The back is spinning in the area of ​​the scapula: causes

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  • 1Causes and treatment of the itching of the back in the area of ​​the scapula
  • 2The back is scraped in the area of ​​the scapula - the causes and treatment of pruritus
    • 2.1Causes of itching between the shoulder blades
    • 2.2Hives
    • 2.3Psoriasis
    • 2.4Scabies
    • 2.5Neurodermatitis
    • 2.6Seborrhea
    • 2.7Infectious lesions
    • 2.8Fungus
    • 2.9Diabetes
    • 2.10Mental disorders
    • 2.11Other reasons
    • 2.12Treatment of itching in the area of ​​scapula - drugs and ointments
    • 2.13The help of traditional medicine
    • 2.14Herbal decoctions and infusions
    • 2.15Healing Ointments
    • 2.16Bathroom treatments
  • 3Why does the back itch in the area of ​​scapula and along the whole spine?
  • 4Why does it hurt to spin in the area of ​​the scapula?
  • 57 basic and 10 additional reasons why it itches and burns back
    • 5.1Causes of permanent carding of the back
    • 5.2Causes and symptoms of allergy
    • 5.3Therapeutic events
    • 5.4Folk options for treating allergies

Causes and treatment of the itching of the back in the area of ​​the scapula

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Dismantling all possible causes of pruritus on the back is especially necessary to identify the main health problem.

Most often, the back can be itchy if a person has various dermatological diseases.

The main pathological processes in this area can include the following:

  1. Hives. This condition can occur in humans for various reasons. For example, urticaria can be the result of an allergic reaction to food or drinks, to tissues of inorganic origin (such as synthetics, rayon, etc.), hygiene products and cosmetics for body care and skin.
  2. Psoriasis. This disease is a chronic autoimmune disorder that is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbations and fading of its signs of manifestation.
  3. Scabies. The disease is characterized as a parasitically conditioned condition, which is manifested by the appearance on the body of a marked rash, point strokes. If the disease is caused by an itch mite, the itching on the body is greatly enhanced in the evening and at night.
  4. Neurodermatitis. It is a neuro-allergic disease, which is usually accompanied by the appearance of characteristic plaques on the skin, which are formed from small papules and constantly cause itching sensations. Like the manifestations of scabies, problem areas of the skin are scratched most strongly in the evening, at night.
  5. Seborrhea. Seborrhoea or seborrheic dermatitis is a condition that usually occurs due to disturbances in the activity of the sebaceous glands. With this process, the amount of secreted glands secretion increases significantly, changing the composition of sebum itself. In the presence of seborrheic dermatitis, a person's skin can become both excessively dry and excessively oily.
  6. Skin infections. To such infections it is possible to carry, for example, impetigo or folliculitis. Usually, such conditions are interrelated with the formation of acne on the skin, passing over time into inflamed purulent formations.
  7. Fungal skin lesions. The most common fungal lesion of the skin is the so-called red flat lichen.

Knowing why it itches back often allows a person to provide a fairly persistent therapeutic result. The most common causal factors explaining why a person can scratch the back are such as:

  • dry skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • insufficiency or excessiveness of water procedures;
  • exposure to chemical irritants that are in direct contact with the skin;
  • the action of a variety of allergenic substances;
  • infection of the skin (the appearance of papules and pustules);
  • the presence of a systemic disease, which is often accompanied by the presence of renal or hepatic insufficiency;
  • diseases of the peripheral or central parts of the human nervous system;
  • taking narcotic drugs;
  • the state of pregnancy that causes a variety of changes in the hormonal background of a woman;
  • the presence of a variety of dermatological and dermatovenereological diseases (for example, eczema, psoriasis, herpetic eruptions on the body).

There are many different situations that can provoke the appearance of skin itching over the entire surface of the back, especially in such an unpleasant area as between the shoulder blades.

Examples of such provocative situations:

  1. Exposure of irritating cosmetics to the skin.
  2. The effect of dyes, which were used by manufacturers in the process of dyeing clothing fabrics.
  3. Contacting a person with certain types of metals (the most dangerous in this regard is contact with nickel).
  4. The effects of juices of certain varieties of plants (especially often there is itching after ingestion or interaction with citrus juices).
  5. Acceptance of a number of medications (an example is the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or opioid analgesics).
  6. The effect of hazardous ultraviolet radiation, which has its damaging effect when taking tanning, when visiting a solarium, etc.

