with a solution of salt and baking soda, and for a softer effect on the mucous, you can add a few drops iodine. For this purpose, when treating a sore throat with a cold in the third trimester of pregnancy, you can use a decoction of chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula. Do not forget about this method of treatment as the conduct of inhalations, it is used not only for the sore throat, but also for coughing and runny nose. They can be carried out using herbal decoctions and infusions or essential oils.

When coughing, which delivers a painful pregnancy, you can use syrups of exclusively vegetable origin:

  • Gedelix;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Plantain syrup.

With a runny nose, you must wash your nose with saline solution, herbal decoctions, and also do inhalations. Good effect on the nasal mucosa Pinosol - drops on the basis of coniferous oils, which are prescribed in the treatment of children and pregnant women. They can not only drip your nose, but also smear your skin in the area of ​​the location of the paranasal sinuses. That the cold quickly passed and did not cause serious complications, except symptomatic treatment, it is important that a woman drinks a lot of warm liquid - tea made from linden, rose hips, raspberries, adding to it some honey.

How to treat a cold for 36-37 weeks. pregnancy. very sore throat



I have the same problem arose a week ago. The main thing is not to drink anything hot! only warm.
gargle with a tincture of eucalyptus or calendula (in the pharmacy costs 20r; a teaspoon per glass of water)
perhaps the first two days will be a sore throat, then it will pass and the nose will pawn. But you do not need to stop rinsing your throat. In a woman's consultation, the doctor will send to the therapist. I did not go, I do not see the point. Will prescribe pinosol from a cold and soda, and this is all nonsense.
Ventilate the room more often, and after a few days everything will return to normal.
Health to you!


It is necessary to anoint the throat with the AID, it is not very pleasant, very good and quickly helps. I did it myself.


homeopathic medicines

Inga Suvorova

if tonsillitis.. then Tonzillon... if the cold, then hit the furacilin, eucalyptus, a warm drink with honey, go ahead, soon on the date with the baby)))))


Drink tea with honey or raspberries.

Elena R

Often rinse with a solution of salt and soda (half a hour. l. for a glass of water). And Liugol - YES!

Inna Melnikova (asmankina)

At least I managed cough and cold candy, antibiotics are not allowed now, and aspirin preparations too, try to brew herbs (chamomile, mint, oregano), hopefully help!


rinse often with a warm solution of soda, salt, you can and chamomile


Bioparox, I was prescribed at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Arina Skvortsova

very well helped or assisted me, to gargle a throat tincture of calendula, is on sale in a drugstore, there it is written as her to plant,
I really helped, straight rinsed, and on the trail. day is much better.

Albina Valieva

At me the same situation, 2 days was ill, term ber-ti 39 weeks. Saw Otsilokoktsinum, dripped in the nose Grippferon, sucked Sage, today everything is fine, no temperature, no pain in the throat, no runny nose, good luck!!! Do not experience the time you have, are treated

Cold during pregnancy: treatment and prevention

Frequent colds in pregnancy - a very common phenomenon, since after conception the body of each women face a mandatory for "interesting situation" factor - the physiological immunosuppression. That is, a decrease in the specific (acquired) immunity of the body to prevent rejection of the embryo.

That is why women in an interesting situation have a tendency to colds, as well as exacerbation of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. According to different data, the incidence of colds, ARI or SARS during the gestational period is 55-82%.

How does the cold affect pregnancy?

Everyone without exception is interested in the answer to the main question: is the common cold dangerous during pregnancy? And especially in the first trimester.

Colds are the result of exposure to the body of one of the types of adenovirus infection. While doctors can not say how this or that type of adenovirus, which was picked up by a future mother, reflects on the development of the fetus. But absolutely all obstetricians-gynecologists agree on one thing: the way a cold affects a pregnancy, depends, first of all, on its term.

Catarrhal diseases in the first weeks of the gestational age are the most dangerous, since it is during this period that the foundations for the normal gestation of a healthy child are laid. If you catch cold at the 1st and 2nd week (when most women do not yet know they are "in position"), this can lead to a spontaneous miscarriage. Colds at the 3rd week of pregnancy are also highly undesirable, because just at this time the implantation of the fetal egg in the uterine wall takes place, and it has no protection (placenta yet).

Any infections and exacerbations of illnesses, as well as a common cold at week 4 of gestational age, when the formation of the placenta begins, can cause a detachment with bleeding and miscarriage. According to medical statistics, due to acute respiratory viral infection early in life, 13-18% of pregnancies are interrupted prematurely.

The cold at the 5th and 6th week of bearing a child coincides with the stage in which the fetus the formation of a neural tube, and the illness of a future mother can cause the child to develop central nervous system.

Colds on the 7th, 8th, and 9th week with symptoms of nasal congestion and high temperatures affect the supply of oxygen to the fetus, which is just forming internal organs. Deficiency of oxygen leads to fetal hypoxia and a great risk of delaying its development.

