Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine: symptoms and treatment

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  • 1Symptoms and treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis
    • 1.1Causes
    • 1.2Symptoms
    • 1.3Stages of the disease
    • 1.4Complications
  • 2Symptoms and treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis
    • 2.1Osteochondrosis of 1 degree
    • 2.2Osteochondrosis of 2 degrees
    • 2.3Osteochondrosis of 3 degrees
    • 2.4How to treat lumbosacral osteochondrosis?
  • 3Symptoms and treatment of osteochondrosis of the sacral spine
    • 3.1Anatomical features
    • 3.2We recommend that you study:
    • 3.3Symptoms and stages of development
    • 3.4Causes
    • 3.5In addition, we recommend:
    • 3.6Treatment and prevention
    • 3.7Medication Therapy
    • 3.8Support procedures
    • 3.9Exercises for treatment and prevention
  • 4Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine: symptoms and treatment
    • 4.1Causes of the disease
    • 4.2Stages of the disease
    • 4.3Symptoms of ailment
    • 4.4Treatment of ailment
    • 4.5Prevention of disease
  • 5Lumbosacral osteochondrosis: symptoms, treatment
    • 5.1Lumbosacral osteochondrosis: causes, symptoms, treatment
    • 5.2Etiology of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine
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    • 5.3Symptoms of lumbosacral osteochondrosis
    • 5.4Treatment of lumbosacral osteochondrosis

Symptoms and treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis

What is osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine? How to treat lumbar osteochondrosis? And is it true that osteochondrosis is not treated at all? Considering the statistics of morbidity, every year the number of cases does not decrease.

Intervertebral osteochondrosis affects both young organism and older people. How to treat osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, and the main symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis, the neurologist or osteopath will tell in detail.

Osteochondrosis is a fairly common ailment. Under malaise is meant a change in the shape of the vertebrae and a decrease in the elasticity of the intervertebral discs, as a result of malnutrition of cells. The lumbar spine suffers for a reason.

Being in the lower part of the vertebral column, the vertebrae assume the maximum load. When lifting weights, all the force acting on the body is fraught with the depletion of the intervertebral space and leads to the squeezing of the nerve roots.

Hence, signs of lumbar osteochondrosis begin to appear.


Each disease, there are predisposing factors, acting on the body negatively. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region also has its causes. Doctors do not exclude the cause, the transmission of the disease at the genetic level.

It is believed that if the parents have problems with intervertebral disc nutrition, then there is a high probability that this problem will not bypass the children.One of the most popular reasons is hard physical labor.

Lifting the heaviness, most of the load goes to the lumbosacral spine.

No less common cause of the disease is obesity. Excess weight, which accumulates in the body, presses on the spinal column, and causes painful sensations.


It seems that the violation of posture will not lead to anything serious, but this is also one of the reasons for the wear of the intervertebral discs, which goes into osteochondrosis. An important place is occupied by back injuries.


Unpleasant yet affects the bruises, or lifting heavy items from a poorly trained athlete, or not exactly selected load.

To maintain the body is normal, a moderate load is needed.Limited or completely absent motor activity leads to a decrease in the rate of circulation.

As a consequence, the back muscles, without getting the right nutrients, weaken, and the load on the lumbar spine increases.

Also, over the years, the spine becomes less mobile than in youth, the elasticity of the intervertebral discs decreases, which leads to the disease.

Infectious diseases, or inflammatory process affecting the bones or joints, lead to a change in the structure of the vertebrae. Congenital malformations of the skeleton, or abnormalities in the development of the musculoskeletal system.

Flattening, leads to the destruction of segments of the spine, due to the lack of depreciation in the limbs. Most of the load is not on the legs, but on the lower back, which leads to deformation of the segments.

The frequent cause of various diseases are stressful situations.Therefore, lumbar osteochondrosis and its symptoms are no exception.

A strong nervous shock, can serve as a trigger to pinch the nerve endings, and cause an attack of pain. More often, stress is the cause of osteochondrosis in women, they are more prone to emotions than men.


The initial stage of the disease, doctors rarely diagnose. Therefore, to identify the primary symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbar region, it is difficult. Manifestation of a disease occurs gradually.

Since the main manifestation is pain in the lower back, there is a separation of pain in 3 groups, which in turn characterize the symptoms and signs of lumbar osteochondrosis.

