Bursitis of foot and ankle: treatment

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  • 1Tips, how and what to treat bursitis ankle joint
    • 1.1What is bursitis of the foot, causes and manifestations
    • 1.2What kinds of bursitis happens?
    • 1.3Traditional methods of treatment
    • 1.4How to treat bursitis of feet in the home
    • 1.5Rehabilitation therapy
  • 2Bursitis of feet and ways of its treatment
    • 2.1Predisposing factors
    • 2.2Symptoms
    • 2.3Treatment
  • 3Bursitis of the ankle joint - how and what to treat at home, recipes of folk medicine with reviews
    • 3.1What is an ankle bursitis
    • 3.2Symptoms
    • 3.3Chronic inflammation of the bursa
    • 3.4Types of foot bursitis
    • 3.5Diagnostics
    • 3.6Treatment of ankle bursitis
    • 3.7How to treat bursitis of feet in the home
    • 3.8Medications
    • 3.9Physical exercises
    • 3.10Folk remedies
    • 3.11Physiotherapy
    • 3.12Surgery
    • 3.13Prevention
  • 4Ankle bursitis: Symptoms and ways of treatment
    • 4.1Possible causes of appearance
    • 4.2Symptoms and signs
    • 4.3Recommended ways to treat bursitis in the ankle
    • 4.4Therapeutic treatment
    • 4.5Surgery
    • 4.6Physiotherapy
    • 4.7Folk treatment
    • 4.8Advice on prevention
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Symptoms and methods of treatment of ankle bursitis
    • 5.1Etiology of ankle bursitis
    • 5.2Symptoms and signs
    • 5.3Chronic inflammation of the bursa
    • 5.4Diagnostics
    • 5.5Methods of treatment

Tips, how and what to treat bursitis ankle joint

Bursitis is an acute or chronic inflammatory process in the tissues of the synovial bag.

As a rule, inflammation occurs due to infection with infection or due to injury to the joint.

When deciding how to treat an ankle bursitis, the attending physician will take into account the etiology of the disease.

What is bursitis of the foot, causes and manifestations

Near all the large joints of the human body are pockets filled with synovial fluid - bursa. They provide mechanical protection of tissues and soften the friction of conjugated bones.

As a result of infection or injury, the bursa begins an inflammatory process. In the early stages of bursitis, good results can be achieved by treatment without surgery. As the development of pathological processes may require surgical intervention.

The reasons provoking the onset of inflammation of the bursa are many. As the main factors it is customary to distinguish the following:

  • Injuries. The disease can develop as a result of surgical intervention, stretching or fracture of the foot. Posttraumatic bursitis is one of the most common forms of the disease.
  • Excess patient weight.
  • Microtrauma. Chronic bursitis often develops in builders, athletes, people wearing uncomfortable shoes. In each of the cases described, the joint bag is permanently injured
  • Deformities of the foot - flat feet and other, congenital or acquired defects.
  • Infection - getting into the cavity of the synovial bag, gonococci or staphylococci begin to multiply actively. Inflammation begins, accompanied by purulent discharge. The protocol of treatment in this case is somewhat different from traditional methods of therapy. The patient must prescribe a course of antibiotics and steroid anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Adjacent diseases. Bursitis is common in patients with gout, rheumatism, arthritis.

The clinical picture of the disease is clearly pronounced, which allows you to make an accurate diagnosis, even with a visual examination of the patient.

The symptoms of ankle bursitis may be slightly different, depending on the causes of inflammation, but with any etiology the following symptoms are observed:

  • Pain syndrome with localization in the place of the damaged synovial bag.
  • Puffiness.
  • Change in skin color and temperature at the site of inflammation.
  • Enhanced formation of effusion - exudate.

When diagnosing a disease, it is extremely important to establish the exact causes of inflammation, since the treatment technique largely depends on the results of the survey.

Folk methods of treatment of bursitis on the foot are applicable only for the initial stages of noninfectious inflammation. Purulent bursitis without proper therapy can cause death.

What kinds of bursitis happens?

Depending on the reasons that served as a catalyst for the inflammatory process, it is common to classify the three main types of bursitis.

  1. Infectious - hard to give therapy. Home treatment is unacceptable.

    The cause of inflammation are the bacteria in the synovial bag. It leads to sepsis, gangrene.

  2. Traumatic - this category includes all types of bursitis due to injuries: sprains, bruises, fractures, ligament rupture, congenital or acquired foot defects, etc.
  3. Chronic inflammation of the synovial bag.

    Older bursitis often degenerates into chronic bursitis. The chronic form of the disease is characterized by a lower rate of development. To eliminate the pathology is often recommended to undergo surgical treatment.

