Gymnastics with coxarthrosis of the hip joint: exercises for varying degrees of severity

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  • 1Lfk with coxarthrosis of the hip joint: what exercises will be useful
    • 1.1Features of gymnastics
    • 1.2Types of exercises
    • 1.31 st stage of coxarthrosis
    • 1.42nd stage of coxarthrosis
  • 2Exercises with coxarthrosis of the hip joint
    • 2.1Is it possible to cure coxarthrosis?
    • 2.2At what stages of the disease can I do the exercises?
    • 2.3Councils of doctors about the therapeutic charge for the joint
    • 2.4Set of exercises in the prone position
    • 2.5Gymnastics on the abdomen with osteoarthritis
    • 2.6Exercise lying on its side
    • 2.7Hip joint training in standing position
    • 2.8Bubnovsky's method: how to prepare?
    • 2.9Complex of exercises from a well-known rehabilitation specialist
    • 2.10Joint exercises for Evdokimenko
    • 2.11Contraindications to gymnastics
  • 3LFK and exercises with coxarthrosis
    • 3.1Features of LFK technique in coxarthrosis
    • 3.2Example 10 exercises
    • 3.3Warm-up exercises for the hip joint
    • 3.4Working exercises for the hip joint
    • 3.5Exercises for the hip joint
    • 3.6Conclusion
  • instagram viewer
    4Gymnastics with coxarthrosis: exercises of exercise therapy for the hip joint
    • 4.1Why and how does the disease develop?
    • 4.2Methods of treatment and prevention of coxarthrosis
    • 4.3Complex exercises on Bubnovsky
    • 4.4Basic exercises for beginners
    • 4.5LFK, recommended for diseases of the hip and knee joints
  • 5Exercises for joints with coxarthrosis
    • 5.1Contraindications for coxarthrosis
    • 5.2It is necessary to know (general advice)
    • 5.3The doctor's consultation
    • 5.4Free treatment
    • 5.5Working with your body
    • 5.6Exercises and medical gymnastics with coxarthrosis
    • 5.7For patients in the early stages
    • 5.8For patients with severe disease
    • 5.9We remove pains in the hip joint
  • 6Exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint according to Bubnovsky: recommendations
    • 6.1Briefly about pathology
    • 6.2Professor's recommendations
    • 6.3Complex of exercises
    • 6.4Recommendations for doing exercises
    • 6.5Nutrition with coxarthrosis
    • 6.6Prophylaxis of coxarthrosis

Lfk with coxarthrosis of the hip joint: what exercises will be useful

All exercises of exercise therapy with coxarthrosis of the hip joint should be done correctly, under the guidance of a specialist, only in this case one has to count on a positive result.

LFK with coxarthrosis of the hip joint is an auxiliary method of basic therapy.

Such gymnastics helps joints to maintain their mobility, while accelerating blood filled with medicinal products increases their effectiveness. But here there is a specificity with which it is necessary to familiarize the patient. In the opposite case, it is not necessary to wait for the result.

Features of gymnastics

To help gymnastics for the hip joints with coxarthrosis, the patient must first consult a doctor. What is it for? The fact is that this disease has different degrees of severity, and at each stage the patient is put their exercises.

For example, if the disease is still at the very beginning of its development, then the exercises have a greater intensity than the complex, which is intended for the second degree, with the third disease exercise therapy prescribed with great caution and only at the stage recovery.

Before the physical exercises are prescribed for coxarthrosis of the hip joint and other therapy, the patient should be accurately diagnosed.

In addition, LFK has other nuances:

  • during the exercise, each movement should be smooth, otherwise there is a risk of damaging an already diseased joint;
  • any exercise is performed not in a dynamic, but in a statistical rhythm;
  • before the beginning of the gym, it is necessary to knead the hips, for which circular movements around the thighs are performed with the hands and massages the sick joint itself;
  • after classes it is recommended to take a warm bath in order to relax the muscles and relieve the pain - in the water you can make smooth movements around the joint;
  • even if only one leg is damaged, the load must be on both limbs;
  • it is important to perform gymnastics every day;
  • It is important to ensure that there is no axial load on the hip joints;
  • The intensity and duration of studies are calculated only by a specialist.

Therapeutic gymnastics with coxarthrosis of the hip joint includes activities in the pool. Although this requires that the doctor approved such an addition.

"Are joints aching? Does the spine "crunch"? "

Pain - a harbinger of terrible pathologies, which for a year or two can seat in a stroller and make you disabled. Bubnovsky: completely restore the joints and spine simply, most importantly ...

& g; An omplex of exercises for diseases of pelvic joints can be performed in the pool. In this case, the load will be more gentle.

The first classes should be held only under the supervision and guidance of a specialist. First, it correctly shows how this or that exercise is being carried out, and, secondly, it monitors the load and correctness of the actions.

It is important to remember, if physical exercises with coxarthrosis of the pelvic joints are chosen and performed correctly, they will not bring discomfort. In the opposite case, if pain occurs, you need to stop training and seek help from a specialist.

Types of exercises

Exercises for the hip joint with coxarthrosis play a big role in restoring the patient. But this does not mean that you immediately need to escape to the gym and load yourself.

