First aid for fractures and sprains

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  • 1First aid for fractures and sprains
    • 1.1First aid with closed fracture
    • 1.2Immobilization rules
    • 1.3First aid with open fracture
    • 1.4Features of immobilization with open fractures
    • 1.5First aid for sprains
  • 2First aid for sprains and fractures - your home doctor
  • 3Occupational Safety and Health
  • 4Provision of first pre-medical care for fractures, dislocations, bruises and sprains
    • 4.1 :
  • 5First aid for sprains, bruises and fractures
    • 5.1Mechanisms of dislocation
    • 5.2Features of trauma
    • 5.3First aid
    • 5.4Treatment
  • 6How to provide first aid in case of a dislocation and fracture?
    • 6.1How to recognize the dislocation and fracture?
    • 6.2Symptoms typical for dislocation
    • 6.3Symptoms characteristic of a fracture
    • 6.4First aid for fractures
    • 6.5Based on the above, we can draw conclusions
  • 7First aid for fractures, dislocations and bruises
    • 7.1Necessary measures in the open fracture
    • 7.2Types of fractures and first aid needed

First aid for fractures and sprains

With the onset of cold weather and the appearance of ice, pedestrians fall more often and, as a result, cases of fractures and dislocations become more frequent. In these dangerous situations it is important to know the rules of first aid.

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Fracture- this is a violation of the integrity of the bone, full or partial.

Most often, the cause of a fracture is a fall or stroke (traumatic fractures); In addition, there are a number of states that lead to a violation of the normal structure of the bone, which, in turn, contributes to the occurrence of fractures (pathological fractures).

The cause of such fractures are diseases (for example, osteoporosis is a disease typical for the elderly), eating disorders, excessive physical exertion.

Traumatic fractures can be closed, in which the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes is not broken, and open, accompanied by their damage.

Fractures can be complete and incomplete (fractures and cracks). Complete fractures are subdivided: with displacement and without displacement.

Complete fractures without displacement are characteristic for childhood. In this case, there are no reliable signs of fracture, they can easily be mistaken for a bruise.

That is why in all cases of unclear cases, you need to see a doctor.

Dislocations- a persistent change in the correct anatomical interrelations (congruence) of the articular surfaces, accompanied by a violation of the function of the affected joint.

For fractures and dislocationscharacteristic is the appearance of pain in the damaged part of the body, swelling (swelling) and hemorrhage due to traumatism of lymphatic and blood vessels, impaired function of the extremities. These signs of fractures and dislocations are indirect, because are found not only under these conditions, but also with bruises and sprains.

If, in addition to these signs, the victim is deformed limb, shortening its length, unusual (abnormal) mobility of the bone, with cautious feeling can be heard bone crunch, we can say with confidence about the fracture (even if there is one of these signs) - these are reliable signs fracture. With an open fracture in the wound, bone fragments can be seen; it is possible to lengthen the limb part. Reliable signs of dislocation are the deformity of the limb in the joint region, its characteristic forced position, desolation of the articular cavity; when an attempt is made to passively move a limb, a springing resistance.

First aid with closed fracture

The first help with closed fractures is in anesthesia and immobilization.

Anesthesia can be provided by local application of cold, resting the injured limb and taking analgesics (the order of their use is given below). Immobilization is the creation of the immobility of a part of the body, the limb.

In city conditions, when the "First Aid" arrives in a few minutes, the injured limb should be kept calm and cold applied to the injury site.


Immobilization will be carried out by medical workers after reliable medical anesthesia.


In the absence of the possibility of calling emergency medical care and the need to independently deliver the victim medical institution after anesthesia (preferably medicated) proceed to ensure the immobility of the injured extremities. To reduce pain from analgesics, it is better to use analgin 1 - 2 tablets (for adults and children over 12 years old). Tablets should be grinded and given in the form of a powder. In this case, the analgesic effect will come in 10 to 20 minutes. Before using the medication it is necessary to find out whether the victim has an intolerance to any drugs. If there is one, then do not give medicines.

Immobilization rules

To create immobility, you need to fix two joints: above and below the fracture.

With a fracture of the humerus and femur, three joints are fixed (with a fracture of the humerus - wrist, elbow, shoulder joints; with a fracture of the femur - ankle, knee, hip joints).

With closed fractures, the limbs are physiologically correct. For the upper limb - an angle of 90 ° in the elbow joint, the palm facing the trunk, the fingers are half-bent. For the lower extremity - an angle of 90 ° in the ankle, slight bending in the knee joint (angle 165 ° -170 °).

As transport tires, you can use the handy material: boards, sticks, skis, etc. They are not imposed on the naked body. Under the bony projections, a soft cloth is additionally applied. Clothes and shoes should not be removed if there is a possibility to inspect the place of damage.