  • Lumbago is a paroxysmal pain that occurs in response to a sharp movement, or a lifting of gravity. When trying to accept a different position, the pain becomes even stronger, up to the lumbago.
  • Lumbalia - pain grows, and it becomes regular. Muscle fibers and intervertebral cartilages are affected. Lumbalia is a consequence of lumbago.
  • Lumboeishalgia - painful sensations, cold or heat in the lumbar region and lower limbs. They arise, in response to the pinching of the roots of the spinal cord.

The second in importance, in the diagnosis of the disease symptom, is the limitation of motor activity, in view of the painful sensations.

Trying to perform a habitual job for himself, or exercise, a person experiences increased pain, which can affect the entire leg.

Even when sitting, the patient experiences a tingling sensation from the waist to the foot.

No less important, there is a local decrease in temperature and a discoloration of the skin, it becomes dry and pale. Numbness, weakness in the muscles of the lower extremities, speaks of the progression of the disease.

The most severe phenomenon, manifested in the last degree of osteochondrosis of the lumbar region, is a violation of the functions of the pelvic organs.

To constant debilitating pain, the incontinence of feces and urine, or vice versa delay in excretion, is added.

  • We advise you to read: how dangerous is osteochondrosis and can it be cured?

During the progression of the disease, osteochondrosis can descend to the final section of the spine, - the coccyx.The disease is called osteochondrosis of the sacral spine.

Appear acute, paroxysmal pain in the coccyx. Most of all in this case, women suffer. Their anatomical structure of the organism, and age-related changes in it, contribute to the development of intervertebral osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis in women is often complicated by other internal diseases.

Symptoms of lumbosacral osteochondrosis, have some difference, from osteochondrosis of the lower back.


Symptoms are manifested in violations of the functioning of the pelvic organs, which makes it difficult to select the right treatment, and to diagnose the cause of the disease.


There are signs such as frequent urination, urinary incontinence and stool. With improper diagnosis, complications occur.

Stages of the disease

Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis, also differs from the stage of the disease.

  1. The first, and it is the initial stage of the disease, is characterized by the manifestation of low back pain - lumbago, spasm of muscles, local swelling of the skin.
  2. The second stage begins with lumbargia. Pain becomes regular and intense than in the initial stage. In the joints of the spine, there can be no characteristic mobility, which increases painful sensations. Pain is felt along the sciatic nerve. Less often, the functions of the internal organs may be disturbed.
  3. The third stage is characterized by the appearance of intervertebral hernias. The spine deforms, the curvatures can be left or right, this is scoliosis, forward - lordosis, back - kyphosis. Due to this, a person suffers constant acute pain.
  4. The fourth stage, the heaviest. Because of persistent severe pain, the movement of the patient is difficult. Without starting treatment on time, a person can forever remain disabled.

We advise you to read:types of osteochondrosis, degrees and symptoms.


The most common complication is the disruption of the functions of the urogenital system. Together with incontinence, urine and feces, there is inflammation in the urine-genital organs, and in the rectum.

With a more pronounced lesion of the vertebrae, irritation arises in the direction of the sciatic nerve, and its inflammation. Protrusion of the intervertebral disc, a very dangerous complication.

The protrusion is a borderline condition of the intervertebral disc, which can lead to the next complication if one does not start treatment on time.

It arises from the passing degenerative change in the spine.

There may be complete obstruction of the spinal canal. Due to instability in the lumbosacral section, men develop stagnant phenomena in the small pelvis that lead to impotence.

In women, this leads to inflammatory diseases of the uterus, ovaries and appendages. On the part of the kidneys, this is a renal colic that can not be eliminated until they begin to treat the osteochondrosis of the waist.

Paralysis of the lower limbs, which can shackle a person to a wheelchair.

Timely diagnosis and timely treatment, osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, helps prevent these complications and avoid disability.

A source: https://pozvonochnik.guru/osteohondroz/simptomy-i-lechenie-osteohondroza-poyasnichnogo-otdela.html

Symptoms and treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is characterized by a wide variety of clinical manifestations.

The symptomatology of the disease depends on the stage of the pathological process and the degree of degenerative changes in the affected vertebral column.


The disease develops gradually, beginning with minor changes in the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs, and at the initial stages is not manifested.


As the degenerative processes progress, pathological changes in the disks are acquired by all more pronounced character, and eventually the patient begins to appear certain signs osteochondrosis. Depending on the severity of the lesion of the cartilaginous tissue of the spine, three degrees of the process can be distinguished.

