
How to save a child from a cold

How to save a child from a coldRhinitis is the most common cold problem in children. Ignore it is impossible, because the infection can spread to the throat and ears of the baby: organs connected to each other and working together. How can you help a child get rid of a cold?Instructions Kids do not know how to blow their nose, so regularly clean the spout of a crumb. To do this, drip 1-2 drops of salt solution on the basis of sea water in each nasal passage, then gently press the wings of the...

  • 16-Jul-2018
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Remedy for the common cold for children

We treat a runny nose in a child up to one year: the most effective meansInflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by stuffiness, shortness of breath, sneezing, is called a runny nose. This simple and safe (erroneous opinion of many) disease can be isolated, and can accompany other pathologies. Treatment of the common cold should be done correctly, especially in infants, because there is a risk of serious complications.What childrens drops from the cold are the most effective, you can lea...

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How to treat a cold in a baby Komarovsky

How to cure a cold in a baby: the main methods of treatmentAnxiety, tearfulness, disturbed sleep and diet - all these phenomena occur in the baby because of a common cold. If an adult cold does not cause special problems, then the viscous mucus in the nose seriously spoils the life.When the spout is clogged, the child can not fully breathe and eat, which means that the normal functioning of the body is disrupted.Mother gets no less. After all for her, the first months after the birth of a chi...

  • 25-Aug-2018
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Runny nose with pregnancy 1 term

Runny nose during pregnancy: 1, 2, 3 trimesters than to treat rhinorrhea (snot), what is dangerous is rhinitis during pregnancyWith a cold at least once in life, every person came across. The phenomenon is rather unpleasant, but easily tolerable. But what if the rhinitis occurred in a pregnant woman? It is believed that for the entire period of gestation, the expectant mother will inevitably encounter rhinitis in varying degrees. But during pregnancy, the cold can not be treated "devil-may-ca...

  • 06-Aug-2018
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Runny nose without fever

Runny nose without temperature in a child than to treat?Often a child of different ages has a runny nose without fever. Such a symptom can not be ignored, it is important to treat rhinitis in time, if it does not pass in a short time, there can be serious complications. Do not get carried away with the spray, drops, they will harm the health of the child, can be addictive. It is best to use traditional methods of treatment, an excellent and proven drug is garlic-onion syrup. Also advise to us...

  • 13-Aug-2018
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Juice of onion from the cold

Tell me please! I forgot how to make onion drops from the cold, the son is a bad cold.Answers:svetlana VOLNA DUBRAVINANasal drops:1. Dilute honey and water in proportion: and drip a few drops.2. Drip 5-6 drops of freshly squeezed beet juice, aloe juice or onions.With a cold, a warm compress attached to the bridge of the nose helps. You can use a pack of rice, croup, salt or a hard-boiled egg wrapped in a kerchief. Keep such a compress is needed as long as it's warm.And acupressure with stuffi...

  • 18-Aug-2018
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How to get rid of a cold and nasal congestion

How to get rid of nasal congestion at homeAnswers:NevalIf you have a cold, treatment should be comprehensiveIt is necessary to combat catarrhal diseases in a complex way: use medicinal and physiotherapeutic means. If you have a runny nose, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the congestion and underlying cause of the disease. Only in this case the therapy will be effective.Drugs used to relieve nasal congestion tend to be vasoconstrictors and sprays. They quickly remove the stuffiness, "...

  • 16-Jul-2018
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Rhinitis in the baby does not take 2 weeks

Rhinitis in a newborn baby: what to do and what to treatRhinitis in newborns is a problem familiar to many parents. Most of them discharge from the nose from their child perceive as a disease and rush to the doctor for prescribing medications. In fact, according to pediatricians, rhinitis in a child from birth to 2, 5 months is not always indicative of the occurrence of a cold in the child's body.Why there is a runny nose in newborn babiesRunny nose in a newborn baby can have several causes. ...

  • 15-Jul-2018
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Cure a runny nose quickly

How to cure a quick runny noseAnswers:Svetlia4okYou can get a cold and cure for 2 - 3 days. But you do not want to get a complication, and that's what will happen. The disease is simply hidden. You will feel that everything is fine, you are healthy. While one is not a pleasant moment, the failure of one or the other system of the body will not make itself felt. So have patience, and let the body do its job normally. For a week you will recover. Take the wand of garlic, set it on the side of t...

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Coryza during pregnancy

How and what to treat a common cold in the 2nd trimester of pregnancyRhinitis is not a very dangerous symptom, only not in the case of pregnant women. Very often it affects the body of a future mother, but a particularly dangerous cold is considered in the 2nd trimester. It would seem that the symptomatology and course of it do not differ from rhinitis in earlier terms. But there are differences. In the first trimester, the symptoms are caused by colds and infectious ailments. As for the 2nd ...

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