From a sore throat to children

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Sore throat: how to help the baby?


Olga Gorpenyuk

So, I give recipes that I tried on myself and with tonsillitis, and with a cold, and even with chickenpox)
So, the common cold:
1) a glass of warm, necessarily boiled water, half a spoonful of salt and on the tip of a honey knife, if the girl is not allergic to honey. Rinse with this solution nose once a day at night, if the runny nose is tolerable, and in the morning and in the evening, if very bad.
2) do inhalation twice a day. Brew eucalyptus and use this broth for inhalation and rinsing. Do not forget to add soda! It softens and the pain in the throat will not be so strong. If your inagyator is made a mask, let him breathe in his mouth, but breathes out his nose. Before and after inhalation, you should not eat for at least half an hour.
3) nose drip the first 4 days of a common cold 3-4 times a day by Tysin, it is also for children. Then, starting from the 5th day, drip in the following way 3 times a day: first instill with pharmosalin (for children), then after 5 minutes with pinosol.

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4) if the runny nose is absolutely terrible, cook it at night for a steep chicken egg, wrap it in a towel, so that was very hot and warm your nose from the side of the eye, but not for long, we do not spend more than 5-7 minutes on each side.
5) at night you can spread the maxillary sinuses with ointment, such as Dr. Mom. To smear follows the nose from the side of the eyes.
Now the throat:
1) rinse should be at least once an hour. You can use such solutions: 1 teaspoon of soda for a glass of warm water; 1 teaspoon of chlorophyllite per glass of water; a decoction of eucalyptus simply in its pure form; decoction of sage.
2) at night the first few days to remove a sharp pain in the throat, drink the following drug: 1 glass well warm milk 1 teaspoon honey, 1/3 teaspoon soda, a slice of cocoa butter or at least a creamy oil. Then, after 2-3 days, the approach to prolonged treatment of the throat, it will help get rid of angina for a very long time: on a glass of hot milk 3-4 finely crushed walnuts, drink a small sip once a day for 4-6 months! Yes, yes, months, it helps a lot!
3) if the throat is very red try to smear it with lugol or an oil solution of chlorophyllite 3 times a day. First there will be a vomiting reflex, but do not put the cotton quatch too deep, and after a couple of procedures the child will get used to it. Too very helps.
4) you can try the following exercise: three times a day 10 times to try to reach the tongue to the chin and in such tension to keep the tongue for 5-7 seconds.
put the mustard plaster on the back and on the chest I chew them in a day with a deep warming of the breast with a mango or salt (warm it up pan, pour into the pouch and chest) or even compresses (vodka, with cabbage) - if necessary, I will sign more.
And more: rub the feet with ointment. Mom or something like that, you can even make any warming, and well massage the area of ​​the pads. Well, and you can stew the legs in hot water with mustard.
You can contact with me any time. A rich experience in the treatment of colds and not only diseases. Everything is checked for yourself personally.


you found where to ask ((((call a doctor or emergency room. and then you will be advised of such that you will not be able to later.


usually rinse is advised... it is better to call a doctor!

Tat `yana Aleksandrovna

Erespal is a very good remedy, especially if barking cough, as with such a cough sputum does not depart from the bronchi, Erespal not only removes it but also lubricates the larynx. From the throat I spray Hexsaral. Together with Erespal it is necessary to give Suprastin. 1 \ 3 tablets. three times a day.


Try to use in aid to medical appointments, folk ways. Iodine mesh on the area of ​​the throat (once a day). If the temperature was asleep, compress on the neck, heat the salt in a frying pan, transfer it into a mitten or a socks and pribintuyte to the neck, hold until it cools. You can do it in the first and second half of the day for the night. Warm drinking as often as possible! Keep your feet warm, woolen socks always! For the night, pour dry mustard into your socks, sweat, change to a new one. Immunity try to maintain-sour cabbage juice, carrot, black radish with honey. Be healthy!


The girl lacks the attention and love of the permanent. If the immunity is lowered, in cooperation with doctors, a healthy lifestyle, hardening, a healthy diet, we can have a grandmother in the village / if there is a possibility. for the summer in the village, goat milk to steam. Vitamins in the food so it was more. She is not just full. balance. food is necessary, its enrichment. vitamin. Pete. is necessary. If you believe in God, Communicate the girl more often. limit the time. television. If you do not get sick in this year, the child will have problems with the heart.. And lemon is often with sugar, you can without. Horcho on the sea to visit with her. In the summer, raspberries are more damp. Herbal teas should become trad.