Often the cause of the appearance of itching in the back may be bites of the following insects:

  • scabby tick (with the bites of this insect, the most frequent occurrence is the itching between the scapula);
  • lice (as an example can be called a pubic louse);
  • bees;
  • mosquito bites;
  • wasps (can cause the strongest allergic reaction up to a lethal outcome);
  • fleas;
  • hornets.

Itching sensations in the region of the scapula, in the subscapular region and along the entire surface of the back can become symptomatic manifestations of various infectious diseases. Examples of such infections:

  1. Chickenpox.
  2. Herpes infection.
  3. Mycosis (caused by fungal lesions of the skin).

The development of pruritus in the back can become a symptom of the manifestation of numerous diseases of internal organs and human systems.

This occurs if the back path or the scapula is involved in the development of the pathological process, both on one side of the body and immediately on both sides (the most common bilateral type of lesion). Examples of such diseases are the following:

  1. Hyperthyroidism. The disease is characterized by increased functioning of the thyroid gland.
  2. Hypothyroidism. The opposite of hyperthyroidism is characterized by a decrease in the functional activity of the thyroid gland. The result of this reduction is the occurrence of dry skin.
  3. Pathological abnormalities in the functioning of the hepatobiliary system (eg, cholelithiasis, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis).
  4. Hemoblastosis. This is an oncological disease of the blood.
  5. Lymphogranulomatosis. The onset of this disease is often the appearance and intensification of itching in the back. This itching pushes the patient to seek help in the hospital.
  6. Malignant neoplasms in the mammary gland, the prostate gland and in some other organs.
  7. Period of menopause in a woman. During this period, the production of the hormone estrogen, which causes dry skin, is sharply reduced.
  8. Failures in the menstrual-ovarian cycle.

You can list a number of other factors that cause the appearance of skin itching on the back and between the shoulder blades:

  • Diseases of the endocrine system (for example, disruptions in the activity of the thyroid gland, the emergence of diabetes mellitus).
  • Diseases of the liver and gallbladder (inflammatory processes in the bile ducts, which are often accompanied by jaundice of the skin).
  • A number of blood diseases (here you can include iron deficiency anemia).
  • A variety of mental disorders (states of neurotic and depressive nature, effects on the psyche when taking narcotic drugs and others).

It also happens that the itch between the shoulder blades in a person is provoked not by the presence of certain diseases or violations in the body, but simply the usual non-compliance with recommendations for hygienic care for your body and skin. Also, it is not uncommon for an itch to occur because of the bites of a variety of insects that live in an uncleared dwelling.

Very often there are complaints in elderly people that they have itching on their backs, that their back scratches, especially between the shoulder blades.

This itch is observed regularly and in the same places. This phenomenon is easily explained.

It is also called an old itch, which is a physiological phenomenon that develops for no apparent reason.

Infrequently, but still there are cases when the back is itchy due to irritation of the nerve endings along the spine, which arises because of their partial or complete squeezing. There are also complaints of numbness and irritation along all vertebrae.

Specialists are recommended in any case at the appearance of the first unusual symptoms of itching in the back area to seek help from doctors, in time to conduct the necessary comprehensive research and analysis, and also to make a competent diagnosis and designate an appropriate treatment.

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The back is scraped in the area of ​​the scapula - the causes and treatment of pruritus

When a person constantly heals his back, he can not normally concentrate on his work or rest.

He always wants to relieve itching sooner in any accessible way. Many, for sure, are familiar with this problem. As a rule, the itching of the back on the shoulder blades does not last long.

In this case, there is no cause for concern.

The situation is quite different if it is observed for a long time. In such circumstances, it is worthwhile to go to the hospital, because a constant itch can talk about serious violations in the body.

Causes of itching between the shoulder blades

There are many reasons that explain the appearance of itching in the upper back.

Factors that provoked it can be completely harmless or become a threat to human health.

