Arthritis: symptoms and treatment

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  • 1Symptoms and methods of treatment of arthritis
    • 1.1Causes of Arthritis
    • 1.2Classification of arthritis
    • 1.3Symptomatology of the disease
    • 1.4Treatment of arthritis
    • 1.5Home treatment
    • 1.6Medical assistance
    • 1.7Complications
    • 1.8Prevention of Arthritis
  • 2Arthritis: Degrees, Symptoms and Treatment
    • 2.1Varieties of the disease and the degree of its development
    • 2.2How to recognize the disease?
    • 2.3Causes of the disease
    • 2.4How to deal with the disease?
    • 2.5Treatment with unconventional means
  • 3Arthritis
    • 3.1Signs of Arthritis
    • 3.2Types of Arthritis
    • 3.3Treatment of arthritis
    • 3.4Rheumatoid arthritis
    • 3.5Reactive arthritis
    • 3.6Prevention of Arthritis
  • 4Arthritis - types, symptoms, methods of treatment
    • 4.1Distribution statistics
    • 4.2Causes of arthritis
    • 4.3Forms and types of arthritis
    • 4.4Symptoms of Arthritis
    • 4.5Methods of treatment
    • 4.6Forecasts
  • 5Arthritis - symptoms and treatment with folk remedies
    • 5.1What causes arthritis?
    • 5.2The most common symptoms of arthritis are
    • 5.3Treatment of arthritis with folk remedies
    • 5.4Prevention of arthritis
    • 5.5Popular news
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Symptoms and methods of treatment of arthritis

A widespread disease that has no tendency, the incidence has always been high. Complications are critical, depriving the joint of mobility and leading to loss of ability to work.

In connection with tolerable primary symptoms that periodically appear and do not dominate, the disease is diagnosed late and begins to be treated.

The lower extremities are mainly affected, which explains the greater load and small joints due to a wide range of movements: knee, elbow, ankle and interphalangeal. Most often, women suffer from arthritis.

Arthritis is a generalized concept of the inflammatory process in all elements of the joint: bone elements, articular bag and cartilaginous disk surrounding the ligamentous apparatus.

Causes of Arthritis

Etiological factors have a local and general predisposing influence on the development of the disease:

  • Infection damage - with specific infections: tuberculosis, gonorrhea, brucellosis, borelliosis, hepatitis. Bacterial infection in postoperative complications. With frequent catarrhal viral diseases - angina, adenoiditis and tonsillitis, cystitis.
  • Metabolic disorders - gout (deposition of uric acid salts), overweight (consequences of digestion and assimilation of nutrients).
  • Injuries acute or chronic - habitual subluxations and dislocations, bruises and open wounds. Consequences of domestic and sports injuries.
  • Autoimmune processes - connective tissue diseases: rheumatism, psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus.
  • Diseases of the blood - cell disorders - hemochromatosis, granulomatosis, purpura (impaired coagulability).
  • Chronic general and local hypothermia - propensity to freeze, inappropriate clothing for the season, stay in a cold room during work, sports conditions (figure skating, hockey, skating sport).
  • Immunopressive conditions that do not allow protective forces to maintain the health of peripheral organs and tissues are long, debilitating chronic diseases.
  • Endocrine disorders - diabetes, premenopausal and climacteric period.
  • Allergic arthritis - in response to local exposure to an allergen or as a consequence of ingestion.
  • Violation of peripheral circulation and violation of lymphatic drainage.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system that disrupt adequate innervation and the correct transfer of impulse to the organs - post-stroke disorders of proprioceptive sensitivity.
  • Professional harms - from masseurs, seamstresses, hairdressers, athletes (gymnastics) and builders.
  • The influence of age affects the thinning and loss of elasticity of tissues, a violation of absorption of mineral components and a lack of vitamins.
  • Imbalance of water-salt balance - edema of the body and extremities.

Classification of arthritis

There are several classifications. By the number of affected joints: monoarthritis and polyarthritis. On the side of the lesion: symmetrical and asymmetric.

By the time of the onset: primary - osteoarthrosis, spondylitis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Still's disease; secondary - due to adherence to the underlying disease.

On nosological importance: as the main independent disease and reactive arthritis (as a manifestation of another disease).

Symptomatology of the disease

Symptoms of arthritis are common in all stages of inflammation:

  1. Pain is a periodic noisy, at rest and intensified during movement, the intensity of which depends on the stage and severity of the process.
  2. Reddening of the skin from pink to lard color.
  3. Increased local temperature in the joint area. Skin tight, dry macerated.
  4. Perifocal (surrounding area of ​​inflammation) edema of varying intensity.
  5. Disturbance of joint function: inflammatory contracture of surrounding soft tissues and degenerative destructive process in articular elements.
  6. Morning stiffness, heaviness and stiffness, which in the process of "pacing" turns into soreness.
  7. Weakness in the legs, uncontrolled walking, technical difficulties when trying to get out of a sitting position.
  8. Often observed a violation of the general condition - subfebrile temperature, weakness and chills.