In the absence of any improvised material for use as an improvised bus, autoimmobilization, i.e. fix the upper limb, pribintovav her to the trunk, and the damaged lower limb - to healthy limb.

First aid with open fracture

In city conditions, when the "First Aid" can arrive in a few minutes, with an open fracture, first aid includes: stopping bleeding (with arterial bleeding - the application of a tourniquet), the imposition of a sterile, non-tearing bandage, anesthesia by the method of giving the limb the least painful position, applying cold to place of injury. Transport immobilization will be performed by medical workers, having previously performed medical anesthesia. If there is no possibility to call an ambulance and transport the victim you are going to independently, it is necessary to carry out a transport immobilization by means of transport tires (if any) or improvised means after preliminary medicinal anesthesia (in the absence allergies).

Algorithm for first aid in case of open fracture:

  1. Stop bleeding (with arterial bleeding - the application of a hemostatic tourniquet)
  2. Anesthesia.
  3. Apply a sterile dressing to the wound.
  4. Immobilization.

Features of immobilization with open fractures

  • With open fractures, the limb is fixed in the position in which it is located after the injury.
  • From the wound nothing is removed, bone fragments can not be compared.
  • Do not apply a pressure bandage on the wound.

First aid for sprains

The first help in case of dislocations is anesthesia and immobilization. The approaches are the same as for fractures.

In the case of the expected rapid arrival of the "First Aid cold is applied to the injury site and creates the most comfortable (least painful) position for the victim.

In autonomous conditions of stay, the victim must additionally be given an anesthetic drug, having previously obtained a negative answer to the question of the presence of a drug allergy. After achieving the effect of anesthesia, they begin to immobilize the limb.


The peculiarity of immobilization is that the limb is fixed in the position in which it is after the injury (they are treated in the same way as with open fractures). You can not try to fix the dislocation by yourself, you need to remember that dislocations can be combined with fractures.


The text is prepared, according to the materials of the Malaymeditsinskaya encyclopedia. - M.: Medical Encyclopedia. 1991-96, the methodologists for the OBZH: Antonov NV, Bychkov VA, Gerasimova SI, Trukhov PV

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First aid for sprains and fractures - your home doctor

First aid for fractures

When the dislocation occurs, a persistent displacement of the articular surfaces of the bones occurs. It is usually accompanied by a rupture of the joint capsule.

Dislocation is characterized by a shortening or lengthening of the limb, an increasing pain in the joint, sharply increasing during movement, an obstruction of the active and a sharp restriction of passive movements.

The configuration of the joint also changes: the dislocated bone appears in a new, unusual place. When dislocation, ligaments, vessels, nerves can be damaged.

Only a medical professional can correct dislocation! We can not do this ourselves in any case, since it is only possible to injure ligaments, vessels, nerves even more by inept actions.

The first help consists first of all in creation of the damaged limb immobility. For this purpose, a fixing bandage or a tire is applied.

Then the victim must necessarily be taken to a medical institution. In case of severe pain, you should give him a tablet of analgin or amidopyrine.

To reduce pain and swelling, it is recommended to attach a hot-water bottle with cold water or a towel soaked in cold water to the place of dislocation.

Fracture leads to a violation of the integrity of the bone; its fragments can remain in place or shift. Fractures are closed (without damage to the skin) and open (with a wound above the site of the fracture).

While providing first aid, first of all, try to find out from the victim, if he is conscious, or eyewitnesses of the event, the circumstances of the injury.

When falling from a height, the most likely damage to the spinal column and limbs, with squeezing the chest - fracture of the ribs.


Then examine the victim, paying special attention to the position and mobility of the limbs.


If a fracture occurs, the victim feels severe pain, swelling, deformity of the limb, bruising, disturbance of movements in a damaged arm or leg, or mobility outside the joint, sometimes a crunch is heard at the fracture site due to friction of uneven bone surfaces fragments.

With careful surface probing, determine the place of greatest soreness, it corresponds to localization of the fracture.

Remember that in no case can you check the mobility of bone fragments, fix them, as you can damage soft tissues, blood vessels, nerves and cause the injured person
additional pain, up to the development of shock.

If there is a suspicion of a fracture, first aid is given in the same volume as in the case of a pronounced fracture.

In the case of a closed fracture, measures should be taken to stop further displacement of the fragments, reduce the trauma of the soft tissues with their ends, eliminate or reduce pain.

When the fracture is open, when the fragments of bones protrude into the wound, we must first stop the bleeding and apply a sterile bandage.

These actions help to prevent the development of shock from blood loss, as well as additional infection of the wound.