Previously, seeking qualified help helps quickly get rid of inflammation and shorten the rehabilitation period. At the initial stage, bursitis on the foot can be treated at home.

Traditional methods of treatment

When bursitis stops prescribed drugs, injections, medications, aimed at removing inflammation and eliminate the cause of the disease.

Principles of therapy consist in eliminating spasms of surrounding tissues, normalization of articular fluid production, alleviation of pain syndrome.

Non-surgical medication for bursitis of the foot is conservative.

In addition, LFK and physiotherapy are prescribed, which allows to eliminate the causes of the disease.

Traditionally, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - reduce swelling and pain in the foot, provide the necessary conditions for the normalization of the joints.
  • Anti-inflammatory ointments in the treatment of bursitis of the foot - the composition includes preparations of the NSAID group, snake or bee venom.
  • Corticosteroids - in case of severe inflammation enter directly into the joint cavity, after pumping out the exudate.
  • Antibiotics - prescribe only with an infectious inflammatory process.

In addition to drug therapy, with the deterioration of the patient's state of health, surgical treatment is prescribed.

During a surgical operation, a synovial bag is completely or partially removed, or it is opened to remove purulent discharge.

How to treat bursitis of feet in the home

Treatment of an ankle bursitis with folk remedies does not cancel traditional methods of therapy and the need to consult a surgeon or an arthrologist. The best results come from taking medications together with compresses and lotions.

There are a large number of recipes that allow not only to reduce the intensity of pain, but also help in restoring motor functions.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of ankle bursitis recommends the use of crushed burdock roots, propolis for the lotions. Relaxing, beneficial effect has a bath with the addition of salts of the dead sea.

To effectively treat bursitis of the foot at home, one should listen to the opinion of the attending physician. Often, experts themselves recommend some methods of traditional medicine.

Rehabilitation therapy

After a surgical procedure, a long recovery time is required. The complexity of rehabilitation is the need to ensure all conditions for preventing recurrence of the disease. Postoperative period after bursitis of the foot is at least 1-2 months. During the entire recovery period, the patient is recommended to attend exercise therapy, physical therapy. Traditional methods of treatment of bursitis can help at the initial stage and during rehabilitation. In acute form, inflammation can be cured only with the help of drug therapy, or a surgical operation.

A source: http://ponchikov.net/health/pozvonochnik-i-sustavi/439-kak-lechit-bursit-golenostopnogo-sustava.html

Bursitis of feet and ways of its treatment

Bursitis of the foot is an inflammation of the articular bags of the foot (lat. bursa - bag, it - inflammation). The joint bag is a connective tissue capsule.

Its main functions are mechanical protection of joint structures and production of joint (synovial) fluid.

This fluid facilitates the friction of articular surfaces and serves as a nutrient medium for articular cartilage.

Predisposing factors

Our foot has a rather complex structure. Her bones are connected with the bones of the shin and with each other through a variety of joints. The largest of them is the ankle.

But there are many small ones - interphalangeal, metatarsophalangeal. Bursitis can develop in any of these articulations.

Of course, most often the articular bags become inflamed in the ankle - the largest and most functionally significant articulation.

Here is the most powerful tendon of our body - Achilles. The joint bag is in the area of ​​the connection of this tendon with the calcaneus.

It is here that bursitis of the ankle joint is most often developed - achillobursitis. In a number of cases, other foot bags, heel and subcutaneous heel, can be affected.

Finally, bursitis can develop in smaller joints - metatarsophalangeal. A typical example is bursitis of the first (large) toe.

There are following reasons for the development of stop bursitis:

  • Trauma of the foot and ankle
  • Overweight
  • Heavy loads - exercise, long walking, carrying heavy loads
  • Unfavorable external influences - vibration, supercooling of feet
  • Platypodia and other types of congenital deformities of the foot
  • Wearing narrow, tight and uncomfortable shoes
  • Penetration of infection into the joint from other foci with blood flow during sepsis
  • Rheumatism, gout and other diseases leading to inflammation of the joints - arthritis.


Symptoms of bursitis differ little from those in any other inflammation of the musculoskeletal system. Achillesbusset, calcaneal bursitis is accompanied by such signs as pain, local edema, condensation and reddening of the skin.

As a result, movements in the ankle are restricted, walking is difficult. Inflammation of the bursa is often accompanied by the formation and congestion in the joint cavity of a large number of pathological effusions - exudate.

Sometimes, for example, in infectious and septic processes, exudate may be with an admixture of pus, and in trauma - with an admixture of blood.

The accumulated exudate is characterized by the phenomenon of fluctuations - the sensation of fluid fluctuation when feeling the inflamed bursa.