Colds at the 10th and 11th weeks of pregnancy occur at a time when most of the vital organs of the unborn child have not only formed, but also begin to function. And catarrhal disease - especially in severe form with a high temperature - increases the threat of getting to the fetus produced by viruses of toxins. Especially it concerns the flu: those who have suffered this disease are very likely to be born premature babies or children with small weight, as well as the development of hydrocephalus or premature aging the placenta. The same factors work even when the expectant mother has caught a cold on the 12th or 13th week from the beginning of conception.

The second trimester of gestational age begins, and it is believed that a cold in the second trimester of pregnancy does not cause any perinatal pathologies. Nevertheless, at the 14th, 15th and 16th week, it can provoke inflammatory processes in the body of the unborn child - as a consequence of the infection on the placenta.

Although, indeed, directly to the child's organs, both the cold in the second and the third trimesters of the gestational age can no longer be affected so seriously as to cause their anomalies.

However, colds on the 17th, 18th, and 19th weeks are dangerous for the fetus due to intoxication organism of a woman who has a temperature of + 38 ° C and above does not fall a few days and completely disappears appetite. Intrauterine development of the child continues, and for this he needs oxygen and nutrients, which the cold mother misses.

In addition, with high body temperature, the cold at the 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd weeks of bearing a child (in short, all second trimester) can lead to placenta damage by a virus that often results in a placental pathology - fetoplacental failure. And viruses contribute to the activation of foci of infection, hiding in the body of the woman herself.

The cold in late pregnancy has its negative consequences. Very often, future mothers complain of shortness of breath and even of pain under the ribs during breathing. And when you cough, all the respiratory muscles, diaphragm and abdominal press tighten; while the jerky movement of the diaphragm affects the bottom of the uterus, from which the uterus comes in tone. And this can lead to a premature birth. It is this that is dangerous at 35 weeks gestational age.

Colds at 36 weeks of pregnancy and a significant increase in temperature are fraught with placental detachment and premature discharge of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid). And at week 37, it is possible that the infectious agents enter the amniotic fluid (which the fetus systematically absorbs).

How can a cold affect the 38th and 39th weeks of the gestational age for a child, it is easy to imagine. It is clear that with a strong runny nose and a stuffy nose of his mother, he gets less oxygen. In late pregnancy, intrauterine fetal hypoxia is expressed both in its low activity and in excessive mobility. The latter leads to the entanglement of the umbilical cord. A repeated tight cord of the cord is the main reason for the complete cessation of oxygen supply to the baby and stopping his blood supply ...

Finally, the main consequence of a cold at 40 weeks of pregnancy: the birth of the long-awaited baby will be held at the observatory. This department is intended for those who are in labor, who has a fever (above +3, ° C), who has symptoms of acute respiratory disease or influenza, various infections of the birth canal, is a carrier of the hepatitis virus. And the child - immediately after his birth - is isolated from his mother.

By the way, the onset of pregnancy after a cold does not have any negative consequences, as a rule.


The first symptoms of a cold during pregnancy are no different from the signs of this disease in a not pregnant part of mankind. This is a general malaise and headache, then begins a runny nose, sits in the throat and painful swallowing, slightly increases body temperature. The temperature can rise to +3, ° C, although a cold at pregnancy without temperature (or with subfebrile temperature) happens much more often.

Cough and symptoms of general intoxication can appear to the rhinitis, which manifest as weakness, loss of appetite and drowsiness. The disease lasts from 5 to 12 days. If at the time of not taking up the treatment of the disease, complications are possible: pharyngitis, sinusitis or bronchitis.

Who to contact?

Obstetrician-gynecologist Pulmonologist

Treatment of colds during pregnancy

To begin treatment of cold at pregnancy is necessary at the first signs of illness. And remember that during the gestation period, most medical drugs, including aspirin, are contraindicated.

But then how to treat a cold during pregnancy? Proven popular means will be used first. Because you can not soar pregnant women, get your hands on, and this will ease the nasal breathing. Wrap up, put on woolen socks and get under the blanket: warmth, peace and sleep are good for a cold. Do not forget about the abundant drink - hot green tea with lemon and honey, tea with lime blossom, cranberry juice, broth of wild rose, compote of dried fruits. Ginger in the form of tea also helps, not only with catarrhal symptoms, but with nausea in the morning.

It is often possible to read that you can drink hot chamomile tea or tea with kalina at night. You can, of course, but not during the gestational period! At once it is necessary to emphasize that not all herbs for cold during pregnancy can be applied. Here is a list of herbs that are contraindicated for the entire gestational period: aloe, anise, barberry, elecampane (grass and root), sweet clover, oregano, St. John's wort, strawberry (leaves), viburnum (berries), raspberries (leaves), lemon balm, lovage, wormwood, licorice (root), celandine, sage. Accordingly, do not take drugs containing these plants.

