Lumbar lumbar spine: symptoms and treatment

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  • 1Lumbalia: symptoms and treatment
    • 1.1Causes and mechanisms of development
    • 1.2Lumbalia: symptoms
    • 1.3Principles of diagnostics
    • 1.4Principles of treatment
    • 1.5Forecast
    • 1.6Prevention
  • 2Lumbar lumbar spine - elimination of the pain syndrome in the sacral region, a drug from spasms in the muscles of the back
    • 2.1What is lumbalgia
    • 2.2Chronic
    • 2.3Vertebrogenic lumbargia
    • 2.4Nonverbrogenic
    • 2.5Causes of the disease
    • 2.6Main signs and symptoms
    • 2.7Diagnostic Methods
    • 2.8Treatment of lumbar lumbar spine
    • 2.9Wearing the lumbosacral corset
    • 2.10Medication Therapy
    • 2.11Physiotherapy methods
    • 2.12LFK and massage of the lumbosacral department
    • 2.13Operative intervention
    • 2.14Possible complications and consequences
    • 2.15Prevention
    • 2.16: how to treat pain in the lumbar spine
  • 3Lumbar lumbar spine: why it arises and how to treat?
    • 3.1Lumbalia - what is it?
    • 3.2Vertebrogenic lumbargia
    • 3.3Nonvertebrogenic lumbalgia
    • 3.4Causes
    • 3.5How does the disease progress?
    • 3.6Diagnostics
    • 3.7Medicamentous therapy of lumbalgia
    • 3.8Other treatments
    • 3.9Prevention
  • instagram viewer
  • 4What is the lumbar region of the lumbosacral spine?
    • 4.1What is lumbulgia?
    • 4.2Causes
    • 4.3Symptoms
    • 4.4Diagnostics
    • 4.5Types of treatment
    • 4.6Surgical intervention
    • 4.7Medication
    • 4.8Physiotherapy
    • 4.9Blockade
    • 4.10Folk remedies
    • 4.11General recommendations

Lumbalia: symptoms and treatment

The lumbar spine of a person experiences a huge load every day, associated with the upright.

Even more exacerbates its wrong way of life of modern people: low physical activity, excessive body weight, regular psychoemotional stresses and irrational nutrition.

All these factors contribute to the development of morphological changes in the lower back, which manifest themselves primarily pain syndrome.

Subacute or chronic pain in the lumbar region and received the name "lumbulgia" (from the Latin words "lumbus" - the lower back and "algos" - pain). The reasons for the appearance of lumbulgia, the symptoms that this syndrome manifests, as well as the diagnostic approach and the principles of treatment, we will talk about in this article.

Causes and mechanisms of development

Diseases and conditions, because of which lumbulgia occurs, can be divided into 2 large groups - vertebrogenic (that is, associated with the spine) and non-embryogenic (with the spine unrelated).

Vertebrogenic factors that can cause back pain are:

  • scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine);
  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylosis (degenerative changes in vertebrae);
  • protrusion of the intervertebral disc;
  • herniated intervertebral disc;
  • arthrosis of intervertebral articulations;
  • musculo-fascial syndrome;
  • stenosis of the spinal canal;
  • non-infectious inflammatory diseases of the spinal column, in particular, Bekhterev's disease;
  • instability of the lumbar spine.

With these diseases, the structures of the damaged musculoskeletal system can be compressed by spinal nerves with the corresponding clinical symptoms.

Nonvertebrogenic lumbulgias can be caused by diseases that are absolutely irrelevant to the spine, namely:

  • osteoporosis;
  • traumatic injuries of the spine;
  • kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, hematomas of traumatic nature);
  • bowel diseases;
  • diseases of the reproductive system of men and women (uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis and others);
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms (both primary and metastatic);
  • inflammatory processes of the abdominal cavity organs, small pelvis, muscles;
  • Infectious diseases, in particular herpes zoster.

Often, lumbalia accompanies a woman during pregnancy. It arises in the case of weakness of the muscles of the back and is caused by pressure on the lumbar region of the mother by a growing fetus.

Lumbalia: symptoms

Pain in the lower back is so pronounced that it is hard for a person to straighten.

Occurrence of a painful syndrome in the loin is often preceded by:

  • static overstrain (prolonged sitting, standing or being in another uncomfortable position);
  • supercooling;
  • excessive physical stress (in particular, lifting of weights);
  • prolonged walking, especially with flat feet;
  • contusion of the lower limb;
  • wearing small shoes.

The pain after these kinds of effects can occur immediately, and sometimes from the moment the patient commits the action initiating the lumbalgia, before the onset of unpleasant sensations in the back, 2-3 days pass.

As is clear from the name of the syndrome, the main clinical manifestation of it is back pain.

