After the illness, there was a cough and does not pass

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Cough does not pass after illness

Cough after the illness often causes serious anxiety in patients. It would seem that the main painful symptoms, for example, increased body temperature, runny nose and general fatigue behind, and there is nothing to worry about. But the presence of this symptom indicates that the disease has not yet completely left the body. What should I do in this situation and should I rush to a doctor? In order to understand this, it is necessary to find out, because of what diseases you may not have this symptom.

What can testify cough after pharyngitis and tracheitis

Pharyngitis - a disease in which the inflammation of the back wall of the larynx. This ailment is accompanied by perspiration and scratching in the throat, mucosal edema, a profuse rhinitis and a strong paroxysmal symptom that causes the most anxiety. The edema of the larynx causes spasms, which lead to the appearance of this painful symptom.

Inflammation of the trachea also leads to mucosal edema. Residual cough after tracheitis is not so painful and painful, but also pile-up. As with pharyngitis, it softens after the laryngeal edema subsides. A long non-passing symptom may indicate that the mucosa of the airways is still inflamed.

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If, after these diseases, it does not go away for a long time and causes severe anxiety, consult a doctor. Perhaps this is a consequence of severe complications, which requires serious treatment.

Cough after ARI does not last long, what should I do?

If after a cold or ARI has passed a sufficient amount of time, and all the accompanying diseases the symptoms left your body in peace, and the cough still does not pass, you should seriously think about the visit to the doctor. The residual symptom in this case may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the organs of the lower respiratory tract. Many mistakenly suggest that bronchitis and pneumonia, which are the most common complications after acute respiratory infections and colds, always occur with an increase in body temperature. But this is not so. Here everything depends on how much the person has strong immunity. These diseases are not always accompanied by sputum discharge. In this case, the cough is unproductive and paroxysmal.

What does cough after tonsillitis testify?

Tonsillitis, which is better known as angina, is a disease that is contagious. Dangerous angina is that after it, patients often have various complications. After this ailment, there may be problems with the heart or kidneys. The symptom that interests us after tonsillitis occurs in two cases. It is observed with rheumatic fever. This dangerous disease requires immediate medical intervention. The patient is prescribed antibiotics and antibacterial drugs.

Pharyngitis can also cause cough after tonsillitis. Edema of the posterior wall of the larynx after sore throat is not uncommon.

Cough after genyantritis

Mucus that flows profusely from the nose with sinusitis and sinusitis, often gets into the respiratory tract, draining along the back wall of the larynx. Because of this, cough receptors are irritated, which leads to the appearance of a dry paroxysmal symptom. If the genyantritis has been cured, and cough still does not go away, you should definitely consult a doctor, to establish the etiology of the disease.

What is the cause of cough after heartburn and GIT diseases?

If you are tormented for several hours by heartburn, which causes a dry, painful symptom, then your gastrointestinal tract has failed. Cough due to heartburn can be observed in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastritis or ulcer. Treatment of these diseases, provoking seizures, should be entrusted to the gastroenterologist. Only he can assign the necessary studies and write out the necessary medications.

What if I can not get rid of a cough?

Every person at least once a year overtakes a cold. Since childhood, unpleasant symptoms are familiar to everyone: cough, fever, runny nose, weakness, sore throat. Unfortunately, some symptoms can torment a person even after a complete, seemingly healing. The most common case, when the cold has passed, but does not pass cough. A prolonged cough can be observed for several more weeks after a cold. What is the reason for coughing and how to deal with it?

Cough is a protective reaction of the body to foreign bodies that enter our body. It is included as a protective reflex, when a person choked or even inhaled through the mouth various substances, such as dust. During colds, sputum accumulates in the respiratory tract, which the body perceives as an alien body and with the help of a cough tries to get rid of it and various microbes.

Thus, it becomes clear that the cough should be treated not as a result of the disease, but as a process that helps to recover to the end. This means: it is more correct not to get rid of cough, but to make it more productive.But sometimes the cough becomes very intense, sometimes, not allowing a person to fall asleep, or even causing vomiting. In these cases, undoubtedly, measures should be taken to reduce the strength of this process.

Causes of prolonged cough

Most often, cough occurs with colds:

  • flu;
  • respiratory syncytial virus infection;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • acute or chronic bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

When a cough occurs, it is necessary to undergo a checkup to find out the cause of its appearance

Of course, there are other serious diseases, which lead to an intense and prolonged cough. If a person does not get a cough for a month, then first you need to see a doctor, and only then start the possible self-treatment. In any case, when a person has a prolonged cough, it is necessary to do a fluorography or even an X-ray.

