High Pulse: Causes and Treatment of Frequent Rapid Heartbeats

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Frequent pulse - increased frequency of cardiac contractions - can be caused by different factors. High physical and mental stress, psycho-emotional experiences, as well as malfunctions in the body, in which palpitation can be a clear symptom of internal and neurological disorders, diseases and disorders lead to a high pulse.

If you know this problem personally, I advise you to immediately go to a cardiologist for a full medical examination and repeated ECG( electrocardiography).And there he decides whether to send you further for treatment to a doctor-therapist, a neurologist, or can all somehow manage at a simple case with the implementation of the doctor's recommendations at home.

For health, as for the pulse, you need to monitor yourself. Well, in general, what is this - high pulse, and what exactly frequency should it be to consider it a deviation from the normal indices of heart contractions?


Which pulse should be considered high?

Normally, the pulse should be 60-90 beats per minute. Much of course depends on the individual characteristics of the human body.

If the cardiac rate is greater than 100 beats per minute, this can be regarded as the tachycardia .At some point, working in this mode, the heart can not effectively pump the blood. Tachycardia is a serious problem and needs corrective measures. And if a person's pulse "goes off scale" - over 120 strokes, that's too much!

Physicians distinguish between two forms of tachycardia. The first begins in the ventricles, the second one above the ventricles. The last option received the widest distribution. This form does not cause serious complications and does not bring to the person the expressed discomfort. However, if this phenomenon occurs quite often, you need to see a doctor.

Keep in mind that high heart rate is a serious reason to think about health, because it can be caused by a number of uneasy reasons.

High pulse: causes of

Causes of high heart rate may hide in serious health problems, although in most cases the heartbeat is temporary.

Heart disease can cause a rapid heart rate. And many people ask for help in medical institutions. Especially if other symptoms join the tachycardia.

Cardiovascular system responds to many negative factors:

  1. For example, loss of artery wall elasticity or damage to heart valves can lead to difficulty in pumping blood and as a consequence for compensation - the heart rate rises. Thyroid dysfunction .Increased its function( hyperfunction) is often associated with a high pulse. This gland is responsible for managing the metabolism in the body. This provokes the heart to increase the speed of pumping blood, eventually there is a rapid heartbeat.
  2. The pathology of the upper chamber of the heart .Any microscopic irregularities can lead to a high pulse. These "damages" significantly weaken the muscles of the upper chambers of the heart, leading to overstrain.
  3. Emphysema is an obstructive pulmonary pathology. It can cause a high heart rate. With this disease, lung tissue becomes not elastic, and this significantly affects the ability to pump blood. Over time, this problem can cause a high pulse.
  4. Side effect of taking pharmacological drugs .Call for rapid pulse can certain substances and drugs. Thus, the use of hallucinogens, aphrodisiacs and drugs contributes to the emergence of this phenomenon. Negative effect on this process and the use of antidepressants( Amitriptyline, Saroten, Elivel and others), antiarrhythmics( Dinexan, Cardiodarone, Lidocaine and others), many diuretics( Lasix, Cyclomethaside, Diacarb and others), nitrates, cardiac glycosides( Digoxin, Bibliograf, Strofantin K and others) vasoconstrictive agents from the common cold( Naphthyzine, Sanorin, Tysin and others) Salbutamol, Thyroxine.

What else is an overestimated pulse?

This phenomenon can provoke both serious diseases and temporary negative factors affecting the body.

In addition to the main reasons that respond to the appearance of high heart rate, there are a number of indirect "influences".They increase the heart rate for a certain time. So, the pulse is affected by the intake of stimulants, coffee, tobacco, tea and other drinks containing them.

Few people know that it is a tea drink that can increase blood pressure and thus lead to the development of rapid heart rate.

This phenomenon can also be a rich food. The organism is difficult to cope with the received "food" and it intensively connects to this action all its functions.

Fear, increased nervousness, stress and anxiety lead to rapid heart rate. A similar phenomenon is caused by heat, lack of vitamins in the body, strong physical stress and imbalance of electrolytes during illnesses.

All of the above factors can speed up the pulse only for a certain period. Once the negative cause is eliminated, the heart will begin to work in the familiar mode.

Keep in mind that high heart rate is a common occurrence in people who have had a heart attack. If a person has had an attack spontaneously, without special reasons, you need to contact the doctor immediately. A high pulse can be a herald and a harbinger of many diseases.

Frequent pulse: signs of

Symptoms of high heart rate vary depending on the reason for which this phenomenon was caused. So, with sinus arrhythmia, the person does not feel much anxiety. After all, this phenomenon is prevalent mainly among the young population.

With a constant tachycardia, a person feels heart palpitations. Sometimes against the background of this phenomenon there are strong strokes in the chest. All that happens is painless, of course, does not violate the quality of life.

