Cough with inspiration

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Cough with inspiration

Cough with inspiration - a situation familiar to many, especially smokers. We are used to it and do not take it seriously. However, sometimes, coughing with inspiration can be a symptom of the most serious diseases.

Cough for inspiration causes

Cough with inspiration is the first symptom of lung cancer, which indicates the endobronchial growth of the tumor. In the initial stage of the disease, the cough is dry, nauseous, painful, sometimes it is found with seizures. Cough during inspiration causes anxiety of patients, usually at night. The difficulty in assessing the clinical picture of coughing with inspiration, as a symptom of lung cancer, is that it usually affects long-smokers or patients with chronic bronchitis. Chronic cough with inspiration is typical for these categories of people.

In the course of tumor development, cough is accompanied in approximately 90% of cases with inspiration, accompanied by the expiration of thick mucus that is odorless. Later, the appearance of blood, in appearance resembling raspberry jelly, is observed. There may be profuse bleeding of the lung, from which the patient's death occurs.

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Cough with deep inspiration

Cough is an increase in breast pressure, resulting in a contraction of muscles that promote squeezing mucus and sputum from the bronchi. With the rapid opening of the throat slit, air is released at a rate sufficient to rapidly purge the bronchi. Rare cough pushes are normal, when there is a special excitement should not be.

Cough with a deep breath is divided into two varieties:

- Dry cough. This kind of cough occurs with bronchial diseases and inflammation of the mucous membranes in the trachea. It is obtrusive and often associated with vocal cord disorders.

- Moist cough. It stops by separating the sputum and begins again only after the next accumulation of mucus. Wet cough is considered a symptom of bronchitis. The patient suffers from him a lot of trouble, cough is torturous for him.

Cough with deep breath is very painful for the patient. Practice confirms that most often it is caused by irritation pleurisy, asthma attacks or increased allergic sensitivity of the lungs. If the course of the cough occurs against a background of copious sputum, this indicates a breakdown in the swallowing act.

The causes that cause the appearance of cough with a deep breath are many. This suggests that you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication. It is necessary to consult a good specialist for examination and disease determination.

When inhaled, dry cough

Dry cough with inspiration is the most common sign of a disease of the respiratory system. A moist and dry cough during inhalation helps cleanse the upper respiratory tract from foreign bodies, sputum and mucus.

The cause of the appearance of dry cough with inspiration is irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, trachea and bronchi. Such a cough is a reflex action, but sometimes it can be specifically provoked.

When the flu is ill, the bacilli, when coughing, scatter several meters from the person who is ill. In this case, it must be isolated from healthy people, in order to protect them from infection.

When inhaled, a dry cough occurs when the breathing is deep-there is a contraction of the respiratory muscles, as a result of which the voice gap closes. The tension of the respiratory muscles increases the pressure in the respiratory tract.

This type of cough is a distinctive feature of lung diseases, although its presence does not indicate a pathology of the respiratory system.

Dry cough with inhalation causes such diseases as allergies, flu, pharyngitis, colds, pleurisy.

In harmful industries, in the case of working with harmful substances, workers should use masks that prevent the introduction of chemicals into the respiratory organs. If this rule is ignored, coughing during inhalation may occur due to chemical irritation.

Coughing in the child with inspiration

The child has very weak respiratory organs, so the appearance of any cold infection can cause various diseases. Of particular importance is the presence of smoking members of the family, in view of the fact that the passive inhalation of tobacco smoke by the baby contributes to the appearance of a respiratory system disease.

Cough with inspiration begins in a child with acute bronchitis. In the event that coughing attacks are accompanied by wheezing, parents are dealing with obstructive bronchitis. Treatment appoints a doctor, but by the way a child coughs you can judge which type of bronchitis he is sick.

When there is an inhalation of air through the trachea into the larynx, it passes through the bronchi, eventually, getting into the lungs. Protective cells, equipped with cilia, cover the bronchi from the inside. When the harmful germs get into the bronchi, a sputum is produced, which the cilia transform into the center of the bronchi from all their corners. Cough with inspiration is not bad for this, greatly accelerating the cleansing of the bronchi.