To significantly alleviate the condition of the child with sore throat, as well as reduce the accompanying temperature, Nurofen will help for children. Children with pain in the throat should drink a lot - it helps reduce pain. The nose can be washed with Aquamaris or Salin. there is also Aquamaris for the throat. Well, probably in your cases is Bioparox. but from a cough probably Lazolvan can be, it mixes and liquefies mucus. Well, you need to think about immunity: either anaferon or arbidol or viferon1. the doctor should still look at the child and can decide on the appointment of antibiotics.


a mixture is prepared: hot milk, a spoon of honey, butter and soda at the tip of the knife. - from the throat and temperature.
Do not knock down the temperature, but if it is too high, wipe with water, put towels on your forehead and under your armpits. sleep it up higher, so that it would be more convenient to strangle.
In addition to milk, let it drink more, spread the garlic in the room - it kills germs. Igazhno do or make igaljatsii that the cold has passed or has taken place. My son is constantly blowing his nose - and we are constantly being treated... even from the cough cans are good, but it is only if there is no temperature.

Ekaterina Kravchenko

A warm, profuse drink softens the throat. I make a daisy and force my mouth to gargle at least every 2 hours. And plus Tonzilotren tablets. Without them, nowhere. They relieve inflammation and eliminate pain.

Kinds of a tablets from a pain in a throat for resorption

Virtually any catarrhal disease causes pain in the throat. This symptom, in addition, may be a sign of a more serious virus disease. Before the beginning of treatment it is necessary to determine its cause. Choosing resorptive pills for sore throat, it is worth considering that each remedy operates in its own way. The drugs have certain properties and have a number of contraindications. Correctly pick up the medicine will help a qualified doctor.

How do drugs work against sore throat?

This type of remedy has a local effect - relieve inflammation. Often they are taken to quickly remove an unpleasant symptom. As a rule, pain medications are prescribed for patients with acute forms of pharyngitis or sore throats. Effective substances and in the presence of chronic diseases of the throat, when the focus of inflammation is constantly. Anesthetics can also be used to treat oral pathologies (stomatitis or periodontitis).

Dilute tablets from sharp pain in the throat not only effectively anesthetize, but also have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, healing effect. Pathogenic processes caused by harmful bacteria, should be treated with antibiotics, but it is not necessary to hurry with the taking of such serious drugs. Doctors advise first to try to heal with the help of local products that have antibacterial action (antiseptics).

Determine which specific infection caused the pain in the larynx is difficult. This can be determined by laboratory research. Often there is no time for this - the patient needs to urgently relieve the pain. Then the doctor appoints him a resorption tablets of a wide spectrum of action. They help to remove a symptom in the shortest possible time.

Which components include tablets from the throat

Almost all resorptive pills for the throat produce an enveloping effect. Due to this, the patient undergoes tearing, cutting sensations and irritation in the larynx. The composition of the preparations, including the main active ingredient, is significantly different. The main substance of absorbable tablets is often one of the following:

  • benzidamine hydrochloride;
  • dichlorobenzyl alcohol;
  • ambazone monohydrate;
  • amylmethacresol.

The substances have a local anesthetic effect, relieve inflammation and destroy various pathogenic bacteria. Many tablets include ascorbic acid, which stimulates the immune system. Lollipops, along with solutions for rinsing and sprays serve as first aid for the rapid removal of unpleasant symptoms with a cold. The complex of means for sore throat includes a number of other components:

  • local anesthetics;
  • essential oils;
  • deodorizing substances;
  • sweeteners.

Kinds of a tablets from a pain in a throat for resorption

Tablets from sore throat for resorption are an effective tool that, in addition to performing its primary role, removes inflammation. The cause of its origin is removed - pathogenic bacteria, viruses. Before you start self-treatment with local aids, you should assess the extent of the problem. With angina accompanied by fever, resorptive tablets can only serve as a supplement to antibiotic therapy.


Tablets antiseptic action appointed with a disinfecting purpose. Reception of antiseptics is often possible not only with the bacterial or viral nature of the disease, but also if the symptom has emerged under the influence of other pathogens. Then the medicine from the throat helps to soften the irritated mucous membrane of the larynx. The composition of the tablets helps relieve pain, soothe inflammation, and destroy pathogenic bacteria. Take them 3-5 times a day for 1 tablet after meals. The course of treatment can be from 5 days to 3 weeks. To antiseptic drugs for pain in the throat are:

  • "Neo-Angin
  • "Sebidine
  • Faryngosept;
  • Teraflu Lar.