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Osteochondrosis of 1 degree

At the initial stages of lumbar osteochondrosis, small seals of the intervertebral discs are observed, which does not disturb the patient in any way or is manifested only orthopedic symptoms: a feeling of stiffness in the lower back, unpleasant sensations in the form of weak pulling pains at slopes and bends torso. Acute pain in the loin associated with osteochondrosis in this stage does not happen. A typical sign of the initial manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis is the appearance of rapid fatigue with a static load, it becomes difficult to sit for a long time in one position. After a prolonged sitting, there may be a crunch in the lower back while moving in the lumbar spine.

Osteochondrosis of 2 degrees

Further progression of the pathological process leads to more pronounced changes in the disc, which causes its protrusion beyond the vertebral bodies - protrusion occurs. At first it arises only with the vertical position of the body, but with time it assumes a constant character. At this stage, osteochondrosis is manifested by vertebral syndromes.

Lumbago is often the first manifestation of lumbar osteochondrosis.

The pain arises suddenly, usually with an awkward movement: a deep tilt forward, an attempt to abruptly rise from a sitting position, lifting the gravity in front of him. Pain in lumbago is usually compared with a shock of current.

When a patient is shot, the patient freezes in a pose in which there is no sharp pain and is afraid to move. In this case, a constant, pronounced muscle tension is observed.

They protrude, in the form of ridges, located on both sides of the spinous processes. Muscular hypertonus is a protective reflex that facilitates the physiological immobilization of the lumbar spine.

Another manifestation of vertebral syndrome may be lumbolgia - chronic pain in the lower back. Unlike lumbago, there is no clear connection with the movements and the appearance of pain.

Painful sensations of aching slightly increase with quiet movements. Patients can perform not hard work, but it is usually difficult for them to bend and even more difficult to unbend.

The pain is aggravated after prolonged sitting or standing, because of this, patients try to change the position of the body more often.

Adopting a horizontal position leads to a reduction in pain, since the load on the intervertebral discs is significantly reduced. Pain can last for months, periodically receding and intensifying when there is another exacerbation of the disease.

Osteochondrosis of 3 degrees

With far-reaching destructive changes, the formation of herniated intervertebral discs takes place. As a result, a pronounced compression of the spinal structures develops and a number of other manifestations of the disease are added to the vertebral syndrome in the clinical picture.

Radicular syndrome, most often, develops against a background of long-lasting vertebral manifestations.

In most cases, there is a sudden sudden pain localized in the lumbar region on the one hand with irradiation to the buttock, the hip joint, gradually spreading to the entire leg.


Aggravation is usually associated with awkward movement, prolonged forced position or lifting of weights. Painful sensations in the root syndrome increase with movement, increased intra-abdominal pressure (coughing, sneezing, straining).


After a while there are disorders of sensitivity in the lower limb, such as hyperesthesia, hypesthesia, paresthesia, in severe cases - anesthesia. The muscle tone decreases, weakness develops, there is a hypotrophy of the leg muscular tissue.

Compression myelopathy (compression of the spinal cord) at the level of the lumbar region is manifested by motor disorders in the lower extremities, there is a significant decrease in the volume of the thigh, shin, are reduced and even absent reflexes.

There may be a malfunction of the pelvic organs: incontinence or retention of urine, feces, impaired sensitivity in the perineal region. This symptom is extremely unfavorable in terms of prognosis and requires immediate treatment.

The syndrome of violation of the spinal circulation is manifested by intermittent claudication, a feeling of weakness in the legs, pain, painful paresthesias during walking, extending to the lower parts of the trunk and in crotch.

The patient can be persecuted by constant urge to urinate, later there are violations of the function of the pelvic organs. There is a tendency to develop bedsores.

Neurotic disorders develop in the long course of the disease, when severe pain and various motor and sensory disorders are severe.

In patients, irritability increases, there may be manifestations of aggression towards the surrounding people, the mood changes rapidly, sleep is often disturbed, and disability declines.

As a rule, very hypochondriacal people with a labile psyche are susceptible to neurologization.

How to treat lumbosacral osteochondrosis?

In the case of 1 and 2 degrees of osteochondrosis, treatment is usually carried out at home using conservative methods.

In most patients, properly prescribed therapy, allows you to stop the symptoms of the disease for several weeks, after which comes remission, the duration of which depends on the patient's lifestyle, the severity of osteochondrosis, and the use of therapeutic and prophylactic activities. Constantly conducted prophylaxis allows to achieve remission for many years.

Surgical treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is used when an intervertebral hernia occurs. It is indicated by 15-20% of patients and is used in the development of serious neurological complications or inefficiency of conservative methods for several months.

