Pain in the shoulder joint of the right and left arms: causes

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  • 1Pain in the arm in the shoulder joint: causes, prevention, treatment. Pain in the shoulder joint of the left and right hands
    • 1.1Anatomy of the shoulder joint
    • 1.2Factors contributing to the development of shoulder pain
    • 1.3Injuries and injuries
    • 1.4Pathology of internal organs
    • 1.5Osteochondrosis
    • 1.6Arthritis
    • 1.7Osteoarthritis
    • 1.8Bursitis
    • 1.9Tendonitis
    • 1.10Capsule
    • 1.11Diagnostic Methods
    • 1.12Conservative treatment
    • 1.13Pain when raising a hand: treatment with folk remedies
    • 1.14Preventive measures
  • 2Pain in the right upper arm: causes, signs of disease, treatment
    • 2.1The main causes of pain in the right shoulder
    • 2.2Possible pathologies
    • 2.3Diagnostics
    • 2.4Methods of treatment
    • 2.5Summary
  • 3Pain in the shoulder joint - causes and treatment at home
    • 3.1What is the shoulder joint?
    • 3.2The left shoulder hurts
    • 3.3When you raise your hand
    • 3.4With the back of the hand
    • 3.5It's a dull pain
    • 3.6Acute pain
    • 3.7Burning
    • 3.8The shoulder hurts and the arm does not rise
    • 3.9The scapula is aching, giving in the arm and shoulder
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.10After sleep
    • 3.11To which doctor to apply
    • 3.12Treatment
    • 3.13Ointments for pain
    • 3.14Exercises
    • 3.15ethnoscience
    • 3.16: pain in the shoulder joints
  • 4Pain in the shoulder joint
    • 4.1Etiology
    • 4.2Symptomatology
    • 4.3Diagnostics
    • 4.4Treatment
    • 4.5Complications
    • 4.6Prevention

Pain in the arm in the shoulder joint: causes, prevention, treatment. Pain in the shoulder joint of the left and right hands

The pain in the arm in the shoulder joint is a very unpleasant symptom, which greatly complicates a person's life. Therefore, if discomfort occurs, treatment should be started immediately.

To make it as effective as possible, it is necessary to understand how the shoulder joint is arranged, what are the possible causes of its damage.

Also from the materials of this article you will learn about the basic methods of diagnosing this pathology.

Anatomy of the shoulder joint

The shoulder joint has a unique structure. The forearm bone and the articular cavity located on the scapula are connected by means of a so-called bag and an auxiliary ligament. On the edge of the cavity there is a small cartilaginous outgrowth. It is called the joint lip.

Rotator cuff is a system of small ligaments and muscles. It allows you to continuously keep the joint in one position, preventing dislocations and providing a set of various movements.

That is why the strength of the shoulder joint depends directly on the surrounding muscles and ligaments.

Such a special anatomical structure allows the upper extremities to easily perform a huge range of movements and at the same time be a convenient tool for labor. When there is pain in the arm in the shoulder joint, the amount of manipulation is immediately limited, which affects the quality of life.

The nature of discomfort directly depends on the cause, which affected its appearance. Pain may differ both in short-term and paroxysmal nature, be acute or aching.

In view of the variety of causes of pathology, one should not try to make a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment on their own. In case of discomfort, it is recommended to consult a doctor without delay.

Factors contributing to the development of shoulder pain

Experts call a number of risk factors that cause the onset of pain syndrome.

  1. Wrong posture (stoop and scoliosis deform the collarbone and affect the entire humerus).
  2. Excessive physical exertion (athletes, loaders, workers of conveyors most often suffer from this pathology).
  3. A low-active lifestyle can lead to stagnant phenomena in the shoulder, which is always accompanied by pain syndrome.
  4. Unbalanced nutrition leads to a deficiency of nutrients and promotes the deposition of salts on the joints.

Often the causes of soreness in the shoulder joint are the result of serious diseases. These include osteochondrosis, arthritis and arthrosis, bursitis and others. Consider each variant of the disease, its causes and characteristic symptoms in more detail.

Injuries and injuries

Since the shoulder joint is the most complex and at the same time brittle articulation in the human body, this means that it is more prone to injury than others. Damage can be of domestic character (falling on the hand), professional (sudden movements, lifting weights) and sports.

The left hand is injured several times less often, because most people on our planet are right-handed. The most common type of mechanical damage is a bruise.

Patients usually do not pay much attention to this pathology, hoping that it will pass by itself. However, this is a serious mistake, bruises are not always harmless.

Patients develop a hematoma of the tissues, which resolves itself after a few weeks, and along with it, pain disappears in the humeral joint of the right arm. Sometimes a bruise can damage the joint bag.

In this case, there is no need to expect a quick recovery. In order not to face complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and undergo appropriate treatment.

Another fairly common type of injury are dislocations and subluxations.

In the latter case, the head of the humerus literally slips out of the articular cavity, after which it rises into place independently. When the dislocation of the bone completely leaves the joint cavity.

Often this pathology is accompanied by ruptures of the capsule and ligaments. The patient has pain in the right upper arm joint, he can not take the limb back or forth.