If a cough during a cold does not go along with the disease, then post cold cough should be treated. Usually it is accompanied by the release of viscous sputum. Treatment should be aimed at liquefying and spitting out of the respiratory tract.

Treatment of a protracted cough

It is wrong to talk about the cough treatment, because it's just a symptom. He either is removed as a symptom, or heals the disease itself, as a result of which he appeared.

There are 3 main components that can help cough:
  • abundant drinking;
  • inhalation;
  • drugs that dilute sputum.

When you cough, the patient should definitely drink plenty of liquid to restore the water balance in the body. Water helps the process of liquefying phlegm and getting it out of the body.

Alkaline mineral waters, such as Borjomi or Essentuki, are especially useful. Addition to a high intake of liquids should be the right food, containing many vitamins - fresh fruits and vegetables.


As for inhalations, this is one of the most effective methods for relieving cough. It is not difficult to make inhalation, besides there are many different ways, and each patient can choose for himself the most accessible of them. One of the options: brew such herbs as chamomile, sage, thyme, coltsfoot, add a teaspoon of soda food and a couple drops of eucalyptus or menthol oil, and then inhale the vapors. You can administer the inhalation several times a day.
By the way, essential oils are very effective in steam inhalers. You need to choose those that contribute to the dilution of sputum, softening of the mucosa of the respiratory tract.The lavender essential oil has a softening effect. Antiseptics are eucalyptus and thyme. An expectorant effect will be achieved with the use of incense and majorana essential oil. You can prepare a mixture of oils for inhalation yourself, or buy it already ready in the pharmacy.

Medicinal products

Reception of medicines at a cough should be carried out only on purpose of the doctor

As for the drugs, then it's worth to be especially careful. As in the case of other drugs, the choice of medicine should only be trusted by a specialist. Come to the pharmacy and on the advice of a pharmacist to purchase a popular expectorant is a big mistake many patients make.

In some cases, it can help, but in others it can even do harm, because a pharmacist can not deliver an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, it is worth to go to the doctor and find out what exactly is the reason for a prolonged, not passing cough.

Speaking generally about medicines, you should know that drugs for liquefying sputum are divided into mucolytic and expectorant. Mucolytics are prescribed in cases when sputum is very viscous and it is difficult to be excreted from the body. Expectorant medications are needed in situations where sputum, on the contrary, is small. They help bronchi to extract phlegm, making it more fluid. At the same time, the medicine causes a cough, so that the bronchi are cleared.

A separate group of drugs are antitussive drugs. As you know, cough is not always worth eliminating, because it helps the body to clear itself of germs and sputum. But in some cases, with a dry suffocating cough, antitussive drugs are prescribed.

Do this only a doctor, because these drugs can have strong side effects. In addition, in the presence of phlegm, the taking of these medicines must be stopped immediately. Even if you take medication for a while, the cough worries for another 1-2 weeks, then you need to see a doctor, you may need to change the treatment.

How to relieve lingering cough?

There are some simple methods that will help make the cough less painful. Using these tips, available to everyone, you can bring the sick body a lot of benefits:

  1. Rinse the throat with saline. Solution: warm water with a diluted teaspoon of salt. You can make this solution with baking soda and add a drop of iodine. The irritated throat will not hurt so much when coughing.
  2. To give up smoking. If the patient smokes, then at least for the period of treatment, it is worth to give up a bad habit, or at least reduce the number of smoked cigarettes to a minimum.
  3. Humidified air. If there are special devices for humidifying the air, then you must use them, and if not, you can simply put a couple of cans of water in the corners of the room. Humid air easily penetrates into the lungs, and dry - irritates them, causing coughing attacks.
  4. With a dry cough, you need to use a spoonful of honey. Strengthen the effect of honey with finely chopped garlic or onions. This remedy softens the throat and has an antibacterial effect.
    Thus, with the right approach to treating the disease, you can effectively get rid of the cough, eliminating its complications. It must be remembered that any disease that has not completely disappeared can have serious consequences for the body.

Effective treatment of residual cough

Often happens so that after the transferred illnesses the person continues to excruciate cough. This phenomenon sometimes lasts from two days to several weeks. If the cough remains after recovery from a cold or respiratory disease, this can be explained by the increased sensitivity of the bronchi that has not yet stabilized after getting rid of the disease. In this case, the norm is if residual reflex convulsive exhalations last no more than a few days and occur during:
  • Differential temperature of the environment.
  • Getting into the lungs of smoke, smog.
  • The appearance of sharp odors and the appearance of other irritants, directly affecting the respiratory system.