That's why it's important to know what led to discomfort in the form of constant itching.


With such a phenomenon as hives in their lives faced many. It has the appearance of a rash covering the skin of different parts of the body. In the field of scapula it can be observed because of the influence on the body of unfavorable factors:

  • Low-quality cosmetics;
  • Incorrectly selected medications;
  • Unsuitable hygiene products;
  • Experience of stress;
  • Wearing clothes made of synthetic fabrics.


Patients who have been diagnosed with psoriasis often complain that their back itches. With this disease, the skin of different parts of the body is affected. Most often suffer are those areas where there are serious injuries.

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Autoimmune disease occurs in a chronic form. The patient is experiencing then periods of exacerbation, then remission.


Between the scapula can itch because of scabies. This disease is caused by a small parasite, called an itch mite. Most often, an unpleasant symptom worries at night. Suspect infection of insects can be on the small reddish points that cover the skin.


As a rule, the neurodermatitis is chronic. Its aggravation is caused by the following factors:

  • Decreased protective properties of the body;
  • Heredity;
  • Diseases of the digestive organs;
  • Failure in metabolism;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Exhaustion of the body.


The disease, which causes itching in the area of ​​scapula and other parts of the body, has three forms. Seborrhea can be dry, oily and mixed. Determine the pathology is possible for a number of characteristic symptoms for her:

  1. Redness;
  2. Constant itching, which intensifies when a person sweats profusely;
  3. Acne;
  4. Sensation of pain in the skin lesions;
  5. Peeling of the epidermis.

Infectious lesions

Pimples on the back, which are very itchy, may appear due to infectious skin lesions.

Such a rash is accompanied by a course of impetigo and folliculitis. It eventually becomes inflamed and begins to fester.

As a rule, itching occurs with such diagnoses during the appearance of new formations.


Many men and women had to face fungal diseases that led to severe damage to the skin on the back and other parts of the body. Several factors can provoke their development:

  • Intoxication of the body;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • Stress.


The itching sensation in the area of ​​the scapulas in diabetes mellitus appears due to the settling of crystalline sugar on the vessels.

Because of this, there is a disruption of the kidneys, resulting in an intoxication of the body.

The skin becomes thin and dry, so it begins to itch. It is necessary to replace, that the disease proceeds without an eruption.

Mental disorders

With this violation, a person may have itch of different types:

  1. Neurotic excoriation;
  2. Tactile hallucinosis.

Other reasons

It is banal itching in the area of ​​the shoulder blades can be explained by non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene, obtaining a severe burn and biting an insect. Also, an unpleasant symptom often worries people of age.

In this case, it is called senile itching. It is caused by various pathological processes that occur in the body.

Treatment of itching in the area of ​​scapula - drugs and ointments

If a person itches the right or left shoulder blade, he will certainly try to find a way that will help ease his condition and relieve the discomfort. Itching of the back, observed for a long time, requires treatment.

To understand how to cope with the problem, the patient should visit the dermatologist's office.

If necessary, he will have to consult other specialist specialists if itching is caused by the development of certain diseases in the body.

To get rid of skin itching, which is felt in the area of ​​shoulder blades and shoulders, it is advised to use the "Aloe Vera" remedy. Therapeutic composition is best applied to the affected areas of the skin after taking a shower before going to bed.

Do not interfere with the use of sedatives, which help to sleep normally and reduce nervous irritation.

It is extremely undesirable to wear clothes made of synthetic and woolen fabrics, since they only increase itching. It is better to give preference to products made of cotton material.

The entire process of treatment of pruritus in the area of ​​the scapula will be built on the basis of 3 important principles:

  1. Conducting local skin treatment in places that have been affected by the disease;
  2. Treatment of pathological processes that led to rash;
  3. Providing systematic care that will allow the body to quickly get rid of the painful condition and its complications.

The help of traditional medicine

If the upper part of the back begins to itch, it is worth trying to eliminate the itch by the means offered by traditional medicine. They are presented in the form of ointments, lotions and broths. In a complex with chemist's products with their help, you can get rid of itching sensations in a matter of days.

