Constant nasal congestion without a runny nose

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The reasons for nasal congestion in a child or adult, what to do if the stuffy nose

Nasal breathing is needed not only for the person to clean and warm the air in the nasal cavity, but also to stimulate the brain. Therefore, when a person has a stuffy nose, he is not only:

  • puts upper respiratory tract at risk by inhaling cold and untreated air with mouth
  • but also begins to have difficulty concentrating, remembering and learning
  • there is a chronic fatigue, aggravated by difficulties with a dream on a background of a stuffy nose, headaches
  • can cause pain in the ears and throat, hearing loss.

Why lays the nose

The most simple causes of nasal congestion are excessively dry air in the room, drying out of the nasal mucosa, irritation with its dust, tobacco smoke.

The main processes that occur in the nasal mucosa with congestion are swelling and swelling, expansion of the vasculature and an increase in mucus separation. If the stuffy nose is, the cause should be looked for in inflammation or allergies.

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Inflammatory processes in the nasal area can occur in the following diseases

  • Acute rhinitis of viral origin

It will give a mucous transparent discharge from the nose, watery and plentiful, accompanied by stuffiness and difficulty with nasal breathing. In addition to the mucous, the skin of the nose suffers, rubbed with handkerchiefs and constantly wetting. In this case, reddening is replaced by maceration of the skin and the subsequent formation of crusts. In the case of herpetic lesions, strong pains and blisters with light contents appear in the nose, which are opened and gradually heal with the formation of crusts, but without scars.

  • Bacterial rhinitis

The viral process can be replaced by bacteria that displace viruses or coexist with them. Soply change color to yellow or green. In this case, after cleaning the nose, nasal breathing can return. The sense of smell does not suffer too much.

  • Fungal process

The fungal process, as a rule, is candidal, gives a white discharge from the nose, in which veins of the fungal mycelium are visible. The mucous nasal cavity can be eroded to form wet, painful surfaces.

  • Inflammation of sinuses in the nasal cavity

Lays a nose and with inflammation of the sinuses: etmoiditis, sinusitis (sinusitis, see. all means for the treatment of sinusitis). At the same time the nose is laid, there is no snot, or they are very scarce, they have a purulent character. Typical loss of smell: smells no longer feel both halves of the nose or only one. There are pains in the projection of the interested sinus, which are amplified by tilting forward or upturned head. Often the body temperature rises. Sinusitis can proceed according to the type of acute inflammation or pass into the chronic, when periods without complaints are replaced by increased symptoms.

Allergic rhinitis

It is a scourge of modernity. Against the background of the features of the system of complement, transmitted by inheritance, or high level of immunoglobulins of class E, under the influence of artificial feeding, frequent use of medicines, synthetic detergents for hygiene, abuse of household antiseptics and unnatural food, the nasal mucosa begins to respond to many allergens. Appear:

  • swelling and swelling,
  • redness and itching,
  • frequent sneezing.

A typical sign of an allergic rhinitis is a transparent, abundant discharge, sometimes called a "glass".

  • Seasonal rhinitis - this nasal congestion can be seasonal, in response to flowering grasses or trees. Then allergic rhinitis flows in a program of hay fever. Often it is caused by cross allergens, for example, birch pollen and apples, blooming alders and nuts. If the nose is heavily stuffy after contact with the allergen, it will react to it the next time.
  • All-the-year-round allergic rhinitis - cause animal hair, household dust, drugs, detergents, perfumes. Then the nose is constantly stuffed, snot appearing on contact even with a low concentration of allergens. Often, nasal congestion and snotty allergic origin are combined with eye damage (allergic conjunctivitis), in which the eyelids are swollen and swollen, the proteins turn red, there is abundant lacrimation and stinging in the eyes.

Allergies can also invade the bronchial tree, then allergic rhinitis is supplemented with bronchial asthma. Earlier it was thought that the allergic rhinitis is transformed into it, but modern research has proved that these are parallel processes with similar mechanisms of development.

Vasomotor rhinitis

develops due to a violation of the vascular tone of the nasal mucosa, which leads to its swelling. The vegetative nervous system, whose tone is unbalanced, is to blame for everything. Under her influence, the vessels in the nose expand. Appears edema.

Goblet cells thus begin to secrete an increased amount of mucus, which additionally clogs the nasal passages. Lays the nose and ears, a clear discharge separates from the nose. Vasomotor rhinitis occurs with the growth of the bony formations of the nose, chronic inflammation of the mucosa or under the influence of prolonged use of vasoconstrictive drops in the nose.

If the nose is laid without a cold


Adenoid in children is the growth of lymphoid tissue in the nose. This problem often persecutes children under six years of age and significantly complicates nasal breathing. Even the removal of adenoids does not solve the problems radically, as the tissue can re-grow. A child with this disease keeps his mouth open all the time. Who is forced to breathe. With age, the problem can be solved independently. Otherwise, the adenoids are removed.

Polyps of the nasal mucosa

They can occur in adults on the background of chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity. Men are more often ill. The disease passes through three stages, gradually overlapping the upper third, half, and then the entire nasal passage. Secondary infection provokes even the development of bronchial asthma of an infectious-allergic origin (see. removal of polyps in the nose).

Curvature of nasal septum

Curvature of the nasal septum violate the patency of one half of the nose. It can be difficult to breathe through your nose.

Other reasons

Large soft sky, infringement of the innervation of the soft-palate tongue, lack of teeth can lead to the soft palate sinking during a night's sleep. At night, there are episodes of the absence of nasal breathing (apnea), which leads to snoring and creates risk of developing sudden death, requiring a very careful attitude and mandatory specialist.

In pregnancy

Women in an interesting position against a background of high levels of progesterone and prostaglandins often need nose drops more often than usual. They are without any allergy or cold, there is a stuffy nose. Lays a nose without a snot. In this case, not only the mucous membrane but also the soft tissues of the nose swells, its shape may change. In the middle of pregnancy, nosebleeds may also appear. All these phenomena independently pass without treatment after childbirth, when the hormonal background stabilizes within the usual limits.

