Cough for allergies

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Allergic cough, what and what to do

Allergic cough is one of the most unpleasant manifestations of an allergic reaction, it is quite difficult to distinguish it from the symptoms of an ordinary cold, such a cough lasts for several weeks or even months and the usual antitussives do not help it to get rid of.

This cough arises because of the ingestion of an allergen into the body, it can be accompanied by a runny nose, lacrimation and even a spasm of the larynx. To get rid of the clinical manifestations of allergies, you can only exclude contact with the substance that caused allergies or suppressed immune reactions of the body.

The mechanism of development

Allergic cough is not a disease, it is one of the symptoms of an allergic disease. It develops as a result of the ingress of the allergen into the upper respiratory tract of a person, the bloodstream receives mediators inflammations and other substances that provoke swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, larynx, trachea and bronchi.

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This condition leads to the development of complications from the respiratory system - constant edema and respiratory tract spasm leads to a violation of normal breathing, there is hyperventilation of the lungs, which can cause bronchial obstruction and seizures suffocation.

Causes of development

The causes of the development of an allergic cough do not differ from the causes of any allergic reactions. Such a cough can develop against the background of a person's complete health, even if he has never before had no manifestations of allergy, but most often, such a symptom appears in people with an increased risk of developing allergies. At risk are children who have suffered from various types of diathesis in infancy, those suffering from immunity disorders, helminthic invasions or receiving hormonal treatment.

In adults, an allergic cough develops less often, most often in people working in conditions of severe air pollution, with the evaporation of poisonous substances, paint and varnish materials, lovers of cigarettes or suffering from another allergic disease - atopic dermatitis, urticaria and so Further.

An allergic dry cough appears due to an increased sensitivity of the body to any substance when it enters the human body through the upper respiratory tract, then edema and spasm of the walls of the bronchi develops, and a constant cough is a protective reaction of the body trying to remove the allergen from respiratory ways.

Symptoms of the disease and the main signs of the difference between an allergic cough and other diseases

Allergic cough, especially at the onset of the disease, is difficult to distinguish from symptoms of SARS and colds. But, if you carefully observe the patient, you can see the following features:

  1. Cough for allergy dry, "barking the patient can not clear his throat and cope with bouts of a severe debilitating cough - this is due to a strong irritation of the bronchial mucosa with an allergen, laryngeal edema does not allow breathing normally, but is not accompanied by sputum and does not bring relief patient.
  2. During coughing attacks, the patient may not have enough air, there is a feeling of suffocation or even, panic.
  3. At allergic reactions there are no signs of catarrhal diseases, such as: fever, chills, headache.
  4. Cough can be accompanied by a runny nose, lacrimation, skin reactions.
  5. Cough intensifies under certain conditions or at a certain time - with the use of some food, the appearance in the air of some substances (for example, when using perfume or other aromatic substances, in the presence of a pet or after sleeping on a feather pillow).
  6. Perhaps the emergence of cough in certain seasons - for example, in the spring, with flowering herbs or in the fall.
  7. Cough and other manifestations of the disease do not disappear after the use of conventional drugs, but are quickly stopped by taking antihistamines.

As manifested in children

Very often this kind of allergic reaction develops in young children, already in the first years of life or even from the moment of birth, and causes obstructive bronchitis.

Such a cough occurs suddenly, without signs of intoxication and increased body temperature. The child suddenly starts to cough, most often coughing and shortness of breath occur at night, during the day the symptoms of allergy are somewhat reduced. Cough in this case is dry, if slightly sputum is allocated, it is clear, viscous, without the admixture of pus. In addition to coughing in children, there may be a lot of lachrymation, separated from the nose, itching in the throat and nose.

When these symptoms appear, it is very important to try to catch the dependence of the occurrence of coughing and attacks of suffocation on those or other events. Strengthens or there is a cough at the exit from the house, contact with pets or eat some food.

Allergic cough can lead to dangerous complications, especially in young children, they have very quickly develops obstructive bronchitis, which after 2-3 years of illness can go to the bronchial asthma. Because of the constant hyperventilation of the lungs, the thorax increases in size, the lungs press on the inner organs and even change the shape of the chest - the lower ribs expand, and the baby's chest becomes barrel-shaped. Therefore, at the first signs of an allergy, it is necessary to start treatment as early as possible and pay special attention to the prevention of the development of allergic reactions.