It is absolutely forbidden to set sprains independently. Before this, it is necessary to check the joint for fractures, and this can only be done by means of radiography or MRI.

Pathology of internal organs

Pain in the shoulder joint of the left arm is usually taken as a manifestation of osteochondrosis. However, such discomfort often signals serious pathologies of internal organs. These include angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.

In the first case, pain is given to the shoulder and arm. With angina pectoris patients complain of shortness of breath after physical exertion and constant pressure in the chest area. Sometimes the pain in the shoulder joint of the left arm is the only symptom that indicates the disease.

With myocardial infarction, the classic clinical picture, as a rule, is as follows: shortness of breath, burning in the chest. In some cases, the pathology is indicated only by discomfort in the region of the shoulder girdle and neck. As a rule, it is the left shoulder joint that worries.


Pain in the arm in the shoulder joint can occur due to osteochondrosis affecting the cervical spine.

In order to understand exactly where the source of discomfort is, you need to make a circular motion with your shoulder. When there is reflected pain, it immediately makes itself felt.

Otherwise, discomfort occurs when you turn or tilt the neck, giving the entire length of the arm.

This disorder develops from the fact that bony growths affect and even injure nerves.

Depending on the localization of the pain syndrome, the doctor can tell which vertebrae are affected.

To assess the full clinical picture, patients are assigned radiography, MRI and ultrasound. Based on the results of the analysis, tactics of treatment are built.


Arthritis develops against the background of inflammation and is associated with changes in degenerative nature or with rheumatoid processes. In this disease, patients complain of severe pain in the shoulder joint, when you raise your hand. Discomfort is aggravated with the passage of time.

Arthritis is clearly visible on the radiograph. Therapy implies the administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the course of exercise therapy. Lack of timely therapy can lead to disability.


Osteoarthritis is accompanied by degeneration and degeneration of cartilage tissues with their subsequent ossification. As the disease progresses, they become thinner, which provokes intense friction of the bones against each other.

With arthrosis, pain in the arm in the shoulder joint is accompanied by a characteristic crunch. The thing is that the cartilaginous tissue eventually transforms into the bone, resulting in a lot of osteophytes - osteophytes.

Motor activity decreases. Osteoarthritis can not manifest itself very long.

As a result, the mobility of the joint decreases, the shoulder quickly becomes tired even after a minor load, and the pain accompanies the patient throughout the day.

Osteoarthritis belongs to the category of incurable diseases. However, modern therapeutic methods can slow the development of the disease, reduce the likelihood of complications to a minimum.


Bursitis (inflammation of the joint bag) occurs against the background of wear of the joint with systematic pressure or overload of the shoulder.

In this disease, the patient feels pain after any contact to the shoulder, stiffness in the joint, and discomfort during movements.

As the disease develops, the affected area becomes swollen, numb and significantly increases muscle tone. LFK and acupuncture are used for treatment.


Inflammatory processes in the tendon develop due to arthritis, gout or muscle strain.

Aching pain in the shoulder joint of the right arm or left, local temperature increase, puffiness - these symptoms are accompanied by tendonitis.

When you move the limb you can hear a slight crunching.

To diagnose the disease, ultrasonography and MRI are usually used. With the help of X-rays, tendonitis can not be detected.

Treatment is based on the exclusion of physical exertion, immobilization of the shoulder joint. For the removal of the pain syndrome, physiotherapy, anesthetics are used.

With a purulent form of tendonitis, surgical intervention is indicated.


This is a rare, but painful pathology, accompanied by inflammation of the joint capsule.

Muscles acquire stiffness, as if frozen, which affects the amplitude of rotational movements. Discomfort covers the entire shoulder joint.

The pain when raising the arm is very strong, so patients with this diagnosis can not work and perform the usual actions.

The reasons for the development of the capsulitis are not fully understood. It is assumed that a certain role in the emergence of the disease belongs to diabetes mellitus and pathologies of the circulatory system.

Also capsulitis develops in people who have cancer in history, who underwent surgical intervention on the shoulder joint. Diagnosis of the disease with the help of arthrography. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for treatment.

In addition, a course of exercise therapy is prescribed. Surgical intervention is required in exceptional cases.

Diagnostic Methods

Many patients come to see a doctor with complaints of pain in the right shoulder joint. Causes of the disorder can be learned only after a complete examination. It is very important not to miss the onset of the pathological process.

When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a specialist. Palpation, physical examination is the initial stage of diagnosis.

Then the doctor, proceeding from the received clinical picture, directs the patient to further examination to confirm or deny the initial diagnosis. Usually it includes the following procedures.

  1. Radiography. It allows to determine the severity of changes in the cartilaginous tissue, the presence of bruises and bone injuries.
  2. MRI. This method of diagnosis is aimed at maximally informative examination of the shoulder girdle. With the help of it you can identify arthritis, osteoarthritis and other ailments.
  3. CT. This study is a painless joint scan for the detection of dystrophic, inflammatory and degenerative processes.
  4. Laboratory examination of blood and urine.
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After a comprehensive diagnosis, the physician can prescribe an individual treatment of pain in the shoulder joint of the hand. For the purpose of the course of therapy, it is important to take into account the age of the individual patient, the presence of concomitant diseases of a chronic nature, and also the characteristics of the organism.