Suddenly occurring attacks of tachycardia - an increased heart rate, a person feels distinctly. If there is no special discomfort, the attacks go away quickly, and the heart begins to work in the usual mode.

In paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, severe palpitations may occur, accompanied by heat, dizziness, and headache. Such an attack frightens a person, he must immediately consult a doctor. In this case, a high pulse brings a lot of inconvenience.

Normal pressure and high pulse

A high pulse at normal pressure indicates the presence of tachycardia. This disease can be of two types. This is a pathological and physiological tachycardia. The first variation occurs against the background of violations of the functioning of organs and systems. The second option appears in stressful situations.

There are several negative factors that can provoke tachycardia. It may be malfunctioning of the nervous system, pathological changes in the heart, full of intoxication of the body and acute respiratory distress. The latter phenomenon often causes tachycardia in children.

This disease is characterized by the appearance of rapid heart rate, severe weakness, dizziness, possibly darkening in the eyes and tinnitus.

If a person suffers from heart disease, tachycardia can lead to the development of cardiac asthma, arrhythmic shock, and circulatory disorders of the brain. Therefore, the frequent pulse can not be ignored, this may be the first symptom of a serious illness.

Low pressure and frequent pulse

High pulse at low pressure - the first messengers of tachycardia development. This disease is quite common recently. And it affects not only older people, but also young people.

In addition to a rapid pulse with low pressure, other symptoms can also be observed. An abnormally loud heartbeat is possible. Man not only feels it, but he hears it perfectly. There is shortness of breath, dizziness, there is a constant feeling of fatigue and headaches.

This "deviation" is especially common among people who have reached the age of 30 years. But not only tachycardia can lead to the appearance of such symptoms. The fact is that the high pulse can hide ischemic heart disease( angina, myocardial infarction and other hearts).

Even if this phenomenon does not particularly bother you, you should always consult a doctor. At the first stage of tachycardia and any other disease, only a high pulse manifests itself, the other symptoms appear with time.

Fast pulse at high pressure

High pulse at high pressure can be caused by the presence of tachycardia. Recent research has shown that people prone to hypertension have an increased risk of getting problems with the cardiovascular system.

Tachycardia may manifest itself restrained and appear solely due to certain factors. It can be emotional stress, eating a certain food or exercise. Over time, the situation worsens and becomes much harder. To a high pulse, headache, dyspnoea and dizziness are added.

Pre-hypertension can also trigger negative symptoms. In people suffering from this phenomenon, the pulse often increases and against the background of this the pressure rises. Ignore the problem can not, because there is a high risk of complications arising from cardiovascular pathologies.

If a person is inclined to hypertension, he should be examined more often by a doctor. Rapid pulse at high pressure is a dangerous phenomenon, which causes many systems of the body to work in a strengthened mode.

If the pulse is higher than the lower pressure, then what?

When the pulse is higher than the lower pressure, it is worth consulting a specialist. This phenomenon may indicate the presence of tachycardia, ischemic disease and hypertension.

It's not so difficult to determine the problem yourself. It is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. If, in addition to the high heart rate, you can hear the heart beating, there is a headache, shortness of breath and fatigue, then this may indicate the presence of tachycardia.

Similar symptoms are inherent in ischemic heart disease and hypertension. But at the last occurrence, the increased pressure is more often observed also.

In the first stages, many cardiovascular diseases do not manifest themselves particularly. Therefore, people do not rush to seek medical help from a doctor. As a result, the disease is complicated and leads to the appearance of serious symptoms.

Following a tachycardia, ventricular failure and other adverse events may occur. A high pulse is a kind of warning that the body has failed.

Causes of pulse: beats per minute

Above 80

Is the pulse more than 80 dangerous and is it worth it to beware? The normal heart rate can vary from 60 to 100 beats per minute. In this case, much depends on the individual characteristics of the human body and the nature of its activities.

Most healthy people celebrate their pulse at 65-85 strokes. Much depends on what the person did and why the heart began to struggle hard. If there are physical exertion, consumption of caffeine, some medications or long, difficult work, then the high pulse in this case is quite normal.

When the rapid heartbeat appears suddenly, it is likely that it is a question of tachycardia. In this case it is recommended to undergo a survey.

In time not detected tachycardia can lead to serious consequences in the future. The lost form of this disease can come from diseases of the cardiovascular system. A high pulse, which appears without definite temporary causes, is dangerous.

Above 90

Pulse above 90 for many people is the norm. There are certain "standards" for this phenomenon. So, in the normal state of the pulse, a person should not exceed 60-100 beats per minute. Naturally, this figure varies considerably.

Some people have this feature of the body. They always have a pulse at an elevated mark. But in most cases this indicates serious health problems.