When the disease worsens, the main focus is on drug treatment, the main purpose of which is to combat pain. The following medicines are used for this:

  • Drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect, are prescribed by mouth or intramuscular injections. In most cases, drugs are used that belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: diclofenac, indomethacin, ketarol, ibuprofen, nemisil, moovales, etc. In parallel with the general application of NSAIDs, these drugs are prescribed for topical use, in the form of such dosage forms as ointment or gel. In the absence of the effect of nonsteroidal agents, local anesthetics are used in combination with hormones in the form of epidural and paravertebral blockades.
  • Miorelaxants give a good effect in combination with diuretics and vasoactive substances. The use of these drugs allows you to remove muscle spasm and reduce tissue swelling, improve blood circulation in the area of ​​compression.
  • Sedatives, daytime tranquilizers, antidepressants are used to treat and prevent the development of neuroticism.
  • Vitamins of group B (B1 and B12) improve nutrition of nervous tissue, promote its rapid recovery after compression effects.

After the lapse of an acute period of illness, treatment should not cease. To fix the positive effect of drug therapy, during remission the following treatment measures are used:

  • Therapeutic massage is considered one of the most effective therapeutic and prophylactic measures in combination with other therapeutic methods. It allows you to significantly reduce the rigidity of the lumbar muscles, improve blood circulation, lymph circulation directly in the tissues adjacent to the lumbar spine. In the case of hypotrophy associated with radicular syndrome, lower limb massage contributes to the improvement of trophism and the innervation of hypotrophic muscles.
  • Therapeutic exercise is prescribed in combination with a massage after relief, in the absence of pain syndrome. Classes are held daily, therapeutic gymnastics begins with minimal, gradually increasing loads, since otherwise one can provoke another exacerbation. The complex of exercises must be started, avoiding sudden movements and refraining from doing high-amplitude exercises. Exercises for the waist are shown to patients who used the corset for a long time. Systematic exercises of exercise therapy will significantly strengthen the muscles of the waist, thereby reducing the undesirable load on the intervertebral discs.
  • Strict compliance with the sparing regimen is an integral part of the successful treatment of osteochondrosis, as well as the prevention of its exacerbations. For the back, especially the lumbar region, it is extremely important to fulfill the following conditions: to sleep on a bed equipped orthopedic mattress and a special cushion medium-hardness of small size; under the neck you need to put a special roller.
  • Avoid prolonged stay in uncomfortable position. After a long sitting, you need to get up slowly, without sharp jerks. After that, the elementary charge and a small self-massage should be performed, which will allow to eliminate stagnant phenomena in the lower back.

A source: http://www.infmedserv.ru/stati/simptomy-i-lechenie-poyasnichnogo-osteohondroza

Symptoms and treatment of osteochondrosis of the sacral spine

People over the age of 40 are significantly at increased risk of encountering such problems as osteochondrosis of the sacral spine.

Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves quite intensely, but not all people pay attention to them in the first stages.

As a result, the disease progresses and complicates the patient's life.

Pain and discomfort occur in the lower part of the spine

Anatomical features

In order to understand the essence of the question, it is necessary to consider in more detail the anatomical structure of the problem zone. The spine is the core of the entire human musculoskeletal system. In this part, the skeleton consists of bone and cartilaginous tissues in the form of vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

The osteochondrosis of the sacrum is associated with the lower part of this rod. Here connect the lumbar and pelvic bones. The sacrum, like the lower back, consists of 5 vertebrae. The main difference is their immobility. They are spliced ​​into a single bone.

We recommend reading the article about contusion of the sacrum in addition to this article.

The sacrum is the fused 5 last vertebrae of the ridge

Osteochondrosis is a process of degenerative-dystrophic destruction of the elements mentioned. In the first place, the moving parts suffer, so the sacrum is often affected after the lumbar region.

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We recommend that you study:

  • Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis at home
  • Osteochondrosis during pregnancy: causes and methods of treatment

If we consider in more detail the osteochondrosis of the sacral department, it is first necessary to find out what symptoms indicate its presence, as well as factors provoking the destructive processes. Knowing this, complications can be avoided due to timely detection and prevention of the problem.

Symptoms and stages of development

In order to be more convenient to identify the extent to which neglect is the osteochondrosis of the sacral spine, the symptoms are divided into several stages of the disease.

