Pharyngitis laryngitis tonsillitis contrast

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Pharyngitis and tonsillitis: how does one disease differ from another?

What is pharyngitis, what is different from tonsillitis and how to treat it? These questions are of interest to many patients. When a child starts to have a sore throat, many parents immediately undertake to treat a sore throat. And they do it with the use of improvised means, most often they follow the recommendations of traditional medicine. Very often, even without causing harm to a child with medicines, parents lose precious time, thereby causing great harm to the child's health.

Any doctor will tell you that the throat can hurt not only because of angina. The upper respiratory tract behave in a similar manner, with pharyngitis, laryngitis, and chronic tonsillitis. The only thing that unites these diseases, the place where they develop.To take on the treatment of the throat, you need to clearly understand the differences of one disease from another and to understand the clinical picture of each ailment.

Approaches to the treatment of tonsillitis and pharyngitis are similar in many respects, but the treatment of angina also goes in this way. So do not consider these diseases as identical.

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What is tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis affect the throat, but not in the same place. Tonsillitis primarily affects the pharyngeal tonsils, they are also tonsils. This important system of the body is not least responsible for the immune system and acts as a kind of protective barrier to infection in the body.

The disease occurs when the pathogen gets into the tonsils. Glands immediately respond to infection with an increase in size and a marked decrease in protective functions. It is at this stage that pain often occurs. The aforementioned diseases are often the cause of the entry into the body of a viral infection. If tonsillitis is not treated, the tonsils should be removed.

Chronic tonsillitis, like pharyngitis, develops against the background of weakened immunity, when not all pathogenic microbes are rendered harmless by lymphocytes. This happens as a result of the transferred angina. So chronic tonsillitis is formed. Pharyngitis due to its birth of streptococci, staphylococci, diseases in the oral cavity and sinusitis.

Clinical picture of tonsillitis:

  • the size of the glands is significantly increased;
  • the surface of the tonsils becomes loose;
  • the tonsils become crimson;
  • lymph nodes noticeably swell;
  • the sky is sweltering;
  • there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth;
  • there is pain when swallowing;
  • the voice changes;
  • breathing is difficult;
  • a significant increase in temperature.

Chronic tonsillitis without the intervention of a doctor is only aggravated.

The otolaryngologist will inspect, prescribe tests and establish the correct diagnosis.

The common opinion is that there is nothing better for a sore throat, in this case it is erroneous and leads to complication of the disease, since in the warmth of bacteria it is much more convenient to multiply.

The primary task at this stage is not to let tonsillitis or pharyngitis go into a chronic form. If you have any of these symptoms, you should immediately go to a doctor.

Complications from these innocent at first sight ailments can affect the activity of the heart, kidneys, bone system.

Treatment of tonsillitis

In order to start treatment of tonsillitis, it is necessary to determine the diagnosis, for which the blood and urine of the patient are sent for analysis. At the initial stage of treatment, rinsing of glands with iodine and salt is practiced, which should prevent the spread of infection. Salt struggles with infection, and iodine has an antiseptic effect on the surface of the tonsils.

Sometimes doctors prescribe Lugol mucosa treatment and use of topical antibiotics. If the temperature is very high, you should take antipyretic. Antibiotics should be taken if the temperature lasts more than three days. There is no need to repeat that all prescriptions of medicines are performed by a doctor.

If tonsillitis has passed into a chronic form, the doctor will recommend you to remove the tonsils. The same recommendation he will make and with frequently repeated ENT diseases. If this is not done, the tonsils that are constantly destroyed from inflammation can become the main source of pathogens.

As practice shows, the removal of tonsils leads to a significant reduction in the number of diseases of the throat. After treatment, it is necessary to take a course of taking medications and vitamin preparations to bring the immune system into tone.

What is pharyngitis

To succeed in treatment, you need to accurately imagine what chronic pharyngitis is and how it differs from tonsillitis. In contrast to tonsillitis with pharyngitis, pathogens affect not the tonsils, but directly the mucous membrane of the throat. Like many other diseases, pharyngitis can occur in two forms:

  • in acute form;
  • in the chronic.

The cause of the disease are respiratory pathogens:

  • rhinovirus;
  • adenoviruses;
  • parainfluenza virus;
  • coronavirus;
  • cytomegalovirus.
The acute form of pharyngitis is not the most common disease, unlike a chronic form that can arise as a result of regular viral infections of the upper respiratory tract or action streptococci. How to distinguish angina from pharyngitis should be clear, since the clinical picture of pharyngitis is quite clear:
  • sore throat;
  • dry cough;
  • lymph nodes are enlarged and aching;
  • elevated temperature;
  • redness of the back wall of the throat;
  • loss of strength, muscle aches and sweating.

