Butrimov: exercises for the cervical spine

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  • 1Gymnastics for the neck Butrimova
    • 1.1Contra-indications for therapeutic gymnastics
    • 1.2Prevention
  • 2Exercises Butrimova with cervical osteochondrosis: features
    • 2.1Exercises Butrimova with cervical osteochondrosis
    • 2.2Features of the neck gymnastics Butrimova
    • 2.3The test for determining the flexibility of the neck
  • 3Gymnastics of Dr. Butrimov with cervical osteochondrosis
    • 3.1How Degeneration of Intervertebral Discs Starts
    • 3.2Why there is degeneration of the vertebrae
    • 3.3Complexes of therapeutic warm-up for the muscles of the neck
    • 3.4Denial of responsibility
  • 4Gymnastics Butrimova with cervical osteochondrosis
    • 4.1What is the effect of this gymnastics?
    • 4.2The use and harm of the developed technology
    • 4.3Indications
    • 4.4Contraindications
    • 4.5Preparing for execution
    • 4.6Neck Flexibility Test
    • 4.7Performance
    • 4.8Reviews
  • 5Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis of Dr. Butrimov
    • 5.1Benefit or harm?
    • 5.2Indications for conduction
    • 5.3Contraindications
    • 5.4Complex LFK
    • 5.5"Complex of exercises for the cervical department"
  • instagram viewer
  • 6Complex of gymnastic exercises Butrimova
    • 6.1Briefly about the author
    • 6.2Description and main principles of the method
    • 6.3At what diseases is useful?
    • 6.4At what diseases is contraindicated?
    • 6.5Butrimova exercises for the neck (video)
    • 6.6Should I consult a doctor?
    • 6.7Test complex
    • 6.8Prophylactic complex
    • 6.9Therapeutic complex

Gymnastics for the neck Butrimova

The complex of exercises Dr. Butrimova was appreciated by people all over the world.

Many people have already been able to evaluate Dr. Butrimov's work. Thanks to his technology and complex of exercises, patients were able to achieve the desired results much faster than expected.

Dr. Butrimov specializes in the treatment and rehabilitation of the human spinal column, but his exercises can be aimed at complex recovery of the whole organism.

Let's take a closer look at the complex of exercises that will help to eliminate such a disease as cervical osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a fairly serious disease in which displacement or deformation of the vertebrae in the spinal column is observed. In the neck area passes a lot of vital arteries and nerve fibers, closely related to the human spinal cord.

It is the cervical spine that has the greatest activity and is daily subjected to strong physical stresses, since it is constantly in an upright position.

Therefore, with age, the vertebrae in the neck region begin to shift or deform, provoking the appearance of osteochondrosis.

Butrimova's method is a complex of gymnastic exercises and reflexotherapy for the treatment of spine diseases.

To date, there is a person who for many years has devoted to the study and selection of the most effective movements for the treatment of osteochondrosis with the help of gymnastics. This is Dr. Vladimir Alexandrovich Butrimov.

He is not just an instructor in curative gymnastics, but a psychotherapist, a reflexotherapist and a Qiguonterapaist.

For more than thirty years, Buritmov studied various techniques for the restoration of the spine, while creating his own set of exercises to strengthen the muscular framework of the spine.

Let's take a closer look at the exercises that Dr. Butrimov included in the complex of therapeutic gymnastics:

  • We tilt our head to the right shoulder and stretch in the opposite direction, then repeat the same exercise, but on the other shoulder.
  • We lower the head in the neck and begin to turn it around, while stretching to the right shoulder, and we circle it to the left shoulder and again pull it into the neck.
  • This exercise is repeated the other way. Carrying out such movements it is necessary to watch the shoulders. They should not rise or resist during exercise.
  • Head tilted to the right, while trying to look over his shoulder on the floor. First, we make movements in one direction, and then in the other.
  • We make the inclination of the head and sideways along with it. After moving on one side, and then move on to another.

Contra-indications for therapeutic gymnastics

For the treatment of the cervical spine, Dr. Butrimov uses his special set of exercises. It is he who contributes to the speedy recovery and restoration of the vertebrae in the spine.

Therapeutic exercises with cervical osteochondrosis are prescribed to patients only after complete relief of the pain syndrome.

For this, doctors use painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.Eliminating all the pain in the neck, you can go to the gym.

