Ddt physiotherapy: what is it?

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  • 1DDT: what is diadynamic therapy and what are the indications for the procedure
    • 1.1DDT method: what is
    • 1.2What is the device
    • 1.3Effect of DDT on the body
    • 1.4The positive properties of DDT
    • 1.5Negative properties of DDT
    • 1.6Indications
    • 1.7Contraindications to the procedure
  • 2The DDT method
    • 2.1Diodinamic currents
    • 2.2Technique for performing electrodiadynamometry
  • 3Physiotherapeutic treatment with diadynamic currents Bernard
    • 3.1The essence of the method
    • 3.2Therapeutic effects of diadynamic currents on the body
    • 3.3Diadynaphoresis
    • 3.4Indications for the use of diadynamic currents
    • 3.5Contraindications to diadynamic therapy
    • 3.6Procedure Procedure
  • 4DiaDinamotherapy: indications and contraindications
    • 4.1Therapeutic effects
    • 4.2Forms of diadynamic currents
    • 4.3Indications
    • 4.4Contraindications
    • 4.5Note!
  • 5Treatment of osteochondrosis with the help of physiotherapy
    • 5.1The effectiveness of physiotherapy
    • 5.2Contraindications
    • 5.3Types of physiotherapy for osteochondrosis
  • instagram viewer
  • 6Physiotherapy with cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis
    • 6.1Types of physiotherapy
    • 6.2Selecting a method
    • 6.3Contraindications

DDT: what is diadynamic therapy and what are the indications for the procedure

There are a number of diseases in which a patient is prescribed to undergo the DDT procedure. What is diadynamic therapy and what is its effect on the body?

At a time when the acute stage of the disease is safely overcome and the body enters the recovery phase, physiotherapy is applied. Often this method is the most suitable for the patient, as it is quite capable of replacing the use of medications.

DDT method: what is

DiaDinamotherapy is a physiotherapy method, in which an electric current affects the patient's body. Inflammatory processes that occur in various diseases, violate the proper functioning of all human organs.

The energy of the electric current directly affects all processes occurring in them. Diadynamic currents are able to relieve pain syndrome and difficulty in movement due to the supply of energy to all body tissues. The procedure is as follows:

  • the effect of the current occurs directly on the skin through two electrodes with different charges;
  • a certain part of the body of the sick person is exposed to an electric field formed by means of electrodes;
  • DDT several times during the procedure affects the affected area of ​​the tissue, each time changing the level of charge;
  • each session of DDT improves the activity of the affected tissue.

What is the device

Get relief from pain, and at the same time, the ability to move freely after the first time the procedure - all this allows you to achieve physiotherapy.

Device DDT - a device that has the ability to create a number of levels of functioning, with different parameters.

The procedure of DDT is considered to be easy to conduct, but it is only allowed for medical personnel.

Effect of DDT on the body

DDT can activate processes in those tissues that contain water, because as a result of the passage through the water the charge increases its speed. This explains the achievement of a positive result precisely when exposed to soft tissues of the body.

  1. By using the device, the nerve roots are blocked. Thanks to this, the effect of anesthesia in the tissues of the diseased organ occurs. The impulse of pain is also transmitted when the charge passes, and therefore with the help of DDT it does not reach the brain for a certain time.
  2. During the pain in the muscles there is a spasm, which is also removed by the device.
  3. The vascular effect is achieved with the active passage of electrical charge through the blood, which contains a large amount of water.

There are many diseases in which the passage of DDT sessions is prescribed. However, if some patients notice an improvement in the state of the body after undergoing a course of procedures, others note its side effects.

The positive properties of DDT

  1. Rapid achievement of a positive result, which occurs immediately after the passage of the first procedure.
  2. Simplicity in carrying out the procedure, allowing to apply it for a variety of diseases that cause pain and stiffness in movement.
  3. The method of diadynamic therapy is safe and does not cause serious side effects.

Negative properties of DDT

An important drawback of the method is the probability of the disease returning after a certain period of time.

In rare cases, DDT can cause allergic reactions to the skin, so there is an individual intolerance to this method.


The procedure can be assigned for many reasons.