Conservative treatment

In mild cases, when the pain is caused by hypothermia or overload, specific therapy is not required. To restore it faster, the affected area can be applied with a warming ointment or a compress.

In case of injury, it is necessary to attach ice to the shoulder, immobilize the hand and consult a traumatologist. After an X-ray examination, the doctor prescribes appropriate treatment.

The first sign of bursitis, arthritis and arthrosis is pain in the shoulder joint of the right arm. Treatment should initially be aimed at combating the underlying pathology, after which the unpleasant sensations go away by themselves.

As a rule, complex medication is prescribed, the main purpose of which is to eliminate the mechanisms of development of the disease. For this, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ("Naise "Ketorol "Diclofenac") are used.

These drugs are highly effective, rarely cause side effects.

Separately, we should talk about ointments and gels.

These funds are very effective in the pathology of joints, as they are applied directly to the affected area.

The active ingredients penetrate deeply into the inflamed structures, which allows you to quickly eliminate the pathological process and relieve muscle tone.

After drug therapy, a rehabilitation course is recommended to restore the motor functions of the ligaments.

To this end, the patient is prescribed a massage, therapeutic exercise, reflexology.

Surgery is indicated in especially serious cases, when the pathological process affects the entire shoulder joint.

Pain when raising a hand: treatment with folk remedies

It should not be written off the accounts of the people's means. The combination of prescriptions of alternative medicine with conservative treatment allows to accelerate the restoration of the joint and prevent the development of complications.

  • If you are concerned about the pain of the shoulder joint when you pull your arm back, you can make a special rubbing. To make it, you need to mix 3 spoons of lilac flowers, burdock root and 3 red peppers. Ingredients should be filled with a liter of alcohol and left for three days. The resulting medicine can be rubbed into the affected area several times a day until complete cure.
  • Well helps with pain ointment, cooked on lard. It is necessary to melt 100 g of pork fat, add a pinch of red pepper, 3 teaspoons of St. John's wort and a saber. Ointment is recommended to rub into the affected joint before going to sleep.
  • The vinegar compress perfectly corrects pain in the shoulder joint of the left arm. Treatment initially involves the preparation of a special solution. To do this, in, l of water, you need to add a spoonful of 9% vinegar. The resulting solution is moistened with a piece of linen cloth and applied to a painful shoulder. It is better to leave a compress at night.

These recipes help reduce the manifestation of pain in the shoulder joint, as well as prevent the development of complications.

Preventive measures

Any disease is easier to prevent than later to treat. This rule applies to all pathologies affecting the shoulder joint. Pain when raising a hand, which often accompanies arthritis and capsulitis, can be prevented by following simple rules.

First and foremost, doctors advise to carry out regular physical exercises. It's not necessary to do sports professionally, enough morning exercises. Yoga and swimming are great for strengthening joints.

In addition, you need to monitor the diet. It should be a balanced, rich in vitamins and trace elements. Timely treatment of infectious diseases is a guarantee of good health. If you wear warm clothes in bad weather, you can avoid hypothermia.

If you have aching pain in the shoulder joint of the left arm or right arm, you need to find out the cause of the pathology. To solve this problem without the help of a qualified specialist is indispensable.

Only after a comprehensive examination the doctor will be able to deliver the final diagnosis and guarantee adequate therapy. It is not recommended to engage in self-medication, because this will only aggravate the course of the pathological process.

A source: http://.ru/article/215046/bol-v-ruke-v-plechevom-sustave-prichinyi-profilaktika-lechenie-bol-v-plechevom-sustave-levoy-i-pravoy-ruki

Pain in the right upper arm: causes, signs of disease, treatment

Pain in the right shoulder can occur for various reasons: inflammation of the tendons, arthritis of various origin, arthrosis, painful "lumbago" with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, etc.

The nature of the defeat of the right arm, its course, symptoms and treatment are the same as in the case of left joint pathology.

But since most people are right-handed, for the same reasons, the right shoulder joint is affected more often - after all, it experiences maximum load during physical exertion, while working with hands, while practicing certain sports (for example, tennis).

The severity of patient complaints with joint damage can be different: from minor, transient pains to painful pain syndrome, which is accompanied by loss of joint function.

The severity of the condition depends on the disease, the degree of its development, the adequacy of the treatment (or lack thereof).

For example, with arthrosis at the initial stage of the symptomatology is not enough, the function of the joint suffers slightly, and with infectious arthritis, there is acute pain, fever and swelling of the shoulder.

The prognosis for pain in the right shoulder is most dependent on the timeliness of the treatment: the earlier the therapy was started, the greater the probability of maintaining the volume of movements in the hand or achieving full recovery.In general, pain in the right shoulder can be successfully cured, but the process of therapy, its labor and results - all this depends on the specific disease.

