
Purulent otitis symptoms

Purulent otitis mediaWe are used to any ear pain called otitis, but this is far from the case. In fact, purulent otitis is an inflammation of the epithelium of the mucous tissues of the airways of the middle ear. Serious illness requires a competent approach to treatment in order to avoid unpleasant complications, such as hearing loss or meningitis.Causes of purulent otitis media of the middle earAcute purulent otitis does not appear in a child who has dirty water in his ear. The causes of th...

  • 09-Aug-2018
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Otitis how many lasts

How to treat otitis in adults: the main symptoms and diagnosisDespite the fact that the inflammation of the hearing organs of an adult person is much less common than that of children, the question "how to treat otitis in adults" remains quite relevant and in demand.There are many prerequisites for the development of the disease in adults, as well as in the case of sinusitis.Even an elementary cold or hypothermia can turn into a serious form of otitis.In addition, inflammation of the outer, m...

  • 12-Aug-2018
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Bilateral otitis in the child

Bilateral otitis media - a characteristic and stages of the development of the disease Symptoms, treatment Causes Bilateral otitis is one of the most common infectious ENT diseases of the ears, resulting from the penetration of bacteria or infections into the ear cavity. It is characterized by rapid inflammation of the ear tissues, which in the process quickly spreads to surrounding tissues.Therefore it is extremely important to recognize bilateral otitis in the early stages, which will allow...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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Can I wash my nose with otitis

Ear washing in otitis: why should I wash the inflamed earsWashing the ear with otitis is a known way to wash out pus from the ear, which is inflamed in the otitis. This method of ear cleaning is extremely necessary if pus actively accumulates in the ear canal.Non-washing in time accumulating pus in the future can lead to very serious consequences, for example, to rupture of the tympanic membrane. It is also necessary to get rid of pus directly and before instill special ear drops into the ear...

  • 17-Aug-2018
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How to treat otitis in a child without antibiotics

How to cure otitis without antibioticsSubcooling, as well as penetration into the middle ear of pathogens, can cause inflammation, or otitis. The correct sign of it is a sharp penetrating pain in the ear, itching, hearing loss, and discharge from the ear canal. The traditional method of treatment of acute otitis is antibacterial therapy. It helps to avoid the spread of the inflammatory process to nearby organs. However, the chronic form of the disease can be cured without antibiotics.You will...

  • 08-Jul-2018
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Otitis media of middle ear

Ear Otitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment. How to treat otitis with folk remediesOtitis is a disease that occurs because of the development of the inflammatory process in various parts of the hearing organ. Most often this illness manifests itself with pain and intoxication syndrome, fever, and in some cases even hearing impairment is observed.Why there is an external otitisOften the otitis of the external ear is accompanied by lesions of the middle and outer parts of the organ. An external ...

  • 16-Jul-2018
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Camphor alcohol in otitis

Camphor alcohol, use in otitis: alcoholic turundas and ear trays Instructions With average otitis Children Camphor alcohol is very special in otitis media. It should be noted that camphor alcohol itself is quite unusual. They make a unique locally irritating medical product from camphor and alcohol.In medicine, camphor treats many diseases (erysipelas, sinusitis, colds, intestinal disorders).Using camphor alcohol in the treatment of an inflamed ear, it is important to take into account the fa...

  • 19-Aug-2018
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Drops for treatment of otitis media in adults

Ear drops in otitis: how to choose a drop? Varieties How to instill Ear drops in otitis are an effective treatment for an inflamed ear in the home.However, first of all, the effectiveness of the drug depends on its correct choice and reasonable application. Not every medication can provide an invaluable local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.There is such an opinion that the treatment of otitis with drops of ear pain is completely harmless and safe. But it is not so.Each drug has its o...

  • 10-Jul-2018
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Is the otitis infectious?

Otitis: is it contagious or not?In today's world, a huge role is assigned to the development of medical equipment and drugs. But despite this, there is probably no one who has lived a completely healthy life.So, you or your child are faced with a disease such as otitis.Otitis, whether infectious or not, is an important issue when a family of several people lives in the house. Is it necessary to isolate the patient with otitis media in a separate room?Sometimes diseases are inherited, sometime...

  • 06-Jul-2018
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When otitis, you can warm your ear

Can I warm my ear with otitisIf the ear is inflated, a disease such as otitis may occur. Hearing at home is necessary with extreme caution. For example, warming up is not always indicated in otitis.When you should not warm up your earYou can not warm your ear with otitis in all cases. Do this without first consulting a doctor categorically prohibited. This is due to the fact that the middle and outer otitis may be accompanied by purulent discharge. If there are any, it is by no means possible...

  • 07-Jul-2018
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