  1. Some diseases of the nervous system.
  2. Disturbances in the work of the digestive tract.
  3. Very good effect is physiotherapy DDT with osteochondrosis. With the help of this method, spasms and pain syndrome in each part of the spine are successfully removed.
  4. In the treatment of such a serious disease as a hernia, the DDT method is also prescribed. What is the intervertebral hernia and what unpleasant symptoms are accompanied by this ailment, many people in our time know firsthand. With this disease, several courses of DDT are prescribed, the passage of which allows you to permanently get rid of his symptoms.
  5. Also with the help of DDT, it is possible to treat deforming arthrosis at the initial stage of its onset.
  6. For various fractures, gypsum is applied to the damaged area. After it is removed, the patient faces difficulties in movements, which can also be eliminated with DDT.
  7. In the recovery process after various soft tissue injuries, the DDT method is used.

Contraindications to the procedure

With various diseases of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system, DDT physiotherapy has a beneficial effect on the body.

Contraindications to this procedure still exist, and in order not to cause adverse reactions, it is necessary to inform the attending physician about the presence of the following ailments:

  • heart diseases such as arrhythmia or a previous myocardial infarction;
  • skin diseases;
  • trauma and fractures in the acute stage;
  • oncological diseases both in acute stage and during remission;
  • bleeding disorder.

If after the physiotherapy of DDT the temperature rises, this indicates the presence of a foci of inflammation in the body. It can be a viral or bacterial infection.

Some patients who have such diseases are unaware of the treatment of DDT, what can such occur, and do not inform the doctor of their availability, and this can lead to complications in carrying out procedures.

Modern high-quality devices allow you to carry out procedures without having a negative effect on the body, and therefore in most cases the procedure is well tolerated. If there is a deterioration in the state of health, the patient must necessarily inform the provider.

A source: http://.ru/article/278007/ddt-chto-takoe-diadinamoterapiya-i-kakovyi-pokazaniya-k-prohojdeniyu-protseduryi

The DDT method

The choice of physiotherapy methods in modern medicine can amaze even the most daring imaginations, but Among the most modern and effective methods one can note the diadynamometry, known as ddt.

Physiotherapeutic methods are used to facilitate the course of a disease that does not respond to treatment, or to restore the normal functioning of the organism in its integrity.

The use of this method of physiotherapeutic procedures for a long time has been improved and has been able to confirm the effectiveness in the evolution of treatment, and also justified the high popularity among specialists among alternative methods physiotherapy.

Diodinamic currents

Physiotherapy with arthrosis using diodinamic currents was able to demonstrate unique results in the treatment and arrest of the progression of the disease.

DT was introduced into medical practice after the stunning opening of the French scientist - physician Pierre Bernard in 1946.

However, according to more precise information, medical research by scientists was carried out in Russia in the 1930s - Abrikosov and Obrosonov, and information was received on the diodinamic currents, but no further development in this area was produced.

Diadynamometry is a physiotherapeutic, electric method that pursues curative, preventive and rehabilitation purposes, which are achieved by the action of diadynamic currents (DDT).

And their classification of DDT refers to impulse therapy, since currents are fed continuously with different frequency and shape.

The acting currents also bear a different name, which corresponds to the name of the scientist who introduced this physiotherapeutic method into medical practice. Their basic action is analgesia or complete resistance to pain.

To perform DDT use the preparation SNIM-1, which provides several types of current - single-cycle continuous, two-stroke continuous, discontinuous rhythmic current or tone of syncope, a current based on the modulation of short periods and modulation of currents with a constant frequency of 100 Hz.

The currents of different intensity and shape combine with each other, which makes it possible to achieve analgesia for different periods of time.

For example, if a continuous single-cycle current is used after a two-stroke, the analgesic effect will be longer than when used only two-stroke continuous current, since initially there is an exciting action at the cellular level and, only a little later, analgesic. For better blood supply to muscle fibers, improve tissue metabolism and restore tone apply a rhythmic intermittent current with a pulse change and pauses on the continuation of the whole session, each give me a sec. Strengthening of tissue metabolism and for better intake of nutrients into the intracellular space use a modulated current, formed due to a per-second change in the single-cycle current to a two-cycle current.

Health-Boosting Impulse

Technique for performing electrodiadynamometry

Usually, such a procedure is carried out after excluding all items from the list of "contraindications and with the participation of a doctor and junior medical personnel.

For performing the manipulations, the patient suffering from DDT should not feel any discomfort, since the entire muscular system organism, in particular muscles exposed to current pulses, must be in a state of complete relaxation.

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The working surface of the electrodes must not touch the damaged skin area, for which use an elastic band, oilcloth or other convenient elements.

