Hiccups in the fetus during pregnancy: causes, sensations, norm

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Pregnancy in women is a special condition, where everyone undergoes radical changes, this is the period of happy expectation of the birth of a new newborn life. All pregnant, bearing a child, responsive to the slightest changes in their biological rhythms and the regime of the day. Hiccups in the fetus during pregnancy appear as a consequence of its hypoxia,

that is, the lack of oxygen in the body of the unborn child. Just note that hiccups in the future baby in the womb of the mother is not a reason for anxiety and anxiety.

The hiccup itself is a rhythmic contraction of the "respiratory" muscle that separates the thorax and abdominal cavity. It is called the "diaphragm".Uncontrolled contractions of the diaphragm occur due to irritation of the nerve center in the brain, which is responsible for the motor activity of the diaphragm. Hiccups are a congenital reflex, which is quite natural for a fetus to be weeded out.


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Fetus in the abdomen

Malysh hiccups in the womb

A pregnant woman can feel the intrauterine fetal hiccup in the abdomen usually normal from the 28th week of pregnancy. But fetal canker can be seen on: 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 week of pregnancy. And this too will be the norm! Here everything is different, purely individual, you can compare your two pregnancies and they will differ from each other in regard to observations of hiccups in the fetus. There are especially sensitive women who notice the hiccup of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy - up to the 3rd trimester.

In practice, it happens that the future mother feels the periodic hiccups of her child from the moment of his first movements - 16-18 weeks - this is a very "popular" period of the mother's feeling of the first movements of the fetus.

The hiccup itself is always correctly recognized by the pregnant woman. At the unconscious level, the woman understands that the baby is hiccuping. Hiccups of the fetus can be felt as systematic rhythmic shocks( even some say clicks) that do not cause unpleasant sensations in a woman.

When a hiccough lasts often or long, it certainly interferes with the pregnant woman, prevents her from falling asleep, disturbs, prevents concentrating. The process of hiccup in the fetus is individual. Who hiccups five minutes, someone and 25 minutes. And someone does not hiccup( or can my mother just do not feel the hiccup of the fetus?).

But for anyone, the presence, absence of hiccups - this is not cause for concern.

Causes of hiccups in the fetus during pregnancy


Fetus swallows a large amount of amniotic fluid during active sucking of the finger. The wandering nerve is irritated and the diaphragm begins to contract rhythmically. This cause of hiccups in a fetus for a pregnant woman should not cause any cause for concern. Here the hiccups show that the fetus is active, it has a good appetite and vital activity.


Fetal hypoxia or the manifestation of any of its symptoms. Annoyed one of the nerve centers in the brain, responsible for the motor function of the diaphragm. Hypoxia is the lack of oxygen in the fetus. It is accompanied by other signs: increased motor activity of the child - an attempt to extract missing oxygen;bradycardia - a decreased rhythm of the heartbeat in the fetus;too frequent occurrence of hiccups;a sharp increase in hiccups( contractions) and an increase in its duration. These signs should alert, but do not scare the future mother. Just see a gynecologist.

The doctor examines( CTG procedures - cardiotocogram and ultrasound with a doppler) to detect or exclude fetal hypoxia. Here, the uterine contractions and palpitations of the fetus, its motor activity are evaluated. All this is painless and safe for the mother and her child. The specialist will determine the speed and nature of the blood flow in the vessels of the "mother-placenta-fetus" system. It predicts the effectiveness of blood supply to the fetal vessels. Dopplerometry shows whether there are abnormalities in the placenta, whether it supplies the fetus well with oxygen.

The presence or absence of hiccups in the fetus - not bad and not good, but individually for any woman. Gynecologists say that in more than 90% of cases of calls of fetal hypoxia is not confirmed. Therefore, more often walk in the fresh air, move - the placenta will better supply the fetus with oxygen. Properly eat, rest and provide yourself a comfortable night's sleep.

Hiccups during pregnancy

In the body of a woman in a position, many changes take place. The nervous system acquires greater sensitivity and excitability because of the increasing concentration of hormones, while the growing fetus supports the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis. The main thing, remember that hiccups during pregnancy is absolutely safe.

