Alcohol and pregnancy: adverse effects on the fetus and mother

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Alcohol, in pregnancy is unacceptable in any capacity and quantity. Not all women know about this. Abuse of alcohol brings suffering to the fetus and greatly complicates the course of pregnancy. Toxic ethanol breaks the bookmark and the formation of a new person, initially makes the fetus unviable, and if a child is born, then his health, mental development can be said with great doubt. In addition, children born from drinking women are inherently predisposed to alcoholism more than anyone else.

Some pregnant women believe that moderate consumption of low-alcoholic drinks will not affect their pregnancy. Maybe in their physiological state and state of pregnancy and not affect clearly, but that's the development of the fruit, alcohol can always impose a seal of various disorders and disorders.

Earlier, some authors wrote about the usefulness of red wine for raising low hemoglobin in a future mother, to increase appetite and reduce toxicosis in pregnant women. On the norm and the dose of wine, various authors of popular articles have guessed at their own discretion. In fact, no studies have been conducted on the effects of alcohol on the fetus during pregnancy. Because such, even scientific research in this area is unethical and dangerous. It is established that through the placenta, alcohol completely and completely penetrates into the fetus.

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Then, the same hemoglobin can be increased without any red wine. There are a lot of medicines and folk remedies for increasing the level of red blood cells, including hemoglobin.

In the early stages of pregnancy, alcohol adversely affects the embryo. During conception, alcoholic intoxication a thousand times increases the chances of getting a sick child with congenital malformations and anomalies in development. Therefore, during pregnancy, you can not drink anything alcohol: no vodka, no brandy, no liquors and whiskey, no wine and no beer.

Therefore, the question: "What kind of alcoholic beverage can be used during pregnancy?" - is meaningless and shows the moral and emotional immaturity of the person who asks such a question.


Alcohol in the early days of pregnancy

If you learned about pregnancy after that and the likelihood of conceiving a child in a state of alcoholicintoxication is high, of course it is not good. But do not worry. Negative emotions of the good do not do anything. You were not in a state of false drinking for several days. Perhaps alcohol could not have time to have a harmful effect on a new life. While the placenta is not yet formed, alcohol will not get inside the fetus.

Once the embryo is fixed in the uterus and begins to grow, forget about any alcoholic beverages. This is the first trimester of pregnancy.

The effect of alcohol on pregnancy

Episodic alcohol abuse during pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage, systematic abuse leads to fetal anomalies. In children alcoholics often fetal alcohol syndrome. For the appearance of this syndrome, there is enough 3-time systematic abuse of alcohol throughout the day.

Even, at first glance, the rare and allegedly moderate use of alcohol by a pregnant woman provokes changes in brain cells in a child, the pathology is immediately invisible.

When alcohol enters the blood of the fetus through the placenta, the fetus affects the heart and blood vessels, the liver, and the brain regions responsible for mental activity develop incorrectly.

Women who drink, ovules are damaged. But they carry genetic information. Alcohol is very dangerous to offspring, also when it was consumed before the period of pregnancy.

The brain of the fetus is formed for 8-12 weeks from the beginning of pregnancy. The brain develops until the very birth. The bad effects of alcohol during pregnancy affect poorly the quality of nerve cells in a child. Nerve cells can be killed by alcohol or not develop fully. There are big problems with the education of such children. They have undeveloped logical thinking, they can not build communication.

A child of "culturally" drinking parents, is characterized by less growth and weight, impaired health and delayed neuropsychological development. They also have a congenital predisposition to alcoholism.

Alcohol as a time bomb, it can affect the fetus delayed, unpredictable. A few years after the birth of the child. Junior schoolboy, suddenly, can become hindered, hysterical, he can become very tactless and too selfish. A strong alcoholic intoxication can cause a miscarriage immediately. Alcohol is dangerous in the first months of pregnancy, not only in itself, but also because of toxic substances acting pathologically on the fetus.

If a pregnant woman suffers from chronic alcoholism, this is a 100% anomaly of the fetus and the presence of defects: heart defects, abnormal limb development, growth retardation, defects in the formation of the skull and facial part of the head.

Drinking in the second trimester of pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage.

If you really want to drink, then it should only be dry wine in quantities up to 200.0 ml.and only two - three times during the entire period of pregnancy.

Alcoholic fetus syndrome

Or fetal alcohol syndrome. Both concepts are used in medicine to denote the harmful effect of ethyl alcohol on the fetus in the womb at critical times.

Consider the signs of alcoholic fetal syndrome:

  1. defects in the maxillofacial region: malar arch and mandible is underdeveloped;short upper lip or nasal back;narrow glottis;
  2. physical development of the child is disrupted: abnormalities in growth( too small or large height, weight, physique is disproportionate;
  3. insufficient birth weight;
  4. abnormalities in the development of organs: external genitalia, joints, heart, etc.
  5. pathology of the nervous system:incomplete infection of the spinal canal, microcephaly - the underdevelopment of the brain in general or its individual parts, which leads to neurological and intellectual disorders

Fetal alcohol syndrome is the main causethey have a chance to have healthy offspring

Pregnancy and alcohol planning

Unfortunately, in our culture, drunken conceiving is often practiced. "The drunkenness of one of the parents or both of them equally affects future children." The fact that they learn about pregnancy after a month is also negatively affected. And the way of life at this time was wrong. The most important time has already passed and you will not return it.

Spouses who plan a pregnancy should completely eliminate the use of alcohol. A woman should also not drink alcohol until after the baby is breastfed, that is, the lactation period.

When planning the birth of children, it is advisable for a man to abstain from alcohol 4 months before conception. This will help to improve the genetic male apparatus, increase the activity, vitality and quality of spermatozoa.

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