Movalis: instructions for use, tablets, injections, analogues

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  • 1Movalis injections instructions on the application price, analogues, intramuscularly
    • 1.1Composition
    • 1.2Indications for use
    • 1.3Application and dosage
    • 1.4Contraindications
    • 1.5Overdose
    • 1.6Side effects
    • 1.7Interaction with other drugs
    • 1.8What is better than Movalis?
    • 1.9Price
    • 1.10Leave conditions
    • 1.11Storage conditions
    • 1.12Shelf life
    • 1.13Analogues
  • 2Movalis injections and pills: instructions for use, analogues
    • 2.1Movalis - the effect of the drug
    • 2.2Form of issue
    • 2.3Appointment
    • 2.4Instructions for use
    • 2.5Contraindications to the use of the drug Movalis
    • 2.6Movalis in pregnancy
    • 2.7Side effects
    • 2.8Interaction with other medicinal substances
    • 2.9Analogues
    • 2.10Comparison of two drugs: what is better Diclofenac or Movalis?
    • 2.11Interaction with alcohol
    • 2.12Overdose
    • 2.13Price
    • 2.14Feedback on application
    • 2.15Reference No. 2
    • 2.16Review No. 3
    • 2.17Review No. 4
  • 3Movalis nyxes: instructions for use
    • 3.1Form of issue and composition
    • 3.2Indications for use
    • 3.3Contraindications
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.4Dosing and Administration
    • 3.5Side effects
    • 3.6special instructions
    • 3.7Drug Interactions
    • 3.8Analogues of injections Movalis
    • 3.9Terms and conditions of storage
    • 3.10Movalis injections price
  • 4From what help injections and pills Movalis. Instructions for use
    • 4.1Composition and form of release
    • 4.2Pharmacological properties
    • 4.3Medicine Movalis: what helps
    • 4.4Indications for the use of Movalis in the form of a suspension
    • 4.5From what tablets Movalis apply?
    • 4.6What are the points for Movalis?
    • 4.7What are candles used for?
    • 4.8Contraindications
    • 4.9Mowalis preparation: instructions for use
    • 4.10How to drink tablets?
    • 4.11Injections of Movalis: instructions for use
    • 4.12How to prick Movalis?
    • 4.13Candles Mowalis: instructions for use
    • 4.14Instructions for use of the suspension
    • 4.15Additional recommendations
    • 4.16Side effects
    • 4.17Analogs and synonyms
    • 4.18How can I replace injections?
    • 4.19Similar preparations in tableted form
    • 4.20Movalis or Voltaren - which is better?
    • 4.21Which is better: Movalis or Meloksikam?
    • 4.22Naise or Movalis - which is better?
    • 4.23Xefokam or Movalis - which is better?
    • 4.24Application features
    • 4.25The price of Movalis: how much are ampoules, suspension, suppositories and tablets?
    • 4.26Reviews about Movalis

Movalis injections instructions on the application price, analogues, intramuscularly

Movalis is an anti-inflammatory drug of non-steroidal structure (NSAID), which when administered has an analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Injections are often prescribed at the very beginning of treatment, when the inflammatory and pain syndrome is more pronounced.

After alleviating the condition of the patient, therapy is continued with rectal suppositories or oral tablets, the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

In this article, we will consider in detail the instructions for the use of the drug in the injection form, i.e.

in pricks, which includes such questions as: what symptoms should I use, how many days and how it is often possible to prick a medicine and how to do it correctly, can it be used with others preparations.


    In 1 ampoule of the drug contains:
  1. the active ingredient is meloxicam (15 mg);
  2. additional substances - glycofurfurol, meglumine, poloxamer 188, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, glycine, distilled water.

Indications for use

Movalis is a solution for injections, which is recommended for patients with pronounced pains in joint diseases, diseases of the spine and musculoskeletal system. In addition, it is indicated for short-term symptomatic treatment of diseases such as:

  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • arthritis;
  • gonarthrosis;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • also it is widely used in neurology with various neuralgia and jamming of nerves.
  • Application and dosage

    Movalis is used in the form of intramuscular injections, it should be chopped deep into the gluteus muscle. If there are no other appointments of a specialist, then the daily dose of the drug is -15 mg.

    Due to prolonged exposure, Movalis can be applied once every 24 hours. The duration of therapy should not exceed 3 days.

    After this period, it is recommended to take the drug in the form of tablets or suppositories.


  • Movalis is contraindicated in people with a marked intolerance to the active or one of the additional substances.
  • It is not recommended for use to persons with high sensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid, erosion and ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract, to women during childbearing and lactation.
  • It is forbidden to patients with severe form of renal failure without hemodialysis.
  • To persons under 14 years of age, Mawalis is not recommended because of insufficient knowledge of the effect of the drug on the children's body.
  • It is not necessary to apply Movalis to patients with bronchial asthma, functional pathologies of the hematopoiesis and with cardiac compensated failure.
  • They are cautiously prescribed to persons who previously had adverse effects, such as urticaria, polyps of the nasal mucosa, on the background of taking other NSAIDs, angioedema, as well as with gastrointestinal diseases in history, with cerebrovascular diseases, with diabetes, smokers and individuals, often who drink alcohol.
  • Overdose

    Data on the drug overdose is very small. However, presumably with a significant excess of the dosage of the drug, the symptomatology that is characteristic of an overdose of other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may develop.