The main thing that must be done is to ensure immobility (immobilization) of the damaged limb. For this, you can use scarves, bandages, cotton, belts, ready-made or improvised tires.


With a fracture of the forearm, the hand is immobilized in a sparing physiological position, that is, bending at the elbow joint and turning the palm to the stomach or down.

Brush should be taken to the rear moderately, fingers half-bent, under them lay a roller of gauze or cotton wool.

When applying the tire, it is necessary to create immobility in two joints located above and below the fracture.

With a fracture of the shoulder fix the shoulder and elbow joints, with a hip fracture - hip, knee and ankle. If the fracture is closed, the tire should be placed directly on the clothing to prevent squeezing of the skin, large vessels, nerves.

Applying the tire, try to act quickly and carefully, so as not to cause additional pain to the victim. Do not fix the tire too tightly, but reliably. If there are no items that are suitable as tires, the arm can be bandaged to the trunk, and the leg to the intact leg.

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In case of broken ribs to reduce pain, the chest is tightly bandaged with bandages, towels or sheets or gives the victim a comfortable position.

If the collarbone is broken, it is fixed with a kerchief or outer clothing.

In the case of a fracture of the pelvic bones, the victim must be placed on his back on a firm, level surface, bending his legs in the knees, somewhat diluting them to the sides and laying a roller under his knees (pose "Frogs").


If the spine is damaged, the most dangerous complication is partial or complete rupture of the spinal cord. Therefore, the victim should be carefully placed on a flat horizontal surface (floor, shield, wide board).


In no case should you try to plant him, put him on his feet, force him to move around and turn around.

If after the injury the victim lies backwards, breathing and circulation of blood are saved, it is necessary to leave him in this position before the arrival of an ambulance.

Knowing the principles and methods of first aid in case of dislocations and fractures, it is possible to significantly alleviate the condition of the person injured, prevent complications, safely transport it to a medical institution in the event that you call an ambulance for any reason is impossible.

N. Ternovoy, Candidate of Medical Sciences,
A. Soloviev, resuscitation doctor

© Your home doctor

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Occupational Safety and Health

To suppose fractures of bones of extremities at the victim follows in cases:

- if the position of the limb is unnatural (a heel or a wrist is turned out);

- the limb is deformed and swollen;

- if the bone fragments protrude from the wound (an indisputable sign of an open fracture of bones).

In case of fractures and dislocations, the main task of first aid is to give the sick limb the most comfortable, restful position and keep it in complete immobility. This rule is necessary not only to not damage the surrounding tissue fracture site.

The assisting does not find out what exactly is taking place - a fracture or a dislocation, since only the doctor should direct the dislocation.

It is necessary to preserve the most depressed position of the damaged part of the body (immobilization) and during the delivery of the victim to the medical institution.

The fastest delivery to a medical institution is also very important.

In fractures, in no case should you make sudden movements of the affected limb, it is forbidden to pull for it, it can not be turned. With an open fracture, fragments of bones should not be pushed into the wound.

With an open fracture, the damaged area should first be treated as a wound, and then as a fracture.

Then the limbs or parts of the body with a fracture provide a state of rest (immobilization) by imposing a tire or other improvised means. This reduces pain and prevents shock.

If the victim is thirsty, then it should be drunk with mineral water if possible.

Immobilization is carried out by means of tires manufactured most often from improvised materials, and by applying bandages.

Incorrectly made immobilization can cause harm as a result of additional traumatization, especially when carrying and transporting.

For example, inadequate immobilization of a closed fracture can turn it into an open fracture, thereby aggravating the trauma and worsening the outcome.

Fig. 7.18. Overlapping the Tire in Hip Fracture

Basic principles of immobilization:

- The tire must necessarily grasp two joints (above and below the fracture), and sometimes three joints (with fractures of the hip (Fig. 7.18),


- when immobilizing a limb, it is necessary to give it a natural physiological position if possible, and if this is not possible, then the situation in which the limb is least injured;

- with open fractures (with damage to the skin at the site of the fracture), the debris is not repositioned, impose a sterile bandage and fix the limb in the position in which it is immediately after damage;

- with closed fractures, it is not necessary to remove clothing from the victim;

- with open fractures to the wound, a sterile bandage should be applied;

- you can not put a rigid tire directly on the body, you must put a soft pad (cotton, towel).


Fractures and dislocations of the lower extremities. Symptoms: pain along the bone, swelling, unnatural shape in a place where there is no joint (with a fracture).


First aid - to strengthen the sick limb with a tire, board, plywood plate, stick, cardboard or some other another similar object so that one end of the plate goes above the edge of the pelvis to the armpit, and the other reaches the heel (Fig. 7.18). This creates complete rest of the entire lower limb. If possible, the tire is applied without lifting the legs, but only holding it in place, pushing the bandages under the waist, knee and heel. A cold object should be applied to the place of damage.