For the diagnosis is necessary laboratory examination: a general and biochemical blood test for various specific factors and indicators of the state of the body, a general urine analysis. Instrumental methods: ultrasound imaging computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment of arthritis

Self-help and home treatment are possible in the early stages.

Home treatment

  • Reducing the load on the joint - the use of auxiliary immobilization elements - bandages, bandages, sticks, tires, heel pads and knee pads, orthoses.
  • Therapeutic exercises and self-massage after professional instruction.
  • Methods of traditional medicine - compresses, lotions, rubbers, ointments and gels on a natural basis: mummies, clay, medicinal herbs.
  • Weight reduction, normalization of water-salt balance and metabolism.
  • Correction of the diet - exclusion of alcoholic beverages, reduced consumption of salty spicy food, an abundance of protein products.
  • Sokoterapija - such freshly squeezed juices are recommended in the mornings: spinach with carrots, salad and cabbage leaves with carrots, and optimal trio-carrots, cucumber and beets.
  • Dry heat - put knitted socks or gloves soaked in concentrated saline solution (200ml of water and so much gram of table salt) on hands or feet.
  • Self-massage essential oils - the first composition: to 15-20 g of grape seed oil add eucalyptus and lavender to 4 drops, and 5 drops of lemon oil. Second composition: in 15-25 g of any neutral oil (sunflower, olive oil or sweet almond oil), 3 drops of lemon and lavender oil, and 5 drops of pine oil, should be prepared. After the massage necessarily dry heat, for example - woolen mittens for the whole night.

Medical assistance

Consists in the appointment of conservative treatment, which involves several main areas:

  • Elimination of the cause - treatment of the underlying disease (specific drugs or antibiotics), which led to the development of arthritis.
  • Reception of multivitamins and microelements.
  • Reduction of pain with various analgesics: solpodine, analgin, aspirin, paracetamol.
  • Elimination of the local inflammatory process with nonsteroidal drugs used topically and inward - nais, nurofen, nimesulide, ibuprofen. Sometimes, hormonal medications are needed - prednisolone, diprospan, which are injected intramuscularly or inside the joint.
  • Means for improving blood rheology and local circulation.
  • Chondroprotectors - chondroitin sulfate, rumalon, glucosamine, to restore elasticity and elasticity of tissues.
  • Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment - UHF, laser, magnetotherapy, phonophoresis.
  • Therapeutic massage, acupuncture, hurudotherapy, kinesiotherapy, paraffinotherapy.
  • Sanatorium treatment, balneotherapy and mud treatment are indicated for all types of arthritis, Russian bath.


Developed in a staged and slow, with each stage, all less reversible:

  • Dystrophic contracture of ligaments and capsules of the joint.
  • Deformation of the joint and irreversible violation of its function.
  • Osteoarthritis and ankylosis, leading to disability.
  • Degenerative atrophy of the muscular apparatus, because of which permanent dislocations of the joint head from the joint are possible.
  • When suppuration - there is an accumulation of inflammatory exudate in the most articular bag and surrounding tissues, there is a symptom of fluctuation - "swelling confirming the presence of effusion in interstitial spaces, sharp throbbing pain, cyanotic skin, abscess formation and further phlegmon, which can lead to septic necrosis of the extremity, osteomyelitis or sepsis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis has its specific consequences - the formation of nodules on small joints, dilatation of the joint bag with chronic subluxations, osteoporosis and ostearthrosis. Also associated concomitant skin lesions in the form of rashes, pericarditis and myocarditis, conjunctivitis, atherosclerosis.

Prevention of Arthritis

It is easier, with the purpose of prevention, to prevent the development of arthritis, knowing about the predisposition to it. The following rules will save the body from a serious illness:

  1. Easy regular exercise - swimming, walking and cycling, daily morning exercises.
  2. Quenching, taking multivitamin complexes
  3. Adequate season clothes and shoes.
  4. Avoid lifting and wearing weights, sharp jumps and turns.
  5. Timely and fully treat colds, avoid temperature "on the feet strive for remission and cure common chronic diseases.
  6. Monitor the nature of nutrition, monitor the individual weight.

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Arthritis: Degrees, Symptoms and Treatment

The prevalence of arthritis, the symptoms and methods of treatment of which are fairly well researched, remains high today. There are several varieties of the disease. However, experts still can not unequivocally establish the reasons for its occurrence.

Varieties of the disease and the degree of its development

All varieties of arthritis are divided into two main groups: inflammatory and degenerative. For inflammatory inflammation of the synovium, which is located in the internal cavity of the joint. They include:

  • rheumatoid;
  • infectious;
  • gouty;
  • reactive subspecies.

In the case of degenerative arthritis, cartilage deformation occurs in the areas of bone connectivity. Among them are:

  • maxillofacial;
  • shoulder;
  • hip;
  • knees;
  • ankle.

