Fracture and dislocation of the ankle: signs, treatment and recovery

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  • 1Treatment of dislocation and fracture of the ankle
    • 1.1The causes of pressure on the connecting bones
    • 1.2Symptoms
    • 1.3Treatment of subluxation
    • 1.4Conservative care
    • 1.5Operative treatment
    • 1.6Fracture of the ankles
    • 1.7Symptoms of pronation fracture
    • 1.8Treatment
    • 1.9Conservative care
    • 1.10Surgery
    • 1.11Fracture of the talus
    • 1.12Symptoms without X-ray examination
    • 1.13Treatment and rehabilitation measures
  • 2Dislocation of the ankle - what to do, treatment
    • 2.1Than this trauma should be treated
    • 2.2How to distinguish a dislocation from a fracture
    • 2.3Watch the video on this topic
    • 2.4First aid for ankle damage
    • 2.5Home therapy
    • 2.6What to do in case of severe injury
    • 2.7Treatment and recovery times
  • 3Fracture in the ankle: symptoms, treatment and recovery
    • 3.1Structure of the ankle
    • 3.2Varieties of fractures
    • 3.3Causes
    • 3.4Symptoms
    • 3.5Diagnostics
    • 3.6First aid
    • 3.7Treatment of fractures
    • 3.8Rehabilitation
    • 3.9Examples of gymnastic exercises
    • 3.10Prevention
  • 4Dislocation of the ankle: symptoms, treatment, recovery time
    instagram viewer
    • 4.1The main symptoms of dislocation
    • 4.2How to distinguish an ankle dislocation from a fracture
    • 4.3First aid in case of dislocation
    • 4.4Methods of treatment of ankle dislocation
    • 4.5Immobilization of the limb
    • 4.6Medication Therapy
    • 4.7Traditional methods of treatment
    • 4.8Rehabilitation after ankle dislocation
  • 5Dislocation of ankle. Signs and treatment
    • 5.1Nature of trauma
    • 5.2Distinctive symptoms of dislocation
    • 5.3Therapy of dislocation
    • 5.4How to be treated properly
    • 5.51 degree
    • 5.62 degree
    • 5.73 degree
    • 5.8Auxiliary Methods
    • 5.9Ointment for trauma
    • 5.10Edema after injury
    • 5.11Delayed consequences of trauma
    • 5.12Prevention

Treatment of dislocation and fracture of the ankle

The ankle joint, being the main supporting compound of the body, consists of three basic bones.

The ankles (bony "knobs" on the side of the foot) are the outgrowths of the shin bones, connecting below, they form a kind of "fork".

The support for them is the talus bone - outwardly it is almost imperceptible, but it is central on the foot and due to its location and importance.

In everyday life, all faced minor injuries of the ankle, such as sprains and bruises.

As a rule, their treatment does not require special skills and first aid is feasible at home.

But there are more serious injuries, in which medical care is necessary and necessary.

This trauma is characterized by the displacement of the bones that form the joint, due to the impact of considerable force on it.

There is pressure on the connecting bones, which leads to rupture of the joint capsule and surrounding tendons.

Features such as ankle stiffness and strength of its ligaments cause rare cases of domestic trauma.

The causes of pressure on the connecting bones

At the core is always an indirect damage - the acting forces are the mass of the body and the impact on the joint. In life, the trauma occurs after the following actions:

  • jump on an elongated and tense leg;
  • falling on a bent and tucked up foot;
  • hitting the shin in the standing position.


Suspicion of an ankle dislocation is possible immediately after injury. Symptoms appear instantaneously and simultaneously.

  1. The emergence of a characteristic "crunch" in the joint at the time of the fall or impact.
  2. A sharp, unbearable pain that intensifies when you try to move your foot.
  3. Change in the position of the foot (it can deviate to the side), blueing and swelling of her skin.
  4. Sharp protrusion under the skin of the ankles.
  5. Complete lack of mobility.

The subluxation includes the same symptoms, but is less pronounced and while retaining little mobility. Distinguish them by the results of radiography (incomplete displacement with subluxation), and also exclude a fracture.

Treatment of subluxation

First aid for subluxation should begin with anesthesia. An injection or taking analgetic tablets is performed, after which a fixed position is created for the limb. It is best to put a bandage over the elastic bandage and make an impromptu cane or crutch.

Conservative care

Treatment of dislocation of the ankle includes the repositioning, the creation of immobility and subsequent recovery (exercises, massage).

  1. The correction is performed after additional anesthesia by injections of novocaine around and inside the joint. After relaxation of the muscles, the doctor takes a stop behind the front surface and heel. Sipping his leg to himself, he returns it to the usual place in the direction opposite to the direction of damage.
  2. After this, to prevent displacement, it is necessary to impose a plaster bandage up to half of the thigh (with subluxation at 2, dislocation - for 3 weeks). After removing the gypsum, use a bandage or scarf or orthosis for 4 weeks.
  3. Gradual development of motions with subluxation begins only a week after the injury. A month later, it is allowed to rely entirely on the foot. For a period of up to 3 months, exercises of physiotherapy exercises and massage are prescribed.

Operative treatment

When untimely treatment or lack of treatment, a chronic or habitual subluxation is formed. In the first case, a contracture is formed - a restriction of mobility in the joint. Regular recurrence of the dislocation is considered habitual, with independent repositioning.

Perform operations on the joint capsule and ligaments to restore them. Further, the treatment complex is the same - immobilization with plaster bandage, strengthening exercises and massage. But the terms of rehabilitation are increased to 6 months.