Causes of hiccups in pregnant women

The following causes can cause hiccups in a pregnant woman:

  1. Subcooling .When the temperature of the environment decreases, the body tries to keep the heat. The muscles contract, this stimulates the contraction of the diaphragmatic muscle and stimulates the nerve endings of the diaphragmatic nerve. Excitation is transmitted to the brain and from there a team of hiccups is sent to relax the diaphragm.
  1. Stomach overflow. Sometimes mothers eat for two. The stomach stretches and presses from below on the diaphragm, the vagus nerve is pinched. In order to unload the lungs and relax the diaphragmatic muscles, the body reacts with a hiccup reflex.
  2. The use of carbonated drinks .All bubbles of carbon dioxide come out of the consumed soda and concentrate in the upper part of the stomach. The stomach is inflated, the fibers of the vagus nerve, which runs along the surface of the stomach, are irritated. Then the brain causes hiccups in order to release the stomach from the air bubble. The eructation will pass - the hiccough will be eliminated.
  3. Irritation of the esophagus. Poor chewing food, as well as cold, hot and spicy dishes irritate the esophagus wall. Incidentally, irritation causes the contents of the stomach in a mixture with digestive juice. All this rises with eructation. A woman experiences heartburn. The braided esophagus, the vagus nerve is very sensitive to such irritants.
  4. Big fruit. Somewhere in the third trimester of pregnancy the fetus becomes quite large, the uterus takes up a lot of space in the abdominal cavity. Internal organs move upward, to the lungs. The pressure on the diaphragm increases. The endings of the diaphragmatic nerve are pinched and the signals are transmitted to the "diaphragm control center", which causes the hiccup.
  5. Experiences. All sorts of stresses, strong emotional experiences, anxiety accompany pregnancy. These loads interfere with the central nervous system to properly control the internal organs. The diaphragm, instead of the smooth breathing movements begins to contract at a rapid pace.

In rare cases, hiccups in pregnant women are a symptom of the disease. This is possible with:

  • Pathologies of the nervous system : falls with concussion, meningitis, encephalitis, neoplastic diseases. Intervertebral hernia in the cervical spine. All this disrupts the work of the respiratory center and can cause long hiccup attacks.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system: tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia. The wandering and diaphragmatic nerves pass through the areas of inflammation, the nerve pathways are squeezed and irritated.
  • Diseases of the digestive system: inflammatory processes in the mucosa of the esophagus and stomach. Stomach ulcer and 12PK, cholelithiasis. These pathologies activate hiccups due to irritation of sensitive nerve endings.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system : ischemic heart disease( angina, myocardial infarction), myocarditis. In adverse cases, edema, inflammation is then transmitted from the heart to the vagus nerve.

Treatment of hiccups in pregnant women

Apply reflexotherapy and folk methods of treating hiccups. The use of drugs in the bearing of a child is highly undesirable. Do not use medicines without doctor's appointment.

What not to do

  1. You can not frighten a pregnant woman. This fight with hiccoughs can result in involuntary interruption of pregnancy( miscarriage).
  2. Do not get involved in physical exercises. Strength exercises during pregnancy are contraindicated, especially: swinging the press and push-up.
  3. Breathing delay is contraindicated in , especially in women, with the risk of premature termination of pregnancy. When you hold your breath, you strain the muscles of the press, and this leads to an increase in the tone of the uterus, and possibly to hypoxia of the fetus.
  4. Do not overeat, do not drink soda .This helps prevent the appearance of hiccups.
  5. Do not drink alcohol. Low-alcohol drinks can also harm the fetus, cause intoxication with fetal hypoxia.

What you should do

  1. Drink a cup of tea. Let it be moderately warm and sweet. The slow pace of drinking in small sips favors the vagus nerve, which is closely adjacent to the esophagus. It soothes nerves and relaxes the smooth musculature of chamomile, mint or lemon balm. Soothing herbal infusion is suitable for treating hiccups after stress.
  2. Drink some water. At the delay of breathing, drink 12 small sips of water at a time. Feeling shortage of oxygen, the respiratory center will take full control of the diaphragmatic muscular septum. A drink of water to establish the function of the vagus nerve. When several ice cubes are added to the water, cold water stimulates the temperature receptors on the pharynx and esophagus, which will positively affect the activity of the vagus nerve. This method will help to cope with hiccups when irritating nerve fibers.
  3. Cover the glass with a tissue cloth .Now try to drink water directly through the fabric. You'll have to make an effort, but this distraction will help break the signal path through the reflex arc.
  4. Sing a rhythmic song. Singing can normalize breathing, soothe you and your baby.
  5. Refined .Stir the sugar without washing it with water. Sweet taste and hard sugar crystals irritate the receptors in the tongue and repel irritations in the lower parts of the trunk of the vagus nerve.
  6. Eat small portions of .It helps to avoid stomach overflow and its pressure on the diaphragm of fractional nutrition.

Treatment with medications hiccups during pregnancy

Remember! !! That the independent use of medicines is unacceptable and can affect the formation of internal and external organs of the fetus and harm it. This applies to synthetic drugs and medicines based on medicinal plants. In fact, during pregnancy, drugs are prescribed not against hiccups, but for overcoming diseases that cause prolonged bouts of hiccoughs. The doctor will choose exactly the means that will not cause harmful consequences for the future mother and fetus, will determine the necessary dose of the drug.

I bring information about a group of drugs from hiccups, the mechanism of their therapeutic effect, representatives of funds and how they are appointed only for educational purposes!