In addition, 4 degrees of the course of the disease are determined:

  1. Arthritis 1 degree is the initial stage, characterized by infection of the body, in which external manifestations are absent. Only with the help of the roentgenogram you can see a slight thinning of the bones. During this period, there may be slight painful sensations and stiffness in the movements in the mornings. On different joints the first signs of the disease manifest themselves in different ways. However, in any case, there are less or more prolonged pain.
  2. Arthritis of the 2nd degree is indicated by the destruction of bone tissue, while the bones continue to thinner. This stage is characterized by an increase in painful sensations, not only during the day, but also at night. Appear swelling in the joints. They become less mobile, there may be a crunch. Often it is during this period of illness that people begin to seek medical help.
  3. Arthritis 3 degrees leads to a partial loss of the ability to perform certain actions. Movement is often difficult. On the x-ray you can see the deformation of the joints. So, on fingers of hands there is a symmetric deformation accompanied by strong pains. A person experiences stiffness when moving with his fingers. The third degree of the disease is an indication of the purpose of disability.
  4. At 4 stages of the disease, the radiograph shows changes in bone and cartilage tissues that can not be restored. This degree threatens a person with a complete disability, in which he can not walk, perform the simplest actions. The pain intensifies many times, so that without pain medications you can no longer manage.
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How to recognize the disease?

In order to detect negative changes in your body in time and prevent the development of the disease, you need to know the signs of this ailment.

Since there is inflammation of the joints, the symptoms will also be closely related to this fact. Pain sensations can arise spontaneously.

Often, they intensify at night and disappear after a little stir the joints. = Re_Z1zxH0VU

For example, with arthritis, the temperature, the onset of edema is a common symptom for the usual form. However, neurodystrophic forms, on the contrary, are characterized by a significant decrease in temperature.

Symptoms, of course, include the deformation of articular joints. This is indicated in the initial stages by the disorder of the movements, and in more neglected cases - by the inability to perform movements by the diseased joint.

The presence of the disease can also be indicated by a symptom such as a crunch that occurs as a result of the contact between the articular parts. Friction is a consequence of the destruction of tissue interlayers. However, only this symptom can not indicate the presence of the disease.

It is important to remember that the first signs of arthritis are painful.

At the initial stages they are weakly expressed, in the acute period are especially pronounced, and with chronic arthritis they can change (weakly expressed to strongly pronounced, and vice versa). As it was said above, the signs can be different for different types of disease.

So, infectious is characterized by:

  • a sharp increase in temperature;
  • chills;
  • headaches;
  • weakness;
  • edemas of the periarticular tissues.

You can determine the type of infection with the help of tests.

The form of rheumatoid arthritis is wandering. Its name is due to the property to wander from one joint to another.

It is not well studied, but it is rare enough. Its occurrence is affected by hemolytic streptococcus of group A.

The main signs of this disease are:

  • the onset of pain;
  • poor sleep and appetite;
  • weakness;
  • lack of mobility of joints in the morning after sleep;
  • weight loss;
  • general weakness.

Strongly pronounced painful sensations occur when weather changes. Inflammatory processes first appear in large joints, and then in smaller ones.

The danger of rheumatoid arthritis is that in the early stages it can practically not tell about itself. Usually, this affects the small joints.


At later stages, the disease affects normal functioning of the kidneys, heart, liver, nervous system.


The signs and treatment of this type of disease are similar to those of others, but they also have their own peculiarities. So, from the basic symptoms allocate:

  • anemia;
  • depression;
  • the formation of rheumatoid nodules;
  • weight loss and poor appetite;
  • temperature increase;
  • fast fatigue;
  • pain in the muscles;
  • inflammatory processes in the periarticular tissues.

Almost unequivocally to establish a kind of disease it is possible on the twisted and struck fingers of hands.

Causes of the disease

Arthritis itself, symptoms, treatment and the causes of the onset of the disease have been studied for a long time. However, it is not yet possible to fully understand this. Still, the main groups of reasons can be called.

One of the most common is the failure of the immune system. Violation occurs due to infection or allergic reactions of the body. In addition, the causes are called dysfunction of the nervous system.

Such factors in most cases provoke rheumatoid arthritis.

Viruses, bacteria or fungi cause an infectious or reactive form of the disease. Disorders of the hormonal system, the presence of various injuries, in addition, hypothermia lead to the development of traumatic or osteoarthritis.

Dystrophic arthritis occurs due to lack of microelements and vitamins in the human body. A metabolic disorder provokes gout.

In addition to these reasons, an important role in the appearance of the disease can play a genetic predisposition.

Constant loads and overstrains of joints also have a negative effect. Manifestations of arthritis in different people are individual.

Therefore, you should carefully treat your body, so as not to miss the development of the disease.

Regardless of the causes that affect the occurrence of arthritis, there are 3 groups of manifestations.

