Prophylaxis of myopia

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Myopia or myopia is a pathology in which objects located far away are poorly perceived by the human visual apparatus due to the elongated eyeball.In the normally functioning optical system of the eye, the refracting rays fall on the macula, a special point on the back of the eye, and the image is normally interpreted by the analyzer. With myopia, the reflecting surface is in front of the macula, and this discrepancy between the optical power and the length of the eyeball leads to a distorted perception of distant objects. With progressive myopia, the perception of objects located near and far away is disturbed. Distinguish between axial and refractive myopia. The latter occurs against the background of a large refractive force of the lens, while the axial appears as a result of a change in the shape of the eye.

How to stop the development of pathology and protect yourself by methods of prevention from its occurrence - this is the subject of the article.


  • 1Features of preventive measures
    • 1.1For children
    • 1.2For adults
  • instagram viewer
  • 2Training
    • 2.1Accommodation
    • 2.2Oculomotor muscles
    • 2.3General Provisions
  • 3Video
  • 4conclusions

Features of preventive measures

Deformation of the eyeball occurs due to overstrain of horizontal oculomotor muscles.Therefore, the main essence of any preventative measures are the ways to relax the muscles and further improve their elasticity. This effect can be achieved through gymnastics with myopia, vitamin therapy, lifestyle changes and all precautions, if the work requires a lot of concentration.

Preventive measures are carried out at any age, beginning with infancy. Newborn children often hang carousel toys in order to develop a focus.

For children

Myopia in children is usually congenital and is diagnosed approximately in the third year of life, when the optic organ is relatively formed.Acquired pathology occurs mainly in the early years of schooling because of the constant overexertion of the eyes.But even in the latter case the genetic predisposition plays a big role.

If the child was diagnosed with nearsightedness, then the first thing that is done is the corrective optics. This measure is necessary to avoid the further progression of the disease and the occurrence of such pathologies as strabismus and amblyopia.

As a rule, newborns are diagnosed with astigmatism, because the ciliary muscles responsible for narrowing the pupil are not yet developed, and the lens has a strong refractive power. This pathology is physiological and treatment in this case is not carried out.

A number of preventive measures will teach the child to relax his eyes and stop the negative processes. What to do so that the child's vision does not fall:

  • As the first books you need to take only those literature that has large and clear pictures, this will not strain the visual organs.
  • Lighting in the children's room should be good. Do not allow small items to play and draw with insufficient light anywhere in the apartment.
  • Teach your child to sit properly,show the correct distance from the eyes to the table. It should be smaller than the length of the elbow, let it try to measure it and constantly make sure that it conforms to the rules.
  • Limit TV viewing to half an hour. The distance should not be less than 2 meters. Children who have not reached the age of three years, television screenings are contraindicated.
  • Constantly check the vision of your child from the oculist. After birth, the first examination of a specialist should be at the age of three months, then six months and a year. If there is a hereditary predisposition, visits to the ophthalmologist should be more frequent.
  • Pay special attention to food, it should be enriched with vitamins, calcium, carotene. Especially a lot of these elements in natural milk, carrots, blueberries.
    Ophthalmologic examination of a child

For adults

In order not to have problems with vision already in the adult period of life, there is also a whole list of preventive rules:

  • Do not read in the lying position, especially in the lateral position, since in this form your eyes are not at an equal distance from the text document.
  • Transport is also not recommended for reading. During the movement it is difficult to concentrate on the small text, which leads to a strong eye strain up to the headache.
  • Well, if the room where you read, will prevail daylight. It should be enough, it is not necessary to be engaged in economy and on a workplace, it in the final result will affect eyes not in the best way. The table lamp should not be less than 60 W. Avoid direct light.
  • If you are a fan of watching TV, keep the right distance, it should be at least three diagonals.It is not recommended to view it in total darkness, let at least some light be switched on, since too much contrast between the screen and darkness can cause severe fatigue.
  • When working at a computer, try to make the font life 12-14 size, and the distance to the eyes from the screen is 40 cm. Remove excess contrast, or add, if the eyes strongly have to strain. Do a regular break, it's good if at this time you do gymnastics for the eyes, which will allow the muscles to relax.
  • From prolonged work and stress, dry eye syndrome may occur.In this case, eye drops should be used. They will help to get rid of rubbing in eyes, dryness and discomfort.
  • Regularly conduct visual diagnosis of the ophthalmologist, especially if the work is associated with prolonged exertion on the eyes.
  • Use vitamin complexes and try to relax completely in moments of rest.