Depending on the causes of bursitis, these symptoms can develop rapidly, acutely, or vice versa, chronically, gradually, gradually, when the patient does not attach much importance to them until a certain time. Acute bursitis, as a rule, develops due to injuries or infections, chronic - as a result of arthritis, wearing tight shoes and adverse external influences.

Because of motor disorders, the reflex tension of the calf muscles occurs, which further increases the load on the foot joints.

And this, in turn, aggravates the flow of bursitis - a vicious circle is being formed. In the end, persistent violations of the configuration of the foot and ankle develop.

In the absence of treatment, achillobursitis can lead to rupture of the Achilles tendon.


How to treat stop bursitis? First, you need to create a maximum stop. For this purpose, the feet are immobilized (immobilized) for a time of exacerbation by a gypsum longus with the exception of independent movements.

Further therapeutic tactics depends on the type and causes of bursitis. To eliminate inflammation, swelling and pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the form of preparations for external use are necessarily used.

Among them, Diklak gel, Fastum gel, Indomethacin, Ibuprofen ointment.

When a large amount of exudate is accumulated, it is removed by puncturing the bursa.

After removing the exudate, steroid hormones (hydrocortisone, Kenalog) are injected into the joint cavity, which also have an anti-inflammatory effect.


In the purulent nature of bursitis, puncture and the use of antibiotics are mandatory. Antibiotics are administered both intravenously and into the joint cavity.


Along with drug therapy, it is possible to treat folk remedies, for example:

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Purulent bursitis of the elbow joint

  • The simplest method is dry heat. To do this, heat the salt in a dry frying pan, place it in a pouch and apply it to the site of inflammation.
  • Compress from St. John's wort, yarrow and burdock root. Each of the ingredients is taken in equal parts. A mixture in an amount of 1 tbsp. Spoon is brewed in a glass of boiling water for 5 minutes. The resulting broth is used for compress in a warm form.
  • Foot conifers. For their preparation, boil for a half an hour a small amount of pine needles. You can also add bumps and twigs. Decoction to insist even day. Then, the resulting brownish liquid is added to warm water, and keep the feet about 15-2o minutes.
  • Compress with a golden mustache. Grind this plant, then take 1 tbsp. spoon and boil in a quart of a liter of water for 7 minutes. in sealed containers. Insist an hour, then apply to the site of inflammation.

After the pain has decreased, the pus is removed, the exudate has dissolved, the treatment of bursitis of the foot can be supplement physiotherapeutic procedures (magnet, phonophoresis, UHF), as well as paraffin, therapeutic mud. In chronic, severe Achilles bursitis, when the probability of rupture of the Achilles tendon is high, surgical intervention is indicated. They resort to a bursectomy - dissection of the inflamed bursa.

A source: http://MoyaSpina.ru/bursit-stopy-i-sposoby-ego-lecheniya

Bursitis of the ankle joint - how and what to treat at home, recipes of folk medicine with reviews

The inflammatory process of synovial bags located close to the joints is called bursitis. Most inflammation occurs near the largest joint, which passes near the Achilles tendon in the ankle.

Its main task is the mobility of the foot, therefore, in order not to disturb its functionality, it is important to start therapy as soon as possible.

Bursitis of the ankle has severe symptoms, it is easily diagnosed by X-ray photos, and the treatment of the initial stage of the disease is carried out at home.

What is an ankle bursitis

Each bone of the foot joint is surrounded by a joint capsule (joint bag) filled with synovial fluid, which serves to protect the joint from external damage and is a nutrient that prevents it abrasion.

When the ankle bursitis develops, the exudate accumulates in the connecting capsule. As it increases, the inflamed area becomes denser, accompanied by swelling.

If an ankle bursitis is not treated, then the movement of the joint will become impossible in the course of time, which will lead a person to disability.

Bursitis of the ankle develops for a variety of reasons. More often, the following factors provoke the disease:

  • congenital anomalies of the limbs;
  • microtrauma, ankle injury;
  • pathology of the ligament apparatus;
  • presence of arthrosis, arthritis;
  • overweight;
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • violation of the hormonal background or metabolism;
  • severe prolonged physical activity;
  • uneven load on the foot.


The symptoms of bursitis depend on the cause of the inflammation and the location of its localization. For example, achillobursitis is characterized by pain in the calcaneal region, swelling of the butt of the heel. Often bursitis occurs asymptomatically, which facilitates the transition of pathology to the chronic phase.

The main signs of the disease are the appearance of densification and pain symptoms in the affected area, difficulty in walking and stiffness of movements. Due to injury of the ankle in purulent exudate, an impurity of blood may appear.