But, as with any other disease, therapeutic gymnastics has its contraindications:

  • The complex of gymnastic exercises is forbidden with exacerbation of osteochondrosis and severe pain syndrome;
  • If the cervical spine has been changed as a result of cancer, that is, the appearance of a tumor in the neck;
  • Patients can not independently choose and perform gymnastic exercises. For treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, you must first discuss them with your doctor or instructor;
  • When osteochondrosis, patients are not allowed to wear special devices that stretch the vertebrae of the cervical spine.

The cervical spine takes up many physical activities, since the human head is almost always in an upright position.

In this case, vertebrae in the neck and cervical spine as a whole are the most mobile in the entire vertebral column.

Therefore, in the course of time, certain changes may occur in a person in this area, which in the course of life leads to osteochondrosis.


Despite the fact that the human body can independently eliminate many diseases, there are situations that require certain actions.

Therefore, in order to keep your youth longer it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle.

Regular exercise or just daily exercise improves blood circulation, muscle tone, normalize the correct metabolism and in general restore the correct operation of many bodies. Carrying out the complex of Dr. Butrimov, many people not only get rid of cervical osteochondrosis, but also from many other diseases.

A source: http://SpinHeal.ru/shejnyj-otdel/gimnastika-butrimova.html

Exercises Butrimova with cervical osteochondrosis: features

Gymnastics for the neck does not tolerate fuss.

One careless movement - and with a severe form of cervical osteochondrosis with a syndrome of the vertebral artery sudden and severe dizziness may occur, resulting in impaired coordination of movements and even fall.

One of the best complexes for the problem neck is the Butrimov exercise complex with cervical osteochondrosis. Who is this doctor Butrimov, and why did his exercises gain confidence in patients with osteochondrosis?

Exercises Butrimova with cervical osteochondrosis

Today Dr. Butrimov, in the past - a graduate of one of the sports boarding schools, is considered one of the best qigong therapist and a follower of the traditions of Chinese martial arts. He is also a specialist in psychotherapy and reflexology.

As is known, the problems of cervical osteochondrosis, because of the specificity of this department, go beyond the usual symptoms that arise with the same disease, but in another department. This disease generates:

  • Disorders of the blood supply to the brain and its oxygen starvation
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • Depression, insomnia, self-doubt, panic attacks

Features of the neck gymnastics Butrimova

What distinguishes this wonderful gymnastics from other complexes?

Its complex is not a collection of purely automatic exercises, which it is enough to learn and do:

  1. Doing exercises of the complex, you are mentally immersed in your body, namely, in your patient cervical department, becoming a part of a single whole
  2. They are performed smoothly, with the stretching of the muscles, with a wide range of movements. The end of the previous movement becomes the beginning of the next
  3. At the same time, exercises are not done through strength and tension, they do not have to go through overcoming pain. The turn or inclination of the neck is carried out to the point of appearance of discomfort and pain, so as not to enslave the muscles
  4. The movements of the neck are three-dimensional, that is, they are carried out not strictly in the same plane, but immediately in several directions

Prevention before the complex

Before the start of the complex, Butrimov warns that:

  • A person should feel able to perform this exercise. At the slightest uncertainty, it is better to refuse
  • Initially, exercises can cause mild dizziness, and this should not be feared: eventually they will pass
  • Also should not be frightened by the possible "crunching" in the neck: in the vertebrae long-term locks are removed
  • When performing exercises, you must ensure that the shoulders remain motionless: the movement should be carried out only the neck, the crown of the head and the chin

The test for determining the flexibility of the neck

For those who are not sure of their ability to perform the complex, Dr. Butrimov suggests the following test for determining the flexibility of the cervical department:

  1. Try to tilt your head until your chin touches your chest
  2. Stand up straight, holding the trunk vertically. Look either upright, or squinting slightly to the side, while tilting the head back
  3. Tilt your head to the left or right shoulder. The upper edge of the left or right ear (distant when tilted from the shoulder line) should lie on the same vertical line as the lower edge of the opposite ear (near to the shoulder)
  4. Draw a mark on the wall at the level of your nose and turn to it with your right or left side. Then slowly turn your head toward the mark. If she was right in front of her nose - that's good!