      So, in especially severe cases, one can observe:
    1. drowsiness;
    2. confusion of consciousness;
    3. digestive system disorders;
    4. pain in the epigastric region;
    5. bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
    6. blood pressure jumps;
    7. functional disturbances of the respiratory system (up to the absence of breathing);
    8. kidney failure;
    9. heart failure.

    Therapeutic measures: in case of an overdose of the drug and subsequent symptoms, an emergency removal of the drug from the body.

    Side effects

    If injecting therapy is performed according to the prescription of the doctor, and the dosage of the drug does not exceed the allowable norm, side effects occur rarely. But, nevertheless, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient, among the side effects can be identified:

  • functional disorders of the digestive system, development of ulcers of the mucous organs of the digestive tract, functional disorders of the hematopoiesis;
  • the occurrence of anemia, a significant decrease in blood levels of platelets and leukocytes;
  • development of bronchial asthma;
  • the appearance of migraine, light and phobia, dizziness, zalozhennosti and noise in the ears, confusion, depression;
  • the occurrence of tachycardia (increased heart rate), increase / decrease in blood pressure, edema of the lower and upper extremities;
  • significant reduction in vision, conjunctivitis;
  • allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes;
  • with prolonged use of injections, necrosis of muscle tissue may develop.
  • Movalis can cause a decrease in the reaction rate. During the treatment period, you should not drive or engage in activities that require increased attention.

    Interaction with other drugs

  • With the simultaneous use of Movalis and another drug of a non-steroid group, for example diclofenac, the risk of ulceration of the mucous organs of the digestive tract, as well as gastrointestinal bleeding, increases.
  • With the joint application of Movalis with drugs potentially myelotoxic, there is a possibility of developing a deficit of one or several types of blood cells (cytopenia).
  • Movalis, like other medications of the NSAID group, significantly reduces the effectiveness of intrauterine contraceptive devices.
  • In patients with obvious dehydration of the body, during acute NSAIDs, acute kidney function may develop.

    Simultaneous application of Movalis with diuretics should be accompanied by abundant fluid intake.

  • Because of the decreased rate of synthesis of prostaglandin-vasodilators, Movalis reduces the effectiveness of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, diuretics, beta-blockers.
  • Kolestyramin promotes the accelerated removal of the active substance Mawalisa from the body.
  • With a simultaneous introduction into the body of Mawalisa and Ciclosporin, the nephrotoxicity of the latter is significantly enhanced, so when they are taken simultaneously, control over the kidney function is necessary.
  • Meloksikam promotes retention of potassium, sodium, liquid in the patient's body and reduces the action of diuretics drugs-siletics, as a result of which the patient can progress to hypertension and cardiac failure.
  • Due to the lack of compatibility data,The Movalis solution should not be mixed in one syringe with any other injection solutions.
  • What is better than Movalis?

    According to numerous reviews of patients and specialists, Movalis is recognized as a highly effective medicine that is well tolerated by the body.

    The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of Movalis, in comparison with other drugs of the non-steroid group, is much higher, and the effect lasts longer.

    In addition, the drug does not have a destructive effect on cartilaginous tissues, which excludes the possibility of further formation of metabolic joint diseases, such as arthrosis.

    This is an absolute advantage of Movalis over other NSAIDs prescribed for diseases of the joints, spine. This medication is not prescribed in exceptional cases in the presence of contraindications.

    Patients with severe renal failure who are on dialysis are allowed to use the drug in a dose not exceeding, mg / 24 hours.

    For patients with an average degree of severity of renal failure, the daily dose is recommended, as in other cases, 15 mg / 24 hours.

    Movalis, released in the form of a solution for injection, is convenient in that, due to rapid absorption into the blood and prolonged action, it can be applied once every 24 hours.

    Unlike the tablet form of the drug, injections are produced in ampoules of a single volume, which facilitates the calculation of the administered dosage.


    The average price of the drug and in injections for intramuscular injection, and in tablets on the territory of the Russian Federation is 650-700 rubles.

    Leave conditions

    The drug in the form of a solution for injection is dispensed according to the prescription of a specialist.

    Storage conditions

    Ampoules are stored in a place protected from direct sun rays, under temperature conditions not higher than +25 degrees. After opening the ampoule, the solution should not be stored.

    Shelf life

    Shelf life of the drug is 5 years from the date of manufacture, which is indicated both on the factory packaging, and on the ampoule itself.


    Similar in composition medical preparations, also used in the form of injections:

  • Meloksikam from 200 rubles.
  • Arthrosan from 250 rub.
  • Ameloteks from 390 r.
  • Bi-ksikam from 160 rubles.
  • (prices are for 3 ampoules)

    If you decide to use analogues of the drug, this decision should be discussed with your doctor! Remember, the dosage, the frequency of reception and the analog itself should be selected by a specialist in accordance with the individual characteristics of the patient's body! Self-medication is unacceptable!How to forget about joint and spinal pain?

    • Does pain limit your movements and full life?
    • Are you worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain?
    • Perhaps you have tried a bunch of medicines, creams and ointments?

    A source:

    Movalis injections and pills: instructions for use, analogues

    The main active substance of Medalis is meloxicam. It is a non-steroidal component that has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic property.

    Meloksikam is a derivative of enolic acid, a selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2.