If you have pain in the shoulder, you should immediately go to the doctor (traumatologist-orthopedist, arthrologist or first to the therapist), who will find out the reason and will prescribe the optimal treatment.

Further in the article: the main reasons why there are pains in the right shoulder (possible pathologies), diagnostics and methods of treatment.

The main causes of pain in the right shoulder

The eight most likely reasons why you can get a shoulder joint on your right arm:

  1. Tendonitis is the inflammation of tendons in the shoulder joint, which arises from unbalanced, excessive physical activity.
  1. Arthritis - inflammation of the joint for various reasons (infections, allergies, immune diseases, etc.).

Arthritis (inflammation) of the shoulder joint

  1. Shoulder-scapular periarthritis - inflammation of the periarticular tissues (capsules, ligaments, muscles).
  2. Osteoarthritis is a progressive destruction of the cartilage, which leads to damage to the joint surfaces.

Arthrosis of the shoulder joint

  1. Injury.
  2. Bursitis - inflammation of the joint bag.
  1. With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, pain can "give" to the shoulder.
  2. Rareer causes: tumor metastasis in the joint (metastases - that is, secondary tumor outbreaks due to transference "Causes of tumors" from the primary focus of the disease), chondrosarcoma (articular cartilage cancer), joint tuberculosis (their destruction).

Possible pathologies

It is possible to suggest which kind of ailment caused the pain in the right shoulder, according to some typical symptoms:

(if the table is not completely visible - turn it to the right)


A doctor must determine the exact cause of the pain on the shoulder to the right.

An experienced specialist can already presume a diagnosis on the basis of complaints and examination, and radiography helps to confirm it.

Additionally, computer tomography, joint ultrasound, blood tests (general, biochemical analyzes) are performed.

Methods of treatment

Treatment of pain in the right shoulder is performed according to the cause:

  • with tendinitis and arthrosis - limit the load;
  • with bursitis and arthritis of an infectious origin, antibiotics are used;
  • at an osteochondrosis it is necessary to treat the basic disease, and a humeral joint here at anything;
  • at a tuberculosis of a joint appoint antituberculous preparations;
  • with metastases and chondrosarcoma - antitumor therapy (radiation, chemotherapy) or surgical treatment.

In all cases, painkillers are actively used: for cases not associated with cancer, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nimesulide, diclofenac, etc.) is sufficient. In acute pain syndrome, they can be injected for some time in the form of injections, and then they switch to tablets.

The duration of treatment also depends on the cause of the problem:

  • most forms of arthritis, bursitis, tendinitis respond well to treatment and result in recovery or prolonged remission;
  • arthrosis and osteochondrosis are incurable, but pain can be quenched by constant or course use of anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, special exercises that develop the joint;
  • With tuberculosis treatment is long, but after a full course of therapy, recovery is possible;
  • with cancer, the prognosis depends on the time of setting the correct diagnosis.


A positive result in the fight against pain in the right shoulder depends most on the timely diagnosis and adequacy of treatment.

Therefore, do not try to find out the cause yourself, and do not take pain medications longer than 2-3 days without prescribing the doctor - this can lead to "lubrication" of the symptoms and difficulties in diagnosis.

A source:

Pain in the shoulder joint - causes and treatment at home

What can the pain in the shoulder joint say: any disease, shoulder injury or muscle strain? There are many answers to this question. The shoulder joint can become ill under the influence of various factors.

To establish the exact cause, you need to analyze the localization of pain, its nature, intensity. It is worthwhile to tell in more detail why the painful sensations appear in the shoulder.

This will help every person who is confronted with them to understand how to act correctly.

What is the shoulder joint?

This is the name for the largest connection of the arm with the trunk. In humans, the shoulder joint is one of the parts responsible for the precise movements, so it is maximally mobile.

In the course of evolution, he became voluminous, received strong muscles. In animals, the shoulder joint acts as a support, because they are not erect.

Therefore, he is inactive, but much stronger than the human.

The joint is at the top of the arm. Consists of a head of a humeral bone and a hollow of a scapula. Characteristics of the joint:

  1. According to the structure. It is considered simple, because it is formed from only two bones in the same capsule without partitions and cartilaginous discs.
  2. In form. Ball-shaped type of articulation.
  3. By the number of anatomical axes. A multi-axis joint that helps to move the limb in any direction.

The child in the womb of the mother has bones that will form the joint in the future, while they are separated. At the time of birth, the head of the shoulder is almost formed, the articular cavity is immature.

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The year is the strengthening of the joint. While the baby is learning to move, the joint is not fully mobile in order to avoid injury. In three years the child's joint is completely identical with the form of an adult.

Mobility during this period is maximal.

It is worth noting that the more mobile the connection, the more often it is subjected to various injuries and damages, constantly endures increased load. Often because of this, the shoulder joint hurts. The cause can also be different ailments, pathologies.

To understand why the shoulders hurt or one of them, you need to evaluate the intensity of the sensations, their localization, analyze the accompanying symptoms, take into account the age of the patient.

It is important to understand that the same causes can cause different types of pain, so they will be mentioned several times.

There are a lot of reasons for this condition. The pain is both insignificant and intense so that a person is unable to move a hand.

