Komarovsky cough and cough medicine video

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Wet cough in the baby

Healthy and happy babies are what every mother dreams about. The smaller the baby, the more difficult it is to tolerate various diseases due to the ultimately nervous, muscular, immune systems of the body that have not yet formed. Viruses, bacterial pathogens, allergens, infections can become a source of disease. The wisdom of the mother of nature is so great that the organism, by various symptoms, hints at the doctors and parents about the causes of the malfunctions. What is the evidence of a wet cough in a child and how dangerous is it?

Causes of wet cough in a child

Coughing is an exhaled breath through the mouth caused by irritating respiratory tract receptors. The resulting physiological processes - reduction of the laryngeal muscular tissue, increased muscle tone of the bronchial system, tension of the abdominal muscles - are reflex. The cough reflex is unconditional, it acts as a protective function of the body, which allows to remove foreign bodies, other annoying objects.

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The presence of a wet cough in a child in most cases is not dangerous, threatening life and health in general, a symptom. Doctors call this kind of expectoration mucus productive: muscles of the bronchial tree contract, getting rid of interfering foreign bodies - sputum, dust particles, allergens. Pulmonologists, pediatricians insist - neither wet, nor dry cough is not treated! It is necessary to identify the cause of the occurrence and act on it.

The baby has a wet cough without fever

So, the reasons for the productive excretion of sputum in a child are:

  • Catarrhal, viral and other diseases.
    1. A variety of respiratory tract infections.
    2. Bacterial complications.
    3. Bronchial asthma.
    4. Chronic diseases.
    5. Oncology.
  • Allergy.
  • Runny nose or snot.
  • Physiological causes (often found in infants, when milk enters the respiratory tract).
  • Teething. From the age of 8 months most babies have their first teeth. Abundant salivation, inflammation of mucous membranes become "provocateurs."
Doctor listens to a child with a wet cough

In which cases the appearance of a wet cough in a child should trigger an emergency response of the parents, the presence and supervision of a physician:

  • Age of the child (1 year). Danger of wet coughing in the baby due to underdevelopment of the body's systems and the inability to effectively cough. While the baby does not know how to sit down, sputum accumulates in the bronchi. A wet gurgling cough can cause vomiting, cause breathing problems.
  • The temperature is higher than 38 for three or more days.
  • Sudden, prolonged seizures in the child.
  • The presence of shortness of breath with frequency:
    • more than 60 breaths - in nursing crumbs up to 3 months;
    • more than 50 breaths per minute - a one-year-old child;
    • from 40 and above breaths at the child at the age of 2 years and is more senior.
  • The presence of wheezing, wheezing, barking may indicate lung inflammation that occurs without temperature or be a bacteriological complication of an untreated viral infection.
  • When the child's plentiful sputum is greenish; impurity of blood; reddish color.
  • Persistent wet cough in children 3 years and older, accompanied by a decrease / loss of appetite; lethargy; sleepiness.

Folk remedies for cough and phlegm

When treating with a variety of methods should be guided by the age of the child and the nature of the course of the disease. The absence of fever, appetite, accompanied by a wet cough after a previous illness, should not cause acute anxiety of parents. Particular attention, cares require kids to a year. When you have a cough in a baby, you must always call a doctor at home! Strong seizures, up to and including vomiting, can be provoked:

  • Pertussis stick. This is one of the few cases when a cough occurs after taking medications that slow the cough center in the brain. Self-medication is strictly prohibited, and for the diagnosis by laboratory tests it is necessary to confirm the presence of pertussis in the child's body.
  • Stenosis of the larynx (laryngotracheitis). Urgently call in this case an ambulance: you with a baby need hospitalization! While you are waiting for a doctor, dial hot water into the bathroom, after closing the door. Keep the baby in a damp warm microclimate, trying to soothe as much as possible.

The remaining cases of wet cough in babies before the year, as well as in more adult children and adolescents, are excellent for treatment with the help of physiotherapy - inhalations, chest massage; respiratory gymnastics; mild physical exertion; stay fresh air. Let's consider in detail how quickly to get rid of a wet cough.