In such cases, treatment of residual cough will only be symptomatic, since recovery from the underlying disease has already occurred. It must be done, but you can do it yourself, conducting various procedures at home.

Residual cough: what to treat?

If, after getting rid of the underlying ailment, reflex cramps of the airways continue, the following methods can effectively solve the problem:

  • Carrying out inhalations.
  • Application of compresses, application of warming procedures.
  • Symptomatic treatment with massage.
  • Application of traditional medicine.
  • Increased immunity.
  • Humidification of the room.

How to cure residual cough with inhalation?

One of the secrets of effectively getting rid of the consequences of diseases in the form of incessant spastic reflex exhalations is the inhalation of various vapors and suspensions. They can be carried out with the help of special devices - nebulizers. In the absence of such inhalers, they can be replaced with an ordinary saucepan or a kettle and a towel.

Inhalations help get rid of the residual cough, perfectly moisturize the bronchi, restore their normal work. An important point in the symptomatic treatment of an unpleasant phenomenon is that such procedures must be carried out every day. With their regularity, wet steam, getting on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, will activate the work of cilia located on them, normalizing the full work of the entire system.

There is a very large selection of different means for inhalation with cough:

  • Medications (berodual, berotek, atrovent, fluimucil, lazolvan, ambroben and others). Before starting the procedure, the medicine must be mixed with saline solution.
  • Mineral waters of slightly alkaline composition (Borjomi).
  • Boiled potatoes.
  • Essential oils of chamomile, eucalyptus, menthol, orange, a few drops of which are added to the water.
  • Herbal medicinal herbs: thyme, sage.

When carrying out inhalations for the treatment of residual cough, simple rules should be followed:

  • Inhale the vapor through the mouth, and breathe out the nose.
  • Carry out the procedure 60 minutes before meals.
  • Do not eat after inhalation and do not go out.
  • Do not perform the procedure too long (10-15 minutes is enough).
  • If allergic reactions occur, stop the procedure immediately.

Residual cough: treatment with compresses on the chest and warming up

No less effective methods in the fight against the reflex spasm of the airways that continue even after getting rid of the main ailment are the following:

  • Warming compresses. They are superimposed on the chest (avoiding the heart area). With symptomatic treatment of cough used components such as: alcohol, honey, mustard, kerosene and others.
  • Rubbing of the chest and back with animal fat, vodka, warming ointments.
  • Mustards.
  • Setochka from iodine.

How to get rid of residual cough: treatment with massage?

Excellent help to get rid of the effects of pneumonia, bronchitis, colds, respiratory diseases, drainage manipulation. Their secret lies in the fact that the head of a person during the procedure should be below the breast level. For this, a pillow or roller is placed under the neck. The procedure is as simple as possible:

  • From the spine in different directions, it is necessary to retreat one centimeter and tiptoe up from the waist to the shoulders. Make 20 lanes along the same line. Retreat a little to the sides. Carry out the same number of repetitions. The last movements should pass along the sides of the patient, without touching his armpits.
  • The ribs of the palms perform effacing manipulations diagonally (from the right side of the waist to the left shoulder and vice versa).
  • After that, you need to clear your throat.

Massage should be done daily. It stimulates the escape from the respiratory organs of accumulated mucus, restores the mobility of the chest.

Residual cough: how to treat with traditional medicine?

Perfectly save from spastic reflex exhalations, left as a reminder of the past illness, various methods and techniques popular with the people. These include:
  • The use of hot milk with butter and honey to soften the throat, relieve spasms and additional warming of the bronchi.
  • Reception of various infusions of herbal dues, consisting of althaea, chamomile, licorice root, sage, thyme.
  • Use inside during the occurrence of attacks of residual cough mixture of, a glass of apple cider vinegar and 4 tablespoons of honey.

Increased immunity and humidification of the room, as important factors in the treatment of residual cough

One should not lose sight of the fact that to get rid of the consequences of diseases, in the form of periodic reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, such elementary tools as:

  • Maintain sufficient humidity in the room.
  • Stimulation of the immune system.
To fulfill the first condition, it is sufficient to use different air humidifiers, do not allow it to dry out, do not include heaters. Increase immunity can be fully nourished, taking vitamin C, giving the body adequate physical activity.