Based on an overestimated pulse, it can be concluded that this is a tachycardia at the initial stage. Similarly, hypertension and coronary heart disease begin to manifest itself. In this case, you need to go to the doctor's office. In time, unresolved problems lead to serious consequences.

It is necessary to take into account the factor on the basis of which a high pulse appeared. This phenomenon can be caused by the use of certain medications, food or physical work. If the high pulse is spontaneous, it's worth thinking about your own health.

Above 100

Pulse above 100 is a serious reason to think about health. If this phenomenon was not caused by physical stress, the use of stimulants or food, then it is most likely a problem with the cardiovascular system.

Naturally, there are a number of people for whom increased heart rate is the norm. But these are isolated cases and it is not worthwhile to "enter" into this number yourself. Only a doctor can assume this fact, after a complete examination and no detection of any problems.

Basically, the pulse above this mark indicates the presence of tachycardia or hypertension. At the last phenomenon there is also a high pressure.

In the early stages of the disease, they do not show themselves very much. There may be spontaneous palpitations accompanied by dizziness. Over time, the situation worsen, manifests itself shortness of breath, headache and severe fatigue.

It is impossible to start the disease at this stage. In the future, they can lead to the development of problems with the cardiovascular system. A high pulse is the "herald" of the onset of an unfavorable process in the body.

Above 120

Pulse above 120 may be due to the general overstrain of the body. This phenomenon also arises against the background of heavy loads, as well as the use of stimulants. A similar symptom is caused by some medicines.

But these are the most harmless factors that can cause this symptom. Basically, a high pulse occurs against the background of increased activity of the thyroid gland, anemia and tachycardia. It is possible that hypertension and coronary heart disease

If a high pulse is triggered by tachycardia, then it can manifest itself spontaneously. This is a so-called attack. The heart begins to beat violently, the person appears dizzy and short of breath. These symptoms cause the victim to immediately consult a doctor. This phenomenon carries a short-term character and can appear at any time.

The evidencing signs bring a number of inconveniences to a person, and he is forced to seriously think about his health. A high pulse can not be ignored, it can indicate the presence of a serious disease.

What are the causes of high heart rate at rest?

A high pulse at rest is a serious reason to think about your health. If a person feels a strong palpitation even during rest, there is a risk of developing a hyperactive thyroid gland. This phenomenon is accompanied by rather strange symptoms. Hair becomes silky, the skin is smooth, finger trembling, nervousness, unreasonable weight loss and excessive sweating appear.

Hyperthyroidism is not the only phenomenon that can speed up the pulse in a calm position. A rapid heartbeat can be an attempt by the body to solve the problem on its own. Especially often it occurs with anemia. Blood is very difficult to transport oxygen at this phenomenon, so the body begins to work in an accelerated mode. To compensate for this work, the heart begins to beat stronger and stronger.

The heart beat can also cause a high pulse at rest. It is not capable of quickly pushing enough blood, so the contractions begin to increase. Provoke a high pulse can cancer, chronic kidney or liver disease.

If very fast pulse, why?

Very high pulse is far from the most innocuous and pleasant phenomenon. You can develop a rapid heartbeat on the background of serious physical exertion. Provoke this phenomenon is capable of coffee, tea, the use of certain medicines and certain diseases.

If a person does not take anything and does not exercise, it is likely a serious problem. In general, this phenomenon occurs against the background of tachycardia, ischemic liver disease, with weakened cardiac muscle, hypertension and other diseases.

The body should work in an accelerated mode with these diseases. Therefore, the heart begins to beat violently. Sometimes this brings great discomfort to a person. In addition to high pulse, dizziness is observed, and in some cases, dyspnea. A person can feel how much the heart beats.

It is important to react to these symptoms in time and seek help. The risk of developing serious cardiovascular diseases in this case is quite large. A high pulse is far from auspicious.

Causes of a constantly high heart rate

A constantly high pulse can be quite normal. Some people have such an interesting feature. This is comparable to the presence of increased or decreased pressure. Do not forget that there are certain standards, but there are individual characteristics of the organism.

If the increased pulse does not disturb, then nothing serious, it's not. But, to pass the examination is all the same, it is recommended. After all, he can be a messenger of a serious disease.

With a constantly high pulse, are other symptoms worrying? It's time to take on your own health. Dizziness, shortness of breath and high blood pressure can indicate the presence of hypertension, tachycardia, increased functionality of the thyroid gland, ischemic disease. Pathological changes in the kidney and liver, as well as cancer can not be ruled out.

If a high pulse is accompanied by certain symptoms and brings a lot of discomfort, most likely it is triggered by some negative processes in the body.

When in the morning the high pulse

What is the cause of the high pulse in the morning? This phenomenon can arise against the background of existing health problems. For the morning time of the day, this manifestation is not considered normal. Naturally, we should not exclude those cases when a person has a predisposition to rapid heartbeat.