It is worth noting that in the absence of treatment, the joint sooner or later is able to completely lose its functions.

Reasons for pain in the right shoulder:

  • Tendonitis. Inflammation of tendons that occurs after too much physical exertion. Dull pain, calming down in a calm state and increasing with movement.
  • Myositis.
  • Arthritis. Inflammation of the joint. It develops due to infection, immune disease, allergies. The shoulder is warm, swollen, with red skin. Any movement causes pain.
  • Capsules. Pain, which is very fettering movements.
  • Shoulder-scapular periarthritis. Partial articular structures become inflamed. Sharp pain, with movement increases.
  • Neuritis of the humeral nerve. A sharp paroxysmal pain.
  • Osteoarthritis. The cartilage is destroyed, because of which the joint surfaces are damaged. Gradually, pain increases and the function of the joint is limited. It is more often diagnosed in the elderly.
  • Injuries.
  • Right-sided pneumonia.
  • Bursitis. The articular bag inflames.
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Pain gives in the neck, back.
  • Tuberculosis of the joint.
  • Metastasis of a nearby tumor.
  • Chondrosarcoma. Cancer of the articular cartilage.

The left shoulder hurts

This phenomenon is much less common if the person is right handed. The load on the left hand in such a situation is not high. If a person still has a left shoulder, this can be caused by:

  1. myocardial infarction;
  2. tendonitis of the biceps;
  3. stretching of ligaments (the most unpleasant will be sensations when touched, in addition there will be swelling, numbness, redness of the skin, hyperemia);
  4. intervertebral hernia of the cervical region (aching pain, becomes stronger after coughing, movement of the head, sneezing);
  5. myositis;
  6. a capsulitis;
  7. infringement of the root of the brachial nerve;
  8. arthritis;
  9. stenocardia (sometimes with this disease, the pain gives to the shoulder);
  10. periarthritis (first the pain occurs only after physical exertion, then permanently);
  11. calcification of the tendon.

When you raise your hand

Causes of shoulder pain:

  1. Injury. As a rule, the pain is strong and sudden, it takes a very long time and periodically makes itself felt even after complete recovery.
  2. Rheumatic diseases. Practically for each of them, pain in the shoulder is characteristic, which is strengthened if you raise your hand.
  3. Tendovaginitis, tendonitis. Both these diseases in chronic course lead to the fact that tendon fibers and adjacent tissues are destroyed. Additional symptoms are: crunching or crackling in the joint during movement. At first the pain is delivered only by sharp movements, then all in general.
  4. Bursitis and tendo bursitis.
  5. Tendonitis of the rotator cuff of the shoulder. Inflammation of soft tissue around the shoulder joint. Raising an arm causes severe pain, which does not go off for a few days in a row.
  6. Shoulder-scapular periarthritis. At first the pain is dull, and then strong enough that a person avoids any movement by hand.
  7. Myositis of the shoulder muscles. With this inflammation appears not only pain, but redness of the skin, swelling.
  8. Hernia.

With the back of the hand

As a rule, the reason is the pathology of the joints. If a person has a shoulder ache while pulling his hands back, this can be caused by:

  • Bursitom. The most common reason. The shoulder not only hurts, but also reddens, if you take your hand back.
  • Radiculitis.
  • Tendinitis. With this disease, the pain gradually increases. Without treatment, the joint can completely cease to function.
  • Overload of the spine.
  • Arthritis, arthrosis.
  • Myocardial infarction. In some cases, shoulder pain is the only symptom of a beginning attack. However, this occurs rarely, shortness of breath and other signs of a heart attack appear more often.

It's a dull pain

Often she talks about the initial stages of joint diseases. Long aching pain in the shoulder occurs when:

  1. tendonitis;
  2. inflammation of the rotated cuff of the shoulder;
  3. capsulitis;
  4. intercostal neuralgia;
  5. bursitis;
  6. osteochondrosis;
  7. presence of calcium salts in the joints;
  8. inflammation of the tendons of muscles and bags of the joint;
  9. intervertebral hernia;
  10. shoulder and shoulder periarthritis;
  11. inflammation or degenerative change in the shoulder joint;
  12. old traumas.

Diseases of internal organs, in which pain can extend to the shoulder:

  • cervical radiculitis;
  • liver disease;
  • allergy;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • myofascial syndrome;
  • pneumonia;
  • Neuropathy;
  • angina pectoris;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • Impigment syndrome;
  • rheumatism;
  • tumors of the mediastinum.

Acute pain


  1. joint trauma;
  2. myocardial infarction;
  3. tendonitis;
  4. pathology of the liver;
  5. dislocation;
  6. neuritis of the brachial nerve;
  7. Tendobursit;
  8. angina pectoris;
  9. fracture;
  10. muscle rupture;
  11. arthritis;
  12. intervertebral hernia of the cervical or thoracic region;
  13. arthrosis;
  14. rupture of the brachial tendon.


This symptom is characteristic of diseases of the spine. The pain is increasing during movements and is calming down when the limb is fixed in one position.