The load on the body, and in particular on the affected joint, should be dosed and matched, depending on the situation. Overloading can lead to injury to the patient and then you will have to solve the aggravated situation. The moment and stages of the disease are important.

LFK in coxarthrosis of the pelvic articulations includes a number of different exercises.

1 st stage of coxarthrosis

The complex of exercises with coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the initial stage includes fairly simple exercises. They have an average intensity load.

In the classroom, the following is done:

  1. The patient again assumes a horizontal position, on the back. The leg is bent at the knee and makes a girth with the arms, starting to draw to the stomach. In this position, the limb is fixed to three counts and straighten the leg. During fixation, the second leg should be firmly pressed against the floor. The number of repetitions is 10 times for each limb.
  2. The starting position is lying on the back. Both legs bend at the knees. The feet are pressed against the floor. Begin lifting the pelvis from the surface. It is necessary to try to bend your back as well as possible, but if there is pain, the exercise stops immediately. The number of repetitions is 7 - 10 times.
  3. The next exercise is performed on the abdomen. The legs again bend in the knees to withstand a right angle in the bend. Then the patient alternately lifts each leg in this state, trying to keep the angle. The number of repetitions is 7 to 10 times for each limb.
  4. For the next exercise, you need to lie on your side. The emphasis is on the elbow (fold at right angles) and the palm. Now the leg is stretched out and rises, and then goes down. If no discomfort occurs and the exercise is easy enough, it is recommended to tie a small load to the ankle. You can start with a bag in 300 grams, and then bring it to 2 kg. The number of repetitions is 10 times per foot.
  5. The next exercise requires a chair with a backrest. On him sit down and lean back. The feet are pressed to the floor, and the knees to each other. Now they begin to turn the heels in the outer side. This is done until the extreme point is reached, where already there are uncomfortable sensations. The number of repetitions is 5 times.
  6. On the chair, you can do another exercise, but only here you will need a small ball. The same pose is accepted. The ball lies between the knees and begins to squeeze it, applying maximum force. The number of repetitions is 20 times.

Fitball (pictured), as a sports projectile, is successfully used in a complex of exercises in the treatment of pelvic bone diseases.

Such gymnastics with coxarthrosis of the hip joints helps to maintain the mobility of the limbs. If some activities cause difficulty, then they can pay a little more attention.

The main thing when the first pain symptoms do not overdo it, otherwise you can seriously damage your health. In each lesson you need to fix the body on the 3 counts at the end point, so that both the joint and the muscles "warm up". Such final positions should be clearly explained by the instructor.

2nd stage of coxarthrosis

This degree is already considered to be neglected. Therefore, therapeutic exercise with coxarthrosis of the second degree hip joint has several other exercises.

Their intensity is somewhat reduced, since here the likelihood of the appearance of pain is higher. In addition, there is a certain limited joint.

Only specialists are required to make a decision about the appointment of an exercise!

One of the effective exercises is the "boat". The execution instruction is quite simple. For this, the patient should lie on the floor or on the sofa.

The hands are put behind the head and locked into the lock. Now they start rolling. It is not necessary to make a large amplitude.

Duration - 7 - 10 minutes.

The next exercise is suitable even for those who are seriously ill, that is, those who have already reached the third stage of development. It does not take much to move your legs.

The patient needs to lie on his back and stretch his legs. Then the limbs are placed in the sides and begin to turn, then inward, then out. If the joints respond with mild pain or this exercise is not given easily, a pillow is placed under the knees.


In the horizontal position, you can perform a number of sparing, but effective exercises with coxarthrosis of the pelvis.


Many people with this disease continue to lead an ordinary way of life.

It is for them to develop such exercises with coxarthrosis of the hip joint, which can be performed everywhere.

For example: sitting on a chair, legs are bred to the width of the shoulders, after which they begin to reduce and dilute the knees.

If LPC with coxarthrosis of the hip joint is assigned to conduct independently, that is, at home, it is worth remembering about the number of approaches:

Duration Number of repetitions
1st week 5 - 7 times per leg
2nd week 9 - 12 times per leg
3rd week 15 - 17 times per leg
4th and subsequent weeks as far as possible

in this article can clearly demonstrate how this or that exercise is being carried out. And it is better to start under the guidance of a specialist. After all, the price of the issue here is personal health!

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Exercises with coxarthrosis of the hip joint

In the course of treatment coxarthrosis of the hip joint can not do without restoring physical culture complex.

This disease is one of the most common arthritic pathologies.

Due to the progression of the disease, which undergoes degenerative changes in cartilage and bone tissue, irreversible dystrophic processes occur in the articular bag of the patient.

Is it possible to cure coxarthrosis?

In the scientific literature more often this disease is referred to as osteoarthritis.

In most cases, people over 40 are exposed to the disease.

Features of the anatomical structure and appointment of the hip joint in a person determine its predisposition to the development of various pathologies.

This part of the body is the largest element of the bone system of the body.

It is the hip joint, being a skeletal backbone, assumes the maximum load, and therefore often needs restoration, which can be achieved only through the performance of therapeutic exercises.

In coxarthrosis, conservative therapies are also used, involving medication. In extremely difficult cases, doctors resort to surgical intervention.

At what stages of the disease can I do the exercises?