Now you can analyze the results:

  1. The performance of the entire test without difficulty is entirely indicative of the excellent condition of your cervical department and its flexibility
  2. If the exercises are performed, but "with a creak" - the condition of the neck is good
  3. Half the job did not work out - the flexibility is bad
  4. If you failed the whole test - it means that the osteochondrosis has taken roots deep enough and stretches its foul hands to your very axis of life-the spine

What to do in the most deplorable case

Immediately take over and change your whole lifestyle:

  • Proceed to therapeutic gymnastics, perform it daily, every day slowly turning or tilting the neck one degree more
  • In order not to hurt yourself, do not try to turn the cervical department immediately by 180 degrees, as Dr. Butrimov does. What he shows, you have to reach, perhaps in a year of training or even more
  • Do not sit for long in a frozen stiff posture. Pity your neck - arrange for her little workouts, even sitting at the computer
  • Eat right: the food that you take should feed the depleted intervertebral discs, which, through your fault, are devoid of proteins, the necessary vitamins, amino acids and minerals
  • Help also your cervical discs with specifically designed chondroprotectors

Exercises Dr. Butrimova able to return the neck department lost flexibility and mobility.

: Complex for the cervical department with osteochondrosis of Dr. Butrimov

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A source: https://ZaSpiny.ru/osteoxondroz/kompleks-butrimova.html

Gymnastics of Dr. Butrimov with cervical osteochondrosis

- this, in fact, the progressive degeneration of the intervertebral discs and the cartilages that connect them.

The main difficulty with this type of tissue in all people is that the cartilage is not supplied with blood directly, through the system of blood vessels.

Therefore, its nutrition and regeneration take place according to a different principle - not as in all other tissues of the body.

How Degeneration of Intervertebral Discs Starts

In the period of stresses on the spine and / or other joints that make up their bones, they begin to press on the cartilage located between them.

It absorbs this pressure, but at the same time, the liquid is squeezed out of its fibers.

As soon as the pressure weakens, the elastic fibers straighten out and act like a pump, drawing all the extruded moisture back into itself.


And since nutrients can get into the cartilage only when this, so to speak, natural pump, pulling from the surrounding vessels of lymph, he needs to create conditions for relaxation, and not compression.


This is not so simple, as it usually hinders or even hinders the return of the joints and joints to a normal position at rest.

In addition, a complex system of feeding cartilage can fail and with age, as the vessels grow older.

As a result, the fluid exchange inside the cartilage is first disturbed, and after it the rate of its erasure under load starts to "overtake" the rate of its recovery.

Why there is degeneration of the vertebrae

With this mechanism of aging of the intervertebral discs, our neck must remain eternally young - in the literal sense of the word.

After all, unless we carry a yoke or yoke around the neck, the only weight that the vertebrae and discs keep for life is the skull with all its organs / tissues.

Their total weight does not exceed 5 kg - a trifle for any healthy intervertebral disc. But the problem lies not in the weight of the skull.

Blood and lymph vessels, from which the "pump" cartilage takes away nutrients when straightened, pass through the surrounding muscles.

And the muscles of the shoulder girdle are subjected to loads constantly, since if we do not carry grocery bags with them, then we keep our hands lifted by weight.

Therefore, the secret of the osteochondrosis of the cervical region is the chronic spasm of the neck muscles. And the secret of getting rid of it is in their relaxation and restoration of the circulatory rate.

Complexes of therapeutic warm-up for the muscles of the neck

I must say that there are a lot of them in the world, and in this respect it was Dr. Butrimov who did not make any discovery - he just placed the accents correctly.

Gymnastics Dr. Butrimov with cervical osteochondrosis does not contain any unusual movements, does not require or even prohibits Any physical effort in its implementation, does not involve sudden or abnormal movements in the wide amplitude.


At the same time, charging with osteochondrosis of the cervical department of Dr. Butrimov allows reducing the manifestations of the disease in 2-3 months.


With the included exercises from cervical osteochondrosis, it's best to get acquainted with the video, but they are really very simple, so they are easy to describe and in words.

They need to be performed only standing, hands down along the body and carefully making sure not to lift their shoulders while moving their head.

In addition, you need to choose only those movements from the gym, which do not cause pain in the neck, dizziness and other discomfort.

