Drops for eyes Emoxipine

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The visual organs are of great importance for a person, therefore, it is so important that their functions are not violated, the vision was acute and persisted for many years. Diseases of the eye, sometimes startling a person at the most unexpected moment, and become a very serious problem. Help to cope with the disease can specially created for this purpose, medical preparations. Sometimes they can even do without, it would seem, an unavoidable operation.

Drops for eyes Emoksipin, just help in some cases do without surgery and in a relatively short time to get rid of serious pathologies.


  • 1Description of the preparation
  • 2Pharmacological action and group
  • 3Indications and contraindications in use
    • 3.1In pregnancy
  • 4To small children
  • 5Possible complications caused by the drug
  • 6Video
  • 7conclusions

Description of the preparation

The drug is available as a colorless solution in sterile bottles, the volume of which is 5 ml. In its composition, the drug contains one milliliter of liquid one milligram of methylethylpyridinol.

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Pharmacological action and group

This preparation Emoxipine or Methyl ethylpyridinol performs an important role of vasoconstrictor, being an angioprotector.It also performs a very important function to neutralize free radicals and acts as an antioxidant. It relieves the organs of vision from the chain reactions of the oxidation process.

Providing retinoprotective action on the affected visual organs, the preparation makes the vessels impermeable or maximizes their elasticity, thereby improving microcirculation.It helps reduce blood viscosity, and this in turn makes the brain resistant to ischemia and dilated coronary vessels.

A little more about the beneficial properties of Emoxipine drops:

  • Being an antioxidant, the drug carefully preserves the molecules in integrity, it is their integrity, without which the normal functioning of organs is impossible.This concept of integrity includes DNA, enzymes, membrane structures and protein compounds.
  • Due to angioprotective abilities, the vessels become more elastic, durable and smooth, which reduces the risk of blood clots and significantly reduces the possibility of penetration.
  • Antihypoxant functions consist in the possibility of preventing oxygen deficiency in tissues and organs.
  • Antiaggregant properties are that the adhesiveness of blood cells between itself and the vascular walls decreases.Thus, thrombotic formations and hemorrhages are excluded as much as possible.

Among other things, the drug is able to protect the retina from harmful effects of light, enriches oxygen structure of the eyes, which reliably protects all parts of the eye from oxygen starvation and intraocular hemorrhage.

Indications and contraindications in use

The drug Emoxipine is widely used in ophthalmology and has a very effective effect in many serious diseases. The following pathologies can be distinguished among them:

  • Hemorrhages within the eye that have retinal, conjunctival, or post-traumatic origin.
  • Hemorrhage in the eye sclera, cure and prevention of this disease. Especially often it can be observed in the elderly.
  • Vascular damage in the eye system as a consequence of diabetes mellitus.
  • Pathologies of the eyes are of a dystrophic nature.
  • Thrombosis and possible branching in the retina.
  • Eye protection with intense laser or high-frequency influence of sunlight.
  • Postoperative strengthening of the vascular system in the eyes.
  • Cataract and glaucoma.
  • Burns and inflammation in the cornea.
  • As a component of a set of measures to eliminate brain pathologies and impaired blood circulation and angiopathic diabetic properties.
  • When there is a detachment of the ocular membrane.

Emoksipin most often finds application in the field of ophthalmology, with dystrophy of the eyes and internal hemorrhages, with various injuries, when urgently needed help to stop the defeat of the arteries and veins in eyes.

This drug is considered easy and has no special contraindications. It may be necessary to abandon the drug if there is a personal intolerance to the components. Then it is better not to use the medicine, or replace it with any other, with a similar action. But, these problems are solved only together with the doctor.

In pregnancy

Women who are in this state are not recommended during the entire period of bearing the child, use these drops for the eyes.This can negatively affect the condition of both the mother and the fetus.

To small children

Admission of the drug for children is possible only under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Until 18 years, it is strictly forbidden to treat the child by itself with this remedy.The dose and course of treatment for younger age is regulated by a specialist, since the medicine is considered serious and multifunctional.

Possible complications caused by the drug

It is known from practice that taking medication can provoke pain, tingling, itching, stinging and burning.Sometimes redness that appears immediately after the procedure. There may be edema of the conjunctiva and hyperemia of the eyelids.These manifestations quickly disappear on their own. What could be the problem? Only in the wrong dosage or violation of the instructions.

Do not mix emoxipin drops with other medicines. Between the techniques, in the case of the appointment of complex therapy, you need to withstand a certain amount of time. Allow to soak in the eyes of the medicine, and only after 15 minutes use the following drops. The doctor will explain all this in detail, if something is forgotten from the information, you can always look in the detailed instructions that are necessarily attached to the drug.

Among the analogs can be identified: Khrustalin, Emoxibel, Catachrome, Emoxi-optic, Quinax, and others.


Drops for eyes Sulfacil Sodium

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid are described in this article.

Drops for eyes from conjunctivitis for children http://eyesdocs.ru/zabolevaniya/konyunktivit/kapli-dlya-glaz.html




The use of this medicine implies mandatory consultation with a professional. Only with proper application can you achieve the desired result. Pay special attention to the shelf life of the medicine, as well as the correctness of the drug itself. procedures where hand hygiene and the sterility of the items used are essential at treatment. Remember! Everything that concerns eye organs should be perfectly clean and qualitative.

Also read about such drugs as Iridina and Inoksa.