With all the obvious manifestations of pharyngitis in its nuances can be understood only by a doctor. Therefore, do not try to establish a diagnosis yourself and especially treat the disease.

Treatment of pharyngitis

Before starting treatment, you should decide which form of the disease you have: bacterial or viral. If the diagnosis indicates a viral form of the disease, then the treatment will be as follows:

  • proper nutrition;
  • abundant drinking;
  • antibiotics of local action;
  • regular gargling;
  • treatment of the larynx by inhalers.

In case of chronic pharyngitis, one should not abuse food that will irritate the throat: sour, hot, hot food should be excluded from the diet. When viral form of pharyngitis should be as much as possible to drink, so that the infection was quickly eliminated from the body.


As for the high temperature, in this case, copious drinking is necessary as a means of dehydrating the body. At a high temperature in the body begins to develop a hormone that destroys viruses and bacteria.

If pharyngitis is bacterial, then antibiotics can not be avoided. Their use will avoid many complications that affect adults much more often than children.

Prophylaxis of tonsillitis and pharyngitis. In order to avoid these diseases as often as possible, attention should be paid to preventive actions. It is unlikely that you will be surprised that the main factors of prevention should be a healthy lifestyle and hygiene. Given that pathogens surround us everywhere, regular hand washing can reduce the likelihood of a disease half.


In order not to be ill, it is necessary to temper the body, not to drink cold liquids during the summer heat and constantly replenish the stores of vitamins in the body. There is an opinion that if you eat three kilograms of strawberries during the summer, this will be enough for the body to be able to cope with any infection throughout the winter. Citrus fruits also support the body in the form thanks to the abundance of vitamin C. Therefore, if you like to drink tea with lemon in the morning, then you are much less likely to catch an infection.

How is pharyngitis and laryngitis treated?

In the autumn-winter period many people can notice how their immunity was weakened, and colds became more frequent.Discharge from the nose, sore throat, coughing does not always indicate a cold, because sometimes after a visit to a doctor, the expert puts such diagnoses as "pharyngitis" or "laryngitis".In this case, the treatment of pharyngitis and laryngitis almost does not differ from the treatment for colds, what are the differences between these diseases?

What is the difference between diseases?

Laryngitis and pharyngitis are respiratory diseases, but various organs are affected. Pharyngitis is an inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane of the pharynx, and for him such symptoms become inherent:
  • sore throat;
  • dry cough;
  • temperature increase.

As a rule, the disease occurs against the background of the course of the usual rhinitis or ARVI, the inflammatory process affects the posterior wall of the pharyngeal mucosa. The difference between laryngitis and pharyngitis is that it does not affect the pharynx, but the larynx and vocal cords. The main symptom of laryngitis is loss of voice. Also, patients complain of such symptoms:

  • hoarseness;
  • barking cough;
  • dryness in the throat;
  • rise in temperature to 38 degrees.
Laryngitis occurs as a complication of acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, or other transmitted infections - scarlet fever or pertussis. In addition, the disease can develop as a result of overstrain of the vocal cords or under the influence of adverse factors. Specialists note that inflammation of the larynx can occur as a result of its mechanical damage.

Knowing the difference between laryngitis and pharyngitis, you can independently determine which disease affected the person's airways.

However, you should know that these two pathologies can occur simultaneously, so after finding the first signs of malaise, you need to seek help from an otolaryngologist.

Laryngitis and pharyngitis are diseases of the throat, the difference between them is only in the place of localization of the inflammatory process, symptoms and causes of the disease. They can be of viral and bacterial origin, while pharyngitis of bacterial origin is much less common than laryngitis. Two types of throat diseases are acute or chronic.

Features of treatment

Depending on the nature of the origin, the treatment of symptoms of laryngitis and pharyngitis occurs in different ways. If the throat is affected by the penetration of bacteria in the respiratory tract, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. With viral pharyngitis and laryngitis, therapy is performed depending on the form of the disease.

In acute form to reduce the intensity of symptomatic manifestations such therapeutic actions will help:

  • gargling;
  • hot foot baths;
  • inhalation;
  • warming compresses;
  • physiotherapy;
  • abundant warm drink.

