Stretching of the ankle joints: how to provide first aid, what treatment is needed and how to speed up healing?

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The ligament apparatus of the ankle joint consists of three ligaments and provides its functional stability.

Ligaments consist of a dense connective tissue and are capable of withstanding significant loads. And in consequence of a sedentary lifestyle, ligaments are weakened, and the risk of their extension increases.

Stretching refers to single or multiple ligament ruptures, complete or partial.


  • 1Reasons for stretching
  • 2Symptoms of sprain
  • 3First aid for trauma
  • 4Treatment
  • 5Restoration after stretching

Reasons for stretching

Stretching occurs for the following reasons:

  • a fall;
  • inversion of the foot (wrapping inside);
  • incorrect setting of feet when walking, jumping or running;
  • hit of a foot on roughnesses.

Sprains of the ankle joints are most susceptible to athletes due to the specific loads on the lower limbs, but the vast majority of injuries are of domestic origin.

In addition to playing sports, the risk of ankle injury increases in people with impaired coordination of movements or poorly maintaining balance.

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The probability of injury increases with the weakening of the muscular and articular apparatus, wearing an inconvenient or unstable shoes, the presence of excess weight, abnormal foot structure, certain diseases that disrupt the conductivity of nerves (myasthenia gravis).

Symptoms of sprain

Typical symptoms of damage to the ligament apparatus of the ankle are:

  • severe pain, swelling, bruising in the joint region, local temperature increase is also possible;
  • increased pain in case of a burden on the injured leg, difficulty in moving;
  • increased pain in any attempt to move the injured limb;
  • in severe cases - a click or sound of rupture directly at the time of injury.
The severity of the symptoms depends on the severity of the injury.

In medical practice, stretching is divided into three classes.

The first class includes injuries, which caused minor ruptures of ligaments.Damage to the foot is not observed.

Mild cases of stretching bring some discomfort. Hematomas and swelling usually do not develop. The patient is able to walk without help and auxiliary means, but the traumatized one needs to provide peace.

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Partial ruptures of ligaments, accompanied by a slight instability of the joint, are referred to the second class.

For injuries of moderate severity, two ligaments are often damaged at the same time. The damaged joint swells, moderate hemorrhages and an increase in temperature in the area of ​​damage. Pain can be quite intense, leg movements increase soreness. Attack on the injured leg can not be affected.

For injuries of moderate severity, you need to contact a traumatologist who, upon inspection, will make the necessary appointments and explain how to treat injuries.

Complete ruptures of two and three ligaments, accompanied by significant deformities, are referred to the third class.

The patient is not able to move independently, the pain is classified as unbearable. Possible loss of consciousness. In the area of ​​damage develops a strong edema and a significant hemorrhage. Victims with third-class injuries are immediately hospitalized.

The clinical picture of ligament rupture is very similar to the symptomatic complex, characteristic for dislocations and fractures, so the patient must be sent to X-ray.

First aid for trauma

In the first minutes it is necessary to release the foot from the shoe, otherwise the developing swelling will greatly complicate the tearing and may cause additional trauma.

Then the released joint is immobilized and any cold object is applied to the area of ​​damage. Cold relieves pain, narrows the vessels and restrains the development of edema and bruises.

Cold compresses are an obligatory procedure in the treatment of ankle sprain, they are recommended to be applied at least 4 times a day during the first 2-3 days after injury.

Regardless of the degree of severity, stop is necessary to ensure peace.To reduce the swelling of the injured leg, it is recommended to re-bandage with an elastic bandage along the entire height of the shin. To reduce swelling during rest, the injured leg should be placed so that the stop is above the heart.


Stretches of mild and moderate degree are treated with conservative methods. When stretching apply ointment or gel with anti-inflammatory components. Most often it is indomethacin or diclofenac, which relieve swelling and pain.

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The use of warming agents during stretching is contraindicated.

In addition, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (voltaren, ibuprofen) may be recommended.

Patients with severe ankle injury require surgical repair of damaged ligaments. To immobilize the foot, bandages, braces are used, very rarely - plaster bandages.

The most accessible means of traditional medicine, recommended for sprains, is ordinary cabbage. Cabbage leaf should be rinsed, slightly discouraged or crushed until the juice is isolated and fixed on the damaged area.

Effective also the use of compresses from the decoction of the common bruise. To prepare the broth, a tablespoon of ground grass is poured into a glass of cold water, brought to a boil and cooked for 15 minutes.

A decoction of wormwood is prepared in a similar way. Herbal compresses are used until the full recovery of mobility.

Restoration after stretching

Before the foot heals, it will take several days or months to recover.

In mild cases, the restoration of normal foot function occurs within a few days, recovery from more serious injuries may take several months.

At achievement of steady improvement of a status to the patient after a serious trauma therapeutic gymnastics and a course fizioprotsedur is recommended.

Stretching of the ligaments can be combined with more severe injuries, so do not postpone the visit to the doctor. Incorrect or untimely treatment can lead to stable instability of the damaged joint, which will entail recurring injuries.

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