But about the chamomile pharmacy (which is often used to normalize the menstrual cycle), there is no definite recommendation. According to many experienced herbalists, chamomile during pregnancy can provoke bleeding and is therefore not recommended. Others believe that the camomile can be taken literally all gestational period, but no more than two cups a day ...

Let's notice at the same time that garlic during pregnancy from cold should not be used, except that chop the tooth and breathe it with phytoncides - from the common cold. The fact is that garlic reduces the absorption of iodine. A lack of iodine in a future mother leads to a violation of the maturation of the fetus and increases the likelihood of hypothyroidism in the newborn.

At high temperature vodka wipes the body (a third of a glass of vodka, two thirds of water) or acetic (in the same proportion).

With pain in the throat, you should often rinse it with a solution of salt - cooked or sea (natural food): one teaspoon per glass of warm boiled water. Or solutions of soda (teaspoon per glass of water) and furatsilina (1 tablet for 200 ml of water). Helps rinse throat with tincture of calendula: 10 drops of alcohol tincture per 100 ml of water. You can also use a water infusion of home cooking: a tablespoon of dry calendula flowers to a glass of boiling water.

Will relieve the pain in the throat and rinse, prepared from the juice of half a lemon, diluted in a glass of warm water with adding a teaspoon of liquid natural honey (lemon juice can be replaced with two tablespoons of natural apple cider vinegar). By the way, honey during pregnancy from colds is very useful. So a cup of hot milk with a spoon of honey before going to bed can save a woman from sore throats and prevent a cough. Also very useful lemon (directly with a crust) and cranberries (in any form).

Some people recommend the alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt (a mixture of chlorophylls from eucalyptus leaves) to gargle, but in instructions for the drug noted that "during pregnancy and lactation, the use of the drug is possible, assessing the ratio of benefit and harm "...

At treatment inhalations are also effective. For example, with mint oil (menthol) or balm "Asterisk". You can breathe twice a day (in the morning and in the evening) for 15 minutes, covering your head with a towel, over potatoes boiled in a uniform, just like our great-grandmothers did. And with acute pain in the throat, make a warm compress with alcohol (1 part of alcohol and 2-3 parts of water) and keep it until it dries completely. You can also lubricate the glands with tincture of propolis or use Kameton aerosol (there are no reliable data on the safety of the drug during the gestational period on Bioparox aerosol).

To treat a cold, wash your nose with salt water or bury it in your nose a full pipette several times a day (the solution is prepared based on a teaspoon of salt for half a cup of water). You can use the drugs Aquamaris or No-salt, which are solutions of sea salt.

A positive effect is the instillation in the nose (2-3 drops a few times a day) of warm olive, sea-buckthorn or menthol oil. And also moistened onion juice with cotton swabs, which must be kept for several minutes in the nostrils 3-4 times a day. For many, it is almost possible to get rid of the beginning rhinitis with the help of balm "Asterisk which should lubricate the skin near the "entrance" to the nose.

To overcome cough, it is best to drink not very hot milk, which is added with natural honey and butter. Drink slowly and in small sips. An effective folk cough remedy is a warm broth of apple peel with honey or a decoction of figs in milk (4 dry berries per 200 ml of milk). With a dry cough, you can take infusion of mother-and-stepmother (on a tablespoon three times a day), water infusion althea, primrose, lavender or decoction of herb thyme (thyme only in the first trimester of gestational term). For better separation of sputum when coughing, inhalations with soda or Borjomi mineral water are used.

What cold medicines can I take during pregnancy?

Often doctors recommend medications for colds during pregnancy - drops in the nose, sprays, potions, syrups and pills for cough. Their use must be treated with great care.

For example, drops, ointment and spray Pinosol, judging by the components specified in the instructions, during pregnancy is not dangerous. However, essential oils found in the preparation are common pines, peppermint, eucalyptus, thymol, guaiazulen (oil of citric wormwood) - can lead to an allergic reaction with mucosal edema nose. In addition, butyloxyanisole is indicated in the additional ingredients. It is a food additive used to slow the oxidation of fats. This substance can have a toxic effect on the body, in the EU its use in the food industry is prohibited.