  1. The first can be attributed to the case when the symptoms are manifested for several months, and then completely disappear.
  2. The second category includes the initial stages of the disease, in which its symptoms periodically appear and disappear.
  3. The third group is neglected severe forms, when the consequences of joint destruction are irreversible.

How to deal with the disease?

To answer the question, whether it is possible to cure arthritis, definitely can not. This is influenced by the causes of its occurrence, the degree of development of the disease, and the methods of treatment.

All methods of treatment can be conditionally divided into classical and non-traditional. Classical, in turn, is divided into physiotherapeutic and medicinal.

With any kind of therapy, it is necessary that it be comprehensive, systemic and long-lasting.


The first thing to do is to find out the cause of the ailment. Do not do it yourself, it is better to resort to the help of an experienced specialist.


To find out the reason, the patient is sent to urine and blood for examination. After a comprehensive examination, a diagnosis is made. And only then the necessary treatment is selected.

Treatment for joint arthritis begins with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

They can be administered by intramuscular, intraarticular or intravenous route. To remove muscle spasms use muscle relaxants.

If the cause of arthritis is a nervous disease, then treatment with antidepressants is necessary.

Since drugs that relieve inflammation in the joints, negatively affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor should appoint gastroprotectors.

Chondroprotectors contribute to the improvement of cartilaginous tissue. In addition, therapy should be accompanied by the use of a complex of vitamins, amino acids, microelements.

In addition to drug treatment, a special diet should be followed, the load on the affected joint should be changed with bandages, orthoses, orthopedic insoles.

Perhaps the appointment of a course of physical therapy or manual therapy.

A major role in the treatment of arthritis is played by physiotherapy.


This method of combating the disease helps to prevent congestion in the joints, prevent the development of muscle and ligament dystrophy.


The meaning of such manipulations is the effect of a magnetic field pulse on the inflamed joint. At the same time, pain sensations decrease, inflammation is removed, and blood circulation improves.

Treatment with unconventional means

When the question arises of how to cure arthritis, it is worth remembering about folk remedies.

Many of them, unlike drugstores, are indicated for use by allergy sufferers, pregnant women, and also in the lactation period. However, it is not necessary to try everything indiscriminately.

Before using this or that national recipe it is better to consult a doctor. Decoctions, tinctures should be taken in a dosed manner, as well as preparations of traditional medicine.

One of the most common methods is the treatment of arthritis with apple cider vinegar. However, the product is not used in its pure form - it should be diluted in cool boiled water (1 h. l. vinegar to 200 ml of water). The resulting solution should be drunk during the day before meals.

The second useful ingredient is garlic. To make the tincture, 4-5 garlic heads are crushed and poured into vodka (500 ml).

The composition should be infused in a dark cool place, but not in the refrigerator, for 10 days. There is another recipe for tincture of garlic.

Mix 3-4 shredded heads with lemon juice (from 10 lemons), add 1 h. l. shredded horse-radish. We insist for 20 days in a warm dark place.

The third miracle component that can be used to treat arthritis is the chestnut inflorescence.

In a 1 liter jar, 2/3 of the inflorescences are applied, the rest is filled with vodka or alcohol. To insist leave for 20 days in a dark place.

To the inflorescences of the chestnut, you can add chamomile flowers. This tool should be rubbed into inflamed areas.


Recipes for ointments and compresses are also known. For example, squeezed garlic juice helps reduce pain. In order not to burn the skin, before applying such a remedy, it is previously rubbed with a fat cream.


Analgesic effect and has an ointment of butter (1 tbsp. l.), crushed laurel leaves (6 tbsp. l.) and crushed juniper (1 h. l.). All ingredients are mixed, the product is applied to the inflamed joint.

Thus, arthritis is a disease whose neglect can lead to disability. To prevent this from happening, do not neglect professional medical care. In addition, you should always remember about preventive measures, because their compliance is a guarantee of good health.

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ArthritisIs a condition in which an inflammatory process occurs in the joints of a person.

In patients who are diagnosed with arthritis, the symptoms are manifested by painful sensations during movement or when lifting weights. Joints gradually become less mobile, they can change shape.

Sometimes arthritis shows tumors, redness of the skin over the joint,fever.

When a sharp manifestation of the disease in the patient is diagnosedacute arthritis, with its gradual formation -chronic arthritis.

Arthritis can also be an independent disease, and arise as a manifestation of a different disease.

According to statistics, arthritis is observed in every hundredth person in the world.

The disease is diagnosed in people of different age groups, but most often arthritis affects the elderly and women in middle age.

Among the risk factors of the disease are genetic (sex, the presence of hereditary problems with joints) and acquired (obesity, smoking, inclination toallergies).

Signs of Arthritis

Signs of this disease most often is a feeling of some stiffness in the joints, as well as an increase in the temperature of the tissues over the joint. A person feels pain in a joint affected by arthritis, later there is swelling, the joint begins to move less clearly.