To improve the conduct of electrical currents, it is better to start treatment according to the following scheme: push-pull continuous current, the duration can be 15-30 seconds; single-cycle continuous current, its duration is 15-20 seconds; then the effect of the "short period" current is up to two minutes; and the current of the "long period" from one to two minutes.

The average duration of each diadynamometry session is from 6 to 10 minutes, but these boundaries can vary in depending on the features of the course of the disease, the depth of the lesion and the number of sites subjected to electrical treatment current.

Physiotherapy with ddt can achieve the desired effect for 3 to 10 procedures. The first three sessions can be scheduled daily at the same time, and the rest - every other day.

Physiotherapy provides an opportunity to experience the result not only after the session, but also at the time, and therefore during DDT, the patient can feel a slight tingling, tingling, burning, vibration in the areas of exposure electrodes.

According to the rules, the patient has the right to be notified of the feelings he is going to experience. According to the feelings and wishes of the patient, as well as the milliammeter indicators, the current may vary during the procedure.


If a slight tingling develops into painful sensations, the strength of the current should be reduced, or stop the procedure. In such cases, an insignificant edema and hyperemia develops on the site of the application of electrodes. During the session, the patient's position can be sessile or horizontal.


A source: http://fizterapia.ru/metod-ddt/

Physiotherapeutic treatment with diadynamic currents Bernard

Physiotherapy methods are successfully used at the stage of rehabilitation for various diseases. They allow to completely eliminate the residual symptoms of the disease.

Some procedures can be used as an alternative method of treatment: for example, with spine and nervous system ailments.

Especially this method of therapy is suitable for patients who have any contraindications to taking medications. One type of physiotherapy is diadynamic therapy.

The use of diadynamic currents in medicine was discovered in 1946 by the French physician Pierre Bernard, therefore the second name of this therapeutic method is the currents of Bernard. In the same year, the use of currents was introduced into medical practice.

The essence of the method

In the pathological process, the accumulation of oxidation products occurs in the affected area of ​​the tissues. This leads to a change in the charge of the electric field in the positive direction.

As a result, the nerve endings are activated, the tissue is broken and pain arises. To return a normal charge to tissues, diadynamotherapy is used.

It is based on the application with therapeutic purpose of electric currents, the frequency of which is 50-100 Hz, low voltage (60-80V) and power up to 50 mA.


In hospitals, a stationary DDT apparatus is used to impart impulses to tissues. The procedure is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. You can use diadynamic currents for treatment at home using a portable device without spending a lot of money.


The most frequently used devices for the treatment of diadynamic currents are: "Tonus 2M "SNIM "Diadynamic".

The current frequency range of some devices (for example, "Endomed-481") makes it possible to use it for diadynamic and interference currents (alternating currents of audio frequency).

Physiotherapeutic equipment for creating alternating current consists of a generator and electrodes. One device can work in several modes:

  • continuous supply of high-frequency current provides an accelerated transfer of electrical impulse and a rapid therapeutic effect;
  • continuous supply of a current of reduced frequency (half the standard one) is used for treatment patients with poor tolerability of this type of physiotherapy or in the presence of associated diseases;
  • the supply of alternating current of different frequencies is used for restorative treatment of relatively healthy patients.

Physiotherapy DDT is performed in the supine position, less often - sitting (depending on which position opens the best access to the focus of exposure).

The strength of the impact is determined individually, depending on the patient's medical history and the sensations during the procedure. To achieve the desired effect, it is important to completely relax the patient, especially the muscles that are affected by the current.

Electrodes should not directly touch the skin, for this they are insulated with oilcloth. Diadynamic currents of 50 Hz cause a feeling of burning, tingling, sometimes painful vibration.

The frequency of 100 Hz is felt by small vibration and is easier to carry. The standard voltage is 2-30 mA. With a decrease in sensation, the intensity of the current gradually rises.

Therapeutic effects of diadynamic currents on the body

The use of DDT is one of the most effective methods of treatment.

DDT physiotherapy has a tonic effect on any tissues of the human body, which contain a sufficient amount of water - alternating liquid media the electrical charge passes faster. Therefore, all the curative effects are on soft tissues:

  • an anesthetic effect is achieved by blocking the nerve receptors and is multiply amplified due to a different frequency of supplied electricity;
  • the effect of relaxing the muscles that are in a spasmodic state as a result of blocking the nervous endings and passive training of smooth and skeletal muscles repeatedly passing electrical current;
  • the vascular effect is when exposed to the circulatory system, an expansion of the vessel wall and an improvement in blood flow are achieved, this contributes to a more complete saturation of tissues with oxygen and necessary nutrients; thanks to this effect diadynamic currents reduce headaches, normal blood pressure, heart rate, and overall well-being;
  • reduction of edema and acceleration of healing of wound surfaces due to normalization of blood supply, elimination of toxins from the body.