Herbal decoctions and infusions

Decoctions and infusions based on herbs help to cope with skin itch. They are recommended to make from such plants:

  • Three-colored violet;
  • Burdock;
  • Licorice;
  • Valerian;
  • Burdock;
  • Nettle.

It is necessary to take these components in equal amounts and mix. After 2 tbsp. l. dried mixture is poured, l hot water. Herbal drink should be covered.

It should be infused overnight at room temperature. After the finished product must take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day during the three-month period.

Healing Ointments

Ointments are considered more effective than broths, since they act directly on the lesion. Such local means of local action help to get rid of itching:

  1. Of the laurel leaves it is necessary to make a powder. It is mixed with butter. The resulting mass should be spread over a sore spot.
  2. 1 tbsp. l. walnut mixed with yolk and vegetable oil. Mixture before use, you need to hold it for a couple of minutes on low heat. After it is carefully filtered. Homemade ointment should be applied a thin layer on the affected areas.

If ointments cooked at home do not help, the patient should try to treat the itch and rash with the help of products containing phenol, camora and menthol.

Bathroom treatments

To reduce the manifestation of itching help bathing in the water, which is added a mixture of lavender, oak bark, calendula, chamomile and oats. No less useful is rubbing your back with apple cider vinegar or chamomile infusions.

In case of such violations, it is recommended to drink tea with melissa leaves.

Do not overstretch with a visit to a specialist when itching in the upper back. If this symptom was provoked by internal problems, then traditional ways to get rid of it are unlikely to succeed.

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Why does the back itch in the area of ​​scapula and along the whole spine?

Everyone knows the feeling when it itches. Such a state delivers discomfort not only physical, but also psychological.

One of the most uncomfortable diseases is the itching, which occurs along the spine, the area of ​​the scapula, or it itches the entire back. Such a manifestation of the skin can be caused by various causes.

This determines the type of itching, which manifests itself in various forms. The cause of carding can be the formation of rashes, pimples or spots on the back. Do not self-medicate, you need to contact a specialist.

Only a doctor will be able to determine the reason why such manifestations have arisen?

Reception of the patient begins with interrogation and visual inspection of problem zones of the patient. If necessary, scraping is taken from the affected area and sent for analysis. This will allow the doctor to determine the reason why it itches?

The main ones can be:

  • Over-dried skin;
  • Excessive sweating;
  • Insufficient or excessive adoption of water procedures;
  • Exposure of irritating chemicals to the skin;
  • Infectious lesions of the skin, arising in the form of papules, pustules;
  • Diseases associated with the nervous system, causing manifestations along the spine;
  • Hormonal failures, especially in women during pregnancy;
  • Dermatological diseases that cause skin manifestations along the spine and shoulder area;
  • Allergens that affect the skin;
  • Diseases associated with impaired liver or kidney function;
  • The impact of narcotic drugs;
  • Starchy pruritus, resulting from a change in the structure of the skin.

The most frequent reasons why it itches the back, doctors refer to skin diseases. They cause rashes of various types that occur near the scapula, along the spinal line and other areas of the back.

Allocate the basic dermatological diseases, in which the back is scratched:

  1. Hives. Occurs as a result of an allergic reaction of the body. Allergen can be certain food products, clothing made of synthetic fabrics, cosmetic means for body care and much more;
  2. Psoriasis. Chronic disease, which is periodically exacerbated. Characterized by the formation of spots with silvery scales. They cover hands, back, stomach;
  3. Scabies. Infectious disease that occurs when the skin is affected by an itch mite. It shows a rash on which point moves are visible. Itching often occurs along the scapula and is especially strongly itchy at night;
  4. Eczema. The disease is characterized by the formation on the surface of the skin of red manifestations. They cover different parts of the body. Manifestations are accompanied by severe itching;
  5. Fungal diseases. The causes are the defeat of the skin fungal infection. Most often, the back is covered with red, flat lichen.

In order to understand why the back is scratched along the spine, it is necessary to identify the causes of the pathology that has arisen. This issue is given special attention. The feeling that there is an itch along the spine is in fact a mechanical action.

Experts explain why this happens. Along the spinal column are the roots of nerves and their endings. In diseases of the spine, the thickness of the vertebral discs decreases. This leads to partial compression of the nerve endings. The patient feels a slight numbness and irritation.