When the palpation of the lesion is felt, the fluid rises.

Symptoms of the disease are pronounced if an acute bursitis of the ankle has developed. It appears, as a rule, as a result of trauma or due to other diseases characterized by purulent inflammation (erysipelas, carbuncles, osteomyelitis). Symptoms of acute bursitis:

  • swelling of the calcaneal tendon;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • tenderness of the joint even at rest;
  • increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • pronounced pain during palpation of the heel zone;
  • disturbance of motor activity.

Chronic inflammation of the bursa

Bursitis of the lower leg, which has passed into the chronic stage, is characterized by the presence of cicatricial changes - dense neoplasms. As a rule, it develops after long mechanical injuries of the ankle.

The appearance of hilly formations in the joint is indicated by the deposition of salts. However, the redness of the tissues and soreness for this stage are not characteristic and the functional capabilities of the ankle joint are fully preserved.

With chronic inflammation of the bursa observed:

  • sluggish, prolonged course of the disease;
  • periodic exacerbations and remissions;
  • On the inner surface of the articular bag are preserved areas of altered tissue pathology.

Types of foot bursitis

Inflammation of the synovial bag can trigger the onset of an infection process if bacteria get into the ankle joint from the infected foci of the joint. This is the most dangerous form of the disease, which can be complicated by sepsis, gangrene and lead to limb amputation. By the nature of exudate the disease is divided into:

  • serous bursitis - pathogenic microorganisms multiply in the liquid;
  • Fibrous - liquid is saturated with fibrin fibers;
  • hemorrhagic - the walls of the vessels in the bursal cavity let in red blood cells;
  • purulent bursitis - a large number of leukocytes is observed in the accumulation of exudate;
  • combined - combination of several types of pathology.


Some symptoms of an ankle bursitis can be confused with other diseases, for example, with a calcaneal spur, fractures of the foot bones and others.

Based on the clinical data, the diagnosis is made by a trauma surgeon or orthopedic physician.

In addition to an external examination, the doctor may refer for an additional examination, which includes:

  • puncture of the joint cavity for the extraction of synovial fluid for its subsequent investigation;
  • an x-ray of the ankle joint, to exclude cracks or fractures of the bone from the photo;
  • ultrasound examination of the ankle, with which you can assess the thickness of the shell, the amount of fluid, the general condition of the synovial bag.

Treatment of ankle bursitis

Therapist selects therapeutic methods for getting rid of bursitis on an individual basis. The cause of the development of pathology, the nature of the course, the degree of neglect are taken into account. With acute bursitis, it is necessary to ensure the rest of the diseased limb, to relieve it of constant loads.

The most radical method is the imposition of a gypsum langet on the ankle. To reduce pain, an ice bubble is applied to the area of ​​inflammation. Anesthetic, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed. Preparations are prescribed for oral and external use.

When attaching bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed.

If necessary, the doctor can puncture the connective capsule in order to remove the accumulated exudate and the introduction of corticosteroid preparations into the joint cavity to alleviate the friction of the joint surfaces. If the drug therapy is ineffective, the patient may be referred for surgical excision of the synovial bag.

How to treat bursitis of feet in the home

Treatment of such pathology is performed on an outpatient basis. The doctor prescribes medications, appoints orthopedic appliances, exercise therapy, physical therapy and other procedures, and the patient treats at home.

The exception is especially severe cases, for example, severe joint deformity, relapses with suppuration and others. In complex treatment, the use of folk methods is permitted, but only in consultation with the attending physician.


The treatment of bursitis with medicines is aimed at the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of injections, tablets, ointments to reduce the inflammatory process, improve joint mobility, remove puffiness, eliminate painful syndrome. With severe form of bursitis, therapy with anesthetics and hormonal drugs is required. During the treatment it is important to strengthen the immune system, so the doctor appoints a multivitamin. Effective drugs include:

  1. Ibuprofen. NSAID, a derivative of phenylpropionic acid. In tablets with bursitis appoint a dosage of 200-800 mg for 3-4 times a day for 7 days. External preparation is used for 2-3 weeks in a row. Possible negative reactions of the body in the form of anorexia, nausea, diarrhea, headaches, visual impairment.
  2. Prednisolone. Corticosteroid hormone, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In chronic course, bursitis is prescribed to remove fluid, improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation. Prednisolone in ampoules is injected into the joint cavity in a dosage prescribed individually. Among the side effects can manifest pancreatitis, dyspepsia, vision impairment.

Physical exercises

For better functioning of the joint, physicians are prescribed therapeutic gymnastics. The task of exercise therapy is to restore normal walking, reduce muscle spasm, strengthen muscles, improve health.

