Leek: health benefits and harm, photo and description

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Leeks are known to man since ancient times, saving people during a crop failure.

It served as the basis for a diet for the poorest sections of the population engaged in heavy physical labor, to maintain the strength of the body.

The secret lies in the large number of active chemical compounds in the form of vitamins and minerals that strengthen immunity and human health.

Contents of the article:
  • General information
  • Chemical composition
  • Useful properties
  • Contraindications for use
  • Recipes at home

General information

A two-year herbaceous plant of the onion family.

Homeland is the Middle East, where it was cultivated and began to be cultivated as a vegetable garden.

In this region there is a wild ancestor of modern leeks, called grape onions, from there it spread all over the world.

Today, leeks are grown in all countries, including Russia.

It differs from the usual onion with larger feathers, but the main difference is in its taste qualities: the leeks are more tender, soft and sweet.

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It has an exquisite aroma that allows it to be used in dishes much more often, since onions have a sharp bitter taste, suppressing the taste of other ingredients.

Chemical Composition

This plant is considered a dietary product due to its low calorie content( ~ 40 kcal per 100 g).

And what do you know about the healing properties of eucalyptus? Read the recommendations of traditional medicine for the preparation of medicinal products in a useful article.

The useful properties of barberry colors are written on this page.

In this case, the onion contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for health and life:

  • calcium;
  • nickel;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese( 15% of the daily requirement of 100 g);
  • phosphorus;
  • iron( up to 10% of the daily requirement per 100 g);
  • vitamins of group A;
  • vitamin C( in large quantities);
  • vitamin K;
  • vitamins of group B;
  • organic acids;
  • cellulose.

Useful properties

Rich chemical composition determines a number of useful qualities that are used by folk and traditional medicine for the prevention and treatment of various ailments.

A high level of iron helps the synthesis of hemoglobin of the blood, containing vitamin C increases the absorption of iron, which is used for anemia.

In addition, ascorbic acid cleaves fat tissues, helping with dieting for weight loss( the benefits and harms of green tea is written on this page).

Let's consider the list of situations in which the use of a leash is recommended:

  • Dysfunction of the intestines and digestive system - improves the passage of food through the intestines, thanks to fiber;acidity in the stomach is regulated and a favorable environment is created for the development of beneficial bacteria involved in digestive processes.
  • Hypertension( high blood pressure) - the presence of potassium compounds helps to regulate pressure, its lack and causes frequent jumps.
  • Libido - the leek since ancient times was considered a natural causative agent and was used to increase "male power".
    Efficiency increases when used in combination with celery.
  • Nervous system disorders - organic acids and mineral compounds in the onion improve the work of the brain and nervous system.
    Beneficial effect on memory and intelligence.
    Recommended for schoolchildren and elderly people.
  • And what do you know about the benefit and harm of rhubarb, the recipes of which are published in the current article?

    About the properties of seasonings of the zira read here.

    On the page: http: //netlekarstvam.com/ narodnye-sredstva / lekarstvennye-rasteniya / repejnik.html it is written how to use the decoction of the burdock.

  • Cholesterol level - the active substances contained in leeks, dissolve the cholesterol plaque on the walls of the vessels, clearing the cardiovascular system and preventing the formation of atherosclerosis.
    Also decreases absorption of harmful cholesterol in the intestines, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system - essential oils in the onion facilitate breathing and help to heal with hay fever, flu and bronchitis.
  • Oncology - the content of natural antioxidants( ascorbic acid, kaempferol, quartzetin and others) prevents the formation and spread of malignant tumors.
    Especially, this applies to prostate and breast cancer.
  • Eye diseases - onions contain the substances needed for vision: carotene, zeaxatin and lutein. These components nourish the eyes and strengthen them, which is useful in the activities associated with constant eye strain.
  • Detoxification - the onion has cleansing properties, removing toxins from the body, removing the load from the liver and kidneys.

An excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of colds( tonsillitis, runny nose, flu).

Onions have an antiseptic effect, destroying pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms.

For women suffering from cystitis( how to brew leaves of cranberries), regular use reduces symptoms and accelerates recovery.