If the patient exhibits pronounced acute arthritis, the symptoms may be more diverse. Under similar circumstances, the patient has fever attacks, a constant feeling of general malaise and weakness,leukocytosis.

Inflammation manifests itself, first of all, in the inner shell of the joint. Sometimes in the joint cavity there is accumulation of an inflammatory effusion - exudate.

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Later the pathology grows on the bones of the joint, cartilage, capsule of the joint, extends to the tissues near the joints - ligaments, tendons.

Types of Arthritis

By the number of affected joints arthritis is usually divided intomonoarthritis(one affected joint),oligoarthritis(two or three affected joints),polyarthritis(many affected joints).

ForacuteArthritis is characterized by a fairly intense pain in the joint.Chronicarthritis, which develops gradually, is accompanied by periodically manifested pain, less severe than in the acute form of the disease.

According to the types of joint damage, several types of disease are distinguished.TraumaticArthritis is manifested in the presence of open and closed joint injuries and in the case of regular light injuries.

Dystrophicarthritis is manifested due to changes in metabolic processes, with severe cooling, excessive physical stress,beriberi.

InfectiousArthritis is manifested under the influence of a certain infection.


If the patient exhibits arthritis, the symptoms of the disease can be reduced to a lower intensity for several days or longer.


Most important for patients with arthritis is to prevent the activation of the inflammatory process again.

Consequently, this disease requires constant monitoring and supervision of an experienced doctor.

Treatment of arthritis

It is important to consider that the process of treatment of arthritis is time-consuming and difficult.

The main task in the treatment of arthritis is the reduction of manifestations of the disease, the resumption of metabolic processes in the joint.

Also, all efforts should be directed to maximize the function of joints affected by arthritis.

There are also a number of factors that adversely affect the recovery process. They should be anticipated in the process of treatment. So, it is important to carry out effective treatment of the disease that became the root cause of arthritis, or you should eliminate the reason for arthritis.

Today, some types of arthritis are used, which are selected depending on the type and characteristics of the disease. Therapy of arthritis can beintegrated, long, systematic.

In this case, the treatment of this disease necessarily includes methods aimed at, to restore processes in the cartilaginous tissue, as well as methods of complex effects on the body patient.

When treating the disease, bothpharmacologicalandnonpharmacologicmethods, andsurgicalways.

When applying a pharmacological method of treating arthritis, the patient is given local therapy with non-steroid ointments or creams with anti-inflammatory action.

Glucocorticosteroids are also intraarticular or periarticularly injected. If the pain in the joints is not too strong, then it is possible to periodically use conventional analgesics (for example,paracetamol).

Great importance in the treatment of arthritis with the help of pharmacological agents have drugs that not only anesthetize, but also slow or reverse the pathological processes in joints.

These agents, called chondroprotectors, stop the production of an enzyme that breaks cartilage, and in parallel improves the synthesis of the main substance of the cartilage. Such drugs significantly reduce pain and almost do not cause side effects.


As non-pharmacological methods of treatment, the use of special orthopedic footwear, knee pads, insteps, walking cane is used.


The patient is recommended to minimize the load on the joints, if necessary, resetexcess weight, engage in physiotherapy exercises and take a course of individually selected physiotherapy treatment. In no case should you perform exercises that include squats, as well as exercises on bent knees. The latter is especially important for those who have arthritis of the knee joint. A perfect sport for sick arthritis is swimming.

An important step in the treatment of arthritis is the fight against bad habits. So, a patient with arthritis should quit smoking, do not abuse coffee.

As a surgical treatment, the methodarthroplasty of joints. Such treatment is advisable solely for severe forms of the disease.

If a person has already developed arthritis, he should very competently approach the choice of exercises for sports. Do not need to stand for too long.

Particular attention should be given to the selection of products for the daily diet. Animal fats, floury, spicy should be excluded.

At the same time, an unusually useful meal for arthritis is grain fiber.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritisIs a condition in which a patient manifests a rheumatic inflammation that differs in an unknown etiology. In rheumatoid arthritis, the patient develops synovitis of peripheral joints and systemic inflammation of internal organs.

The causes of rheumatoid arthritis often becomeinjuries, infection, allergens, also trigger disease cantoxins.

Very often the rapid development of rheumatoid arthritis occurs in winter, during an epidemic unfavorable situation with the spread of viral infections.

There is also a genetic disposition to the disease: the relatives of those who fell ill with rheumatoid arthritis, the ailment is fixed much more often.

For today, physicians distinguish four stages of rheumatoid arthritis.


For the first, the manifestation of the periarticularosteoporosis, for the second - the symptoms of osteoporosis and narrowing of the joint space, in the third stage, in addition to the indicated symptoms there is an erosion of bones, and in patients with the fourth stage of the disease, in addition to the indicated signs, ankylosis is present the joint.