    The drug is effective in the case of nascent inflammatory processes, contributes to a rapid drop in temperature, and anesthetizes.

    Movalis ampoules are prescribed for exacerbation of the disease, the first 3-4 days, after which experts recommend using tablets or suppositories.

    Movalis - the effect of the drug

    The active substance binds very well to proteins (albumin) - by 99%. The drug penetrates into tissues through histohematetic barriers. After intramuscular injection, the active substance is completely absorbed.

    If it is necessary to change intramuscular injections to the intake of oral medications - no dosage is required.

    The maximum concentration in the blood of the drug reaches an hour after intramuscular injection, and in the case of taking Mawalisa in tablet form - after an hour and a half.

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    Almost completely the drug is metabolized in the liver, and is excreted through the kidneys and stomach.

    A small amount of unchanged form of the drug can be found in the urine, all the rest is excreted as metabolites. With feces, about 5% of the daily dose administered is released.

    Complete elimination of the drug is carried out 20 hours after its administration.

    Form of issue

    Medication is sold in pharmacies in the form of:

    1. rectal suppositories;
    2. in tableted form;
    3. in ampoules for intramuscular injection.


    Meloxicam, which is the main active ingredient of the drug, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Suppressing the germination of pathogens, it effectively removes inflammation, soreness. This is why the drug is indicated with the following ailments:

    • osteoarthritis;
    • radiculitis;
    • arthritis rheumatoid;
    • ankylosing spondylitis;
    • diseases of the vertebral and other parts of the musculoskeletal system, which are accompanied by soreness and the course of the inflammatory process in the tissues.

    The main advantage of the drug, unlike the drugs of a similar effect, it does not have a destructive effect on the cartilaginous tissue. Feel the positive dynamics can be literally 40 minutes after admission. Therapeutic and analgesic effect lasts approximately 22 hours.

    The drug is considered to be more mild and effective if compared with its predecessors.

    Instructions for use

    The course of treatment should be prescribed only by an experienced specialist, based on the symptoms, the patient's condition.

    Caution should be taken if the patient has renal failure - most of it is excreted by the kidneys.

    If the patient experiences severe soreness, immediately the doctor appoints Mohvalis intramuscularly, but it can not be used for more than four days.

    As the pain syndrome is eliminated, the patient is gradually transferred to the medication in capsules or tablets. The standard daily dose of the drug is 8 milligrams, in the case of intolerable pain, doses can be prescribed up to 15 mg.

    Typically, an indication for the use of intramuscular injection of the drug Mawalis is an inflammatory process in the joints, which is accompanied by severe pain.

    In a tablet form, the medication is prescribed if the patient feels an unexpressed pain in the joints with a mild inflammatory process.

    If you follow the instructions, then the drug in the form of rectal suppositories is effective not only for inflammatory processes in the joints.


    It is also used for urological and gynecological manifestations of inflammation.


    The advantage of the "Movalis" suppositories is that they have a much faster effect, and they start acting 15 minutes after the introduction into the anorectal area. About how to take Movalis, in what quantity and form can only be advised by a specialist after a conversation and all the necessary examinations.

    Contraindications to the use of the drug Movalis

    Although the drug is relatively safe, it should be noted that it can not be used in the following conditions:

    • bronchial asthma;
    • liver failure;
    • an allergic reaction to the components of the drug;
    • polyps in the nasal cavity;
    • inflammatory processes in the rectum;
    • ulcerative formations of the gastrointestinal tract, and also of the duodenum;
    • kidney failure;
    • heart failure;
    • diseases that disrupt blood coagulability.

    With all the aforementioned ailments, it is necessary to consult your physician - he will offer analogues, or adjust the dosage.

    It should be noted that when prescribing the drug the doctor must necessarily take into account the general state of health of the patient. In some cases, Mawalis is ideal for even the elderly.

    If you compare it with other drugs of the last generation - the therapeutic effect of Mawalis is much higher and longer, while the negative consequences with the use of the drug were almost not are marked.

    • With special care, the drug is prescribed for elderly people - only if there is an extreme need for this, and the use of an analogue is unacceptable. For children under the age of 18, Movalis is not prescribed intramuscularly.
    • Do not take in the form of tablets and suppositories, if the child is under 12 years old.
    • The medicine does not prescribe to women who are going to become pregnant - to some extent Movalis affects fertility.
    • Prior to use, the instruction for the use of Movalis should be carefully studied by the patient to avoid negative consequences.

    Movalis in pregnancy

    During pregnancy, the drug is not prescribed, because it can cause severe pathologies in the development of the fetus. This includes the cardiovascular system, the liver, as well as the kidneys.

    The drug has the property of reducing the tone of the uterus, so during childbirth can cause violations of labor and heavy bleeding.

    During the period of breastfeeding the medicine is also not prescribed - it is absorbed into the milk, that is, it can be passed on to the child through it, which is highly undesirable.

    If there is an urgent need for "Movalis" - in this case, breastfeeding should be canceled until the drug is completely eliminated by the body.

    Side effects

    In almost all cases, the drug is well tolerated by patients. However, the manufacturers claim that to some extent Movalis can affect all body systems.

    From the side of the digestive system, the following complications are possible:

    • bloating;
    • nausea;
    • vomiting;
    • stomach ache;
    • constipation;
    • diarrhea;
    • eructation, heartburn;
    • exacerbation of gastritis.