Long stay at the computer can provoke the development of dry eye syndrome, which will result in a number of negative consequences in the style of chronic keratitis, constantly increased eye pressure, blepharitis.


All the processes of eye movement and narrowing of the pupils are caused by the work of the muscles.Thus, 6 groups of muscles respond to the movement of the eyes, which are involved not only in the review of the environment, but also in concentration. Myopia is caused by overexertion of the horizontal muscles, which change the shape of the eye from round to longitudinal. The accommodation is provided by ciliary muscles.


Accommodation is the ability of the eye to adapt to the subject at various distances.For this is the focal point that, under normal vision, remains unchanged and is located in the very center of the macula. In addition, in the accommodative process, the ciliary muscle, the lens, and the cornea are involved. With the passage of time, the listed visual structures lose their elasticity and adaptability, and with prolonged tension, the spasm of accommodation can manifest itself.

The technique is based on focusing on different objects that are located at different distances.Exercises for training accommodation can be done both in the workplace and at home. The essence of the method is that initially selected image, which is located at arm's length. One eye is covered, the second slowly draws the drawing until it is completely blurred. Then he moves away in the same way.After the procedure 1-2 minutes you need to look into the distance and try to concentrate on those things that are located at a distance.

This exercise eliminates the defocus of vision and prevents the development of false myopia. Also the visual tension is removed.

Oculomotor muscles

For their relaxation, the well-known exercise complexes developed by William Bates and popularized by Norbekov, Zhdanovand other public figures in the field of getting rid of bad habits and diseases through auto-training. The effectiveness of the techniques has been proven in practice, but not in the case of severe forms of disease. There is also no scientific evidence in the field of treatment for eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, optic nerve atrophy, retinal detachment.

William Bates Methodology

What the technique suggests and what exercises include, see the article abouta description of Zhdanov's method.He took Bates and Shichko as the basis for the work, thereby combining ideas for the development of positive thinking with the methodological complex of exercises for training oculomotor muscles.

Basic exercises:

  • Focus the sight on the tip of the nose at 1-4.Then translate your gaze into the distance on a coca-sized object at 1-6. Use these steps several times.
  • Take your index finger away from you. It is important that he was at eye level. Slowly approach it to the nose, without taking your eyes off, then again give it away. Exercise repeat up to five times.
  • Look to the distance and find the subject of focus.Close your eyes and hold for a few seconds. After that, open and find the object on which you have focused earlier. Do these manipulations up to six times in a row.
  • Sit up straight. Head parallel to the back, quickly blink 10 times and sit back quietly again. Wait 5-6 seconds and then repeat the blinking.
  • Find a point on the windowpane, you can draw it beforehand.Look far away at any building or object, count to ten while you are looking at it, then look for a spot on the glass. Such an exercise helps to connect all the muscles of the eye to work alternately. Repeat it should be at least 8 times.
    The Zhdanov method

In the performance of exercises systematic is important. Otherwise, such actions will not bring proper results.

General Provisions

People with myopia are advised to engage in any type of cardio load, while it is not necessary to resort to excessive force loads. Tugging weight is better than swimming, running, cycling. By using the cardiac muscle improves the blood supply of all organs, including the eyes, and this helps improve metabolism and oxygen saturation.

Also, you should pay special attention to your diet.Food should be varied, including both fiber and meat of animals and birds.Vegetables and fruits for the season, vitamin therapy during the off-season, timely maintenance of immunity and getting rid of allergies will allow to keep eyesight even in case of already diagnosed myopia.

Among the products that have a large supply of vitamins can be identified dairy products, blueberries, carrots, citrus fruits, grapes, black currant. All of them are rich in vitamins C, A, which are necessary for good vision.



Short-sightedness is a deviation, which at the moment is increasingly spreading among the younger generation. More than a third of the population of Russia is diagnosed annually with myopia to varying degrees of development. It should be understood that its progression is fraught with diseases such as glaucoma, involving cataracts, retinal detachment, macular degeneration and others that can lead to complete blindness. Therefore, these simple rules and recommendations for quality compliance will, although not get rid of, but delay the development of pathology.

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