It should be noted that the pain is accompanied by a violation of the sensitivity of one or both hands. They are becoming less and less powerful.

The skin becomes cold, periodically it may seem that "goosebumps" run around it. Pain and burning of the shoulder are talking about:

  • plexite;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • periarthrosis;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • periarthritis;
  • myocardial infarction.

The shoulder hurts and the arm does not rise

First of all, it is worth saying that this state, in most cases, occurs only if a person has started any disease.

If you ignore the pain, loss of sensitivity and limited movement, be prepared for the hand to stop rising or moving altogether.

To such consequences result:

  1. launched shoulder-scapular periarthritis;
  2. injuries;
  3. dislocations;
  4. inflammation of tendons;
  5. fractures;
  6. deposits of calcium salts;
  7. tendonitis of the rotator cuff;
  8. hernia.

The scapula is aching, giving in the arm and shoulder

This phenomenon is more often noted on the left side than with the right, and can occur due to:

  • injuries;
  • unsuccessful posture during sleep;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • inflammation of the subscapular zone;
  • dislocation;
  • soreness of trigger points in myofascial syndrome;
  • lack of intra-articular fluid;
  • compression of nerves;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • myocardial infarction (gives to the collarbone, elbow, hand);
  • fractures;
  • rupture of the rotator cuff of the shoulder;
  • bursitis;
  • syndrome syndrome;
  • diseases of the gallbladder;
  • pneumonia;
  • heart disease;
  • ulcers.

After sleep

Typically, this is due to the fact that a person takes an unsuccessful pose, because he does not control his body in the unconscious state. There are several diseases in which pain intensifies at night and causes considerable discomfort in the morning hours:

  1. cervical osteochondrosis;
  2. myogelosis;
  3. shoulder-scapular arthritis;
  4. hernia;
  5. arthritis;
  6. instability of the shoulder joint;
  7. spondylosis;
  8. arthrosis;
  9. adhesive capsulitis;
  10. damage to the rotator cuff of the shoulder;
  11. bursitis.

To which doctor to apply

If a person has pain in the shoulder joint, then the most reasonable will be to visit the therapist. He after the examination will give directions to one of the following specialists:

  • rheumatologist;
  • orthopedist;
  • traumatologist;
  • the neurologist;
  • the oncologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • allergist.

What kind of research can be used to establish an accurate diagnosis and choice of treatment tactics:

  1. blood tests, including rheumatic tests;
  2. Ultrasound;
  3. CT;
  4. biopsy;
  5. MRI;
  6. positron emission tomography;
  7. arthroscopy;
  8. radiography;
  9. ECG.


Therapy should be comprehensive and include the following stages:

  • Elimination of the cause of pain. It is necessary to treat a disease that provokes it.
  • Therapy aimed at stopping the development of pathological processes.
  • Symptomatic treatment. Elimination of pain, obvious swelling, redness, fever, etc.
  • Restorative treatment. It is aimed at the renewal of impaired joint functions.

There are conservative methods of treatment and surgical, but the latter are resorted to in the most neglected cases. Along with them, non-traditional medicine can also be used.

From medicines for treatment different ointments and creams with anesthetizing, anti-inflammatory effects, tablets, solutions for injections are used.

Drugs can be non-steroidal, steroidal, narcotic.

Ointments for pain

Means for local treatment quickly improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation, trigger recovery processes. A list of often prescribed drugs for anesthetizing and relieving inflammation:

  1. Diclofenac;
  2. Fastum gel;
  3. Ketonal;
  4. Chondroxide;
  5. Diklak;
  6. Ibuprofen;
  7. Hondart;
  8. Deep relic;
  9. Voltaren;
  10. Indomethacin;
  11. Chondroitin.

If the pain is caused by a neglected disease and it is almost impossible to tolerate it, it is advisable to prescribe the drugs in the form of injections. The most effective drugs:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Metizred;
  • Flosteron;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Omnopon;
  • Diprospan;
  • Promedol.


It will be possible to restore the mobility and function of the joint with the help of physiotherapy exercises. It can only be done after the pain syndrome of the shoulder region has completely been stopped.

It is preferable to visit a doctor and coordinate with him a set of exercises, which is suitable for recovery. Do not spend more than half an hour a day.

The rotational movements of the hands, the ascent and lowering of the limbs, the grip of the lock are helpful.


Several recipes for those who are not enough traditional treatment:

  1. Open the melissa and mint in the mortar to let the juice. Attach them to a painful shoulder, wrap it with a warm cloth, leave for an hour.
  2. Rub a little horseradish. Apply a compress with it to the shoulder, wrap with a warm towel or woolen scarf and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Rub into the affected joint 1 tablespoon tincture of calendula on alcohol twice a day. Repeat until the discomfort is completely gone.

: pain in the shoulder joints

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Pain in the shoulder joint

Pain in the shoulder joint is typical for different age groups of people.

Often such a symptom is manifested in the elderly, but it can also be found in young children who have a low-activity lifestyle.

Depending on the etiological factors, pain may have a different nature and strength of impact.