    In extremely rare cases, an aggravation of peptic ulcer or gastritis is possible.

    On the part of the hematopoietic system, the manifestation of the following symptoms is possible:

    • thrombocytopenia;
    • anemia;
    • leukopenia.

    All these manifestations are extremely rare, in exceptional cases.

    From the side of the skin can manifest allergic reactions, which are characterized by:

    • stomatitis;
    • itching;
    • the appearance of hives;
    • photosensitization.

    From the side of the nervous system, manifestations are possible:

    • drowsiness;
    • insomnia;
    • noise in the ears;
    • dizziness;
    • nervousness;
    • sharp mood swings.

    In some cases, such adverse reactions as an exacerbation of attacks of bronchial asthma were also noticed.

    People who suffer from cardiovascular disease, the drug is prescribed with caution, since it can promote blood pressure changes, increased heart rate, and swelling.

    It is important to take into account all the characteristics of the body before appointing the method of Movalis. Some people carry it well, without feeling uncomfortable, and in some cases it is necessary to replace the drug with an analog.

    Interaction with other medicinal substances

    With caution, this drug should be used by people who take the drugs of the NSAID group, as possible exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, the development of internal bleeding. In some cases, Movalis can reduce the effectiveness of the uterine spiral - in this case, consult your doctor.

    Patients who have kidney problems, the drug is prescribed only after passing all the necessary examinations.

    If you take Movalis with diuretics, you should pay attention to the fact that the patient should drink the prescribed amount of liquid per day - in order to prevent dehydration.


    When taking funds for hypertension, it is necessary to take into account that the medication can affect their effect, as a result of which the effect will be less pronounced.


    Active active agent Movalisa can provoke a delay in potassium and sodium, which can exacerbate hypertension and heart failure.

    In no case, Movalis in ampoules can not be combined in a syringe with other medicinal substances!

    With the simultaneous use of Furosemide, Zimetidan, Digoxin and antacids, no significant drug interaction was observed.


    Generics are analogues of the drug, which in their composition have the same active substance, but in different amounts. The presence of auxiliary substances may also vary.

    • Aspicam - from 500 rubles;
    • Zeloksim - the cost is in the range 340-460 rubles;
    • Zeloxim forte;
    • Diclofenac;
    • M-kam - the price is up to 400 rubles;
    • Melbeck - from 140 to 570 rubles, depending on the dosage;
    • Meloks -160 to 270 rubles;
    • Meloksam - price around 340 rubles;
    • Meloksik - the approximate cost of 240-460 rubles;
    • Meloksikam - up to 600 rubles;
    • Movalgin from 270 rubles;
    • Movix from 180 to 300 rubles;
    • Revmoxicam - from 260 to 560 Russian rubles;
    • Eksisten - the cost is within 400 rubles.

    All prices are indicated in averages, more detailed information you can get in the pharmacy, after consulting with the pharmacist.

    Comparison of two drugs: what is better Diclofenac or Movalis?

    Speaking in general terms, Diclofenac is an analogue of the drug Movalis. They have similar therapeutic effects:

    • with rheumatism, soreness in the joints is significantly reduced;
    • eliminates the morning stiffness, as well as swelling of the joints (especially on the lower limbs);
    • Thanks to the use of the drug, the patient will be able to increase the volume of movements without problems.

    There was no significant difference in price policy. However, if we talk about contraindications, then Diclofenac has more of them. The same applies to side effects.

    Researchers, who are engaged in a thorough study of the effect of such drugs on the body, conducted an experiment in which 330 people participated.

    They were divided into two groups: one of them was taken by Diclofenac, the rest - by Movalis.

    At the end of testing, it was found that 16% of people who were treated with Diclofenac, those or other side effects, while when taking Movalis changes in general condition were noted only 11%.

    From all of the above, it can be concluded that Movalis is safer, especially to people who are prone to unstable conditions when taking medications.

    Interaction with alcohol

    The drug is not allowed to be consumed with various drinks that contain alcohol, since it can cause an exacerbation of gastritis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer. It is possible that cases of hepatitis develop with long use of the drug with alcohol.

    In the case of violations, many patients report minor pain in the epigastric region.


    It may well occur if the patient prefers to increase the dose of the drug. In case of an overdose, all the symptoms described in the category "side effects" are possible.

    If the drug was taken less than 1 hour ago, gastric lavage will be effective - in other cases it is necessary to go to an ambulance.


    The price of the medicine directly depends on the dosage, as well as the number of tablets, ampoules, or suppositories in the package. Approximate price of Movalis in Russia:

    • ampoules, 5 pieces per pack - 600 - 800 rubles;
    • candles for rectal use, packaged in 6 pieces per package - 300-500 rubles;
    • tablets can be bought at a price of 500 to 700 rubles for one package, which contains 10 pieces of tablets.

    Feedback on application

    Review No. 1

    Юрий, 51 year - St. Petersburg

    Reference No. 2

    Svetlana, 40 years old - Ekaterinburg

    Review No. 3

    Yulia, 25 years old - Moscow

    Review No. 4

    Inessa Vladimirovna, 49 years old - Vladivostok

    Ok.ruMailru Skype

    A source:

    Movalis nyxes: instructions for use

    Movalis is a medicinal product with anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effect, used to treat such diseases of the musculoskeletal system as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthrosis, spondylitis.

    Movalis is a representative of a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs related to enolic acid derivatives.