When the baby's nose does not breathe

Children up to three months have an unadapted nasal mucosa. They are characterized by a physiological runny nose, when the nasal congestion of the baby is accompanied by a mucous transparent discharge. This is a vascular reaction. Helping the baby to better adapt to the bacterial, viral and dust environment of the outside world (see. coryza in the newborn).

To treat such a runny nose is not necessary if the child can easily suck, do not worry and does not fever. To take something is necessary, when the child refuses a breast or can not suck because of problems with the breathing of the nose. In any case it is advisable to show the baby to the pediatrician.

  • A child up to a year may have a nose if he suffers a viral infection, bacterial rhinitis. Such conditions can be complicated by otitis.
  • Children after one and a half years can already suffer from etmoiditis, when prolonged nasal congestion is accompanied by fever and purulent discharge from the nose.
  • Older children suffer from the same diseases as adults.

Tumors as a cause of nasal congestion

Benign neoplasms of the nasal cavity lead to obstruction on the side of the lesion.

  • Osteoma - a bone tumor, as a rule, penetrates into the nasal cavity again from the frontal or maxillary sinus. More often affects young people.
  • Tumors of vascular origin - hemangiomas (red moles), lymphangiomas, angiofibromas give not only difficulties with nose breathing, but also bleeding from the nose.

Malignant neoplasms grow directly in the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses.

  • Squamous cell carcinoma is twice as likely to be diagnosed in men. A small tumor resembles a nodule with a superficial sore. Large - loose node, overlapping the nasal passage.
  • Adenocarcinoma is a glandular cancer, often associated with the carrier of the Epstein-Barr virus. Characterization of tumor ulceration and early appearance of metastases.
  • Sarcoma of the nasal cavity is a connective tissue tumor coated with mucous membranes. Rapidly growing, growing into the nasal cavity and orbit.

Small benign tumors are cauterized or removed with a loop or scalpel. Malignant or large neoplasms are subject to surgical removal (including a cyber knife with a laser) and subsequent radiotherapy.

The stuffy nose, what to do

Humidification of air in the room

Before taking on medicines in case of difficulty nasal breathing, it is necessary to ventilate the room, humidify the air in it with the help of a special household humidifier or by hanging a wet diaper on the radiator or towel.

Address to the doctor

The second point for chronic nasal obstruction is going to the otolaryngologist or the therapist. As behind banal zalozhennostju many illnesses or diseases can disappear, it is inexpedient uncontrolledly to use medicines.

Vasodilating drops

If urgent help is required, the drugs of choice will be vasoconstrictor drops in the nose. They narrow the capillaries in the nasal mucosa. With this, the edema subsides and the patency of the respiratory passages is restored.

  • Alpha-2-adrenomimetics

narrow arterioles, veins and precapillary sphincters. Reduce the flow of blood to the venous sinuses. Due to this, puffiness becomes less. They last longer than Mesaton and Phenylephrine. May cause drying out of the mucous membrane, resulting in a burning sensation in the nose. If you take drugs for longer than a week, then their effectiveness drops. Further, a complication such as a ricochet rhinitis may occur, when the nose begins to flow constantly, and the obstruction only increases. Nazivin, Nazol on the basis of Oksetetazoline, Naphthysine, Sanorin based on Nafazoline, Xylometazoline (Otryvin, Galazolin, Ximelin) is a good choice for rhinitis, sinusitis and allergic nasal congestion. If the month is stuffy, then these drugs should not be used. They are also contraindicated in glaucoma, arterial hypertension, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, in infants.

  • Alpha-1-adrenomimetics: Mesaton, Phenylephrine affect the smooth muscles of small arteries, narrowing them. Preferred for allergy and viral processes.
  • Drops that enhance the release of norepinephrine. Ephedrine and drops on its basis are now used little, since it can cause addiction.
  • Epinephrine is a beta-adrenomimetic, similar in effect to adrenaline. Contraindicated with chronic stuffiness.

With allergies, the choice of drugs is also wide

  • Antihistamines

The blockers of the histamine receptors lower the effect on histamine mediator inflammatory tissues. Reduce allergic reactions, such as vasodilation, mucosal edema. As a result, edema, sneezing, itching decreases. They use tablets of the second and third generations: Cetirizine, Acryvastin, Azelastine, Levocabastin, Astemizolum, Loratadine, Oxatamide, Dimethindene, Terfenadine, Levocetirizine, Desloratadine, Carebastin, Epinastine, Fexofenadine (see. list of allergy pills). They are used for allergic rhinitis, in the acute period of rhinitis and sinusitis.

  • In similar situations, the stabilizers of the walls of mast cells are effective: Cromoglin, Sodium cromoglycate, Cromogexal, Lomusal.
  • With severe allergies, you have to resort to glucocorticoids: budesonide, mometasone, beclomethasone, fluticasone. On their basis they produce drugs: Nasobek, Baconase, Nazonex, Fliksonase. NAZONEX is the drug of choice for overdoses or dependencies on vasoconstrictor drops.

Combined preparations

  • Polidex (vasoconstrictor in combination with an antibiotic)
  • Rinoprint (capsules, Phenidafrin, tapering vessels and Carbinoxamine, fighting allergies)
  • Rinotayss Dr. Theiss (antimicrobial eucalyptus oil and vasoconstrictor Xylometazoline).

Than to treat a stuffy nose in children

  • In addition to hygienic measures to moisturize and purify the inhaled air in infants, treatment begins with inhalation of saline through a nebulizer. This allows you to moisturize the mucous membrane and cope with simple rhinitis. You can also use analogues of saline (Aquamaris, Aqualor) which are buried in the nose by drop in each nasal passage. In children unwashed washings of the nasal passages due to the risk of secondary inflammation of the middle ear.
  • Mixtures of essential oils (Pinosol, Sinupret) are suitable for the treatment of viral and bacterial infections of the nasal cavity and sinuses. In the nose drops are instilled in turn into each nasal passage. It takes 1-2 drops.
  • Protarhol is a variant of convenient treatment of purulent processes in children.
  • The vasoconstrictive child of Nazivin can be used (see Fig. drops in the nose with a cold).
  • Combined preparations: Vibrocil (vasoconstrictive phenylephrine combined with anti-allergic Fenistil) can be used for any inflammatory or allergic processes in infants.
  • With abundant detachable preference is given to Rinoflumycil (narrowing blood vessels of sulphate Tuaminheptane and acetylcysteine, diluting mucus).