The performance of literate sports complexes will not allow the bone tissues to grow together, which allows to preserve the mobility and functionality of the joint itself.

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At the initial stage of the disease, regular medical gymnastics is, rather, a preventive measure, and with coxarthrosis of the 2nd degree exercises become an integral part of therapy, contributing not only to the inhibition of the progression of pathology, but also to the removal of it symptoms. The characteristic crunch during the movement of the joint, tenderness in the inguinal and knee zone gradually turns into a severe discomfort. Self-walking with osteoarthritis in the second stage becomes a very difficult test for the patient.

Exercises for coxarthrosis of 3 degrees are chosen by a specialist, based on the severity of the disease.

Affected by pathology, the limb often becomes shorter, the muscle tissue begins to die, the patient's movements become more difficult, stiffened, which is externally manifested by lameness.

Gymnastic complexes with coxarthrosis are designed to alleviate the patient's condition, however, it is almost impossible to avoid surgical intervention at this stage of the disease.

Councils of doctors about the therapeutic charge for the joint

It should be noted that the exercise from the exercise therapy must be preceded by a certain preparation. It is important to consider the following orthopedic recommendations:

  • Movement should not be carried out abruptly, smoothly, sedately.
  • It is necessary to exclude even the minimum weight load on the pelvis.
  • For each individual patient, doctors develop individual training schemes after thorough diagnosis.
  • In combination with exercises with coxarthrosis of the hip joint, water procedures, swimming and massage will be effective.

Set of exercises in the prone position

To treat a disease such as osteoarthritis, one can not do it alone: ​​exercise therapy should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of a competent specialist. In addition, when going to gymnastics, it is important to think through every detail, from choosing comfortable clothes, place and time.

Since the main part of the workout is done in a prone position, it is worthwhile preparing a softening mat in advance. On the back, you need to do the following exercises:

  1. Legs straight out, hands at the seams. Tighten the limbs and take a deep breath. Hands raise and exhale when exhaled. Repeat several times in a row, slowly.
  2. In the same way as in the previous one: hands along the body. First, raise and lower the legs, bend at the knee and pull up again, then unbend. The breathing is calm and measured, the tempo is arbitrary.
  3. Hands on the waist, bent at the elbows. You need to turn your knees to each other, then straighten and lower it. Perform 7 to 10 repetitions.
  4. In a lying position, you have to reduce and straighten your straight legs without lifting them for a minute.
  5. "Riding a bicycle" - the movement to perform for 30 seconds, lying on your back.

Gymnastics on the abdomen with osteoarthritis

To the exercises with coxarthrosis of the hip joint of the 2nd degree, experts advise adding those that are performed in the position on the abdomen. The most effective doctors consider such a complex:

  1. Leaning your forehead against the surface (it is important to make it with your forehead, not your chin or nose!), Place your hands along. Then try to raise your head as high as possible, pulling up your shoulders and holding on for a few seconds. Exercise is performed at small intervals several times.
  2. Taking the starting position, as in the previous exercise, you should turn your legs one by one, trying to keep them straight. Hold your breath for 5 seconds, then lower the limb.
  3. Lie down face down, straight arms pull forward. Perform a movement like swimming brace for at least 30 seconds.
  4. Put your hands in front of yourself, near your chest. In the pelvic area, strain the muscle apparatus, hold the tension for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat several times.

Exercise lying on its side

There are also such exercises with coxarthrosis, which are done on the side. For example, this: lie down, pull the lower arm up, bent at the elbow, and put your head on it. The upper leg should be slowly raised as high as possible, delayed for a few seconds and lowered with exhalation.

After completing 10 approaches, roll over to the other side, repeating the exercise. With coxarthrosis, not only the joint suffers, but also the muscles adjacent to the pelvic floor. Gymnastics exercises will help to strengthen them, which will have a positive effect on the patient's motor activity.

Hip joint training in standing position

Most often with coxarthrosis, the third degree of exercise is done in the prone position. At earlier stages of the disease, standing training is permissible. They usually do not last long, with the support:

  • Leaning on the back of the chair, swing your legs straight, changing limbs every 10 seconds. It is important to pull the foot, trying to throw your foot as far as possible.
  • In a similar situation, you should gently wave one foot first, then the other. Flexion of the limbs in the knee is undesirable. Exercise is performed for one minute.
  • Standing, socks and heels together. It is necessary to "draw" a circle: this is done first with one foot, then with the second. Run several times, "drawing" the leg to try harder to strain.
  • Stand on both feet, sticking to the back of the chair. The support should be moved to the front of the foot, trying to lift on the socks, then slowly lower and take the starting position. Repeat about 20 times.

Bubnovsky's method: how to prepare?

Specialists in the field of osteoarthritis treatment are also advised to engage in exercise therapy and other methods, among which Bubnovsky exercises are quite popular.

With coxarthrosis, this gymnastics is conventionally performed in two stages: first the complex is comprehended for "beginners and afterwards the block of studies for the more experienced.

To start a complex part of the complex, you need to master some elements of the initial level of training:

  • Regardless of the position of the body (sitting, lying, standing), tightly clench your teeth, squeeze your lips and exhale to pronounce the sound "pf". In this case, the hands are better placed in the solar plexus area.
  • Hands along the body. For 2-3 minutes, it is necessary to alternately drop and rise on the heels, breathing in and out.