As a rule, it is more pronounced only on one side and sharply increases after active movements in the lumbar department of the spine (slopes) or for prolonged stay in the same position: sitting or standing.

The patient tends to accept the position of the body, relieving the pain: lying in bed on a sick or healthy side (depending on the clinical situation).

Bending over, a person with lumblagia is very difficult to straighten up: in order to perform this action, he puts his hand on the spine, creating as it were a lever.

Pain syndrome is often expressed so much that it is difficult for a patient to walk and perform previously usual household activities: wash, stand by the stove, preparing food, ironing clothes with iron.

The patient is constantly experiencing fatigue in the lower back and therefore seeks a frequent change of position: then leans against the table with outstretched hands, then he moves to the edge of the seat, then he presses to the back of the chair all back.

It is difficult to lean forward, but with the progression of the disease, the volume of movements is all decreases, and the pain becomes constant, intense, intensifying with sudden movements, coughing, sneezing, laughter.


In the absence of treatment, the pathological process progresses: the pain extends to the region of the sacrum, the buttock and the lower extremity. Perhaps a reflex violation of the functions of internal organs.


In the affected area of ​​the patient, his associates or a doctor discover no less painful muscular tightening, palpation of which causes intense local pain and pain reflected, at a distance from the injury site point. The patient even jerks in pain. This is the so-called symptom of muscle tension. It makes it possible to distinguish lumbalia from other diseases of the spine with similar clinical manifestations.

A number of patients have a positive Lasega symptom.

This is one of the symptoms of tension, manifested by increased pain in the lumbar region and along the sciatic nerve, if the doctor raises the straight leg of the patient lying on the back. When bending the leg in the knee joint, the patient feels relief, as the pain disappears.

If the cause of lumbalia is a herniated intervertebral disc, in addition to back pain, the patient may complain about feeling cold feet, numbness, and the doctor will detect lethargy of tendon reflexes on the lower limbs, as well as motor violations.

Principles of diagnostics

Important information about the causes and nature of the disease the doctor finds out by evaluating the results of additional survey methods.

The doctor will suspect lumblagia at the stage of collecting complaints and data of an anamnesis of life and illness of the patient.

An objective examination of the patient, in particular, an examination of the neurological status, will convince the specialist of the fidelity of his guess.

To find out which disease triggered the development of back pain, the doctor will appoint additional methods of examination, among which the leading role belongs to methods visualization:

  • radiography of the lumbar or lumbosacral spine;
  • computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging.

On the roentgenogram, there are gross changes in the structure of the spine: the presence of traumatic injuries, narrowing of intervertebral fissures and bone growth around them, osteoporosis.

More informative than roentgenography is computed tomography. This study allows you to get a clear layered image of the spine and surrounding tissues and Identify diseases such as stenosis (narrowing) of the spinal canal, disc herniation, and neoplasms.

The most informative method for diagnosing this group of diseases is magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI. It allows to reliably diagnose changes in the spine and surrounding organs: muscles, vessels and nerves.

Also, diagnostic methods such as electromyography (EMG) and electroneuromyography (ENMG) can be used. With their help, it is easy to detect violations of the transmission of the nerve impulse along the muscles and nerve fibers.

To detect neoplasms and a focus of infection, a patient may be assigned a scintigraphy. This method of investigation is based on the different absorption of the radionuclide introduced into the body by a healthy and pathologically altered tissue.

If there is a suspicion of compression (jamming) of the nerve root, thermography will confirm or disprove it. With the help of special infrared sensors, the temperature of the two sides of the body is measured: up to the supposed damage site and below it.

For the purpose of differential diagnosis of lumbulgia and diseases of the abdominal cavity organs, ultrasound (ultrasound) can be used. If it is necessary to detect the damage of any muscle, ligament or tendon, examine them directly by this method.

To determine the presence of an inflammatory process in an organism of an infectious or non-infectious nature capable of to cause lumbulgia, conduct laboratory tests, in particular a general analysis of blood, urine, rheumatological tests and others.

Principles of treatment

First of all, the treatment of the underlying disease should be performed, against which a pain syndrome in the lower back appeared. Depending on this disease, patients with lumblagia are treated by neuropathologists, therapists or orthopedists.