The shoulder joint hurts primarily because there were irregularities in its structure. To eliminate discomfort and unpleasant sensation in the patient, the doctor needs to identify the causes of joint damage and influence the source of the development of the symptom.


Pain in the shoulder joint of the right or left hand has various causes of formation. Often an unpleasant symptom is manifested under the influence of such etiological factors:

  • sedentary way of life;
  • impaired posture;
  • increased load on the joint of the shoulder;
  • injuries in the joints;
  • age is more than 50 years;
  • infectious diseases.

The causes of pain in the shoulder joint also lie in some pathologies:

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To provoke inflammatory actions in the shoulder joint can also other pathologies of internal organs, which are characterized by the same symptom. These include liver damage, myocardial infarction, pneumonia, angina pectoris, rheumatism, neuropathy, allergy, cervical sciatica.

If the patient has pain in the shoulder joints and redness of the skin is noticeable, then, probably, an inflammatory process has begun in the shoulder. Such factors can provoke this action in the hand:

  1. hemorrhage in trauma or hemophilia;
  2. reactive arthritis;
  3. Post-streptococcal injury;
  4. metabolic disorders;
  5. autoimmune diseases.


Damage in the shoulder joint can form various causes, so when diagnosing an illness doctors need to identify a clinical picture.

With a bruise, the patient develops an acute pain syndrome and a small hematoma.

For this reason, there may be a temporary restriction in the movement of the hand with a strong pain syndrome.

Pain and crunching in the shoulder joint occurs when a dislocation or fracture due to a fall on the hand or a strong blow to it.

Frequent exacerbated pains restrict any movement with the entire hand.

When you feel the injured hand during a dislocation, the deformation of the joint zone is revealed, and at the fracture a crunchy sound is heard.

Minor fractures and dislocations can also occur in elderly patients from age-related bone thinning and loosening of ligaments.

Dislocation of the shoulder joint

Depending on the pathology, pain in the joint can manifest itself in different symptoms. Doctors have identified clinical manifestations for all sorts of reasons for an unpleasant symptom:

  • with tendinitis - a sharp and pulling pain of a growing character, progresses at night. Inflammatory process in the tendon occurs with excessive load on the shoulder and interferes with free movement of the hand;
  • with bursitis, the symptom persists for several days, or even weeks. The damaged area is constantly aching, swelling, and hurting the shoulder joint when raising the arm or drawing the arm to the side;
  • when capsulitis - manifests a painful scabies, extending to the hand and neck;
  • when arthritis - increased body temperature on the inflamed part of the joint, puffiness is formed, the patient painfully and hard to move his hand, the pain syndrome has a periodic character;
  • with arthrosis - there is a crunch and pain in the shoulder joint during motion. At the advanced stage of damage to the hand, the syndrome passes into a constant manifestation. When palpation of the inflamed zone, pain is given to the scapula and collarbone. Deformation of the joint begins;
  • with cervical osteochondrosis - the pain syndrome becomes more intense when moving head or neck;
  • humeropyritis periarthritis - a pain burning and drawing character in the neck and arm area when raising a hand or putting it behind your back, and even the pain becomes more intense at night. Since this type of disease is a complication of the osteochondrosis of the cervical region, limbs are affected. They can dumb and muscles atrophy;
  • when osteoporosis - the functionality of the shoulder joint weakens, the hand is inactive and weak. Pain syndrome increases with physical activity;
  • when the neuritis of the shoulder nerve - pain in the right or left humerus, and it manifests itself more intensively; there is discomfort.

For the clinical picture, it is also important to determine the localization of pain. From the location of the focus of inflammation also depends on the type of developing disease. The patient can be diagnosed with pain in the following places:

  1. when the arm is lifted forward or led to the side;
  2. when the arm rotates about the axis;
  3. the front of the arm;
  4. when raising a hand vertically;
  5. when lifting heavy cargo;
  6. with light movement - an attempt to comb, lay your hair, etc.;
  7. when turning the head or moving the neck;
  8. pain in the shoulder and neck simultaneously;
  9. painful attacks from the elbow to the shoulder;
  10. pain localizes in the shoulder and gives into the back;
  11. is located in the shoulder and collarbone.


During the detection of a similar syndrome, in which the indicators become more intense, the patient should always seek the advice of a specialist.

With such a problem, you can contact a traumatologist. When establishing the diagnosis, it is very important for the doctor to determine why the pain syndrome developed.

Depending on the location and degree of manifestation of pain, a physician can detect this or that pathology.

Pain in the shoulder joint of the left arm can occur not only with the stretching of the tendon, inflammation of the periarticular bag or deposition of salts, but also to indicate severe illnesses, to get rid of which the patient needs urgent medical help.

Pain in the shoulder joint of the right hand is provoked by the same pathologies, as well as traumas, congenital anatomical abnormalities, liver disease, radiculopathy, pneumonia, myositis.

The growing pain in the joint of the right hand is manifested from the humeroparous periarthrosis and periarthritis.

Pointing out the damage to the shoulder joint, rather than the muscle tissue, will be such manifestations of pain and signs:

  • pain is constant;
  • increases with motion and in a calm state;
  • diffuse syndrome;
  • movements are limited;
  • an increase in the joint in volume.