  1. Pull the chin forward, then pull it back, pressing into the neck, as close as possible to the spine.
  2. Turn the head to the left or right shoulder and stretch the entire head (not separately by the chin or forehead!) To the knob of the shoulder joint.
  3. Tilt your head to your chest and just reach down with your chin - as if to "drain" them further, in the direction of your stomach. Then immediately, without a break, raise your head up, into the ceiling. Also try to face him, avoiding a strong tilt of the head back.
  4. Turn your head back and peer over your shoulder. Do not tilt it up or down - the spine in the cervical region should remain flat.
  5. Tilt your head forward, only not to the chest, but to the line parallel to the floor (30-40 °). Then perform from this position a few turns of the head in the direction of the right and left shoulder, trying to look at the ceiling.
  6. To incline the head alternately to the left and right shoulder. Strive to touch the shoulder with your ear when tilting it is not necessary, but you need to stretch your head forward (that is, parallel to the shoulder line, not down to it!).
  7. Holding his head straight and looking in front of him, hold his chin on the circumference of an imaginary plate. You should not tilt your head forward or backward - circular movements should describe only the chin, and the plane of this "dish" should be completely parallel to the floor.
  8. Slightly throw your head back (as we usually do, taking an arrogant or majestic appearance), then turn it to the right or left shoulder and try to look at the floor behind this shoulder.
  9. Tilt your head to your chest and just slip on it with your chin still down. From this position, describe the chin on the chest arch, lifting his head up, to the right or left shoulder. At the point where the head is already simply tilted toward it, you need to stretch your head forward (not down to your shoulder, but parallel to it!), Then straighten your head. Then repeat the slope to the chest and raise your head again upward along the arc, just towards the other shoulder.

At the end of the gymnastics, you should combine the last two exercises, describing your head with a semicircle in front, without tipping your head back.

To do this, you need to tilt your head from the right position with your ear to the right or left shoulder, to reach the crown at this moment, then smoothly lower it with a roll to the chest, still slightly "move" the chin down to his stomach and raise his head, describing it with an arch over his chest, to the opposite shoulder.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is intended only for general reading and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes.

This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist).

Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

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A source: http://osteohondrosy.net/gimnastika-doktora-butrimova-pri-shejjnom-osteokhondroze.html

Gymnastics Butrimova with cervical osteochondrosis

Gymnastics Butrimova with cervical osteochondrosis -one of the best known and best methods, used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the neck. Already a large number of patients had time to evaluate the successful work of a professional specialist.

The doctor devoted his whole life to studying and carefully selecting the best, mosteffective gymnastics techniquesto eliminate such a dangerous and negative disease as osteochondrosis.

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Butrimov is known in the Russian Federation and abroad as an instructor in therapeutic gymnastics.

Also, the doctor is a psychotherapist and a Qiguongrapist.

In 2005, he received a certificate in the Scientific Center for Restorative Medicine and Balneology on the course "Reflexotherapy".

Throughout his life, the doctor studied oriental combat practices, taekwondo, meditation, wushu, Tao-yin Yangshengong and Taiji-chang. He is the creator of the club "Healthy Qigong" and "Schools of Survival".

Thanks to Dr. Butrimov's technique, many patients were able to obtain the necessary results much faster than patients using conventional medical methods. The doctor specializes in both treatment and rehabilitation of the spine.

But it is worth noting that the developed technologies are aimed at complex recovery and restoration of the entire human body. These methods the doctor developed over the course of thirty years.

Over this period of time, he was able to learn all sorts of techniques for restoring the spinal column.

What is the effect of this gymnastics?

Even after the first procedures, patients begin to feel improvements. There is a decrease in the pain syndrome.

Disappear as aching tingling and girdling unbearable pain.

Simultaneously with the course, you must follow simple rules:

  • Refusal of bad habits and alcohol;
  • At least two hours in the fresh air;
  • A certain sleep mode lasting not less than eight hours;
  • Charging exercises after waking up;
  • Refusal to self-medicate and take medication.

The use and harm of the developed technology

Healing technology can successfully eliminate a large number of signs of the disease, which could not be eliminated with the help of a medical or surgical method. The benefits of gymnastics are as follows:

  • There is strengthening of muscles;
  • Any problems associated with the respiratory tract are eliminated, as blood circulation is restored during the course;
  • Improves the efficiency of the brain. Disappear any kind of headache, since the necessary level of mental activity is returned;
  • The patient is no longer bothered by nervous breakdowns and apathy. Bad thoughts and nervousness are eliminated. The mood improves.

The harm of curative gymnastics is manifested only when patients self-treat without observing the norms.

It should be noted that according to Dr. Butrimov, the main criterion in the treatment of osteochondrosis is consideredcomplete relaxation of a person.