Thus, if the nose is stuffy, you need to see a doctor (therapist, pediatrician, ENT or allergist). Self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences, make it difficult to diagnose, give a ricochet rhinitis or mask the symptoms of tumors.

Why a stuffy nose without a cold

Nasal congestion without a cold can become a real problem, the inability to breathe normally and the constant The lack of air provokes a headache, a chronic feeling of fatigue and a sharp decline working capacity. Many people mistakenly believe that if nasal congestion is not accompanied by abundant secretions or temperature and cough, it is not necessary to treat this condition and do not even guess the danger of such a disease.

Causes of nasal congestion without a cold

Such a condition as congestion without a cold sign indicates the presence of infection in the body, the disease of the upper respiratory tract or the development of an allergic reaction.

Treatment of pathology depends on the cause of its appearance, but in any case, nasal congestion must necessarily be eliminated, since a constant shortage of oxygen is extremely negatively affects the nervous system and the general state of the body, and chronic edema of the nasal mucosa can cause atrophy of its glands and a change in the normal structure tissue. If the runny nose was caused by infection in the nasal passages, the nasal congestion becomes the source internal infection and can easily lead to various complications: from genyantritis to pyelonephritis or myocarditis.

To determine what caused the nasal congestion without a cold, you need to see a specialist, recall all the circumstances surrounding the disease and note the presence of additional symptoms.

Infectious cold

In adults and children older than 6-7 years, nasal congestion without other clinical manifestations, most often occurs against a background of untreated or untreated infection. The appearance of nasal congestion in this case was preceded by acute respiratory viral infection, influenza, angina or severe hypothermia.

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis occurs in the case of hyperreactivity of the body and the effects of allergens on the nasal mucosa, such a runny nose has a certain periodicity, is not accompanied by other symptoms of catarrhal diseases and occurs in allergic patients of people. There are several varieties:

  • year-round allergic rhinitis - if the nasal congestion does not pass for several months, there is a decrease in smell, worsening in the morning or after a nervous and physical overstrain, most likely, the cause of the pathology is an allergic reaction to house dust, pollen of plants or any other substance constantly present in life patient. Treatment of allergies should begin with visiting an allergist and identifying a possible allergen. At home, you can check the possibility of an allergic reaction with a simple remedy: give the patient an antihistamine, a clarinet tablet, suprastin or any other antiallergic drug, if his condition improves, then the cause of nasal congestion was in an allergic reaction organism.
  • seasonal pollinosis - nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms appear at certain times of the year and are associated with flowering of grasses, trees and so on.
  • Periodically occurring rhinitis - if the nasal congestion arises regularly, you need to carefully write down and analyze the patient's diet, his movements and contacts, this is the only way to determine what is associated with the appearance of allergic reactions.

Zalozhennost without a cold in children

In children, nasal congestion without a runny nose can develop due to complications of ordinary infectious rhinitis or due to anatomical features of the structure of the nasal passages.

Most often, in children of the first years of life, prolonged rhinitis or permanent nasal congestion occurs due to a curved nasal septum or an abnormal structure of the nasal concha.


To cure nasal congestion is necessary after determining the cause of the pathology, it is necessary to visit the therapist, ENT doctor and if necessary, an allergist.

Before visiting a doctor, you can use vasoconstrictor drugs, inhalations and traditional medicine methods that help get rid of swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane.

  1. Rinsing the nose is one of the most effective and safe methods that help with any runny nose. The introduction of solutions of antiseptics or anti-inflammatory drugs in the nasal cavity helps to "wash" pathogenic microorganisms, clean the nasal passages and reduce puffiness. For washing, you can use saline solution, a weak solution of iodine or a decoction of chamomile and other medicinal herbs.
  2. Inhalations - warm steam, with the useful substances dissolved in it, provides heating of the nasal passages, helps to destroy microbes and to reduce edema. For inhalations at home, you can use decoctions of medicinal herbs, dissolve in hot water a few drops of essential oils or just breathe over warm steam. For treatment of the common cold it is recommended to carry out the procedure at least 4-6 times a day, for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Drops in the nose - vasoconstricting drops and sprays will not help cure the rhinitis, but can be very effective when you need to quickly get rid of his symptoms. Any drops from the common cold: naphthyzine, For nose, sanorin, pinosol and so on, can not be used for longer than 3 consecutive days and no more than a few times (3-4) per day. Also in the nose can be instilled diluted juice of beets or carrots - 1-2 drops in each nostril, but this method is sufficient painful and at a high concentration of juice easily burn the mucous membrane, so it is not recommended for use in children before 10-12 years.
  4. Get rid of the cold with the help of onions, garlic or horseradish - all these plants, together or separately, you need to chop and breathe evaporation, despite the unpleasant odor, pain in the eyes and other consequences of such treatment, this method is considered one of the most popular in folk medicine.

Even the most effective methods of self-treatment can not guarantee a 100% cure for the common cold, besides, the vast majority of patients, getting rid of the clinical manifestations of the disease, they stop to be treated without thinking about the risk of complications or the chronization of the process, any disease should be treated by specialists and the stuffiness of the nose without a cold is not an exception.

Nasal congestion without a cold. Chronic nasal congestion without a cold

Such a problem, like a stuffy nose without a cold, is familiar to many people, not by hearsay. This condition, which prevents normal breathing, brings serious discomfort. Thus, the consequence of shortness of breath is weakness, rapid fatigue and reduced efficiency. Consider why this ailment arises and what are the most effective methods of combating it.