Treatment and prevention of allergic cough in adults and children

Treatment of an allergic cough should be comprehensive and include:
  • Exclusion or restriction of contact of a patient with an allergen,
  • taking antihistamines,
  • increase of general immunity and level of resistance to diseases,
  • prevention of allergic reactions.

Even just to determine what exactly the allergic reaction has developed is difficult enough, it can be related to anything and this reaction can be caused by several substances or their combination. If it was possible to determine exactly what the allergic reaction is, then you should try to limit the impact this allergen - to exclude this product from food, stop using feather pillows or remove from home all plants.

Reception of antihistamines - this treatment of an allergic cough quickly and effectively relieves the patient from coughing or choking, so if there is a risk of allergies, such drugs should always be hand. Today, there are many different antihistamines for children and adults, in the form of tablets or inhalants, it is very convenient in treating children. The most popular of them are: suprastin, diazolin, claritin, tavegil and others, but only the doctor will be able to choose the most suitable preparation and the desired dosage. With inhalation of these drugs, the effect occurs after 10-20 minutes, and the tablet forms ensure the long-term effect - up to 12 or 24 hours.

To cleanse the body or strengthen its protective forces, it is recommended to take vitamin preparations, if on them no allergies, hardening, walking outdoors, proper nutrition and lack of nervous overvoltage.

If allergic reactions provoke very severe attacks of suffocation, which are not stopped by the usual methods of treatment, the doctor can prescribe the intake of hormonal drugs, corticosteroids, in the form of inhalations or tablets. Despite the effectiveness of such treatment, one should try to do without it - hormonal preparations cause strong changes in the body and can lead to serious complications with health. If their reception is necessary, it is better to choose corticosteroids, in the form of inhalation - they have less systemic effect.


In addition to limiting contact with allergens and increasing immunity, the following can be advised for the prevention of allergies:

  • having come back from a walk or from work to process the nasopharynx with a warm isotonic solution or at least clean warm water, this will help remove accumulated dust and harmful substances from the nose and mouth, you can use inhalations to wash the nasopharynx in small children,
  • refuse to use aromatic substances, cosmetics or detergents with flavors and so on,
  • limit the use of preservatives and dyes,
  • daily do wet cleaning and get rid of indoor plants, old furniture, soft toys, carpets and other items where dust can accumulate.
  • during allergic reactions use an air humidifier.

This cough is quite serious and unfavorable symptom, therefore it is necessary to immediately start treatment and prevention of allergies, without waiting for the development of complications.

Whether there is a cough at an allergy

People suffering from an allergic cough do not always understand what is the root cause of their deteriorating health. If such a reaction of the body happens for the first time, then in 90% it is impossible to recognize allergy. Most often I perceive it as an ordinary cold. According to WHO statistics, an increasing number of people are becoming subject to this disease every year. In countries with developed economies, the reflex action, which has arisen against the background of allergies, is diagnosed in almost a third of the population. And this is without children's manifestations, which kids simply outgrow to the age of five.

Cough that happens without fever and other visible cold symptoms is one of the first signs of developing allergies. This disease can be accompanied by a runny nose, swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat and nose, suffocation. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms in time, and do not find out the cause of the cough for allergies, then it can go into a more complicated form of the ailment - asthma.

What can cause a cough for allergies

Here it should be taken into account that due to the poor state of the environment some irritating factors also cause similar reflex actions of the organism. A vivid example is the toxic emissions of plants when the normal operation of treatment facilities is disrupted. Such situations occur in industrial centers, where metal products are manufactured, chemical enterprises are located. In addition, in some metropolitan areas due to a significant flow of transport chemical composition of air can also affect the development of cough for allergies.

The cause of this ailment is very different substances. They can be divided into several groups, depending on the effect of the pathogen:

  • Professional.
  • Infectious.
  • Allergic.
  • Drug-induced.
  • Hormonal.
  • Arising from the impact of other causes.