Coping with the manifestations of the chronic form of pharyngitis will help rinse the throat with soda solution and lubricate its mucous membrane with silver nitrate. In the case of laryngitis, the affected throat should provide a regime of absolute rest.Experts recommend patients not to talk for 5-7 days, so as not to strain the vocal cords, however Talking in a whisper is also dangerous for the voice device, so such actions should be completely to exclude.

Among drugs for laryngitis and pharyngitis, drugs are prescribed whose action is aimed at eliminating pain in the throat, coughing and fighting viruses.

What should be the food for sore throat?

Appoints from pharyngitis and laryngitis tablets, sprays, syrups, solutions for rinsing the throat, whose action is directed to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms and the removal of the inflammatory process. In addition, in order to accelerate the process of recovery, it is necessary to strictly follow the therapeutic diet. Patients should adhere to such recommendations:
  1. Food should be frequent, but in small quantities.
  2. The food must be thoroughly chewed so that the solid particles of the products do not mechanically damage the inflamed mucous membrane of the throat.
  3. At the time of treatment of diseases should be completely excluded from the diet products such as crackers, cookies, gingerbread, crisp bread, because in the process of swallowing the crumbs will scratch the mucous shell.
  4. There is a need for exceptionally liquid and semi-liquid dishes, a fine cereal is suitable.
  5. The food should be warm, everything cold and hot is excluded.
  6. Until recovery comes, you should stop using excessively salty, sour and spicy food.

Experts recommend that during the treatment of pharyngitis and laryngitis, it is preferable to consume fatty foods based on vegetable oils. In the diet of the patient can include olive, sunflower, corn, soybean, sesame, pumpkin, rapeseed and linseed oil. They feed the mucous throat and prevent the further spread of the inflammatory process.

Patients are advised to eat sea kale, because it is rich in iodine, and this substance is endowed with an antimicrobial effect. There is her need in a warm state, adding a little vegetable oil, which will enhance the therapeutic effect of seafood.

If you turn to folk medicine for help, then it becomes evident that high efficiency in the treatment of pharyngitis and laryngitis of such drugs as onions and garlic.They have a strong antimicrobial effect on the mucosa, so this natural product allows you to cure diseases of bacterial origin.High therapeutic effect of garlic is due to the content of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, phytoncides, essential oils. You should know that garlic can have irritating effect on the mucous membrane with pronounced inflammatory process, therefore at the beginning of the disease it is better to treat the boiled or wet natural product. The diet of the patient should be enriched with fresh vegetables and fruits containing a large amount of vitamin C, because it helps to heal the damaged mucous membranes of the pharynx and larynx.

Observance of all the recommendations of specialists will help cure laryngitis and pharyngitis, eliminating the development of unpleasant health consequences.

The difference and similarity of pharyngitis and laryngitis

In the autumn-winter period, throat diseases are almost everyone. Pharyngitis and laryngitis, unlike other diseases, are more common.

For an ordinary person, the discomfort associated with swallowing is almost always characterized by the phrase "sore throat". For a specialist, such conditions are differentiated: it can be laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, scleroma - these are just some of the throat diseases isolated in modern medicine.All of them differ from each other in symptomatology and treatment.

More often than others, laryngitis and pharyngitis are confused with each other. Are they really so similar? What are their differences?

What is pharyngitis?

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa. It forms foci of inflammation, microcirculation of blood is broken, as a result of which it acquires a bright red color. There are so many reasons for the development of this disease. Here are the most common ones:

  • viruses;
  • bacteria (pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci and others);
  • fungi;
  • injury;
  • allergy.

Depending on the cause, pharyngitis can be viral, bacterial, fungal, traumatic or allergic. The most common of all listed is viral pharyngitis. The disease usually develops on the background of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, flu, colds.

Pharyngitis is acute and chronic. The acute form of the disease appears as a result of the direct action of the stimulus on the pharyngeal mucosa. It can be cold air, aggressive gas, viruses, etc. Chronic pharyngitis develops as a consequence of acute, which was not treated properly. Each of the forms of pharyngitis has its own special symptoms.

The manifestations of acute pharyngitis include:

  • pain and sore throat;
  • a feeling of dryness;
  • dry cough that occurs against the background of the two previous symptoms;
  • malaise;
  • a slight increase in body temperature.

Chronic pharyngitis is protracted. He manifests himself by a more prolonged debilitating cough, sometimes resembling a dog's barking. The patient is tormented by a sensation of a coma in his throat, which prevents him from breathing normally and taking food. If treatment of the acute form of the disease has not been carried out or it was wrong, the illness turns into a chronic form.