Rhinitis as a cause of nasal congestion

The most common cause of a stuffy nose in the absence of snot is rhinitis. The disease in its development passes several stages. So, the stuffiness of the nose without discharge is characteristic for the initial stage of the development of the disease, which, as a rule, lasts several days.

Nasal congestion without a cold is also a manifestation of allergic and vasomotor rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis is divided, in turn, into year-round and seasonal. So, year-round rhinitis occurs as a result of exposure to the body of the irritant-allergen (for example, wool animals, cosmetics, dust) and can be observed throughout the whole year, i.e. there is a constant nasal congestion without coryza. Seasonal rhinitis appears stably at the same time of the year and, as a rule, is associated with fruit bearing of plants or with a period of their flowering.

The cause of vasomotor rhinitis is an excessively polluted environment. In the nasal cavity in people whose nose is particularly sensitive, there is a sensation of tickling, the nostrils are alternately blocked, sneezing begins.

Other causes of nasal congestion

  • Nasal obstruction without a runny nose in the smallest often occurs due to an increase in adenoids that block the exit from the nasal cavity, or enter the nasal passages of a foreign body.
  • Difficulty breathing in the absence of discharge from the nose can be caused by such ailments as sinusitis and sinusitis.
  • Stuffiness is also observed when there are polyps, tumors and tumorous formations in the nasal cavity.
  • Nasal congestion without a runny nose can be a consequence of the resulting injury, in which hematoma of the nasal septum is diagnosed. In this case, as a rule, the ailment makes itself felt only a few days after the injury.
  • Difficulty breathing also occurs if there is a curvature of the nasal septum.


If a nasal congestion is diagnosed without a common cold, treatment should be started immediately. So, you can try to get rid of this disease with the help of vasoconstrictive drops that give good, and most importantly, a quick effect, kill bacteria, relieve swelling and eliminate inflammatory process.

However, it should be noted that such drugs should not be used for 5 days or more, since most likely there will be an addiction, as a result of which these medicines will become ineffective. In addition, the composition of the vasoconstrictor drops includes noradrenaline derivatives, and with the constant admission of these compounds, the adrenal glands stop producing their own analogues.

It is best for breathing to use drugs to clean the nasal cavity from toxic substances, prepared based on natural components (drops and spray "Aquamaris for example) or herbal medicines (drops "Pinosol").

If you suspect a cold, you should start using such medicines as "Naphtizin "Tizin "Sanorin". How to get rid of stuffy nose, which arose suddenly, if there were no drops at hand? Lozenges for resorption with eucalyptus or menthol will come to the aid, which have a "piercing" force.

The congestion of the nose without a cold, the reasons of which can be different, will help to eliminate the effective homeopathic remedy "Delufen". This drug will instantly ease breathing, eliminate swelling and inflammation, as well as inactivate the vital activity of bacteria. The undeniable advantage of this remedy is the fact that it does not become addictive.

In addition, in the treatment of ail always use antihistamines (for example, the drug "Suprastin"). If a chronic nasal congestion without a cold is diagnosed, the doctor may prescribe the use of such medications as "Fexofenadine" or "Cetirizine". But it is worth noting that you can buy these medicines only by prescription.

Home methods

To facilitate breathing, it is necessary to constantly moisten the nasal cavity. There are many ways for such moisturizing, including:

  • burying in the nasal passages of medicinal broth;
  • washing of the nose with saline solution;
  • creation of optimal humidity in the room;
  • steam inhalation (especially with eucalyptus oil);
  • special massage;
  • putting a high pillow under your head during sleep.

Elimination of the problem in medical conditions

Nasal congestion without a cold, the treatment of which depends on the cause that caused this condition, can be successfully eliminated within the walls of the medical institution. Thus, cryotherapy, ultrasound-disintegration, as well as a method of treatment based on the use of ozone or using a laser, can cure this ailment. If the difficulty breathing is associated with the curvature of the nasal septum, polyps or adenoids, then in this case, one can not do without rhinosurgery. If nasal congestion is caused by ingress into the nasal cavity of a foreign object, then its extraction is best also entrusted to an experienced otolaryngologist.

Folk remedies. Application of onions

There are lots of folk ways to fight with a stuffy nose. Easy to use, safe and not having adverse reactions, they help to relieve difficult breathing.

Due to its antiseptic properties, onions have long been used to treat a huge number of ailments. Consider some recipes with this vegetable, helping to cope with nasal congestion.

  • Peel the bulb from the husk, cut it in half and turn one half into gruel. From the resulting onion mass through a folded in several layers of gauze to squeeze the juice and use it for instillation in the nasal passages (2-3 drops each).
  • Onions and garlic should be peeled off and placed in a bowl of a blender. The resulting gruel to send for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator, and after lubricating it twice a day, the inner shell of the nose.
  • Shredded onion gruel is put on a napkin and applied to the nasal cavity for 10 minutes.

Carrot juice

Carrot juice is a real storehouse of nutrients. This tasty, and at the same time, healing liquid will help get rid of stuffy nose and ease breathing. How correctly to apply carrot juice?

First of all, it is necessary to rinse the nasal cavity with salted warm water, which will help to remove swelling. Next, freshly squeezed juice should be dripped 2-3 drops into each nasal passage. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect in carrot juice, add the juice of garlic, onion or Kalanchoe. If the product is used for infants, then the medicinal mixture of juices must be previously diluted with a similar amount of warm boiled water.

Bee Products

People who have chronic nasal congestion, just need to use honey combs. This is an incredibly useful product, which, even in view of its enormous healing power, is called a natural antibiotic. Daily chewing fasting a small piece of honeycomb, it is possible to significantly increase the body's defenses, and by digesting several drops of honey twice a day, one can get rid of the stuffiness of the nose.

Do not delay the treatment of nasal congestion, since in this case this ailment can develop into a chronic form. In modern times, there are many ways and means to eliminate this ailment in a short time.

Constant nasal congestion - causes and methods of treatment

Constant nasal congestion does not always indicate the presence of diseases.

This can be the body's reaction to the external environment. Nasal congestion often accompanies a cold, rhinitis, sinusitis, it can be a manifestation of the body's allergic reaction to irritants or as a side effect when taking medications.