This mechanical process explains why a patient feels that a certain area of ​​skin is being scratched along the spinal column.

If you have these symptoms, you need to check your spine. Perhaps, it is the reason why the skin is scratched along the shoulder blades.

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Often this situation occurs with osteochondrosis.

Itching along the spinal column or along the entire back requires certain methods of treatment. If such symptoms are found, the patient is referred to a dermatologist. If necessary, he is given a referral for examination from other specialists.

Before starting a course of therapy, the patient should become familiar with some of the recommendations that need to be followed. This will help reduce the course of therapy and achieve more effective treatment outcomes.

To remove itching on the back surface, it is recommended to apply the "Aloe Vera" cosmetic. The procedure is performed before bedtime after taking a shower.

As a sedative for the skin, honey is used, which is mixed with olive oil:. The prepared mixture is applied to the affected areas. It is important to remember that natural honey is a strong allergen.

It is not recommended to wear things made of synthetic and woolen fabrics. Preference should be given to cotton fabrics. Taking a bath, add a decoction of medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory properties. Water procedures should not be long.

It is not recommended to use hygiene products, which include starch. It is better to refuse them. Symptoms of various diseases can cause itching of the skin. Therefore, treatment depends on the cause of its occurrence.

The main principles of getting rid of skin manifestations include:

  • Targeted treatment of the disease that caused itching;
  • Local treatment of the skin in places of localization of manifestations;
  • Systemic therapy, which consists in a general action on the body.

It is not recommended to engage in self-treatment until the inflamed skin is examined by a specialist. Self-processed itchy areas can affect the conduct of diagnosis.

After examining the patient, the doctor prescribes a medication course of therapy. Sometimes it is conducted in conjunction with the use of traditional methods of treatment.

Traditional treatment is useful in conjunction with treatment with folk remedies. Applying complex therapy, you can quickly get rid of the itch, which constantly torments.

Healing herbs

The effective methods of traditional medicine include the use of decoctions of medicinal plants. For its preparation use nettles, burdock root and licorice, a string and many others, possessing antihistamine properties.

For the preparation of medicinal broth, one kind of plant or collection of herbs is used. Take 50 grams of the crushed plant and 550 ml of boiling water.

Infuse the broth in a glass container under the lid. The drug is taken daily for 35-40 ml two months.

Also it can be used for local rubbing of cutaneous manifestations, when they strongly disturb.

Mint tincture

Infusion of mint is a very effective remedy for skin itching. To make it, you need 25 grams of crushed mint leaves and 100 ml of alcohol. The plant is filled with alcohol and infused for 15 days in a dark place. The strained agent is used to lubricate the affected areas of the skin.

Apple vinegar

Lubricate affected areas of the skin can be apple cider vinegar. It relieves itching well, and restores the structure of the skin. To wipe it, dilute it with filtered or boiled water:.

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle will help prevent the occurrence of various skin manifestations. If they still appeared, you need to visit a doctor.

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Why does it hurt to spin in the area of ​​the scapula?

Itching of the back between the shoulder blades (persistent) is an unpleasant symptom signaling a violation in the body of an allergic or fungal nature.

It happens that it itches in the same place for a long time, but a person does not betray this big value and appeals for help only with the advent of additional symptoms - puffiness, rashes and pain sensations.

To your attention in the table are the most common causes of the appearance of this symptom.

The cause of itching Features
Hives It can arise because of a negative reaction to:
  • synthetics;
  • medications;
  • cosmetics;
  • hygiene products;
  • dyes in tissues;
  • a bite of an insect;
  • stress;
  • ultraviolet and others.

Characterized by the appearance on the skin of a pinkish convex rash that causes severe itching. When acute form is accompanied by:

  1. violation of stool;
  2. headache;
  3. nausea;
  4. hyperemia, etc.
Psoriasis Chronic autoimmune disease, occurring with alternating periods of remission and exacerbation. Characterized by the appearance on different parts of the body, including the back, psoriasis itching plaques. They have a relief structure, dry to touch and covered with white coating. At the initial stage it almost always looks like a small red spot the size of a coin.
Scabies The disease is caused by an itch mite and is characterized by the appearance on the skin of an itchy rash with visible passages of the parasite. Exacerbation is observed at night. It can appear in the form of many small red dots all over the body.
Neurodermatitis The disease is chronic and develops under the influence of the following factors:
  • decreased immunity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • intoxication;
  • heredity;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • exhaustion;
  • pathology of the central nervous system.