The main stages of the disease and its signs:

  • Stage 1. The appearance of mild discomfort in the lower part of the ridge, closer to the coccyx. With prolonged physical activity or walking, the sensations become longer and more intense.
  • 2 stage. Active manifestation of the disease. The person has pains worse, and they can give to the legs, from the hip to the toes. The nature of pain is acute, paroxysmal. There is abrasion of the intervertebral discs, which provokes pinching of the nerve roots. There is pressure on the vessels, the lower limbs become numb and grow cold. Body temperature rises in the area of ​​damage, there is chills and increased sweating.
  • Stage 3. The load on the worn ridge provokes the appearance of intervertebral hernias. The pain intensifies and is permanent. There are temporary paresis of the individual muscles.
  • 4 th stage. There is deformation of the ridge due to progressive dystrophic processes. A person is confined to bed because of the inability to move normally.

Stages of development of osteochondrosis

If you do not start treatment in the first stages, a person can become disabled, experiencing severe pain, physical and mental stress.


To prevent the rapid development of the disease, it is important to know its main causes.

Like any other, the osteochondrosis of the sacral spine develops due to the exertion of excessive load on it.

This happens either because of overload, or because of the weakening of the muscular corset. There are other prerequisites.

Main reasons:

  • overweight;
  • heavy physical labor;
  • intensive sports (in particular, weightlifting);
  • spine trauma;
  • infectious diseases (osteomyelitis, tuberculosis);
  • hypodynamia and sedentary work;
  • malnutrition;
  • crooked posture;
  • overwork and unbalanced rest;
  • hypothermia of the waist, drafts;
  • inflammatory processes (rheumatism, arthritis);
  • age-related degenerative changes.

Incorrect lifting of loads increases the load on the lower back

In addition, we recommend:

  • All about the symptoms and causes of osteochondrosis in the thoracic region
  • Because of what there is a chronic osteochondrosis of a loin?

In order to detect the osteochondrosis of the sacral spine in time, the symptoms should be checked at a more professional level. Personal feelings of the patient do not give an accurate idea of ​​the localization of discomfort and its causes.

Diagnostics includes a set of measures:

  • Anamnesis. Questioning the patient about the symptoms of the disease.
  • Primary examination. The muscles in the lumbosacral region are felt, the increased tone, deformations and foci of painful sensations are revealed. It is necessary to inspect in different positions of the body.
  • Detailed inspection. A number of manipulations are performed to identify the characteristic symptoms of the disease.
  • Hardware studies: MRI and X-ray for a detailed study of the state of the problem area.

An additional examination includes the following symptoms (C-m):

  • S-m Lasega - when raising a leg in a supine position on the back, without bending the knee, there is severe pain in the sacral region, the lower back and leg.

Symptom Lasega

  • C-m Bechterew - the lying patient is asked to sit down, while the legs bend at the knees.

Symptom Bechterew

  • S-m Neri - with the head tilted forward with a sharp movement of pain intensified.

Symptom Neri

  • With Bonnet, the gluteal fold from the problem side has a smoother outline.
  • C-m Dezherina - with loads during sneezing or coughing, the pain sensations become more intense.

Treatment and prevention

In order to osteochondrosis of the sacral spine does not cause disability and terrible suffering, it is necessary to begin its treatment as soon as possible.

When the doctor confirms the diagnosis, a set of measures is designed to eliminate the destructive process, as well as its slowdown in the future.

Without combining medicinal, manual and physical therapy, as well as proper nutrition and therapeutic physical education, it is impossible to achieve the desired result.

Medication Therapy

To eliminate sacral osteochondrosis, treatment should include the following groups of medications:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Normalize body temperature, relieve inflammation, relieve pain. It is good to use warming ointments based on Diclofenac.

Diclofenac is the best remedy for osteochondrosis

  • Muscle relaxants. Eliminate the tension of the muscles of the back.
  • Hondoprotectors. Protect joints from wear and stimulate the restoration of cartilaginous tissue.
  • Diuretics. Help remove puffiness of tissues and release the pinched nerves and blood vessels.
  • Vitamins and minerals. Vitamin complexes and food additives are able to complement your diet and strengthen the whole body.

Support procedures

In order for sacral osteochondrosis to recede as soon as possible, it is necessary to combine medical therapy with other procedures. First of all, we are talking about such events:

  • Physiotherapy. Electrophoresis, phonophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation, magnetotherapy, high-frequency therapy, etc.
  • Reflexology. Acupuncture and acupressure stimulate muscle relaxation.

Acupuncture helps to cope with pain and inflammation, but should only be performed by a specialist

  • Manual therapy. Massages, spinal traction, etc.

Also with the permission of the doctor, the use of folk remedies is allowed.