In addition, the nose can lay, if you regularly take alcoholic beverages - this is the body's response to dehydration. In children, nasal congestion indicates the presence of a foreign body in the nasal sinuses.

Regardless of the cause of permanent nasal congestion (including zalozhennost without snot) should be treated in order to ensure a normal breathing.


The absence of a normal respiratory process can cause oxygen starvation of the brain.

Methods of treatment of permanent nasal congestion areconservativeandsurgical.

Conservative treatment of nasal congestion involves cleansing procedures:

  • The introduction of drugs into the nasal sinuses.
  • Shower for the nose.
  • Washing by the "cuckoo" method.
  • Extraction of the mucous secretions from the nasal cavity.

In addition to "washing" procedures, ozone therapy and laser therapy are used. Along with these procedures and if necessary, the doctor prescribes the use of anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous drugs. It is not superfluous in this case there will be an increase in immunity.

Surgical intervention with a permanent nasal congestion suggests:

  • Straightening of the nasal septum;
  • cauterization of nasal conchae with radio frequencies;
  • dissection of vascular connections in the nasal concha;
  • removal of cartilaginous protrusions of the nasal septum (concotomy);
  • removal of polyps;
  • radio wave removal of the nasopharynx.

What method to give preference to the doctor depends on the state of health of the patient and the overall picture of the disease.

What to do when there is nasal congestion and headache

Ignoring symptoms such as nasal congestion and headache can be dangerous. Treatment should begin with finding out the causes of this symptom and only after that take measures to eliminate.

One of the reasons for the constantly stuffy nose and headache is the curvature of the nasal septum, in which only surgical intervention will help. This deviation does not appear spontaneously, but develops over a long period of time.

Therefore, feeling a slight stuffy nose, we do not take any action, which eventually leads to a curvature.

There is a stuffy nose and no snot. As a rule, this "night" zalozhennost. Nasal congestion of the nose is a particularly unpleasant symptom, when one can not fully rest during sleep.

What to do when the rhinitis is not present, and the nose is incorporated? This condition can occur at certain periods, for example, the runny nose can cause a period of flowering of some kind plants, cleaning of the premises, contact with animals, etc. The reason for this stuffing in the rhinitis of an allergic origin. It is necessary to address to the allergist in order to reveal the allergen-stimulus and conduct appropriate treatment.

It is worth noting

To eliminate nasal congestion, it is useful to wash the nose with water, saline or saline solution. This will relieve the nasal sinuses from dust and irritants.

In order to fight with a permanent nasal congestion without snot, it is recommended to take hot baths, drink hot drinks (tea with linden, raspberry, honey). You can do massages of the nose with the use of essential oils.

Of the general recommendations for the elimination of nasal congestion should be noted changes in diet. In order to "warm up" the body, experts advise to use hot dishes with a sharp aftertaste.


Chronic rhinitis in children and adults: causes, symptoms and treatment

Chronic rhinitis - prolonged inflammation of the nasal mucosa. As a rule, the chronic form of the disease occurs as a result of a prolonged course of acute inflammation, which was amenable to incorrect treatment or medical assistance was not rendered at all.

Why the child and adult constantly sniff in the nose: the causes of chronic cold

The mucous membrane of the nose begins to become inflamed under the action of various agents - microbes, viruses and environmental factors. Causes of chronic cold can be quite diverse. According to specialists, a persistent runny nose is one of the important factors provoking chronic inflammation.

In this case, a chronic inflammatory process can be caused by an infection of a viral or bacterial nature.

Among other causes of persistent cold, specialists call such factors:

  1. Disturbed anatomical proportions in the nose. To such violations belongs the curvature of the nasal septum, which often leads to unilateral hypertrophy of the nose shell. Lead to chronic rhinitis may be congenital malformations and acquired defects.
  2. Prolonged action on the mucosa of irritating factors. They can be dust, gases, chemicals. In contact with mineral and metallic dust, a nasal mucosa injury may occur. Cretaceous and flour dust causes the death of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium, as a result of which stagnation of mucus in the nose occurs. Moreover, the accumulation of dust in the nasal cavity can not only cause permanent snot, but also the formation of nasal stones, which are known as rhinoliths.
  3. Physical environmental factors, namely dry or cold air disrupt the habitual functioning of the nasopharynx.
  4. Disturbance of blood circulation in the mucous membrane of the nose against the background of systemic diseases. Violated blood circulation can be caused by hypertension, kidney disease, dysmenorrhea, constipation, alcoholism, pathological processes in the endocrine and nervous system.
  5. Prolonged or incorrect intake of certain medications. The cause of the development of vasomotor rhinitis, in which the snot constantly flow, often becomes excessive use of vasoconstrictive drops.

Allergic reaction is another common reason why the snot constantly flows in a child or an adult. Allergic rhinitis can be seasonal or year-round, giving a person unpleasant sensations.

Inflammation of the adenoids or the formation of polyps in the nose, too, can provoke excessive release of mucus from the nasopharynx. Sometimes only a surgical operation can return a person to normal life.

The cause of why snot constantly flow, should set the otolaryngologist. Based on the diagnosis, the specialist prescribes treatment.

Varieties of chronic cold and their symptoms

The main symptoms of a chronic cold are permanent discharge from the nose and its congestion. However, for different types of disease, its signs may have some differences. Several types of chronic rhinitis are known in otolaryngology.