The curative course requires complete relaxation of the neck muscles. It is in this state that the patient is able to achieve the desired results.

At self-treatment the person does not know all subtleties of passage of therapy. Therefore, instead of a curative effect, you can damage your own body.

There may be an increase in the pain syndrome, worsening of the general condition.


The methodical course should be performed by people suffering from painful illness. Usually, restorative techniques are recommended for patients who have the following symptoms:

  • Painful sensations in the cervical region, giving to the shoulders, back and ribs;
  • Feeling of discomfort and stiffness of the back when moving or lifting weights;
  • Sensation of numbness and loss of sensitivity of the cervical region;
  • Manifestation of chills;
  • Development of muscle spasm;
  • Frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • Manifestation of muscle hypotension;
  • Feeling of increased eye fatigue, as well as general condition.
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Healing gymnastics techniques are prescribed only to those patients whohave completed a complete course of pain relief with medication.

Eliminating the pain syndrome in the cervical section, it is allowed to pass already to the developed gymnastic technology of Dr. Butrimov.

  • Implementation of the procedure in the phase of exacerbation of the disease;
  • The presence of pronounced pain syndrome;
  • Presence of a tumor;
  • Change in the shape of the cervical department as a result of oncology;
  • The use of special apparatus, stretching vertebrae of the cervical spine;
  • Self-medication.

Preparing for execution

Complex treatment, which helps to eliminate degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine and cervical spine, is in most cases supplemented with curative gymnastic exercises. They help to normalize blood circulation, restore the anatomically correct position of the vertebrae, eliminate stiffness, and also easily return the necessary volume of movements.

During the preparation for execution, you should:

  • Consult with a professional professional;
  • Eliminate pain syndrome with medication;
  • Completely relax the body;
  • Pass the neck flexibility test;
  • Begin to perform exercises smoothly and gradually.

Neck Flexibility Test

For patients who do not know the full clinical picture of their illness, a professional master has developedspecial complex of test movements. With the help of them, the patient will be able to determine the degree of his readiness to start a comprehensive technique for the elimination of osteochondrosis.

It is necessary to perform such manipulations without hurrying up, smoothly, without sudden movements and tense muscles.

  1. Head tilt forward. At the same time, you need to touch your chest with your chin.
  2. Next, tilt backwards. But the trunk should remain in the same position.

    During the exercise, the sight is directed to the ceiling.

  3. Then the head tilts to the right shoulder. The upper surface of the right ear should be on some parallels with the lower surface of the left ear. This exercise is also carried out in the opposite direction.
  4. At the level of the bridge of the nose draw a small mark on the wall. Posture should remain straight. The patient turns 90 ° to the left, while turning his head to the wall. In this case, the tip of the nose should be strictly opposite the mark on the wall.

    The same manipulations are repeated in the opposite direction.

If after the performance of the flexibility test there are no difficulties, this means that there is no osteochondrosis.

If during the performance there were uncomfortable sensations, but the exercises were passed to the end, the cervical department is in good condition, but you should take more care of your health.

If only half of the test was passed, then this indicates an unsatisfactory flexibility of the neck. It is necessary to begin to take measures to eliminate the disease.

If the pain that has arisen during the performance did not allow the test of flexibility to end before the end, then thisindicates the development of osteochondrosis. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to delay with a visit to the doctor.


  1. The chin should be pulled forward. After that, he is drawn back, pressing hard against the neck, as close as possible to the spine.
  2. The head is turned to the left shoulder, stretching all over the head to the knob of the shoulder joint.

    In this case, you can not separately stretch your forehead or chin.

  3. Head tilted to chest, while stretching his chin down. Then the movement as if "flows" further down in the direction of the navel. Without breaks, the head should be raised up to the ceiling.

    The face as far as possible should be pulled upwards, avoiding a strong tilt of the head back.

  4. The head turns back, peering over his shoulder. Do not tilt your head up or down. In this case, the spine should remain straight.
  5. At 30-40 °, the head is tilted forward parallel to the floor. In the same position, the head rotates in the direction of the shoulders. The view should be directed to the ceiling.
  6. Alternately, the head is tilted to the shoulders. Shoulders should be touched with an ear. But it is forbidden to drag the head forward.

    You should perform the exercise parallel to the shoulder line, but not down to the shoulder.

  7. Keep your head straight. The view must be forward. Chin perform circular movements, representing an imaginary circle. Do not tilt the head forward or back.