Medicinal diadynaphoresis refers to the simultaneous effect on the patient's body of Bernard currents and pharmaceutical preparations administered by electrical impulses. DDT, in contrast to the galvanic current, which is used in classical electrophoresis, has a more diverse effect.

Pharmacotherapy is used to treat diseases with a deeply localized lesion. First of all, the goal of diadynamic therapy is to achieve an anesthetic, vasodilating, trophic and resorptive effect.

Therefore, with the help of phoresis, analgesics (novocaine) and vasodilators (euphyllin) are administered. Medications delivered to the tissue by physiologic treatment with Bernard currents penetrate deeper into the tissues, are absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream and enter the internal organs.

Indications for the use of diadynamic currents

Due to the wide variation in the combination of effects and the possibility of simultaneous administration of medications diadynamic therapy is used in the treatment of various diseases accompanied by pain and stiffness movements. When using this kind of physiotherapy, the healing effect can be obtained after the first session.

DDT is used to treat the following diseases:

  • problems of the musculoskeletal system of a degenerative-dystrophic nature: osteochondrosis of any parts of the spine of various severity, spondylosis, epicondylitis, spinal hernia;
  • joint damage: arthrosis, including deforming, polyarthritis, bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis;
  • pathological mobility of joints due to injuries and surgeries;
  • overstrain of muscles in athletes;
  • dislocations and fractures without the use of metal elements of osteosynthesis, their complications, trauma of soft tissues;
  • diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer in remission, disorders of the gallbladder, intestines;
  • pathology of the genitourinary system;
  • cardiovascular pathologies: atherosclerosis in the initial stage of development, hypertension of I and II degrees, varicose disease in the initial stage, Raynaud's syndrome;
  • acute lesions of the peripheral nervous system: polyneuropathy and neuralgia, radiculitis, plexitis, neuritis;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • pathology of connective tissue: adhesions and keloid scars;
  • ENT pathology: chronic rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • ophthalmic, dental and dermatological diseases, accompanied by pain syndrome and itching;
  • bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system.

Due to a wide set of electrodes, manipulation can be performed on any parts of the body, except the head, even on the small joints of the hand.

However, in the treatment of chronic diseases, the cause of which can not be eliminated, it is possible to recurrence of unpleasant symptoms within a few days. Often, side effects occur in the form of irritation on the skin.

But the procedure on modern devices allows to avoid unpleasant consequences of diadynamic therapy.

Contraindications to diadynamic therapy

The currents of Bernard are contraindicated in some pathological processes. In this case, their use will not bring the desired therapeutic effect and can even do harm. There is a risk of deterioration of the patient in the presence of the following diseases:

  • angina pectoris, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction;
  • allergic, inflammatory skin lesions;
  • neoplasms;
  • increase or decrease in blood coagulability;
  • violation of skin sensitivity;
  • exhaustion;
  • the general severe condition of the patient;
  • individual intolerance of the method;
  • tuberculosis of the lungs or kidneys in the active stage;
  • traumatic injuries, the process in an acute period;
  • mental illness in the acute stage;
  • increased body temperature;
  • thrombophlebitis in the area of ​​current;
  • epilepsy of various forms;
  • presence of metal implants, pacemaker;
  • damage to the skin in the area of ​​the procedure;
  • urolithic and cholelithiasis, if it is expected to affect the corresponding zones);
  • suppurative skin diseases;
  • It is impossible to exclude an allergic reaction to a drug administered with diadynaphoresis;
  • with X-ray therapy and within 2 weeks after it.
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Due to the fact that during such a physical procedure, the muscles undergo a rhythmic contraction, the use of electrical pulse therapy is prohibited during pregnancy, especially on the stomach and loins.

Procedure Procedure

The greatest effectiveness is provided by the treatment of Bernard currents conducted in stationary conditions using professional apparatuses. An important component of the procedure is the monitoring of the patient's medical worker's condition throughout the treatment session.