Basically, the high pulse manifests itself in the presence of problems with the cardiovascular system. Therefore, many people with certain diseases suffer from rapid heartbeats.

This phenomenon in the morning can indicate the onset of an attack of tachycardia. It is short-lived, but, nevertheless, it brings a lot of unpleasant sensations. The heart rate is so great that a person not only feels it, but also clearly hears it.

To manifest itself, thus, can ischemic illness, myocardium, increased thyroid function and hypotension. Therefore, with the constant appearance of this factor, you need to seek help from a doctor. A high pulse in the morning is far from normal.

High pulse at night

A high pulse at rest at night can indicate the presence of tachycardia or problems with the cardiovascular system. It is worth noting and the fact that in the evening cardiac contractions increase slightly. This is due to the fact that the body is tired, went through the whole day and needs peace.

This phenomenon can be called normal, but only in the evening hours. At any other time this should be alarming. Similarly, an attack of tachycardia manifests itself. He can appear at any time and for him there is not necessarily the presence of any negative factors.

In some cases, heart palpitations may be associated with night food. In no case can not train hard before going to bed, it is also capable of provoking such a negative phenomenon. Even excessive drinking leads to this. But not always the factors are so harmless. A high pulse can indicate serious problems that need to be diagnosed immediately.

Why does the heart beat fast with physical activity?

After training a high pulse, what should I do?

A high pulse after exercise is quite normal for the body. During exercise, a special effect is not only on the muscles, but also on the heart. A person begins to actively run, thereby affecting the body as a whole.

If the pulse is too high, it is worth reducing the frequency of training. Sometimes people underestimate themselves or on the contrary overestimate. When a person is just starting to exercise, he immediately goes over to high loads. You can not do this, especially if you have not previously run. This leads the body to a peculiar state of stress. You can not neglect it.

Training should be smooth, exercise moderate and include a warm-up. Immediately begin to perform a serious complex is not worth it, it is fraught with negative consequences for the body. It would seem that physical loads are of benefit, but if they are performed incorrectly and in an accelerated rhythm, problems may arise. High pulse in this case, the phenomenon is normal, but also do not need to overdo it.

Increased heart rate when running

A high pulse when running appears due to increased strain on the body. This is quite normal phenomenon, which does not characterize the presence of any pathologies.

In sports, the heart starts to work faster. The body seems to warm up and thereby provokes a rapid heartbeat. This phenomenon should be carefully monitored. The fact is that there are certain norms of the pulse. If at run it is too high, then it is likely that the claimed load is much higher than the capacity of the body. In this case, it is recommended to reduce the running frequency, reduce the time and tempo.

Do not try to set records from the first days of training. This can adversely affect the work of the cardiovascular system. Strongly overtax the body can not. Training should be moderate. Otherwise, a high pulse may occur together with increased blood pressure and headache. Naturally, dyspnea is also possible, which brings a lot of inconvenience.

Fasting after a meal

A high pulse after eating is not so common, but still, this phenomenon happens. Why is this happening? The fact is that heavy food forces the body to work in a strengthened mode. Problems with the stomach, liver or pancreas contribute to this process. The body is difficult to cope with the load, and it starts to work hard, causing a high pulse.

Against the background of eating too sharp or heavy food, a feeling of heaviness may appear. Therefore, you need to monitor the body. If there are some contraindications regarding the use of certain products, they must be observed.

Prohibited food if used, then only in limited quantities, otherwise there should not be. Sometimes to "maintain" the work of the stomach I prescribe medications. You can not take them yourself, only with the permission of the doctor. A high pulse after a meal does not cause severe discomfort, but still, this process needs to be controlled.

Palpitation after alcohol intake

A high pulse after alcohol is caused by a negative effect on the body. Alcoholic beverages can increase the pressure. Against this background, the heart begins to beat faster, dizziness and a number of unpleasant symptoms appear. The organism is difficult to cope with the task assigned to it.

You can develop a rapid heartbeat after drinking a small and decent amount of alcohol. If a person is hypertensive, drinking is not recommended at all. Even the smallest dose leads to unpleasant symptoms.

After a decent intake of alcohol actively begins to fight with toxins. He tries to get everything out of the body, against the background of this, pressure and pulse may increase. Coping with these negative factors is not so simple.

The fact is that special medicines taken against the background of alcoholic intoxication are strictly prohibited. This can significantly exacerbate the situation and lead to serious consequences. A high pulse after drinking alcohol is provoked by a powerful load on the body.

Frequent pulse in a child

What should I do if my child has a high pulse? It should be understood that in newborns the heart rate is much higher than in an adult. So, in the first months of life, he reaches a mark of 140-160 beats per minute. Experiencing this is not worth it, this is the norm. The older the baby becomes, the lower the pulse. Usually after 7 years it stabilizes and remains at around 70-70 beats per minute.