Complex of exercises from a well-known rehabilitation specialist

To master this part of exercises with coxarthrosis can be without problems. Immediately after their implementation, you need to move on to the basic lesson:

  1. Stand at the pedestal, take one leg back, bending at the knee, and try to grab it with your hand. Keeping the foot for the maximum possible time, you need to try to endure the pain. After a few sessions, the muscles adapt, and the discomfort will pass.
  2. In the standing position, one should tilt downwards alternately to each leg. This will help develop the muscles of the lower back, strengthen the joints.
  3. Lying on your back, raise your legs high and try to throw them over your head. If the fingers touch the floor, you can assume that the exercise is completed. It refers to the most complex physical culture techniques, but it will not be necessary to doubt its effectiveness. If the first time to overpower the casting over the head is hard, you can start by raising the straight legs up and carefully lowering them by the head.

Joint exercises for Evdokimenko

Among the alternative gymnastics, Yevdokimenko exercises with coxarthrosis are also popular.

A distinctive feature of this technique is the execution of movements with the maximum tension of the muscles of the hips, pelvis, and the press.

In addition, classes using the Evdokimenko method are held with an equal burden on both legs.


For example, such an exercise: the patient must lie down on his stomach, straighten his legs, relax his hands and put along the trunk.


At a small height from the floor, it is necessary to raise the right leg, and then left, without bending the limbs in the knee joints and holding each of them alternately for 30-40 seconds.

During the exercise with coxarthrosis, it is important to pay attention to the high tone of the muscles of the thigh, buttocks, abdomen.

Contraindications to gymnastics

It is worth noting that gymnastics is not always beneficial. In some cases, it is necessary to abstain from exercises with coxarthrosis of grade 2.

No less careful patient should be in the third stage of the disease.

Any of the symptoms described below indicate the need to abandon exercise therapy for a while:

  • the presence of bleeding;
  • increased body temperature;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • transferred in the recent past, cardiovascular disorders.

The best treatment for any disease, as you know, is prevention. To prevent such complications with health, it is necessary to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

A source: http://.ru/article/324236/uprajneniya-pri-koksartroze-tazobedrennogo-sustava

LFK and exercises with coxarthrosis

Treatment of coxarthrosis consists of a pharmacological, physiotherapeutic component and therapeutic physical activity.

The first two are controlled by a doctor, and gymnastics with coxarthrosis can be practiced independently. But the first sessions are also supervised by the LFK instructor.

And all the exercises with coxarthrosis have the following objectives:

  • slowing down the destruction of cartilaginous structures;
  • expansion of functional load limits;
  • increase in the amplitude of motion.

Since stimulation of the restoration of the cartilaginous tissue of the joints is a typical effect of physical activity, this treatment tactic is a success.

Features of LFK technique in coxarthrosis

Therapeutic physical training (LFK) with coxarthrosis exclude sharp movements, their wide amplitude, axial load and burdening of the lower limbs. They can not be performed on the simulators, and the priority is given to the gym. Its features are as follows:

  • every movement must be slow and extremely calm;
  • excludes sharp jerks and painful bends;
  • morning exercises, in addition to non-specialized exercises, should include a load on the hip joints;
  • Joints should be kneaded 3 times a day and every time before walking;

But therapeutic yoga with coxarthrosis is not an effective technique, as it practices elastic stretching of the muscles, due to which the joint capsule experiences stresses.

This load will be accompanied by the appearance of pain, and yoga and gymnastics with coxarthrosis III st, coupled with the appearance of osteophytes, are contraindicated.

Even swimming has less negative effects.

Physical education is excluded when exacerbating the pain syndrome in the joint: they must stop when they feel painful.

In view of the fact that coxarthrosis develops mainly in the elderly, the loads from the exercise therapy cycle should depend on the somatic state.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system require monitoring of its indicators.

With a constant form of atrial fibrillation, angina pectoris of the 3rd and 4th functional class, acute period infarction, heart failure HIIB and HIII, cerebrovascular disease, physical activity also are excluded. In other cases, when concomitant diseases do not affect the functional activity of a person, the load should be monitored as fatigue occurs.

Example 10 exercises

All exercises with coxarthrosis are basic and not intended for training. Their goal is to warm up and improve the movements that do not lead to pain.

Warm-up exercises for the hip joint

Exercise 1: position - on the back, hands along the trunk.

Performance: slowly bending one leg in the knee, without lifting the foot from the surface (the hip is pulled to the trunk).

Then the leg slowly straightens and the exercise is done for the other hip joint. The load is repeated 8-10 times for each limb.

Exercise 2: The position is the same.

Execution: straightened right leg slowly rises above the surface (the heel breaks off from the floor by 5 cm), then the leg goes down, and the exercise repeats for the left limb.

Then again, the right leg with a heel lift by 10 cm and repeat for the left foot. Then again, the right leg - a gap of 15 cm, then 20, 25 and 30 with the end of the load.

Exercise 3: position - on the abdomen on a firm surface, arms along the trunk the same. Bending of both legs in the knees with the hips pressed to the floor (the angle of flexion is chosen by the patient), then the extension. Repeat - 10 - 15 times.