Orthopedist, appointing gymnastics, takes into account the age of the patient, the type and stage of bursitis, the general condition of the patient's body. Load on the joint is gradual. Movements should not cause painful sensations.

Example exercises for the ankle:

  • sitting on a chair, the fingers are squeezed / unclenched;
  • lying on his back, legs with bent knees are pulled to the stomach and come back;
  • standing, the aching leg bends in the knee and is moved forward, fixing in this position for a few seconds.

Folk remedies

Bursitis is successfully treated if folk remedies are used in complex therapy. There are many ancient recipes that help restore health to sick joints. Among them:

  1. Burdock root. Compresses from the decoction of the plant will remove puffiness and inflammation. For cooking you need 2 tbsp. l. chopped root pour 500 ml of boiling water, bring to a boil, let it brew. After the decoction, filter, wet gauze, put on the affected joint. Compress from above is insulated, hold for 2 hours. The course of treatment is 30 days without interruption.
  2. Kalanchoe. Fresh leaves of the plant should be attached to the lesion focus, from above to fix with a bandage, wrapped in a warm scarf. When the leaves under the bandage dry, they need to be replaced with more fresh ones. The course of treatment is 1 week.


After removing acute symptoms, the patient is offered to undergo a course of physiotherapy. Sessions help to remove the inflammatory process, eliminate pain syndrome, restore the functionality of the affected joint. The most effective procedures are:

  1. Electrophoresis. It is a joint action of medicines and alternating current. Thanks to the galvanization process, the drug breaks up into ions, which makes it progress through the tissues easy.
  2. Laser therapy. Treatment with a light beam enhances the metabolism, reduces edema, forces cells to function more actively.
  3. Shock Wave Therapy. The affected joint is affected by low-frequency sound waves. Penetrating into deep tissue, infrasound has a curative effect on the synovial bag.


If a purulent exudate has accumulated in the synovial bag, surgical treatment is prescribed. The doctor clears the joint cavity, and if necessary, completely removes the connecting capsule.

Surgical surgery (bursectomy) is considered to be the most effective treatment for the chronic course of the disease. Relapses of the disease after it appear extremely rarely - in 1-2% of patients.

Removal of the bursa is performed in a hospital in a planned order.


Treatment of ankle bursitis is a long process, therefore, in order to prevent the development of this disease, it is necessary to apply preventive measures:

  • avoid injuries, and if prompted, consult a doctor immediately;
  • wear comfortable shoes, evenly distributing the load on the foot;
  • During sports events, ensure that the load on the joints increases gradually;
  • timely treatment of infectious diseases;
  • to recognize the first signs of bursitis (from the photo) for early detection of pathology.

A source: http://sovets.net/15445-bursit-golenostopnogo-sustava.html

Ankle bursitis: Symptoms and ways of treatment

A lot of mobile bones, surrounded by synovial bags, are part of the human foot. The defeat and development of the inflammatory process is possible in any part of the foot.

What is an ankle bursitis?

Ankle bursitis- is the development of the inflammatory process at the junction of the calcaneus with the tendon or in the ankle, the largest joint with passage near the Achilles tendon.

Each bone (in particular the ankle) is surrounded by a joint bag in the form of a connecting capsule filled with liquid.

The bag serves as a protective function to avoid joint damage from outside.

The liquid is the same nutrient element for all structures of articular surfaces with the purpose to prevent damage and abrasion of the joints, other abiding pits.

With the development of inflammation in the connective capsule or joint bag begins to accumulate purulent exudate and the reasons for this:

  • Injury or irritation of the joint;
  • Inflammation of the bursa on the background of the course of an infectious disease in the body.

As accumulation of exudate, swelling, compaction and reddening of the inflamed area is observed.

Possible causes of appearance

The development of bursitis or inflammation in the ankle can be provoked:

  • Excess weight
  • Stronger sports and long workouts
  • Flat-footed
  • Wearing uncomfortable, tight or narrow shoes with heels
  • Undercooling the body
  • Vibration of feet under the influence of unfavorable factors from outside
  • The development of an infection or inflammatory focus in one of the joints
  • Sepsis, infection of blood
  • Rheumatism
  • Gout

And also the course of inflammation in the ligamentous apparatus, a violation in the hormonal background or in the metabolic processes, the weakness of the ligamentous apparatus, the course of another internal infectious disease.

Cuts, penetration of infection through them and an abnormal birth defect in the ankle.

Symptoms and signs

The symptoms of bursitis are similar to the inflammatory process in any other part of the musculoskeletal system.