To facilitate the patient's condition and speed up the recovery, the patient is recommended:

  1. Bed rest. In the acute period of the disease, it will be much more useful for a patient to be in bed for 3-5 days than to spend this time in the lines of a polyclinic or in search of the right medicines. Peace is the most important component of treatment, without observance of which other types of therapy will not have the desired effect.
  2. Medication:
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs (meloxicam, rofecoxib, diclofenac, nimesulide and others); these medicinal drugs help reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and reduce pain; drugs are assigned a short course - 5-7, less often - more, days with compulsory protection of the stomach in the form of simultaneous administration with NPVS blockers of the proton pump (omeprazole, rabeprazole and other);
  • muscle relaxants (usually used tolperisone, rarely - sirdalud); relax the spasmodic muscles, reducing the manifestations of the above-described syndrome of muscle tension;
  • vitamins B (neurorubin, neurobion, milgamma and others); nourish the nerve tissue, improving the transfer of momentum from the neuron to the neuron;
  • diuretic drugs (furosemide, torasemide); Use in case of the detection of edema of the tissues of the lesion; also to the drug in a similar effect can be attributed to L-lysine escinate, which in addition to anti-edema has anti-inflammatory and analgesic act;
  • drugs that improve blood circulation (pentoxifylline, nicotinic acid and others);
  • antidepressants and, more rarely, anticonvulsants: in the case of recurrent chronic lower back pain long-term admission (6-10 weeks), these drugs affect the centers of pain, reducing the severity of pain syndrome;
  • chondroprotectors (Mukosat, Dona, Rumalon and others) - move on the articular cartilage, activating the metabolic processes in it, thereby partially restoring its structure and slowing the progression of the disease; long-term courses - 2-3-6 months 2-3 times a year year.
  1. Physiotherapy and methods of alternative medicine:
  • massage;
  • manual therapy (gentle techniques);
  • reflexology;
  • percutaneous electrostimulation;
  • osteopathic techniques;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • cryotherapy;
  • kinesiotherapy;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • spinal traction;
  • exercise therapy (rightfully considered one of the most effective methods of eliminating chronic pain in the lower back - helps strengthen the muscles of the back and the press);
  • some other methods.
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It is worth noting that some of the above methods can be used to relieve the pain syndrome in the acute period of the disease, and others - only when the main symptoms are eliminated and need to be fixed Effect.

  1. Surgery. It is recommended to individual patients in cases where conservative treatment has not had the desired effect or medicamental methods can not be effective in this disease.


With lumbar prediction directly depends on the reasons for which it arose. In a number of cases - with only the emerged pathological process provided that it is adequately treated - the prognosis is favorable (the symptoms regress and no longer bother the person).

If the pain in the back arose against the background of chronic diseases of the internal organs and spine, as well as as a result of injuries, the forecast is relatively favorable or unfavorable (the latter is especially true for malignant neoplasms as a cause lumbulgia).


To prevent the development of pain in the lumbar region, it is necessary to avoid increased stress on the spine:

  • do not lift weights; if it is necessary to lift a load, do not perform this action, bending over straight legs, but to bend your knees and, holding your back straight, lift the load, using the muscles of the arms and legs, not your back;
  • to work at the computer to choose a comfortable chair with a back of anatomical shape;
  • for sleep use an orthopedic mattress.

In addition, you should strengthen your back muscles by swimming, fitness, cycling or other sports.

An active lifestyle is also important: walking, daily walks in the fresh air. It is necessary to avoid hypothermia and eat properly, controlling body weight, not allowing weight gain.

If these recommendations are followed, the risk of developing vertebrogenic lumbagia will be significantly reduced.

With regard to prevention of non-vertebral lumbargia, care should be taken health, timely referring to a doctor about any somatic pathology and follow its recommendations for treatment.

A source:

Lumbar lumbar spine - elimination of the pain syndrome in the sacral region, a drug from spasms in the muscles of the back

Lumbling syndrome: what is it? Excruciating indispositions in the lumbar region, which, in terms of prevalence, are inferior only to headaches.

It is a mistake to think that lumbulgia ("lumbus" - loins, "algos" - pain) is a disease. This is a signal about hidden ailments that need to be identified and treated.

Unpleasant sensations in the back can cause disability.

What is lumbalgia

The musculoskeletal system consists of many "segments" - vertebrae, discs between them, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerve roots. If pathological changes occur in any of these structures of the spine or pelvic organs, pain in the back occurs.

The malaise can be accompanied by sensations intolerably acute or blunt, prolonged, more than 3 months. Lumbalia is a pain syndrome, characterized by muscle spasms and stiffness of movements.

The ailment has practically no age limitations, but it is mainly elderly people who suffer it.


What is the lumbodynia of the lumbosacral spine, according to the international classification of diseases? In ICD-10, this syndrome is listed under the number 54.5.


Additional figures indicate the type and stage of development of pathology. Often, the code of lumbagia follows the designation of the disease that caused it.

Knowing such ciphers, you can check whether the treatment is in compliance with approved medical standards.

It is not necessary to identify lumbalgia with lumbago. Although these pathologies are similar, but manifested and treated differently.

Compare: lumbalia is a pain that intensifies gradually, and when it is lumbago it immediately fights like a lumbago.

In the first case, she often radiates (gives) to the buttocks, thighs, and in the second - concentrated in the lower back. With lumbago, a maximum of one week later passes by itself, with lumbar condition without treatment, the condition only worsens.