Exercise 4: The position is the same.

Performance: slow bending of the shin in the knee of one leg, touching the heel of the buttock (you can help with the hand), return to the original position, repeat movement for the other limb.

The number of repetitions is 5-7 for each leg. If the patient could not touch the heel of the buttocks, then do not achieve this amplitude in the following repetitions or bend the leg, overcoming the resistance.

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Working exercises for the hip joint

Exercise 5: position - on the back, hands along the trunk, pressed.

Performance: flexion of the left hip joint (the knee is fixed in the maximum extension), lifting of the straightened leg with a heel lift by 15 cm from the floor with simultaneous turning of the foot inwards.

Returning to the starting position, changing the hip joint, performing the load for the right leg. The cycle of repetitions is 8-10 times.

Exercise 6: The position is the same.


Execution: (flexion of the hip joint with a fixed knee) lifting of the straightened legs above the surface with a heel lift by 5 cm.


Lowering the legs, then lifting 10 cm. The recurrence is further up to 30 cm in patients with coxarthrosis III st, and at 40 with a second degree of disease.

Exercise 7: the position is on the back, the arms on the waist are divorced, the elbows touch the floor surface.

Doing the right leg in the unbent knee joint is 40 cm from the floor and lifting the left foot 10 cm.

Exercise - bike (scroll 4-6 times in one direction, then also 4-6 times in the opposite direction).

Exercises for the hip joint

Exercise 8: standing - standing, feet straight, pressed against each other, hands on the waist. Fulfillment: drawing the straightened left leg to the side 15 cm from the other leg, then returning to the original, then performing for the right foot.

Repeat with a 30 cm lead for both legs, then 40, 50 and 60. If the patient can deviate further without the appearance of tingling of the hip joint, then the amplitude can be increased.

If there is discomfort in the joint, the leg is withdrawn with decrease.

Exercise 9: The position is the same. Execution: straightened left leg moves forward 20 cm from the right socks, returns to the original one and is retracted 20 cm from the right heel with a return to the original one.

Repeat for the other hip joint, then again for the left foot with an exposure of 30 cm. Then return to the ledge by 20 cm and again by 30.

In total, 5 attacks per 20 cm for each hip joint and 5 attacks per 30 cm for each leg are needed.

Exercise 10 - gymnastics with coxarthrosis: the position is the same.

Performance: rotation in the hip joint with the left leg with a deviation of approximately 20-30 cm from the other limb.

Make 3 rotations in one direction, three in the other, change the limb. Perform 3 cycles of three rotations in different directions for each limb.


With the correct tactics of doing exercises, a person can not hurt himself, and the therapeutic goal will be achieved.

It is the expansion of the volume of movement and the slowing down of the destruction of the cartilage.Completely restore it in old age is impossible.

Because LFK is a method of reducing the number and severity of the main symptoms of the disease.


Also, patients should understand the impossibility of applying techniques with muscle stretching and articular capsule tension (yoga). This excludes the possibility of using yoga and dynamic loads.


But swimming for patients with coxarthrosis is permitted. The only exceptions are cases when, due to the small amplitude of movements, a person is not able to independently keep on water and swim.

But slow swimming remains a good method of exercise therapy.

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Gymnastics with coxarthrosis: exercises of exercise therapy for the hip joint

Kokstartroz takes the first place among the most common pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. This disease usually affects people of mature and elderly ages, mostly women.

There are coxarthrosis unilateral or bilateral. Two-sided kosartroz develops not synchronously. First, the right or left part of the hip is affected, then the other.

The disease is successfully treated at an early stage, but in fact lies its cunning, that with coxarthrosis first degree symptoms are very weak or nonexistent, and the patient does not address the doctor.

At first, in the morning, there is a certain stiffness, which quickly passes and does not return during the day. Sometimes pain can occur in the joint of the hip or knee, for example, after a long stay on the feet or a long walk.

But also this phenomenon leaves after rest.

And only with coxarthrosis of the second and third degree there is a characteristic crunch in the joints and a strong pain syndrome, which disturbs the patient, regardless of whether he is active or at rest.

Why and how does the disease develop?

There are three stages of development of coxarthrosis.

At the first degree of coxarthrosis, only minor changes occur in the tissues of the joint.

The articular lumen is narrowed a little, there is no bone deformation yet, and if they are, they are not always noticeable even on an x-ray.

The patient has no complaints, his work capacity and activity has not yet been violated, and only sometimes can disturbing discomfort in the hip or lower limbs, which is usually fatigue.

With the second degree of coxarthrosis, the pain becomes stronger and often occurs at night.

It is at this stage in the development of the disease that patients turn to the doctor with complaints of heaviness in the legs, stiffness of movements in the morning, pain that arise even after small loads. Wishing to save a sick leg, the patient starts to move with the help of a cane.

But instead of easing it only aggravates the situation. Muscles, not getting the usual load, begin to atrophy, there is lameness.

And in the end, without a support, the person can not move independently.

The cartilaginous tissue at this point becomes very thin and drained, the friction of the articular elements during the movement provokes pain and the development of inflammation.

With the third degree of coxarthrosis, bone tissue deformations are already very significant. On the X-ray, you can see extensive bone growths - osteophytes of the hip joint. They are localized around the head of the femur and the upper portion of the acetabulum.