Tablets of this type for the treatment of colds should be swallowed, however, to quickly remove the pain, they are better to dissolve. Analgesics will help get rid of puffiness and inflammation, reduce body temperature. The funds significantly facilitate the patient's condition, however, at the root cause of the disease, resorptive tablets do not affect. Drink funds are allowed to adults, if at hand there is no other antiseptic or antibacterial drug. The daily dosage is 3 tablets 1 at a time. The group of analgesics include:

  • "Paracetamol
  • "Baralgin
  • "Eferangan
  • "Solpadein."


The peculiarity of combined remedies lies in their multilateral action on the symptoms of colds. Such absorbable tablets are disinfected, disinfect the larynx, relieve pain and inflammation. The composition of many combination drugs added vitamins to enhance the therapeutic effect. Take resorptive tablets is allowed up to 8 times a day at intervals of 2-3 hours. A child per day can give no more than 3 tablets. Combined products include:

  • Strepsils;
  • "Chlorophyllipt
  • "Angilex".

Than to treat a throat to the child

If the child has a sore throat, he refuses food and water, the body temperature rises, while the child becomes weaker and begins to be capricious - these are signs of sore throat. The inflammatory process in the larynx always affects the vocal cords, so the baby's voice becomes hoarse. As a rule, children's angina does not last longer than 10 days. The success of treatment of the disease depends on the timely initiation of therapy, appointed by the pediatrician. How to cure children of different ages:

  • Up to 1 year. To small children from a birth and till 3 years do not give рассасывающих tablets from a pain in a throat as they are not capable longly to hold something in a mouth. Painful babies should be given plenty of warm liquids (tea with currants, raspberries, cranberries). The children's room should be constantly ventilated, so that the air is often updated. It is allowed to apply a warming compress.
  • Children 2 years. Independently to give the child antibacterial agents for treatment of a throat, including local, it is not necessary. According to the prescription of the doctor, the baby can take "Tharyngosept "Antiangin "Sebidine." In addition, sucking candies such as "Bronhicum" or "Doctor Moma" are acceptable for small children. The use of such lozenges is permitted to treat the throat in any disease that has caused an unpleasant symptom.
  • From 3 to 5 years. You can give the baby the above absorbable tablets. You should regularly rinse your throat with salt solution, make vodka or vinegar compresses. In the diet of a sick kid, there should not be acute, too sour or hot food - it even more irritates the throat.

Can I use pregnant women with sore throat

A frequent phenomenon in pregnancy is a decrease in immunity, which leads to infection with viral diseases and, as a result, pain in the throat. The course of treatment of this unpleasant symptom should not harm the fetus, so the therapy should be selected exclusively by the doctor. Many resorptive tablets, lozenges, lollipops are forbidden for pregnant women, however there are also safe preparations:

  1. "Lizobakt" (up to 6 tablets per day);
  2. "Grammidine
  3. "Neo-Angin" (only with acute need can be taken within 3-4 days).

The price of the most effective medicine for the throat

Name of the preparation


"Strepsils" (24 tab.)

From 160 rubles.

"Septotelet" (30 tab.)

From 165 rubles.

"Pharyngocept" (20 tab.)

From 150 rubles.

Grammidine (18 tab.)

From 200 rubles.

"Falimint" (20 tab.)

From 180 rubles.

Lizobakt (30 tab.)

From 300 rubles.

"Sebedin" (20 tab.)

From 160 rubles.

Video: How to Make Homemade Lollipops


Julia, 23 years old: In the off-season I get cold and suffer with a sore throat about a week. To facilitate the symptom, I accept "Falimint". It removes puffiness, irritation, even a night cough. The drug works immediately after resorption (there is a slight feeling of coolness in the oral cavity, but it quickly passes).

Eugene, 27 years old: For eight years now I've been saving "Strepsils" - a proven remedy against unpleasant cold symptoms. I have never felt any side effects. The effect occurs immediately after resorption. And besides removing the combat sensations in the larynx, the medicine "pierces" the stuffy nose.

Naira, 31: I like Angie Sept with lemon. Lollipops are delicious and consist of herbal ingredients. I take on the first day a shock dose (6 tablets), on the second day I reduce the dosage to 4-5 candies, and on the third day I wake up without an unpleasant tearing sensation in the larynx.

