Strengthening of the heart: healthy, what to do in diseases

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From this article you will learn: the most effective recommendations of cardiologists who will help preserve heart health. How to strengthen the heart, weakened by disease, and what is needed for this.

Contents of the article:

  • Six simple tips that are mandatory for heart health
  • How to restore a heart weakened by diseases
  • Heart repair in heart failure
  • What effect can you expect - the forecast of

You can strengthen the heart, but not in all cases the same measures are equally effective. Everything depends on the condition and functional abilities of the organ - the more they are violated, the harder it is to restore them.

The most important thing is to protect yourself from unfavorable and harmful environmental factors( more about them further).No medication or remedy can strengthen the heart that is exposed to them.

For really useful advice, especially in the pathology of the cardiovascular system, contact a specialist - a cardiologist.

Six simple tips that are mandatory for heart health

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If you do not have problems with the cardiovascular system, but want to keep or strengthen it, follow the simple rules:

  1. Try to worry less and get nervous. Stress and psychoemotional stress disrupt blood circulation in the vessels of the myocardium( cardiac muscle) and can cause the most severe form of ischemic disease - infarction, angina and arrhythmia.
  2. Normalize excess weight. Obesity increases the load on the heart muscle, which causes premature loss of its structure and functional abilities.
  3. Ensure that blood pressure does not increase. Treat hypertension, as it leads to a thickening of the myocardium, aggravates the course of ischemic disease and provokes a heart attack.
  4. Eat right - exclude foods high in cholesterol or eat them in small amounts( animal fats, fried foods, smoked foods, flour), digestible sugars and salt. Excess cholesterol is deposited in the walls of arteries, causing atherosclerosis and narrowing of the lumen, contributes to obesity. Eat more vegetables, sea fish, vegetable oils and other sources of omega-3 acids, which purify the vessels and strengthen their walls.
  5. Balance physical activity. Both overexertion and hypodynamia have a negative effect on the state of the myocardium. Really good strengthen the heart regular physical activities( exercise, fitness, running, gymnastics, dancing, etc.) and a full night's sleep( 8 hours).
  6. Refuse from smoking, alcohol abuse, strong coffee and tea.

Do not underestimate the impact of the environment and lifestyle on the state of the heart muscle. Scientifically proven that the more negative factors and the longer they affect the body, the faster the pathology will arise. Neither medications nor any other measures will save you from problems and will not help to strengthen a weakened heart if you do not follow the basic rules. And those who do not have problems with this body, only with their help will maintain their health without using medicines.

Remember - it is impossible to strengthen the heart, not normalizing the way of life!

How to restore the heart weakened by diseases

How can I strengthen my heart, tell the advice of a cardiologist. They are especially important for patients who have suffered or have reversible( easy) forms of cardiovascular pathology, in addition to mandatory measures for lifestyle correction:

  • Observe with a specialist - cardiologist or therapist.
  • Periodically( at least once a year), examine the cardiovascular system: ECG, ECHO( heart ultrasound), general blood and urine tests, control over sugar level, lipid spectrum and blood coagulability.
    If there are abnormalities in the tests or symptoms that indicate the progression of the disease, increase the frequency of examinations and doctor visits.
  • Treat not only cardiological, but also any other pathology in the body( for example, lung disease, liver, etc.).Any chronic processes adversely affect the state of the myocardium.
  • Take only medications prescribed by a doctor, as uncontrolled use of medications that have toxic effects on the myocardium can cause damage to the organ or worsen the course of the existing pathology.

Medical support for myocardium

It is impossible to strengthen a sick heart without the use of medications. This requires drugs that directly restore the functional capabilities of the myocardium - cardioprotectors. Their therapeutic effect comes gradually, which requires a long and systematic intake( at least 1 month 1-2 times a year).The most effective and commonly prescribed by cardiologists drugs-cardioprotectors, strengthening the heart muscle:

Group preparations Examples of
Vitamins and minerals Milgamma

Vitrum Cardio


Magne B6

Vitamin E





Asparkam( Panangin)


Herbal remedies Kratal



Tincture of lily of the valley or hawthorn

Synthetic cardiotonic PreUkta







Injectable preparations( injections) are more effective - operate faster and harder than tablets and other forms for internal administration. Therefore, it is most expedient to apply a stepwise scheme of treatment - to inject drugs first in the form of injections( intravenously or intramuscularly), and then maintain their dose with tablets. Depending on the condition of the heart, you can use as soon as one drug, and combine 2-3 cardioprotectors from different groups.

Restoration of the affected heart with heart failure

The most difficult thing is to strengthen the heart, in which there are irreversible changes. In severe acute and chronic diseases( myocarditis, cardiosclerosis, ischemic disease, cardiopathy, infarction), it loses the ability to pump blood. Therefore, in addition to lifestyle correction and cardioprotection, you need:

Drug group Examples of drugs
Cardiac glycosides - marked strengthening effect on the myocardium Celanide




Diuretic - does not strengthen the heart, but reduces the amount of fluid in the body,on it Lasix



ACE inhibitors - with prolonged administration slows the replacement of the myocardium with scar tissue, restoringie the structure of cells, reduce the pressure in the vessels enalapril



blood thinners - improve blood flow to the myocardium clopidogrel


Aspirin Cardio


None of the drugs should not be taken without doctor appointments, and control!

What effect can we expect - the forecast of

Activities aimed at strengthening the heart, should be individually tailored depending on the person's state and the category of cardiovascular health. The table describes these categories and indicates how well the body can be strengthened by following appropriate recommendations.

To which group do you belong The effectiveness of the activities of
People who do not have cardiac diseases but who wish to maintain cardiac and vascular health High - over 95%
Patients with mild forms of heart disease without signs of heart failure Medium - 70-80%
Patients,with severe cardiac pathology with heart failure Low - not more than 50%
  1. Cardiac strengthening measures in the first group are minimal but most effective and relevant for all categoriespatients.
  2. The second group should adhere to not only these, but also additional recommendations, although the possibility of achieving the effect is still lower than that of the people of the first group.
  3. In the third category of people, activities should be even more extensive than for category 2, but the opportunity to strengthen the heart is the lowest.

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