Causes of high fever and abdominal pain

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  • Appendicitis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Intestinal infection
  • Peritonitis
  • Cholecystitis
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The appearance of several symptoms simultaneously often causes a lot of anxiety, especially if the stomach and temperature hurts. It is these symptoms that can indicate a variety of GI diseases.


inflammatory disease of the appendix of the cecum. With this pathology, there is a high fever and an abdominal pain, with the pain sometimes radiating to the navel and even the lower back, indigestion (nausea, vomiting and diarrhea), increased gas production.

According to statistics, the disease is much more common among women than among men. The cause of the pathology, which hurts the abdomen, can serve as the following factors and conditions:

  • foreign bodies in the lumen of the process or fecal stones;
  • congestion of the contents of the intestine as a result of the inflection of the appendix;
  • infectious agents (streptococcus, enterococcus, Escherichia coli and others);
  • Some diseases (intestinal tuberculosis, typhoid fever, amoebiasis, etc.);
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  • period of gestation (due to the occurrence of frequent constipation and displacement of the process as a result of the growth of the uterus);
  • malnutrition, resulting in a lack of dietary fiber intestine is reduced less, leading to constipation and the formation of stool stones;
  • a strong allergy, since the appendix is ​​the organ of the immune system;
  • heredity;
  • decreased immunity against alcohol and smoking.

Diagnosis of appendicitis begins with a visual examination of the patient (the tongue has a white coating, dry, the abdomen is breathing behind in motion), blood donation and palpation of the abdomen, a small temperature may rise. By blood, one can see an increase in the number of leukocytes and an increase in ESR, which indicates a strong inflammatory process in the body.

An inflamed appendix is ​​usually removed promptly

Palpation of the abdomen is carried out with extreme caution. With appendicitis, two important symptoms will be positive: Shchetkin-Blumberg (with a slow pressing of the palm on the abdominal wall and a rapid loss of it, the pain intensifies), Sitkovsky (when lying on the left side there will be an increase in the pain syndrome) and Rovsinga (increased pain on the right as a result of the shift palm pressure in the left ileal region).

Treatment of the disease is only surgical. During the operation, the inflamed vermiform appendage is removed with the drainage of the abdominal cavity. In the postoperative period, antibacterial therapy is indicated. With timely treatment for help, the prognosis of the disease is favorable.

Complications after apendectomy may be in the form of post-operative infiltrate, abscess, intestinal adhesive obstruction, sepsis and death.


Inflammatory disease of the pancreas. Symptoms that accompany pancreatitis are severe pain in the abdomen mainly on the left, increased body temperature, low blood pressure, facial features sharpen, the skin becomes pale and gradually acquires a ground color, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sticky sweat, a yellow coating appears on the tongue.

There are cases when the disease runs without temperature, but with a marked pain syndrome. The cause of the disease can be:

Abdominal pain and diarrhea
  • excessive consumption of alcohol, alcohol intoxication;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and bile ducts;
  • abdominal trauma;
  • diseases of the duodenum;
  • infectious diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus, violation of bile flow;
  • long-term use of certain medications (antibacterial agents, glucocorticosteroids, estrogens, anticoagulants);
  • heredity;
  • cirrhosis of the liver, helminth infection;
  • allergic reaction;
  • states after operations, endoscopic procedures.

Diagnosis of pancreatitis includes the following measures: a clinical blood test (increase in ESR and leukocytes), biochemistry (level of amylase, lipase, trypsin and other pancreatic enzymes), general urine analysis (proteinuria, cylinduria, microhematuria) and feces, ultrasound examination of organs abdominal cavity, if necessary, an x-ray of the abdominal cavity and EGDS (esophagogastroduodenoscopy).

Treatment of acute form of pancreatic inflammation can be both conservative and operative. But an obligatory part of any method of treatment is adherence to a strict diet. In the case of conservative treatment, hunger, cold on the epigastric region and strict bed rest are shown.

Of the drugs can not do without antispasmodics and pain medications, which must be taken only on the advice of a doctor. Also in the treatment of pancreatitis, glucose and amino acids are widely used, with the help of which it is possible to maintain the energy demand of the organism.

Antibacterial drugs are also prescribed as treatment and prevention of purulent infections. Operative treatment is performed by laparoscopy and is performed when there is any complication.

The prognosis of the disease is favorable in almost 90% of cases. Complication after pancreatitis may be pancreatic necrosis, retroperitoneal phlegmon, abdominal abscess, fistula formation in the pancreas, sepsis.

Remember! Lethal outcome does not arise from the disease itself, but from a complicated complication, so timely treatment to the doctor plays a big role in the life of each patient.

Intestinal infection

A group of diseases caused by various infectious agents, which are transmitted alimentary by both the child and the adult. When intestinal infection there is abdominal pain and temperature, symptoms of dehydration (diarrhea, vomiting, dry skin and mucous membranes) are strongly pronounced. The risk group includes children and the elderly.