    Circular manipulation should only perform the chin. The plane of the imaginary circle must be parallel to the floor.

  8. The head is thrown back 20-30 °. Rotate it alternately to the shoulders. Thus the sight should be directed to the floor behind the shoulder.
  9. Head tilted to the chest, directing the chin a little lower. In this position, it is necessary to draw an arc by the chin. After that, the head is raised up to the shoulders. When the head is tilted, the crown should be pulled forward.

    In this case, the vertex should not be directed down to the shoulder, but parallel to it. After that, the head straightens to a level position.

After completing gymnastic exercises, the last two recommendations are combined together.

Headdescribe a semicircle in front.

But at the same time throwing your head back is prohibited. At the same time, the head is tilted to the shoulders, stretching the vertex forward. Then smoothly lower the head to the chest with the help of a roll. Chin is tilted down to the stomach. Only after that they raise their heads, describing the arc on the chest.

Be sure to watch the video with the most complete description of the technique


95% of the reviews are positive. People note high efficiency, improvement of general condition and work of organs. At the same time, depression, insomnia and bad mood are eliminated.

How to forget about joint and spinal pain?

  • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
  • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
  • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?

A source: http://zdorovya-spine.ru/bolezni/osteohondroz/shejnyj/lechenie-shejnyj/lfk/gimnastiku-butrimova.html

Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis of Dr. Butrimov

page »LFK, yoga and massages» Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis of Dr. Butrimov

Gymnastics for the cervical department should be performed carefully and patiently. Indeed, with the advanced stage of cervical osteochondrosis, an awkward or careless movement can lead to the fact that there will be a syndrome of the vertebral artery.

And this entails dizziness, severe headache, impaired coordination of movements and even falls.Gymnastics Butrimova - one of the best complexes, because combines both effectiveness and ease of implementation.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical region causes disturbances:

  • Blood circulation in the brain and its oxygen starvation.
  • Vegetosovascular dystonia.
  • Insomnia, depressive and apathetic condition, panic attacks.

A number of Butrimova's classes is different in that these are not mechanical exercises that need to be learned and performed from day to day. That the tasks were really effective, you need:

  • Dive into yourself during the execution of a task. You have to feel your cervical department, where it is, what exactly it hurts.
  • All exercises are performed smoothly, the amplitude of movements is wide. The end of one exercise becomes the beginning of another, so they can not be rearranged in places, not done in accordance with the recommendations.
  • Exercises should not cause discomfort, you can not overcome the pain in the neck to do these exercises. Everything should be done until this discomfort occurs, but then do not continue, so as not to harm your body.
  • All movements from the complex are three-dimensional, that is, they are realized in different planes.

Benefit or harm?

Every gymnastics, even if it is perfect and unique, can both benefit and harm the person. Therefore, before starting to engage, you need to go through a thorough diagnosis of the doctor and only after his permission to proceed to a particular complex.

Dr. Butrimov warns that before starting the exercises:

  • A person must feel that he is able to begin and finish the exercise. If there is uncertainty in their abilities, it is better to abandon this assignment for a while.
  • At first, exercise may cause mild dizziness, but it is not dangerous. By the evening all the symptoms will go away.
  • Also, when the complex is performed, there may be a crunch or clicks in the cervical vertebrae, this is also a normal phenomenon.
  • Be sure during the execution of the complex you need to ensure that the shoulders remain motionless. Motor activity should be observed only in the neck, head, chin.

Indications for conduction

Charging (even if there are no problems with the spine) is needed and shown to everyone. Therefore, Dr. Butrimov advises to carry out his complex not only for therapeutic purposes, but also in preventive ones.

If there are any abnormalities in the body, then the indications for performing gymnastics are:

  1. Bruises, spinal column injuries.
  2. Osteochondrosis of cervical department.
  3. Pain syndrome with prolonged stress on the cervical spine.
  4. Pinched nerves.
  5. Myositis, that is, the inflammatory process in the muscles.
  6. Muscle spasm.


Despite the fact that it is recommended that everyone perform gymnastics, the complex also has contraindications, among which:

  • Acute inflammatory processes - radiculitis, lumbago.
  • Fracture of the spine, especially if the spinal cord was damaged.
  • Hemorrhages and bleeding in the vertebrae.
  • Acute respiratory and inflammatory diseases - influenza, angina, rubella, meningitis, chicken pox and others.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels in the chronic stage - heart attack, hypertension, ischemic attacks, angina and others.
  • Started osteochondrosis, which is complicated by squeezing the vertebral artery.