Depending on the clinical picture, which the patient voiced, the doctor should direct the patient to a more accurate diagnosis of the joint condition.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, the patient should be examined by a narrow specialist.

With pain syndrome in the joint of the shoulder, you can consult a neurologist, traumatologist-orthopedist, cardiologist, rheumatologist, oncologist, allergist. After their examination, the patient needs to do the following examinations:

Arthroscopy of the shoulder joint

  1. radiography;
  2. Ultrasound;
  3. arthroscopy;
  4. a tomography;
  5. revmoproby;
  6. ECG;
  7. biopsy - with suspicion of oncological pathology.


In order for the severe pain in the shoulder joint to subside, the patient needs to undergo a comprehensive examination.

After diagnostics of the inflamed zone and establishment of an exact illness the patient is prescribed therapy.

To eliminate all factors of the development of the disease, the patient is assigned a treatment of 4 components:

  • etiotropic - therapy of the cause of inflammation;
  • pathogenetic - to stop the development of the disease;
  • symptomatic - to reduce the manifestation of symptoms;
  • restorative - for the rapid restoration of joint performance and improvement of the general condition of the patient.

With the elimination of pain in the shoulder joints, the causes and treatment are interrelated. Therefore, to reduce the chances of developing complications and quick recovery to the patient, a full-fledged therapy of the four above components is prescribed.

If the pain was caused by a hand injury, the patient should immediately apply a cold compress to the inflamed area. Then the hemorrhage will stop a little and puffiness will decrease, and unpleasant sensations will cease. Doctors eliminate pain in the joint of the right or left hand by traditional treatment:

  1. the imposition of a cold compress;
  2. fixation of the hand;
  3. elimination of pain syndrome with drugs;
  4. external means - ointments.

If the right or left shoulder joint begins to get sick from overexertion, the patient will have enough external impact by special means.

Ointments and gels have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Ointments consist of quickly absorbed components that do not leave a fatty film, do not cover the pores and act on deep tissues.

Using means of external action, when the joint hurts, it is worth remembering that they are undesirable to apply to the damaged areas of the skin and mucous membranes.

Also, doctors are not advised to apply the cream under tight bandages or combine with various warming items.

If there is an itch, burning or other allergic reaction ointment should be washed off immediately.

To take medication orally, physicians prescribe to patients tablets. Take them on a strict prescription.

The doctor also prescribes medicines, taking into account the condition at the time of joint damage, the presence of other pathologies and possible allergies.

Anti-inflammatory effect is possessed by such preparations:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Meloksikam;
  • Xsefokam;
  • Nimesulide.

When arthritis, arthrosis or bursitis pain in the shoulder joint, when you raise your hand, you can eliminate non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors.

If the disease has developed to a complicated stage and the drugs used do not give the proper effect, then the doctor appoints the patient the minimum use of hormones and drugs with narcotic analgesics.

These drugs are taken to reduce the risk of developing malignant neoplasms.

Endoprosthetics of the shoulder joint

If the shoulder joint begins to deform, then traditional treatment will be ineffective. In this case, doctors resort to radical methods of therapy - operational assistance. The patient undergoes arthroplasty of the joints.

With the detection of periarthritis, the patient is prescribed analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs that eliminate pain in the left shoulder joint. In case the disease occurs with a strong inflammatory character, the patient needs to use glucocorticosteroid ointments and injections.

In addition to drug therapy, other methods can be used to eliminate the syndrome. Doctors advise patients:

  1. guard mode - immobilize the joint, so that there is no undesirable movements and progression of the pain syndrome;
  2. light physical exertion - yoga or gymnastics. The muscles in this case relax and the pain in the shoulder joint with the raising of the hand gradually decreases;
  3. physiotherapy measures - electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, shock wave procedures, laser therapy, phonophoresis, UHF. However, before you start this treatment yourself, you need to consult a doctor and find out if you can apply the above procedures and physical exertion to such a disease;
  4. alternative means.

It is also possible to eliminate pain in the shoulder joint with folk medication. It is this method that relates to alternative therapies. You can use these funds after consulting a doctor. Traditional medicine suggests eliminating pain syndrome by such methods:

  • rub the inflamed place overnight with alcohol tincture;
  • acetic compresses;
  • apply ointment on lard;
  • apply cabbage leaf at night;
  • to drink tea from the bark of a white willow.


If you do not start the treatment in time, then the shoulder joint may be aching for a long time, with the pain occurring when the hand is raised, any movements and physical activity. If the patient initially had the usual pain from trauma, serious illnesses may soon develop:

If the pain syndrome is not eliminated in a timely manner, then in the human body, severe pathological processes can begin, leading to a disruption of the musculoskeletal system. With incorrect or late treatment, the patient may lose his motor function and become disabled.


So that a person does not wonder why the shoulder joint hurts and how to treat this pathology, it is worth giving time to preventive measures. Doctors are advised to lead an active lifestyle, take breaks during sport activities and timely eliminate shoulder shoulder injuries.

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