What is the use of sauerkraut for the human body?

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Regular consumption of vegetables favorably affects the human body. World scientific luminaries in the field of dietetics constantly voice all the new useful properties as diets based on the use of vegetables, and each vegetable individually.

Pharmaceutical companies with an enviable regularity present the next biologically active additives, which include vitamins and micro and micro-elements derived from vegetables. But is it possible to replace the useful properties of any natural vegetable with doubtful pills?

Of course not. For example, such a budgetary and widely spread vegetable in any country of the world, like white cabbage. It hardly makes sense to try to get useful cabbages from cabbages and transfer them with high technology to a tablet.

Especially because cabbage in principle for a long time is able to stay fresh, which means - to preserve its useful properties. And cabbage since time immemorial wilts. Even in this condition, this product has a huge number of beneficial properties, which are so necessary for the body of every person.

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Article content:
  • Useful properties
  • Nutritional value and caloric value of
  • Is there any harm and contraindications?
  • Application in traditional medicine
  • Prescription for the treatment of constipation
  • From headaches
  • Treatment of pneumonia

Useful properties

Many people believe that only fresh cabbage can benefit the body. However, this is a big mistake! In a sausage kind this vegetable contains even more useful substances, rather than fresh ones.

The only thing is, it's better to cook sauerkraut on your own, rather than buying ready-made cabbage in shops or markets, as unscrupulous manufacturers often seek to speed up the process of cooking the product by adding to the cabbage harmful chemical additives.

Sauerkraut contains in its composition a large number of different vitamins and substances useful to the body, such as magnesium and calcium, zinc and iron, phosphorus, iodine, potassium and some others.

Regular consumption of sauerkraut replenishes the body's deficiency of micro- and -macro-elements , which contributes to the overall strengthening of human health. Potassium is involved in the process of formation of muscle tissue, which is very important for those people who are constantly engaged in sports.

Calcium , which is found in sauerkraut, is responsible for the strength of the bone system, helps maintain the health of the teeth at the proper level.

Iron raises the hemoglobin contained in human blood, thereby preventing the development of anemia( or anemia).

Iodine is generally an indispensable trace mineral, which is not so common in food. Without iodine, the normal functioning of the thyroid gland is impossible - the gland, which is responsible for producing the most important hormones.

Phosphorus activates brain activity, which is especially important for those who occupy highly intellectual labor.

In sauerkraut is present a whole complex of vitamins of group B , which, as is known, differ in ability to strengthen the nervous system. Those who are exposed to constant stressful situations, must necessarily combine admixture with the use of sauerkraut. It is proved that B vitamins increase the effectiveness of sedatives.

Vitamin K , which is not present in all foods, in sauerkraut is in sufficient quantities. It is this vitamin regulates the level of blood circulation. This useful property of sauerkraut is especially important for diabetics.

Vitamin A or, as it is also called, retinol, helps maintain retinal health, makes the eyesight sharper, prevents the development of myopia( myopia).

Vitamin C , which is more than enough in sauerkraut, is an antioxidant that stimulates the immune system, as well as prevents the development of SARS and ARD, helps in the treatment of flu and colds.

Sauerkraut, like most other vegetables, consists mainly of fiber, which helps to remove toxins from the digestive tract.

If at least a couple of times a week there is sauerkraut, you can significantly reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood.

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Nutritional value and calorie content

Cabbage is a unique dietary vegetable that practically does not contain calories: in one hundred grams of sauerkraut it contains only 18-20 Kcal( depending on the amount of added sugar).

100 grams of the finished product contains:

  • Fat -( polyunsaturated) 0.1 g.
  • Carbohydrates - 4.6 g, of which 2.9 g of fiber and 1.7 grams of simple carbohydrates.
  • Proteins - 0.9 g.

Is there any harm and contraindications?

Unfortunately, despite the obvious advantages of sauerkraut, this product has its own contraindications to use, which include:

  • Problems in the work of the kidneys and liver.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Gastritis.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Because sauerkraut contains a lot of table salt, it can not be eaten in unlimited quantities to people who have problems with blood pressure( hypertonics), as well as those who are prone to swelling, because salt detains water in the body.

Before consumption, it is recommended to wash sauerkraut under running water, so you can somewhat reduce the content of this salt dish.

Application in folk medicine

The use of sauerkraut in the recipes of traditional medicine began long ago, when no one dreamed of the existence of pharmacies. This simple dish - not only delicious, but also helps in the treatment of some health problems.

Prescription for the treatment of constipation

Many people consider the problem of constipation not a problem until they themselves encounter it. Constipation can provoke the development of hemorrhoids - a much more serious and unpleasant problem.

For the treatment of constipation the following recipe is used: 100 g of sauerkraut to grind with a blender or meat grinder. The resulting mass is cured with one tablespoon of olive oil. It is necessary to eat one tablespoon of gruel every day for a week after tomorrow.

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From headaches

Those who often suffer from headaches can try using the following recipe: finely chopped sauerkraut is wrapped in a thin cotton cloth or gauze and is applied to the foreheadfor half an hour. Within 10 minutes, the headache becomes less pronounced.

Treatment of pneumonia

is treated with medication, but it is possible to accelerate the healing process by applying the following recipe: cabbage brine to dilute one to one with warm boiled water. The received drink to use three times a day( half a glass) after half an hour after eating.

Sauerkraut is a simple and at the same time very useful dish that helps to maintain good health for many years!