Difficulty breathing in when coughing

Difficulty breathing in the cough in children is most often observed with a disease of viral croup. When infecting the children's body with various infections, the virus that causes the disease promotes inflammation of the mucous membrane of the trachea and larynx. Breathing is difficult because of the narrowing of the airway lumen. It is this condition that is called croup. Almost always the cause, its causing becomes SARS. However, in a small percentage of cases, cereal can be caused by other causes, so the final diagnosis can only be determined by the attending physician.

In adults, coughing with inhalation with difficulty breathing is often caused by infections that occur with HIV. In addition, these symptoms cause the immune reconstitution syndrome.

Deep cough

Often the cause of the appearance of a cough can be determined by its sound, therefore, even in medical circles one can hear about dry, barking, hoarse and other kinds of coughs. In this article, we will look at all the varieties of deep cough.

Types of deep cough

Deep chest cough

Cough can be chest and not chest. It depends on whether the cough is related to problems in the airway or outside.

Breast cough is distinguished by the presence of mucus. It can be productive or unproductive.

If a person has a productive cough, he can freely cough up phlegm. If the cough is unproductive, then because of the viscosity of phlegm and excess mucus it is difficult to clear the throat. An unproductive cough often appears during a cold or flu. The cause may be smoking, as well as asthma.

It is important to be able to cough properly and be able to control cough. To do this, you need to know a few simple rules:

  • take a deep breath so that the lungs are as full as possible;
  • you should feel the contact of the diaphragm and the upper abdominal muscles;
  • Cough so that, pushing the air, the upper abdominal muscles contract;
  • do this several times until the mucus leaves

Sometimes deep chest cough may be a symptom of serious illness:

  • bronchitis or pneumonia;
  • chronic bronchitis or emphysema;
  • sinusitis

In the case of a permanent, prolonged cough, you should always consult a doctor.

Dry deep cough

Deep dry cough or tracheitis causes inflammation of the trachea's shell. This manifests itself as a dry and painful cough, especially at night. The mucous membrane of the trachea becomes inflamed as a result of the infection of the bacterium and the virus. It happens that the cause of tracheitis is tobacco smoke, chemicals or dust. The organism, trying to get rid of these irritants, begins to produce phlegm. At first the phlegm is very viscous and leaves hardly, therefore at the very beginning of the disease the cough is painful and dry.

Tracheitis can be combined with rhinitis and pharyngitis against a cold. Provokes the appearance of tracheitis and cold air. In the case of acute tracheitis, ulcers may appear on the swelling of the trachea. During an attack of deep dry cough, a person feels a burning sensation and a sore throat. Tracheitis can be accompanied by a headache, fever and weakness.

Severe deep cough

Cough can be physiological and pathological. Physiological cough is a natural phenomenon that periodically removes phlegm from the body.

Pathological cough is manifested in the background of diseases of the respiratory tract. For the correct diagnosis of the disease you need to establish the characteristics of a pathological cough. Depending on the symptoms and their duration, the characteristics of the cough are different:

  • acute cough that lasts no more than two weeks;
  • a protracted cough may last up to a month;
  • subacute, lasts from one month to two;
  • chronic cough can last more than two months

A severe or acute cough occurs against a background of acute respiratory viral infection. Its main characteristics are:

  • gradual development within a few days or hours;
  • presence of temperature, runny nose, general weakness;
  • transition of dry cough to wet

Deep cough without fever

Deep cough without fever is one of the most common processes in respiratory diseases. He can talk about the presence of a small infection in the body or can cause a serious illness. The exact cause of the cough can only be called by the doctor after the necessary examination.

The human body is designed in such a way that if the respiratory tract gets into infection, allergens or dust, irritation of the receptors occurs, and a cough arises. Thus, the bronchi are cleared of various kinds of secretions.

Cough without fever can be a sign of heart failure, stress, thyroid disease, cancer, tuberculosis or bowel disease.

Deep cough in the baby

Acute cough in children occurs against the background of acute respiratory diseases, as well as pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis or pneumonia.

With pharyngitis cough is accompanied by a sore throat, which gives the child discomfort. There is a sensation of a lump in the throat.

With laryngitis, coughing is barking, dry and accompanied by hoarseness. On the background of the disease, the child may have a narrow larynx, which is very dangerous.

Coughing in a child with tracheitis is deep and accompanied by pain behind the sternum. With tracheitis, simultaneous inflammation of the larynx and trachea is possible.

