A Sore Throat

Sore throat with pregnancy

Very sore throat during pregnancy, what to do?It is dangerous when the throat is very sore during pregnancy, what should I do? What means will not harm the future baby, and how to treat the throat during pregnancy. Before answering this question, you need to find out the cause of the pain in the throat of a pregnant woman. Inflamed, tonsils can, because of staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria. But you always need to remember that your condition affects the development of a future child, ...

  • 04-Aug-2018
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A Sore Throat

Angina without fever and sore throat

Purulent sore throat without feverPurulent angina without temperature is much less common than inflammation of the tonsils with a significant increase in body temperature.In Latin palatine tonsils are called tonsillae, and in the practice of ENT doctors this diagnosis sounds like catarrhal tonsillitis.Let's find out when there is angina, which is not accompanied by fever, while this disease has an infectious etiology.ICD-10 code J03 Acute tonsillitisCauses of purulent sore throat without feve...

  • 03-Aug-2018
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A Sore Throat

How to remove sore throat

How quickly to remove a sore throat?Answers:Crown of CroninaWell, it's almost impossible, you're not a car-changed part and drove off. Soda plus sea food salt - rinsing, several times. Lemon tea is a lot, compote is warm from cranberries, also drink a lot. Furacilin dissolved in water and also rinse. Chlorhexidine - very good for angina, do not be afraid of it. It is cheap, but it helps quickly.And by the way, if the angina is not quickly gone, you need serious medications. So it's better to ...

  • 02-Aug-2018
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