Traditional is the classification of the inflammatory process in the nasal cavity - catarrhal, hypertrophic, atrophic and vasomotor chronic rhinitis:

  • Catarrhal rhinitis is a type of nose disease that occurs against the background of neglected acute rhinitis. Catarrhal rhinitis of chronic form develops due to the deep introduction into the mucosa of microbial agents. Due to the prolonged action of microbes in the mucous membrane, solid destructive changes are noted, which significantly reduce local immunity. Most often, patients visit a specialist's office with complaints of regular mucous discharge from the nose of a predominantly thick consistency. Constant rhinitis and nasal congestion are the main signs of catarrhal chronic rhinitis in both children and adults. Usually there is an alternate obstruction of the nasal passages, and the patient may occasionally be bothered by a headache.
  • Hypertrophic chronic rhinitis manifests itself in the form of a constant and pronounced obstructed nasal breathing. This form of inflammation develops as a result of thickening and proliferation of the mucous membrane in the lower part of the nasopharynx. There are symptoms of chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, such as impaired sense of smell, secretion of mucopurulent secretion from the nasal cavity, headaches, nasal congestion, decreased attention. With prolonged course of hypertrophic rhinitis, which has already acquired a chronic form, there is a loss of smell, and soon of taste, since atrophy of olfactory endings occurs.
  • Atrophic rhinitis, as a rule, develops with prolonged contact with dust and harmful gases in production conditions. This disease can occur and against the background of long-term use of vasoconstrictive drops or the presence in the body of a hotbed of chronic inflammation. The disease is manifested by loss of smell and constant dryness in the nose. These symptoms of chronic rhinitis give the patient a strong discomfort due to itching in the nose. There are almost no mucous secretions, a bit of a sticky secret is released, which soon dries up and turns into dry crusts. Against the background of atrophic rhinitis, an infectious inflammatory process in the nose often develops, which greatly aggravates the course of the disease.
  • Vasomotor chronic rhinitis is the result of a disruption in the function of nerve regulating devices that are responsible for the normal functioning of the nasopharynx. Changes in the state of the vessels of the mucous membrane usually causes a persistent runny nose in adults, less often in children.

Constant snot in the nose can be with allergic chronic rhinitis. Many experts share the view that allergies, like increased sensitivity of the mucosa to certain stimuli, occur only after chronic inflammation. The main signs of this disease are abundant mucous discharge from the nose of the liquid consistency, frequent sneezing, nasal congestion. Often, allergic rhinitis occurs with conjunctivitis, which also appeared against the background of allergies.

When the slime flows down the back wall of the throat, which usually occurs with an allergic and catarrhal inflammation, the patient may have a cough. In addition, a constant runny nose in a child more often than in adults leads to the development of respiratory system diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia. This is due to the weaker immunity of the child, as well as the inability to normally blow your nose and clear your throat. Pathogenic mucus from the nose flows down into the respiratory tract, causing an inflammatory process there. Slime, which descends from the nasopharynx into the throat, causes it to irritate, delivering painful sensations. A constant runny nose and snot in adults and even a child often cause night snoring.

A special place in otolaryngology is a kind of chronic nasopharyngeal disease, like a fetid runny nose, or ozona. This disease is an inflammatory process with a sharp atrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. For a lake, a characteristic symptom is a large amount of thick mucus that forms in the crust with a fetid odor. In the long course of the disease, the thinning of the bone tissue of the shells and the walls of the nose becomes inevitable. The patient is concerned not only with the abundant discharge, but also the dryness of the mucous membrane, nasal congestion, a sharp decrease or total absence of smell. The sick themselves feel the putrid smell from the nasal cavity, sometimes hear it and others.

Diagnosis of chronic rhinitis in an adult or child

If the child is constantly snot and this has been observed for a long time, it must be examined by a specialist. With a chronic runny nose should not be delayed and adults, because it can cause a lot of dangerous complications. In the process of diagnosis, it is important for a specialist to identify not only the reason for the constant flow of snot from the nose, but also to determine the type of disease. It is from the formulation of an accurate diagnosis that the effectiveness of further treatment of the disease depends.

As a rule, the diagnosis includes such specialist actions and methods of nasal cavity examination:

  1. Patient Complaints Analysisand a history of the disease. At this stage it is important for the otolaryngologist to know what kind of nasal congestion is observed in the patient - permanent or periodic, as she has long been concerned about. It is also important to know the nature of the discharge from the nose, whether there are crusts, dry nose and other signs of rhinitis.
  2. General examination of the patient.Some external signs can help to diagnose a specialist: in an allergic rhinitis the patient usually blush and watery eyes, with a vasomotor - the fingers grow cold and blue, the tip of the nose, there is increased sweating and a decrease body temperature.
  3. Nose examination.At this stage of the examination of the patient, a rhinoscopy and endoscopic examination of the nasal cavity with the use of special instruments is performed for the diagnosis. Highly skilled and experienced otolaryngologists on the condition of the nasal mucosa in many cases can determine a kind of chronic rhinitis.

With hypertrophic rhinitis there is an increase in the size of the nasal concha, the mucosa becomes red or cyanotic color, which does not disappear even after the application of vasoconstrictor means. Upon examination, a specialist may notice narrowing of the nasal passages.

With atrophic rhinitis, the mucous membrane becomes pale, it looks dry, thinned. The nasal passages, as a rule, are considerably enlarged, dry crusts can be found on the mucous membrane.

When examining the nasal cavity of a patient suffering from allergic or vasomotor rhinitis, the nose shells are usually swollen, may be pale or cyanotic, sometimes with red spots. After using vasoconstrictors, puffiness decreases. In the nasal passages, mucus can be detected in allergic rhinitis.

If the chronic rhinitis in an adult or child is caused by anatomical disorders of a congenital or acquired nature, they will be found during the examination.

In the process of performing the diagnosis, the specialist determines the reactivity of the patient's nose mucous membrane to the action of vasoconstrictive drugs.

With a chronic, fetid runny nose, the otolaryngologist, while examining the nasal cavity of the patient, detects a number of dry crusts that cover the entire surface of the mucous membrane with a thick layer. These crusts usually have a dark green color, sometimes with an admixture of blood.

Among the methods of hardware diagnostics with suspicion of one of the varieties of chronic rhinitis, such studies as:

  • endoscopic examination in order to exclude the proliferation of adenoid tissue and inflammation of the adenoids;
  • X-ray and computed tomography to exclude the development of chronic sinusitis in the paranasal sinuses;
  • rhinomanometry - the method is to assess the resistance of the air flow in the nose before and after application vasoconstrictor, can be used to determine the effectiveness of treatment of permanently nasal congestion without coryza.