Precedence of pronounced joint damage in patients with rheumatoid arthritis maysensationgeneral malaise, weakness, hStiffness in the morning, weight loss, lymphadenopathy. The main symptom of the disease is considered to be the presence of arthritis (usually polyarthritis), in which are involvedwrist, metacarpophalangeal, proximaljoints of the hands, as well as pseudofalangovye joints. The disease develops gradually, arthritis progresses due to the involvement of new joints in the process of lesion. Much less common are extraarticular manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis, which are treated according to a separate scheme.

Especially often in patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint. This type of arthritis gives the patient a lot of trouble, because arthritis of the knee joint, even under conditions of not particularly violent disorders, brings a pronounced uncomfortable sensation.

Patients diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis are treated primarily to reduce the inflammatory process. Also used are tools that can improve the functioning of the joints. the purpose of such treatment is to prevent disability of the patient.

If the patient is diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, treatment should also include therapeutic gymnastics, making some changes to the habitual way of life.

In the process of drug therapy, the disease is widely used anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as slow-acting drugs that prevent pathological processes in the joints. If the deformation of the joint becomes strongly pronounced, surgical treatment of the disease is used.

Reactive arthritis

This term is used to determine the inflammation of the joints that arise as a result of infections, but there is no penetration into the joint cavity of the infectious agent.

Reactive arthritismanifested mainly due to changes in immunity in people with a hereditary disposition to insufficient utilization of antigen complexes.

Reactive arthritis sometimes becomes the consequence of many infections. Most often it is a consequence of a transferred enterocolitis. Arthritis of this type develops as a disease of acute form.

With the manifestation of reactive arthritis a patient has swelling, a fever over the joints, pain in the joints, leukocytosis, fever.


In general, the inflammation affects the joints of the lower limbs, often the toes suffer. Also, the pain that sometimes makes it difficult to walk arises in the heels.


Most often, reactive arthritis does not last long - a few days or weeks. The disease often goes away without treatment, but there is a risk of the transition of this type of arthritis tochronic form.

Prevention of Arthritis

To prevent the development of arthritis, it is especially important to adhere to a maximally healthy lifestyle.

This is a rational and nutritious diet (it is important to eat foods that contain a lot of calcium and vitamins), exercise (jogging and walking).

In everyday life, every effort should be made to protect the joints from too much tension. To do this, it is necessary to lift the weights correctly and carefully carry out all the actions connected with the load on the joints.

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Arthritis - types, symptoms, methods of treatment

Arthritis- A variety of inflammatory diseases of the joints, which affect the articular membrane, articular cartilage, joint capsule and other elements. This is one of the most common forms of joint disease.

Distribution statistics

In Russia, the prevalence of only three forms of arthritis - rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and gouty arthritis - is approximately, per 1000 population. About 100 different forms of joint diseases or pathological processes are described, in which arthritis is a frequent and sometimes leading manifestation.

Causes of arthritis

Inflammation, more often the defeat of the synovial membrane of the joint (synovitis), develops primarily under the influence of various provoking factors (infection, trauma, immune and metabolic disorders, tumors) or secondary - in response to pathological changes in the bone elements of the joint, for example, in osteomyelitis, tuberculous ostitis, or (less often) in the periarticular tissues.

Forms and types of arthritis

By type distinguish:

  • acute,
  • subacute
  • chronic arthritis.

Acute arthritiscan be serous, serous-fibrinous and purulent. Serous inflammatory fluid in the joint is formed with synovitis.

The loss of fibrin protein indicates a more severe form of arthritis.

The greatest severity is the purulent inflammation, in which the process can spread with synovial membrane on the entire joint capsule with surrounding soft tissues, - a capsular phlegmon.

Whensubacuteand especiallychronicinflammation of the villus synovium, thickening of the layers of the synovial membrane and edema of the periarticular tissues are observed. Later the structure of the synovial membrane develops.

Prolonged inflammation of the joint is usually accompanied by the development of a new connective tissue along the edges covering the articular surfaces of the cartilage, its gradual crawling on the cartilage, destruction of the cartilage and subject to the bone. There are bone-cartilaginous ulcers-erosion.

Gradually, the young connective tissue coarsens and undergoes ossification. Thus, fibrous or bone immobile joint fusion is formed.

The spread of the inflammatory process to the joint capsule, bags, ligaments, tendons of muscles around the joint can lead to disruption of the shape of the joint, subluxation, fractures.

In the place of distributiondistinguish between:

  • monoarthritis (lesion of one joint),
  • oligoarthritis (involvement of two or three joints),
  • polyarthritis (lesion of more than three joints).
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With different independent primary forms, arthritis has a favorite localization.

For example, with rheumatoid arthritis, the joints of the hands and feet are symmetrically affected (wrist, metacarpophalangeal, interphalangeal, metatarsophageal, tarsal, ankle), in psoriatic arthritis (arising from psoriasis), the most typically involvement in a painful process of final interphalangeal joints of hands and feet, with ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew's disease) - sacroiliac joints and joints of the spine.