The articular lumen is strongly narrowed or generally ostutsvuet. Visually, one can note the change in the posture and gait of the patient. The pains do not subside, they can only become a little weaker.


At the fourth degree of the disease the destroyed cartilage is completely replaced by bone tissue and the joint becomes immobile.

To provoke the development of this disease can be a number of different factors or their combination. Coxarthrosis in children is a consequence of congenital pathology - dysplasia of the hip joint.

Methods of treatment and prevention of coxarthrosis

Since the etiology of this disease can be different, the methods of treatment differ in exactly the same way.

Depending on the form and stage of the disease, the most effective medicines are selected, capable of relieving pain and inflammation, protect cartilage from destruction and restore its tissues, enhance immunity and make up the vitamin deficiency and minerals.

But in order to obtain a quick and sustainable result, drug therapy must necessarily be supplemented by other therapeutic measures. Medical gymnastics with coxarthrosis is recommended at any stage of the disease.

Correctly selected exercises with coxarthrosis help to restore cartilage functions and joint mobility, maintain muscle tone, not allowing tissues to atrophy, and improve circulation.

Excellent gymnastics with coxarthrosis of the hip joint, developed by Dr. Pilyuiko, Dikul exercises and gymnastics with coxarthrosis from Bubnovsky, proved to be excellent. It is noteworthy that Dr. Bubnovsky himself, who developed a complex of very effective exercises, installed a hip joint implant.

Gymnastics with coxarthrosis is, above all, a method of treatment. And because she has not only testimony, but also contraindications. Correctly selected set of exercises helps to return the patient full volume of movements, rather than aggravate his condition and harm the patient's joint.

When performing physical exercises with coxarthrosis of the hip joint, one should adhere to such rules and recommendations:

  • Physiotherapy is contraindicated when coxarthrosis becomes aggravated;
  • Performing a set of exercises, you can not hurry - all movements are done smoothly, without jerking;
  • Excluded abrupt slopes, jumps or squats;
  • If charging causes pain, stop the session and massage the damaged joint carefully.

The complex of exercises is always selected individually for each patient. Classes can be group, the effectiveness of such treatment is proven, but it is the exercises that each of the group members will have their own.

Complex exercises on Bubnovsky

This gymnastics was created by observing patients suffering from coxarthrosis of different forms and degrees.

Thus, a set of exercises was compiled specifically for beginners, then it was added Exercise, giving an additional load to the already developed and prepared joints and muscle tissue.

Basic exercises for beginners

  1. The starting position is sitting on the heels. First, breathing exercises are performed, then, breathing in deeply and carrying out circular motions with your hands, you need to slowly rise. Exhalation is done while standing.
  2. Comfortably sitting or standing, palms folded on the abdomen. Exhale through the tightly closed lips and publish a "Pff" sound.
  3. The starting position is lying on the back, hands are wound behind the head, legs are bent at the knees.

    On exhalation tear off the shoulders and the body from the floor, on the inhalation it is necessary to descend downwards.

  4. The starting position is the same. On exhalation slowly raise the pelvis up, the knees should be closed together. Inhale to sink down.
  5. The starting position is the same. On exhalation, try to bring together closed knees and elbows, while not taking the case off the floor.
  6. The starting position - lying on the floor on one side, one hand rests against the floor.

    On exhalation the patient grouped, twisting and pulling his knees to his chest. On inhalation returns to the starting position.

LFK, recommended for diseases of the hip and knee joints

  1. The starting position is lying on the back. Legs extend, then bend the right leg in the knee, without lifting the feet from the floor. Straighten. Repeat the exercise with the second leg.
  2. The starting position is the same.

    Tear off the shoulders and body from the floor, linger for a few seconds, slowly go back.

  3. The starting position is the same, the legs are bent at the knees. First, pull your right knee to your chest, helping yourself with your hands. Return to the starting position.

    Repeat the exercise with your left foot.

  4. The starting position is the same. First, lift the right elongated leg and hold for a few seconds at a distance of 20-30 cm above the floor, return to its original position. Repeat the exercise with your left foot.
  5. The starting position is sitting on a chair. You need to lean forward and try to touch the floor with your hands.
  6. The starting position is standing, straightening your back. Alternately, do swings with legs - forward, backward and aside.
  7. From the position sitting on the floor, you should clasp your feet with your hands and stretch forward as much as possible.

These sets of exercises can be used in the treatment of coxarthrosis in patients of any age group, even in newborns. There is a special charge designed for pregnant women.

To get a good result, it's important to breathe correctly, distribute loads and perform exercises slowly, without jerking. Do it every day.

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Exercises for joints with coxarthrosis

Movement is life, and it really is. Everyone knows that gymnastics loads are useful both for health in general and for joints in particular. If you are not lazy and do exercises, you can take away the pain and heal coxarthrosis in the early stages yourself.

However, before you choose a set of exercises, do not rush to begin immediately. Be sure to consult your doctor.

In most cases, therapeutic gymnastics will only benefit, but choosing the wrong loads can also complicate the situation of your health!

Contraindications for coxarthrosis

It is possible and necessary to exercise physical activity when coxarthrosis manifests itself very rarely.