Fracture of the ankles

This fracture of the ankle joint is more common in case of indirect damage, when the effect of the person's own weight and the turn of the foot outside are combined.

Symptoms of pronation fracture

It is considered an injury in a typical place. A characteristic feature is the out-turned position of the foot.

  • There is edema around the ankle (often of considerable size).
  • The pain extends along the inner ankle and lower leg.
  • Externally, you can see the displacement of bone fragments under the skin and their mobility when you try to move your foot.

Occurs after a significant injury to the limb (impact with a heavy object). From the point of view of anatomy, in this case a fracture of both ankles occurs.

  • Marked displacement of the foot inside and forward.
  • A swelling appears around the ankle joint.
  • Two-sided pains in the ankles and outwardly determine the unevenness of their contours under the skin.


The first help with these fractures is the prevention of displacement fragments. In the shortest possible time it is necessary to make the following arrangements:

  • The victim should be reassured, give an analgesic pill.
  • Of great importance is giving the limb a fixed position, carried out with the help of improvised means.
  • If there are wounds on the skin, then cover them with a clean cloth or bandage.

After these events, you need to urgently go to the emergency room.

Conservative care

The hospital performs adequate analgesia with the help of injections of analgesics or anesthesia with novocaine.

After this, the fragments are compared manually, in order for healing and recovery to occur much more quickly.

If the comparison was successful, then a control x-ray to evaluate the position of the bones is done. As a result, impose a plaster bandage to the lower third of the thigh.

Wearing gypsum is shown for up to 10 weeks, but after a month its length can be shortened to the knee.

This is done to carry out strengthening exercises and massage.

But it is worth remembering that non-compliance with the regime and excessive self-confidence lead to a repeated displacement of the fragments.


It is usually recommended only in 2 cases: with a double ineffective comparison and with a repeated displacement of fragments.

The essence of the operation is to attach a bone fragment with the help of metal rods (screw, spoke).

After the intervention, also impose a cast for up to a week. You can get up already on the 5th day.

Therapeutic exercises can be started from 7 days, performing the flexion of the foot in the sole. Gradually, the volume of movements is increased to the maximum possible.

In addition, a massage of the feet and shins, ozokerite applications is prescribed.

In the future it is recommended to continue the exercises, and also to use orthopedic footwear and insoles-arch supports.

Fracture of the talus

This fracture of the ankle is rarely found singly - it is characteristic combination with fractures of the bones of the lower leg and thigh. It occurs during automobile accidents, falls on straight legs, impact by heavy objects on a bent knee.

Cracks can appear in the anterior, central, or posterior part of the bone.

Their occurrence depends on excessive extension in the foot, or, conversely, flexion.

This fracture is often complicated by subluxation and compression of the vessels passing by. Disturbance of blood flow leads to death of surrounding tissues.

Symptoms without X-ray examination

Are specific and even without X-ray study allow you to suspect fracture of the ankle joint. These include:

  • Appearance of edema and hemorrhages around the joint (more in front).
  • There is a bending of the fingers inside and the position of the foot as when walking "on socks".
  • The attempt to unbend fingers or touch the sole causes severe pain.
  • The change in the shape of the foot - anteriorly under the skin abruptly protrudes the bone fragment.

Treatment and rehabilitation measures

First aid measures include cold and rest.

  • At the place of damage, apply a pack or a hot water bottle with ice for 30-40 minutes, before wrapping them with a towel.
  • Then make a cross-dressing on the foot.
  • Attached to the immovable position of the limb with the attachment of small pieces from 3 sides to the shin. Firmly fixing them with a bandage on the leg, you need to go to the hospital.

Conservative activities are different - they do not make comparisons, but they immediately perform the imposition of a plaster bandage.

It also has its own characteristics: it is very accurately modeled on the sole and is made only up to the middle of the shin.

This is aimed at the prevention of flat feet after the removal of gypsum (after 3 months).

Rehabilitation with partial load is possible only after 2 months. Begin with physiotherapy and massage. After 4 weeks, begin therapeutic exercises with a gradual increase in the load.

A source:

Dislocation of the ankle - what to do, treatment

Having got an ankle dislocation, what to do first of all knows not everyone.

This part of the leg performs the function of not only support, but also depreciation.

It is important to know what to do with this damage and how to provide first aid.

  1. Pain is not only the first symptom of an ankle dislocation, but also the surest. Painful sensations can subside if the leg is in a relaxed position, and strengthen with tension.
  2. In addition, the dislocation is accompanied by swelling. Swelling will appear in the first hours after the injury.
  3. A characteristic symptom is a violation of mobility of the foot as a whole, as well as an elevated temperature at the site of the dislocation.
  4. Very often strong dislocations are accompanied by a click.

Than this trauma should be treated

Depending on the strength of the dislocation and will be treated.

If the dislocation is strong, then the dislocation will be corrected and the gypsum longa will be applied for a period of several weeks.

If the dislocation is of an easy nature, then the therapy of the injured site changes after a few days of treatment.

If in the early days it is: peace, cold and competent fixation, then a few days later, warm compresses are applied. It is very important to lubricate the injured area with special ointments. The choice of ointments is wide.

Suitable such ointments as:

  • "Bystrumgel
  • Diclofenac-gel;
  • Voltaren;
  • "Indovazin
  • "Dolobien".

Rubbing ointment should be at least 3-4 times a day. Do this very carefully, so as not to cause pain to the victim.