During a bronchitis cough is pectoral and loud, but it does not cause soreness. A lot of sputum is allocated. In the lungs, rales are dried out. On the background of acute respiratory viral infection, the child may develop obstructive bronchitis. The child begins to cough painfully, at the same time hears wheezing and breathing difficulties.

During the disease, chlamydial pneumonia in children there are seizures with sonorous and dry cough, the temperature rises.

With a pleurisy cough is painful and without sputum. With a deep breath, the cough intensifies. With a large accumulation of pleural fluid, dyspnea may appear.

If a child falls ill with measles, then on the second-third day of the disease cough becomes rough and rashes appear on the skin.

Cough during pertussis is accompanied by attacks of suffocation and may result in vomiting with sputum discharge.

Cough with paracutosis is the same as with pertussis, but the disease proceeds more easily.

If a child falls ill with ascariasis, then cough occurs during the migration of the larvae. Cough is dry, worse at night. The temperature rises and sputum can cause blood.

In young children, cough can be a sign of adenoids, rhinitis or sinusitis.

Another cause of coughing can be gastro-food reflux. The cough is dry and painful, accompanied by a small amount of sputum.

Deep cough cure

To treat a deep cough in a child, you need to follow the rules:

  1. The room should be warm and cozy, with an air temperature of about twenty-two degrees.
  2. Avoid contact with tobacco smoke, dust and detergent chemicals.
  3. Make a hot foot bath.
  4. Do inhalation of medicinal herbs.
  5. Give your child more warm liquids. It can be teas, juices, milk, still mineral water.
  6. Include in the diet of liquid milk porridge.

It is necessary to establish the cause of the cough, which is only a symptom of some disease.

Drug treatment, both in adults and in children, involves the use of antitussive drugs that will block at the receptor level a cough reflex.

  1. Antitussive drugs that act on the respiratory tract receptors are used.
  2. For the treatment of cough apply a combination of drugs.
  3. Medicines of plant origin help well.
  4. Nursing fees, which include the oregano, mother - and - stepmother, marshmallows are a good expectorant.
  5. Breastfeeding with anise, licorice, fennel, pine buds, althea is also very effective.
  6. To get rid of cough appoint pills with mint and eucalyptus.
  7. Folk remedies for cough are available and effective.
  8. Black radish juice is an excellent remedy for getting rid of cough. Cut the middle into radishes and put honey inside. After two to three hours, the juice in the radish will be filled, which you need to drink and put honey again. Do it several times.
  9. Tincture of eucalyptus should take twenty drops per quarter of a glass of water three times a day.
  10. In hot milk, in equal proportions, add mineral water.
  11. A fig tree is added to a child to treat a cough in hot milk.
  12. Cowberry juice with sugar syrup and honey will help to separate phlegm from coughing.
  13. Boil ten onions and garlic in milk. Add honey and mint juice. An hour after the attack of cough take on a tablespoon.

Cough with deep inspiration

When the cough increases chest pressure, it leads to muscle contraction and squeezing out mucus and sputum. A healthy person cleans the bronchial tubes at a speed of 250 m / s.

Cough with a deep breath can be dry and wet. This cough causes severe pain. The pain can be sharp and strong or weak and pulling.

Cough with deep breath inspiration

Dry cough with inspiration can talk about the disease of the bronchi and inflammation of the mucosa in the trachea.

If there is a wet cough at a deep intake, then this is a symptom of bronchitis. Bronchitis is accompanied by painful and exhausting bouts of coughing.

The causes of cough with deep breath can be asthma attacks, as well as allergic sensitivity of the lungs.

If foamy sputum is allocated during the cough, then it can speak of a breakdown in the swallowing process.

Pain in chest with inspiration

Pain in the chest when inhaled can depend on a number of reasons. Sometimes chest pain when inhaled can be a sign of a life-threatening disease. And it happens that a person just pulled a muscle in his chest or sat in a draft. The exact cause of chest pain during inspiration and the symptoms accompanying the pain, as well as the treatment, depend on the particular disease.

Main reasons

Pain in the chest when inhaled or exhaled is one of the manifestations of serious lung, heart or vessel diseases, as well as injuries or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to doctors, chest pains in lung diseases are most often due to disorders in the pleural membrane that surrounds the lungs. Any disease that affects the membrane of the lungs can cause chest pain when breathing. Between the two layers of the membrane there is a small amount of fluid that acts as a lubricant and helps to minimize friction of the lungs when they expand during breathing.