How to treat a sick throat in a child?

Before you start to treat a sore throat in a child, you need to find out the cause of its inflammation - colds, SARS, infectious, bacterial disease, treatment will depend on the type of disease. It is important immediately that the child was at rest, went to bed. If the throat is very red and it hurts, you must immediately call the therapist. When the symptomatology is aggravated, high body temperature rises, it is necessary to call for emergency help.

Treatment of the throat in a child on the first day of illness

Often the child refuses, when ill from eating, do not force him, on the contrary provide him sparing food, which will not irritate the mucous throat, it is worth to give up acidic, spicy, salty, spicy food. Do not eat hot and cold food.

The child is allowed to eat grated soup, mashed potatoes or fruit. Also helps to remove the inflammation of the porridge, cooked on milk, water. It is recommended to drink as much as possible - yogurt, kefir, warm milk is allowed. So you can quickly overcome the intoxication of the child's body, which develops against the background of the virus, with the help of liquid the body will quickly be cleaned of harmful substances.

Often painful sensations in the throat of a child are accompanied by a high body temperature, it leads to rapid breathing. It is necessary to drink fruit drinks with black currant, cranberries, nastitis on herbs, compote, warm boiled water, raspberry tea, add a small amount of honey, lemon. Carbonated water, lemonade is forbidden. With the help of warm drink it is possible to improve blood circulation in the throat, which is inflamed, at first it is pershot, it is sour, then it feels dry, at the end there is a cough.

It is impossible to give a sour drink to a child with a sore throat, it can even irritate the throat even more, honey should be added to the fruit juice with berries, sugar should be added to the tea, the lemon lies in a small amount.

Painful sensation in the throat removes:

1. Tea with chamomile, sugar is added and drunk in a warm form

2. Tea from a linden, to it it is possible to add lipu. In addition to having an antiseptic anti-inflammatory effect on the body, it is one of the best antipyretic, sweatshops.

3. It is recommended to use a decoction with raspberry leaves, currants, they relieve inflammation, knock down the heat of the body. You can not use raspberry sprigs with bronchial asthma, it contains a large number of salicylates.

4. Broth of dogrose not only reduces pain in a child, saturates the body with vitamin C, normalizes the immune system.

5. If, in addition to pain in the throat, disturbs a strong cough, you need to use broths based on herbs - thyme, St. John's wort, mother-and-stepmother.

6. Mint calms the pain and relaxes the throat muscles.

Gargle for baby

This is one of the most effective methods of treatment. These procedures are recommended after 3 years, at an early age children can not do this. If the child is not allergic, you can use calendula, sage, eucalyptus, rotokan, chlorophyllipt.

Effectively helps the soda solution, it takes 200 ml of water, it dissolves soda, a little iodine, you need to gargle as much as you can bowl up to 6 times a day, after eating nothing, do not drink until one hours.

Recommend rinsing furatsillinom, for this dissolves the tablet in warm water. For a child, one tablet will suffice. In the form of rinses you can use salt, you need to dilute it in a glass of water, it's best to use sea salt.

Sprays for watering the throat of a child

You can use rinsing with antiseptics. Recommend to use painkillers, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory drugs. It is popular Tantum Verde, with the help of it you can stop the inflammatory process, save the child from pain, destroy the pathogenic microflora. Use it as a spray for children from 3 years old. Some pediatricians prescribe it with half a year, remember that this is dangerous, there may be spasm of the larynx. You can not jump in the throat, and on the cheeks, the child himself will smear his tongue on the throat.

Miramistin is popular, it is sold in vials, the liquid has no taste, smell, relieves inflammation, actively fights against viruses. With the help of it you can cure various diseases of the oral cavity. Is safe for children, inject it with a syringe without a needle.

Since 3 years you can use anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial sprays - Hexoral, Ingalipt, Bioparox. Watch the reaction of the child to avoid a serious allergic reaction.

Treatment of a child's throat with solutions

If the pain is caused by a sore throat, you can often prescribe the treatment of the throat with the help of a solution of Chlorophyllipt, Lugol. This method is not always effective, it only brings psychological discomfort to the child. Why treat the throat, if you can spray the spray, the effect will be the same. The child often with this procedure begins to scream, break away, you can injure yawns, tonsils, because of this, the infection will worsen even more.