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    It effectively removes inflammation, removes pain and reduces fever.

    The anti-inflammatory mechanism works on all standard models of inflammatory processes.

    The mechanism of action of meloxicam is due to its selective inhibitory effect on the formation of prostaglandins at the site of inflammation. This occurs as a result of selective inhibition of cyclooxygenase type 2 - an enzyme that provides the synthesis of prostaglandins.

    Unlike nonselective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that inhibit both types of cyclooxygenase, meloxicam manifests itself in a greater degree therapeutic effects, while inhibition of type 1 cyclooxygenase leads to the development of more serious complications from the stomach and kidney.


    It is proved that when taking meloxicam in therapeutic doses, it does not affect the aggregation of platelets and bleeding time, in contrast to non-selective representatives of the group.


    When meloxicam was used, dyspepsia, vomiting, nausea and pain in the abdomen were less common.

    The frequency of perforations, ulcerative lesions and bleeding was lower and depended on the dosage of the medication.

    Mawalis is a prescription drug and is used as directed by a doctor.

    Form of issue and composition

    The dosage form is represented by ampoules of 1.5 ml No. 3, 5 in the package. The injection solution is yellow-green in color. The dosage of 1 ampoule is:

    The production of this drug belongs to the company Boehringer Ingelheim Espana (Spain).

    Indications for use

    In the form of an injectable solution, Movalis is used to stop the combat syndrome and short-term symptoms in rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and osteoarthritis.


    • hypersensitivity to the active component or other components;
    • propensity to develop allergic reactions of immediate type after taking acetylsalicylic acid and its derivatives;
    • ulcer / perforation of the stomach or intestines;
    • granulomatous enteritis;
    • ulcerative colitis;
    • severe liver dysfunction;
    • pronounced renal impairment;
    • diseases of the clotting system;
    • bleeding from the digestive tract or cerebrovascular pathologies;
    • severe heart failure;
    • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • children's age till 18 years;
    • removal of the pain syndrome in coronary artery bypass grafting.

    Care must be taken in the use of drugs in diseases of the digestive system, stagnation of the circulatory system, renal dysfunction, cardiac ischemia, vascular pathologies brain and peripheral arteries, islipidemic or hyperlipidemic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, in old age, with smoking and alcohol abuse drinks.

    Caution is necessary when taking anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents, oral glucocorticosteroids, some antidepressants, prolonged therapy with anti-inflammatory drugs from the group non-steroidal agents.

    Dosing and Administration

    Injectable form of Mawalis is prescribed only for rapid (the first 2-3 days) relief of pain syndrome and acute manifestations of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Further treatment is carried out using a tablet form.

    The daily dose, depending on the severity of pain and inflammation, can range from, to 15 mg. You need to inject the medicine intramuscularly, without mixing in the syringe with other drugs.

    In the case of kidney dysfunction, the recommended therapeutic dose is 7.5 mg. Intravenous administration is prohibited.

    Side effects

    • hematopoiesis system: decrease in the number of blood elements, changes in the leukocyte formula, anemic syndrome;
    • immune reactions: anaphylaxis, other manifestations of type I hypersensitivity;
    • Nervous disorders: headache, dizziness, tinnitus, drowsiness, impaired consciousness, emotional lability;
    • digestive disorders: perforation of walls, hemorrhages, ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, inflammation mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, esophagus, mouth or liver, abdominal pain, diarrheal symptoms, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting;
    • skin manifestations: toxic necrolysis, angio edema, bullous dermatitis, multiform or exudative erythema, pruritus, rashes, hives, photosensitivity;
    • respiratory system: bronchial asthma in the presence of allergy to non-steroid drugs;
    • circulatory system: hypertension, tachycardia, hot flushes, swelling;
    • urinary system: inflammation of the kidneys, nephrotic syndrome, renal dysfunction, increased renal function, dysuria;
    • visual symptoms: conjunctivitis, visual disorders;
    • local reactions: inflammation at the injection site.

    special instructions

    1. Use of medication by pregnant or breast-feeding is contraindicated.
    2. In the presence of diseases of the digestive system, careful monitoring of this category of patients is necessary.

      In the case of development of bleeding or the appearance of an ulcer, it is necessary to cancel the remedy. For the elderly, the consequences of these side effects are more serious.

    3. When using this drug may increase the liver function or transaminases.

      Most often, it is insignificant and temporary. In the case of pronounced or long-term changes, the application of Movalis must be discontinued, and monitored for indicators.

    4. Weakened or emaciated patients may increase the side effects, so they need careful monitoring.
    5. Like other representatives of the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Movalis can mask the symptoms of a major infectious disease.
    6. A special category are patients who reported the occurrence of side effects from the skin and mucous membranes, the presence of hypersensitivity to the drug.

      These negative manifestations usually occur in the first month of therapy and, as a rule, do not require withdrawal of the remedy.

    7. Meloksikam increases the risk of thrombosis, heart attack, angina with prolonged use, with a tendency to these pathologies, as well as with already transferred such diseases.
    8. Nonsteroid drugs, in addition to inhibiting the synthesis of inflammatory mediators in the necessary place, inhibit it is also in the kidneys, which can provoke the development of decompensation of the latent form of renal insufficiency.

      When discontinuing the use of non-steroidal drugs, the kidney function is restored to its fullest.