Lumbar lumbar spine is manifested in one of two forms:

  • acute: severe pain appears unexpectedly and is often not associated with the vertebral column itself - except protrusion (protrusion) of intervertebral discs;
  • chronic: pathology develops slowly and is associated with lesions in the structures of the spine.

Depending on the nature of its origin, the syndrome is divided into two main types:

  • vertebrogenic lumbalgia, the causes of which are disorders in the spine;
  • non-malignant, caused by diseases that occur in the lumbar region, but outside the spinal column.

Acute lumbar lumbar lumbar spine - often the result of an awkward movement, improper lifting of a heavy load, injury or hypothermia. In the vertebrae, there are no serious pathological changes.

However, if the degenerative processes occur in the lumbar or sacral divisions, severe pain sooner or later becomes the peak of their development.

Sometimes acute lumbalia passes by itself, but more often becomes chronic.


The presence of this form of lumbar lumbar spine can be said if the pains, often giving to the buttocks, legs, are relatively weak and do not pass within six months.

Sensations are repeated with obvious periodicity or under the influence of negative factors (increased physical exertion, hypothermia).

When probing the site of localization of the pathology, the patient confirms soreness.

Vertebrogenic lumbargia

The common pathologies of the spine, which cause vertebrogenic pain syndrome, that is, pain in the lumbar region, include:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • protrusion, disc herniation;
  • spondylosis (proliferation of bone tissue at the periphery of the vertebrae);
  • arthritis, arthrosis of intervertebral articulations;
  • trauma of the lumbar spine;
  • narrowing of the spinal canal;
  • tumors of the vertebrae.


Lumbling of the lumbar spine can also cause such diseases of the internal organs:

  • chronic pyelonephritis, stones, cysts, omission of the kidneys;
  • chronic pancreatitis, stomach ulcer;
  • inflammation or polycystic ovary, endometriosis or uterine tumors;
  • neoplasms next to the spine.

Causes of the disease

Painful pathology of the lumbar spine causes:

  • excessive load on the vertebrae of the back;
  • overweight;
  • hypodynamia, sedentary work;
  • injuries;
  • violation of posture;
  • supercooling;
  • severe stress;
  • age-related degradation of the spine (after 60 years, 70% of people suffer from back pain).

Main signs and symptoms

Typical manifestations of the pathology of the lumbosacral spine:

  • pain, increasing on the slopes forward, coughing, sneezing, irradiating to the pelvis, perineum, extremities;
  • muscular hypertonia;
  • "Creepy numbness of the skin of the lower back, buttocks, legs;
  • intermittent claudication;
  • problems with urination, stools;
  • malfunctions in the menstrual cycle;
  • weakening of male potency.

Diagnostic Methods

Lumbar lumbar spine is revealed during examination and instrumental examination of the patient. X-ray images help to establish whether there is deformation of the spine, whether the spinal canal is narrowed.

Computer tomography refines the information to the smallest detail.

MRI gives a complete picture, allowing to judge the mechanism of the impact of negative factors, not only on the spine, but also on adjacent soft tissues, blood vessels, nerve roots.

Treatment of lumbar lumbar spine

Since the disease is benign, it is very successful therapy. Especially successful intervention in the early stages, when there are no irreversible complications.

How to treat lumbulgia, so getting rid of it was effective? It is necessary not only to provide analgesic medication, but also to eliminate the cause of acute pain syndrome.

If the pain is chronic, it is important that the treatment of the lumbosacral spine is complex, using:

  • manual therapy;
  • therapeutic massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture, including pharmacopuncture;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • dry or underwater traction (traction) of the spine;
  • therapeutic gymnastics;
  • orthopedics.

Wearing the lumbosacral corset

Orthopedic products, fixing the patient's lumbar region, reduce his physical activity. Less pressure is experienced by vertebral disks, vessels and nerve endings.

Due to this, the patient gets rid of the pain and experiences significant relief in the spine. Therapeutic corsets protect the patient from sudden movements and protect them from additional injuries.

Medication Therapy

Carrying out complex treatment, doctors use the following medicines:

  • Midokalm, Sirdalud, Baclofen, which reduce hypertonic muscle and stop pain;
  • preparations Nimesulide (Naise), Diclofenac; gels of Nimesulid, Deep Relief; Novocaine or lidocaine for pain blockade;
  • Diprospan, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Actovegin, Pentoxifylline, dilating blood vessels that reduce blood viscosity;
  • Alflutop, Dona-3, which contribute to the restoration of cartilaginous tissues.

Physiotherapy methods

Widely practiced procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magneto- and magnetolaser therapy;
  • ultrasound treatment;
  • acupuncture.

LFK and massage of the lumbosacral department

Gentle manual therapy and months of therapeutic exercises contribute to:

  • Sprain of the spine;
  • strengthening of adjacent muscles and ligaments;
  • greater flexibility of intervertebral articulations.