Inhalation with a nebulizer to a child with a wet cough

A great way to "translate" a cough from dry to wet, working on the upper respiratory tract with warm air, essential oils, saturated soda, salt, iodine are inhalations. Remember from childhood the way to treat a cold "breathe over boiled potatoes"? So, our grandmothers and mothers were right: warm air, warming the trachea and nasopharynx, dilutes the mucus, improving the motor function of the ciliated epithelium. This method is ideal for those who get sputum in the throat and upper tracts.

Modern medicine for the convenience of children and parents suggests using special inhalers:

  • Cheaper and simpler versions are presented by a tub and a tube with nozzles.
  • The nebulizer is a medical device for use at home. By inhaling the liquids turned into an aerosol state (drugs, soda water, etc.), the viscous sputum is perfectly diluted in the child.

Expectoration massage

Efficiently performed at home by parents or a specialist chest massage, helping to get rid of the child from a wet cough. Light tapping movements; wide sweeping strokes with pressure on the chest, performed from the top down; kneading and tingling will increase the flow of blood to the bronchi and lungs, stimulating the liquefaction of mucus and excretion phlegm.

Other effective remedies

Folk remedy for coughing

Herbal decoctions, tinctures of berries have long been known as effective means of getting rid of a child from coughing. To dry cough turned into wet, brew on, l water 4 tablespoons. thoracic collection. Tincture of dog rose (100 g of dry berries per liter of water) will raise the tone, saturating the body with vitamin C; decoction of lime strengthens expectorant component, diluting sputum; Chamomile tea, being a natural antiseptic, will help to get rid of bacteria and viruses.

Good for the child in the treatment of wet cough breathing exercises. Promotes relaxation of the cough center, reduces the frequency of urge, promotes the normalization of the ciliary epithelium of the respiratory system. To improve the activity of the lungs, "pumping" larger volumes of air, buy baby inflatable balls. By combining the game with breathing procedures when inflating the latter, you will help the baby.

Expectorant drugs

The list of expectorants for "receiving" a productive cough in a child is divided into two groups:

  • Medicines that dilute sputum.
  • Drugs that improve the excretion of sputum from the bronchi, lungs.

The form of the drug - tablets, medicine or syrup - depends on the age of the child. All medicines are divided into natural and synthetic. The merits of the first should include a minimum of chemical additives, which weakened by the disease the body of the child will receive when ingestion. The downside is the unpredictable response of the body to natural components: an allergy sometimes leads to increased wet cough and bouts.


Cough syrup for children

Mummies of little children, wondering what to give a child, you should pay attention to chemical dyes and additives that improve the taste of syrups: they can cause allergies, causing increased cough reflex. The pharmaceutical contains syrups:

  • Reflex action on the respiratory system:
    1. Alteika;
    2. Pectolvan ivy;
    3. Stoppussin Fito syrup;
    4. Bronchikum and others.
  • Resorptive actions that improve the secretion of mucus:
    1. Amtersol;
    2. Ambroxol;
    3. Carbocysteine.


Dry medicine for children is a combination medicine, facilitates a wet cough, normalizes the activity of the cilia of the bronchial epithelium. Refers to natural phytopreparations, is shown to children from infancy. It is taken orally in liquid form: the powder is diluted with boiled water in the proportions indicated on the liner. Excess dosage is not allowed!


Tablets from a wet cough for children

The tablet form of medications is more suitable for children of middle age and older. Tablets contain fewer dyes, and the effects on wet cough rates are just as effective for a child as syrups and potions. A small list of expectorants:

  • ATSTS;
  • Mukaltin;
  • Sinupret;
  • Pills for cough;
  • Eucabal and others.

How to treat a wet cough without temperature according to Komarovsky

Children's cough often occurs due to viral / bacterial damage to the body (SARS, bronchitis, laryngitis, snot, etc.). or due to violation of the optimal conditions for the existence of an individual child (dust, mold, over-dried air, and etc.). Methods and means for treating wet cough depend on the causes of the disease, the age of the child and the course of the disease. How to cure phlegm in a child?

Gather and calm down, and then take a series of measures aimed at:

  • relief of the coughing process, which helps dilute thick, viscous mucus;
  • creating humidity in the room up to 60-70%;
  • ensuring the absence of allergens, even if the child is not allergic;
  • stopping the use of medicines when a wet productive cough appears;
  • categorical prohibition of taking antitussive drugs (except for pertussis, croup) with a damp cough.

