Alcoholism: external symptoms

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After a prolonged abuse of alcohol, certain external signs of alcoholism appear. But, I would like to warn the reader of hasty conclusions about whether this or that person is alcoholic or not. Never make hasty conclusions, because the most reliable signs of alcoholism are the alcohol content in the blood and the vapors of the exhaled air. And also alcohol-poor life story of a person with frequent participation in aimless sit-ups of drinking companies and wandering the streets in a drunken state.

External signs of alcoholism can be confused with other diseases of nonalcoholic etiology. To diagnose alcoholism by external signs it is necessary accurately not to hang a label of an alcoholic on the person and not to touch its internal sense of dignity. And then suddenly he will sue you? And it will require moral and material compensation.

It is not only alcoholics who are uncomfortable in dressing and not looking well dressed. But the most obvious external sign of alcoholism is the alcoholic smell of fumes from the mouth when breathing and talking. On the other hand, to assert that breathing fumes - definitely alcoholic, too, can not, maybe it's just a household drunkard. But if you have a person who is ready to do everything for you to get a bottle for him, then yes.

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Alcoholics are similar to each other. They have a common motive of behavior, the meaning of life, the salt of life - this is alcohol in any form. For a bottle they can sell, drink, steal anything, go not only to misconduct, even to crime. About them they say: "Mother will sell her for a bottle!".It's very scary. They do not consider themselves sick. Are pathologically false, unceremonious.

Alcoholics give out such external signs:

  1. The smell of fumes from the mouth.
  2. Generally unpleasant odor from body and clothing.
  3. A sibilant and trembling voice, features of speech, flat humor.
  4. Negligence in clothes.
  5. Unfamiliar appearance: unshaven, uncombed, unhealthy hair color and hairiness. Female alcoholics are excessively and absurdly using cosmetics, they cease to follow their appearance. Teeth, usually "very busy" with the search for alcoholic people, are not cleaned.
  6. It happens that some alcoholics, with a little experience, still follow their appearance, but there is a certain "shabby", "bruising" appearance.

External signs of alcoholism are also expressed by the accompanying disorders of the internal organs, which appear as symptoms of certain diseases:

  1. Puffiness of the face, blue under the eyes, pale complexion or earthy-greenish color indicate the kidney failure.
  2. The yellowness of the face is a manifestation of a pancreatic disorder.
  3. Jaundice sclera comes from a diseased liver: the presence of hepatitis, dystrophic fat changes in the liver.
  4. Acute weight loss, icterus of the skin and sclera, while the stomach is large - the probability of the last stage of cirrhosis of the liver.
  5. Red face, possibly crimson - high blood pressure.
  6. Blood veins on cheeks, nose - liming of vessels, their increased stiffness and fragility( fragility).Increases the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction.
  7. Cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle - ischemic heart disease - angina, heart failure.
  8. Edema on the feet - a heart rhythm disorder.

Total not count. All that I have listed is also relative. People are individual and, therefore, well-known and widespread diseases, diseases, disorders and disorders, they will also have a somewhat individual course.

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