It is useful to immerse a foot in a salt bath with warm water. If you are concerned about pain, then the first days you can take painkillers.

How to distinguish a dislocation from a fracture

Dislocation can be confused with a fracture, however, there are symptoms that will distinguish between these two injuries:

  1. At a dislocation the person at once tests a pain. If the fracture is the same, the pain may appear much later. This is due to the release of adrenaline into the blood, which blocks the receptors.
  2. With a fracture in the ankle, pathological mobility is observed, and when dislocated, a person can not move his foot.
  3. When a dislocation at the site of the injury there is a strong swelling. In this case, most of the leg can swell. Edema at a fracture appears on the following day and concentrates on the site of the injury.
  4. If the ankle is visible protruding bones, or they are probed by palpation, then this is the first symptom of the fracture.
  5. The shortening of the limb is one of the main features that distinguishes a fracture from a dislocation. It is at the fracture that the bone deforms. It can move or move aside, which visually shortens the leg.
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First aid for ankle damage

On how first aid will be rendered in case of a dislocation, the subsequent condition of the joints will depend. There are certain rules in the provision of first aid in this type of injury.

They are developed by traumatologists. If there is a traumatized person next to you, immediately help him.

There is a first aid, which is important to provide in the first hours after the injury:

  1. It is necessary to attach to the injured place an ice pack or something cold. If you do not have ice at hand, you can use any cold product. Cold has an analgesic effect and relieves puffiness. Keep the ice should not more than 15 minutes, then take a break for several hours. If you do not have a break, you can supercool the tissues.
  2. One of the basic rules in the provision of first aid in case of a dislocation is ensuring the complete rest of the injured leg. That is why it is important to fix the site of the dislocation. This will prevent the deformation of the joint. For fixation use a special bandage. It is important to remember that the dressing should not be very tight.
  3. After the foot is fixed, it is desirable to give it a lofty position.
  4. In the first hours of a traumatized person, pain will be disturbed. In this case, you need to drink an anesthetic pill, for example: "Baralgin".
  5. It is advisable to show the injured person to the doctor, so that the doctor prescribes competent treatment.

In no case should you try to correct the dislocation yourself. Ignorance of anatomy can only aggravate the situation.

Home therapy

What should I do if my ankle is dislocated at home?

The main means for home treatment will be the use of compresses, they improve the circulation of blood, which means that the joint will soon recover:

  1. Compress from the decoction of the root of ginger will help to remove the toxins that are formed by stretching.
  2. Compress of heated milk contributes not only to the relief of pain, but also to the speedy restoration of tissues.
  3. Compresses made of ground onions and salt are very effective. The onion, mixed with salt, through the meat grinder, helps to eliminate edema and better circulation of blood.
  4. To warm up the injured place it is possible by means of a simple sand heated on a frying pan, or salt.

What to do in case of severe injury

Dislocation can be classified into three degrees: mild, moderate and severe. An easy degree is characterized by damage to the ligaments. In this case, the bone is not displaced.

With an average degree of dislocation, a partial rupture of ligaments occurs, pain is more pronounced.

The most dangerous is a severe dislocation. With such a trauma, the ligaments are completely ruptured, and the bone is pushed out of the joint. Step on the foot in this case is impossible.

If the dislocation is severe, then after first aid, it is necessary to contact the traumatologist as soon as possible. No ointment here will not help.

Treatment and recovery times

Stretching to fully heal an injured ankle requires a different amount of time. It will depend on the strength of the dislocation, from first aid and further treatment. In addition, the general state of health also affects.

If the dislocation is light and only slightly sprained ligaments, then in 2-3 days, if ointments are used, the leg will not disturb. If the dislocation was strong, then it may take a month or two months.

For people who have had an ankle injury, it is especially important to take preventive measures to avoid repeated injuries.

It is especially worthwhile to watch your shoes. Shoes with heels above 3 centimeters should be avoided.

It is worth paying attention to shoes with a supporting effect. In addition, regular exercises should be done to stretch the muscles of the ankle.

Unfortunately, 100 percent can not protect themselves from dislocation, however, you can reduce the likelihood of injury to a minimum.

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Fracture in the ankle: symptoms, treatment and recovery

Fracture of the ankle is a violation of the integrity of the bones that make up the articulation. This type of injury - one of the most common (every fourth fracture). In this case, fractures in the ankle joint area refer to complex injuries.

If the victim is not provided with medical assistance on time or the treatment was incorrect, there is a high probability of impaired mobility of the joint. The impaired functionality of the joint inevitably leads to difficulties in walking, reduced ability to work and, in the final analysis, disability.

Structure of the ankle

The ankle joint has a block-like structure. As a result of the motor activity of the person in the joint, flexion and extension occur, small turns of the foot.

The composite parts of the joint - the distal ends of the tibia and tibia - are fixed on the talus bone.

Due to the distal thickening in the region of the tibia, there is a medial (internal) condyle, and in the small - the lateral condyle (external).

The bony part of the shin surrounds the talus bone on both sides. The articulation is surrounded by the capsule of the joint. Outside there are ligaments and muscles.

The condyles (or, to put it simply, the ankles) are visible under the skin. They are not protected by subcutaneous fat, musculature or fascia, and therefore easily injured.

The most common injury is the lateral or medial condyle. Not so often, but there is a simultaneous damage to the two ankles, accompanied by a subluxation of the foot.