The essence of the procedure:

  • electrodes are applied to the skin over the lesion focus, for the fixation of which bandages or sandbags are used, the shape and dimensions of the electrodes are different, depending on the disease and localization;
  • the device is turned on-electrically current is applied to the electrodes;
  • with the help of the regulator, the necessary current is set, the patient first feels a slight tingling, then a burning sensation;
  • at the end of the session, there may be a slight redness on the skin.

During the procedure to avoid the development of adverse reactions, it is important that the patient reported all the sensations and changes in well-being.

Therapeutic effects are achieved due to the following mechanisms:

  • the device is placed on the body in such a way that the electrodes move in a direction transverse to the painful area;
  • electric currents are fed through two differently charged electrodes, a negatively charged cathode is applied directly to the pain point;
  • the generated electric field has a directed movement through the affected tissues;
  • diadynamic currents repeatedly pass through the damaged tissue, each time shifting the charge towards equilibrium;
  • standard duration of the session - no more than 30 minutes;
  • interval between procedures - not less than 3 hours, frequency of sessions - no more than 1-2 times daily;
  • The course of diadynamic therapy consists of 8-10 sessions, the break between which should be at least 2 weeks.

The choice of method of therapy should be carried out for each patient individually. Despite all the positive effects of the use of Bernard currents, its use in some patients can lead to the development of serious side effects and complications.

Therefore, the decision to choose a method of physiotherapy should be made by a specialist. Diadynamic therapy is performed provided that the doctor has found out the evidence, based on the medical history, clinical symptoms, test results and the general condition of the patient.

A source: https://MoiPozvonochnik.ru/otdely-pozvonochnika/pozvonochnik/toki-bernara

DiaDinamotherapy: indications and contraindications

Electrotherapy is an extensive section of physiotherapy, which includes methods of treatment with the help of electric current of various parameters: voltage, shape, frequency, force, etc. One of the most common types of treatment is diadynamic therapy.

The diadynamic currents were modulated by the French scientist Pierre Bernard, so their second name is the currents of Bernard. This man proved the effectiveness of the combined application of pulsed currents of half-sine wave form with a frequency of 50 and 100 pulses per minute.

Therapeutic effects

With the passage of diadynamic currents, the skeletal and smooth muscles are reduced, which causes stimulation of the muscular corset, as well as the muscles of the internal organs and vascular walls.

The analgesic effect is due to the stimulation of the nerve receptors by an electric current of 100 Hz. Due to this, the pain impulse is inhibited already during the treatment session.


Analgesia is caused by the appearance in the brain of the "dominant rhythmic irritation which is formed due to repeated impulses from peripheral receptors, irritated by electrical current.


In turn, the "dominant irritation" suppresses the already existing "dominant pain removing the pain syndrome.

The frequency of 100 Hz exerts a pronounced inhibitory effect on the sympathetic nervous system, as a result of which expand the arterioles, activate the collateral capillaries, improve blood circulation and nutrition of tissues.

The current frequency of 50 Hz causes a rhythmic contraction of the muscle fibers, which is the cause of increased blood and lymph circulation.

Forms of diadynamic currents

Diadynamic currents come in the following forms:

  1. The half-wave continuous wave is a pulsating current of 50 Hz. Under its action appears fibrillar twitching of muscles, which has a stimulating effect on muscle fibers. The periods of the current send alternate with pauses of 1 minute. This type of current is used for myostimulation.
  2. Half-wave wave - gradual increase in the current amplitude from 0 to the maximum value and decrease to 0 in 8 seconds, followed by a pause of 4 seconds. This technique is used for both anesthesia and stimulation of the musculature.
  3. The half-wave short wave is the above circuit, but the current send is 4 seconds, and the pause is 2 seconds. It is used to stimulate skeletal muscle.
  4. Full-wave continuous is a pulsating current of 100 Hz. This kind of diadynamic current causes small contractions of muscle fibers, the expansion of capillaries and improvement of blood supply. It also has a ganglion-blocking effect, which has a pronounced analgesic and miorelaksiruyuschim effects.
  5. Full-wave wave - smooth rise of the full-wave current from 0 to the maximum digits and the subsequent decrease to 0 in 8 seconds, then a pause of 4 seconds follows. This current anesthetizes and improves blood circulation.
  6. Full wave wave truncated - the previous circuit, but the current sending time is 4 seconds and alternates with pauses in 2 seconds. Has a pronounced anesthesia.
  7. Half-period rhythmic - the alternation of a current sending at a frequency of 50 Hz with pauses of 1-10 seconds. It is used for electromyostimulation. Moreover, the post-pause 1-3 sec has a stimulating effect on the skeletal musculature, and alternation after 6-10 seconds - on smooth muscles.
  8. Short-period - continuous alternation of half-wave and full-wave currents of duration, s, sec each. This scheme does not cause habituation of the body tissues to this type of current and has a pronounced analgesic effect.
  9. Long-period - a continuous alternation of a half-wave current of 4 seconds with a full-wave duration of 8 seconds. The long-term promise of the full-wave current increases the electrical conductivity of the skin, and the subsequent half-wave causes a more pronounced contraction of the muscle fibers. This type of current is better to use in chronic, slow processes, as its use in the acute phase can cause an increase in the pain syndrome.