If the treatment does not help and the residual cough lasts more than 10 days after getting rid of the underlying ailment, then there is high probability that the underlying disease has become chronic, or other pathologies have occurred that cause symptom. It does not matter whether there are additional signs and indispositions or not. The presence of normal temperature is also not a guarantee of the absence of various diseases (chronic bronchitis, pertussis, tuberculosis). In case of prolonged manifestation of convulsive reflex exhalations, it is necessary to visit a doctor, to make sure of absence of illnesses, as the reason causing a symptom, and to learn from a specialist, than to treat residual cough.

Cough for colds

Cough is a frequent companion of colds. His treatment can not be carried out by itself, because in most cases, coughing is just a symptom of the underlying illness. Cough for cold gives a lot of unpleasant feelings to a person. There are a sufficient number of ways to help quickly and effectively cope with both the cough itself and the cold that caused it to appear. It should be remembered that the treatment of a disease accompanied by a cough is necessary, because otherwise the disease can become chronic or cause complications.

With a cold, a dry cough

The technique by which cough treatment is cured for colds depends to a large extent on the nature of the cough itself. It can be dry or wet, with sputum separation. With a damp cough in the lungs, sputum is present, which affects the respiratory system and provokes a cough. With the dry nature of this symptom, the cause is irritation of the receptors on the mucous membrane of the respiratory system.

One of the most common methods of treating dry cough with a cold is gargling with a solution of ordinary soda. This method will have a visible effect only in inflammatory processes of the upper parts of the respiratory tract: pharynx or larynx. If the cough is caused by a lesion of the bronchi, the gargling of the throat will not help. In this case, it is better to replace them with inhalations with soda or a decoction of chamomile.

Another recipe that can cope with a cough for a cold of a dry nature, is considered inhalation with the addition of eucalyptus oil. Several drops of it drip into a container of boiling water, then you need to sit above it and inhale the vapors that are released, covered with a towel.

With a cold cough with phlegm

Treatment of a damp cough for colds is mainly to get rid of phlegm. To do this, you need to make it more fluid to make it easier to remove. Help in this can be mucolytic drugs, as well as funds similar to them in action. One such compound is honey with the addition of birch buds. To prepare such a product you will need a glass of honey and half a cup of kidney. These ingredients are mixed by adding about 100 ml of water to the mixture. Then it is put on fire and boiled for about 5 minutes. After this, the product is filtered, you can also add a couple of drops of aloe juice and a little sugar. The resulting mixture is taken on a large spoon after eating several times a day. Keep the product in a cool, dark place.

Another method of treating wet cough with colds is compresses made from honey and herbs. One of the recipes is as follows. A small spoonful of dry mustard powder, a small amount of vodka, as much vegetable oil and a tablespoon of honey should be well mixed. The entire mixture is gently applied to a piece of cloth or gauze, which must be of such size to cover the back or chest completely. The compress is placed on the chest or back and left on the skin for several hours. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, before going to bed. Most likely, the next day the cough will recede and the patient will feel considerable relief.

Cough after a cold

Cough does not pass after a cold

Quite often cough persists for a long time after other symptoms of the common cold have already receded. Such a cough torments a person and gives him trouble.

Cough for cold is one of the most characteristic symptoms of the disease. It can persist for a while and after the treatment of the underlying disease, which is one of the variants of the norm. However, the residual cough should not last more than 10-14 days after the disappearance of other signs of a cold. If the cough remains for a longer time, this may indicate the development of complications, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough and others. Therefore, if cough after a cold persists for more than 2 weeks, you should visit the therapist, and if necessary, other specialists. In some cases, after severe infectious diseases can persist for up to two months.

Causes of cough after a cold

The acute period of a cold is usually quite short-lived, in most cases it lasts no more than a few days. However, even in this short time pathogenic microorganisms or viruses manage to destroy the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. This leads to an increase in its sensitivity. Inhalation of very cold air, dust, sharp temperature contrast can lead to coughing attacks. Such residual cough may be dry or accompanied by a mild sputum discharge. Most often, it manifests itself with a slight cough and a feeling of perspiration in the throat. After some time after a cold, the body recovers, and cough completely disappears. During the recovery period, all the treatment procedures aimed at getting rid of the cough that was carried out during the acute period of the illness should be performed.