Varieties of fractures

Fracture of the ankle is classified as intraarticular damage. The nature of the fracture depends on the complexity of the pathology, the methods of its treatment and the duration of the rehabilitation period. Trauma can carry an open or closed species.

If the lesion is open, the fragments of bones are displaced, resulting in skin ruptures, a powerful pain syndrome appears, and the wound is infected.

Fractures of a closed type are much more common. Such injuries include or do not involve the displacement of bone fragments. Injuries with displacement significantly complicate pathology and its treatment, cause long-term disability.

If there is a bias, a surgical operation can be prescribed. If we are talking about a crack in the bone, enough plaster bandage or orthosis. When bone integrity is violated without bias, it is usually possible to avoid abnormalities in the ankle joint.

Fractures are also classified according to the bone defect line:

  • oblique;
  • transverse;
  • longitudinal;
  • in the form of the letter T;
  • in the form of the letter Y;
  • star-like.


Fracture of the foot in the ankle joint area occurs under the mechanical influence of an external force, the effect of which allows to destroy the integrity of the bone.

The most common fractures are traumatic type, in which the integrity of healthy bones is disturbed.

However, fractures occur not only because of injuries, but also as a result of the development of the pathological process (oncological disease, osteoporosis, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis).

Such fractures occur even with minimal bone load and are called pathological.

Common causes of traumatic fracture include:

  1. landing from a height to straight legs;
  2. unsuccessful jump with a turn of the foot;
  3. podvorachivanie foot while walking, running, playing sports;
  4. powerful mechanical impact on the shank shock type;
  5. fall on the leg of gravity.

If the leg is turned inwards, the medial malleolus breaks, and if outward, the lateral ankle fractures. If the foot for some reason remains motionless during the injury, the leg is twisted and both ankles are damaged. This causes a subluxation of the foot.

In the event of a fall or an unsuccessful jump from the height, the talus bone breaks down. Most often, such a trauma is combined with a rupture of ligaments in the ankle, a violation of the integrity of the ankles.


Since the ankle is the largest joint in the body, the trauma of such a large node is characterized by severe symptoms.

For open fractures, there is a wound, because of which fragments of bone are visible.Violation of the integrity of the bone open type is associated with external bleeding, can cause pain and hemorrhagic shock.

Closed fractures differ less severe course. Often, to determine whether a fracture is at issue, it is necessary to conduct instrumental studies.

Without an X-ray, we can not do this, since a breach of the integrity of the closed bone is very similar in symptomatology to other types of injuries (sprains, dislocations and bruises).

Signs of a fracture in the ankle:

  • severe pain syndrome;
  • pain does not pass with time;
  • painful sensations do not leave even in a state of rest;
  • pain syndrome becomes more intense when probing the joint or trying to stand on the foot;
  • pronounced puffiness in the lower part of the foot;
  • hematomas under the skin;
  • notable deformities of the limb;
  • unnatural position of the foot;
  • crisp sound (arises as a result of the movement of bone fragments) while probing the leg.


To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor examines the patient's lower limb, studies the whole complex of symptoms and hears complaints of the patient.

After this, an X-ray examination is performed, which is carried out in two projections - direct and lateral. According to the pictures, localization of the fracture, the presence of displacement and the direction of the line of the formed defect can be established.

Because an ankle injury is an intraarticular lesion, additional studies can be assigned for diagnostic purposes.

Among them:

  • CT scan;
  • ultrasonography;
  • arthroscopy.

First aid

After fracture of the ankle (or when suspected of this type of injury), one should immediately seek medical help. The doctors will provide the patient with emergency care and will take him to traumatology.

It is best to call the ambulance team to the scene, but if this is not possible, the patient should be taken to the trauma department of the hospital on his own. At the same time, one must be prepared to provide emergency assistance to the victim instead of doctors.

In the case of violation of the integrity of the closed type of limb, you must apply a splint to the injured limb. The task of the tire is to ensure the immobility of the injured leg. Most likely as a tire you will have to use improvised materials, for example, thick cardboard, boards or even sticks.

It is necessary to fix the injured leg above and below the ankle fracture. If you can not arrange the tire, you can fix a broken leg to a healthy limb.

To reduce the pain syndrome, the victim can be offered a drain. Suitable are "Analgin "Ketanov "Ibuprofen etc.

If the fracture is closed, the damaged area is recommended to be covered with ice packs - this will reduce puffiness and limit the spread of the hematoma.

An open fracture is associated with bleeding. It must be tried to stop. To do this, apply a tourniquet just above the bleeding site.

It is desirable to treat the edges of the wound with an antiseptic (iodine, hydrogen peroxide, etc.).

After the antiseptic treatment, the wound should be closed with a clean bandage.

Treatment of fractures

The consequences of closed-type fractures without displacement are treated conservatively. On the injured ankle, plaster is applied (the so-called "sapozhok" bandage) or an orthosis (toes to the knee).

On average, the plaster bandage should be worn - 3 months. Complete restoration of the functionality of the lower limb after a fracture in the ankle arises after 3 to 4 months.

If a fracture is accompanied by a displacement of bone fragments, reposition is necessary (that is, the collection of fragments into a single whole). To this end, surgical intervention is performed - osteosynthesis.

During the operation, the integrity of the bone is restored, and the fragments are fixed with metal screws, plates and spokes.This construction is temporary. About a year after the attachment of the fasteners, they are removed after a second operation.