The treatment of pharyngitis depends on what was its cause. If the disease is viral, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs to the patient. If the cause of the disease is bacteria, antibiotics will be needed. In both cases, the local application of antiseptic drugs in parallel: lollipops, sprays, tablets from pain in the throat. General recommendations for treating the disease are as follows: for 5-7 days it is better to give up bad habits; food, irritating the pharyngeal wall; it is necessary to humidify the air in the room as often as possible.

What are the features of laryngitis?

Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, affecting the vocal cords. Proceeding from this, the main symptoms of an ailment are:

  • hoarseness and hoarseness of the voice or its complete absence; The fact is that a person's voice is nothing but a vibration vocal cords under the influence of exhaled air; laryngitis ligaments swell and lose the ability to work in the same mode;
  • barking cough;
  • difficulty breathing, resulting from swelling of the respiratory tract;
  • dryness in the throat;
  • malaise;
  • increase in body temperature to 38-39 degrees.

Laryngitis can also be viral and bacterial, acute and chronic.

The disease can develop, as in the case with pharyngitis, due to SARS, acute respiratory infections, influenza, whooping cough. Another cause of the ailment is the overstrain of the vocal cords. It is peculiar to singers, teachers and people of other professions, whose activities are connected with the active use of the voice apparatus.

Treatment of laryngitis is similar to pharyngitis therapy. With laryngitis, the patient is additionally recommended to have a voice rest.

Differences of pharyngitis and laryngitis

As mentioned above, pharyngitis develops on the pharyngeal mucosa, mainly on its posterior wall, the laryngitis is localized in the larynx, affecting the vocal cords.

In practice, doctors are more likely to have pharyngitis of a viral nature than a bacterial one. Bacterial and viral laryngitis occur equally often. On this basis, pharyngitis is treated, as a rule, without the use of antibiotics. Laryngitis is treated with both antimicrobial drugs and antiviral drugs, depending on the case.

Among doctors, pharyngitis is considered an "easy" disease, rather than a laryngitis. Complete recovery in the first case occurs only 5-7 days after the onset of the disease, with laryngitis, this period usually comes close to 10 days.

As already noted above, laryngitis and pharyngitis differ slightly and symptomatology: with laryngitis a person has problems with voice, body temperature rises to higher limits. These signs of the disease are very easy to distinguish from each other.

No matter how different these diseases are, it is worth remembering: malaise and unpleasant sensations in the throat are an occasion to appeal to LOR.

Bacterial pharyngitis and laryngitis, in contrast to some other diseases of the throat, often lead to the fact that the infection very quickly descends, hitting the new organs of the respiratory system.


The result can be bronchitis and pneumonia, which require much more strength and time for treatment.

Proper treatment of pharyngitis and tonsillitis

Treatment of pharyngitis and tonsillitis can be carried out in various ways, using both medicines and folk remedies that have passed the test of time.

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue of the pharynx. It occurs mainly when inhaled air is saturated with harmful substances. In the zone of risk are, first of all, residents of large and developed cities. The population of the territories located near factories and industrial zones, too, is more often than others suffering from this disease. The risk of pharyngitis is increased if a person smokes or drinks alcohol. Tobacco and alcohol serve as additional chemical irritants of the mucous membrane.

The disease can also develop from breathing in the winter, not with your nose, but with your mouth, as the air gets directly into the throat and does not warm up beforehand. This is another reason for the appearance of pharyngitis.

Pharyngitis can also be of an infectious type. The causative agents in this case will be streptococci, pneumococci, staphylococci, influenza, adenovirus and Candida fungi. It is not uncommon for cases in which pharyngitis originates from infections of the oral cavity, for example, in caries, rhinitis.

Treatment of pharyngitis

By getting rid of this disease, it is meant to eliminate the factor that triggered pharyngitis. This means that if you suffer from pharyngitis caused by bacterial infections, you need to drink a course of antibiotics, and if the disease has arisen because of inhalation cold air, tobacco smoke and chemical vapors, you need to change living conditions, work (if it is the cause of the disease), use funds protection.

If you are a smoker, then to cure all kinds of pharyngitis, you need to get rid of this harmful habit, otherwise it will prevent recovery and become the culprit of the overflow of acute pharyngitis in chronic.

Treatment, conducted by medicines, should be performed under the supervision of a specialist. With a common acute form, preventative measures are usually taken, consisting in taking hot baths for the feet, applying compresses to the neck, drinking milk with honey, as well as inhalations, rinsing throat. Pharyngitis, without complications, can usually be cured without using any medications.