      Most often this phenomenon occurs in the elderly, as well as patients with dehydration, stagnation of the circulatory system, cirrhosis of the liver, pathologies of the kidneys simultaneously taking diuretics, and having undergone complex operations leading to hypovolemia.

      Prior to the appointment of Movalis to this group of patients, monitoring of diuresis and renal function is required. Joint reception of non-steroids and diuretics can provoke retention of sodium, potassium and water ions, as well as a decrease in sodium excretion when taking diuretics. This can increase the signs of heart failure or hypertension in patients prone to these pathologies. Therefore, this category also requires careful monitoring of the condition, adequate hydration and examination of the functional capacity of the kidneys.

    9. Meloksikam can affect the ability to conceive, which is not recommended for women who have problems in this area. When examining the reproductive function of such a woman, the use of Movalis should be stopped.
    10. Studies regarding the safety of the use of meloxicam in driving or doing work that requires increased attention have not been carried out. However, when performing these actions, one should take into account the possibility of dizziness, drowsiness and other disorders of the nervous system.

    Drug Interactions

    • Other agents that inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins, in combination with meloxicam, increase the risk ulcerogenic effect and bleeding from the digestive tract, resulting in their combination undesirable;
    • antidepressants from the group of serotonin uptake inhibitors may also increase the risk of bleeding;
    • when nonsteroidal drugs are combined with lithium preparations, lithium content in the blood increases due to a decrease in its excretion. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the concentration of lithium when meloxicam is used, the dosage regimen is changed, and cancellation;
    • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can increase blood concentrations and hematological toxicity of methotrexate. In view of this, the use of methotrexate and meloxicam in a dosage exceeding 15 mg per week is undesirable;
    • when taking non-steroidal agents, the effect of intrauterine contraceptive devices decreases;
    • with the simultaneous use of non-steroids and diuretics in case of dehydration, renal insufficiency may develop;
    • non-steroid drugs cause a weakening of the vasodilating effect of antihypertensive agents as a result of inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis;
    • nonsteroidal drugs and antagonists of angiotensin type 2 receptors cause a decrease in glomerular filtration, which may threaten the onset of renal insufficiency. With this combination of drugs, regular monitoring of kidney activity is necessary;
    • when a combination of non-steroids with cyclosporine, it is possible to increase its toxic effect on the kidneys;
    • Possible manifestation of the interaction of meloxicam with inhibitors of hepatic enzymes or their substrates;
    • There is the possibility of interaction of meloxicam with oral hypoglycemic agents.

    Analogues of injections Movalis

    Movalis has a large number of structural analogues of domestic and foreign production:

    1. Amelotex has a wide range of medicinal forms, represented by ampoules, gel, tablets and candles. Ampoules, similar to Movalis, № 3 and 5 in the package. Manufacturer: Soteks FarmFirma (Russia).
    2. Arthrosan is a domestic preparation that has an injectable and tablet dosage form. Manufacturer: Pharmstandard-UfaVITA.
    3. Bi-xikam: injection and tablets. OJSC Veropharm is produced in Russia.
    4. Liberium, similar to the previous preparations, is available in 2 forms. The production belongs to the Ukrainian company Farmak PAO.
    5. Melbék is available in the form of ampoules and tablets with a dosage of 7.5 mg. Tablets with a dosage of 30 mg are called Melbek forte. Manufacturer: Nobel Ilac Sanayii and Ticaret (Turkey).
    6. Meloksikam DS is manufactured in China by the company Zhangjiakou Kaiwei Pharmaceutical.
    7. Meloksikam-Teva is also an identical medicine. Produced by Teva (Israel).
    8. Meloflex Rompharm is a preparation of Romanian manufacture, which is produced exclusively in an injection form. Manufacturer: C.O. Rompharm Company S.R.L.
    9. Mesipol is also manufactured only in the form of injections. The production belongs to Polpharma (Poland).
    10. Movasin is a Russian drug. It is produced by OJSC Synthesis.

    Terms and conditions of storage

    The drug should be protected from exposure to sunlight and children. The temperature range of storage is not more than 30 degrees. Shelf life - 5 years.

    Movalis injections price

    The average cost of injections in Mawalis in pharmacies in Moscow is:

    • 3 ampoules - 209-895 rubles.
    • 5 ampoules - 564-969 rubles.

    A source:

    From what help injections and pills Movalis. Instructions for use

    The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug from the group of oxicams is Movalis.

    What helps this medicine? The drug has antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Movalis instructions for use prescribe to use for pain in the joints.

    Composition and form of release

    The preparation is produced in:

    • tableted form (dosage of active substance, mg and 15 mg);
    • solution for injection 10 mg / ml (ampoules, ml);
    • rectal suppositories, and 15 mg;
    • suspension, mg / ml (100 ml bottle).

    Means of external therapy (ointment, gel) the manufacturer does not produce.

    The medicine Mowalis, from which tablets and other forms are used in arthritis, contains an active element - meloxicam and auxiliary substances.

    Tablets have a flat-cylindrical shape and bevelled edges. One of the parties is marked with the company's logo, on the other there is a fault line.

    The recipe in the Latin language of Movalis looks like this - Rp.: Tab. RP: Meloxicami (Movalisi), 075.

    Pharmacological properties

    Candles, pills, injections, which help the medicine with pain, heat, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect.

    The anti-inflammatory properties of meloxicam are established on all standard models of inflammation.