What to do if the sputum does not go away

Wet cough in the baby

If the child's wet cough has gone to dry, you need to understand the reasons:

  1. Taking antitussive drugs disables natural reflexes of airway cleansing. Adopted by themselves, not for the intended purpose, they can translate the wet productive cough of the child into barking dry. The solution will be the rejection of medicines, copious drinking, the reception of mucolytic drugs.
  2. Reception of antibiotics in ARVI, mutually exclusive reception of individual drugs may cause the formation of a dry cough, although at the initial stage the child was wet.
  3. After a brief improvement after a cold, the conversion of wet cough to dry evidence of lowering the infection in the lower respiratory tract or of attaching bacterial damage to the body. In this case, an immediate visit to the doctor is required!

Video: Dr. Komarovsky on a damp child cough

Wet coughing in a child is not always an indicator of the presence of a disease. It is considered a normal physiological process, if during the day your baby clears up to 10-15 times. So local immunity reacts to interaction with viruses, dust, bacteria. Coughing in the morning in children indicates the drying of the nasopharynx during sleep, and the airways tend to get rid of the slime that has accumulated during the night. How to behave to parents, if the child has a wet cough, find out by watching our video:


Effective children's cough medicine

Children's effective medicinesChildhood illness is always fear and anxiety for parents. It would seem that yesterday your little one was running or crawling cheerfully, and in the morning woke up hot and capricious. The main problems in this case are faced by mothers, whose kids do not yet know how to talk. After all, complaining of a headache or a tickling in the throat of a baby can not yet. But if the child has a cough, then, of course, it can be seen right away. This childish symptom can not be confused with anything, and, in most cases, must be treated. How good and effective the treatment turns out depends on how well the children's medicines were selected.

Drugs for cough for children: in which cases can you do without special means

Children's cough medicineNewborn children often suffer from runny nose in the first months of life. This happens for various reasons. Some of them purify the respiratory tract after the mother's womb, some have congenital narrow Nasal passages, which eventually become standard size (about six to seven months).

In this case, cough medicine for children is not required, because this symptom arises because the baby can not blow his nose off himself and does not give his mother a good nose cleaning from mucus. As a result, the secret from the nasal sinuses partially falls into the pharynx, thus irritating the cough receptors. Children's breathing becomes whistling, wheezing and bubbling, which frightens inexperienced moms. They begin to feel that the child's cough is accompanied by wheezing from the lungs.

Effective good children's cough medicine for up to a year

The most difficult test for mom is a baby's disease for up to a year. Firstly, because she is very worried about the health and well-being of the crumbs, and secondly, because in pharmacies to her great surprise there is no suitable medicine. Specialists in the field of medicine recommend treating cough in children under one year with antiviral or antibiotic drugs. Assign them to a specialist only after taking the tests and identifying the cause of the appearance of this symptom.

If you still decide to give the children medicines for coughing dry, get in the pharmacy "Tantum Verde". This spray can not be given to children under three years of age, but some pediatricians allow it to be used for infants, reducing the minimum dose several times. Of course, you will not be able to accurately measure the required amount of the drug, therefore, a small amount of medicine can be splashed into a pacifier and given to her baby.

If you are looking for a cure for a child from a damp cough, use the drops "Gedelix." Before using them, you should also consult your doctor. Not bad in this case, also helps antiseptic "Miramistin", as well as chamomile tea with a small number of dried leaves of plantain.

Effective medicine for a child from one to three years

Children's cough medicineIf the child is more than a year, Lazolvan, Ambroxol or Ambrobene can be used for his treatment. If the baby's cough is wet, these funds will help thin the sputum and remove it from the lungs or bronchi.

It is extremely important in this case not to engage in self-medication, but to visit or call a pediatrician at home. An experienced specialist will diagnose, in a diagnostic and laboratory way, which disease caused this symptom and prescribe the right treatment. Thus, with bronchitis or pneumonia, which develops very quickly in children with improper treatment, in addition to antitussive expectorants, antibiotics are also indicated.