Symptoms of Arthritis

Typical manifestations of arthritis consist of such characteristic features as:

  • pain in the joint,
  • swelling and fluid in the joint,
  • increased skin temperature,
  • the appearance of redness,
  • violation of function.

Soreness in palpation (palpation) usually extends to the entire surface of the joint, especially along the joint slot.

To clarify the nature of the inflammatory process, laboratory studies of synovial fluid (viscosity, cellular composition, content protein, enzymes, microorganisms), and in necessary cases, the study of the cellular composition of the synovium, for example, in pigment-vinous synovitis.

The main method of X-ray examination in arthritis is the radiography of the affected joint in two standard projections. According to the indications, arthrography, tomography, electro-radiography are performed.

Methods of treatment

Etiotropic therapy (treatment aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease) is possible only with a few forms of arthritis - infectious, allergic, gouty.

In arthritis, having a subacute or chronic course, various anti-inflammatory drugs, both non-steroidal and steroid (corticosteroid), are widely used. The drugs of the latter group are used mainly for local (intra-articular) therapy.

At stihanii acute inflammatory phenomena in the joints are shown physiotherapeutic procedures (erythemic doses of UV radiation, electrophoresis of analgesics, amplipulse therapy, hydrocortisone phonophoresis), contributing to the reduction of pain and residual inflammatory reactions, preventing the development of fibrosis and disorders function of the joints.

A wide application is found in exercise therapy and therapeutic massage aimed at the prevention of contracture and the preservation of joint function.

The complex of rehabilitation measures includes sanatorium treatment (balneotherapy, mud therapy, etc.). With some arthritis, for example rheumatoid, surgical treatment is used.


The nature of the surgical intervention (arthrotomy, synovectomy, joint resection, arthrodesis, surgical arthroscopy, chelelectomy, etc.) depends on the form of arthritis.


If the function of the joint is impaired as a result of arthritis, reconstructive surgeries, endoprosthetics, etc. are performed.


The prognosis depends on the cause of arthritis, the nature and course of the inflammatory process. For example, rheumatoid arthritis usually proceeds benignly, without residual effects in the joints, but it can recur.

Relatively favorable treatment of reactive arthritis, in particular post-enterocolitis or urogenital, however, recovery is often delayed by 6-12 months or more.

Rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis lead to severe disruption of the functions of the musculoskeletal system.

Depending on the cause of arthritis, the severity of individual components of joint inflammation, the course of the disease, its prevalence, involvement of other organs and systems, the characteristic manifestations of joint damage vary widely, which determines the features of diagnosis and treatment.

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Arthritis - symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

To date, arthritis is among the most common diseases. They make millions suffer. The symptoms of this ailment were first described in the time of Hippocrates.

At the same time, traditional healers and doctors began to search for effective methods of combating joint disease. After all, arthros in translation from Greek means - the joint.

Modern medicine means by arthritis a whole group of diseases, united by common signs and features.

Many experts consider arthritis a public problem, since people of any age and sex are affected by the disease.

Types of Arthritis

Depending on the form of the flow, arthritis is acute and chronic. Acute arthritis usually responds well to treatment and does not cause complications.

Chronic arthritis develops after traumas, complicated infectious processes, due to excessive physical exertion or as a result of malnutrition.

Treatment of this type of arthritis lasts a long time.

In especially severe cases of the disease, erosion of the cartilage of the joint develops, which serves as the lining of the bone between bones, up to its complete destruction. This causes severe pain and limits movement.

In this case, only the endoprosthesis or joint replacement can help restore the quality of life.

An authoritative source specializing in endoprosthetics says that up to 80% of patients under 65 years old suffer from cartilage erosion of large joints.

It is also common to subdivide the disease into several species, each of which has its own characteristic features. The most common is osteoarthritis or inflammatory arthritis, which is the following:

  • Gouty or gout caused by excess in the body of salts and uric acid;
  • Rheumatoid - this is a very serious disease that causes limitation of mobility of joints;
  • reactive arthritis develops after the transferred diseases and is accompanied by severe pain;
  • psoriatic arthritis is a chronic disease that is caused by psoriasis;
  • and arthritis caused by chlamydial infection after suffering urethritis, pneumonia, prostatitis and other inflammatory processes.

There are many other types of this disease. On the localization of the affected area, there are the maxillofacial, shoulder, ankle, knee and hip arthritis.

What causes arthritis?

Factors that contribute to the development of arthritis are many, but we will focus on the main:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • infectious diseases;
  • adverse ecological environment;
  • bad habits;
  • blood supply problems;
  • stressful situations;
  • prolonged stress on the same joints.

A separate group consists of age-related osteoarthritis, which develops as a result of "wear" of the joints in the elderly.