In the chest (its pleural membrane) there are also many sensitive nerve fibers. Any friction or irritation of these nerve fibers can also cause pain in the chest when inhaled and exhaled.

Pain in the chest during inspiration can be caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease. This condition occurs when the "juices" from your stomach go up to your mouth. In addition to chest pain, you may experience pain when you inhale.

Another obvious cause of chest pain is a bruise or fracture of the ribs. Trauma to the chest, injury to the ribs during an accident or falling from a high altitude can lead to fracture of the ribs. Such injuries most often cause pain in the chest during breathing, especially with deep inspiration. In severe cases, surgery is required, the application of heat to the chest or the use of pain killers, steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Often, the causes of chest pain can be heart and vascular disease. Some of the most dangerous symptoms accompanying chest pain during inspiration are those that accompany heart and vascular disease. They can be a manifestation of a heart attack or other cardiovascular diseases. However, chest pain with inhalation and exhalation can be a manifestation of other diseases. Consider the nature of this pain in more detail.

See also: Chest pain with cough

Pain in the chest when inhaled: a clot of blood in the lungs

Pulmonary embolism is a condition in which one or more arteries that supply blood to the lungs are clogged. This is due to the presence of a thrombus in the artery. Pulmonary embolism can occur due to blood clots that are sent to the lungs, mainly from the veins in the legs, and get stuck along the way in the blood vessels of the lungs. They can cause pneumonia, which in turn provokes irritation of the nerves of the pleural membrane. And now, please - a person suffers from pain in the chest with an inspiration.

Pulmonary embolism (a clot of blood in the lungs) is one of the most dangerous causes of chest pain when inhaled or exhaled. True, it is worth noting that not all patients with pulmonary embolism experience chest pain when inhaled. Sometimes this disease passes asymptomatically, but this is no less dangerous.


Symptoms of this disease include sudden chest pain while breathing, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, blue skin, sweating, deep vein thrombosis, etc.

The type and severity of chest pain during inhalation depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. There are no two patients with pulmonary embolism who have the same type of chest pain.

Diagnosis of pulmonary embolism - the complexity of the process

To understand how pulmonary embolism is diagnosed, you should pay attention to the histories of other patients. Patients with pulmonary embolism are often placed in a hospital. Their medical history can provide an opportunity for another patient to understand how pulmonary embolism is manifested. You can find out about this by asking your neighbors in the ward if you are also in the hospital.

Pulmonary embolism is diagnosed with:

  1. Electrocardiography.
  2. Rengtography.
  3. Laboratory tests.
  4. Computer tomography.
  5. Angiography of the vessels of the lungs.


Pulmonary embolism can be life-threatening condition if you do not apply timely anticoagulant treatment or surgical removal of thrombus.

Pain in the chest during inspiration: pneumonia

Pneumonia is a serious diagnosis, which is put to patients with pain in the chest during inspiration and exhalation. Pneumonia is the most common diagnosis of patients entering the treatment department. Some patients with pneumonia also have chest pain while inhaling and exhaling.

Symptoms of pneumonia

  • The temperature can rise abruptly.
  • A person coughs, as a rule, with secretions from the throat.
  • There may be a hard, wheezing breath.
  • May disturb pain in the chest with inhalation and exhalation.
  • The voice can tremble.


  • Radiography.
  • Computed tomography of the thorax.
  • Blood and urine tests.
  • Analysis of sowing taken from sputum.
  • Bronchoscopy and biopsy.


As a rule, with this disease the doctor prescribes antibiotics. They are selected depending on the type of pneumonia and the cause that caused it. Often, inhalers and saline solutions are used to treat pneumonia with chest pains.


Pleurisy is an inflammation of the mucous membrane surrounding the lungs. Viral infection is one of the most common causes of pleurisy, but it can also be caused by rib injuries, the formation of blood clots in the lungs, lung cancer, mesothelioma or autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.


The main symptoms of pleurisy are acute pains in the chest during breathing and coughing.

A person suffering from pleurisy, most often experiences pain in the chest with a deep breath, he just suffocates. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, fever, chills, and dry cough. Although a person can experience sharp stabbing pain in the chest, pleurisy can cause dull pain in the chest. They can be accompanied by a burning sensation in the chest.