Good children's cough medicine - nebulas for inhalation. This is Pulmecort and Berodual. For such a procedure, you need a special device - a nebulizer. Inhalations with these medicines can be done on saline or alkaline mineral water. If you do not have an inhaler, then you can hang a baby's neck around your neck with juniper oil, eucalyptus or tea tree.

Effective pediatric medicines for dry unproductive symptoms in this case are also practically absent. Among them, we can distinguish "Sinekod", which suppresses coughing urges.

The best and best children's medicines after three years

Babies at the age of three, as well as adolescents, find it much easier to find good medications that help cope with this symptom. Most drugs according to the instructions can be taken from this age.

With a wet cough, you can give your baby expectorants, such as Broncholitin, Suprima-Broncho, and Herbion and Doctor MOM. With three years of crumbs, you can also take mucolytics, actively diluting sputum, and removing it from the lungs. This syrup "Lazolvan", "Ambroxol", as well as tablets "Mukoltin" and "Bromgeksin."

With a dry, unproductive childhood symptom, "Sinekod" and "Kodellak NEO" are prescribed.

What children's cough medicine is recommended by Komarovsky

Children's effective cough medicineThe pediatrician Komarovsky, known to many on transfers and online videos, has his own opinion about the effectiveness of one or another method of treating a child's cough. He believes that the excessive intake of drugs at such an early age is not only unreasonable, but also dangerous, because can seriously undermine the immunity of the baby, the restoration of which will later take a lot of time, effort and means.

Dr. Komarovsky recommends treating a child's cough with the help of herbal remedies. In pharmacies, they are sold everywhere, but are in most cases a lot. Meanwhile, components of these miraculous medicines from childhood ailments grow practically on all territory of our country, therefore, it is expedient to consider their acquisition in dried form. It's about violet, sage. And also pine buds and plantain. With the help of these ingredients, you can independently make medicines that will help cope with a child's cough.

Dr. Komarovsky also draws parents' attention to the fact that there is no remedy for this child's symptom. And there are various diseases that accompany dry or wet children's cough. Therefore, before you look for effective medicines in your pharmacy, you must visit a doctor. After all, children's cough is not always associated with respiratory diseases. It can indicate problems with the brain or central nervous system. Medicines for coughing in these cases are meaningless, since they either do not help or alleviate the condition for a while. At the same time, the children's organism can react unexpectedly and contradictorily to the senseless reception of these funds.


Tell me please, folk remedy for coughing a child 5 years old



tea with raspberries


decoction of onions


eucalyptus oil a few drops on the edge of the pillow at night

.Purr purr.

black radish with honey

Skromnaya Tatarochka

iodovaya grid from the chest and back!

Laura Petrarkina :)

http://video.komarovskiy.net/kashel-i-le. School of Dr. Komarovsky> Cough and cough medicine.
Moisturize the air!


brew pine needles and drink broth


The root of licorice is in the pharmacy. Still somehow do "figs milk search engine can be found. In general, with a bunk. means with a cough do not tighten, the hour before enlisting the lungs does not last.


Take a black radish, wash, do not remove the skin. Cut out the middle, but not through to get a deepening, in it-a spoonful of honey. Leave it until the radish gives juice. On a dessert spoon, give the child, add honey as it dissolves.

Simply Angel

at night you can make a compress on your back from honey.. .
still dry heat, heat the ironing pad and on the back. You change the diapers as they cool. well and not to burn the skin of course, check about your cheek. so you can diaper 15.and 3 times a day

Ekaterina Protskaya (Bliznyakova)

It's expensive, but it helps 100%. It's a fig jam. when the child coughs, the best medicine than I have not found it yet! and to strengthen immunity and sometimes from getting rid of a cough is also good pine resin. my grandmother walks and collects small pine pimples during the flowering of the pines. then welds and the medicine is ready! very tasty by the way!

Svetlana Ryzhkina

In a glass of milk, boil an average bulb.

Ira Bychkova

two tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of vodka to heat up to the temperature at which the child will drink this mixture, but preferably on hot. so a couple of times a day and at night. the cough goes away VERY fast. do not be afraid that there is vodka there absolutely you do not taste it because most syrups in pharmacies are all alcoholic. and the baby warms up the airways

Elena Nikishina

And you know what cough?? I look, they write here-raspberry, BUT-from raspberries and from herbs, too, can be coughing-allergic!

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