The main signs of Achilles bursitis (with inflammation in the Achilles tendon) include:

  • The appearance of puffiness in the affected area
  • Sealing, redness and soreness
  • Stiffness of movement, difficulty in walking
  • Accumulation of purulent exudate with blood impurities in the joint bag due to joint trauma
  • Fluidation of the fluid upon palpation of the affected area

Symptoms directly depend on the cause of the disease, as well as the location of the focus of inflammation.

Symptoms are most pronounced at the initial acute stage.In chronic course, as a rule, sluggish and not so sharp.

There may be signs of a configuration failure, a change in the shape of the ankle in the event of rupture of the Achilles tendon or deformation of the joint against a background of strong mechanical action.

There is an acute burning pain in the joint, which increases with walking, pressing on the heel.

The place becomes swollen, the pain binds the movements. If there is no timely assistance, a gap in the calcaneal tendon can occur, and the condition can lead to disability.

Due to constant friction, the deformedthe joint begins to swell, swollen the thumb or toe of the foot.

When inflammation in the heel appears heel spurs, accompanied by swelling in the ankle.

When developinginflammation in the synovial pouch, located between the tendon and spur on the heel, the symptoms are somewhat different:

  • It hurts heavily in the region of the heel;
  • The heel hill swells;
  • Appears red;
  • It binds the movements in the ankle joint and in the ankle area.

Lack of timely treatment can lead to rupture of the calcaneal tendon up to disability.

When the thumb is hit on the foot, soreness, joint deformation, redness is observed.

With heel bursitis, spurs appear on the heel. An inflammatory process develops in the synovial bag. In the part of the calcaneal tuberitis it hurts, there is a feeling of heat.


Less pronounced symptoms with serous bursitis, accumulation of pus in the synovial bag. The place is swollen and hot, but there is no severe pain. When the salts are deposited in the joint cavity, a dense, painless palpation is observed.


If bursitis is caused by mechanical damage due to a stroke, then there may be a hemorrhage and swelling at the site of the lesion. When the wound is open, the syringe retreats when pressed.

With the development of bursitis due to excessive strain of the tendons, their volume increases. With the accumulation of fluid in the bag synovial bone bumps are prone to hydraulics.

If you do not take urgent measures for treatment, then the disease will go into a chronic form. The condition can lead to rupture of the tendons. Treatment and all subsequent rehabilitation can become much more complicated.

Recommended ways to treat bursitis in the ankle

Treatment of an ankle bursitis is always complex.

It is aimed at stopping pain, relieving inflammation, improving overall well-being.

Only on the basis of the results obtained after the diagnostic procedures and the analysis of the tests the doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Conservative and surgical methods of influencing the affected area are mainly used, but without treatment in combination with folk remedies, local impact on the joint by the imposition of ointments, gels, and the passage of physiotherapy complete cure for the disease is unlikely to reach it will turn out.

Immobilize the entire foot completely to avoid repeated damage.

Therapeutic treatment

Effectively on the initial manifestations of the disease.

Immediately, as soon as there was pain and swelling at the site of the lesion.

The method of therapy is selected by the doctor taking into account the received analyzes, the passage of ultrasound, MRI of the ankle.

In acute disease, the following are prescribed:

  • Medicines, antibiotics (novocaine, hydrocortisone) for injection inside the joint cavity in the form of injections
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs for swelling and soreness
  • Ointments, gels for external use (Fastum gel, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen)


Surgical intervention is prescribed in cases where a purulent exudate has accumulated in the joint cavity.

Urgent cleaning of the cavity is required, it is also possible to excise the joint bag. Otherwise, the disease can go to a chronic stage.

Treatment of the affected ankle becomes difficult.

In severe disease, drainage (opening) of the joint cavity, removal of purulent contents, washing and treatment with antiseptics are performed.


Physiotherapeutic procedures in the complex are shown after the operation.

These are warming up, massage, ultraviolet irradiation, exercise therapy, electrophoresis, phonophoresis of the affected area to relieve inflammation.

External treatment with ointments to relieve inflammation. Application of dressings from warming ointments.

Massage, physiotherapy exercises, as additional, but mandatory therapeutic measures to achieve effective results in the treatment of bursitis.

Passive gymnastics by carefully stretching the neatly ankle joint, pulling the foot of the foot and drawing it towards you.

Depending on what happens in the number of countries chromatic chronic purulent at the birth of bursitis FSS, the mechanical effect of injuries to the site is saturated

Folk treatment

As an addition to the main course at home.

It is in the imposition of warming and anesthetizing compresses by applying to a sick place, for example, infusion from horse sorrel, steamed valerian herb, a bag of warm salt in a frying pan, a composition of St. John's wort, a millennial and a burdock root, a golden mustache, cones hop.