  • High temperature (above 3,);
  • Dysfunction of the lungs and heart;
  • After the operation period;
  • Exacerbation of the disease;
  • Presence of a hernia;
  • Menstruation;
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs.

It is necessary to know (general advice)

The doctor's consultation

As stated in the preface, before you begin to perform certain gymnastic exercises, you are obliged to consult a doctor, tell what exercises you have decided to include in your complex. His approval should inspire confidence in you, and his comments can save you from the consequences of incorrectly chosen exercises, with coxarthrosis it is extremely important.

Free treatment

For the morning exercises do not need to pay money and undergo an expensive examination. Therapeutic exercises can be done without help and at any convenient time. It is very convenient and cheap.

Working with your body

Good load with coxarthrosis implies exercises without the use of auxiliary loads, dumbbells, etc. They lifted his foot, held him in the weight, lowered him. Thus, the muscles, ligaments and joints will come into tonus without unnecessary depletion and damage.

Exercises and medical gymnastics with coxarthrosis

The effectiveness of treatment increases at times when, together with physical exercises, the patient undergoes a prescribed treatment from a doctor who is treating. Also, you need to inform the doctor and, if necessary, choose together with him a set of exercises for you.

For patients in the early stages

  • Lying on your back, one leg straight. The second bend at the knee is grasped with both hands and pull as close to the stomach as possible.
  • Sitting on a chair, take a big ball between your legs closer to your hips. Try to squeeze it hard. Also on the chair sitting exactly, put them together, so that the feet and heels were together. Now move your heels in different directions.
  • Standing, leaning on a table or a wall, raise your foot in the knee in front of you. Do not move the bent to the side with sharp movements. Repeat several times and change your leg.
  • Position standing, feet shoulder width apart. Simple slopes down with a straight back. It is important to do the exercise not with sharp movements and reach for the ground as much as you can.

For patients with severe disease

Patients with advanced coxarthrosis also need to exercise daily. The only difference is that it is necessary to do this very carefully and the exercises are easier to perform.

  • In the supine position on the back, stretch the legs forward and slightly lift above the floor. Turn the feet inside and out with an amplitude of ~ 1 cm. If you want to put a roller or cushion under your knees. The main thing in this exercise is the turning of your feet.
  • Sitting in a butterfly pose. Feet to the foot. We swing our knees up and down. We do without sudden movements.
  • In the standing position, we lean against the wall / back of the chair. The patient with his foot makes moves back and forth, left-right.
  • In standing position, having turned on a wall or a chair, we do circular movements clockwise and counter-clockwise. We do it smoothly.

We remove pains in the hip joint

If you want to calm the pain that are caused by coxarthrosis, do not let you calmly do your job, do the following exercises:

  • Raising the leg bent at the knee in front of him. During the lesson, you need to find a support near the wall or chair. We change by turns. First one support, made 10 lifts, changed the leg.
  • Raising the legs bent at the knee in the side (not in front of him as in the previous one but to the side), the rest is similar.
  • In standing position, facing the chair or wall, take the straight leg back. We alternate on approaches (for example on 10 lifts).
  • In a standing position, sideways to a chair or wall. We lift the leg bent at the knee and perform circular movements in one direction and another.
  • After performing each exercise before proceeding to the next exercise, you need to rest 1-2 minutes. Thus, you will not overload the joints and be sure to go ahead performing the whole complex.

Below, a video lesson with a full detailed set of exercises that will get rid of hip pain caused by coxarthrosis. But, before the start of training, coordinate all the activities planned by you with your attending physician.

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Exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint according to Bubnovsky: recommendations

In this situation, not only the limbs, but also the entire locomotor apparatus suffer.

Briefly about pathology

Depending on the type of disease occurs:

  • primary (its nature remains unclear);
  • secondary.

The second type of disease in patients develops through:

  • insufficient blood supply to the joint;
  • dysplasia (congenital inferiority);
  • Perthes disease (impaired nutrition of the articular surfaces of the head of the femur, accompanied by tissue necrosis);
  • incorrect position of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis);
  • inflammation (arthritis);
  • bone tumors;
  • transferred surgical operations on the thigh.

Factors provoking the disease are:

  • increased loads;
  • excess weight;
  • injuries;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • nerve diseases (changes in the hormonal sphere, loss of sensitivity on their background).

The degree of manifestation of coxarthrosis depends on its stage of development (the first, second, third) and consists in:

  • pain syndrome (pains increase with movement and decrease in sitting position);
  • lameness (from the side of the injured joint);
  • poor mobility;
  • muscle weakness, atrophy;
  • in a number of cases, shortening of the affected limb.

Suffer from pathology middle-aged people, also elderly, there are cases of its manifestation in young (up to forty years). The disease develops gradually, for several years.

The first provides an opportunity for detailed consideration of the damage caused in bones, the second differs by the practice of using a contrast agent and assesses the condition of closely spaced soft tissues.

Treatment for arthrosis involves the use of medication. The patient is prescribed a reception:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Meloksikam);
  • medicines that repair cartilage ("Milgamma");
  • Chondroprotectors ("Artra "Structum");
  • drugs to stimulate microcirculation ("Pentoxifylline");
  • spasmalytics ("Sirdalud").