They are based on the normalization of mineral reserves of the body, the removal of inflammation and the effect of moderate dry heat.

It is best to limit yourself to ointments based on natural fats and bee products, as well as warming the waist with a woolen shawl.

Exercises for treatment and prevention

If you have sacral osteochondrosis, the symptoms do not allow you to live normally, the best way out is not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of the disease is exercise therapy. A complex of simple exercises helps to restore the mobility of the ridge, strengthen the muscular corset and release the pinched nerves.

The training program is selected by a specialist, since different exercises are designed for this or that stage of the disease. To prevent or eliminate the first stage of osteochondrosis, you can use universal exercises. The program of such gymnastics looks like this:

  • Squats. Put your feet on the width of the shoulders, in the hands for balance, take the ball. Crouch before bending the knees at 90 degrees. All movements should be smooth and slow.

The correct technique of squats for osteochondrosis

  • Pose of the dog. Focus on the floor with your hands and feet facing down, lift the pelvis upward, forming an angle.

Pose of the dog

  • Camel posture. Get down on your knees, throw your head back, grasp your ankle with your hands and bend your body.

Camel's Pose

  • Pose of the cat. Become on all fours and perform the deflections of the back in the lower back, then arched it with an arc and repeat the exercise.

Cat Pose

  • Lifting of the pelvis. Sit on the floor, bend your knees in front of you. Straighten your arms, rest them on the floor behind your back. Raise your hips up.

Pelvic lift

  • Rise of legs. Lie on your back and lift your straight legs at an angle of 90 degrees.

Lifting the legs

  • Twisting with the legs girth. Bend your legs in your lap while lying on your back, wrap your arms around them. Raise your legs and body, trying to put your knees on your chest.

Twisting with Leg Girth

In the treatment it is important not only to remove the symptoms, but also to eliminate the very cause of the disease. In the future, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures in the form of physical education and proper nutrition to prevent deterioration.

A source: http://MoyPozvonok.ru/bolezni/osteokhondroz/simptomy-i-lechenie-osteohondroza-kresttsovogo-otd/

Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine: symptoms and treatment

Category: Joints, bones, muscles 11097

Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine is a disease characterized by the destruction of discs between the vertebrae, a decrease in the intake of fluid in them, which reduces their elasticity. As a result, the discs are pressed against the nerve endings, which causes the person to have pain in the back. The extreme stage is characterized by the spread of bone processes (osteophytes), which makes the patient's movements more difficult.

Causes of the disease

In general, the disease develops as a result of the susceptibility of the loins to too much work. In the risk group are such categories of people:

  • overweight;
  • those with back injuries;
  • genetically predisposed people;
  • patients with flat feet;
  • engaged in certain kinds of sports (weightlifters);
  • performing work that requires lifting heavy objects (loaders, builders).

The aggravation of the problem is caused by hypodynamia, hypothermia, and the presence of problems with posture. All this in total leads to too much strain on the spine. Predisposition to the disease also increases due to problems with sleep, a violation of metabolism.

Stages of the disease

There are 4 stages of osteochondrosis:

  • 1 st stageis characterized by a deformation of the nucleus of the pulposal type, which is located in the region of the intervertebral disc. This stage is characterized by not too strong pain in the spine, which can occur with significant loads or sudden movements;
  • 2 stagecharacterized by the onset of a change in the tissues that are located near the pulpous core. There is a possibility of pinching the nerves of the spinal cord, as well as protrusion. The patient feels severe pain, which radiates to the thigh or drumstick;
  • 3 stagecharacterized by the final deformation of the fibrous ring, which is in the disk, as well as the appearance of a hernia. This helps to increase pain;
  • 4 th stagecharacterized by the presence of osteophytes, which develop in the vertebrae, which causes difficulties in the patient's movements.

Symptoms of ailment

Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral segment of the polysegmentary type has various signs, many of which are manifested in the 2 stages of the disease.

The main symptom of the disease can be considered painful sensations that occur in the lower back with body movements and excessive loads.

Over time, the intensity of pain is not reduced, but only increases, which in the future can cause stiffness in the movements.

A patient with osteochondrosis experiences difficulties in a sedentary, standing posture, with difficulty can bend over. There may also be a decrease, and in some cases, an increase in skin sensitivity in the lower limbs.

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Polysegmentary subspecies of the disease can also cause paresthesia - unpleasant sensations of "goosebumps as well as burning of the affected area.

If proper treatment is not available, then the following symptom may be weakness in the muscles, as well as a decrease in the reflexes in the tendon.