After a fracture in the ankle joint, a rehabilitation period is needed. After removing the gypsum, the patient is prescribed a massage, therapeutic gymnastics, electrophoresis. The tactics of the recovery course are determined by the complexity of the fracture and the features of the general condition of the patient.

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The substances necessary for rehabilitation can enter the body not only with food, but also in the form of separate preparations. The choice of specific drugs and their dosage is the competence of the attending physician.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient is advised to undergo a course of massage procedures. Massage allows you to optimize the indicators of muscle tension and ligaments, improve lymph flow and blood flow, increase the sensitivity of the ankle.

Thanks to massage procedures, it is possible to restore the normal mobility of the foot. Together with the massage used therapeutic ointments, which favorably affect the joint of the ankle.

During rehabilitation it is recommended to develop sufficient physical activity to develop joint (walking, walking on the stairs).However, one should not excessively zealous - the joint can not be overloaded.

If you walk hard without help, you can use a stick for support. In restorative purposes, swimming and water aerobics are useful.

Used in the recovery period and traditional medicine. As an example, you can bring this composition: 2 lemons, a few walnuts, a handful of dried apricots and raisins are mixed with honey. The resulting composition is taken before each meal by a teaspoonful.

Examples of gymnastic exercises

Physical load should be carried out both in the immobilization and in the postimmobilization period. The nature of the exercises is different.

Exercises for the immobilization period:

  1. Strain of the musculature of the hip on a broken leg.
  2. Flexion and extension of arms, movement of the upper limbs in a circle.
  3. Torso bends in different directions.
  4. Flexion and extension of a healthy lower limb in the knee and hip joint.
  5. Fingers of the injured leg.
  6. Hanging the injured limb from the bed and moving in the knee joint with a small amplitude.

When a plaster bandage is removed, the postimmobilization period begins. The patient is prescribed therapeutic gymnastics. Classes are held first in the hospital, where the instructor introduces the patient to the exercises. After some time, the patient begins training at home.

Exercises are selected in such a way as to gradually increase and complicate the load on the ankle joint.

The task of gymnastic exercises is the development of the joint after a prolonged immobility.

It is necessary to improve blood flow, muscle tone and activate the process of metabolism in the broken leg.

An indicative list of exercises in the postimmobilization period:

  1. Walking with alternate support on the toe and heel.
  2. Movement ankle in a circle.
  3. Flexion and extension of the foot.
  4. Moving with a foot, a tennis ball or a bottle.
  5. Hold small objects with your fingers with a damaged limb.
  6. Swinging his foot.


Preventive measures to prevent fractures in the ankle area consist in the observance of safety precautions.

If the bones are subjected to undesirable mechanical influences, they must be strong enough to not break their integrity.

First of all, you need to organize a healthy diet - in the diet should be present all the elements responsible for the strength of bones. Recommended moderate sunbathing and sufficient physical activity (exercise).

Do not forget about periodic examinations to check for bone and joint disease.

A source:

Dislocation of the ankle: symptoms, treatment, recovery time

The incidence of ankle dislocation is 75% of all ankle injury. The disease is characterized by the shift of the ankle joint to the medial or lateral side.

Dislocation occurs due to an accident, or through carelessness of a person, and is accompanied by the development of symptoms.

For a correct diagnosis and competent treatment, a qualified specialist will need help.

The main symptoms of dislocation

In the process of dislocation, the ankle is displaced relative to the talus bone and the foot of the lower limb. Since the ankle is the connecting link between the peroneal and tibial bones, external and internal dislocations often occur.

They, in turn, are accompanied by additional injuries in the form of tearing or rupturing of tendons, ligaments and the joint itself.

Symptoms in this case are very extensive, therefore at first glance it is problematic to put an accurate diagnosis, especially at home.

Depending on the degree of damage to the ankle and ligament apparatus, the dislocation of the ankle is divided into 3 degrees of severity: mild, moderate and severe, which differ in symptoms.

Determine the dislocation or fracture of the ankle is possible due to the main features. As a rule, they occur immediately after the injury and according to the severity of the lesion, are characterized by a weak or vivid expression.

The appearance of a dislocation is indicated by:

  1. Soreness - localized in the ankle, extending to the ankle and ankles. It arises constantly and under the influence of physical exertion it increases noticeably.
  2. Puffiness of the extremity - develops as a result of a violation of soft tissues and capillaries that permeate them. If the injury is severe, an extensive localization of the swelling is possible. In this case, ankle, ankle, heel and foot are involved.
  3. A characteristic sound that appears at the time of the dislocation.
  4. The change in the shape of the ankle joint - deformation is characterized by the primary symptom of the dislocation. Due to the displacement of the joint and the impact of external factors, the changes can be strong or insignificant.
  5. Violation of mobility - when an ankle is injured, a person feels acute pain, a foot gets an unnatural situation and any attempt to walk or just stand on his foot is not accompanied by success.

How to distinguish an ankle dislocation from a fracture

Swelling in the area of ​​leg dislocation

To distinguish a fracture or dislocation of an ankle should be able to render yourself or the victim the first pre-medical help.

If this can not be done, you need to visit a doctor who, depending on the symptoms and some features of the lesion, will determine the type of the disease and further treatment tactics.

It is accepted to distinguish such differences between a fracture and a dislocation:

  1. Dislocation of the ankle is characterized by severe, acute pain that occurs at the time of injury. In case of a fracture, soreness may occur on the second day.
  2. Fracture is determined by less swelling.
  3. In case of dislocation, the victim can not move normally.
  4. With a fracture, the leg is markedly reduced and when you feel it, you can detect protruding parts of the bones.