The back is spinning in the area of ​​the scapula due to the appearance on the skin of red pimples, plaques and papules that merge with each other. Because of frequent combing, the dermis is affected by a secondary infection, which is manifested by swelling and the transformation of papules into vesicles with liquid. The back is mainly affected in children.

Seborrhea Can be of 3 types: dry, oily and mixed. Symptoms:
  1. acne on the skin;
  2. itching, worse with sweating;
  3. redness;
  4. irritation;
  5. peeling (white and yellow scales);
  6. soreness of the skin in the lesions.

It is possible to attach a secondary infection.

Skin Infections Folliculitis and impetigo cause the appearance of pimples, which become inflamed with the formation of pus. Itching on the back in one place can be due to the appearance of new tumors.
Fungal lesions Lesions on the back can cause red lichen, which appears with sensitivity to pathogens on the skin. Factors contributing to the development of the disease:
  • stress;
  • intoxication;
  • injury;
  • decreased immunity;
  • hormonal disorders, etc.

Disease is characterized by the appearance on the dermis of specific rashes of different shapes and hues in the form of blisters, itchy blisters, plaques, ulcers and redness (depends on the type of lichen), which strongly are itching. Also, in the area of ​​the scapula, dark brown spots are very often localized, characteristic of the otriparous lichen. They are not itchy in 90% of cases. But lesions with a ringworm are rarely found on the back, but they can be easily recognized by the large bright red lesions, which are accompanied by an intolerable itch.

Endocrine diseases In diabetes mellitus, the back is scraped in the area of ​​the scapula due to the settling of crystalline sugar in small vessels, with the kidneys being disturbed and toxins accumulating in the body. Dermis becomes dry and thin. Can strongly itch.
Pathologies of the liver and gallbladder The occurrence of itching due to intoxication of the body and the effect on the nerve fibers of the skin of bile acids.
Iron-deficiency anemia Itching occurs with hemoblastosis (blood cancer) in the first stages of the disease.
Mental disorders Itching is divided into: tactile hallucinosis (dermatitis nonsense) - a symptom of monochondriac psychosis; European excoriations are a sign of a change in personality.
Pinching the nerves of the spine Itching occurs as a result of squeezing the nerves of the spinal column with deformed intervertebral discs.
A bite of an insect
Non-compliance with hygiene
Itchy pruritus Occurs in people over 60 (mostly men) because of:
  • atherosclerotic lesions of blood vessels;
  • lack of fluid in the body;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • pathologies of the digestive tract;
  • atrophy of sebaceous glands;
  • diseases of the joints and back.
Dry skin
Increased sweating
Lymphogranulomatosis Inflammation of the lymph nodes is often accompanied by skin itching and burning.
Excessive number of water procedures
Reception of medicines of narcotic nature
Pregnancy, menopause, malfunctions in the menstrual cycle
Oncology of the mammary gland (prostate in men) The same place on the back is scratched because of the formation of toxic products, as a result of the necrosis of pathogenic cells and their vital activity.
Violation of cerebral circulation

Depending on the cause of the appearance of itching, a therapy is selected that can include not only use of medicines, but also some change in lifestyle, as a preventive measures.

It is recommended to consult a doctor in cases where the symptomatology lasts more than three days or the clinical picture is supplemented with rashes and pain. Even light, at first glance, allergic reactions are best removed with drugs prescribed by a competent specialist.

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7 basic and 10 additional reasons why it itches and burns back

Probably, many people are familiar with this situation and they are wondering why it itches the back? And if this is a short-term phenomenon, then it does not cause any inconvenience to the person. If the itching of the skin between the shoulder blades appears constantly, it is often unpleasant for a person.

In addition to the development in this case of psychological and physical discomfort experienced by a patient, a strong and prolonged itching of the back is a significant sign of a violation of health.