  • Radiography of the chest.
  • Biochemical study for glucose, amylase, LDH.
  • Pleural biopsy.


As a rule, the treatment of this disease is always complex. The doctor pays attention to the symptoms and, depending on this, prescribes therapy. Treatment for pleurisy can include anti-tuberculosis drugs, immunostimulants, antibacterial drugs and sometimes - chemotherapy.


Pneumothorax is a collapse of the lung. The lungs are lined with a two-layered serous membrane called the pleura. The space between the inner and outer layers is filled with liquid. When air accumulates in this pleural cavity, the lungs are no longer able to expand during inspiration and there is pain in the chest. The pressure exerted by air can lead to collapse of the lungs.

A severe blow to the chest, punctured wounds or lung infections can make the body very susceptible to pneumothorax. Collapse of the lung can lead to the accumulation of fluid in the lungs, thereby causing a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood.


Pneumothorax can lead to painful symptoms, such as a feeling of pressure in the chest, weakness, shortness of breath or chest pain while inhaling. A person can suffocate, grow blue and even die from lack of oxygen.


  • CT scan
  • Doctor's examination, palpation


Pneumothorax in the early stages can be eliminated on their own, but in severe cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment in a hospital can include sucking air from the lungs.

Costal chondritis (Titze syndrome)

The rib chondritis is commonly referred to as pain in the area where the cartilages of the ribs are attached to the sternum. This disease causes inflammation of the costal cartilage at the junction of the ribs and sternum. Trauma of the chest during an accident, a severe blow to the chest or repeated minor injuries in the chest area are common causes of inflammation.

Inflammation of the costal-chest region can also be caused by pathogenic (pathogenic) infections of the respiratory tract.


The main symptom of this disease is dull pain in the chest with inhalation, exhalation and coughing, as well as high fever. The intercostal muscles of the chest help the chest to expand and contract during inspiration and expiration, so the inflammation of the costal cartilage often causes painful breathing. The intensity of pain increases when a person takes deep breaths. Pain in the chest during inspiration can also increase during coughing and sneezing or even just pressing your fingers on the chest.


  • Examination of the doctor by the method of palpation
  • Chest X-ray
  • Computer tomography and MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) are used only in rare cases


Treatment often involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs and muscle relaxants, as well as physiotherapy.

Angina pectoris

Angina is called angina pectoris. Pain in the chest with this disease can appear from nowhere, it can cause severe stress - physical or psychological, or increased stress.

The list of symptoms includes chest pressure or chest flare and acute pain.

Pain with angina can be given even in the jaw, neck, shoulders and back. Other symptoms with a heart attack caused by angina include difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, sweating, etc.

The attack of acute pain in the chest with angina can last up to 15 minutes.


  • Blood test.
  • Biochemical markers for the presence of myocardial damage.
  • Test for glucose tolerance.
  • The study of the level of thyroid hormones.
  • Echocardiography.
  • ECG with physical exertion and at rest.


Having removed an acute attack of pain in the chest with painkillers and blockade, the doctor can prescribe a diet, refusal from smoking and alcohol, as well as β-blockers, acetylsalicylic acid, if not contraindications.


Pericarditis is an inflammation of the pericardium, which is a thin serous membrane surrounding the heart. Trauma to the chest area or systemic inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, can be the causes of this condition.


Subfebrile temperature, malaise, severe pain in the left side or in the center of the chest, dyspnea in a prone position and cough are the symptoms by which pericarditis can be determined.


  • Medical examination.
  • ECG screening method.
  • Echocardiography, as well as vascular doplerography.


Treatment usually involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and corticosteroids.

Test your symptoms

Consult your doctor if you experience these symptoms continuously or periodically. In particular, if you have already been diagnosed with a serious diagnosis of lung, heart or vessel disease. Be ready to answer these questions from your doctor.

  1. Do you think, can your chest pains be related to cardiovascular problems?
  2. Do you think your chest pain can be caused by lung disease?
  3. Can your chest pain be associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract?
  4. Have you had chest pains that pass, then come back?
  5. Have you recently had a chest injury?
  6. Do you experience chest pain when you breathe?
  7. Do you experience pain in the pectoral muscle or? Does this pain increase with coughing or deep breathing?
  8. Do you have chest pain and chills?
  9. Do you have chest pains and a rash on your body?
  10. Did you have mild chest pain without symptoms of a heart attack?