The most common symptoms of arthritis are

Determining this disease is usually not difficult, since its presence is evidenced by such symptoms:

  • swelling and inflammation;
  • strong pain in the affected joint;
  • restriction of joint movement and discomfort;
  • change in the structure of the affected organ.

Treatment of arthritis with folk remedies


The technique of using baths for the treatment of arthritis, especially acute, came to us from the depths of centuries. For therapeutic effect in the hot water add sea salt in an amount, kg per 100 liters of water. The procedure lasts 10-20 minutes at a water temperature of 40 ° C.

Do also a hot bath with plain table salt. To do this, in a bathroom with warm water should dissolve a glass of ordinary salt, after which the patient is immersed.

You can also make baths with oils that relieve pain. Then add 2 drops of black pepper oil or marjoram to the water, or 1 drop of ginger oil or benzoic styraz.

You can not forget here about the healing properties of coniferous and birch baths, which patients with arthritis take for half an hour before bedtime. The bath is prepared: 5 kg-1 kg of fresh birch leaves are placed in a bag of cotton cloth and subjected to a half-hour boil in 9 liters of water.

After that, water and a bag with leaves are placed in a hot bath. In the same way, a coniferous bath is prepared, but instead of leaves, coniferous needles are taken.

A similar method prepares a bath of fresh bran with the addition of sea salt.
If there is no possibility to take medicinal baths, you can replace the procedure with a hot shower.

Compresses and wraps


On the contrasts, the treatment of arthritis with cold is based, if hot procedures do not help. To the sore spot in this case, apply for 15 minutes a packet of ice. Repeat the procedure should not be more than once a day.


With articular pain, the application of fresh horseradish leaves to the affected area

Popular for arthritis are dry heat compresses made from linseed flaxseed, sand, salt and a compress made from cabbage leaves with honey, which is prepared in the following way: cabbage leaves are cut, heated and lubricated with a thin layer of honey, and then applied to the sore spot for several hours.

Traditionally, in the treatment of joint diseases, a turpentine compress is applied, for the preparation of which take vodka and turpentine in equal proportions (100 ml each) and add 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

Shortly before a dream a small piece of gauze is moistened in a solution, and then they wrap up a sore spot. To the substance does not evaporate and to better preserve heat, the top is wrapped around the joint with polyethylene and woolen cloth. It is recommended to keep the compress until morning.


One of the most effective methods of treating inflammation of the joints is rubbing the ointments. Here are some of the most famous recipes:

Recipe 1: 200 g of creamy unsalted butter is brought to the boil on fire until it is boiled, the formed film is removed and ½ cup of alcohol is added. The resulting mixture is ignited. When alcohol is consumed, the remaining mass is taken to lubricate the affected areas twice a day for a month.

Recipe 2: Ointment from the birch buds.
It is better to use fresh kidneys, but it is possible to use and dried raw materials. To prepare the ointment, 800 g of unsalted butter is mixed with 400 g of kidneys, and then the mass is laid out in layers in earthenware and tightly closed.

Capacity for a day is put in a warm oven.


When using dry material, the residence time in the Russian stove is doubled, and then the mass must be passed through a sieve and added approximately 6 grams of powdered camphor.


After mixing, the product is determined in a cold place. The received ointment is rubbed for the night sore spots.

Decoctions and infusions of herbs

Helps to cope with the symptoms of the disease decoction, which is prepared from the leaves of nettle, roots thistle, oat straw and birch buds. Simultaneously with this decoction it is recommended to drink tea from the collection of the following herbs: mint, oregano, thyme and St. John's wort.

Treatment is carried out for two months, then make the same duration break, then repeat the course of taking the drug.

Decoctions of madder dyeing contribute to the removal of salts from the joints of the lower and upper extremities. 1 tsp

mashed to a powdery state of raw materials (roots and rhizomes) is filled with a half cup of boiling water.

The product is placed on the fire and boiled for ten minutes, then filtered and cooled. Drink a decoction of half a glass three times a day (40 minutes after eating).


For the treatment of joints, the fruits of the Adam's apple are used as a tincture on alcohol for internal reception and rubbing for the outside. When taking the tincture, you must follow a strict dosage and schedule, since the fruits have toxic properties.


Many are treated with decoction of cowberry leaves. The preparation is very simple: a glass of boiling water should be poured a small amount of leaves (2 tsp), then boil, cool and strain the resulting mass. Decoction to drink in small portions throughout the day.

Prevention of arthritis

Taking into account the main factors provoking the development of pathological processes in the joints, it is not difficult to decide on preventive measures that will prevent arthritis. It is necessary to love your body and take care of it.

Be sure to monitor the weight, adhere to the regime of the day and eat right, limit the use of salt.

A person who is interested in his own health will try to get rid of addictions and will control his psycho-emotional state.

It is also necessary to strictly observe the basic sanitary and hygienic norms, remembering that any of our deviations from them give an extra chance of infection.

The article is based on the materials of the Artusmed website.

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