First aid in case of dislocation

Displacement of the foot with ankle dislocation

If the dislocation of an ankle is accurately determined, the following steps are taken before the arrival of the doctors:

  1. The presence of open bleeding wounds should be treated with an antiseptic.
  2. The ankle must be re-banded, fixing perpendicularly according to the position of the foot. To do this, use an elastic bandage, gauze dressing or other improvised means. Strongly fix the leg can not, to exclude the death of tissues.
  3. Around the injured area, ice or a cold compress is applied to prevent swelling and reduce pain.
  4. If the victim experiences severe pain, he is given pain medication once before the doctor arrives.
  5. It is important to exclude the load on the limb and arrange for her rest. It is recommended to have a leg above the heart to improve blood flow and prevent stagnant phenomena.
  6. After providing the patient with first aid, you should always contact a traumatologist. He, depending on the severity of the disease, can correct the joint or impose a cast.

Methods of treatment of ankle dislocation

The main stage in the treatment of ankle dislocation is the elimination of symptoms and a reduction in the factors of injury. For therapeutic purposes, various methods are used.

The main thing is to visit a doctor who can advise medicines, consult about application of traditional medicine and will tell when to start, and how to properly develop a damaged limb.

Immobilization of the limb

Correction of the ankle joint together with a dislocation

The traditional way of treating an ankle dislocation is to direct the ankle joint with a doctor under the influence of anesthesia and apply a cast bandage for up to 21 days.

Langeta can overlap at different times, depending on the severity of the injury and the age of the victim. As a rule, the child is enough, -2 weeks, the adult is more, and the elderly 21 days.

Medication Therapy

Admission of pain medication

Help to reduce soreness and speed up the recovery process. Use tablets, ointments, gels, vitamin complexes. They can not be used without the appointment of a traumatologist.

Popular drugs are:

  1. Painkillers - are aimed at stopping painful sensations. Produced in the form of tablets and ointments. Frequency and dosage are determined by the physician. The effect develops due to the influence of the main components on the nerve receptors, with the help of which pain is dulled and the victim feels better (Ketanov, Ketarol, No-shpa).
  2. Antipyretic - reduce swelling and swelling of the limb, are released in the form of tablets that have a pronounced diuretic effect (Furosemide, Mannitol, and Metolazone).
  3. Vitamins - are prescribed for the normalization of the immune system, strengthening of bone tissue and accelerating treatment. Produced in tablets, capsules, dragees.

Traditional methods of treatment

Warming your feet with hot sand

Cure the dislocation of the ankle is possible thanks to folk medicine, which aims to suppress complications and helps to speed up the healing of the limb.

The effective recipes are:

  • Compress of milk - used to reduce pain and swelling. Milk is heated to an acceptable temperature and soaked in it a gauze or bandage. The bandage is applied to the diseased leg, the top is covered with polyethylene and fixed with a bandage. Soak for 30-40 minutes.
  • Potato compress - also used for heating against severe pain. Vegetables are cooked in the skins, then kneaded into a slurry and applied to the ankle area. Hold for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Tincture cornflower - is determined by analgesic and diuretic action. To prepare a remedy, 2-3 spoons of the plant are poured with boiling water, insist an hour. Use after straining for 100 ml. 3 times a day.
  • Decoction of tansy - helps to anesthetize the leg, reduces swelling and swelling. Used a tool in the form of lotions. Dry grass is flooded with hot water, let stand for 60 minutes. Cool, filter, then wet the gauze in the broth, put the injury in place.
  • Warming with salt and sand - any of the means is heated in a frying pan and placed in a tissue pouch. Due to the ability to hold heat for a long time, it is possible to warm up the leg with salt or sand for 30-40 minutes daily.

Rehabilitation after ankle dislocation

Therapeutic exercises for ankle dislocation

What are the terms of recovery after dislocation of the ankle? The length of rehabilitation is largely determined by the degree of defeat of the ankle joint, the age of the victim.

To accelerate healing and develop a leg helps therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, massage and normalization of nutrition.

As a physical education, use simple exercises. It should begin with the development of the toes, gradually increasing the time and load.

After strengthening the joint, you are allowed to walk in the fresh air, exercise on simulators, swim.

It is advisable to conduct the first sessions together with a doctor, then go on to home rehabilitation.

Physiotherapy is used to strengthen bone and cartilaginous tissue.

It positively affects blood flow and metabolic reactions, excludes the development of stagnant phenomena and reduces soreness.

Effective procedures are electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation, iontophoresis, photophoresis, magnetotherapy and others.

During the recovery period, you should give preference to vegetables and fruits, eat foods with calcium content - milk, cottage cheese, sour cream. Useful are berries, nuts, cereals.

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Dislocation of ankle. Signs and treatment

Dislocate the ankle can be on the way to the store, doing heavy physical labor or during the morning jog. No one is immune from injury. How to reduce the risk of dislocation and how to treat it?

Nature of trauma

The physiological cause of the dislocation of the foot is the exit of the head of the bone from the joint bag.

This happens when wearing not very comfortable shoes (shoes with a hairpin), parachutists and jumpers when landing with a violation of safety standards, athletes (football, tennis, volleyball, figure skating), when you hit the ankle in elderly people with weakened ligaments, you can even just stumble and turn foot. Also, in a child with moving games, a dislocation of the joint that has not yet become stronger can occur.