Massage of the lumbar helps:

  • release the muscle corset back from spasms and strengthen it;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • intensify the outflow of lymph and reduce swelling around the nerve roots;
  • accelerate the regeneration of tissues;
  • eliminate pain.

Operative intervention

Surgical intervention is necessary for serious disorders of blood circulation and innervation of the spinal cord, abscesses, neoplasms.

If, with instability of vertebrae, the movements cause unbearable pain to the patient, spinal fusion is performed - the operation of splicing the degenerative segment with the implant.

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With intervertebral hernia, a discectomy is performed - removal of the affected disc, which is replaced by an artificial one. To such operations it is necessary to resort in extreme cases, since then relapses are frequent.

Possible complications and consequences

Among the unpleasant consequences are severe conditions and ailments that, in the absence of adequate therapy, can lead to disability:

  • pain that can not be cured;
  • protrusion, disc herniation;
  • spondylosis;
  • problems with urination, defecation;
  • paralyzed limbs;
  • lumbosacral radiculitis;
  • paralytic sciatica, similar to a stroke.


Measures to prevent the development of lumbar spine are extremely simple. It should be:

  • sleep on a medium-hard mattress;
  • to struggle with excessive weight;
  • with sedentary work, periodically knead the lower back;
  • avoid supercooling;
  • correctly lift weights: strain the muscles not of the back, but of the legs, slightly squatting;
  • avoid back injuries.

: how to treat pain in the lumbar spine

A source:

Lumbar lumbar spine: why it arises and how to treat?

Lumbar lumbar spine is characterized primarily by pain in the lower back - a common symptom that significantly affects the quality of life of a person.

Often, experiencing pain in the lower back, a man dismisses the words "nonsense, osteochondrosis."

But, from the point of view of medicine, the correct use of terminology in this case is "lumbalgia and the degree Its severity can be quite high, it is necessary to undergo the necessary examinations and get adequate treatment.

Lumbalia - what is it?

Lumbar lumbar region is the chronic or acute pain of any etiology in the lumbar region. The term was due to the merger of two words: lumbus and algos, that is, the lower back and pain. Thus, lumbulgia is not a disease, it is a collective term for the pain syndrome in this area.

In order to deal with this phenomenon more precisely, you need to divide it into two categories: illness, which are associated with the pathologies of the spine, and the diseases associated with any other organs, then there is:

  • vertebrogenic;
  • invertebrate.

Vertebrogenic lumbargia

Vertebrogenic lubmagia is a generalized name for pathologies with a pain syndrome caused by diseases of the spine.

These include:

  • scoliosis - curvature of the spinal column with respect to the axis;
  • osteochondrosis - dystrophy of the discs between the vertebrae;
  • spondylosis - proliferation of vertebral tissues:
  • protrusion is one of the forms of degeneration of the vertebral column;
  • hernia - displacement of the intervertebral ring;
  • arthrosis - deformation changes in the joints;
  • stenosis - narrowing of the spinal canal;
  • Bechterew's disease - inflammation of the joints and spine in chronic form.

Despite the fact that spinal diseases are a rather unpleasant phenomenon, there is no person in the world who has never encountered at least one of the pathologies described above. The fact is that nature, having made a person "upright" on two legs, and not on four limbs, did not think about the redistribution of the load.

In animals moving on four extremities, scoliosis and osteochondrosis does not happen.

But the person whose spinal column is forced to be in an upright position, suffers enormous loads.

If a person has a developed muscular system, this facilitates the function of the spine, but in the vast majority of people, muscle mass is within the averaged norm.


In which part of the spine the pathological process starts, depends on the person's lifestyle. Cervical and lumbar lumbalgia are the most common disorders, and this is due to the fact that people predominantly lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Scoliosis of the spine may be the cause of lumbargia

Nonvertebrogenic lumbalgia

Back pain, not associated with processes in the spine, can signal a serious somatic pathology.

As a reason, we can distinguish:

  • neoplasms in the abdominal region - benign or malignant, which exert physical pressure on the vertebral column;
  • often lumbar lumbar region causes kidney disease, in this case the pain simply "gives" back area;
  • lumbar lumbagia may be a symptom of bowel disease;
  • also the cause can be infection in the body, inflammatory processes;
  • pain from the lower back is a frequent sign of pregnancy.

In order to understand what type of lumbagia is present, you need to turn in time to the doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.


Factors for the manifestation of lumbar ljubmgiya theoretically have every person, but in order for the pain in the lumbar spine to be manifested, provoking factors are needed. This is especially true of the vertebrogenic type of pathology.

Such provocateur can be:

  • hypothermia, stay in a draft;
  • physical stress, especially for unprepared people, for example, lifting or wearing weights;
  • long walking, especially in uncomfortable shoes;
  • trauma (stroke, bruise) of the foot;
  • overstrain of the muscles, which happens after a long stay in one position, for example, sitting in an office chair, standing, and even lying.