Additionally, lumbar zone massage, physiotherapy (electrophoresis, laser therapy, treatment based on the use of magnetic field), therapeutic gymnastics (a complex of physical exercises).Traditional medicine also offers its methods.

The outcome of the activities carried out depends on:

  • the degree of development and severity of the disease;
  • age and general health of the patient;
  • presence of accompanying pathologies.

Professor's recommendations

The technique of Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky (professor, doctor of medical sciences, author of books on improving the body) allows you to cope with pain in the spine, hip and knee joints, strengthen the pelvic muscles, ligaments, and improve the general condition of the patient rights.

The author of therapeutic physical training developed comprehensive classes for children and adolescents, pregnant women, women who are in the postpartum period and in the stage of menopause.

Sergei Mikhailovich Bubnovsky is convinced that with the help of physical education you can cure even the most difficult and neglected case, if you adhere to an integrated approach to the treatment of joint pathologies. To restore and maintain the health of his body, the doctor calls for the systematic implementation of the following recommendations:

  • to conduct procedures for tempering in the open air;
  • practice the adoption of a contrasting shower (the alternation of cold and warm water tones the internal organs and tissues);
  • daily to do morning exercises (one lesson per week will not give the desired result);
  • organize a sleep in a well ventilated room;
  • Drink a sufficient amount of liquid (three liters of water per day);
  • to visit the sauna;
  • to eat properly (using fresh vegetables and fruits, natural juices);
  • to refuse from bad habits.

Complex of exercises

All exercises for arthrosis of the hip joint should be performed in the supine position on the back, legs bent at the knees:

  • alternately the lower extremities are pulled to the chest, the position is fixed for a few seconds, then the body returns to its initial position;
  • bent knees are bred to the sides (up to the highest possible level);
  • repulsive movements are made by each foot in turn (knees are bent in the process, hands are stretched along the trunk);
  • bent and placed limbs alternately bend inward (pelvis remains immovable);
  • Both legs are raised and lowered simultaneously, movements are synchronous;
  • bent knees reach for the raised head;
  • straight limbs rise above the floor level by 20-30 cm, then slowly return to their original state, during the exercise it is necessary to keep them straight.

To familiarize with the video instruction on carrying out of employment by a technique of doctor Bubnovsky it is possible here:

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Recommendations for doing exercises

For the most effective use of therapeutic physical education, the author recommends:

  • Do not let the patient do any discomfort;
  • conduct classes on a regular basis (this rule should be observed necessarily, its implementation will allow the joint to provide adequate nutrition with oxygen and beneficial substances);
  • during the exercise, you should choose a position that will help to minimize the burden on the aching leg;
  • use dosed weights (it is practiced to use a special cuff that locks in the area Ankle joint; every gymnastic device should be performed gradually, without expanding the amplitude movements);
  • to control the arbitrariness of breathing;
  • start and finish the gymnastics by raising your hands up and lowering them down;
  • complement exercise self-massage of the femoral and gluteal muscles (you can use specially designed for such purposes massagers);
  • to be engaged exclusively on an empty stomach;
  • all movements are made smoothly, without sharp jerks;
  • You need to train at least 20 minutes a day;
  • After the workout, take a shower.

Bubnovsky's method is also used in the regeneration of endoprosthetic tissues. After the exercises, developed by the professor, a positive effect is observed, which consists in:

  • reduction of pain;
  • improvement of blood circulation of affected tissues;
  • increased elasticity of ligaments.

Nutrition with coxarthrosis

Due to the correct diet for the disease, the degree of its manifestation decreases, the body is cleaned of harmful substances and saturated with useful ones. Daily nutrition with coxarthrosis should include:

  • vitamins A, B, C, E (fruits and vegetables);
  • copper, iron (are part of the coarse cereal crops, it is recommended to cook porridge from brown rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal, you can add dried fruits, greens, natural spices);
  • phosphorus, fluorine (fish and seafood).

The use is allowed:

  • cheese (hard varieties);
  • kefir, whey, ryazhenka, cottage cheese;
  • honey (as an alternative to sugar);
  • by-products (kidney, liver, heart, tongue).

It should be from:

  • fatty meat and fish;
  • salty;
  • sweet;
  • semolina (and any purified);
  • sunflower oil (replace it with cedar or olive oil);
  • dishes made from white flour.

Prophylaxis of coxarthrosis

Prevention of the development of arthrosis of the hip joint is to:

  • evenly distribute the load to the lower limbs, do not overload the joints;
  • in due time to pass inspection for the purpose of revealing pathologies of organs of motion;
  • Do not start the initial stage of the development of the disease, at the first alarming symptoms consult a doctor;
  • correctly eat (exclude from the diet of harmful foods, drink enough fluids per day);
  • avoid obesity, follow the weight;
  • regularly engage in physical education, massage the problem area;
  • protect joints from injuries and hypothermia;
  • to lead a healthy lifestyle, to give up smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • To observe a mode of high-grade sleep and rest.

Exercises for coxarthrosis of the hip joint according to Bubnovsky - an effective method of combating pathology. Classes improve blood circulation in tissues, contribute to an increase in the general tone of the body and, as a result, improve the patient's well-being.

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