If a specialist is suspected of having an allergic rhinitis in the patient's body, allergic tests can be prescribed. If allergens are negative, a smear is taken for eosinophils. In the case of the presence of these substances, the otolaryngologist diagnoses "non-allergic rhinitis with eosinophilic syndrome". This means that the patient has confirmed allergic rhinitis without certain allergens.

The diagnosis of "vasomotor rhinitis" experts put extremely rarely, because it is very difficult to determine it. They put it in the case when it was not possible to confirm any of the possible varieties of chronic rhinitis.

How to get rid of a permanent cold: funds from chronic rhinitis

The causes of chronic rhinitis and its treatment are closely related, because the misapplication of medications not only does not eliminate the symptoms, but will also cause many complications. That is why the treatment of chronic cold can be prescribed only after determining its type.

If a patient suffers from allergic rhinitis, it is important to exclude contact with the allergen before treating a persistent runny nose and nasal congestion in an adult and a child. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, especially if the patient has an allergy to flowering plants. Must be prescribed antihistamines of general and local action. Nazonex is a good remedy for chronic rhinitis, it is prescribed not only for the allergic origin of the disease, but also for catarrhal rhinitis.

Sometimes it is possible to get rid of a persistent runny nose in an adult with specific immunotherapy. This method is based on the adaptation of the body to the gradually increasing concentration of allergens. With this approach to the treatment of allergic rhinitis, allergens are preliminarily taken, the procedure becomes impossible without determining the allergen.

How to get rid of a chronic cold if it has an atrophic form of this disease? Mandatory is the appointment of moisturizing sprays and drops, as well as drugs that improve the nutrition of the nasal mucosa. With atrophic rhinitis, oil droplets, vitamins A, D and iron preparations are effective.

What to do if the nose is constantly stuffy without a cold: treatment of a snot in a child and an adult

Often patients turn to the otolaryngologist with complaints that they are disturbed by a permanent nasal congestion without a cold, which is often a sign of allergic rhinitis. Eliminate this symptom will help vasoconstrictor, however, it is not recommended to prescribe such drugs for oneself. Overdose and excess of the course of treatment can lead to addiction and the so-called "medicinal rhinitis". Among the vasoconstrictors for children and adults, such drugs as Nasivin, Vibrocil, Tizin, Otryvin proved to be very good.

It is important to know what to do if snot constantly disturbs a person with a vasomotor rhinitis. Experts recommend that patients avoid provoking factors, regular physical exertion, contrast shower, therapeutic sprays in the nose, designed to treat this type coryza.

There is simple advice on what to do with a persistent cold, regardless of its origin. This washes the nasal cavity with isotonic saline. In some cases, reflexotherapy and acupuncture become effective, such methods are used by doctors who are advocates of alternative medicine.

How quickly to cure a chronic runny nose at home?

How to cure a chronic runny nose with an anomaly in the structure of the nasopharynx? The only method of treatment for rhinitis, caused by congenital or acquired anomalies in the structure of the nasopharynx, is surgical intervention. This operation is known as septoplasty.

Treatment of a persistent cold with simultaneous nasal congestion and mucous secretions can be the use of hormonal sprays. Such drugs are quite effective and at the same time they are safe, they are practically not absorbed into the blood and do not affect the hormonal background of the body. Many of these drugs are allowed for use in children, ranging from 2 years.

With long-term preservation of complaints and ineffectiveness of conservative treatment, the only way to get rid of a persistent cold is surgical operation. Modern surgical treatment is based on the principles of minimally invasive and maximum conservation of organs. In the operation, the nasal conchae are not removed completely or partially, and a gentle destruction of the vascular plexuses of the mucosa occurs, which led to nasal congestion.

In some cases, surgical treatment of atrophic rhinitis is also indicated, but it is aimed at narrowing the nasal passages, rather than expanding them.

Than to treat a chronic rhinitis at children and adults?

Treatment of a chronic rhinitis in a child should be as effective and safe as possible. With improper treatment, the disease can lead to serious consequences, and when prescribing potent drugs it is difficult to avoid side effects.

Regardless of the type of rhinitis, if it is accompanied by a plentiful mucus formation, the nose is important to regularly release from pathogenic contents. To alleviate the condition of the baby with nasal congestion, it is possible to use vasoconstrictive drugs, such as Brizolin, Vibrocil, Nazivin Baby. Use them can be no more than 5 days, so as not to become accustomed to the mucous membrane.

Parents should know what to do if the child is constantly snot, because they not only disrupt the habitual activities of the baby, but can cause cough and sore throat. If the inflammatory process is bacterial, a sign of which is the secretion of yellow or green, it is advisable to use such local antibacterial drugs as Isofra and Bioparox. You can also put in the nasal passages ointment Bactroban 2%.

With the child's propensity for frequent rhinitis, otolaryngologists recommend the use of the local immunomodulator Derinath. It can also be used as a preventive agent in the detection of the first signs of viral rhinitis.

Parents are interested in what to do if the child has a persistent runny nose, but there is no desire to give the child powerful medications. In such situations, specialists can recommend the use of homeopathic remedies and phytopreparations made on the basis of natural components and plant extracts. Well-established homeopathic preparations Okarizalia and Euphorbium Compositum. It is desirable for children to drip their nose with slightly warmed drops, for this, the vial of medicine should be lowered for several minutes into a container with warm water.

Treatment of a chronic rhinitis in a child and an adult at home

If you are looking for ways to quickly cure a chronic runny nose without harm to health, you can conduct therapy with the help of traditional medicine.