Complex LFK

Butrimov devoted many years to improve this complex and make it one that helped everyone who is familiar with cervical osteochondrosis. The complex of exercises helps to develop the muscles of the neck and joints of the spine. Do it twice a day, then the expected result will appear.

Fundamentals of the complex:

  1. The movements are smooth, tidy, unhurried.
  2. Do not exercise during pain and discomfort.
  3. Exercises smoothly flow from one to another.
  4. Shoulders and body at the time of motionless.

So, let's consider a set of exercises from Dr. Butrimov with cervical osteochondrosis:

  • Gently pull the chin forward, pull it back. There should be no tension in the face and chin.
  • Smoothly turn your head to the right and left, trying to reach out to your shoulders.
  • Tilt head forward and backward. When tilting forward, you need to touch the chin of your chest. Do the exercise carefully.
  • Turn your head in different directions again.
  • Tilt your head down and from this position gently turn it right. Just do the left side.
  • Draw the chin, draw and carry out circular motions from the left shoulder to the right one. Repeat the other way.

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"Complex of exercises for the cervical department"

From this video you will learn about a special set of exercises from Dr. Butrimov.

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A source: https://prospinu.com/lfk/butrimov-uprazhnenija-pri-shejnom-osteohondroze.html

Complex of gymnastic exercises Butrimova

Gymnastics Butrimova ideally suits those people who suffer from degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spinal column. In addition, this gymnastics is also suitable for the prevention of severe complications of prolonged static stress when working in a sitting position.

With the help of exercises of this gymnastic complex, you can align the spine, improve blood circulation in the tissues of the back and remove muscle spasm. Gymnastics Butrimova is carried out in a sparing mode, so it is applied to the cervical spine (for example, with osteochondrosis).

Briefly about the author

Dr. Vladimir Butrimov is the president of the Association of Daoist Practice for the Body and Mind of Dao Yin in the Russian Federation. Education at Vladimir Aleksandrovich medical, in the direction of reflexotherapy, psychotherapy and tsigunoterapii.

Dr. Butrimov possesses the sixth duan on Dao Yin Yangshengong (the system of health-improving Chinese gymnastics). Despite the active training of people to this wellness system, Dr. Butrimov is still engaged in psychotherapy.

Performance Butrimova exercises for the neck


Dr. Butrimov has been practicing Oriental practices for about 35 years, and for the last 25 years he has been practicing specifically the healing and improving directions of Chinese gymnastics (qigong, taichi and meditation). This treatment and rehabilitation system has proved its effectiveness in scientific research and recommended for use by doctors.


Dr. Butrimov conducts his consultations not only at full-time reception, but also through skype-conferences, which any person can get to after a preliminary recording on the official website of the doctor.
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Description and main principles of the method

The main principle of gymnastics Butrimova is the impact with the help of sparing physical exercises on the vertebral column and the muscles of the body as a whole.

In addition, a very important component of this system of gymnastics is psychotherapy, aimed at alleviating chronic stress, which is the cause of many serious diseases.

When exposed to the vertebrae, muscles, ligaments and nerve nodes of the back, it is possible to achieve impressive results in the treatment of various diseases, not only the musculoskeletal system. And this is not surprising, since in the back are all the main nerves that control the work of internal organs.

A huge advantage of Butrimov's gymnastics is the low entry threshold. It can be practiced by almost anyone, even without any physical preparation. Moreover, it is even recommended to people with hypodynamia and detunement (muscle weakness).

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At what diseases is useful?

Gymnastics on Butrimov perfectly approaches for treatment of almost all degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spinal column. An important nuance: you can perform gymnastic exercises with such diseases only during their remission (that is, outside of exacerbations).

Neck warming before performance of gymnastics Butrimova

It is most useful to apply Butrimov's gymnastics in the following diseases of the back:

  1. Cervical, lumbar and thoracic osteochondrosis.
  2. Scoliosis of the first or second degree.
  3. Uncomplicated and having an initial stage of pathological kyphosis and lordosis.
  4. Uncomplicated and small-sized herniated intervertebral discs.
  5. Chronic overfatigue of the spinal column, which is accompanied by moderate pain (for example, a condition with prolonged sitting at the computer, a cold on the cold back, and so on).
  6. Light back injuries without crushing soft tissues or shrapnel damage to the internal structures of the back.