But, it is worth noting and the fact that children can have tachycardia. The increase in pulse rate by only 10% of the norm indicates its presence. The causes of tachycardia can be fever, VSD, myocarditis, circulatory insufficiency and constant anxiety on the background of ECG.

This disease must be eliminated, leaving the situation on its own can not be in any case impossible. In fact, the problem is serious and if it does not begin to be eliminated on time, later it will lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases. A high pulse in a baby is an occasion to think about his health.

Fast pulse in a teenager

A high pulse in a teenager can be observed because of not setting a normal heart rate. This phenomenon is encountered and it is not worth much to worry about it. Over time, everything will fall into place.

In newborn babies the pulse is very high and reaches 140-160 beats per minute. Many parents worry about this. But in reality there is nothing terrible or dangerous in this. After 7 years, the heart rate is set at around 70-80 strokes.

If a teenager has a high pulse and this is not due to the peculiarity of his body, there are likely to have problems with the thyroid gland or tachycardia. Not always children get enough vitamins and against this background serious problems can arise. Iodine deficiency severely affects the thyroid gland, which begins to work in an accelerated mode and thus causes an increased pulse.

Tachycardia is not so rare. The main thing is to maintain the state of the child at a certain level. A high pulse, which is provoked by this disease and untimely treatment, leads to serious problems.

High pulse in pregnancy

What causes a high pulse in pregnancy? In the body of women in this period, interesting changes begin. The body works in a completely different rhythm and is rebuilt as much as possible.

The mother's body should provide the baby with enough oxygen, against this background and there is a rapid heart rate. Many doctors explain this symptom this way.

Some women say that their heart is pounding, so fast that it's about to fly out. There is nothing terrible in this phenomenon. Usually, the pulse begins to accelerate in the first trimester, but this is not so noticeable. The maximum hits per minute it reaches in the last months of pregnancy.

The body begins to enrich not only the body of the mother, but also the baby with useful elements. Therefore, all systems work twice as fast. This is especially noticeable in the third trimester. The phenomenon of rapid heart beat in this case is called - physiological tachycardia. Do not worry about this, everything will pass as soon as the baby is born. A high pulse does not harm the child in any way.

The pulse after the delivery increased, what then?

A high pulse after delivery occurs against the background of the existing tachycardia. She can appear even during pregnancy. During this period, the body must work for two, so many systems are accelerated and thus cause rapid heartbeat.

Many young mothers forget about tachycardia after childbirth. But it exists and does not always pass by itself. It is necessary to pay attention to the factors that accompany it. It can be vomiting, nausea, dizziness and weakness. All this can testify to the presence of heart problems. In this case, you need to see a doctor and carry out a diagnosis.

Tachycardia at first glance harmless disease, but only at the initial stage. Over time, it can aggravate, the condition worsens and a number of other symptoms are added to the rapid heartbeat. Eventually, cardiovascular diseases develop, which are not so easy to eliminate. Therefore, if a high pulse appears, you must immediately diagnose the cause.

Rapid pulse in the elderly person

A high pulse in an elderly person can appear due to his age. Naturally, people in this period is not so easy. The fact is that any physical exertion can lead to increased heart rate and pressure.

These are the so-called body features. There is nothing terrible in this, especially if a person is in old age. But, sometimes the reason is not so harmless. In some cases, heart palpitations are associated with cardiovascular problems. It is the heart that wears out first, so you need to follow it carefully.

The phenomenon can also be caused by usual tachycardia. The main thing is to constantly maintain the state and not let the situation worsen. Diagnosis of the cause of high blood pressure and pulse may be solely by the attending physician. In old age in most cases this is normal. Provoked it can be serious problems, including the development of myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, etc. But with this it is difficult to do anything, the high pulse is only partially eliminated.

Frequent pulse as a symptom of

The high pulse as a symptom of a disease associated with the cardiovascular system. Naturally, the first thing you need to try to determine the cause of this phenomenon yourself. If a person practiced sports, used certain medicines or food, then a high pulse could arise because of this.

When nothing like this happened, and an unpleasant symptom is present, most likely, it is a disease. Calling heart palpitations can tachycardia, ischemic heart disease, thyroid hyperactivity, myocardial infarction and other phenomena.

The leading position is occupied by tachycardia. It is common among young and elderly people. It manifests itself in the form of headache, dyspnea, constant fatigue, increased heart rate and dizziness. It is necessary to fight with it. Over time, it can lead to serious problems with the cardiovascular system.

The thyroid gland can provoke a high pulse. Due to its increased functionality, it increases the load on the heart, and thereby increases the number of beats per minute.