Treatment of hiccups associated with with organ inflammation near the vagus nerve and diaphragm :

Antibiotics ( allowed during pregnancy: Amoxiclav, Cefazolin, Vilprafen ).They destroy the bacteria that caused inflammation. Thus it is possible to remove the irritation of the nerves passing by. Preparations are taken or administered intramuscularly. The method of application and dose the doctor selects individually depending on the severity of the disease.

Treatment of hiccups associated with bloating and digestive disorders :

Carbon preparations ( Espumizan-Simethicone ).Grind bubbles of gas, help to get rid of bloating. Eliminate intestinal colic. Help to remove unpleasant sensations after ingestion of air.2 capsules 3-5 times a day with meals.

Sorbents ( Activated charcoal ).Absorbs gases and toxins that have accumulated in the intestine. Reduces bloating and intestinal colic. Apply 5-10 tablets with swelling. Pills with a sufficient amount of water or crush and stir in 100 ml of liquid. Do not use this remedy if you have a peptic ulcer or you suffer from constipation.

Treatment of hiccups associated with with stresses :

A drug that replenishes magnesium deficiency ( Magne B6 ).Reduces the excitability of neurons and the transmission of nervous excitation to the muscles. Take 3 tablets 2 times a day with meals, drinking a glass of water.

Muscle relaxants ( Baclofen ).Influencing the centers in the spinal cord, prevent involuntary contraction of muscles. It helps to relax the skeletal muscles, to which the diaphragm belongs. Reduces the excitability of the diaphragm. Apply inside 5-20 mg 2-4 times a day.

Treatment of hiccups associated with overeating and digestive disorders :

Antiemetic drugs ( Cerucal ).Reduce the sensitivity of nerve cells to stimuli, block the passage of nerve impulses to the brain centers and to the diaphragm. Accelerate the emptying of the stomach, prevents the throwing of food from the stomach into the esophagus. Have antiemetic effect. Assign 1 tablet( 10 mg) 3-4 times a day. Take 30 minutes before eating with enough water.

Stimulators of gastrointestinal motility ( Cisapride, Peristil).Accelerate the progress of food through the intestines, help the food to release faster, the stomach, relieve the feeling of overflow. Prevent the throwing of food from the stomach into the esophagus and heartburn.

Cisapride is taken 5-10 mg 3-4 times a day for 15 minutes before meals and at bedtime.

Peristil take 5-20 mg 2-4 times a day. Efficacy increases if washed down with grapefruit juice.

The blockers of the histamine receptors ( Omeprazole ).Reduces the production of hydrochloric acid, reduces inflammation with gastritis and refluxesophageitis( inflammation of the esophagus).Assign 0,02 g once in the morning( before breakfast).The duration of treatment depends on the state of health.

Simple folk advice and recommendations

How to stop hiccups

Proven methods allow you to quickly stop hiccough.

  • Without closing your mouth: draw water in your mouth and try to swallow it( do not choke! !!).
  • When taking a deep breath, strongly strain the abdominal muscles and freeze in this position for 15 seconds. If possible, you can sit down, wrapping your arms around your ribs.
  • Take a deep breath. Close your ears with your thumbs, placing them on the cartilaginous protrusion in front of the auricle. Now close your little nostrils with your nostrils. Close your eyes very much. Do not breathe as long as possible.
  • With prolonged hiccups of nervous origin, you can do this: brew tea from the gray hickory( one tablespoon of raw material pour one cup of boiling water).Take it, wrapped in 10 minutes, drink one tablespoon every 30 minutes.

Why hiccups occur after eating

There are many causes of hiccups after eating.

  • Excessively cold, hot and spicy food irritates the stomach;
  • Food is not chewed enough.
  • You swallow some air along with portions of food.
  • You ate more than necessary and the stomach is full.

After eating, especially when overeating, the stomach increases in size, it clamps the vagus nerve in the hole that passes through the diaphragm and then stretches the twigs of the vagus nerve lying on it. This irritation turns into a nerve impulse similar to a weak current discharge.

On sensitive nerve fibers, in the composition of the vagus nerve, impulses are transmitted to the "hiccups".One of the centers is located in the cervical spinal cord, and the other in the brain stem. Here the response nervous impulse is formed - the command involuntarily and rhythmically contract for the diaphragm. The impulse is transmitted from top to bottom along the nerve impellent fibers of the vagus nerve.

Therefore, the diaphragmatic muscle receives a command from the central nervous system and shrinks. Hiccups last until the overcrowded stomach irritates the sensitive endings of the vagus nerve.

Do not forget that hiccups are an attempt by the body to protect nerve trunks. Let if she finds us in the most unsuitable place.

Article is written in accordance with the recommendations of the second-class practitioner Isaeva A. D.