Fracture of skull.

When the head falls or strikes the head, causing unconsciousness, bleeding from the ears or mouth, suggests the possibility of a fracture of the skull. The first help in this case is the application of cold objects (snow, ice, cold lotions, etc.) to the head.

Fracture of the spine.

When falling from a height (for example, from a support) or when landslides, if there is a suspicion that the spine is broken (sharp pain in the spine, it is impossible bend your back and turn around), first aid is as follows: gently slip under the affected board without lifting it, or turn He is face down on his stomach and is strictly watching that when lifting the victim his body is not bent (to avoid damage to the dorsal brain).

Fractures and dislocations of the clavicle. Symptoms are pain in the clavicle and a pronounced swelling.

First aid: put a small lump of cotton wool, gauze or some matter; arm bent at the elbow at right angles, to tie the arm below the elbow to the trunk, tie the kerchief to neck. A cold object should be applied to the area of ​​damage.

Fractures and dislocations of the bones of the hands. Symptoms - pain along the bone, altered form of the limb, unnatural mobility in a place where there is no joint (in the presence of a fracture), swelling. The first help is to put the appropriate tires.

If there were no tires, then, just as with a collarbone fracture, hang and tie the arm to the trunk, but without placing the roller in the armpit.

If the hand (when dislocated) lags behind the trunk, put something soft between the arm and the body (for example, a bundle of clothes).

Fractures and dislocations of the bones of the hand and fingers.


If there is a suspicion of a fracture or dislocation of the bones of the hand, the hand should be pribintovat a wide (width from the palm) tire so that the tire starts from the middle of the forearm, and ends at the end of the fingers.


Preliminarily put a lump of cotton wool, bandage, etc. into the palm of your hand so that your fingers are slightly bent over them. A cold object is applied to the place of damage.

The injured hand can be fixed with a kerchief (tie up her arm below the elbow) or use the floor of the jacket for this (Fig. 7.19).

Fig. 7.19. Suspension of a hand on the jacket

Fracture of the ribs. Symptoms - pain during breathing, coughing, sneezing and movements. First aid - tightly bandage your breasts or pull it off with a towel during exhalation.

First aid with bruises. If there is a certainty that the victim received only a bruise, not a fracture or a dislocation, then to the site of the injury should be applied cold (snow, ice, a rag soaked in cold water) and tightly bandage the bruised a place.

If there is no damage to the skin, lubricate it with iodine, rub it and apply a warming compress should not, as all this only increases the pain.

With bruises of the abdomen, the presence of an unconscious condition, a sharp pallor of the face and severe pain should immediately be called doctor or refer the victim to the hospital (there may be ruptures of internal organs with subsequent internal bleeding). The same should be done with heavy bruises all over the body.

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Provision of first pre-medical care for fractures, dislocations, bruises and sprains

With fractures and dislocations, the primary task of first aid is to give the sick limb the most comfortable, restful position and keep it in complete immobility. This rule is necessary not only to eliminate pain, but also to prevent a number of additional damages to surrounding tissues.

The caregiver does not find out what is taking place - a fracture or a dislocation, since only the doctor should direct the dislocation. It is necessary to keep the most depressed position of the damaged part of the body also during the delivery of the victim to the medical institution.

Fracture of skull.

When the head falls or strikes the head, causing unconsciousness, bleeding from the ears or mouth, suggests the possibility of a fracture of the skull. The first help in this case is the application of cold objects to the head (snow, ice, cold lotions, etc.).

Fracture of the spine.

When falling from a height (for example, from a support) or when landslides, if there is a suspicion that the spine is broken (sharp pain in the spine, it is impossible bend your back and turn around), first aid is as follows: gently slip under the affected board without lifting it, or turn He is face down on his stomach and is strictly watching that when lifting the victim his body is not bent (to avoid damage to the dorsal brain).

Fractures and dislocations of the clavicle.Symptoms are pain in the clavicle and a pronounced swelling.

First aid: put a small lump of cotton wool, gauze or some kind of cloth in the armpit of the sick side; the arm bent at the elbow at a right angle, to pribintovat to the trunk from the aching limb to the back; The arm below the elbow is tied with a kerchief to the neck (the shape of the scarf is shown in Fig. 8.3); apply cold to the area of ​​damage thing.

Fig. 3. Dressing "kerchief"

Fractures and dislocations of the bones of the hands.Symptoms - pain along the bone, altered shape of the limbs, unnatural mobility in a place where there is no joint (in the presence of a fracture), swelling.

The first help is to put the appropriate tires. If there were no tires, then, just as with a fracture of the clavicle, hang and tie the arm to the trunk, laying the roller in the armpit.