    The mechanism of action of the drug is its ability to inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins - known inflammatory mediators.

    The drug is completely absorbed after intramuscular injection.

    The relative bioavailability compared with the bioavailability for oral administration is almost 100%, so when switching from an injection to an oral form, dose adjustment is not required.

    After intramuscular administration of 15 mg of the drug, a peak plasma concentration of about μg / ml, is reached within 1 hour.

    Medicine Movalis: what helps

    Indications for the use of Movalis in the form of a suspension

    Syrup is used for symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis (including pain component), rheumatoid arthritis (including juvenile arthritis), rheumatoid spondylitis.

    From what tablets Movalis apply?

    A tabulated form is assigned in the following cases:

    • symptomatic treatment of exacerbated osteoarthritis;
    • long-term treatment of infectious nonspecific polyarthritis and rheumatoid spondylitis.

    What are the points for Movalis?

    The injections of the drug are prescribed for short-term treatment of an acute attack of an infectious nonspecific polyarthritis or rheumatoid spondylitis, when the rectal and oral routes of application of the drug Mawalis are impossible.

    What are candles used for?

    According to the annotation, the suppositories are designed to relieve pain in degenerative joint diseases (osteoarthritis), rheumatoid arthritis or spondylitis.


    The instruction prohibits the use of the drug Movalis, if the patient is diagnosed with:

    • acute ulcerative colitis;
    • perforation of the gastrointestinal tract; Crohn's disease;
    • polyposis of the nose;
    • urticaria, conditions provoked by the use of non-steroids and aspirin.

    According to doctors' reviews about Movalis, the drug is not allowed to take with:

    • ulcers of the digestive tract;
    • severe renal or hepatic insufficiency;
    • progressive renal diseases;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • angioedema;
    • recently suffered cerebrovascular bleeding;
    • acute bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
    • problems with blood coagulability.

    The instruction to Movalis emphasizes that it is contraindicated to use in the case of uncontrolled heart failure, as well as perioperative pains and shunting of the coronary arteries. Mowalis tablets are forbidden for patients under 18 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, as well as patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

    Patients' reviews suggest that there is a risk of a cross-allergy to aspirin and non-steroid.

    Mowalis preparation: instructions for use

    How to drink tablets?

    The medicine is administered orally. The daily dose is taken at one time, washed down with liquid, while eating. To minimize adverse reactions, the patient is given a minimally effective dose and as short a course as is necessary to control the symptoms of the disease.

    During treatment, Movalis periodically recommends assessing the patient's need for symptomatic therapy and the response of his body to treatment. Dose in acute osteoarthritis - 1 tablet *, mg or, tablet * 15 mg per day (if necessary, you can take 1 whole tablet 15 mg).

    With nonspecific polyarthritis and rheumatoid spondylitis should be taken 15 mg / day. According to the therapeutic effects, the dose is reduced to, mg / day.

    Injections of Movalis: instructions for use

    The description of the drug indicates that the injections of Mawalis should be done in the muscle. The drug is administered once in a dose of 15 mg. Therapy is usually limited to the 1 st injection. In particularly severe cases, 2-3 doses of Meloxicam are allowed.

    How to prick Movalis?

    The medicine is injected slowly, by deep injection into the large gluteus muscle, with all the conditions of asepsis observed. If it is necessary to introduce a second dose, the injection is made into the other buttock.

    Before you enter the solution, you need to make sure that the needle does not hit the vessel. If the patient experiences severe pain during the injection, the procedure is immediately stopped. Patients with a hip joint prosthesis are made into another buttock.

    Candles Mowalis: instructions for use

    Adults with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or spondylitis suppositories are administered 1 r./day. in a dose of 15 mg.

    The same dose is the maximum allowable (including, if the treatment is combined with the use of different forms of Meloxicam).

    The course of treatment should be as short as possible, and the dose - the minimum possible.

    Instructions for use of the suspension

    The daily dose for osteoarthritis is, mg, which corresponds to the volume of 1 measuring spoon (ml). If necessary, increase it to 2 m.l. For rheumatoid arthritis / spondylitis, the patient should be given 2 m.l. suspension of 1 p. / day. Depending on the response to treatment, the dose can be reduced to 1 m.l.

    The highest dose is 2 mg / day. The whole volume of medicine is taken at one time, during meals.

    Children under 12 years of age with juvenile arthritis drug dosed at a rate of 25 mg / kg. The multiplicity of applications is the same as for adults, 1 pp. / Day. The highest dose is, mg / day.

    Adolescents over 12 years of age should not be given more than 5 mg / kg / day.

    Additional recommendations

    The maximum permissible dose of meloxicam (including, if the patient is assigned different dosage forms of the drug) is 15 mg / day.

    For patients with severe kidney failure (provided that they are on dialysis) and the elderly people the optimal dose for long-term treatment of nonspecific polyarthritis and rheumatoid spondylitis mg / day.

    If the likelihood of occurrence of adverse reactions is high, treatment also begins with a similar dose. Movalis is not available in the form of an ointment or gel.