In addition to possible combinations of different forms of currents, electrotherapy can be supplemented by the simultaneous administration of drugs - in which case the procedure will be called diadynaphoresis. When choosing medicines, you need to make sure that the patient does not have allergic reactions to a particular medicine and take into account the polarity of electrodes and pharmacological substances.

Diadynamic therapy due to a wide choice of combinations of currents and possible concomitant administration of drugs possesses extensive opportunities in the treatment of diseases, what caused a long list of indications for this species electrotherapy. Below are some of them.


Osteochondrosis and back pain are indications for diadynamic therapy.

Treatment with diadynamic currents is indicated for the diseases listed below.

  1. Neuritis, neuralgia, myalgia, neuromyositis;
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, deforming osteoarthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis, arthritis, periarthritis, spondylosis, epicondylitis, bursitis;
  3. Traumatic injuries: bruises, sprains, fractures (without metal elements of osteosynthesis), dislocations, stiffness of the joints after trauma;
  4. Pathologies of the digestive system: gastritis, duodenitis, chronic gastric ulcer and 12 duodenum, dyskinesia of the gallbladder and pathways, as well as the intestines, atony of the bladder, dumping syndrome;
  5. Chronic gynecological diseases;
  6. Cardiological pathologies: cardiovascular neuroses, initial peripheral vascular atherosclerosis, hypertension;
  7. Pulmonology: bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis;
  8. Diseases of ENT organs: chronic rhinitis, sinusitis;
  9. Dental pathology: periodontal disease.


You can not ignore the list of contraindications for this method of treatment. The use of diadynamotherapy or phoretesis in the presence of the following conditions can lead to deterioration of the patient's condition and development of negative consequences in the body:

  • The presence of tumors;
  • Propensity to bleeding;
  • Disturbance of skin sensitivity;
  • Pronounced cachexia;
  • The general severe condition of the patient;
  • Individual intolerance to the method;
  • Allergic reactions in the anamnesis to the medication chosen for diadynaphoresis;
  • Acute inflammatory processes;
  • Tuberculosis of the lungs and kidneys in the active phase;
  • Mental illness in the phase of exacerbation;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • Epilepsy.


The procedure is not performed if the patient has:

  • Purulent skin diseases and subcutaneous fatty tissue before surgical treatment. The use of this therapy is possible only after the creation of an outflow of purulent contents.
  • Implanted metal elements in the body, pacemaker.
  • Non-immobilized fractures of bones.
  • Damage to the skin in the area of ​​the procedure - the electrodes must be displaced, and if impossible - cover the damaged area with oilcloth.

Diadynamic therapy is carried out with the help of stationary instruments in medical institutions under the supervision of nurses and doctors.

If necessary, treatment can be carried out at home using portable devices.

In this case, it is important to follow the instructions of the doctor who prescribed the procedure exactly, and to inform him of any changes in his state of health.

Now there are physiotherapeutic combines capable of generating different types of currents, allowing, when using one device, not to receive only diadynamic therapy, but also treated sinusoidal, galvanic, fluctuating and other types of currents, and also conduct sessions electrostimulation. In addition, we can not say that modern combines combine many physical factors and with their help you can conduct sessions of ultrasound, vacuum and laser therapy.

-lelection on the topic "DiaDinamotherapy

A source: http://physiatrics.ru/1000209-diadinamoterapiya-pokazaniya-i-protivopokazaniya/

Treatment of osteochondrosis with the help of physiotherapy

  • The effectiveness of physiotherapy
  • Contraindications
  • Types of physiotherapy for osteochondrosis
  • Physiotherapy with osteochondrosis is a rather popular method of treatment, which has been used for a long time, during which it has proved its effectiveness. Such procedures allow to strengthen the effectiveness of drugs in the localization of the pathological process. The technique has no side effects on the body and is suitable for patients of different age groups, regardless of their physical condition.

