Convergent strabismus: causes, symptoms and treatment

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The diagnosis of strabismus is put to the person in the event that he can not focus in front of him two eyes on one subject. To understand this is not difficult - if one eye looks at the object, and the other at the same time turned towards the nose, you can talk about the presence of pathology. Mowing can either a certain eye or both alternately. Strabismus - a disease that has an innate or acquired character, is diagnosed in children and adults, cures at the moment. More details about the symptoms, the causes of the diseases, the methods of its treatment and the basic preventive measures read on.


  • 1Definition of disease
  • 2Causes
  • 3Symptoms
  • 4Possible complications
  • 5Treatment
    • 5.1Surgery
    • 5.2Gymnastics
    • 5.3Folk ways
  • 6Prevention
  • 7Video
  • 8conclusions

Definition of disease

Strabismus is diagnosed when the patient can not focus both eyes simultaneously on the subject in front of the eyes.Babies until a year old do not put such a diagnosis, because their visual system is not yet formed (even if the eyes are slightly mowed, the defect usually passes by itself).

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Children under the age of a year are not diagnosed with strabismus.

Adults experiencing visual focus problems usually complain of rapid fatigue, migraines, most often the visual function of the affected eye socket begins to deteriorate rapidly.Should be alerted to you and constant dizziness. In some cases, patients begin to tilt their necks toward the diseased eye - this is also a clear sign of pathology.

The main types of disease:

  1. Congenital- it occurs in infancy.
  2. Acquired- Pathology has acquired character.
  3. Alternating- eyes mow in turn, vision usually does not fall.
  4. Monocular- Only one eye is mowing.
  5. Paralytic- pathology occurs as a result of damage to the brain, nerves or muscles of the eye.
  6. Friendly- This kind of strabismus is found mainly in children. The mobility of eyeballs, as well as binocular vision, is preserved.
Types of strabismus

Strabismus is acquired, congenital, alternating, paralytic, monocular, friendly.


In children, convergent strabism develops as a result of:

  • Postponed by a future mother during pregnancy infections.
  • Hereditary factor.
  • Presence of neurological diseases.
  • A strong increase in body temperature.
  • Diseases of the visual apparatus.
  • Incorrect placement of toys over the crib.
  • Abnormal development of the muscles of the eye.
  • Intrauterine intoxication.
Convergent strabismus in the early stages of the development of the baby's visual system

Correctly place the mobile over the crib - otherwise the child runs the risk of earning a strabismus.

In adulthood, convergent strabismus may appear as a consequence:

  • Injury.
  • Toxic poisoning.
  • Various visual defects (most often farsightedness or myopia).
  • A noticeable difference in the strength of the eye muscles.
  • Endocrine disorders.
  • Stresses.
  • Mental diseases.
Convergent strabismus in adults

Also, the development of strabismus in adults leads to paralysis of the muscles of the eye.


"Offset" of the eye to the nose (one or both in turn) is the main symptom of pathology. Other signs:

  • image doubling;
  • desire to close your eyes in very bright light;
  • impossibility to direct a view to one point with two eyes at once;
  • blurred picture;
  • constant pressure.
Doubling in the eyes - the cause of strabismus

Most patients diagnosed with strabismus speak of an acute desire to squint their eyes in bright light.

Possible complications

The main complication of convergent strabismus is the reorganization of the entire visual system, which adapts to the wrong position of the eyes.Perhaps the development of livestock - limited field of vision.It appears as a result of the fact that the brain "turns off" the defective eye, causing the image to double. When the healthy eye is "turned off the affected organ restores the work. It is also fraught with strabismus and the development of amblyopia - a violation due to the "disconnection" of the visual organ.

Scotoma eyes


Since with the descending strabismus the work of all visual analyzers is disrupted, its treatment should be complex. Main methods:

  1. Pleurotic therapy- is aimed at increasing the eye strain with the use of special applications, programs or a laser.
  2. Glasses- are selected strictly individually.
  3. Occlusion- Stimulation of the eye by wearing a bandage.
  4. Convergent trainer- classes aimed at improving the work of the muscles of the eye.
  5. Stimulation- the affected eye is affected by point stimulation.
  6. Drops- relieve the strain, relax the muscles.
Magnitostimulation in the treatment of strabismus

All procedures should be appointed and conducted by a specialist.If conservative treatment does not give the desired results, an operation is prescribed.


In those cases where conservative treatment for 1-2 years did not produce the desired results, the doctor sends the patient to the operation.

The operation helps in cases where conservative treatment has not yielded the desired results.Intervention can be directed to:

  1. Weakening of the strained muscles of the eye through their excision or crossing.
  2. Muscle strengthening - in this case, first an excision is made, and then a fixation.
Surgery for strabismus

Perhaps, after a certain time, the operation will need to be repeated - usually repeated intervention is carried out 8 months after the primary or later (depending on the doctor's testimony and condition patient).


Complex treatment of convergent strabismus also implies the performance of special exercises. They are aimed at optimizing the work of muscles, relieving tension, improving visual function:

  1. Take a pencil or a marker in your hand and pull it forward at the level of the pupil. Look closely at the tip of the marker with both eyes. If you can not concentrate, work alternately.
  2. Close one eye, try to draw another figure 8. Exercise do 10 times.
  3. Put a lamp on the table or a burning candle, put out the light. Point your gaze along the nose directly to the burning object, start quickly rotating your head in different directions, without taking your eyes off the lamp or candle. Do 20-40 repetitions.
  4. Look closely at the furthest point, then switch to a nearby object.
Gymnastics with strabismus

Gymnastics gives good results in the treatment of strabismus in children and adults.

For children, other:

  1. Playing with a musical top - the main thing is for the child to look at the spinning figures.
  2. Divide a sheet of paper into large cells, in each draw the figures so that some are repeated. Ask the child to find the same images.
  3. The child should bring the finger of any hand to the tip of the nose and touch it.

It is not bad in the therapy of convergent strabismus throwing the ball into the net or basket.

Folk ways

Within the framework of complex therapy of pathology, you can try to use folk recipes:

  1. Bitter chocolate is very useful for the eyes - eat it a few slices every day.
  2. Make infusion from the root of the ayr - pour the root with boiling water, let it brew, filter and take three times a day (but not more than 250 ml per day).
  3. Take the inside of a tincture of Chinese magnolia vine - 100 grams of plants filled with vodka or alcohol (500 ml will be enough). Insist means must be two days. Drink before eating 20 drops each, diluting them with water.


In order to prevent the development of strabismus in children:

  1. Remove from the crib all the items that can motivate the child to look at one point.
  2. Avoid excessive stress and stress.
  3. Toys in the bed hang at arm's length.
  4. Do not do sharp movements around the baby.
  5. Watch for posture and for the child to watch TV only sitting and with a flat back.

The diet should be balanced. Buy books in large print.

Adults need:

  1. Regularly visit an ophthalmologist.
  2. Do not engage in self-treatment of various pathologies of the visual system.
  3. Control the time that they spend in front of a PC or TV.
  4. Do gymnastics for the eyes.
  5. Do not read in transport and in poor lighting.
  6. Avoid injuries and infections.

Observe personal hygiene. The habit of rubbing eyes with dirty hands is the right way to get them infected, and hence, the likely development of strabismus.



Convergent strabismus is diagnosed both in adults and children, can be congenital and acquired. In addition to converging to the bridge of the nose, it is characterized by double vision, rapid fatigue. For the treatment of pathology conservative methods, special gymnastics, folk remedies are used. In advanced cases, only surgery is possible.