Cough pathogens against a background of allergies

It should be noted that the same active substance has a different effect on the body. Therefore, it is so important to recognize the type of reagent. Directly the allergens themselves experts are divided into the following types:

  • Pollen. Here there is a clear gradation of the influence of plants on the principle of pollination time. This allows doctors to identify the pathogen in a shorter time.
  • Household. In addition to the homemade dust that has stuffed it on, it is necessary to take into account also what is on the pages of books, appears due to the presence of cockroaches and cockroaches.
  • Moldy mushrooms. Now we know more than a hundred active substances of this group. It is very difficult to protect yourself from the effects of such pathogens, since their presence in the open air can not be predicted. As a rule, they cause not only a strong cough for allergies, but also rhinitis, inflammation of the mucosa.
  • Insept allergens. This group includes those substances that are allocated because of the presence of so-called house insects. It's not just about cockroaches and cockroaches, but also about bugs, ants and spiders. All of them have a chitinous cover, which after the destruction of the insect can be crushed into small particles. Their ingression into the respiratory system causes acute attacks of a strong dry cough with suffocation in a certain group of people.
  • Professional pathogens. This group unites a significant number of people. Lovers of cooking at home baking too belong to this category. The thing is that flour is one of the substances that cause cough for allergies. Directly the wheat itself can be used without harm to the body. However, the flour has exactly the shape and size of the particles, which naturally pass through the natural protection of a person, causing a negative reaction.
Cough, against the background of allergies can be both dry and with sputum secretion. The nature of the flow of the process depends entirely on the type of pathogen, the reaction of the organism and the general state, that is, immunity. Therefore, to find out an allergic cough or a cold, you should consult a doctor and go through a series of necessary tests, which will result in sampling of the substances contact with them. And only after that immunostimulating and antihistamines are prescribed. But, unfortunately, such a scheme is not able to cure an ailment. Since for effective healing it is necessary to recognize what causes a cough for allergy and eliminate it.

Allergic cough: how is the treatment?

If an allergic cough occurs, treatment should be performed by a specialist. Quite often during an allergy there is a cough. In contrast to cold cough during an allergy, there is no increase in body temperature and the occurrence of sudden prolonged seizures. This ailment can cause both products and household things.


It is very important to start the treatment of an allergic cough in time, because otherwise there is a high risk of developing chronic bronchitis, and later of bronchial asthma. The doctor firstly detects the allergen that caused the onset of symptoms. Immediately after this, the patient should be completely shielded from the main cause of an allergic cough. It should be noted that the therapy of this cough often lasts a fairly long time (from several months to several years).

If the cause of the allergy is medicine, then in the first place you need to take Suprastin, and then go to the doctor. With this diagnosis, usually prescribed antihistamines, which prevent the release of histamine. Very popular are Zetrin, Zirtek and Zodak, which are more modern types of such medicines. It should be noted that after the use of such remedies, the symptoms of allergies take place after 20 minutes, and the risk of side effects is almost zero.

It should be noted that some antihistamines can cause drowsiness, heaviness in the head and rapid fatigue. These include Suprastin. When using it, avoid work that requires a quick reaction, as well as driving the car.

To help the body clear of allergens that have already got into it, the patient is assigned intestinal sorbents (activated carbon, Enterosgel). Especially effective are such drugs in the development of food allergies.

In severe form of this disease in adults, glucocorticosteroids are often prescribed, which contribute to the rapid elimination of signs of the disease. Children should not be given hormones. In those cases where the concentration of the allergen in the baby's body is too high, doctors perform blood cleansing with intravenous infusion of saline or glucose.

With the development of an allergic cough, doctors also prescribe bronchodilators to the patient.Such drugs cause relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi. They contribute to the elimination of bronchospasm. Such bronchodilators as Salbutamol and Beclomethasone are very popular. These medications should only be used after a doctor's appointment.

Also, with such a disease, it is necessary to take expectorants. The thing is that one of the reasons for the appearance of a cough with allergies is very dense sputum, which appears in the bronchi. Such drugs can be prescribed in the form of both inhalations and tablets. Expectorants such as Bromgexin and Ambroxol are considered very effective.

Rules to be followed

In the treatment of an allergic cough, several important rules should be adhered to:
  1. It is very important to strengthen immunity. To do this, you need to eat as much fruit, vegetables and take courses of vitamin supplements. It should be noted that it is necessary to enrich your diet with fruits and vegetables only if all kinds of these products are not the cause of the allergy.
  2. Do not be lazy to wash your nose and rinse your larynx. Experts recommend rinsing the larynx with a 9% solution of sodium chloride.
  3. It is very important to create good living conditions for an allergic person. In a room where the patient spends most of the time, there must be fresh, well-moistened air. To do this, you must constantly do the cleaning, use a variety of air humidifiers and ventilate the room.
  4. If an allergic cough has appeared as a negative reaction of the body to dust, then you should get rid of all the "dust collectors" in the room (carpets, books, soft toys).
  5. Allergy sufferers should use only hypoallergenic hygiene items.
  6. It is better to give up duvets and pillows. They need to be replaced with artificial ones.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of an allergic cough with folk remedies is very popular. For the preparation of such products, only high-quality and fresh ingredients should be used.