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    As the main approach to eliminating the disease, physiotherapy with osteochondrosis is used, but is an excellent additional method for conducting complex conservative therapy. This method of influencing the disease makes it possible to speed up the healing process twice, reducing the development of pathological processes in the body.

    The effectiveness of physiotherapy

    Physiotherapy with osteochondrosis shows a simulating effect, restoring affected areas of the cartilaginous tissue and removing the intensity of the symptoms of the disease. The procedures are based on the effects on the affected areas of factors such as cold, heat and a variety of radiation.

    The efficiency of mechanical and electrical energy is as follows:

    • Removal of pain;
    • Elimination of foci of inflammation;
    • Relaxation of spasms;
    • Normalization of metabolic processes in the affected area;
    • Stimulation of the cardiovascular system.

    Physiotherapy also contributes to the release of jammed nerve endings and strengthen the immune system.

    The main advantage of this method of treatment is a decrease in the need for medication and a reduction in the duration of treatment.

    Physiotherapy helps to cope with edema and reduce motor disorders, which is very important in such a disease as osteochondrosis.


    Despite the fact that physiotherapy has a lot of benefits, you should also consider possible contraindications:

    • Oncological diseases;
    • Mental disorders;
    • Pregnancy;
    • Diseases of the skin.

    When osteochondrosis, the physiotherapeutic effect is contraindicated in the period of exacerbation of the disease. Procedures are recommended to be interrupted before the end of the acute stage of the disease, because this can cause complications.

    Types of physiotherapy for osteochondrosis

    Effective and maximally safe physiotherapy with osteochondrosis, because the effect is carried out exactly on the affected area. This does not affect nearby tissues, and, consequently, do not exacerbate chronic diseases.

    Such procedures are appointed individually, because the stage of the disease and the peculiarities of its course are an important factor for achieving maximum effect.

    Physiotherapy in osteochondrosis of the cervical, lumbar and thoracic positively affect the body only when performing procedures during remission and remission.

    Correctly selected approach allows to quickly achieve reduction of symptoms, acquisition of former mobility and elimination of pathological processes in the field of application.

    Physiotherapy with osteochondrosis of the cervical, as well as lumbar and thoracic, is carried out using various procedures.

    After a medical history and diagnostic activities, the doctor appoints the most An effective method to combat the symptoms of pathological processes in the body and the causes that contribute to their development.

    Ultraviolet irradiation (UFV)

    Ultraviolet irradiation is carried out with the help of irradiators, stimulating the production of vitamin D in the body, which improves the absorption of calcium. At carrying out of the given procedure there is a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.


    UFO physiotherapy with osteochondrosis of the cervical region is used only in the upper scapula, subclavian, outer shoulder region and on the posterior cervical surface.


    When the thoracic region is affected, the effect is carried out in the region of the middle vertebral line from the side of the chest.

    Lumbar osteochondrosis is treated by the action of the lower leg and thigh, the lumbosacral region and the buttocks on the posterior surface.


    Treatment of osteochondrosis with electrotherapy is carried out by applying an electric field and current to the affected areas.

    The electric current when exposed to the tissues of the body turns into heat, which increases local blood circulation, eliminates pain and speeds up the effectiveness of treatment with medication.

    The most effective method of electrotherapy is diadynamic therapy (DDT). Ddt physiotherapy with osteochondrosis is carried out using the action of a double continuous or wave current on the body.

    The current strength in the region of localization of degenerative-dystrophic processes is felt in the form of light vibration.

    Acute pain subsides, muscle tension and compression of nerve endings decrease after several DDT procedures.

    A full course of diadynamic therapy with osteochondrosis promotes normalization of muscle tone and increased motor activity in the spine.



    The use of magnetotherapy for osteochondrosis is quite rare, mainly in the presence of contraindications to the use of other methods of physiotherapy.


    The procedure is carried out with the help of inducers located on the patient's limbs and the area of ​​localization of pathological changes is the corresponding part of the spinal column.

    Magnetotherapy uses a continuous mode of magnetic field with an induction of 28-35 mT. The course of treatment is at least 20 daily procedures, which takes a lot of time in patients with osteochondrosis, so the procedure and enjoys a low popularity.