If drugs can not be dispensed with, prescribe drugs for antibiotic therapy, which usually include the following substances:
  1. Antiseptic components: chlorhexidine, ambazone, thymol and others.
  2. Essential oils. They help to soften the pain and calm the place of irritation.
  3. Local antiseptic components (lidocaine, menthol).
  4. Antibiotics. Used in very rare cases, and if present in the composition, it is usually Framicetinum and Fusafyunzhin.

As additional components in the composition can be vitamins, natural antiseptics (extracts of various herbs), components that help protect the mucous membrane (lysozyme, interferon).

Drugs that are directed against microbes are usually prescribed by specialists in the form of rinses, inhalations, and sublingual tablets.

Treatment of pharyngitis with folk remedies

Of course, the treatment of almost any disease should be performed by a doctor who will prescribe professional therapy and medications. Folk remedies help to only partially alleviate the symptoms and alleviate the condition of the patient.

Remember that it is impossible to cure pharyngitis completely, using only folk remedies, no matter what your grandmothers say.So, in parallel with medicines and antibiotics, the throat can be rinsed with infusions of medicinal herbs. In the acute form of pharyngitis, warm infusions are usually prescribed, rinsing which should be done three to four times a day. Prepare them this way: for 200 ml of water 10 grams of dry matter.

Herbs used in medicine for gargling:

  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • thyme;
  • eucalyptus.

With a strong inflammation you need to chew two or three buds of ordinary cloves, it will have an anesthetic effect and help improve the overall condition. This procedure is recommended every three to four hours.

Chronic tonsillitis and its treatment

Chronic tonsillitis - inflammation of the tonsils for a long time. In tonsillitis, the tonsils become inflamed, a small hole appears in them, in which yellowish-white stoppers accumulate, which have a characteristic unpleasant odor. Chronic tonsillitis is very common in children. The peak of the disease falls on two seasons: spring and winter. The causative agents of this disease are viruses and bacteria, in 90% of cases it is streptococci. In addition to the infectious factor, the exacerbation of the disease is affected by reduced immunity, hypothermia, poor and unbalanced nutrition, stress and depression.

There are 2 forms of the course of this disease:

  1. Acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis).
  2. Chronic tonsillitis.

Until recently, it was believed that the main and almost the only method to combat chronic tonsillitis are antibiotics. But later it turned out that there are also cases when antibiotics cause only greater harm. Treatment is chosen depending on which form of tonsillitis (sore throat) you suffer.

In the acute form of tonsillitis (sore throat), local general therapy is prescribed, aimed at the destruction of unwanted and harmful bacteria, including rinsing and irrigation throat solutions of antiseptic agents, treatment of the tonsils with iodine-based drugs, the use of special sublingual tablets that have an antibacterial effect, and inhalation.

The above procedures are advised to be repeated every two to three hours so that the antiseptic action is permanent and uninterrupted. An additional effect will be tying the neck with a warm woolen scarf, using warm (by no means hot!) Water and non-steroidal drugs with analgesic effect. Acute tonsillitis should not be treated with antibiotics, because they only reduce immunity and will not have the proper effect.


In chronic tonsillitis it is necessary to first identify the causative agent of the disease and only then to prescribe the necessary therapy.

In some cases, without surgical intervention - the removal of tonsils - you can not do. But more often doctors find more sparing methods of treatment of chronic tonsillitis, so the sick prescribe medicines directed mainly against one particular pathogen detected during analyzes. In any case, the otolaryngologists are not advised to hurry with the operation and always try to avoid this extreme measure. Removal of the tonsils is necessary only if after relieving from the disease you after a while there are relapses.

Treatment of tonsillitis with folk remedies

As already mentioned, folk remedies are just an addition to the basic complex of tonsillitis therapy. But the use of folk remedies, as well as medicines, is not advised without consulting a doctor. It is better to consult a specialist in advance, because even on medicinal herbs, you may experience an allergy that will only aggravate the situation.

Gargle with chronic tonsillitis recommended the following drugs:

  1. Medicinal herbs, including marigold, chamomile, sage.
  2. Soda or sea salt, diluted in warm water.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide, diluted in warm water.

In addition, they have a positive effect of inhalation with chamomile, eucalyptus.


Follow the basic recommendations and be healthy!

Angina and pharyngitis tonsillitis

Many faced such diseases as tonsillitis and tonsillitis, but not everyone knows how the first disease differs from the second. Usually, going up to the mirror and opening his mouth, we see a red throat. The first thing that comes to mind is angina. More often than not, by setting self-diagnosis to relatives and friends, the patients begin self-treatment, which in some cases can lead to complications, because doctors strongly recommend not to abuse self-medication, but immediately to register for an appointment with a qualified specialist.