Lumbosacral osteochondrosis

Treatment of ailment

To treat the disease you need, as a rule, a neurologist. He examines the patient, probes his vertebrae, and also examines his posture.

After this, the patient will be assigned an MRI, CT, as well as other studies that will help to identify the stage of the disease. After completing all the studies, the patient is prescribed a set of therapeutic measures.

Their main goal is to eliminate pain, restore the roots of the nerves, and stop the deformation of the vertebral discs.

The main medical methods are:

  • taking medications;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures (effective treatment technique);
  • therapeutic gymnastics (LFK);
  • surgical intervention;
  • manual therapy;
  • folk methods.

The main medications that the patient must take are painkillers. Also, the pain can be relieved with the help of manual therapy, which will be carried out by a specialist.

He will help to remove blocking of joints and muscles by the method of influencing the necessary areas.

In addition to anaesthetising drugs, the treatment process uses drugs that relieve the inflammatory process, formed swelling, as well as a static muscle contraction.

Physiotherapy is represented by a wide range of procedures, among which:

  • phonophoresis, which includes medicinal preparations;
  • UHF-therapy;
  • laser procedures.

The above methods will be useful as both ancillary and basic methods of curing a patient depending on the stage of the disease.

The therapeutic and sports complex (LFK) will help both in prevention and in the treatment process.


The exercises of the gymnastic complex include those exercises with which you can strengthen the muscular corset of the back. The main contraindication in applying the exercises of the complex is pain.


Regular gymnastics should be selected and pass under the strict guidance of a specialist.

Prevention of disease

Doctors recommend adhering to the following simple rules in order to avoid the development of osteochondrosis:

  • use in food products in which the balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and trace elements is observed;
  • engage in active sports or physical education;
  • avoid excessive physical and mental stress;
  • periodically check with a doctor for signs of disease.

A careful attitude to one's health and timely detection of anxiety symptoms of the disease can save a lot of money, and also significantly increase the chances of a full recovery.

Diseases with similar symptoms:

Hernia of the cervical spine (coinciding symptoms: 3 of 10)

Hernia of the cervical spine is a disease that has a pronounced symptomatology, which undoubtedly gives the doctor the opportunity to establish the correct diagnosis. The appearance of pain in the shoulder, neck and cervical vertebrae suggests that a person has a disease - a hernia of one of the cervical vertebrae.

... Ischemic disease of the brain (coinciding symptoms: 3 of 10)

Insufficiency of the body, which is inherent in the progression of impairment of blood supply to the brain tissue, is called ischemia. This is a serious disease that mainly affects the vessels of the brain, clogging them and, thereby, causing oxygen deficiency.

... Tick-borne encephalitis (coinciding symptoms: 3 of 10)

Tick-borne encephalitis is a severe infectious disease that is transmitted to a person from encephalitic mites. The virus makes its way into the brain and spinal cord of an adult or child, causes severe intoxication and affects the central nervous system.

Severe encephalitis forms without timely treatment can lead to paralysis, mental disorders and even death.

How to recognize the symptoms of a dangerous pathology, what to do if you suspect a tick infection and how important is vaccination in the prevention and therapy of a deadly disease?

... Myositis (coinciding symptoms: 3 of 10)

The defeat of muscles, caused by traumatic, inflammatory or toxic character and resulting from the influence of various factors predominantly on the muscle fibers, causing their weakening and even atrophy, is called myositis. It is a disease that is displayed mainly on the human skeletal muscles: back, neck, chest and other groups.

... Myalgia (coinciding symptoms: 3 of 10)

Myalgia is a pathological process, which is characterized by the appearance of painful sensations in muscles of different localization and etiology. In addition to pain, there may be numbness of the limbs, inflammation of the skin. In a literal translation, "myalgia" means "muscle pain."


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A source: http://SimptoMer.ru/bolezni/sustavy-kosti/879-poyasnichno-kresttsovyy-osteokhondroz-simptomy

Lumbosacral osteochondrosis: symptoms, treatment

Osteochondrosis can be called "the disease of the century

  • Over 80% of the population complain today of back pain
  • Over 70% of neurological diagnoses are related in one way or another with osteochondrosis

It affects people who are still working, and sometimes even young, leads to an early disability and thus not only damages the health of people, but also the economy of many states.

The most common form is osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine.