When it comes to a non-aborted type of pathology, the point of development of the main disease to such a stage, when the tissues located in the immediate vicinity of the spine.

Spine parts

How does the disease progress?

A characteristic feature for lumbar lumbargia is that it does not appear immediately, but 2-3 days after the effect of the provoking factor.

In this case the pain is spontaneous, it can occur suddenly and abruptly.

A person will instinctively look for a pose in which the pain has decreased: he will try to sit down, lie down, bend over.

It is noteworthy that leaning forward, it will be difficult to straighten back, and he will rest his palm in the lower back like a lever, trying to straighten up in full growth.

The big one will often change the position of the body: changing his pose, he will feel that he has finally found a position in which he is comfortable but within a few seconds the muscle tension will return again, forcing the person again to look for a more convenient position of the body.

Lumbar lumbar disorder rarely passes by itself.

On the contrary, discomfort increases, the area of ​​painful sensations spreads, grabbing the upper parts of the back, buttocks.

Against this background, there will be strong irritability, insomnia, emotional lability, fatigue. Therefore, sooner or later a person has to go to a doctor.

Important! If the pain lasts more than 3 months, the syndrome is considered chronic.


When referring a patient to a doctor before the latter, there are two main tasks: examination of the spine and differential diagnosis to eliminate diseases from the list of non-pathogenic pathologies.

In order to examine the state of the tissues of the spine, medicine has three methods of diagnosis:

  • the x-ray of the spine - is performed in the forward position, functional shots are also assigned when the patient takes a certain posture, and if the cause of the pain is trauma, narrowing of the cracks between the vertebrae or osteoporosis, the x-ray can easily do this show;
  • Computed tomography is a more advanced X-ray method that allows you to see the spine in 3D; thus, hernias, narrowing in the vertebral canal, tumors are diagnosed;
  • Magnetic resonance therapy is a method in which not only the shape and location of organs and tissues is evaluated, but also its state: that is, the MRI apparatus displays the state of the tissues of the spine, muscles, nerves and vessels in the entire examined region.

With MRI, you can also find non-aberrant causes of pain. For example, tumors, kidney stones and even pregnancy.

Additional methods of diagnosis are electroneuromyography - a method for examination for abnormalities in the process of nerve impulse transmission; as well as scintigraphy, thermography, ultrasound.

In order to exclude other pathologies, a symptom of which may be pain in the lumbar spine, the doctor interrogates patient, finds out the circumstances under which pain arose, is the patient's anamnesis, the presence of hereditary factors factors.


After this, the doctor appoints laboratory and functional examinations, which allow to evaluate the functioning of organs:

  • general urine analysis;
  • clinical blood test;
  • blood chemistry;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity organs.

Thus, collecting the diagnostic data, the doctor can determine the nature of pain, inflammation, neoplasms, infection. Based on these data, it will be easy to prescribe a productive treatment.

Medicamentous therapy of lumbalgia

In the event that a disease that is not related to the spine is identified during the examination, the patient is sent to the appropriate doctor of a narrow profile. If the lumbar lumblagia occurred against the background of spine diseases, the first task of the doctor is to remove the pain syndrome.

For this, in most cases, three types of drugs are used:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory for the removal of inflammation ("Nimesulide "Diclofenac");
  • muscle relaxants for muscle relaxation in the clamp zone (Tolperisol);
  • vitamins of group B for nutrition of nervous tissue ("Milgamma Neurobiron ").

As a rule, all these three drugs are administered together injectively. The patient at this time is invited to spend time in complete peace, in bed. A significant improvement will occur 3-4 days after the start of treatment.

In addition, other drugs are prescribed according to indications, for the removal of symptoms or the fixation of the results of treatment:

  • at an edema - diuretic preparations ("Furosemide Brusniver »);
  • when blood circulation is disturbed due to narrowing of the lumen of the column of the spine ("Nicotinic acid "Pentoxifylline");
  • with pain, which does not work analgesics - antidepressants ("Fluoxetine "Valdoksan").

Important! For a successful outcome of treatment, it is very important to take the medication exactly as much as the doctor recommended. Interrupting the course earlier, after reducing the severity of the symptoms, you can again quickly encounter pain.

Other treatments

In addition to the products of the pharmaceutical industry, other methods can be used that eliminate pain and have a therapeutic effect:

  • massage - relieves muscle tension, eliminates muscle contraction;
  • manual therapy - massage, the purpose of which is to give the spine an anatomically correct position;
  • hirudotherapy - the method with the use of leeches is exotic to date, but nevertheless, it is difficult to challenge effectiveness in removing inflammation.
  • exercise therapy - used after the removal of the pain syndrome to strengthen the muscular corset around the spine, prevention of osteochondrosis, scoliosis;
  • reflexotherapy - a method of relieving muscle tension by applying needles to biologically active points;
  • Vacuum therapy is a method of eliminating pain and improving blood circulation with the help of vacuum cans.
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All these methods have repeatedly proved to be effective and effective.