Or cooking tincture on Vodka from Mustard, Beeswax and Honey, rubbing the sore spot.

It should be understood that folk methods of treatment are effective only at the initial stage of the disease, or when acute symptoms are already going to decline.


It is not recommended to use folk medication for acute or infectious disease. With the development of the inflammatory process in the articular ankle bag, it is first necessary to clean the cavity of purulent contents, to prevent possible complications and relapses in the future.


When the patient's well-being significantly improves, and the symptoms pass, then the effect of the current on the lesion site, Ozokerite baths, Ankle applications is useful.

Effective paraffinotherapy to reduce pressure on the foot, reduce pain and swelling. In addition, during the postoperative period, patients are shown wearing orthopedic shoes to distribute a uniform load on the joint in order to avoid relapses.

Advice on prevention

Prevention of bursitis is the dosing of physical exertion, wearing special bandages (typing) with strength exercises and lifting weights to protect joints from possible injuries and cuts.

In no case can not delay the treatment process, if there are problems with the ankle joint. Only a timely appeal to doctors will help to avoid complications in the future.

If an open wound or a deep cut appears on the background of the injury, you should immediately treat the wound with antiseptics to avoid getting and developing infection. It is important to eliminate the symptoms of infectious bursitis in time.

Inflammation in the joint does not pass by itself.

If run, then the development of osteomyelitis can begin, blood infection may occur, the situation can lead to disability. When the chronic form of bursitis occurs, surgical operation can not be avoided.

It is important to identify the pathology in time, to conduct complete complex treatment.

Only under such conditions can we hope for positive results. In advanced cases, you have to remove the synovial bag, you will not have to count on the full functioning of the ankle joint.

A source: http://vse-sustavy.ru/bolezni/bursit-golenostopnogo-sustava.html

Symptoms and methods of treatment of ankle bursitis

Inflammation of the inner membrane lining the synovial bags, located near the large joints in the human body, is called bursitis.

The disease, accompanied by all the symptoms characteristic for the development of inflammation, requires timely, competent treatment.

According to observations of traumatologists, frequent pathology is bursitis of the ankle joint - a functionally significant articulation of the lower limb.

The ankle joint, connecting the shin and foot, bears the main load when the person moves.

One of the important elements of the joint joint is the synovial sac (bursa), which is a slotted pocket.

It is lined with a connective tissue membrane and contains synovial fluid in a small amount.

Bursa, together with the liquid, acts as a shock absorber, protecting the tendons of the calf muscles and the heel (ram) of the foot from impacts and excessive friction.

Therefore, for any mechanical damage to the ankle, the bursa can respond with increased production of the articular fluid and the development of an inflammatory reaction, so bursitis develops.

In view of the fact that the inflammation is localized in the area of ​​the calcaneal (Achilles) tendon, it is often called Achillobursitis.

The disease is always accompanied by an increase in the volume of the ankle due to the accumulation in the synovial bag of the secretory fluid.

The process can be acute or chronic. The contents of the bursa can be:

  • purulent;
  • hemorrhagic (with blood content);
  • serous;
  • fibrous.

Etiology of ankle bursitis

Bursitis of the ankle is a fairly frequent disease. Men are especially inclined to him in connection with the higher frequency of traumatism than in women.

In women, it begins most often from wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes.

The inflammatory process in the synovial ankle bag can have both traumatic and infectious origin. The second etiology is much more serious than the first one due to the risk of gangrene or general blood infection.

The causes of ankle bursitis are few. Usually the disease develops because of such factors:

  1. Significant physical exertion on the legs, repeated systematically (for athletes, loaders, builders, female model workers).
  2. Injury of the heel area - bruise, sprain or ligament rupture, injury, dislocation, fracture, unsuccessful surgical intervention.
  3. Excess weight, increasing the load on the legs, sometimes leads to inflammation of the synovial bags of the joints of the lower extremities.
  4. Congenital pathology of the structure of the foot or its ligament apparatus, club foot, flat feet.
  5. Recurrence of bursitis or its transition to a chronic form after an incorrect or too early completed treatment for the acute form of this disease.
  6. Colds, hypothermia. People who are forced to stay in the cold for a long time are more likely to get the inflammation of the periarticular bags of the lower extremities (people say "to numb their legs").
  7. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatism, arthritis, arthrosis).
  8. Infectious diseases in which microorganisms with a current of lymph or blood can penetrate into the synovial bag.
  9. Metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus, hormonal disorders).

Symptoms and signs

The clinical picture of the disease is somewhat different in acute and chronic variants of bursitis. Each patient has a greater or lesser degree of severity of symptoms.