Description of the disease

What is angina? It covers the entire body, affecting not only the mucous membrane of the throat, but in some cases the heart and joints. The causative agent of the disease in most cases is beta-hemolytic streptococcus. The virus has the ability to produce toxins that enter the bloodstream during the course of the disease. At the same time, the body begins to produce antibodies to fight infection, but they do not apply to the virus, but to the heart muscle and connective tissues, trying to destroy them. Naturally, this happens rarely, but with independent treatment it is inevitable. Treatment of angina occurs with the help of antibiotics, antipyretic drugs. It is necessary to include hot broths in the diet, as in case of angina, it is difficult for the patient to swallow, but to maintain vital forces is necessary.

As for the infection, like pharyngitis, it is caused by irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa. In other words, infection occurs through the use of cold drinks, long exposure to cold air.In almost 85% of the population, pharyngitis tonsillitis is a chronic disease.The treatment is quite easy and without any complications.

It is accepted to distinguish between acute and chronic pharyngitis tonsillitis.

In acute pharyngitis, the disease begins after exposure to the mucous membrane of the pharynx of the infection, while the chronic tonsillitis is a consequence of an untreated acute type of disease, and also occurs with prolonged irritation of mucous membranes tissues.

Symptoms of the disease and the difference between sore throat and pharyngitis

Symptoms of pharyngitis are very diverse: they include dryness and discomfort in the throat, malaise and high fever (38-39 ° C). It is important to prevent infection, especially if you have chronic pharyngitis in your family. Prevention occurs by tempering the body, humidifying the air in the room and proper nutrition. Treatment is more symptomatic, includes a diet, warming compresses and steam inhalations.

Tonsillitis pharyngitis was initially treated and treated only folk remedies, so you need to drink water with honey, tea with dog rose or jam, make hot baths and compresses, as well as to reduce the amount of fatty and flour foods to complete recovery organism.

It is difficult to answer the question of how to distinguish angina from pharyngitis, since both diseases have the same symptoms, but the treatment is completely different. How can we distinguish between these two viruses?

The first difference between angina and pharyngitis is that in the first disease the throat usually starts to cause discomfort closer to the evening, while with pharyngitis - dries and pershit after the patient wakes up. In the presence of pharyngitis, each meal is not accompanied by pain, as in angina. If all symptoms indicate angina, then do not waste time and immediately consult a doctor, in no way If you do not try to get treatment yourself, otherwise after such treatment you will get a vice heart.

A month after the treatment, make a cardiogram.

As you yourself have already seen, the differences in angina from pharyngitis are noticeable. In case you have caught a sore throat or tonsillitis of pharyngitis, pay special attention to the symptoms, so how this will help you determine the probable infectious disease of the body and immediately begin the course treatment.

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However, we remind that with signs of sore throat you need to immediately register with a profiling specialist.

What is the difference between pharyngitis and laryngitis?



Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx. Distinguish between acute and chronic laryngitis. Most often, it is one of the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, scarlet fever, whooping cough. Symptoms of laryngitis: ligamentous ligaments with laryngitis lose their ability to vibrate, the voice of a person becomes hoarse or completely lost.
Pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx) is one of the manifestations of ARVI, that is, it has a viral origin. Sometimes pharyngitis can also be caused by bacteria - most often it is streptococcus, which causes angina.

Manifestations of pharyngitis are a sore throat, a sore throat (constant, not only when swallowing), coughing.

Depending on which causative agent caused pharyngitis (virus or bacterium), treatment is also prescribed, since bacterial inflammation should be treated with antibiotics, which the doctor chooses, and the viral inflammation passes by itself and requires only symptomatic treatment.

Chronic pharyngitis is simple, hypertrophic, atrophic. Causes: frequent inflammation of the throat and nose, metabolic disorders, diabetes, bowel disease, stomach, heart, lungs, liver and kidneys, harmful factors such as dryness of air, dust, chemicals, smoke, alcohol, P.


Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx (that is, the opening through which food enters the esophagus and the stomach gets)))).
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx (through it air into the trachea, bronchi and lungs passes), there are also vocal cords in it - so with laryngitis there may be hoarseness of the voice ...

barabas karabas

Pharyngitis-inflammation of the pharynx, laryngitis-larynx.

Milasha Gayfutdinova

all who wrote the answers here are right! do not even write the same thing!

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