Very effective is the following mixture: 1 medium-sized lemon must be very finely chopped and mixed with 4 tablespoons of clean water and 2 tablespoons of honey. The resulting consistency should be cooked until a homogeneous mass is formed. As soon as the product cools down, it must be taken 1 time by a spoon 5 times a day.

Not less popular is the infusion of medicinal collection: 2 spoons of leaves of mother-and-stepmother it is necessary to mix with 1 spoon of herb oregano and 2 teaspoons of ground althea root medicinal. 1 spoon of this collection should be filled with 250 ml of boiling water. The formed liquid should be insisted for 60 minutes. After this, the product should be filtered and taken inside every 2 hours for 3 tablespoons.

Allergic cough can be treated with warm water.

3-4 times a day you need to gargle with warm water. This procedure must be carried out immediately after returning home.

Well-proven inhalation with potatoes. Potato peel should be boiled over medium heat for 15 minutes. After that, in the resulting mixture, you need to add a little leaves of thyme and eucalyptus. The resulting consistency should be kept on the stove for several minutes. In the finished mixture, add 1 drop of fir oil, stand over the pan, cover your head with a towel and breathe in steam for about 15 minutes.


During an attack of cough, you can rub your chest with camphor oil. Immediately after this, the mustard must be placed on the breast, previously moistened in water. After 20 minutes, the mustard plasters can be removed.

Additional recommendations

Treatment of folk remedies for an allergic cough involves the use of a decoction of 1 spoonful of chamomile, 1 teaspoon of finely chopped lemon and the same amount of black tea. The resulting consistency should be placed in a thermos and pour boiling water. The product must be infused before it cools down completely. Drink such a liquid should be throughout the day in small sips. As practice shows, positive results will not take long.

Very popular is garlic syrup. Several cloves of garlic must be crushed and mixed with 1 spoon of honey. The remedy should be postponed for 14 days. Take this slurry every morning for 1 spoonful.

In addition, 1 spoon of honey should be mixed with a pinch of soda, a spoon of crushed laurel leaves and pour 1 cup of boiling water. It should be a uniform consistency, which must be insisted for 2 hours and take inside 100 ml with a strong cough.

An excellent home remedy for the above described disease is the onion broth. Preparing such a tool is very easy, and positive results after it appear fairly quickly. In 1 liter of boiling water, add 1 cup sugar and 2 uncleaned bulbs. The resulting consistency should be kept on medium heat for about 1 hour. Ready liquid should be taken 1/2 cup 5 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely.


Before starting treatment of an allergic cough by household means, it is necessary to consult a doctor. This will help to avoid many complications.

Allergic cough in children: treatment and symptoms | How to treat a cough for an allergy in a child

When a child begins to cough, concerned parents at a doctor's appointment ask what to do. Pediatricians note that, firstly, it is important to learn to distinguish between an allergic cough in a child. And only then try to treat it.

Symptoms of allergic cough in children

Allergic cough is a common sign of allergy. And if there is still a runny nose with such a cough, then serious problems occur in the airways.

Symptoms of the disease are as follows:

1 cough with allergies appears suddenly, it is paroxysmal. Its duration is two to three weeks in the absence of temperature. True, it can be accompanied by a runny nose.

2. The cough is dry, mostly happens at night, and in the daytime it may stop or become less frequent.

3. can appear transparent sputum without pus; the appearance of sneezing, itching in the throat and nose.

4. The mucous membrane protects the person's airways, but is unable to cope with the allergen. This leads to swelling of the larynx. For this reason, before such a cough begins, the child may not have enough air and it is difficult to breathe.

5. When coughing, there is no sudden increase in body temperature.

6. cough for allergies can become stronger with the appearance of pets, in a dream (if the pillow is down).

7. seasonal exacerbations. As a rule, it is winter and summer.