The earliest and main sign of the acute variety of the disease is the pain in the ankle, the region of the tibia, which increase with the slightest load. It becomes difficult for a person to walk and even stand. Scratching his aching leg, he begins to limp. Movement in the ankle is limited due to soreness.

Then, a limited swelling and edema is attached. Gradually, the tumor increases in volume. Especially noticeable is the swollen ankle in thin people with an elegant physique.

As the inflammation progresses, the Achilles tendon region turns red, then becomes bluish, shiny, hot to the touch. The tumor is elastic, dense, painful; when you feel it under your fingers, you can feel the rolling of the liquid.

For bursitis of infectious genesis, an increase in the overall body temperature is characteristic.


In the most severe cases, purulent melting of the soft tissues of the ankle bursa and the complication of bursitis with phlegmon, fistula, or arthritis are possible.


Sometimes, with insufficient treatment or lack of it, the acute course of the disease takes on a chronic form.

Chronic inflammation of the bursa

For the chronic process, soreness, hyperemia (redness) and dense shiny puffiness of the articular region are not characteristic.

In the place of attachment of the Achilles tendon to the calcaneal tubercle, a rounded, soft, painless formation is palpated.

The functionality of the ankle is fully preserved.

Perhaps a protracted, sluggish course of the disease, with periodic exacerbations and remissions. In chronic course on the inner surface of the ankle joint bag, areas of pathologically altered tissues are retained.

From any minor trauma, a decrease in immunity (for example, with colds), they become a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms and the recurrence of acute inflammation.


Bursitis of the ankle can easily be confused with diseases or injuries, accompanied by similar symptoms:

  • heel spur;
  • fracture or fracture of calcaneus;
  • rupture or sprain of ligaments;
  • arthritis or ankle arthrosis.

The diagnosis of "bursitis based on clinical signs, puts the patient an orthopedic doctor or a trauma surgeon. For example, the arthritis of the ankle joint bursitis is characterized by a greater amplitude of movements in the joint.

In addition to an external examination, the doctor can prescribe the following examinations:

  • X-ray of the ankle joint in order to exclude a fracture or a crack in the bone.
  • Puncture (puncture) of the synovial bag for the extraction of articular fluid and its subsequent laboratory examination, and at the same time the release of the joint from excessive exudate.

    There is a detection in the puncture of the causative agent of the disease (for example, staphylococcus) and its sensitivity to antibiotics.

  • Ultrasonic examination of the ankle to assess the internal state of the synovial bag, the amount of fluid and the thickness of the shell.

Methods of treatment

The tactics of treating the ankle bursitis are chosen by the attending physician. It depends on the causes of the disease, the degree of its neglect and the nature of the course.

In acute aseptic bursitis, first of all, it is necessary to provide the aching leg with maximum rest. A radical method for limiting movements in the ankle is the imposition of a gypsum langet.

To reduce the pain syndrome, an ice pack is applied to the affected area. Anesthetic and anti-inflammatory therapy. More effective and safe non-steroid preparations of a new generation are used (for example, Nimesulide, Meloxicam, Dilaxa).


External medicinal ointments and gels of anti-inflammatory action, for example, Dolgit or Ketoprofen may be used externally.


When a bacterial infection is attached, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. They are administered intravenously in the form of injections or with the help of droppers.

Sometimes injections are done directly in the soft tissues of the joint.

If necessary, then repeated removal of excess synovial fluid or drainage of the cavity of the joint bag with its subsequent irrigation with bactericidal and antiseptic solutions.

If conservative therapy is ineffective, bursectomy may be required - surgical excision of the synovial bag.

Further treatment is similar to that of conventional purulent wounds. The healing of the operating surface occurs by primary tension and can take from three weeks to a month.

After removing acute symptoms of inflammation during the recovery phase, therapeutic exercises, massage and physiotherapeutic procedures will be useful:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • UHF;
  • electrophoresis with medicinal solutions;
  • laser treatment;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • cryotherapy.

The most effective treatment for chronic non-infectious ankle bursitis is an operation.

Surgical excision of the joint bag permanently rid the patient of this ailment. The removal of the bursa is done in a planned manner in a sterile hospital.

Recurrences of the disease after surgical treatment are found only in 1-2% of patients.

The ankle joint is a rather complex anatomical mechanism that carries a high load.


People prone to an increased risk of bursitis should, if possible, protect synovial ankle bags from constant overexertion and possible infection.


Avoid trauma to the feet, carefully treat wounds, cracks, calluses on the legs.

Bursitis of the ankle is treated for a long time, and its therapy requires patient patience and perseverance.

A source: http://pomogispine.com/bolit-v/konechnosti/bursit-golenostopnogo-sustava.html