Ischemic disease is similar to tachycardia, however, the consequences are much more serious. Therefore, it must be diagnosed immediately.

Hypotension often leads to high heart rate and pressure. These two symptoms constantly appear simultaneously and bring a lot of inconvenience to a person.

Arrhythmia causes accelerated heart function. In this case, it is recommended to use special sedative medications. This will help ease the attacks and remove the high pulse.

With headache, high pulse

Headache and high pulse can talk about a lot. The first thing is to revise the person's diet, the drugs that he takes and physical activities. If all this is done by a person, then the problem is solved by itself. It is necessary to revise the medicine, reduce the load during training or remove foods that provoke the appearance of these symptoms.

But, not always so harmless. In many cases, these two symptoms are reinforced by the presence of shortness of breath, tinnitus, and darkening in the eyes. Most likely, this is a tachycardia. At more "developed" stages it can appear spontaneously and bring a lot of inconvenience to a person. In some cases, rapid heartbeat is not only distinctly felt, it is well audible.

Do not delay with treatment of tachycardia. In neglected form it leads to the development of problems with the cardiovascular system. There may be coronary heart disease, abnormalities of the ventricles, myocardium and other negative phenomena. Therefore, it is necessary to apply for help on time. A high pulse, reinforced by other symptoms, is a serious reason to think about health.

Dizziness at high pulse

Dizziness and high heart rate are closely related. They can arise on the background of serious physical exertion and the presence of certain health problems.

In addition to dizziness, shortness of breath, tinnitus, darkening of the eyes and general weakness of the body can be painful. Naturally, such symptoms occur even with a solar and thermal shock. Therefore, it is unequivocal to say that it is difficult for a person.

If the victim has been on the beach for a long time, the reason is clear, this is a sunny or heat stroke. To cause similar symptoms can and excessive physical activity. Even too sharp and peculiar food can make its contribution to the development of these signs.

But, in all cases, the causes of dizziness and rapid heartbeats are harmless. This may indicate the presence of problems with the cardiovascular system. Often, these symptoms occur with tachycardia, hyperactive thyroid, hypotension, and other diseases. Therefore, diagnose the reason for which a high pulse appeared, should the doctor.

Dyspnoea with high pulse

Shortness of breath and high heart rate may occur in a person who has just started exercising. An organism without a habit is not able to react quite adequately to such a phenomenon. The fact is that it is difficult for him to restructure to a new rhythm, if nothing of the kind has been done before.

If physical exertion does not matter, you need to look for the problem in another. Perhaps a person quickly moved, fled, nervous or stressed. Sometimes the body reacts in this way.

Otherwise, these symptoms may indicate the presence of problems with the cardiovascular system. Perhaps this is a manifestation of tachycardia. To date, this phenomenon is very common. It is characterized not only by the appearance of shortness of breath and increased heart rate, but also dizziness, a sharp sensation of heat and weakness.

Shortness of breath is a serious reason to think about your health, of course, if it was not caused by serious physical exertion. A high pulse can not bring discomfort to a person, until certain times, so the identification of the cause of its occurrence should be mandatory.

Frequent pulse and arrhythmia

High pulse and arrhythmia are two phenomena that constantly "complement" each other. With this disease there is a rapid heartbeat, which is accompanied by a complete audibility of this process. In addition, the pulse is so high that it clearly feels like the heart beats. This phenomenon can cause a number of unpleasant sensations.

Arrhythmia should be maintained at all times. A rapid heart rate is difficult to perceive. This phenomenon causes significant discomfort. A high pulse can appear at any time and the number of beats per minute is 120-150.It's too much.

Leaving the problem without treatment is by no means possible. Over time, the situation can be exacerbated greatly. It is advisable to start drinking a course of sedatives. This will help not to be nervous and adjust the heart rate.

It is not necessary to take anything personally, advice is given by the attending physician regarding this issue. A high pulse along with arrhythmia is a complex process that must be dealt with.

Fast heart rate and chills

High pulse and chills can occur against the background of a general overheating of the body. Typically, these symptoms are inherent in the state of complete processing. If a person is overexerting, you should expect the appearance of these symptoms.

Often, similar phenomena occur against the background of overheating of the body. This is due to a long time on the beach and in direct sunlight. In addition to these symptoms, there is headache, weakness and temperature.

The diseases of the cardiovascular system do not have such signs. Chills and high heart rate are two completely different states. It is necessary to pay attention to other attendant factors. It is likely that this is a cold disease, which is characterized by chills and fever. A high pulse in this case occurs against the background of a general weakening of the body.

In any case, you should seek help from a doctor. He should diagnose the reason for the occurrence of this phenomenon and prescribe the appropriate treatment. A high pulse does not always belong to a number of harmless factors.