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At what diseases is contraindicated?

Unfortunately, Butrimov's gymnastics can not be performed by every person.

Gymnastics Butrimova effective for chronic pain in the cervical region

There is a list of absolute contraindications, namely:

  • exacerbation of chronic osteochondrosis;
  • severe pain in the back (even if it can be reduced with medication);
  • any oncological diseases of the spine and soft tissues of the back;
  • the lack of medical advice before the start of the Butrimov gymnastics course (doctors should assess the readiness of the organism for such exercises);
  • The prohibition on the part of doctors for any exercise that creates a load on the spine;
  • The rehabilitation period after any operations on the spine.

It is not recommended to violate these prohibitions,because it can significantly worsen the situation.

In some cases, restrictions may be withdrawn by the attending physician if he is familiar with gymnastics Butrimova and believes that specifically in your case, even if there are contraindications to use it can.
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Butrimova exercises for the neck (video)

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Should I consult a doctor?

Despite all usefulness and comparative safety of gymnastics Butrimova, consultation with a doctor before applying it is necessary. You need to consult with a surgeon, orthopedist or traumatologist, but in some cases it will be enough to consult a therapist.

The need for consultation is due to the fact that this system of gymnastics is universal and is designed for broad masses. It is quite obvious that in this connection individual characteristics of the organism of individual individuals are not assessed, the system itself is designed for the "average person".

Therefore, in some cases even elementary exercises from the Butrimov gymnastics complex of an individual can cause serious complications. The purpose of consulting with a doctor is to exclude the physiological characteristics of the body, which may interfere with the performance of LFK Butrimova.
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Test complex

The test complex of Butrimov's exercises is designed to determine the flexibility of the neck and the individual's capabilities in performing the basic course of exercise therapy.

The full passage of the test - the neck is in excellent condition, the partial - in good condition, but if you can not make half or more of the dough elements - the neck is in very poor condition.

The test complex of gymnastics Butrimova

The test suite itself is as follows:

  1. After tilting the head forward, try to touch the chin close to the chest.
  2. Stand up steadily and keep the trunk in a vertical position. Try looking up to tilt your head back.
  3. Tilt your head to the left or right shoulder. The upper edge of the left or right ear (depending on where you tipped the head) should eventually lie on the same line (vertically) as the lower edge of the opposite ear.
  4. Draw a mark on the wall exactly at the level of your nose and then turn to it with your right or left side. After that, slowly turn your head toward the mark. In the event that the label is right in front of your nose, the result is excellent.

If the neck is in a bad state - do not be discouraged, the complex of exercises can still be perform, but in a very gentle mode and with a gradual increase in the complexity of the gymnastics performed elements.
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Prophylactic complex

The preventive complex of gymnastics Butrimova means the performance of absolutely simple and well-known exercises for the prevention of diseases of the cervical spine.

For effective prevention, it is sufficient to perform the following exercises:

  • do the usual head inclinations in different directions, and do not try to touch the head of the shoulder (enough 15 slopes in each direction);
  • do the head downwards, trying to reach the chest with your chin (you do not need to press it tightly!), 20 inclines are enough;
  • expose the head as far forward as possible, and then slide it back as much as possible (enough 15 times);
  • unfold the head to the left shoulder and then do the slow head incline downwards (enough 10 times), then repeat the exercise, but already from the opposite side.

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Therapeutic complex

The base complex of curative gymnastics Butrimova for the neck consists of only five exercises, which you need to perform slowly (traumatizing your neck with sudden movements - it's easy!).

The exercise complex Butrimova

We are talking about the following five exercises:

  1. Tilt your head to the left shoulder and stretch (without lifting your head!) In the opposite direction, then repeat the exercises, but on the other shoulder.
  2. Perform circular movements of the head, simultaneously stretching to the right shoulder and circling the head to the left shoulder.
  3. Do the previous exercise, but already in the other direction. In this case, watch the shoulders, they should not rise or resist with circular motions of the head.
  4. Tilt your head to the right and at the same time try to look over your shoulder to the floor. Do the slopes first to the right side, and then to the left.
  5. Tilt your head to the left and at the same time try to reach the crown as high as possible. After completing 10-15 slopes, carry out the exercises already from the opposite side.

A source: http://FragMed.ru/pozvonochnik/gimnastika-butrimova-dlya-sheynogo-otdela.html

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