But they must be performed only by a professional, attempts to independently perform exercises of physical therapy immediately afterwards an attack of pain or ask an acquaintance to do a massage on a self-instruction manual may turn into an aggravation of the disease, worsening state of health.

Manual therapy with lumbar spine

But all the above methods are effective at an early stage of the pathology, when the pain is not yet expressed too strongly.

In this case, it is better to address in time to therapeutic massage or reflexotherapy, rather than later be forced to undergo a course of complex medical treatment, observing strict bed rest mode.


Diseases of the spine - one of the few pathologies that can be prevented by competent prevention.

First of all, you need to engage in moderate physical activity and strengthening the muscles of the back and the whole body.

It is important to do this gradually, do not try to immediately raise the heaviest bar in the gym.

In systematic studies, you can strengthen your muscular system so that it will support the spine well, and you will not have to face such a problem as lumbulgia.

In addition, it is important to develop for yourself a simple charge, if the work is associated with a long stay in one position.

At least once every two hours you need to get up, walk around the room, do simple exercises for stress and muscle relaxation.

There are also "sessile" exercises that can be performed even in an office chair, even during a transatlantic flight.

And, finally, it is very important to choose the right orthopedic mattress for sleep, which will ensure sleep time anatomically correct position for the spine, muscle relaxation, correct circulation.

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What is the lumbar region of the lumbosacral spine?

Lumbalia of the lumbar spine is a syndrome with characteristic pains in the lumbar region. Appears after damage to muscle fibers and cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral disc. There are muscle spasms with large physical exertion or a weak muscular back skeleton.

What is lumbulgia?

Lumbalia issevere back pain accompanying various diseases of the spinal muscles and spine.

It occurs when lifting weights, sharp inclinations, chronic inflammatory processes.

Pain occurs due to problems with the spine, lumbar muscles, internal organs of the abdominal cavity and infringement of the nerve roots. It can manifest in the lower back, legs, buttocks and perineum.

Ignore the pain you can not, you run the risk of disability or become disabled. Lumbalgia localization occurs in the fourth, fifth lumbar vertebrae. Less often, the upper vertebrae are damaged.


Large physical exertion leads to a strong pressure on the joints and their inflammation. In the muscles and fascia there are painful zones. At a strain of muscles the patient feels a pain in a loin.

Static stress: sedentary work, sleep in an uncomfortable position.

When a person for a long time is in an uncomfortable position, painful spasms of muscles in the back occur.

Pregnancy, rapid body weight gain and increased pressure on the spine. Tissue swelling occurs due to fluid retention. There are pains.


Hypodinamy. Passive way of life, low physical loads worsen blood circulation, reduce the elasticity of intervertebral discs, weaken muscles. There is hypertrophy, the vertebrae converge and the spinal nerves are compressed.


Not correct posture - displacement of vertebrae, wear of intervertebral disc tissues. As a consequence of inflammation and pain.

Overcooling - spasms of blood vessels, circulatory disorders, inflammation of the joints. Excess weight - increased load on the intervertebral discs.

Stress - muscle spasms, circulatory disorders.

Changes in the spine with age - the muscles weaken, the intervertebral discs lose elasticity, the joints degrade, the posture worsens. Pain occurs in seventy-five percent of people older than fifty-five years.

Injuries - compression fractures, dislocation of discs, ruptures of ligaments and soft tissues, edema, increased pressure on the spinal nerve, acute pain. Occur when lifting weights, falls, crashes.

Osteochondrosis - intervertebral disc wear, edema, aseptic inflammation. Protrusion - protrusion of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc.

Hernia - the extension of the pulpous nucleus through the fibrous ring squeezes the nerve root and causes pain.

Osteoarthritis - inflammation and increased load on the joints of the spine, the erasure of cartilage.

Degenerative changes in muscles - weak muscles poorly support the spine, pressure on intervertebral discs and joints increases. Spinal cord injury - sprains, ligament ruptures, increased distances between vertebrae.

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Narrowing of the vertebral canal - degenerative processes in the vertebrae contribute to the growth of bone tissue. There is pain in the buttocks and thighs.

Horse tail syndrome - swollen, inflammation, trauma and hernia entail a worsening of the functions of the pelvic organs and lower extremities: violation of urination, defecation, paralysis of the legs.


Spondylitis is an inflammatory disease of the spine. In the body of the vertebra, the number of bacteria increases and causes destruction, the intervertebral disc is affected, the distance between the vertebrae decreases. The canal of the spinal cord narrows and pains arise.