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A habitual dislocation is a separate kind of ankle joint damage.

The causes of such an injury may be:

  • Diabetes;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Excess body weight;
  • Inflammation of ligaments;
  • Osteomyelitis;
  • Age-related muscle atrophy;
  • Paralysis or paresis of the muscles of the lower limbs;
  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Congenital joint diseases;
  • Genetic disorder of the joint structure, muscle weakness.

Distinctive symptoms of dislocation

The most obvious and first sign of an ankle dislocation is a sharp pain that does not even allow you to step on your leg. The change in the physiological position of the ankle is visually determined, with visible protrusions of the head of the bone.

On dislocation of foot indicate such signs:

  • A crunching or cracking sound is heard during a trauma;
  • Hyperthermia of the site of the dislocation, which extends to the surrounding tissue;
  • Extensive edema with a dislocation in the area of ​​injury;
  • Local temperature increase;
  • Elongation or shortening of the limb;
  • Instability of the foot.

During the usual dislocation the symptomatology is smoothed - the leg hurts, the pain is dull and aching, the swelling and bruising are not strongly pronounced.

Depending on the severity of the dislocation, this trauma is divided into several types:

  1. Bunches are only slightly stretched without breaks -subluxation. In this case, damage is accompanied only by aching pain and swelling. The patient can move;
  2. The dislocation is quite strong with some damage to the joint tissues, the pain is quite strong, self-movement is difficult, while the leg swells;
  3. Dislocation of ankle degree III degreeaccompanied by rupture of ligaments, muscle fibers, nerves, acute severe pain, internal hemorrhage, movement impossible;
  4. Habitual (chronic) dislocation- Frequent recurrence of the articular head of the bone from the articular bed. This is due to weakened ligaments after several dislocations or weak tonus of the soft tissues that are attached to the joint.
By severity Full dislocation of foot There are gaps in the muscles, ligaments, even bone fractures
Subluxation of the foot Soft tissues are almost undamaged, perhaps a slight sprain of the ligaments
Causes Congenital Birth trauma, genetic predisposition
Acquired Post-traumatic (sports injury)
Paralytic (the inoperability of one of the muscles, leading to an incorrect position of the supporting leg)
Pathological (diseases that adversely affect articular tissues)
The habitual (often repeated dislocations of the same joint)
According to the periods of limitation Fresh Up to 3 days
Stale Up to 14 days
Seldom More than 2 weeks

If it is difficult to determine the degree of difficulty of the dislocation, you need to seek help from a doctor. I and II degrees are successfully treated at home.

Dislocation of the third degree presupposes medical treatment in the form of correction and fixation of the limb.

A complete rupture of the tendons and ligaments is treated by surgical intervention to restore joint articulation.

The degree of damage is established by a medical examination and a set of diagnostic examinations:

  • Collection of anamnesis (elucidation of the circumstances of the dislocation of the foot);
  • Palpation;
  • X-ray in axial and proximal projections.

How does stretching differ from an ankle sprain? It is from an x-ray photograph.

When examining the patient, the seriousness of the situation is established - it is possible that the damage is not limited only by stretching and tearing.

An ankle injury can also be accompanied by cracks in the medial and lateral ankles and, possibly, an ankle fracture.

Therapy of dislocation

To reduce the time of restoration of functional capabilities after dislocation, it is recommended to start treatment as soon as possible. If the pain allows you to get home, then first of all you need to apply cold to the site of the dislocation. This will remove puffiness and anesthetize the place of dislocation.

With severe pain that it is even impossible to rely on the leg, swelling after dislocation of the ankle, hematoma build up directly in front of the eyes, it is necessary to call an ambulance in order to transport it to the nearest emergency room.

What to do if the foot is dislocated? First aid in case of dislocation consists in several stages:

  • Gently remove shoes. Make sure that there is no external skin damage. A wound on the skin may indicate a possible open fracture of the ankle;
  • Immobilization of the limb. It is necessary to immobilize the foot to avoid further damage. This can be achieved with the help of improvised materials - branches, cardboard, a rigid bandage;
  • Cold compressfor a period of 30 minutes to 1 hour. In the ambulance there may be a special bag of ice, but it can also be successfully replaced by a bottle of cold water or a constantly wetted by cold water cloth;
  • For anesthesia, it is possible for a victim to give a tablet of aspirin, analgin or analogues, anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g., ibuprofen).

If there is no experience in providing a special first aid, it is better to limit oneself to calling an ambulance and to provide peace to the victim.

How to be treated properly

The choice of how to treat ankle damage is determined after the establishment of the complexity of the lesion. So, dislocations of I and II degrees can be cured at home, but under the supervision of a doctor.

Dislocation of the third degree should only be treated by a trauma doctor.

After studying the X-ray images and palpation of the injured ankle, the doctor corrects the dislocation of the foot, fixes the leg with a tight elastic bandage or gypsum.

When applying an elastic bandage, it must be ensured that normal blood flow in the limb is not disturbed.

Reposition (correction) is performed under the influence of local anesthesia or under the influence of epidural anesthesia.

It is also recommended the use of drugs such as muscle relaxants, which help relax the muscles to reduce resistance.

If the damage is so serious that the picture shows cracks in the bones, complete fractures, and even with a displacement, then it will not be enough to restore it. In this situation, the help of an experienced surgeon-traumatologist is needed, which will perform an operation on osteosynthesis of the bones of the ankles.