By the way you answer these questions, the doctor will be able to determine the disease that causes pain in the chest during inspiration, and also to prescribe the optimal treatment.

It is necessary to visit a doctor if you experience dull or sharp pain in the chest, chest pain with inspiration and exhalation. Severe chest pain, which develops suddenly, can be life-threatening, so when it occurs, seek medical help immediately.

What is signaled by pain in the chest during inspiration

The pleural shell of the chest contains a lot of nerve endings, so pain during inspiration can occur with many diseases and injuries.

Not always the pain in the chest, felt by breathing, indicates lung disease. Pain can be felt in the respiratory muscles after an excessive load on it - as happens, for example, after a strong multiple vomiting.

If the appearance of pain was preceded by a fall or a blow to the chest (for example, in a traffic accident), then the cause of the pain is a bruise or fracture of the ribs. In this case, the victim must be rushed to the hospital. Transport it should be in a sitting position, attaching a cold to the chest.

Diseases of the lungs

Pain in the chest during breathing is a characteristic sign of pneumonia (pneumonia). Other manifestations of this disease are high fever, coughing with phlegm, hard, wheezing breath.

No less serious danger is a pulmonary embolism - clogging a thrombus of one or more arteries feeding the lungs. Along with a sudden pain when breathing, shortness of breath, sweating, blue skin, coughing up with blood.

Pain when inhaling, as well as when coughing, is characterized by pleurisy - an inflammation of the membrane that surrounds the lungs. The pain can be blunt or sharp, like burning. Other symptoms of pleurisy are dry cough, chills, fever, shortness of breath.

All these diseases are serious enough and can pose a danger to life, therefore, when such symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor without resorting to self-treatment.

Diseases of other organs

Pain during breathing can occur with exacerbation of osteochondrosis, which affects the thoracic spine. In this case, there is a stabbing pain in the chest, "causing" the patient to take a certain position and hold his breath. Pain can occur not only with inspiration, but also with exhalation. You can remove this condition only with the help of an anesthetic injection - this will be done by an ambulance doctor, after which you should consult a therapist.

Dull pain in breathing and coughing in combination with high temperature indicates rib chondritis - inflammation of the cartilage at the junction of the ribs with the sternum. The deeper the breath, the greater the pain. When you press your fingers on the chest pain increases.

Pain in the chest area when breathing occurs and with heart disease - for example, with an attack of angina pectoris, which is popularly called "angina pectoris". Pain occurs suddenly with physical or emotional stress, accompanied by shortness of breath, a sensation of bursting in the chest, an attack lasts up to 15 minutes.

If the pain is felt in the middle of the chest or on the left, accompanied by shortness of breath in a prone position, a malaise, a temperature of 37-3, we are talking about pericarditis - an inflammation of the serosa, which surrounds the heart.

Pain in the sternum in the middle

Pain sensations behind the breastbone - a common sign of many pathological conditions. The clinical picture of each of the possible "hidden" diseases manifests itself as characteristic symptoms. Pain in the chest in the middle should alert any person. Patients with problems with the heart and blood vessels should immediately go to specialists for any manifestations of discomfort in the chest in order to avoid the most serious consequences.

Why does the chest hurt in the middle?

Do not ignore the symptoms that deliver even the slightest inconvenience. A peculiarity of the painful feeling in the sternum is its irradiating character, which complicates the formulation of the exact diagnosis. Constant pains in the chest in the middle serve as a motive for seeking help in order to exclude serious diseases of vital organs and systems.

Behind a sternum in the middle gives in a back

Pain behind the sternum in the middle, giving in the back, along with shortness of breath, arrhythmia, low blood pressure can indicate thromboembolism of the arteries of the lung. Myocardial infarction has identical signs. Disruption of the esophagus is manifested by pain in the chest in the middle when swallowing food. The pain syndrome, the place of localization of which is concentrated in the chest and back, together with nausea, fever signals the development of cholecystitis.