Treatment of a chronic cold in the home is done by many people through the use of such drugs:

  1. Internal use of a mixture of honey with aloe juice in a ratio of 1: 5. Such a drug will strengthen the defenses of the body, take the drug 3 times a day for a teaspoon before eating. You can also drip your nose with this medicine.
  2. Inhalations with the addition of honey in hot water will help to remove the inflammatory process of the nasal mucosa, accelerate the process of cleansing the nasopharynx. In a container with hot water you need to put a spoonful of honey, breathe healing pairs for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Infusion of onions. With bacterial rhinitis the best remedy is the onion, because it has an antimicrobial effect. To prepare the medicine you need to grind one medium sized bulb, pour 6 spoons of refined vegetable oil, insist in a cool dark place for 10 hours. To drip into each nasal passage on some drops no more than 3 times a day. Such onion infusion can be stored for a week.
  4. Using drops from the juice of beets and carrots is another way to cure a chronic runny nose at home. It is necessary to grate the red beet and carrots, squeeze the juice, mix with the same amount of vegetable oil, adding a few drops of garlic juice.

What else to treat chronic rhinitis in adults to prevent the development of complications? Often it is possible to increase the body's defenses by performing a massage of bioactive points. The procedure is carried out 3 times a day, while massaging the wings of the nose from the right and left side for 1 minute. Usually, to get rid of unpleasant symptoms of rhinitis, 10-20 procedures are required.

Advantages of using folk remedies are that with their help one can treat the common cold in children, pregnant and lactating women. Having discovered the symptoms of rhinitis, it is necessary to find out as soon as possible why the rhinitis that constantly lasts for a long time. Constant nasal congestion causes oxygen starvation of the whole organism, against which there is a headache, fatigue, and soon can develop diseases of the heart, blood vessels and other bodies. Breathing through the mouth can cause the development of chronic tonsillitis, the appearance of bad breath, bronchial and lung diseases.

To prevent acute rhinitis from becoming chronic, it is important to cure it at an early stage of development immediately after the onset of the first symptoms of the disease.

Constant nasal congestion: causes, treatment

What to do if for a long period of time the nasal congestion worries. What is the reason? Why did it become difficult for a person to breathe through the nose at some point? These and other questions will be answered in this article.

Causes of nasal congestion

No one will argue with the fact that a permanently stuffy nose causes a lot of discomfort. Why often lays a nose and thus there are no symptoms of a cold? Let's look at the causes of this phenomenon. Perhaps one of them explains exactly your situation and your health.

  • The first stage of cold disease - in this case, in addition to the symptom of nasal congestion, a person will feel unwell, he will be listless and very weak. Also, a person often at the beginning of the cold is worried about a headache. In this case, the patient may not even have a runny nose (it appears much later), but only the mucous membrane of the nose begins to swell and breathing in a person is very difficult.
  • Allergic reaction - if a person has an allergy to animal hair, pollen of plants, household chemistry, etc., it is not surprising that the nose will be permanently embedded, but the runny nose in this state is not will be. This is the most important and specific allergy symptoms.
  • Hormonal failure in the human body - for example, in a state of pregnancy, a woman can often observe the state of nasal congestion. But, after successful delivery, everything passes, so - you just have to wait if you are currently waiting for the child.
  • Inadequate air humidity - this problem is mainly faced by those who, in the heating season, additionally use heaters that dry the air. In most cases, the nasal mucosa reacts to dry air with stuffiness.
  • Bad ecology can also cause permanent nasal congestion without a cold. The reason is that the body simply does not have time to cope with so much dirty air and filter it.
  • Mechanical damage to the nose - as a result of injuries, for example, after a blow to the nose, a person's nasal septum may break, which leads to the formation of sinus nasal congestion.
  • Congenital congestion is a pathology that is formed in a person at the time of unsuccessful passage through the birth canal. Any damage to both the head and parts of the face leads to pathologies in adulthood.
  • Polyps in the nose - this disease can be formed within a few years. Polyps gradually expand and begin to occupy almost the entire cavity of the nose, not allowing air to pass through the nasal sinuses. Also polyps can begin to grow after a nose injury. In that case, only one way out is surgical intervention.

Very dangerous is nasal congestion in young children under 1 year. It can threaten with severe consequences, up to a lethal outcome as a result of an acute shortage of oxygen in the body.

Chronic malaise

Nasal congestion can be a sign of sinusitis, which is in a person in chronic form. In this case, a person may be bothered by stuffiness in the nose, but without a cold. This condition can last as several weeks, and several years.

The reasons for the chronic form of nasal congestion are: the formation of polyps in the nose, the mechanical distortion nasal septum, hormonal failure in the body, as well as poor ecology, in which a person is forced to live.

With chronic nasal congestion, it is very difficult for a person to breathe, often he does it with the mouth. There is also such a thing as a night-time nasal congestion, which manifests itself only during rest. As a rule, here the reason should be sought in the room where a person is resting. It can have very dry air, which leads to the fact that the patient simply can not breathe through the nose. Also, it may be in the dust or wool of animals that are in your apartment. To cope with the dry air can be with the help of an air humidifier or independently placed on the apartment of containers with water. It is best to install them near the heating devices, so that the water evaporates and moistens the air.

If the nose lays only in the morning, the doctors immediately confirm or vice versa - they refute the probability that you have an allergic reaction.

Nasal congestion treatment

Treatment of nasal congestion is mainly carried out by a medicamentous method. The first and most effective method is the use of vasodilating drops in the form of Halazolin, Rhinovirus, Xylen, Tysin and Otrifin. It is desirable to choose nasal drops with a more natural composition, for example, containing essential oils and natural extracts of plants.

Also, to help in the fight against nasal congestion, ointments can come: Dr. Mom, Evamenol ointment, as well as Fleming's ointment.

If the cause of nasal congestion in the beginning cold, then use the standard drugs, which in a large range are presented in pharmacies. It can be like powders for eliminating the first sign of a cold, as well as various lollipops in the form Travisila, Strepsils, Hells, etc. ..

For home use and easy breathing, you can use an inhaler. In any pharmacy you can purchase a nebulizer and do medical procedures at home.

You can wash the nasal sinuses with saline and mineral water. But, remember that all these methods are well suited to eliminate nasal congestion with a cold or sinusitis. To treat an allergic reaction or to eliminate polyps in the nose and even more so - hormonal imbalance, they do not fit.

Do not self-medicate nasal congestion. Be sure to seek medical help and go through a thorough diagnosis of your condition and after that - start treatment.

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