People have long treated the wounds of lemon for the acceleration of healing and disinfection.

Contraindications to the use of

The use of products from leeks is not recommended in the following cases:

  • acute renal failure( about grass, bear ears written here);
  • acute liver and gallbladder disease;
  • of duodenal disease;
  • urolithiasis( oxalate stones);
  • acute stomach diseases.

Individual product intolerance is possible.

When consumed in large quantities, there is a risk of indigestion and headaches.

Recipes at home

You can eat leeks in fresh form, it serves as an independent dish.

In cooking, it is added to salads, broths, meat dishes or to boiled potatoes.
Consider several recipes:

  1. Tincture of .
    Take a whole bunch of onions with the onion and grind.
    Place in a container and pour a half liter of vodka.
    Tightly closed and placed in a darkened place for 1 week.
    At the end of the period, shake and strain.
    Take 1 tablespoon, three times a day, to improve bowel function, with colds( flu, angina), with infections of the urinary tract.
    It is recommended to rinse with inflammation of the mouth and gums, as well as to relieve the pain in the teeth and disinfect them.
  2. Decoction of .
    Finely chop the onion pens and put in a pot of water.
    Cook for 15-20 minutes.
    Pour into a container( preferably a jar) and insist 2-3 hours.
    Then filter through the cheesecloth and wait for the cooling.
    Used to treat indigestion and wound treatment to accelerate healing.
    The remedy cures from sinusitis if you wash out the nasal sinuses with a decoction, alternately sucking one nostril and releasing it through the other.
    This same decoction washes the hair to strengthen the roots and eliminate dandruff.
    After treatment, the product is rinsed using a normal shampoo.
  1. French salad .
    For cooking, you need: 0.5 kg of fresh onion, 200 g of sweet pepper, sunflower oil( olive), freshly squeezed lemon juice, parsley, black pepper and salt.
    Onion and pepper finely chopped and crumbled greens.
    All the ingredients are placed in a salad bowl and mixed, pouring olive or sunflower oil.
    Salt and spices to taste.
    It is also recommended to decorate the dish with tomato slices.
    Useful and tasty salad with a full set of vitamins and minerals.
    This dish can be used to make pancakes filling. Dietary soup .
    For cooking, you need: 250 g minced meat, two melted cheese, 2-3 potatoes, 1 bunch of onions, sunflower oil, salt and spices.
    In a saucepan, heat a small amount of vegetable oil( sunflower or creamy) and fry the forcemeat halfway.
    Then pour the water and bring to a boil.
    Cut the potatoes into slices and pour into a saucepan, boil until the potatoes are ready.
    Cut the onion and melted cheese and put it there.
    Cook on low heat, stirring regularly.
    The result is a homogeneous pulp-like mass.
    Then the salt is added spices to taste.
    In addition, sprinkle with parsley and other greens. Serve hot.
  2. Cake.
    For cooking, you need: 1 tablespoon butter, 200 g fresh leaves leeks and the same spinach, 2 whipped egg eggs, 250 ml of cow's milk, 100 grams of grated cheese, dough and salt.
    First we prepare the dough : pour the flour into a deep bowl and knead with butter, add water and mix until soft and uniform. Cover the bowl and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
    After half an hour, we take out the dough and knead it with a rolling pin, laying it on the baking sheet, slightly lifting the edges.
    Cooking stuffing : in a frying pan, melt the butter and fry the finely chopped onion until golden brown, it will take 5 minutes.
    Add the spinach and fry for another 2-3 minutes.
    Removes everything from the frying pan and wait for the cooling, after which it is mixed with eggs, milk and grated cheese and salt.
    The filling is ready.
    Put it on top of the dough on a baking sheet and put it in the oven( 180 degrees).
    Prepare until the filling is thick and crusty.
    Pie is served cold and hot as a self-serving dish.

Leeks possess a number of useful qualities of , necessary for human health of any age.

It is not necessary to eat it in large quantities, it is enough to only have onions in the daily diet in various dishes.

Just add it to your taste in whatever you want. It has a pleasant mild taste and will serve as an excellent complement to the dish, while nourishing the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Watch a video about useful properties and cooking leeks.

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