To know exactly how to overcome this condition, you first need to understand why the itch appeared.

Causes of permanent carding of the back

In this case, the first and main causes are the following diseases:

  1. Allergy. It is able to express itself in the negative reaction of the body to the penetration into it of allergens such as dust, medicines, pollen of flowers, food, etc. Appearing in this case, the skin itch in the region of the scapula is atopic or contact dermatitis. Simultaneously with this symptom, the patient on the basis of the back there are swelling and large blisters, which, as they burst, they are covered with hard and dry crusts, which as a result brings to the person many unpleasant moments.
  2. Folliculitis (an infection developing on the skin). Such an infectious pathology, like impetigo (this is the second name of the disease) affects only the epithelium (the top layer of the skin) and is characterized by a large number of acne that is on the base of the back and is strongly itchy, discomfort. With folliculitis on the skin there is a large abscess, the cause of which can be called inflammation of the infectious type on the hair follicle.
  3. Xeroderma. This is an unpleasant and dangerous health condition, which is a hereditary disease. With xeroderma, a red stain appears in the back of the person, which constantly flakes and itches.
  4. Scabies. It is a disease caused by an itch mite - it is dangerous for a person that pathology is contagious. As a result of skin lesions, a papular rash appears on it, and whitish movements of the itch mite become well visible. It is worth knowing that with scabies, not only the entire body can be itchy, but also the back, the itch which will most strongly be felt in the evening.
  5. Neurodermatitis. This is an allergic disease that appears on the nerves, as a result of the influence on the human body of constant stressful situations. With this pathology, the itch between the scapula is very strong, which does not pass at night, but only intensifies. Also on the body, the patient can have plaques that eventually burst and become rough.
  6. Psoriasis. This is a chronic skin disease that occurs as a result of autoimmune changes, resulting in the appearance of gray plaques on the patient's body resembling frozen wax.
  7. Seborrhea. This is a cutaneous pathology, the cause of which is the disruption of the functioning of the sebaceous glands. With the development of the disease in humans, you can find an increased amount of subcutaneous fat, which has an altered composition. Skin in people with this disease becomes thick and shiny, on which wide mouths of glands are clearly visible.

Those who are interested in the question of why the back is itching is also worth noting that there are other reasons for this unpleasant itch.

These include:

  • insect bites;
  • healing on the back of small wounds;
  • children's infectious diseases, which include chickenpox, measles and so on;
  • dry skin;
  • irritation of the skin;
  • a blood disorder or a violation of its composition;
  • senile itching;
  • pathology of the gallbladder or liver;
  • development of sclerosis in humans;
  • diabetes.

Often, burning in the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades occurs with the development of allergies, so when you go to the doctor, he immediately begins to identify this disease. If the allergy is not detected, the doctor will correctly diagnose the external signs and analyzes.

Causes and symptoms of allergy

The main factors that cause the development of allergies are permanent stressful situations, improperly selected or unnatural foods, poor ecology, psycho-emotional disorders and so Further.

The allergy on the back can manifest itself in a number of ways:

  1. improper intake of drugs;
  2. flowering plants;
  3. a violation in the body of the hormonal background;
  4. incorrectly selected hygienic means;
  5. poor-quality cosmetics;
  6. excessive sweating;
  7. lack of personal hygiene;
  8. genetic predisposition;
  9. eating foods that are highly allergenic.

Most often the symptoms of the appearance of this disease depend on the location of the rashes, as well as the type of allergens. It is worth knowing that the symptoms of the onset of an allergic reaction on the back differ from one another in great variety. The disease can have 2 forms - mild (this manifests itself in the form of a contact allergy) and severe (the patient develops allergic dermatitis).

The main signs of an allergy include:

  • rash on the whole base of the back, which is very itchy and causes scaling of the skin;
  • In case of complication of the disease, CNS excitation can occur, expressed in the raised anxiety of the patient;
  • Skin covers of red color, characterized by severe dermatitis;
  • elevated body temperature.