It is contraindicated to use such drugs for colds during pregnancy: Pertussin, Tussin plus, Joset, Glikodin, Ascoril, Travisil, Bronholitin, ACTS, Grippex, Kodelak, Terpinkod. Do not use lollipops and lozenges for sore throat or cough: in addition to components of plant origin, they are full of chemistry. As their manufacturers diplomatically write, "there are no contraindications to the use of the drug during the gestational period, however, take it should strictly follow the doctor's prescription, which must carefully weigh the expected benefit to the mother and the potential risks to the fetus. "

Now, as to how candles are applied during pregnancy from a cold. For example, candles Viferon used in acute respiratory viral infections (influenza, respiratory diseases complicated bacterial infection), pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis, as well as with urogenital infections and herpes (including genital form). Rectal suppositories can be used only after 14 weeks from the beginning of conception. This drug contains recombinant human interferon alpha-2, ascorbic acid and alpha-tocopherol acetate and has antiviral, immunomodulatory and antiproliferative effects. It is used in the treatment of various infectious and inflammatory diseases of adults and children (including newborns). In the form of an ointment, Viferon is used to treat herpetic lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. Ointment is applied a thin layer on the affected skin 3-4 times a day for 5-7 days.

Some doctors prescribe Genferon. Obviously, in the hope that the same interferon contained in them will increase the woman's immunity. But, firstly, geneferon is used only with urogenital infections and diseases of the genital organs. Secondly, drugs with immunomodulating action can not be used during bearing, because their effect on the fetus is not yet known.

Homeopathy is applied only on the advice of a doctor. Thus, the homeopathic preparation Stodal, which includes mainly herbal ingredients, affects different types of cough and exerts an expectorant and bronchodilator effect. However, as indicated in the instructions, he "is carefully administered during pregnancy and lactating mothers under strict doctor's recommendations."

And in the instruction of the homeopathic candles Viburkol it is written that "pregnancy is not a contraindication to the prescription of the drug". These candles have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, spasmolytic effect. They are prescribed in the complex therapy of acute respiratory viral infections and other uncomplicated infections (including newborns), as well as in inflammatory processes of ENT organs and inflammatory diseases genitourinary system.


All measures to prevent colds during pregnancy are useful for the general health of expectant mothers and their babies. It is necessary to observe simple rules:

  • Rule number 1 - before each exit outside the premises, the nose mucosa should be lubricated with oxolin ointment, which must be washed off after returning home.
  • Rule number 2 - to limit "hikes" to public places, especially during the period of activation of "seasonal" infections, do not hesitate to put on gauze dressings when visiting medical institutions, avoid contact with a cold person, even if it's coming relatives.
  • Rule number 3 - temper the body with a contrast shower or pouring feet with cool water (+ 18-20 ° C).
  • Rule number 4 - physical activity and fresh air: gymnastics and yoga, walking at least two hours a day.
  • Rule number 5 - proper nutrition and taking multivitamin complexes recommended by a doctor.
  • Rule number 6 - normalization of the intestine, which will help fresh vegetables and fruits, sour-milk products and bread with bran.

Agree, these rules should be adhered to, so that a cold during pregnancy does not mar this particular period in the life of a woman and her family.

Cold at 37 weeks of pregnancy

Any pregnancy captures during its period both warm and cold seasons. In summer, you can bask in the sun, in the spring to admire the first warm rays of the sun and the singing of birds. But autumn and winter, along with positive emotions often carry and negative moments, delivered colds. Colds during pregnancy have different effects on its course. Complications from the transferred illness depend on the severity of the disease and the period of pregnancy.

SARS at 37 weeks of gestation

Outbreaks of epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections occur periodically between September and April. In most cases, the pathogens are rhinoviruses, influenza viruses, coronaviruses and others. There are cases when diseases cause bacteria. Infection of ARVI occurs by airborne droplets. The territory of a radius of up to three meters around a person who is ill is a potentially dangerous infection. You can get sick through a dish or a towel.

The spread of the disease is affected by temperature changes, vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency, physical stress and emotional overstrain. Negative immunity is affected by cold and lack of sunlight. Viral infection reduces the body's resistance to bacterial infections. When the virus is infected at 37 weeks of pregnancy, a runny nose and cough appear.

If a woman has caught a cold at the 37th week of pregnancy and the first signs of a cold have appeared, for example, a runny nose, cough and sore throat, she is categorically forbidden to self-medicate! This applies to medicines, as well as herbal and folk methods of treatment. You can not get colds during pregnancy on your legs. A future mother needs a bed rest and a full rest.

Temperature at 37 weeks gestation

An increased fever in pregnancy is common, but if it is not above thirty-eight degrees Celsius. If the thermometer shows above thirty-eight, then action must be taken.

If there is no sudden increase in temperature and a woman does not feel weak and unwell, try traditional methods to combat high temperatures: tea with raspberries, sweatshops and herbs warm milk.

Temperature can signal many diseases of viral and bacterial origin. This should be reported to your doctor, who will appoint the necessary studies to determine the cause of the disease. A temperature that does not subside for a long time can trigger placental pathology or infection of the fetus. In such cases, the pregnant woman is hospitalized.

After an increase in body temperature at 37 weeks of pregnancy, herpes can become worse. This must be notified to the doctor. In time, the treatment can save the baby from infection.

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