Osteoporosis - the affected vertebra becomes brittle. The distance between the vertebrae decreases, nerve roots, radicular arteries and veins are squeezed. An edema begins, a disturbance in the supply of the spinal cord.


  • Pain, muscle tension in the lumbar spine.

    Pain syndrome increases with static, dynamic loads and palpation of the affected area of ​​the back;

  • The patient can not bend, unbend his back;
  • Acute pain in the lumbar region when coughing, sneezing, screaming, deep breathing;
  • Spasms of the muscles of the back;
  • Shooting pain, deterioration of sensitivity in the lower limbs.


The attending physician should determine the causes of the disease and further methods of struggle. Before the beginning of therapy, a comprehensive examination of the patient is carried out. The specialist diagnoses the disease, based on the characteristic signs. Further specialized diagnostics is carried out:

  • X-ray in several projections;
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • Uzi.

Types of treatment

It is prescribed medicamental, manual and physiotherapeutic treatment.

An acute attack of pain is removed with the help of pharmacological drugs and manual therapy. Then the stage of restoration with the help of therapeutic complexes of exercises, massage, reflexotherapy is carried out. Only an integrated approach will help restore the patient's health.


  • Optimize work and rest;
  • Monitor physical activity;
  • Use vitamin D, minerals, proteins;
  • Fight bad habits;
  • Do swimming, but only with mild illness.

Surgical intervention

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Remove the damaged parts of cartilage, discs and replace them with plates, spokes, struts. Then follows the process of rehabilitation for up to a year. The basis of the recovery process: diet and refusal of exercise.


In most cases, patients seek help to eliminate pain.Intramuscular injection of pain relievers and massage.

  • Midokalm, Baclofen, Sirdalud - reduce muscle tension, pain, facilitate movement;
  • Nimesulide - removes inflammation, pain and swelling. Reduces the destruction of cartilaginous tissue;
  • Diclofenac - anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect;
  • Actovegin, Pentoxifylline - reduces vasoconstriction, pain syndrome, muscle spasm;
  • Nimesulide-gel, Dip-Relief gel - anti-inflammatory action. Reduce swelling;
  • A solution of dimexide and novocain - an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves pain in muscles and joints. Deeply penetrates into the tissues. Characterized by a strong analgesic effect.

Recommendations for drug treatment:

  • Bed rest;
  • Hard bed;
  • Lumbar corset;
  • Compresses - warming ointments and woolen belt.


Short-pulse electroanalgesia - exposure to short impulses, blockage of pain. Pulsed electrical action improves blood flow, removes lactic acid.

DiaDynamotherapy - pulse diadynamic currents of various frequencies. The sensitivity of pain receptors decreases, the production of endorphins increases. Improves blood circulation, venous outflow. Reduced inflammation and swelling.

Electrophoresis - a constant electric current and pain medication. The concentration of the drug in the affected area is reached, the pain decreases.

Magnetolaser therapy - magnetic field and laser radiation. Reduces pain, inflammation, improves regeneration in damaged tissues.

Magnetotherapy - permanent and alternating magnetic fields. Reduces the sensitivity of receptors, gives an analgesic effect. Edema decreases, blood circulation is restored.

Ultrasonic therapy - ultrasonic vibrations. Characterized by mechanical, thermal, physico-chemical effects on damaged tissues. Carries an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, vasodilating effect.


Acupuncture reduces aches with acupuncture. There is a stimulation of the release of the body hormones.


Manual therapy - relieves muscle spasms, swelling. Improves blood circulation, elasticity of ligaments.


In the area of ​​the affected area of ​​the back, a drug for analgesia is injected. The effect is up to four days. Single blockade - one injection session. Course - every few days. The course can contain up to fifteen injections.

A blockade is performed if the patient has:

  • Severe pain in the lumbar region;
  • Hernias;
  • Extensive inflammation of ligaments, joints.

Folk remedies

Warming of the diseased part of the spine with an alcohol compress on the basis of dandelion flowers, horse chestnut. Pain is reduced, blood circulation is restored. The joints warm up.

Compresses with leaves or horseradish roots have a similar effect. Warming up damaged tissues, improving blood flow, reducing inflammation. It is not recommended to apply compresses for a long time and put children.

Rinse with pork fat - improves blood flow in muscles, reduces pain. The resin of coniferous trees is used for grinding and compresses. Herbal ointment: root of comfrey, althea, dandelion, grass - lavender, saber, yarrow and horsetail.

General recommendations

  • Constantly watch for proper posture when standing, sitting, lifting and carrying weights;
  • Every day, do exercises;
  • Try to avoid injuries, hypothermia;
  • Sleep on a hard or semi-rigid mattress;
  • From the sixth month of pregnancy, use a bandage;
  • Consult with your doctor.

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