To prevent the development of serious complications, it is necessary to visit the doctor immediately when the initial symptoms appear. It is especially important to do this when the back does not cease to itch in children - it is important to note that this phenomenon is very common today. According to statistical data, every second child with a development of allergies constantly itches the back.

With the development of complications of the disease, the allergy develops as follows:

  1. the rash quickly "crumbles" throughout the body - this leads to the fact that the skin starts to itch and becomes too dry;
  2. when rashes on the body, the patient develops bubbles with water contents that often become wet or pus;
  3. an allergic reaction is accompanied by general weakness, lethargy and symptoms of intoxication, which is most common in children and adolescents;
  4. disturbance of functioning of the digestive tract.

It is worth knowing that the causes and treatment of pathology are interrelated.

However, to conduct self-treatment is strictly prohibited, so if you find the first symptoms (combed and burns back), you should immediately contact an allergist.

First you need to establish a diagnosis, and determine the causes of the disease. Only after this, the attending physician must prescribe an effective treatment so that the back does not itch and other symptoms pass.

Therapeutic events

The back is by right a hard-to-reach part of the body, which is difficult to treat because of its inaccessibility. It is worth knowing that the treatment of the disease is directly related to the cause, which caused the development of pathology.

The patient, in the first place, should be excluded:

  • The presumed allergen that causes allergies. After his complete absence symptoms and signs of allergy will disappear - this will immediately improve the skin condition and cleanse it of red spots and acne.
  • Foods and beverages that contribute to the intensification of the disease course - eggs, citrus fruits, chocolate.
  • For children, the dosage is selected individually, taking into account the doctor's recommendations. When treating a patient, medicines that reduce the risk of developing allergy symptoms are prescribed.

Children are most often prescribed medicines in the form of drops and syrups, which are characterized by a minimal side effect.

Such medicines include:

  1. Claritin;
  2. Enterosgel;
  3. Zirtek;
  4. Erius.

Adult doctor appoints antihistamines, which include:

If the course of the disease is too difficult, the allergist doctor prescribes to the patient the use of hormone therapy, as well as enterosorbents, which contribute to the rapid elimination of toxic components.

To strengthen the immunity of the patient, he may be prescribed a course of taking vitamins. When treating a disease in children, you need to know that hormonal drugs should be used with extreme caution.

Folk options for treating allergies

To successfully cope with the manifestations of dermatitis caused by an allergy, folk medicine will help.

With the help of her prescriptions, you can remove skin swelling, redness, reduce itching, and also say goodbye to other signs of the disease.

However, the use of traditional medicine recipes is recommended only if the person there is no reaction to plants and herbs - otherwise it will intensify the course of the allergy and lead to its complications.

Folk recipes:

  • Healing decoction of medicinal herbs. In the container, a pinch of bark of black currant and viburnum is mixed, and also a turn and a medicinal camomile. To the resulting mixture is added 2 small spoons of licorice root and the composition is again thoroughly mixed. Then you need to take 1 spoonful of this collection, which should be filled with 250 ml of boiling water. After this, the infusion is put on a water bath and heated for 15 minutes. After the due time, the broth should be removed, then cover and insist for 1 hour. At will, it can be wrapped up to keep the broth warm.

    After the time has elapsed, the liquid is filtered. Drink medicinal broth should be cooled down to 50 ml (do it 4 times a day).

  • Applications. Connects to 1 large spoonful of mint, sage, plantain and rose powder, after which the dry ingredients mix well. Then the collection should be poured a glass of boiling water and put for infusion for 1 hour. After this, the infusion should be filtered (if necessary) and add a pinch of starch. After that, the mass mixes well. To apply the received applications on a back follows for 20 minutes, and then a skin needs to be washed out well.

    To conduct such treatment should be 1 time per day.

  • Ointment based on sea buckthorn oil. To two teaspoons of sea buckthorn oil is added a glass of melted pork fat, which can also be replaced with chicken. After this, you must carefully mix everything and apply the composition to redness and itchy skin. Also, fat can be replaced with a baby cream. The resulting remedy will be effective in the treatment of many skin diseases, not just allergies.

Correctly selected treatment will quickly cure the disease, as well as get rid of unpleasant symptoms. To break it is not recommended, otherwise it can lead to the development of complications.

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