1 degree

Dislocation of 1 degree is treated with a tight bandage. For this purpose, an elastic bandage is used. The joint is fixed for 3 days. It is necessary to limit physical activity, to organize rest for the damaged lower extremity.

How fast can an ankle dislocation be cured? Traumatologists recommend using auxiliary therapies such as:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Diadynamic therapy;
  • Radon trays;
  • Massage;
  • Cryotherapy;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Heating compresses;
  • Paraffin applications.

In the case of severe acute pain, the doctor prescribes pain medication. If the swelling of the limb does not pass, it is sufficient to place the injured leg on the elevation and the puffiness will gradually subside. Inpatient treatment is not necessary.

2 degree

Treatment of a more complex dislocation of the 2nd degree requires wearing a tight U-shaped hard bandage for 14 days. Methods of treatment are similar to methods at grade 1. For the duration of the massage, exercise therapy and physical therapy, you can remove the bandage.

3 degree

How to treat an ankle dislocation of the third degree? Complex III degree of dislocation requires the application of serious measures.

The earlier the joint is put in place, the easier it will be for the procedure to begin and the restoration of damaged tissues will begin sooner.

If the correction is not possible because of the infringement of the soft tissues, then skeletal traction is shown, which gradually stretches and puts the bones in place.

If the traction did not bring the desired result and the puffiness does not pass, then the operation is shown in the process of which the joint will be cleared of strangled tissues and blood clots that prevented in the direction. It is also possible to fix the joint by metalloesteosynthesis, suturing the torn tissues.

The dressing is not just taut and temporary, but a cast that fixes the ankle from the middle of the shin of the injured leg to the fingertips.

If pain does not pass, which accompanies the dislocation of grade 3, sometimes anesthesia is possible with the administration of novocaine. But the injection can be done only once in 2 days.

During gypsum fixation of the limb, it is necessary to maintain the tone of the muscles of the shins with the help of massage and exercise therapy.

The plaster cast is applied for 1 month, and for another 2 months it is necessary to fix the ankle with a tight bandage. How long does this dislocation heal? Only after 3 months the ligaments and joint tissues will be completely restored. All this time you need not to forget about constant muscle training.

Auxiliary Methods

Traditional medicine is not able to heal an ankle dislocation.

But as ancillary treatment with non-traditional methods, it helps to shorten the recovery period and ease the feeling of discomfort at the site of damage.

These methods include ointments, compresses, herbal infusions and homemade broths. Recipes contribute to the removal of swelling, anesthesia and the removal of bruises.

Here are some of the most popular recipes that will help you get up quickly:

  1. Garlic gruel, seasoned with apple cider vinegar. Ointment with ankle dislocation in proportion: it improves blood circulation, which speeds up regeneration;
  2. Herbal decoction of calendula, celandine, string, tansy relieves inflammation;
  3. Some essential oils help alleviate pain, for example, lavender oil;
  4. Mixture for compress. Ammonia, white turpentine, laundry soap, lamp oil and dry camphor and mix in equal proportions. The resulting mixture should be applied to the site of the dislocation with an exposure of 15 minutes;
  5. Compresses with vodka or diluted alcohol;
  6. Application of milk decoction (500 ml) with St. John's Wort (50 g). The broth is prepared by boiling for 5 minutes and infused for 1 hour.

Ointment for trauma

Also successfully used such ointments as Fastum-gel, Dolgit, Dolobene, heparin ointment, as well as preparations based on bee and snake venom.

You should be extremely careful when choosing a prescription for alternative medicine, as some ingredients may cause allergic reactions that will only worsen the condition by skin rash or even development anaphylactic shock.

Edema after injury

Physiotherapy exercises should be made up of exercises that quickly remove puffiness, strengthen the damaged joint and provide sufficient physical activity.

Such exercises and activities include:

  1. Swimming;
  2. Squeezing and unclenching of the fingers of the injured limb;
  3. Foot rifts heel-toe;
  4. Walking with changing the position of the foot is a "bear walk
  5. Classes on a stationary bike.

Attention is also paid to the recovery technique - the tipping.

Delayed consequences of trauma

Incorrect or untimely rendering of medical care, as well as incorrect diagnosis, can provoke development of a number of different complications that are associated with damage to the soft tissues and bones of the lower limb:

  • Formation of bone osteophytes;
  • Hemarthrosis of the joint;
  • Amyotrophy;
  • Violation of blood circulation;
  • A habitual dislocation of the ankle;
  • Traumatic and post-traumatic arthritis;
  • Limited mobility of the joint;
  • Sprouting of scar connective tissue;
  • Inflammation of joint tissues.


How to prevent dislocation of the foot and rupture of ligaments? With this task will help to cope with physical exercises to strengthen the joint apparatus.

Before you start an intense sports training, you must start with a warm-up, which will prepare the ankles for physical exertion. Shoes also play an important role in preventing dislocations.

Winter shoes should be equipped with a non-slip sole. It is recommended to wear inflated shoes that firmly hold the ankle in a physiological position.

To prevent frequent repeated dislocations, one should adhere to a constant regime of training and joint development.

This can be achieved both by daily exercise of exercise therapy, and using modern devices to strengthen the ligament apparatus.

Physical stress on the damaged leg should be gradually increased, which leads to strengthening of muscle fibers, ligaments and avoiding the occurrence of repeated dislocations in the future.

Be sure to consult a doctor before treatment of illnesses. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude the negative interactions of the drugs. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is provided for informational purposes and is not a medical benefit. All responsibility for the application lies with you.

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