If the hand (when dislocated) lags behind the trunk, put something soft between the arm and the body (for example, a bundle of clothes). Apply a cold object to the place of damage.

In the absence of a bandage and a scarf hang a hand on the jacket.

Fractures and dislocations of the bones of the hand and fingers.

If there is a suspicion of a fracture or dislocation of the bones of the hand, the hand should be pribintovat a wide (width from the palm) tire so that the tire starts from the middle of the forearm, and ends at the end of the fingers.

Preliminarily put a lump of cotton wool, bandage, etc., into the palm of your hand, so that your fingers are slightly bent. A cold object is applied to the place of damage.

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Fractures and dislocations of the lower limb.Symptoms - pain along the bone, swelling, unnatural shape in a place where there are no joints (with a fracture).


First aid - to strengthen the sick limb with a tire, plywood plate, stick, cardboard or some other like object so that one end of the plate coming above the edge of the pelvis to the armpit and the other reaching heels. This creates complete rest of the entire lower limb. If possible, the tire should be applied without lifting the legs, but only holding it in place, pushing the bandages under the waist, knee and heel. A cold object should be applied to the place of damage.


Fracture of the ribs.Symptoms - pain during breathing, coughing, sneezing and movements. First aid - tightly bandage your breasts or pull off a towel during exhalation.

First aid with bruises(in the presence of confidence that the victim received only a bruise, and not a fracture or a dislocation) - to the site of the injury attach a cold object (snow, ice, rag soaked in cold water) and tightly bandage the bruised a place.

If there is no injury to the skin, lubricate it with iodine, rub it and apply a warming compress should not, as all this only leads to increased pain.

With bruises of the abdomen, the presence of an unconscious condition, a sharp pallor of the face and severe pain should immediately be called doctor or refer the victim to the hospital (there may be ruptures of internal organs with subsequent internal bleeding). Also should be done and with severe bruises of the whole body.

When the ligaments are stretched, for example, when podotyvaniem foot, when a person stumbled (a symptom of which is a sharp pain in the joint and swelling).

When stretching, lengthening of the ligament does not occur, but the tearing of its individual fibers with the development of a hemorrhage in the thickness of the tissues. First aid consists in applying a cold object, tight bandaging and rest.

Cold helps stop capillary bleeding and soothes pain.

Submit date: 2016-05-28; Views: 541;


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First aid for sprains, bruises and fractures

Human life is impossible without trauma. Bruises and fractures are a common problem. But in this article we will talk about an equally dangerous trauma - dislocation of joints. How to recognize this disease and what to do before the doctor comes?


  • 1 Mechanisms of dislocation
  • 2 Features of trauma
  • 3 First Aid
  • 4 Treatment

Mechanisms of dislocation

The joint is a joint of bones. Around it is a joint bag filled with liquid. The external surface of the joints is strengthened by muscles and ligaments.

When the external force acts, the joint part of the bone leaves its place and goes beyond the synovial bag, traumatizing ligaments, vessels and nerves. Subsequently dislocation of joints is formed.

If the articular head of the bone only partially emerged from the joint cavity, then it is a question of subluxation.

Dislocation is possible in almost all joints of our body. Most often, both lower and upper limbs are injured. Less often injuries are observed in the joints of the neck, collarbone, lower jaw.

Dislocations of the foot are frequent travelers of road accidents, falls from a height. With such a powerful force, hip injuries occur. Athletes are prone to ankle injury.

Also, fractures and dislocations of the ankle threaten women who love high heels. The knee joint is less likely to suffer from this trauma. This is the most reliable place of the lower limb.

However, with frequent injuries, concomitant diseases and the effects of powerful external forces, even he is not immune from dislocations.

The joints of the upper limbs are more fragile than the legs. In severe injuries, fractures, dislocations and fractures occur here. From the violation of the form of the joint, the shoulder most often suffers.

After all, it is the most mobile. A fall and a blow can lead to his dislocation. Next, the frequency of elbows and forearms. The main mechanism of their formation is the fall on the unraveled hand.

Features of trauma

Recognize this pathology can only be done by a professional. In addition, it is necessary to conduct an X-ray examination. But still this disease has its own unique characteristics. We describe them below:

  1. Changing the shape of the joint. The limb changes its shape, you can see the protruding articular head of the bone, the injured legs and hands can be shortened or lengthened.
  1. Sharp pain in the joint. Pain symptoms are not specific. They accompany any injuries: both dislocations, bruises, and fractures.
  2. Disturbance of joint function. Movement of the affected limb is completely absent. Attempting movement is accompanied by sharp pain.
  3. Dislocated heads of the joints often damage the vessels and nerves. Therefore, in this trauma, more extensive hematomas develop in the lesion area than usual. There may also be a loss of skin sensitivity of the leg or arm.

First aid

The patient with a dislocation must be given the first medical aid. Such a patient is obligatorily delivered to a medical institution. You can not trust the direction of dislocations to a person without medical education.

At the pre-hospital level, a sick person should receive first aid. Provision of prehospital care will save the patient from the development of traumatic shock and other formidable complications.

First aid can be provided by any person. First aid can save a person who has not yet been taken to a medical institution.

Remember these simple rules:

  1. Affected feet or arms need to be immobilized. This will prevent unnecessary pain, and will save the person from additional injuries of nerves and blood vessels, which can cause a dislocated bone. For immobilization a special tire is used, but if it does not exist, assistance is produced by any improvised materials (boards, cartons, sticks). The limb is bandaged and tied with broad matter to the solid axis. This will prevent unnecessary movement, pain and excessive trauma.
  1. You can apply cold to the affected joint to relieve swelling. The medical first-aid kit in any car is equipped with cooling bags. For this purpose, you can use ice or just cold iron objects.
  2. Provision of pre-hospital care includes the taking of pain medications. They can save a person's life by preventing the development of pain shock.

If all measures are taken on time, then the prognosis of the victim will be favorable.


Treatment of dislocation is carried out in medical institutions. Only after examination of the doctor-traumatologist, carrying out of roentgenological research and after carrying out of an adequate anesthesia the dislocation can be corrected.

The honey worker carries out an algorithm of action, which returns the joint head back to the joint. If it is impossible to correct the dislocation, assistance is transferred to the operating room.

There surgeons return the joint surfaces to their normal location.

Dislocation is a frequent and often severe pathology. Provision of pre-medical medical care improves the prognosis of patients. The first aid for dislocations should be given cautiously, all efforts are directed to not harm the patient.

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How to provide first aid in case of a dislocation and fracture?

In any life situations, a person is not immune from injury, and that is why he is faced with such a question: how will first aid be provided for the dislocation and fracture of the victim? Accidents happen suddenly, so they can end with various injuries. What if you are faced with this? And how will first aid be provided for dislocations and fractures to the victim?

An accident can occur where there may not be a nearby medical facility, so it's important for each of us to know the basic principles of emergency care in trauma and to be able to help the victim without of the situation.

The musculoskeletal system of our body is particularly strong, but despite this, the variety of damaging factors leads to dislocations and damage to the integrity of the bone. All these consequences in turn affect the physiological health of a person and the quality of his life.

How to recognize the dislocation and fracture?

In the event of an injury, before starting first aid, it is necessary to recognize what kind of damage occurs.

Despite the fact that any trauma has common symptoms, you need to be able to distinguish the type of damage, since it plays an important role for further tactics.

Knowing the distinctive symptoms of dislocation and fracture, the order and the main points of emergency care, it will not be difficult to timely and qualitatively help the victim.


A dislocation is a damage to the ligamentous apparatus that holds the joint. During the stretching or rupture of the ligaments, the joint moves relative to the joint surface.


Fracture, in contrast to the dislocation, is characterized by a violation of the integrity of bone tissue. In this case, the fracture can be in the form of a fracture, partial or complete fracture.

Symptoms typical for dislocation

Any trauma is accompanied by common symptoms. Victims complain about the presence of severe pain, swelling, bruising, limb mobility suffers. Therefore, it is important to distinguish the characteristic clinical signs of dislocation and fracture from general symptoms.

The main symptoms manifested during a dislocation:

  1. Deformation and displacement in the joint area.
  2. Impossibility of movements in the joint due to severe pain.
  3. Swelling due to swelling.
  4. Hematoma.

A distinctive feature of the manifestation of dislocation is pain, which occurs immediately after trauma.

Symptoms characteristic of a fracture

Depending on the integrity of the skin, fractures are divided into open and closed. Open fractures, in comparison with closed fractures, are more severe, as they are accompanied by soft tissue damage, bleeding and infection of the wound.

The main symptoms of fracture:

  1. Pain syndrome.
  2. Restriction in motion.
  3. Swelling and build-up of bruising in a place where there is damage.
  4. Feeling of pathological mobility of bone fragments.
  5. Changing the length of the limb.
  6. With open fractures, bone fragments can be observed from the wound.
  1. When dislocation of the limb should be ensured peace. For this, the victim must be seated, to give him a comfortable position, which will not cause pain.
  2. Provide a cold to the place of damage. In this case, suitable lotions with cold water or a bundle of ice. It should be guided by the availability of one or another means. Cold will reduce pain, prevent swelling of the appearance of bruising.
  3. If there is an anesthetic at hand, it is worth giving to the victim (it can be any analgesic). It is desirable to first clarify the victim's presence of an allergy to medicines.
  4. Only after you have provided rest, removed the pain, proceed to immobilize the limb. Immobilization can be carried out with the help of tires or other improvised means.
  5. If the upper limb is injured, you can use a kerchief or bandages. The limb is suspended and fixed in a comfortable and painless position.
  6. If the lower limb is damaged, tires are usually used. In their absence, you can apply plywood, board, branch. If you do not have at-hand tools, you can use a healthy limb as a tire. It should be noted that immobilization, in addition to fixing the damaged joint, fix adjacent joints. One of the joints from the top and two joints from the bottom must be fixed without fail. This ensures complete immobility of the damaged joint.
  7. After pre-medical care was provided for dislocations, the victim was transported to the nearest medical institution. When the joint of the upper limb is dislocated, the victim can move independently. When dislocation of the joint of the lower limb, transportation is carried out lying or sitting. To delay with hospitalization should not be, since fresh dislocations are easily amenable to correction.
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What can not be done with a dislocation:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to try to correct the dislocation independently. Excessive stretching of the limb and incorrect technique of restraint can lead to serious consequences.
  2. Do not delay hospitalization. If timely emergency care was provided during a dislocation, then this is good, but nevertheless, it is necessary to correct the dislocation in time and give the limb a physiological position. If specialized medical care was not provided in time, then in the future, surgery will be required. And this, as a rule, is considered a radical treatment.

First aid for fractures

The technique and sequence of care for fractures will depend on the nature of the lesion and the type of fracture.

The tactics of providing emergency care in closed and open fractures will differ, but, irrespective of type of fracture, the main point in the provision of emergency care will be the immobilization of the damaged extremities.

In order to prevent painful shock, before applying a tire or other improvised means to the damaged part, it is necessary to provide anesthesia. To do this, use various analgesics (tablets or injections).

When immobilizing a limb, a number of rules should be adhered to:

  1. As far as possible, produce general anesthesia.
  2. Select the tire according to the length of the limb. For this, the dimensions are removed from a healthy limb.
  3. To give the limb a physiological position. This is important, since displaced debris can damage nearby vessels and nerves.
  4. Applying the tire on the damaged limb, it should be remembered that you need to fix at least two joints. In this case, if the upper limb is damaged, two joints are fixed.
  5. If the lower extremity of the fixation is damaged, all three joints are liable. Thus, complete immobility of the limb is ensured.
  6. The tire is laid over the fabric or clothes.
  7. It is desirable to carry out immobilization together. One person, gently lifting the limb, does not allow to move fragments, and the second in the meantime fixes the tire to the limb with bandages, a belt or a rope.
  8. The ends of the fingers should be available for inspection, since it is by the color of the skin that the state of the circulation of the immobilized limb can be assessed.

If, with a closed fracture, there is a growing bruise, this indicates damage to the vessel. In this case, you can use ice or other sources of cold.

With open fractures, the main help is directed to stop bleeding, prevent infection of the wound and immobilize the limb.

The procedure for providing emergency care in case of an open fracture:

  1. Assess the condition of the victim and the degree of damage, as further tactics will depend on this.
  2. In order to prevent a traumatic shock, provide anesthesia.
  3. If there is bleeding, apply a tourniquet above the wound. The tourniquet is laid over the fabric or clothing. Be sure to specify the exact time since the harness is applied.
  4. Having convinced of absence of a bleeding, it is necessary to process edges of a wound with solutions of an antiseptic. The wound should be closed with an aseptic bandage. If at hand there is no sterile coating material, then any clean cloth will do.
  5. After being convinced that the bleeding is stopped, the wound surface is treated, proceed to immobilize the limb according to the same principle as with closed fractures.
  6. Transportation of the victim to a medical institution is the final stage in the provision of emergency care, especially if there is a open fracture, since in this case there is a high risk of complications that require specialized and qualified medical assistance.

What can not be done in case of a fracture:

  1. Do not transport the victim with a fracture without fixing the limb. Any excess movement can displace bone fragments and thus lead to additional trauma to soft tissues and a neurovascular bundle.
  2. It is forbidden to insert bone fragments independently, as this can lead to serious consequences and aggravate the situation.

Based on the above, we can draw conclusions

Knowledge of certain skills in the provision of emergency care and the ability to navigate and not get confused in such situations - in the future guarantee a successful rehabilitation after trauma.

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First aid for fractures, dislocations and bruises

From injuries and bruises can not be fully insured. What can I say about such a serious enough damage as a bone fracture.

Therefore, it is important to realize that first aid for various fractures can not only prevent the development of further complications, but also save the life of the victim.

In their form, they should be divided into three main categories:

  • closed fracture;
  • Open fracture with soft tissue rupture;
  • internal fractures (bone breaks along).

In the first minutes after the injury, the victim and his environment may be in a state of shock.

This can become a hindrance in the provision of correct medical care, because bruises or dislocations have some similarities.

Fractures are a completely different group of injuries and require a more serious relationship. They can be determined by the following characteristics:

  • pain is localized at the site of the injury;
  • limb can be deformed somewhat;
  • extreme mobility is difficult;

Necessary measures in the open fracture

First and first aid with open fractures deserves special attention. After all, with soft tissue and skin ruptures, access is available for all kinds of infections.

Such a fracture is accompanied by severe bleeding, and the patient may develop a pain shock.

Therefore, in the first minutes after the injury, it is important not only to maintain self-control as much as possible, but also immediately immobilize the injured site for further hospitalization.

When providing first aid, you should try to move as little as possible the broken
leg or hand, to ensure the limb peace by applying a tire. As a bus in the absence of a time sheet, you can use any solid materials: boards, plywood, shelves, branches, etc.

First aid with bruises, as well as with open fractures, also implies the disinfection of the area around the wound before applying the bandage. When dislocations, simply apply a tight bandage.

If there is an anesthetic, you can give it to the victim so that he does not lose consciousness. Immobilization of such fractures should be carried out on the spot.

For this purpose, special tires or strong materials are suitable (boards, sticks). Specialstires CramerThey were created just to fix such fractures.


But in no case can you personally direct the bones back or somehow move them.


More: The closed and open fracture of the lower leg bones with displacement.

Most often it happens that the rendering of first aid lies with others. With fractures, it is very important that this first aid is as effective as possible.

If an emergency call is not possible for some reason, first aid will fall entirely on the shoulders of others. Before further transportation, it is mandatory to impose a tire.

You can do it yourself, guided by a few simple tips:

  • The tire should be fixed as tightly and tightly as possible;
  • it is applied over the clothes. If a skin area is exposed, a cloth flap must be placed under the tire;
  • The tire should cover at least two joints to ensure reliable fixation in the correct position.

First aid for fracture of various bones can also include a cold compress to the injured place and a warm drink. It is necessary, if possible, to distract the victim from the accident and prevent panic.

Types of fractures and first aid needed

Fractures of the upper and lower extremities, perhaps, are found most often. First aid in this case will be to immobilize the limb and process the wound (with a possible open fracture.)

  1. First aid in the case of closed uncomplicated fracture of the hand is to fix it with the help of matter. Obligovaty a piece of tissue you need to tie around the neck, first putting your hand in the resulting tissue curl. If the forearm is injured, you need to fix the bone with two tires. One is imposed from the side of the palm, the other from the opposite side. If the injury touched the finger, it must also be fixed. The first help in this type of fracture is to fix a healthy finger along with the injured finger. Between them, lay a roller of fabric to maintain the most level position.
  2. With closed fracture of the foot, the actions are somewhat different. The first power in this case is the fixation of the leg with a fracture to the healthy leg. At the same time, they are connected so that the matter covers both the place above the fracture and under it. The victim should be transported to the hospital while lying down. If it is impossible to lay the tire on the injured leg so that one part is behind the knee joint and covers at least two joints. The first aid in case of a fracture of the thigh is concluded in the application of the tire from the toes to the lower part of the thigh, the tires should be on the sides of the leg.
  3. With a partial fracture of the pelvis and hip bones, first of all, it is necessary to give the body the most relaxed position, and only then to provide all possible assistance. To do this, put the victim on his back, and try to spread his legs apart, while bending his knees slightly and leaning on his feet. Providing first aid in this case will help to avoid trauma to the pelvic organs. With fractures of this nature, the affected person is given the first power in the form of a tight bandage. It is wrapped around the body.
  4. With a single or multiple fracture of the spine, the first aid is to give the body the most level position, shifting it to the back. It is necessary to watch, that the backbone does not bend. Medical assistance is that the victim is shifted to a stretcher, fixing the position of the body with straps.
  5. Fracture of the clavicle is most common in active and young people. When this bone fractures, the hand is fixed in position, as in the fracture of the arm.
  6. The peculiarity of the fracture of the ribs is that one rib can break in several places. Multiple fractures can also occur. When providing first aid, you first need to assess the condition of the victim, because the fragments of the ribs could damage the lungs and internal organs. If there are no such damages, you can impose an elastic bandage on the chest area, this is done on expiration in order to fix the position of the ribs as much as possible.

Other types of fractures

First aid for any fractures should be provided as quickly as possible, even if a person did not deal with the imposition of a tire or bandage. The life of a person will depend on this.

More: What should I do if there is a severe bruise of the ribs?

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