Diet with gastric ulcer during an exacerbation

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  • General principles
  • Features of the menu
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Gastric ulcer is a dangerous disease that has a destructive effect not only on the digestive system, but also on the work of the whole organism as a whole. Due to peptic ulcer, the nervous and cardiovascular system suffers.

Patients with this diagnosis suffer from excruciating pain, their general state of health is disturbed and their working capacity is deteriorating. There is a risk of perforation of the ulcer, development of bleeding and even cancer. An important role in the formation of a disease is played by the person's way of life.

Alcohol abuse, eating dry, in a hurry, lack of liquid food in the diet, passion for spicy and spicy food - all this has a negative effect on the work of the stomach. Still, the main role in the development of the disease is attributed to Helicobacter pylori bacteria. This microorganism creates in the stomach the necessary conditions for the formation of ulcerative lesions on the surface of the inner wall of the stomach.

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The disease causes significant discomfort and does not occur asymptomatically. As the pathological process develops, regular pain in the area of ​​the stomach appears. A painful attack occurs after eating. Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen are accompanied by heartburn, sour eructations, loss of weight.

Gastric ulcer is a chronic process with recurrent relapses. Diet with gastric ulcer during the period of exacerbation is an important condition for the full treatment of the disease and prevention of repeated cases of the pathological process. By itself dietary nutrition does not provide a therapeutic effect, but it helps to ensure the possibility of effective exposure to medications, reduces the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, and also relieves pain and reduces the secretion of hydrochloric acid.

Recently, the widely held view was that the cure of an ulcer should primarily be directed at the destruction of Helicobacter pylori infection. Despite this, the diet has not lost its significance. Eliminating the causative agent of the pathological process does not imply the same rapid restoration of the functions of the digestive system.

In most cases, relapses occur due to errors in the diet. Proper nutrition with a stomach ulcer during an exacerbation helps to quickly normalize the patient's condition. But it is important to understand that a diet is not a temporary help in exacerbating a disease.

Observe it for a long time, it should become your way of life, only then you can hope that the relapse will not happen again. In this article, we will discuss in more detail the features of nutrition in peptic ulcer. We learn what you can eat, and what should be categorically avoided.

Nutrition for noodles
Proper nutrition with exacerbation of stomach ulcers will help reduce clinical symptoms and accelerate the process of recovery

General principles

When prescribing therapy, the doctor should clarify the features of the diet personally for you. But there are common principles that are accepted in international therapeutic practice:

What foods reduce stomach acidity?
  • sparing diet. This means that consumed food should not irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach. To do this, you will have to abandon the products with a rough structure, as well as hot and cold dishes. Patients are recommended soft, warm, slimy food;
  • fractional meals in small portions. To divide the daily intake of food into approximately six to seven parts;
  • chopped food. Try to eat food in a puree and jelly-like form. Such food will envelop the mucous membrane of the affected organ and digest faster;
  • refusal of cold and hot dishes. The food should be comfortable temperature;
  • do not rush to eat, thoroughly chew;
  • do not drink food with water;
  • try not to overeat;
  • the minimum amount of simple carbohydrates that stimulate appetite and create an additional burden on the stomach. Therefore, we must abandon flour products, honey, sweets, jam, etc.;
  • the reduction of the total energy value of the daily diet requires compliance with bed rest;
  • include in the menu protein food, which is necessary for the recovery of the body in times of illness. Try to consume more proteins of animal origin;
  • Introduce in the diet of vegetable fats. They suppress the excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid, take part in the regeneration processes, and also support the normal operation of the intestine. Nutritionists recommend using for pumpkin, corn, olive oil;
  • increase the use of water to two liters;
  • give up fried food with golden crust. Food is allowed to cook for a couple, stew, cook, zaekat;
  • the need for vitamins. Often against the background of ulcers, hypovitaminosis develops. To correct the condition, patients are allowed ripe and non-acid varieties of fruits and berries. They can be used in baked or steam form. From fruits you can make jelly, marmalade, pastille, mousse, jelly;
  • Limit the consumption of table salt, which further increases the level of acidity.
Feelings of hunger can not be tolerated

In spring and autumn, special attention should be paid to the diet, so it is during these periods that relapses occur. Correctly composed menu will help smooth out unpleasant symptoms or at all avoid exacerbation.

Separately it is necessary to say about the role of nutritional protein in peptic ulcer. It is not easy to saturate. This substrate affects the healing processes of the mucosa. Protein is a kind of building material, which, in fact, helps to "patch up" ulcerative damage.

