
Fainting: Symptoms and Treatment

Fainting, or syncope, is an attack of short-term loss of consciousness with a violation of muscle tone, the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Fainting is not a disease, but merely a symptom of a certain state of the body, and not always the cause is illness. The main mechanism of development of syncope is a sudden decrease in blood supply to the brain. Despite the many causes leading to fainting, his clinical picture is fairly uniform (with small features). In this art...

  • 08-Jul-2018
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Neuropathy of the facial nerve: treatment

Neuropathy of the facial nerve is one of the most common diseases of the peripheral nervous system. Its signs become noticeable almost from the first hours of the disease, because with facial neuropathy the face is distorted. Asymmetry can not be overlooked, although this is by no means the only symptom of this disease. Neuropathy of the facial nerve can not be categorically left without medical assistance. It is a disease that must be treated immediately after diagnosis. Otherwise, the asym...

  • 09-Jul-2018
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Epilepsy in adults: causes and symptoms

Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease that occurs in the form of repeated epileptic seizures that appear spontaneously. Epileptic seizure (epiprip) is a kind of complex of symptoms that occurs in a person as a result of special electrical activity of the brain. This is a rather severe neurological disease, which sometimes carries a life threat. Such a diagnosis requires regular dynamic observation and drug treatment (in most cases). With strict observance of the doctor's recommendations, it is...

  • 09-Jul-2018
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Meningitis: symptoms in adults

Meningitis - an acute infectious disease, consisting in the defeat of the soft shell of the brain and spinal cord. Meningitis is accompanied by inflammatory changes in cerebrospinal fluid, cerebrospinal fluid. Only a century ago this diagnosis sounded like a verdict. Today, although it is a serious illness of the nervous system, it is almost always curable. Sometimes the presence of meningitis can be indicated only by minor changes in the state of health, but more often than not, severe symp...

  • 09-Jul-2018
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What is a brain meningioma? Prognosis of the disease

Meningioma of the brain is the primary tumor that grows from the cells of one of the meninges (arachnoid or arachnoid). In the overwhelming majority of cases, this tumor is benign. Can occur at any age, more common in female patients. The preferred location of the meningioma is the cranial cavity, but sometimes the tumor is found in the spinal canal. Why does a meningioma occur, how does it manifest itself, how it is diagnosed and treated, what promises the patient in the future? You will ge...

  • 09-Jul-2018
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Nervous tic: causes, treatment in adults

The nervous tic is a rapid repetitive non-rhythmic movement caused by the contraction of certain muscles. Most often, the muscles of the face and arms are contracted, but absolutely any muscle groups can be involved. The nervous tic occurs against the will of a person, can imitate a fragment of normal, purposeful movements, but in itself is an absolutely useless action. Sometimes by effort of will it is possible to suppress occurrence of a tick, however for a short while. Tiki appear only in...

  • 09-Jul-2018
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Neuropathy of the peroneal nerve: causes, symptoms and treatment

Neuropathy of the peroneal nerve is a disease that develops as a result of damage or compression of the peroneal nerve. There are several reasons for this condition. Symptoms are associated with impaired conduction of impulses along the nerve to the innervated muscles and skin areas, first of all it is the weakness of the muscles that unbend foot and her fingers, as well as a violation of sensitivity on the outer surface of the shin, the back surface of the foot and her fingers. Treatment of...

  • 09-Jul-2018
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CIPAP-therapy: the principle of action, indications and contraindications

CIPAP-therapy is non-invasive and at the same time not a medical treatment for snoring, often conjugate with the syndrome of obstructive sleep apnea (OSAS) and a number of other pathological conditions. It was proposed in 1981 by the Australian physician K. Sullivan and quickly found recognition among somnologov, neurologists and doctors of a number of other specialties. Currently, CIPAP therapy is considered to be the main and most effective method of treatment of moderate to severe cases o...

  • 09-Jul-2018
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Vegeto-vascular dystonia in adults: symptoms and diagnosis

Vegetosovascular dystonia (VSD, or neurocirculatory dystonia) is clinically a combination of emotional disorders with autonomic disorders (fluctuations in the arterial pressure, palpitation, heart rhythm disturbance, pain in the heart, violation of motility of the gastrointestinal tract, violation of thermoregulation, etc.). This is a syndrome that occurs as a result of a violation of the central part of the autonomic nervous system. Since the autonomic nervous system regulates many processe...

  • 10-Jul-2018
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Recovery after hemorrhagic stroke

Recovery after a hemorrhagic stroke is a complex of measures aimed at returning to the habitual way of life, i.e. to the level of activity that the patient had before the disease. Very often, such measures are called rehabilitation. In rehabilitation actions, all patients with a history of hemorrhagic stroke are needed without exception. Rehabilitation after hemorrhagic stroke is a long and time consuming process, but it is just as necessary as inpatient treatment, and no less significant. I...

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