Differential symptoms of cough caused by allergies

There are symptoms on which parents can see for themselves, an allergic reaction causes attacks of severe dry cough or not. First of all:

1. There is no elevated temperature;

2. Cough intensifies under certain conditions (if nearby a pet or feather pillow);

3. Seasonality (often allergic cough in children manifests itself in summer and winter, when the child spends a lot of time in confined spaces);

4. A positive reaction of the body to taking antihistamines, such as Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin.

5. With such a cough sputum is difficult to get rid of.

6. Cough dry and barking cough.

7. complaints of the child for lack of air and difficulty in breathing.

8. The state of suffocation due to puffiness of the mucous larynx and bronchi.

Allergic cough in children is important to distinguish from whooping cough or bronchitis.

How to treat traditional methods of cough in children with allergies?

The most important thing to do when an allergic cough occurs at home is to try to get as far away from the pathogen as possible. To remove the attack, the treatment is prescribed by the doctor an allergist, as well as a nutritionist, since with such a cough it is still important to follow a diet.

Treatment of an attack of a cough caused by an allergic one needs to be done on time. If you do not give the child timely help, the risk increases that the dry cough will develop into chronic bronchitis with a component of asthma. Then there is the risk of bronchial asthma. Therefore, even with no apparent suspicion of allergy, you need to conduct a thorough medical examination and get advice from an allergist and pediatrician.

Principles of drug treatment of children's allergic cough

Attacks of an allergic cough in children can be removed due to modern drugs, which are called antihistamines. If at the time of making an injection, for example, Suprastin, the cough will stop after five to ten minutes. If you take this drug in tablets, then in twenty minutes. Suprastin is active for about twelve hours. Then the drug is excreted from the body together with urine.

In the treatment of children, antiallergic drugs such as Diazolin and Tavegil are also used. Thanks to them, an attack of suffocating allergic cough slowly ceases.

Do not give the baby any cure for glucocorticosteroids! This is a dangerous drug that makes a child, in fact an addict. Ask physicians in the severe case at the first stage to limit the treatment of the disease to drip infusions of glucose and fiz. solution. These drugs will reduce the concentration of allergens in the blood of the child and help his recovery.

Study the prescribed methods and choose the most bezlopastnye, because the chosen treatment depends on the life and well-being of your child.

Features of treatment of an allergic cough by folk remedies

Many parents are lost and do not know what to do with a continuous tearing cough in the child. Even with taking all sorts of medications and using folk remedies, coughing may not go away. It is not easy to remove an attack of an allergic cough.

In the treatment of the disease, folk remedies can be used.

1. every day several times rinse your mouth and nasopharynx with warm water.

2. treatment with herbs from laurel leaves, honey and soda (food). For this, the leaves boil for five minutes, add a tablespoon of honey and baking soda. Take during coughing attacks (one-fourth of a glass a day).

It should be noted that the treatment of an allergic cough process is quite long. It happens even more than a year.

Causes and prevention of pediatric allergic cough

The allergic type of cough is much more common than we think. The most prone to this disease are children who have had diathesis since their earliest childhood. Therefore, even the smallest "dose" of an allergen can cause cough in such children.

Since the earliest years, the first signs of a strong reaction of the body may appear. They can be different and depend on the type of allergy. It can be an allergy

  • on the flowering of trees,
  • on the dust,
  • on the wool of pets.

It can also be the body's response to foreign proteins, if, for example, they have entered the body with a vaccine or serum.

Prevention of allergy and cough in children

To start to be engaged in prophylaxis it is necessary still during pregnancy, before occurrence of the child on light.

1. first, do not eat foods that contain allergens or reduce their intake.

2. as much as possible to be out in the fresh air.

And after the birth of the baby, carefully monitor his skin. Daily housekeeping and airing of rooms are also required.

Prevention of coughing in children with allergies

The state of an allergic cough in children requires effective prevention, with complex therapy. It is necessary for a child to carry out a diagnosis in order to detect the presence of possible allergens. After these allergens are detected, they should be completely excluded from the diet or the use of the baby.

Prevention of an allergenic cough in children should be prolonged. It often takes months, and even years, for a full recovery. Be careful when watching your child.

You need to be careful to your children that an allergic cough, if it has already appeared, has not passed into a chronic stage. As chronic bronchitis can gradually form. And if the treatment is unproductive, wrong, not at the time, then the disease can go to bronchial asthma. Parents can receive detailed recommendations from an allergist and a nutritionist. Remember that any manifestation of allergy in your child - this is a symptom that in the future may be the cause of a serious and serious disease.

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