Long cough after cold: treatment

In the treatment of residual cough, various herbal extracts can be used, for example, based on quince, pine buds, ivy leaves or other medicinal plants. Methods of treating long-term cough after a cold are also compresses, inhalations, warming and a special set of physical exercises. Traditional medicine offers its options for the rapid treatment of residual cough.

Medicinal plants have spasmolytic, mucolytic and expectorant effect, they are able to reduce the severity of the mucosal edema.

Residual cough of a wet character can be treated with inhalations with such medicinal plants as the turn, yarrow, eucalyptus, plantain, coltsfoot, rosemary and others. You can use for this purpose fiz.svostr and essential oils, for example, fir, lime, rosemary, sage, aira, pine and others. In the absence of special devices: a nebulizer or an inhaler, the inhalation procedure is carried out over any capacity. It is important to monitor the temperature of the steam, so as not to burn yourself. The patient needs to bend over the container and cover himself with a towel, inhaling the healing steam. The duration of such inhalation is about 10 minutes. After the procedure is over for a while you can not leave the premises.

Treatment for a cough after a cold can include warming compresses, which when prepared use badger fat, lard, various warming ointments made on the basis of essential oils. The chosen means should be rubbed feet and chest area, then put on top thick socks and woolen scarf.

To get rid of a cough after a cold, you can use a fig with milk. To prepare this product, several pieces of dried white figs and a cup of milk are required. The ingredients are combined and boiled, after which the resulting beverage is left to be infused. The drug should be drunk several times a day in hot form.

A known remedy that helps with residual cough is black radish with the addition of sugar. At the big fruit of a radish cut off an apex and do a deepening in pulp where pour some honey or put sugar. The cut top is put in place, and the radish is left for about 24 hours. During this time, the juice appears in the groove, which is what it is used for when coughing before eating on a large spoon.

They help to cope with a cough after a cold and exercises physical therapy exercises, this method for treating cough in children is especially shown. The complex of exercises is performed several times a day. The first exercise is a push-up from the floor with legs bent at the knees. The second exercise is carried out, lying with his back on the big fitball and picking up dumbbells. It consists in the dilution of the hands on the exhalation and in turn their upward and downward shifting. The number of repetitions is 10 times. Such exercises can increase the volume of the lungs.

A good effect is also a massage with vibrations. It is carried out by easy tapping movements with the help of the ribs of the palms along the lines along the spine, while the spine itself can not be touched. The duration of the massage is about 2 minutes.

Increase the volume of lungs and improve their performance can be by inflating balloons. However, such an exercise in children can lead to hyperventilation, which is manifested by vomiting and dizziness. Therefore, instead of balloons, you can buy a baby lip harmonica.

It is important after the disease to restore weakened immunity. This can be achieved by adequate nutrition, regular intake of necessary vitamins and physical activity. Some time after a cold, the nasal and pharyngeal mucosa remains too dry. To get rid of dryness it is possible, having dripped in nasal courses on some droplets Vaseline or sea-buckthorn oil.

Cough without colds

Coughing is one of the body's reflexes in response to the inflammatory process or the effect of an irritant. Cough can occur with colds. However, sometimes it appears without signs of a cold. Such a cough can be a sign of a serious illness.

Causes of cough without colds

In any case, cough with or without a cold is just a symptom. To determine the causes of cough without a cold, you need to analyze other symptoms of the disease and the nature of the cough itself: dry or wet (productive).

Causes of cough without cold can be the following pathologies:

  1. Gastroesophageal reflux. This pathology is manifested by the release of gastric acids into the esophagus. In this case, a cough may appear, especially in the prone position. Other symptoms of this condition are a sour taste in the mouth and heartburn.
  2. Obstructive lung disease of chronic form.
  3. Stagnation in the lungs, the primary cause of which is a viral infection. This residual phenomenon may persist for some time after the cure of the disease.
  4. Lesions of the lungs, irritation of the esophagus, larynx and pharynx due to prolonged smoking.

Dry cough without cold can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Allergic reaction.
  2. Bronchial asthma.
  3. Bronchospasm.
  4. The effects of irritants, dust and other.
  5. Taking ACE inhibitor drugs that are used to lower blood pressure.

In addition, cough without cold can be caused by mediastinal tumors, pleurisy, lung cancer, tuberculosis, pathologies of the nervous system. In childhood, the causes of coughing can be inhalation of dust or tobacco smoke, emotional shocks, acute laryngitis (croup). Babies may develop coughing and runny nose during teething.