    Physiotherapy with osteochondrosislumbar, cervical and thoracic can also be administered in combination. This is necessary in the presence of pulling pain, which gives the patient a strong discomfort.

    Specialists in this case recommend electrophoresis in conjunction with diadynamic therapy with novocaine.

    One-moment effect on the affected parts of the spine is carried out with the help of acupuncture, which affects the points using laser radiation and acupuncture needles.

    It is also possible to combine electrotherapy with mud therapy, which involves electrophoresis with mud solutions, inductothermy with mud and galvanic mud.

    A source: http://ohondroze.ru/lechenie-osteoxondroza-s-pomoshhyu-fizioterapii.html

    Physiotherapy with cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis

    To date, the most common disease of the spine is osteochondrosis. This disease manifests itself painful sensations in any activity that can arise from the neck to the waist.

    Previously, this disease was suffered only by elderly people, now the symptoms of the disease begin to bother young citizens. Physiotherapy in osteochondrosis is considered the most effective method of treating the disease.

    It allows to bring the intervertebral disks to a normal state, changing their size and removing any deformations and delamination that have arisen.

    The most common is physiotherapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical region, also procedures are performed for the lumbar and thoracic spine.

    It is very difficult to say the exact cause of the disease. But the most important factors affecting the development of the disease are various traumas, bad genetics, poor segmental blood circulation and the resulting changes in the relevant tissues that appear with age.

    • 1 Types of physiotherapy
    • 2 Selection of method
    • 3 Contraindications

    Types of physiotherapy

    Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is carried out due to certain physical methods.

    Depending on their use, different types of treatment take place:

    1. Diadynamic therapy (DDT).
      Alternatively, diadynamic therapy (DDT) can be called electrophoresis. DDT can be used at any stage of the disease, even on the most neglected stage. In this method of physiotherapy, electric currents are used, by means of which the introduction of a certain substance takes place. DDT will not affect other organs, since it is targeted only at the required site.
    2. Balneotherapy.
      Treatment is due to mineral water. It effectively affects the musculoskeletal system. The procedure is carried out in the form of a shower or a bath.
    3. Ultrasound.
      Treatment is by ultrasonic waves. They are good at relieving any inflammation and pain.
    4. Magnetotherapy.
      The osteochondrosis of the spine is cured by the action of a magnetic field, which can be variable or permanent. Quickly relieve the patient of sudden pain and foci of origin. This physiotherapy is available at home. You just need to purchase a special device.
    5. Vibration effect.
      Painful areas undergo mechanical vibrations. This method can also be carried out at home. To do this, you will need to purchase a vibrating vibro-massager.
    6. Detensor therapy.
      The spine extends due to its own weight. When carrying out this method, you should purchase a mattress, on which there are inclined ribs that can change under human weight. This allows you to normalize muscle tone and properly relax them.
    7. Physiotherapy.
      With small symptoms, this can be a simple gymnastics. At a stronger stage, a special set of exercises is developed. But this method will not be effective without the use of physiotherapy procedures.

    The main goal in the physiotherapy of the cervical and lumbar spine is to remove the existing pain, remove the leakage, create effective circulation, and resume motor function.

    Selecting a method

    Diadynamic therapy, which uses currents of different frequencies, consists of 5-8 procedures. They should be conducted every day. If the dynamics is positive, then a second course is scheduled after 14 days. Such currents perfectly help to remove sharp pains of the spine.

    If the pain is moderate, then electrophoresis is used, using medicines. Their choice will depend on the symptoms manifested. You can also recommend using ultrasound therapy, which will be carried out segmentally.


    With a little pain of the spine, lumbar or cervical department, you can apply balneotherapy. Combined methods are also allowed.


    In the period of remission, it is best to use laser therapy. She will correct all disorders in the cartilaginous tissue and remove the reflex syndrome.


    Any treatment methods related to physiotherapy have some limitations to the use.

    Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis is contraindicated in people who have:

    • oncological disease;
    • taking medications that can enhance the effect of procedures;
    • blood disease;
    • skin disease in acute form.

    The most common types of treatment in China are procedures with acupuncture. In this case, there is an effect on certain points of the spine, which relieve pain.

    A source: http://SilaDiet.ru/krasota-i-zdorove/bolezni-i-problemy/fizioterapiya-pri-osteohondroze-shejnogo-i-poyasnichnogo-otdela.html

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