Lumbosacral osteochondrosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

The whole rhythm of today's life, although extremely saturated, but physically inactive:

  • We get to work in transport
  • The work itself (even the worker at the machine) is extremely automated
  • Creative workflow, recreation, communication - everything basically takes place at the computer

Thus, almost all the time the spine is in an uncomfortable, strained, semi-bent position. This leads to:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Stretching and lowering the tone of the extensor muscles of the spine
  • To an increase in mechanical loads and the formation in the process of renewal of bone cells areas of increased density

These degenerative dystrophic changes were called "osteochondrosis".

Etiology of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine

The etiology of osteochondrosis involves several theories.

Among the main reasons:

  • Muscle tension, hypotension, myositis, tendonitis
  • Endocrine and metabolic pathology
  • Hereditary predisposition
  • Rheumatoid polyarthritis and other autoimmune diseases
  • Postponed trauma
  • Visceral pathologies (vegetative disorders associated with impaired neural regulation)

Symptoms of lumbosacral osteochondrosis

Lumbosacral osteochondrosis has neurological symptoms, which can be divided into four stages.

For the initial stage, the reflex symptoms are more characteristic, which are due to irritation of the nerve receptors from the side of the hernia, growths, edema and inflammation:

  • Pain in the affected area and reflected pain (prolonged and lightning fast)
  • Lumbago, sciatica - acute pain symptoms
  • Lumbalia, ishialgia - mild symptoms typical of subacute or chronic course of the disease
  • Myofascial pain syndrome is a somatic pain associated with muscles and ligaments:
    In this case, there is a restriction of mobility, caused by instinctive memorization and avoidance of the most painful movements and postures
  • Smoothing of lumbar lordosis

The second stage of neurologic manifestations in the osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral department is the appearance of radicular Symptoms caused by the compression of the spinal nerves with the penetration of protrusion or hernia into the epidural space.
Symptoms depend on the level of the pathological segment, which is determined with the help of MRI:

  • At all levels, there are symptoms of pain and paresthesia in the back segments corresponding to the vertebral segments
  • Pareses and depressions or loss of reflexes of tendons appear:
    • L3-L4:
      quadriceps femoris
      anterior tibialis muscle
      of the knee tendon
    • L5:
      extensors of toes
      tendon of posterior tibial muscle
    • S1:
      triceps musculature
      Achilles tendon

The third stage of lumbosacral osteochondrosis is radicular-vascular compression
Not only the spinal nerves but also the adjacent arteries are subjected to compression

  • Peripheral paresis of extensor muscles of the foot
  • Disappearance of pain symptoms

The fourth stage is associated with damage to the spinal and radicular arteries.
In this case, there are:

  • intermittent claudication syndrome
  • discirculatory myelopathy:

The most unfavorable lumbosacral vertebrogenic syndrome occurs with the compression of the horse's tail.

Treatment of lumbosacral osteochondrosis

What is the treatment for lumbosacral osteochondrosis?

First, you should stop pain syndrome, using drugs with analgesic properties:

  1. Medications on the basis of analgin
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs:
    For example, diclofenac (or voltaren), movalis, indomethacin, ibuprofen, nimesulide
  3. In severe intense pains, a doctor can prescribe treatment with local anesthetics of a novocaine group after paravertebral or caudal treatment blockades
  4. In the treatment of the lumbar part I often use ointments and gels (Emulgel, Voltaren, Fastum-gel)
  5. To remove muscle hypertonia apply muscle relaxants

Duration of treatment with osteochondrosis preparations of the lumbosacral section usually does not exceed two weeks.

If there is no effect, the treatment regimen should be reviewed. Often the causes of residual pain are muscle spasms. In order to cope with them, you can use these methods:

  • Acupuncture
  • Acupressure
  • Electrophoresis with karipazimom

Kinesitherapy (motion treatment) is recognized as the leading therapeutic method for osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral department.

But sometimes conservative treatment is too late. When is this happening, and when should I agree with the proposed surgical procedure?

So, the basis for surgical treatment are:

  • Caudal syndrome
  • Seizure of a hernia
  • Ischemic symptoms
  • Prolonged unbearable pain

The methods of surgical treatment used today are minimally invasive neurosurgical operations:

  • Microdiscectomy
  • Endoscopic nucleotomy
  • Plasma Disc Nucleoplasty
  • Laser vaporization of the disk
  • Lumbar disc prosthetics

Osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine is a complex disease, and only timely complex treatment and personal efforts of the patient can add to the effect.

: Pain with lumbar osteochondrosis


A source: https://ZaSpiny.ru/osteoxondroz/poyasnichno-krestcoviy.html