Temperature and increased heart rate

Temperature and high heart rate may indicate a serious illness. These two symptoms are not enough to determine the exact diagnosis. Basically, the temperature is just a concomitant phenomenon, but it does not bear any significance.

During an ordinary catarrhal disease, temperatures along with a high pulse occur against a background of complete weakening of the body. This is quite normal phenomenon, which will pass independently after the person goes on the amendment. Serious cardiovascular diseases are not characterized by an increased temperature.

If the temperature and the increased pulse are accompanied by pains in the area of ​​the spine, then this may be an osteochondrosis. The pathology of the liver or kidneys, the inflammatory process in them can lead to the development of such symptoms.

In most cases, a high pulse appears against the background of high temperature and does not carry a particular danger to the body. But if in addition to these symptoms, nothing else bothers you, you should consult a doctor.

Weakness and high pulse

High pulse and weakness can be caused by thyroid problems. Often a phenomenon arises that is characterized by increased efficiency. The iron starts in an accelerated mode to perform all its functions and thereby makes the heart work faster.

Against the background of all this, a person feels weak. The body does not have time to cope with the load imposed on it. This phenomenon can also arise due to serious physical impact. Many people, doing sports in the early stages do not expect their own strength. Therefore, the body tries to respond to this defensive reaction.

Similar symptoms can occur with tachycardia. For this condition is characterized by the presence of dizziness, as well as noise in the ears. If this occurs often, you need to revise your own rhythm of life and image. In the absence of negative factors that could provoke a high pulse, it is worth turning to a specialist, this may be a herald of a developing disease.

High pulse and nausea

High pulse and nausea can occur on the background of a strong emotional overexcitation. This phenomenon can not be ruled out even with heavy physical work. The body is so exhausted that it simply can not perform its normal functions.

Along with nausea, dizziness and general weakness are possible. If all this appeared spontaneously, and the person did not do anything special, you need to think about your own health. It is possible that a person has hypotension. It is characterized by a sharp increase in pressure and rapid heart rate.

Usually, nausea is not related to the appearance of a high heart rate. Rather, it can appear against the background of the general weakness of the body. When poisoning, sharp dizziness, nausea and increased pulse appear by themselves. These symptoms are reasonably common.

Do not exclude the presence of problems with the cardiovascular system. So can manifest themselves cancers, hypotension and increased thyroid function. A high pulse is a serious symptom.

How dangerous is a high pulse?

Do you know how dangerous a high pulse is? In general, this phenomenon is due to the presence of tachycardia. If you start this disease and do not start it on time, the consequences can be serious.

Tachycardia can lead to acute impairment of cerebral circulation. This, in turn, can cause a stroke. An increased pulse leads to acute ventricular failure. Asthma and sudden arrhythmic shock are possible. In fact, these are serious consequences of disease alone. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the cause of the sudden increase in heart rate immediately.

That's why the danger is always present. Not many people pay attention to the increased pulse and thereby do themselves harm themselves.

Usually confused by the presence of rapid heartbeat, but low pressure. There is nothing good in this, most likely, it is a question of hypotension. It is characterized by such symptoms. The heart tries to compensate for blood circulation, so that organs do not suffer. As a result, a high pulse appears.

Consequences of the rapid heartbeat

The consequences of a high heart rate can be severe. Much depends on why he came. If it is physical exertion, harmful food, medicine or alcohol, there should be no grounds for experiencing. All will pass, as soon as the "provocateur" will be eliminated. Usually the situation stabilizes in a matter of hours-minutes.

Heart palpitations can provoke serious illness. If you do not start it on time, the consequences will be severe. This is especially true for tachycardia. At the first stage, it manifests itself exclusively in the form of an increased pulse. The problems begin later. After a while, there is dizziness, shortness of breath, weakness and seizures. And the last phenomenon can arise at any moment.

Serious cardiovascular diseases develop on the background of tachycardia. It can be ischemic heart disease, myocardium, hypotension, etc. Therefore, the sooner a person diagnoses a high pulse, the better for his health.

Diagnosis of too frequent heart rate

High-level diagnostics can be performed independently. In order to determine the number of beats per minute, it is enough to feel the areas on the wrist, neck, temples or near the heart.

The most convenient way to measure the pulse on the wrist. For this, the index and middle finger of the left hand is located on the wrist, under the thumb. The main thing is not to forget to notice the time. The blows are counted in one minute.

If the measurement is made in another area, the index and middle finger of the left hand is located on the neck, temples or in the heart area. This procedure is very simple, anyone can do it absolutely. This allows you to receive data on the heartbeat at any time.

You can also measure your pulse with a special heart rate monitor. They put on their wrists, and after a few seconds the result is displayed. Based on the findings, the doctor decides which tests to give to a person, and to which specialist to go further, to solve the problem. After all, a high pulse can be triggered not only by problems with the cardiovascular system, but also by the kidneys and liver.