Inhalation for a child from sore throat

Pain provoked by redness, excessive dryness. Do not put the baby over a boiling pan, this procedure can lead to serious burns. It is better to use ultrasonic, steam inhalers, nebulizer. Applied for inhalation of various essential oils, mineral water, medicines, it all depends on the model of the inhaler. With this method, you can moisten the mucous membrane, the baby will breathe easier, especially inhalation if it is disturbed by a dry cough.

Treatment of sore throat in a child with the help of pastilles

Do not use for children who are under 5 years old. To have the effect you need to keep them for a long time in your mouth. Little children often choke on them. Also remember the composition, often in such seemingly harmless candies, add antiseptic components, antibiotics, they can only be used for the doctor's prescription. This group includes Tharyngept, Strepsils, Septepriye, Lizobakt.

So, in order to heal the pain in the throat, you first need to find out what disease it provoked, only then you can move on to the full course of therapy.

The best remedy for sore throat?


D. C.

Folk methods of treatment for sore throat
Herbal medicine
At the first signs of soreness in the throat, eat 3 slices of raw garlic. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. If the smell of garlic is unpleasant, you can add honey to it. Or take 4 capsules of garlic oil.
Teas made from Canadian yellow or Echinacea can also be useful.
One of the best herbal medicines is ginger, known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Boil 2 hours. spoon of freshly chopped fresh ginger root in water for 20 minutes. Breathe steam over tea for 5 minutes, repeating the procedure 2-3 times a day.
To increase blood circulation and improve drainage of fluid in painful areas, massage the throat and chest with a mixture of two drops of eucalyptus globular and cypress oil mixed with 2 hours. spoons of oil carrier, for example, sunflower.
Diet with sore throat
Daily intake of vitamin C will help the body fight the cold or the viruses that cause it.
Home remedies for sore throat
The first rule for helping the body fight infection is peace.
Drink more warm water, you can add lemon and honey to water, mineral water without gas is useful in case of sore throat.
A warming compress on your throat will help relieve pain.
Lozenges containing zinc, or zinc gluconate tablets can ease pain when it is associated with cold, the pill should not be swallowed, but dissolved in the mouth, the dose should be consulted with a doctor.
Steam inhalation over tea from chamomile, sage, mint leaves (brew for 15-20 minutes). When inhaling, put a towel on your head and breathe the steam, deep through the mouth and nose for 5-10 minutes. Repeat several times a day.
In order to wash off the mucus and speed up the recovery, rinse your throat:
salt water, 1/2 h. spoons of salt on a glass of warm water, it is better to use iodized salt or natural sea salt,
juice beet, beet grate on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice,
juice Kalanchoe, mixed in half with water,
sage, pour in 1-2 hours. spoons of dry leaves with a cup of boiling water, insist 10 minutes, strain, rinse with warm,
rinse with propolis solution, mix alcohol with warm water, 10 ml of propolis solution per 100 ml of water,
horseradish, mix 1 tbsp. spoon of pure horseradish, 1 h. a spoonful of honey and 1 hour. a spoonful of ground cloves in a glass of warm water.
Gargle should be 5-6 times a day.
I always help rinse:
1. for a glass of warm water 2 drops of iodine, 0.5 h. l. soda, 0.5 h. l. salt. Rinse every 30 minutes. Muck, but it helps.
2. Tincture of propolis - h. l. to a glass of warm water.
3. Eucalyptus oil or fir oil - but a few drops on a glass of water.
Only water should be warm, not hot, in any case. You can not drink hot or rinse. The more you rinse, the faster everything will pass.

Unobtrusive Board

If there is no temperature, then warm your legs in a basin with hot water and with mustard!
If there is, then honey - spoons!



Natalia Vladimirna


Vano Goglichadze

A glass of water diluted with 2 teaspoons of soda, stir and rinse throat before going to bed!

Vasta Mavela

Rinse the mandarin with a decoction!

Mahabbat Kaidarova

rovamycin drink, rinse with jox every 3 hours, alcohol compress, dip otipax into the ears, raspberry tea, currant, milk with honey,
sucking is travailing.


Tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils, mostly palatines. Distinguish between acute tonsillitis (angina) and chronic. Frequent exacerbations of tonsillitis can lead to violations of the function of the heart, the appearance of pain in the joints. Tonsillitis is more common in children. Chronic tonsillitis occurs as a result of repeated angina and acute childhood infections.
Symptoms: Unpleasant sensations, pain in the throat, giving in the ears, sometimes the smell from the mouth. Often a prolonged temperature in the evenings, weakness, headache, disability.
Traditional methods of treatment: Flushing of the tonsils with antiseptic solutions (antibiotics). With complications - the removal of tonsils.
Unconventional and folk methods of treatment:
1) Take 4-5 chopped cloves of garlic and 2 tablespoons of dry shredded herb sage, pour 1L. boiling water, insist in a sealed container for 15 minutes, and cool at room temperature, strain. Take, 5 glasses 3-4 times a day and rinse with this infusion of the throat.
2) Conduct garlic irrigation of the tonsils. Squeeze a little fresh juice of garlic, apply it to the fingertips and grease this juice with tonsils. After this, this procedure can be repeated with the infusion of propolis. This is a very effective tool. Consider that the juice should be diluted with water a little.
3) For pain in the throat, pour a teaspoonful of baking soda and salt into a glass of warm boiled water and add a few drops of iodine. With this solution rinse throat. The pain can pass after 1 day of rinsing.
4) For the treatment of tonsillitis rub 1 glass of raw beets, pour 1 tablespoon of vinegar, insist, squeeze the juice with vinegar and rinse your mouth, throat and swallow a bit (1-2 tablespoons).
5) It is good to squeeze into the prepared dishes juice from 1 sheet of aloe. The age of the plant should be at least 2 years. Drink juice for 1 teaspoonful 1 time a day in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 1 month.
6) In tonsillitis, lubricate palatine tonsils with aloe juice mixed with natural honey in the ratio: within 1 week.
7) Brew 1 cup of boiling 3-5 clove buds (spice), infuse 2 hours. Infusion to drink or all at once, or on, 5 glasses. The procedure can be carried out once a year as a treatment, as well as with preventive purposes.
8) Lubricate the tonsils with fleece impregnated with fir oil (sold at the pharmacy) 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is 2-3 days. The effect is enhanced by simultaneously injecting 1 drop of this oil into each nostril at the same time. There may be unpleasant sensations, but they will pass in 10-15 minutes.
9) Collect the flowers of the potato, dry it in the shade. Boil 1 tablespoon of flowers in 1 glass of water. These solutions gargle 3 times a day for 10 days.
10) 4 teaspoons of the crushed dry leaves of a sage to make 2 glasses of boiled water, to insist 30 minutes and to filter. To apply for gargles of a throat 2-3 times a day.
11) 3-4 tablespoons of elderberry brew 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 5 minutes on low heat, cool and drain. Gargle as often as possible.
12) Mix 1 part of linden flowers and 2 parts of oak bark. Brew 1 cup of boiling water 1 tablespoon of the mixture, hold on low heat for 5 minutes and strain. Gargle by diluting the broth with honey.

The best remedy for any kind of pain is an intravenous injection of morphine, a strong analgesic of central action.

Elena the Wise

Grammidine with a green scarf

Svetlana Krylova

As for me, the most reliable and safe preparation for the throat is Tonzilotren. I never had any side effects from it. Other pills for the throat with only symptoms taken off, but not treated. By the same, he also increases immunity. With angina is an excellent remedy.

Elena Kolpakova

I'm good at helping grammidine, with the resorption of the pill, my throat seems to be enveloped in something than the medical and the pain passes, the effect lasts for several hours, I need to drink a course of five days

Effective folk remedies for sore throats for children

Problems with the throat lie in wait for us from childhood.The variety of folk remedies from the throat for children allows to solve the problem quickly and without the use of antibiotics.The effectiveness of such methods has been proven for centuries, because even our distant ancestors used natural remedies for children, such as honey, propolis, pergas, badger fat, etc.

Drug medications, of course, will cope with the disease more quickly, but they have one significant drawback, namely side effects (especially if you accidentally break the rules of use). Natural remedies are much safer, but you do not need to give them to your child yourself. It is better to first consult with a pediatrician about the advisability of such treatment.

Treatment of the throat in one-year-old children

A child at one-year-old age can not yet perform many procedures, which causes parents even more problems with the treatment of the throat. Traditional healers recommend giving to children of this age warm milk with honey or soda, which allows a little to soften the pain and relieve the condition of crumbs. Together with this, you can resort to treatment with other folk remedies.

If the baby is more than 6 months old, it is recommended to give it three times a day for 1 hour. l. chamomile infusion, brewed like tea. An excellent antiseptic is also mother's milk. Apply to a breast a cold baby should be more often.