Pain during movement

Sharp unpleasant sensations in the sternum during movement can speak about the pathology of the esophagus, sometimes about the presence of oncological diseases of the progressing stages. Discomfort when moving on the right side reports problems with the spine in the form of scoliosis, spondylosis. Pressing pain in the sternum in the middle, increasing with movement - a symptom of a possible heart attack.

Pain in inspiration

The intolerable sensations emanating from the solar plexus - intercostal neuralgia - are a sign of acute and chronic processes. If it hurts in the middle of the chest due to running, inhaling, coughing, sneezing, you can talk about squeezing or irritating the nerve endings that go from the spine to the ribs. The causes of the disease are:

  1. Subcooling.
  2. Osteochondrosis.
  3. Incorrect work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Pleurisy.

After smoking

The thorax hurts after smoking for several reasons: pulmonary and extrapulmonary. Pulmonary causes arise due to damage by tobacco smoke to lung tissue, manifestations of chronic bronchitis, asthma, lung oncology. Extrapulmonary - indicate problems of the cardiovascular system (angina pectoris), gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, gastritis), bones and joints.

With pressure

The mechanical effect on the chest is a good test of many diseases. If you press a sore throat in the middle of the stronger and the attack revives again, these signs can signal the inflammation of the costal cartilaginous articulation. In diabetes, the impact on the sternum leads to painful sensations due to the accumulation of uric acid.

After vomiting

Deterioration of the condition and sharp soreness after the vomiting are symptoms of a possible perforation (rupture) of the esophagus. The unbearable pain is supplemented by burning, the patient has difficulty breathing, to perform the minimum in amplitude movements? This combination of circumstances requires immediate surgical intervention to eliminate the rupture and intoxication of the body.

When you cough

The oppressive feeling that presses in the sternum in the middle with a cough is an alarm bell. Lack of proper attention of specialists can lead to very sad consequences. Clinical sensations behind the sternum when coughing are detected due to diseases of the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system. There are a number of other reasons that cause this symptomatic picture:

  • injuries;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • inflammation of the trachea;
  • tuberculosis.

Types of pain in the sternum in the middle

The painful condition of the chest is one of the symptoms with which patients turn to specialists very often. With any feeling of discomfort of this nature, one should as soon as possible assess the seriousness of the situation, take the necessary measures to eliminate the pain syndrome and its underlying cause. The nature of pain can tell a lot about the severity of pathological processes.


Sharp stabbing painful echoes behind the sternum appear due to an attack of angina pectoris. The pain between the chest in the middle is so strong that it is difficult for a person to move. Nitroglycerin group drugs can alleviate the condition of the patient. If the external symptoms of the disease are not expressed, but there is permanent pain behind the sternum - this indicates a pathological change in the heart muscle or the development of osteochondrosis.


The girdle of severe pain below the chest in the middle arises due to gastric ulcer, pancreatitis, pancreatic and oncology of the pancreas and stomach, a strong increase in the spleen. A large role is played by the "reflected" pain syndrome. This fact has been little studied, the statement of an exact diagnosis of such conditions is complicated by many aspects, and the treatment of irrational pain is ineffective.


Deepening aching pains result from heart and lung diseases. With ischemic illness during sneezing, coughing, soreness is temporary. Cardialgia can act as a symptom of many pathological conditions. Her neurological causes deserve special attention. Discomfort behind the breastbone occurs much more often in people who are exposed to constant stress and shocks.


Unpleasant sensations behind the sternum arise as a result of muscle spasm of the walls of the stomach. If you press in the sternum in the middle at a certain time, then you can assume the cause of the disease. With a stomach ulcer, pain occurs after eating, accompanied by heartburn, vomiting. The presence of problems with the bile and bladder is described by similar symptoms. Syndromes are temporarily blocked with special medications, but the disease requires treatment.

Video: which means pain and burning in the chest in the middle

Painful sensations behind the sternum can be caused by a large number of different diseases. A clear differentiation of types of seizures or constant pain helps in a timely manner to diagnose pathological acute processes that can lead to death and disability. The most dangerous of the underlying causes of neuralgia are a heart attack, thromboembolism, peritonitis.

The clinical picture of such serious conditions develops very quickly, the patient needs urgent hospitalization and surgical resolution of the problem. Knowing the principles of functioning of the internal systems of the body can save your life and protect you from the negative consequences of the most unpleasant diagnoses. Watch the video and be fully armed!

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