High pulse, what should I do?

Do you know what to do with a high pulse? With rapid heartbeat, a person can feel shortness of breath, chest pain, general weakness and darkening in the eyes. If a person does not know the cause of this phenomenon, and fluid loss was not observed, it is necessary to call for emergency help.

Before the ambulance arrives, it is worth giving the person a pill or tincture of valerian. It is advisable to take magnesium B6 and put the Validol under the tongue. If there is no possibility to call an ambulance, it is necessary to put a person next to an open window, he needs fresh air.

It is recommended to measure blood pressure, its increase could trigger this phenomenon. If the pulse is too frequent, you need to start coughing. This will help avoid atrial fibrillation. It is advisable to gently press on the eyeballs and gently massage the side surfaces of the neck.

If there is Anaprilin in the medicine cabinet, put it under the tongue. It helps to normalize the condition. You can put your face in cold water. Squeeze squatting will help to remove excessive tension in the muscles, while the stomach must be strained. Determine the true reason for which a high pulse appeared, can only the doctor.

First aid for high heart rate

First aid for high heart rate should be immediate. A man should be given a soft tea with milk. It is advisable to give preference to the green drink, it is able to normalize the pressure and heartbeat.

Then you need to measure the pressure. If it is high, take the appropriate medicine. Suitable Furosemide, Metoprolol or Verapamil. They are able to normalize a person's condition in a short time. Naturally, it is desirable to use what the doctor prescribed. After a sharp decrease in pressure can provoke a stroke.

It is recommended to give preference to light drugs. Among them are valerian, corvalol, motherwort, valocordin and valoserdin. Use them strictly according to the instructions.

In this situation, a person needs peace. Therefore, it is desirable to put it. It is likely that the rhythm of the heart increased due to a strong physical load. If the pulse rises quite often, you need to think about playing sports.

It should be understood that heart rhythm disorder occurs mainly in the elderly. A high pulse indicates the presence of a serious illness or the need to revise your own rhythm of life.

Treatment of rapid pulse

Treatment of high heart rate should be performed by a doctor, in case the cause of this phenomenon is serious. It is necessary to understand that basically this problem occurs against the background of the presence of tachycardia. If a person does not go to the doctor on time, this condition can lead to a stroke, cardiac asthma, acute gastric insufficiency, or a sharp arrhythmic shock.

Treatment of high heart rate is to eliminate the reason for which it arose. According to the main indications, the doctor can prescribe medications that slow the heart rate. Usually these are ordinary sedatives. Among them are valerian, corvalol, motherwort, valocordin and valoserdin.

If such treatment does not lead to positive dynamics, electropulse therapy is used. Thanks to her, you can only affect the heart and not touch other organs. As a result, her pulse normalizes.

For particularly severe cases, pacemaker implantation is required. This is done if the patient's condition is not amenable to correction. In general, a high pulse is eliminated on an individual basis based on the patient's complaints and the characteristics of his body.

Prophylaxis and prognosis

Prevention of high heart rate is the implementation of certain rules. It should be understood that this phenomenon can cause excessive physical exertion. Therefore, it is recommended that you revise your own way of life and exclude all provocateurs.

It is desirable to abandon bad habits. These include smoking, alcohol and constantly overeating. Usually, after elimination of these factors, the heart rate will return to normal. It is recommended to reduce salt intake to 5 mg per day. With strong emotional stress, it is necessary to take sedatives.

You need to follow the power. It must be healthy and rational. It is desirable to give up fatty foods, tea and strong coffee. Huge value plays, and the ability to relax and not kolko react to stressful situations. In this case, auto-training will help. For the heart rhythm to watch. A high pulse can be triggered by the presence of cardiovascular disease.

Forecast of high heart rate can be either favorable or not. Much depends on what kind of disease it was provoked and how quickly treatment is prescribed.

You can not completely eliminate tachycardia. Perhaps only to maintain a certain state. Otherwise, the situation can significantly worsen. The timely resolution of the problem is followed by the development of a serious cardiovascular disease. In this case, the forecast is not the most favorable. Eliminating many of the problems is not so easy, especially if they went into a more neglected form.

If the heart palpitations were caused by overeating or addictions. It's enough to just exclude them to feel a great deal of relief. In this case, the forecast is exceptionally favorable. Timely diagnosis of many problems can lead a person to a quick recovery. Therefore, if a high heart rate starts to be troubled, it is worth asking for help from a doctor.

Source: editorial office of the medical expert-editor Alexey Portnov, by education Kyiv National Medical University. A.A.Bogomolets, specialty - "Medical business" from the site http: //ilive.com.ua/health/ vysokiy-puls_107459i15949.html

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