One-year-old child with sore throat can put a vodka compress on the neck and chest. To do this, vodka in equal parts diluted with warm water. After this, take a piece of cotton wool and wet in a warm solution. Apply to a sore spot and cover with a soft cloth and cellophane. Fix with a warm scarf.

Compress can be prepared in a slightly different way. Take 1 tbsp. l. vodka, vegetable oil and honey, add 1/2 st. l. mustard. For density, you can add a little flour. Components are mixed and spread the resulting mixture on a dense fabric. The compress is placed on the area of ​​the bronchi, closer to the neck. To fix it, the child is dressed and tied up with a warm scarf.

Kalina - this is another great tool for treating the baby's neck. 1 tbsp. l. berries pour a liter of water, put on fire and boil for 15 minutes over low heat under a closed lid. Further the composition is filtered, the berries are squeezed and discarded. In the resulting broth, add a little boiled water to make up the boiled portion. If the crumb does not have allergies to beekeeping products, you can put a little honey before eating. Drink the broth in small portions throughout the day.

If the baby does not have temperature, it is possible to warm up the neck with mustard plasters. In order not to burn the delicate baby skin, they are put through a towel. If there are no mustard plasters in the house, you can make them yourself. To do this, take a little mustard powder, dilute it with water to a mushy state and place the mass in a cellophane bag. The resulting mustard plaster is placed in the bronchial region and covered with a warm diaper or scarf. The procedure lasts 5-10 minutes.

Treatment of a throat at children from 3 years

After reaching 3 years, most children are already quietly performing some procedures.

To treat the neck you can use gargles with medicinal herbs.

Probably, gargle the child will not be able to immediately. Therefore, it is recommended to first carry out the preparatory procedure with ordinary warm water, and after that try the medicinal infusions. Recipes for cooking broths and infusions, there are many, parents can only choose the right one:
  1. 1 tbsp. l. Sage is poured into a thermos and brewed with a glass of steep boiling water. Insist half an hour, after which they cool a little and filter. Used in a warm form. Gargle the baby's neck every 3 hours.
  2. Mix 3 parts of sage, 2 parts of eucalyptus, 1 part of birch leaves. 1 tbsp. l. Collect 200 ml of boiling water, cover and insist for 15 minutes, then filter.
  3. In equal parts, the root of elecampane, peppermint leaves, althea root, leaves of plantain and eucalyptus are mixed. A spoon of the received collection is brewed with 200 ml of steep boiling water and insisted in a thermos.
  4. 2 tbsp. l. lime flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water, put on a water bath and heated for another 15 minutes. Then insist 45 minutes, then filter, press cake. You can not only gargle with the received infusion, but also use it three times a day three times a day.
  5. Excellent action has a Kalanchoe, which grows on many windowsills. 1 tbsp. l. crushed inflorescences plants are poured with boiling water and insist in a thermos for about an hour. Filtered and cooled to a warm state with a liquid rinse the throat. The procedure is carried out every 3 hours. The duration of treatment, as a rule, is 5-7 days.

Treatment of throat in children older than 5 years

To treat children older than 5 years, in addition to the described methods of treatment, you can use other folk methods. For example, Propolis has a favorable effect. Cut a small lump and give the baby chewing, like chewing gum, during the day. If the baby refuses to chew propolis, as an alternative, bees can be offered.

A simple home remedy is a mixture of kefir (, glass) and freshly squeezed carrot juice (2 tbsp. l.). Drink composition is recommended 2-3 times a day. In addition, the heated agent can be used for rinsing.

Gargle can also be decoction of rhodiola pink root. A tablespoon of the ground dry mass is poured with hot water and boiled for 10 minutes over a small fire. After that, they cool and filter. The procedure should be at least 4 times a day.

Another simple tool used to treat throat, boiled potatoes. The child is seated over a pot of hot potatoes and allowed to breathe the steam. The procedure should be carried out very carefully so that the baby does not get burned. Use the method is possible only if the child has a normal body temperature.

Recommendations for parents

With pain in the throat, the child is required to give as much warm drink as possible. It can be decoctions or infusions of herbs, mineral still water, warm milk. In addition, the baby can be chewed a circle of lemon, orange or aloe leaf. You can also hold a banana puree or boiled milk in a fig. A good analgesic effect gives a puree from one part of honey and 2 parts of carrot.

A productive method of treating the throat is singing. Parents can help the kid and sing with him his favorite songs or just slowly utter vowels.

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