    Side effects

    The medicine can cause the following negative reactions of the body:

    • Respiratory system: rarely - bronchial asthma (in patients with an allergy to acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
    • Digestive system: often - abdominal pain, indigestion, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea; infrequently - gastrointestinal bleeding (proceeding clearly or secretly), bloating, gastritis, constipation, belching, stomatitis.
    • Nervous system: often - a headache; infrequently - drowsiness, dizziness.
    • Cardiovascular system: infrequently - increased blood pressure, a sense of "tides" of blood to the face; rarely - a heartbeat.
    • Urinary system: infrequent - changes in the functional parameters of the kidneys (increase in serum levels of urea and / or creatinine), urination disorders, including acute urinary retention.
    • Hemopoietic system: infrequently - anemia; rarely - thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, changes in the number of blood cells, including changes in the leukocyte formula.
    • Immune system: infrequently - reactions of hypersensitivity of immediate type.
    • Mind: rarely - changeable mood.
    • Sense organs: infrequently - vertigo.
    • Subcutaneous tissues and skin: infrequently - angioedema, itching, skin rash.
    • Bile ducts and liver: infrequent - transient changes in liver function indicators (in particular, increased bilirubin or transaminase activity).
    • General disorders and reactions at the injection site: often - swelling and pain at the injection site.

    When joint application of Movalis with drugs that depress the bone marrow (for example, with methotrexate), cytopenia can develop.

    As with the use of other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, during treatment with Movalis, there is the probability of developing nephrotic syndrome, glomerulonephritis, renal medullary necrosis and interstitial jade.

    Analogs and synonyms

    How can I replace injections?

    Synonyms in injections (with the same active substance):

    • Liberalum.
    • Bee-ksikam.
    • Meloksikam.
    • Melbeck.
    • Movasin.
    • Mesipol.
    • Amelotex.
    • Arthrosan.

    Similar preparations in tableted form

    Replace Movalis in this dosage form with drugs:

    • Medsikam.
    • Oxycamox.
    • Mixol-Od.
    • Mirlocks.
    • M-Kam.
    • Movix.
    • Lem.
    • Matarin.

    Movalis or Voltaren - which is better?

    Voltaren is a drug based on diclofenac. The use of Voltaren is often accompanied by the development of adverse reactions.

    Unlike Voltaren, Movalis also has an effect on the metabolism of cartilaginous tissue and increases the reparative abilities of chondrocytes.

    Thus, for the anesthesia, both drugs are equally effective, but for osteoarthritis, the drug of choice is Movalis.

    Which is better: Movalis or Meloksikam?

    Meloksikam is the active substance of Movalis, therefore, according to its effect, these medications do not differ. The main advantage of Meloxicam is its significantly lower cost.

    Naise or Movalis - which is better?

    The active substance of the drug Naise - nimesulide - refers, like meloxicam, to the selective NSAIDs. Both drugs are effective in the heat and pain syndrome, and also alleviate the symptoms of inflammatory reactions equally well.

    Nimesulide is toxic to the liver, therefore, in the presence of acute and chronic pathologies of the hepatobiliary system, meloxicam is more preferable because it does not have similar effects.

    The patients' testimonies indicate that for a short-term use (for example, in order to relieve acute pain) Naise is more suited, with periodically recurring pains being more effective than Movalis.

    Xefokam or Movalis - which is better?

    If you compare Movalis with Xefokam, the latter is characterized by more pronounced analgesic activity and a higher incidence of adverse reactions against its background. Movalis also relieves inflammation and is better tolerated by patients.

    Movalis is more effective in inflammatory-degenerative joint diseases, which are accompanied by a weak or moderate pain, and Xefokam is recommended for intensive pain of various origin, as well as for course use in patients with healthy gastrointestinal tract.

    Application features

    Studies of the effect of the drug on the ability to control the car and mechanisms were not carried out.

    However, patients should be warned that such side effects may occur, such as: visual disorders, including blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness, vertigo and other abnormalities from the central nervous system.

    Care should be taken when driving or working with machinery. Patients with the above symptoms should avoid performing potentially dangerous actions, such as driving or machinery.

    The price of Movalis: how much are ampoules, suspension, suppositories and tablets?

    In Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities, you can buy the medicine Mawalis at a price of 537 rubles. In Kiev, its cost reaches 166-322 hryvnia. In Minsk, the drug is sold for 11-28 bel. rubles. The price in Kazakhstan reaches 2156 tenge (15 mg /, ml No. 3 of the r / d in.amp.).

    Reviews about Movalis

    Reading reviews on the forums, you can see that the majority of patients taking Movalis give this drug a rather high rating.

    The medicine quickly accumulates in the body, is slowly eliminated, its bioavailability is higher than that of analogues, and the variety of forms allows you to choose the most convenient depending on the indications and subjective sensations.

    The agent has a relatively small range of undesirable side effects compared to other NSAIDs and proven high clinical efficacy.


    This allows to include it in the complex therapy of many pathological conditions that accompany inflammatory and degenerative rheumatic diseases, and also used to relieve pain in primary dysmenorrhea and fever.


    "A very good drug, a friend bought it when I saw how lame it was. The two ampoules helped literally, until this month the drug could not walk after a foot injury. "

    "The main thing is not to forget to take vitamins at a course of mohvalis, since the medicine itself ensures the inflow of nutrients to the injured place."

    "Not only that the allergy can be on this drug, so I would not say that the pain is good it takes. I personally did not really help. Here, the neurodegeneration is quite another matter, as it began to take it, so the pain in the back quickly passed, i.e. it is immediately clear that the drug is really effective. "

    A source: