Inflammation of the bladder in women: the causes, symptoms and treatment of cystitis

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The problem of an inflamed bladder in women is rarely isolated from other diseases of the female genital area. But, nevertheless, for sure, many women remember the times of their childhood, when their grandmothers insistently recommended them to warmerly dress in the cold winter season, wear long underwear, do not sit on the benches on the benches and other objects of cultural seating.

Girls, according to their youth, rarely follow the advice of wise women, and they are the ways to prevent inflammation of the bladder. Time passes, a woman becomes an adult, the body becomes more susceptible to drafts and hypothermia, there are symptoms of severe burning and discomfort during urination, frequent urination to the toilet and a feeling of fullness of the bladder.

In medicine, this condition is defined by the term "cystitis", which is observed in seven women out of ten. And, for every one or two women out of ten, doctors diagnose chronic inflammation of the urinary tract!

Therefore, in this publication we will talk about the causes, symptoms and features of treating inflammation of the bladder.

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Remember that medication for treatment should be prescribed by a urologist or surgeon.


Causes of cystitis in women: why does the bladder become inflamed?

The inflammatory process in the bladder is a fairly common urological problem in women. It causes a lot of unpleasant sensations. Men encounter this disease less often because of another anatomical structure of the urinary tract itself.

The urethra in women is a special excretory organ devoid of bends. It is much shorter and at the same time wider than that of men. This is why the female urethra is more susceptible to infection.

In a warm season, the pathogenic microflora rarely provokes the formation of an inflammatory process. Its nesting site is the anus and the entrance to the vagina itself. With weakening of immune defense and hypothermia, microorganisms penetrate through the urethra into the bladder and begin to actively reproduce there, provoking the development of pathology( cystitis).

As a rule, inflammation of the bladder mucosa in women is infectious in nature. In the role of the main pathogens, the following pathogenic microorganisms can act: staphylococci, E. coli, Trichomonas. In addition to infection, the following factors contribute to the onset of this disease:

  1. Subcooling.
  2. Various kinds of disorders of hormonal nature.
  3. Frequent constipation.
  4. Non-observance of all known rules of personal hygiene, including during menstruation.
  5. Incorrect mashing after the defecation process.
  6. Unconventional sexual contacts.
  7. Frequent stress.
  8. Avitaminosis.
  9. The presence of diseases of the genitourinary system.

All of the above factors, as a rule, entail inflammation of the bladder. The reasons for the development of this pathology can vary in each specific case.

Inflammation of the urinary bladder in women: symptoms of

The general symptomatology continues for 14 days. Then comes relief and final recovery. If the pain and discomfort do not go away after 2 weeks, then the disease has passed into a chronic stage.

Common symptoms:

  1. Constant urge to urinate.
  2. Urine cloudiness, the appearance of blood impurities.
  3. Pain in the lower abdomen, characterized by a noisy character.
  4. Feeling of burning and rubbing during urination.
  5. Urinary incontinence( very rare).
  6. A slight increase in temperature.

Do not ignore inflammation of the bladder in women. Treatment should be scheduled immediately after diagnosis. It is important to understand that cystitis is a rather insidious pathology, which can give very serious complications( the spread of infection to other parts of the excretory system).

Cystitis requires a thorough approach to treatment in order to avoid the risk of further spread of infection to the kidneys. Inflammatory process is formed in the mucous membrane of the bladder.

Preparation for treatment of

How to relieve bladder inflammation? Doctors strongly recommend not to resort to the advice of relatives and friends, that is, engage in self-medication. The thing is that incorrectly selected therapy can only exacerbate inflammation of the bladder, the causes of the problem will not be revealed, and the current clinical picture will be smeared.

Therefore, when primary signs appear, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.

  1. Confirmation of pathology is possible only on the basis of clinical and diagnostic studies.
  2. In patients with palpation of the lower abdomen, the patient generally feels discomfort and pain, the intensity of which may vary.
  3. ultrasound confirms the presence of inflammation, which affects the change in the habitual structure of the walls of the most damaged organ.
  4. It is equally important to pass a urine test. In the case of an ailment there is an increased content of protein, uric acid, mucus and erythrocytes.

All patients without exception, the doctor examines the gynecological chair, carries out the collection of biological material for PCR, cytological and biological examination. In the case of a prolonged course of the disease, a number of additional tests may be required, including biopsy and cystoscopy.

Inflammation of the urinary bladder in women: treatment of cystitis

How to cure inflammation of the bladder?

All therapeutic measures should be carried out only under regular supervision by a specialist.

  1. At home, it is very important to organize a sparing diet and maintain a drinking balance.
  2. Drink at least two liters of water a day.
  3. Vitaminotherapy plays a direct role in the treatment of the disease.
  4. It is recommended to exclude the use of alcoholic beverages, as well as coffee.
  5. For the duration of treatment, it is better to refuse sharp meals and spices.
  6. With the appearance of constipation, the diet should be diversified with sour-milk drinks, natural fiber( for example, apples).

As you know, quite unpleasant symptoms accompany inflammation of the bladder in women. The treatment of such problems involves the use of medications.

For example, to eliminate the existing spasms and severe pain, "Kanefron" or "Urolesan" is appointed. In the case of a chronic course of the disease, it is advisable to use physiotherapy.

Antibiotic therapy

If the disease is infectious in nature, antibiotics are prescribed. At present, according to experts, the following are the most effective antibacterial drugs:

  1. "Monural".
  2. "Co-trimoxazole".
  3. "Nitrofurantoin".

The therapeutic course is usually between three and approximately seven days.

It is important to note that the specific medicine for inflammation of the bladder is chosen by the doctor based on the results of the analysis. The proposed antibacterial drugs are absolutely safe for health, they can be used safely.

Herbal preparations from natural ingredients

The standard recommendation of urologists is the use of natural remedies for the treatment and prevention of cystitis. Such preparation is

« Uroprofit «, having antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic effect. The biologically active agents included in the "Uroprofit" contributes to the normalization of urination, improves renal function and urinary tract, and also reduces the risk of recurrent exacerbations of chronic cystitis.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Inflammation of the bladder always requires an exceptionally skilled approach to treatment. Some experts suggest using medicamental intervention, along with recipes of traditional medicine.

As practice shows, this solution often brings the right effect. Below we list the most common recipes of our grandmothers against this disease.

  1. Before eating, you can drink a simple infusion of hop cones .To make it, you need 500 ml of the most ordinary still water and 2 tablespoons cones. Ingredients should be mixed, insisted for a couple of hours, and then filtered. The resulting infusion can be drunk half a cup four times a day.
  2. An excellent option is a decoction from a mix of herbs( chamomile inflorescences, mint leaves, poplar buds ).A glass of boiling water is required for one tablespoon of dry mixture. To insist this "medicine" is recommended within four hours, after filtering. Drink infusion is necessary three times a day and only before a direct meal.
  3. Based on the fact that during the treatment of inflammation of the fluid should be consumed in large quantities, it is considered to be an excellent means of tea stems cherries or cherry .For its preparation you can use both dried shoots and fresh ones. The resulting tea should be drunk on an empty stomach, you can add honey .

The above recipes help to reduce the appearance of unpleasant symptoms in inflammation of the bladder. Folk remedies also contribute to alleviating the acute course of inflammation.

Sitting baths with infusion of rhizomes of marsh ash are an excellent option. A teaspoon of rhizomes should be poured a glass of boiling water and let it infuse, then strain. Before the procedure, it is recommended to dilute one part of the infusion in two parts of the water.

What can be

complications In the long cystitis due to lack of treatment or improper treatment of the infection can spread to the kidneys, which entails the development of pyelonephritis .

This disease is characterized by high fever and severe pain in the lumbar region. Pyelonephritis, as a rule, requires serious therapy, and in a hospital. However, in this case, the very inflammation of the bladder itself recedes into the background. As a consequence, the ailment will make itself felt again, and with each regular attack of pyelonephritis, kidney work inevitably worsens.

In the presence of specific features bladder wall structure pathological process can spread to the whole of their thickness, thus affecting not only the mucous membrane but also muscle portion. This pathology is called interstitial cystitis .

These patients increase urge to urinate up to 150 times a day, body temperature rises. Drugs for inflammation of the bladder in this case are ineffective. With a long course of pathology, the organ loses its habitual elasticity and gradually decreases in size. When its volume reaches 50 ml, a decision is made about surgical intervention( complete removal of the bladder and its subsequent plastic from the colon tissues).

Preventative measures

It is better to prevent inflammation of the bladder than to treat it. Experts recommend that all members of the fair sex follow fairly simple rules.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to give up promiscuous sexual intercourse, and if this is not possible, you should use condoms every time you have sexual intercourse.
  2. In addition, it is recommended to try not to overcool, in the winter use a thermal underwear. Observance of all known rules of hygiene is another preventive measure.
  3. If the disease still could not be avoided, then without serious therapy with antibiotics will not do.
  4. The ideal solution in this case is the so-called integrated approach, that is, medical intervention + recipes of traditional medicine.

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Treatment of cystitis in women for 1 day - without pills and injections

Video channel of Dr. Evdokimenko.

Treatment of cystitis in women for 1 day - without pills and injections. Dr. Evdokimenko in his video tells how to cure cystitis at home for one, maximum two days, using a decoction of bay leaf.* Dear women! Please, before doing this procedure, read its detailed description right here:

Contraindications to the procedure with laurel leaf. Attention! This procedure can not be done:

  1. during pregnancy and the first 5-6 months after childbirth;
  2. for children under 13 years;
  3. in critical days for women;
  4. for myomas and other tumors of female genital organs;
  5. for endometriosis and propensity to uterine bleeding;
  6. with hemorrhoidal bleedings and propensity to them;
  7. for colds and flu, with elevated body temperature;
  8. immediately after operations on the abdominal organs( wait at least 1-2 months);
  9. for any ACUTE internal diseases - for example, with exacerbation of pancreatitis or cholecystitis, with appendicitis, etc.;
  10. for severe heart damage, severe ischemic disease;the first 3-6 months after myocardial infarction;with aortic aneurysm;
  11. the first 3-5 months after a stroke;
  12. for severe blood diseases.


  • for breastfeeding - the effect is unknown;
  • with paroxysmal tachycardia, with atrial fibrillation;with heart defects.

ATTENTION!This video is educational and fact-finding. There are contraindications.

Before using the tips from the video, be sure to consult a doctor!

Health to you! All the best!

How to treat cystitis at home?

Maxim Praugin.

Natural antibiotic destroys all infections of the bladder and kidneys

Video channel "Useful advice about everything".Prescription composition:

  1. 200 ml.olive oil,
  2. 250 gr.natural honey,
  3. 250 gr.lemon peel,
  4. 250 gr.the root of the parsley.

Source of publication: the editorial of the author's article by Sofya Andreeva from http: // vospalenie-mochevogo-puzyirya-u-jenschin-lechenie-prichinyi-simptomyi

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