The reasons why a person can get an intestinal infection:

  • violation of hygiene rules: unwashed hands, dirt in the house, the presence of rodents and insects, etc .;
  • spoiled food products (raw materials with improper storage and expired shelf life);
  • weakening of the body's defenses;
  • products that do not undergo the necessary heat treatment, as well as dirty fruits and vegetables.

Why do bacteria get into the body and are capable of causing a serious illness? Because these factors contribute to the active proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. To correctly establish the diagnosis, you need to undergo a complete examination, which will include: feces, vomit, rinsing water from the stomach to the opportunistic flora, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, blood for clinical and serological analysis.

The therapy includes the use of antibiotics or antiviral drugs (depending on the type of pathogen), enterosorbenes, enzymes, antiemetics (with severe vomiting), antidiarrhoeal drugs.

In the normal course of the illness, the recovery period begins on the 5th-7th day. Complications of intestinal infection can manifest in the form of allergies, infectious-toxic shock, severe dehydration (dehydration), pneumonia, kidney failure.


Acute inflammation of the visceral and parietal peritoneal sheets, accompanied by a severe condition. Pathology belongs to a group of diseases, which in surgery are called "acute stomach". When there is inflammation of the peritoneum, the patient has severe pain in the abdomen and temperature, muscle tension of the anterior abdominal wall, vomiting and nausea, constipation and accumulation of gases in the intestine, a serious condition.

Inflammation of the leaflets of the peritoneum can be caused by hemorrhage, stagnation of accumulated biological fluid or purulent contents

The main reason for the onset of the disease is bacteria that penetrate the peritoneal cavity. There are primary and secondary peritonitis.

Primary peritonitis Secondary peritonitis
Diseases of the liver (cirrhosis), which lead to the accumulation of exudate in the abdominal cavity. Sometimes this liquid becomes infected Running appendicitis (rupture of the appendix)
Kidney damage with nephrotic syndrome Diverticulum
Complications after systemic diseases (lupus erythematosus, scleroderma). Characteristic for children 4-5 years Perforated peptic ulcer of stomach and intestines
Injuries of the abdomen: chipped, cut or gunshot wounds Acute inflammation of the pancreas
Accidental ingression of meconium into the peritoneum in newborns Inflammatory process in the pelvic organs
Diplococcal infection Progressive Crohn's Disease
Complications after abortion or childbirth
Bowel rupture or obstruction
Surgical interventions of the abdominal region

It is extremely rare to find tertiary or recurrent peritonitis. It is characterized by the development of peritoneal inflammation in non-microbial conditions after surgical intervention for secondary peritonitis. There is a pathology against the background of the depletion of the body's immune forces.

Diagnosis of peritonitis consists in the following activities: ultrasound and CT of the abdominal cavity for the presence of free fluid in it, radiography. With a purulent diffuse peritonitis, an emergency surgical intervention with total sanation of the abdominal cavity is indicated. Antibiotic therapy is mandatory.

Frequent complications after the transferred disease is paresis of the intestine, a red throat in the mouth of the sore throat or pneumonia that has arisen against the background of sepsis.


Acute or chronic inflammation of the gallbladder, which hurts the abdomen and body temperature reaches 38 degrees, there is nausea and vomiting. In addition, chills, general weakness, staining of the sclera and skin in a yellowish color, constipation and gas retention may appear. Cholecystitis is one of the consequences of cholelithiasis.

The cause in the development of the disease is an infection that comes with a current of blood, lymph and along the ascending paths from the intestine. The primary source of infection can be inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs, the genitourinary system of men and women, helminths in the biliary tract, viral liver damage.

But not a small role is played by additional factors:

  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • congenital malformations of the gallbladder;
  • duodeno-pancreatic reflux;
  • improper circulation of the gallbladder;
  • change in the composition of bile (discolor);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • an allergy or an immunological reaction that caused changes in the organ wall;
  • hormonal alteration (period of gestation, obesity, failure in the menstrual cycle).
Inflammation of the gallbladder
Inflammation of the gallbladder is manifested in a vivid clinical picture

All these factors contribute to the creation of an enabling environment for the microbial flora, which causes an inflammatory process. For diagnosis, the most informative methods are: cholangiocholecystography, duodenal sounding, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs, scintigraphy, blood biochemistry (in particular, alkaline phosphatase, AsAT, ALT, gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase), and sometimes laparoscopy for diagnostic purposes.

If there are no stones in the gallbladder, then the treatment is carried out by a conservative method, the main stage of which is adherence to a strict diet. In case of inflammation with the formation of stones, their removal is recommended. A full course of antibacterial drugs, enzyme and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, detoxification therapy must be prescribed.

In the absence of allergies and contraindications, phytotherapy is widely used. And homeopathy. In the case of timely treatment and treatment, the outcome of the disease is favorable. Complication of cholecystitis can be necrosis of the body, gallbladder cancer, organ wall perforation and fistula formation, peritonitis.

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