There is also a physiological cough, not accompanied by signs of a cold. It manifests itself in the fact that a healthy child coughs about 20 times a day, while there are no other symptoms of the disease. Thus, the child's airways are cleansed of sputum and foreign bodies trapped in the respiratory system. Treatment with a physiological cough is not required.

Cough without cold: treatment

Treatment of a cough without a cold should be directed not at getting rid of this symptom, but for the underlying disease that caused its appearance. However, to reduce the manifestations and severity of cough, it is possible to carry out some activities:

- A productive moist cough requires dilution of sputum. To this end, a generous warm drink helps. It is not necessary to suppress cough, because in this way from the lungs and bronchi to excrete accumulated slime. If this process is broken, sputum accumulates in the lower parts of the lungs, which can cause complications;

- cough for colds and without it - an excuse to quit smoking forever;

- to remove irritation and get rid of the pain in the throat can be by rinsing the throat with water and adding to it the usual salt (the ratio of half a small spoon to a cup of water);

- air in the room where the patient with a cough is, should be sufficiently moistened;

- To make a cough more effective help inhalation with the addition of essential oils: eucalyptus, thyme, incense, marjoram and others.

Of course, not always cough without a cold requires a visit to the doctor, it is often just a reaction to dust and other irritating substances in the air, an allergic reaction or a residual phenomenon after the transferred disease. However, if the cough is accompanied by severe pain, there are traces of blood in the expectorant sputum, or cough lasts more than 10-14 days, it is worth turning to the specialists. In such cases, ECG is usually prescribed, lung radiography, general blood and urine tests, lung volume determination and other examinations.

What can be treated for a residual cough in a child?

Residual cough is very common in children.Therefore, many mothers have a question: how to treat a residual cough in a child? What is it and what to do in this case?

Features of residual cough

Most often, the transferred illness does not pass quickly. It seems that the symptoms have disappeared, the temperature is normal, but the baby sometimes coughs up without sputum. This is the residual cough in the child.

It lasts for 2-3 weeks - it all depends on the immunity of the child and the type of infection.

If the baby is often sick with ARVI, then, of course, and the residual cough can manifest longer. This is due to the fact that with respiratory diseases the virus affects the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, namely the trachea and bronchi. Therefore, after treatment, the mucosa is restored for a long time (the duration of the period is 14-20 days). Because of this, just at this time of recovery in children, a residual cough is observed.

Postinfectious coughing may not manifest in all children. This phenomenon depends on the individual characteristics of the child, namely:

  • its immune system;
  • personal environment;
  • correct quenching conditions.

Therefore, the process of recovery of the mucosa and the reaction of the body can be diverse. This is important to consider when appointing procedures.

Therapy of residual cough

All diseases are treated with certain medications and procedures that are prescribed by a specialized doctor. For residual cough, special treatment is not required. In this case, the body can recover after a cold, and he just needs to help.

To cure residual cough in children, you need to comply with certain requirements:

  1. The main task of recovery is to restore the normal work of the respiratory system - the bronchi. And for this they should be moistened. This will help you with a compressor or ultrasonic (not steam only) nebulizer, which can be used at home. For inhalation, take a pure saline solution or a mixture of saline and a medicinal product. Thanks to it, moist steam has a positive effect on the inflamed mucosa.
  2. To sputum better than expectorated, you can use a variety of syrups that will remove spasms and help dilute sputum.
  3. To ease the child's condition, it is necessary to have another home appliance, namely an air humidifier, because dry air can aggravate the child's condition and cause a dry spastic cough. Thanks to the moisturizer, a comfortable microclimate will be created, which will facilitate the rapid recovery of the body.
  4. If the child is small, then its back can be rubbed with various warming ointments. This procedure should preferably be done before bedtime, so that the baby sleeps peacefully.
  5. Older children can make warming compresses. Make them from fat, ointment or mustard plasters. Stretch their breasts and feet, after which it is necessary to put warm clothes on these places.
  6. A classic means in the fight against coughing can be called hot milk, in which various useful ingredients are added, for example, onion juice, honey, butter.
  7. Use the methods of traditional medicine. With a residual cough, you can not do without medicinal herbs. From them you can make syrups and decoctions. Thanks to them, the child will quickly recover.
  8. Positive for recovery is considered to increase immunity. To do this, you should take vitamins, eat healthy food, exercise. The main thing is not to overdo it.

When a child after a cold has a residual cough, it should be followed closely.

If the cough does not persist for a long period, you should immediately call your doctor to find out the cause of this cough.

Health to you and your children!

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