Features of the menu

For starters, let's talk about those products that should be categorically avoided during the acute stage of ulcers:

  • vegetables and fruits, which include coarse fiber: dates, gooseberries, cabbage, cucumbers;
  • products of animal origin with connective tissue: lard, cartilage, wiry meat;
  • sour berries and fruits: lemon, orange, lime, figs, grapes, currants;
  • acologol;
  • fresh pastries, buns, white bread;
  • food, enhancing the production of gastric juice: smoked meat, marinades, pickles, fruit and vegetable juices;
  • Seeds can further injure the mucous membrane. They include hard-to-digest fats, which adversely affect the course of the disease;
  • garlic and onions;
  • carbonated drinks, coffee, cocoa;
  • spicy and acidic seasonings, horseradish, mustard, vinegar.

It is also forbidden in the period of relapse and kefir. It can not be used during an attack, and also for another five days. In the future, the product is allowed to eat, but only fresh, and it should not be acidic. Before use, it can be slightly heated.

To accelerate the healing process in a glass of yogurt, you can add a spoonful of vegetable oil.

Diet for peptic ulcer does not consist of only restrictions. The menu can be varied and tasty. It is important that soup constantly had soups:

  • vegetarian;
  • on the basis of potato or carrot broth;
  • dairy;
  • soup with mashed vegetables.
Cream soup
Patients in the period of exacerbation are advised to eat food in a nutshell

With regard to bakery products, you can eat wheat bread, biscuit, cookies, cottage cheese curds, fruit jam. From meat dishes you can eat boiled veal, beef, turkey, chicken. It is allowed manna, buckwheat, oatmeal. Eggs can be eaten raw, as well as in the form of a steam omelet or cooked soft-boiled. From vegetables in a boiled form you can eat potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, tomatoes, zucchini.

Confectionery and sweets are prohibited, but as a dessert you can prepare such dishes:

  • fruit and berry puree;
  • mousse;
  • jelly;
  • milk jelly;
  • marshmallow;
  • butter cream.

Prepare berry puree for dessert. Separately, I want to highlight several products that have medicinal properties for exacerbation of ulcers. The first place is occupied by milk, which envelops the mucous membrane of the stomach. Due to this, the walls of the body are not damaged by the aggressive action of gastric juice.

It is proved that milk has wound-healing properties. Just choose a product with a low percentage of fat. Also, whole milk helps reduce the manifestation of painful flare. Bee honey is no less useful. Of course, it should be consumed in reasonable quantities.

The product has a beneficial effect on the entire gastrointestinal tract due to the presence of a large number of vitamins and trace elements. Honey removes the inflammatory reaction, envelops the walls of the stomach and reduces irritation. In addition, this beekeeping product helps to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid and dulls the pain.

It should be noted the role of cabbage juice in the fight against peptic ulcer. Do not be confused, it's not about cabbage, it's about juice! The composition of fresh juice includes ascorbic acid, as well as a vitamin that has antiulcer activity. Cabbage juice helps to neutralize Helicobacter pylori - a common cause of peptic ulcer.

The priority product for stomach disease is homemade yogurt. It consists of bifidobacteria, which help to eliminate bacterial infection. Ryazhenka is also allowed to eat, only it is worth choosing a product with low fat content.

Another useful product in an ulcer is bananas. They envelop the walls of the stomach and help to reduce the level of acidity. Bananas have a high nutritional value, they eliminate the painful outbreak and accelerate the healing process of the mucosa.

Honey will help cope with nausea and heartburn, which often appear with an acute ulcer

Consider an approximate menu for one day:

  • breakfast. Rice porridge with decoction;
  • lunch. Fruit jelly with dry biscuits;
  • dinner. Soup on vegetable broth, carrot and mashed potatoes with chicken steam chop;
  • afternoon tea. Homemade pate from chicken fillet and carrots, fruit and berry puree;
  • dinner. Oatmeal and herbal tea.

So, a stomach ulcer is a common chronic disease with periodic exacerbations. Relapses often appear in the off-season, as well as in case of non-observance of proper nutrition. Most often, peptic ulcer causes Helicobacter pylori infection, but stress can also cause stress, snacks on the go, abuse of spicy, spicy food.

The diet plays no less a role in treatment than medications. If the patient continues to eat improperly, the entire treatment process may be unsuccessful. Proper nutrition is not an emergency aid, which after recovery can be forgotten. It should be an integral part of your life.